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Paraphrase involves acknowledging the original source with proper referencing.

Tips to paraphrashing

1. Baca teks secara keseluruhan

2. Lingkari key words
3. Using a combination of the six paraphrashing tools described below, change the grammar,

Vocabulary and sentence structure of the original

4. Compare your paraphrase with the original sentence

Paraphsing tools

1. Find synonyms for some of the words

Original : the tiger quickly disappeared into the trees
Paraphrase : the big cat vanished into the forest

Ex : adolescent employess sometimes argue with their bosses

Teenage workers sometimes oppose with their superiors

Teenage workers occasionally dispute with their employers

Dispute = quarrel

2. Change the verb to negative

Original : the nervous student was awake all night.

Paraphrased : the nervous student didn’t sleep all night.

Ex : in times of crisis, politicians may ignore public opinion.

Paraphrased : In times of crisis, politicians may not care of public opinion.

In times of crises, politicians may not take/ may not consider/ may not listen to/ may
not pas attention to / may not properly acknowledge.

3. Change voice : make active sentences passive and passive ones, active

Original : the voucher was sent by the testing service on August 3 rd

Paraphrase : the testing service sent the voucher on august 3 rd

Ex : dieting can cause poor nutrition

Paraphrased : Poor nutrition can be caused by dieting

4. Change parts of speech : change nouns into verbs, verbs into nouns, ect.

Original : the teacher helped the student finish her class registration form
Paraphrased : the teacher helped the student register for classes.

Ex : the students celebrated their graduation for hours.

Paraphrased : the students are celebrating their graduate for hours.

the graduates had a celebration for hours.

5. Combine sentences : use new connecting words to combine shorter phrases and sentences. (The
opposite technique can also be used to divide longer sentences into shorter ones).

Original : paraphrasing is a skill students need to learn. It is an important part of academic writing.

Paraphrase : paraphrasing, which is a skill students a skill students need to learn, is an important part of
academic writing.

Use the coordinating connectors (and)

Use the adjective clause connectors : who

Reducing : hapus kata kerja dan subyek

Ex : the movie was shot in New York City. Many actors choose to live there.

Paraphrased : many actors choose to live in New York City, where the movie was shoot.

The movie was shot in New York City, where many actors choose to live.

6. Move phrases : move parts of a sentence to change the sentence structure

Original : yesterday, I stayed in the library until midnight and finished my homework

Paraphrased : I finished my homework at midnight in the library yesterday.

Ex : In order to fight a damaging disease, the farmers began to grow genetically modified crops.

Paraphrased :

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