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A Sudden Shift: Students’, Teachers’, and Parents’ Adaptation to Learning during and after

Covid-19 Learning
a. Penyataan masalah (Problem statements)
The covid pandemic has affected around the world, including education. During
the pandemic, teaching and learning methodologies, then, have been altered into online
based in which technology takes significant roles. . However, at the beginning there was
short chaos in teaching activities.
Schools needed to formulate strategies to cope with the disruptions in education
in order to be able to restore their educational function (Karalis, 2020). Furthermore,
teachers, who were reluctant to utilize the available technology for their teaching prior to
the pandemic, had no option to make use of online resources in order to facilitate the
teaching and learning process during pandemic (Bans-Akutey, A., 2020). Teachers’
disabilities in accessing and taking control of technology was another problem
(Lestiyanawati & Widyantoro, 2020), and it is verified that there are still many teachers
who were not fully familiar with the online learning methodologies (Jena, 2020). This
certainly altered the teaching and learning process and led to forced adaptation of e-
learning methodologies. Not only teachers who had to adapt and perceive challenges,
but also students and parents. The learning environment as well as tools to facilitate
online learning must be prepared to keep the synchronous meetings as it was
experienced in offline class (Meulenbroeks, R., 2020). Meanwhile, this obligation to
provide online learning facilities for students has become a burden to parents (Inawati &
Setyowati, 2020; Ma, S., Sun, Z., & Xue, H. 2020). This was due to the lack of teaching
facilities and unsupportive learning infrastructures.(Fitrianto, 2020).
Furthermore, not only challenges dealing with the learning facilities, sharp
difference between offline classroom learning and online form also created another
problem to face (Rapanta et al., 2020), such as issues dealing with students’ the lacking
of motivation, interaction and socialization (Bao, 2020; Mukhatar et al., 2020). Students’
lack of motivation while attending online learning was examined by Alba-Linero (202)
and revealed that 90% of students were demotivated as the online learning form
required more effort for them to learn. They had to struggle not only with their learning
mastery but also with limited internet connection as well as technology devices (Hebebci
et al., 2020; Kado et al., 2020; Yılmaz İnce et al., 2020). Besides, students think that
during their attendance in online learning they encounter the lack of communication with
classmates, a drawback in having practical and collaboration skills with classmates in
solving problems. (Dai, N., 2021).
b. Objektif/soalan kajian (research objectives)
1. How do students, teachers, and parents perceive about their readiness for an abrupt
shift in learning methodologies as a result of the covid-19 pandemic?
2. How adaptable are students, teachers, and parents to the sudden shift in learning
methodologies due to covid-19 pandemic?
c. Teori yang digunakan (Theoretical concepts)
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori belajar konstruktivisme.
d. Pendekatan/teknik pengumpulan data (Methodological approach)
Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yakni dengan
studi kasus karena penelitian ini membutuhkan informasi yang komperehensif tentang
berbagai masalah. The data obtained through an open ended questionnaire and a
follow-up interview were analyzed using an inductive analysis method (Akay,,
2014). Open- ended questionnaires were used to extract a large amount of information
as the respondents could express themselves in their own way more freely (Farrell,
2016; Fontana & Frey, 2000).
The questionnaire was sent to the participants. Subsequent to the questionnaire,
an interview was conducted to provide a comprehensive clarification on the participants’
responses. Then, the data obtained from the questionnaire and interview were
transcribed. As these data were qualitative, we adopted a thematic analysis approach.
The collected data were examined and grouped according to themes that emerged.
e. Kesahan/kebolehpercayaan (Validity and reliability)
Dalam jurnal ini tidak dijelaskan cara mendapatkan validity dan reliability.
f. Dapatan/implikasi (Findings and Implications)
The results showed that there are several implications for students’, teachers’,
and parents’ adaptation toward the sudden shift of teaching and learning methodologies.
Furthermore, it is also confirmed that in terms of physical readiness teachers and
parents tended to encounter more challenges compared to the students. Meanwhile in
terms of psychological readiness three of them seemed to meet a similar amount of
challenges. Nevertheless, these challenges did not seem to reduce their overall
perception of the learning adaptation.
Based on the results of this study, there are several implications for students’,
teachers’, and parents’ adaptation toward the sudden shift of teaching and learning
methodologies. One of the most important implications is that in terms of physical
readiness teachers and parents tend to encounter more challenges compared to the
students. Meanwhile in terms of psychological readiness three of them seemed to meet
a similar amount of challenges. Nevertheless, these challenges did not seem to reduce
their overall perception of the learning adaptation. It was found out that most of the
respondents demonstrated their adaptation ability toward the unpredictable learning
condition due to Covid-19 pandemic, even though their adaptation varied in the level and
types of adaptation.
Pendapat Pembaca

Jurnal ini berjudul “A Sudden Shift: Students’, Teachers’, and Parents’ Adaptation to
Learning during and after Covid-19 Learning”. Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah fakta
bahwa adanya pandemic covid-19 telah mempengaruhi berbagai aspek di seluruh dunia,
termasuk dalam pendidikan. Hal ini menyebabkan adanya pergeseran model belajar yang
diterapkan di seluruh sekolah di dunia yakni model pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi
pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara offline. Tentu dengan adanya perubahan ini
menyebabkan perlunya adaptasi dari siswa, sekolah, maupun dari orang tua. Sehingga
karena adanya fenomena tersebut, peneliti ingin mengetahui tentang proses adaptasi siswa,
guru, dan orang tua dalam perubahan model pembelajaran dalam masa Covid-19.
Jurnal ini dimulai dengan memaparkan introduction yang berisi permasalahan yang
melatarbelakangi penelitian yang dilakukan. Dalam penulisan latar belakang masalah
penulis menyajikannya dalam bentuk yang sistematis. Yakni permasalahan yang bersifat
umum kemudian menuju permasalahan yang lebih spesifik. Penulisan setiap paragrafnya
pun sangat rapi yakni dimuali dari permasalahan kemudian didukung oleh hasil dari
penelitian sebelumnya yang mendukung penelitian tersebut. Namun, dalam penulisan jurnal
ini, tidak diuraikan tentang literature review. Dimana introduction dijadikan menjadi satu
kesatuan dengan literature review. Kemudian, objektif yang akan diteliti diterangkan secara
jelas oleh peneliti di bagian akhir introduction sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk
mengetahu tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan.
Setelah bagian introduction, penulis menerangkan tentang metodologi penelitian. Dalam
metodologi penelitian ini penulis menerangkan secara rinci bagaimana penelitian itu
dilakukan sehingga memudahkan pembaca memahami cara penelitian ini dilaksanakan.
Walaupun dalam jurnal ini tidak dijelaskan secara jelas kerangka konsep yang digunakan
dalam penelitian. Peneliti menerangkan alasan penelitian dikategorikan ke dalam penelitian
kualitatif didukung oleh pendapat ahli. Selain menerangkan research design yang
digunakan, peneliti juga menerangkan secara tentang responden yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini sehingga ssangat memudahkan pembaca memahami cara peneliti melakukan
pengambilan sampel penelitian. Peneliti kemudian menerangkan cara pengumpulan data
yang dilakukan dengan memberikan pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner yang diikuti oleh
wawancara. Berdasarkan kelas kualitatif yang telah dilakukan oleh pembaca bersama Dr.
Uzi, hal tersebut sangat tepat karena pada tahap pembagian kuesioner tersebut peneliti
melakukan analisis hasil dari kueosioner, kemudian setelah itu melakukan wawancara untuk
mengkonfirmasi secara lebih dalam tentang hasil dari analisis dokumen yang telah
dilakukan. Maka hasil dari penelitian tentu akan lebih valid karena dilakukan secara analisi
dokumen dan wawancara. Namun, dalam jurnal tersebut peneliti tidak menjelaskan tentang
teknik wawancara yang digunakan dalam penelitian serta jumlah wawancara yang dilakukan
sehingga mendapatkan hasil penelitian.
Dalam bagian hasil penelitian, peneliti menerangkan begitu detail mengenai hasil
penelitian yang didapatkan. Ditunjukkan juga bagian-bagian jawaban wawancara dari
beberapa siswa, guru, dan orangtua untuk mendukung pernyataan peneliti sehingga
meyakinkan pembaca mengenai hasil temuan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Namun,
peneliti sepertinya tidak menggunakan kode-kode dalam menunjukkan hasil penelitiannya.
Kemudian dilanjutkan ke bagian pembahasan yang menjelaskan secara rinci hasil penelitian
yang didapatkan. Peneliti juga memberikan implikasi yang bisa diperoleh dari hasil
penelitian yang telah dilakukan.
Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative
a. Penyataan masalah (Problem statements)
As of March 2020, due to the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, most higher
education institutions worldwide were forced to close their doors and start teaching
online. The change from traditional learning to remote online learning was swiftly
enacted, without the proper preparation or training of both academics and students. The
sudden and “forced” shift in teaching approach impacted the academic experience of
both academics and students and led to a series of social, technical, educational, and
psychological challenges.
Under these circumstances, a sudden change in the educational system—
introduced on a large scale due to a social crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic—needs to
be discussed both globally and contextually. An analysis is needed in relation to different
factors that influenced the adopted policies and strategies, e.g., the level of development
of online learning networks, previous experience in integrating online and traditional
learning, balancing synchronous and asynchronous learning, and training for teachers
and students. It is also important to discuss the effects of the change at several levels,
including economic, social, psychological, teaching quality, and academic achievement.
For example, some researchers highlighted the positive effects of online learning on
students’ academic performance, autonomous learning, and engagement. Other
researchers described the negative academic outcomes for students and the
psychosocial challenges of the virtual learning environment, while others considered the
effects of technologies in a more nuanced manner, considering various specific factors.
It is important to weigh the benefits of innovative economic, social, and technological
solutions against the possible negative effects of pressure for change to not compromise
some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), e.g., viable and sustainable
economic solutions for the resources-constrained education systems, quality education
for all, health and wellbeing, and social justice. However, the experience of online
education during the COVID-19 pandemic has called for innovative adaptations that can
be used in the future for the digital transformation of higher education institutions by
building on the empirical evidence accumulated during this period of crisis.
b. Objektif/soalan kajian (research objectives)
In this study, we conducted a psychosocial analysis of the transition from
traditional face-to-face courses to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
general objective of this study was to explore the difficulties and challenges encountered
by university students during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as their perceptions of the
advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The second objective of our research
was to identify, describe, and interpret the structure of students’ representations of
online learning using the data obtained from the free association task (item 1). The third
objective was to explore the emotional experiences described by participants in relation
to an event associated with online learning.
c. Teori yang digunakan (Theoretical concepts)
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori belajar konstruktivisme.
d. Pendekatan/teknik pengumpulan data (Methodological approach)
All data were analysed using a thematic analysis (TA) method. TA is based on a
process of generating or identifying themes, subthemes, and interconnections between
themes and subthemes. A theme represents “a specific pattern of meaning found in the
data” that “captures something important” about their relation to the research question.
Themes and subthemes are obtained from codes, the smallest components of the
analysis, by collapsing or clustering them. Codes are “building blocks” for themes and
“patterns of meaning” shared by research participants.
e. Kesahan/kebolehpercayaan (Validity and reliability)
Peneliti tidak menjelaskan mengenai validity and relibiality.
f. Dapatan/implikasi (Findings and Implications)
This study highlights the possible decreases in the quality of teaching through
predominant and prolonged online learning, as psychological and social wellbeing may
be affected (e.g., boredom and fatigue, decreased engagement and motivation, lower
social presence, and naturalness of the social climate). The economic benefits of online
learning (e.g., saving time and money) mentioned in this study support previous findings
regarding the contribution of online learning to increasing access to education and
narrowing the gap between the rich and poor. However, in countries with low minimum
income and significant regional economic differences, online learning could be
negatively impacted by factors such as inadequate space to connect from home, poor
internet connection and electronic devices, unsuitable houses for home offices, and poor
learning conditions at home.
These findings allowed us to formulate some recommendations to ensure that
the quality of the academic experience will not be impacted in the future when online
learning will be more frequently and systematically adopted than it was before the
pandemic. Among these, we recommend (1) using the same online platform—one that
offers a dynamic, interactive, and multifunctional learning environment (intuitive user
interface, streaming video, efficient online assessment tools, integrated collaborative
tools, private and secure sessions, etc.) across departments and faculties; (2) modifying
the teaching timetable to make it more flexible (shorter live online sessions, longer
breaks between online live sessions, smaller groups for tutorials/practical activities, etc.);
(3) improving online materials (detailed course handbooks, additional asynchronous
materials, pre-recorded materials, recordings of online live sessions, etc.) and gradually
migrating towards a digitalised curriculum; (4) providing technical and pedagogical
training for teachers and students before introducing new systems or teaching
approaches; (5) providing pedagogical and psychological counselling to teachers and
students during critical periods; and (6) motivating teachers and students in order to
develop a higher online social presence. Some of these recommendations are similar to
those proposed in previous studies.
Pendapat Pembaca

Jurnal ini berjudul “Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A
Qualitative Approach”. Jurnal ini dimulai dengan memaparkan introduction yang berisi
permasalahan yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini dilakukan. Dalam jurnal ini mempunyai
bagian literature review terpisah dengan bagian introduction. Hal ini tentu memudahkan
pembaca untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian.
Pada penelitian ini objektif secara umum dijelaskan secara jelas dibagian introduction,
namun objektif spesifik kemudian dijelaskan dibagian metodologi penelitian.
Setelah bagian introduction dan literature review penulis menerangkan tentang
metodologi penelitian. Dalam metodologi penelitian ini penulis menerangkan secara rinci
bagaimana penelitian itu dilakukan sehingga memudahkan pembaca memahami cara
penelitian ini dilaksanakan. Walaupun dalam jurnal ini tidak dijelaskan secara jelas
kerangka konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Selain menerangkan research design
yang digunakan, peneliti juga merangkan secara jelas tentang responden yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini sehingga ssangat memudahkan pembaca memahami cara peneliti
melakukan pengambilan sampel penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini juga dijealskan tentang
instrument yang digunakan sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami penelitian
yang telah dilakukan. Peneliti kemudian menerangkan cara pengumpulan data yang
dilakukan dengan memberikan pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner dalam Google form
yang diikuti oleh wawancara. Berdasarkan kelas kualitatif yang telah dilakukan oleh
pembaca bersama Dr. Uzi, hal tersebut sangat tepat karena pada tahap pembagian
kuesioner tersebut peneliti melakukan analisis hasil dari kueosioner, kemudian setelah itu
melakukan wawancara untuk mengkonfirmasi secara lebih dalam tentang hasil dari analisis
dokumen yang telah dilakukan. Maka hasil dari penelitian tentu akan lebih valid karena
dilakukan secara analisis dokumen dan wawancara. Namun, dalam jurnal tersebut peneliti
tidak menjelaskan tentang teknik wawancara yang digunakan dalam penelitian serta jumlah
wawancara yang dilakukan sehingga mendapatkan hasil penelitian. Dalam jurnal juga
sangat jelas diterangkan mengenai cara analisis data termasuk juga cara pengkodean
transkripsi hasil wawancara yang digunakan sehingga memudahkan pembaca memahami
metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan kemudian dicocokkan dengan pemahaman
sebelumnya dari pembaca.
. Kemudian dilanjutkan ke bagian pembahasan yang menjelaskan secara rinci hasil
penelitian yang didapatkan. Peneliti juga memberikan implikasi yang bisa diperoleh dari
hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Namun, peneliti tidak memberikan secara jelas
kesimpulan penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Peneliti juga banyak menerangkan tentang hasil
penelitian, namun karena tidak ada kesimpulan yang dipaparkan sehingga membuat
pembaca kesulitan dalam memahami hasil penelitian ataupun pembahasan dalam jurnal.
Hasil penelitian juga tidak dipaparkan di bagian abstrak.
Teachers’ Readiness in Implementing Lesson Study

a. Penyataan masalah (Problem statements)

Education plays significant role within the development of a country and that also
applies in Indonesia. Through well-qualified education, the future generation with
prominent excellence might be borne. In relation to the statement, the efforts of
improving the educational quality might be initiated by improving the teachers’ quality
within the teaching-learning activities and within the professional conduct. Then, holding
various training and education programs for the teachers might also serve as one of
those initiatives. Unfortunately, the knowledge and the materials that have been attained
from these initiatives most of the times are not continuously implemented in the
teaching-learning activities. Thus, such situation becomes a strong reason for the
necessity to initiate other efforts of improvement that focus on the actual condition and
these efforts will range from the learning condition in the classroom to the teachers’
condition and the school environment. One of the initiatives for these efforts is
implementing the lesson study.
Lesson study is an activity that might be turned into a tool for improving the
quality of both the teachers and the learning quality within the school. The activities of
the lesson study may help the teachers to expand their pedagogical knowledge [1] in
order to improve their professionalism within the teaching-learning process [2]. The
activities of the lesson study are performed by investigating and reflecting systematically
the learning activities that have been performed [3].
b. Objektif/soalan kajian (research objectives)
To identify and to describe the readiness among the Mathematics teachers for junior
high schools in implementing the lesson study activities under the efforts of improving
the Mathematics’. The objective of the study was to describe how far the teachers had
prepared themselves and what had been the obstacles for the teachers in implementing
the lessons study activities learning quality.
c. Teori yang digunakan (Theoretical concepts)
Teori yang banyak dibahas dalam penelitian ini lebih kepada menekankan kepada teori
lesson study.
d. Pendekatan/teknik pengumpulan data (Methodological approach)
The study was a qualitative research that had been conducted by using the
phenomenological approach. The participants themselves consisted of 5 male teachers
and 7 female teachers. These teachers were recruited from the schools with “High”
achievement, “Moderate” achievement, and “Low” achievement. Then, the data were
gathered through an open-ended questionnaire that consisted of 6 questions in relation
to the theme of the study. The data that had been gathered then were analysed and
were presented in the form of tables in order to ease the data reduction. The data
analysis was performed by using the Bogdan & Biklen (1982) model in order to identify
the teachers’ readiness in implementing the lesson study along with the obstacles that
the teachers should deal with and the efforts that the teachers have done in order to
overcome these obstacles.
e. Kesahan/kebolehpercayaan (Validity and reliability)
Di dalam jurnal tersebut tidak dijelaskan mengenai validity ataupun reliability instrument
yang digunakan.
f. Dapatan/implikasi (Findings and Implications)
The results of the study show that the teachers’ understanding toward the lesson
study has still been partial. Most of the Mathematics teachers have theoretically
understood the activities of the lesson study and some of these teachers have
implemented the activities of the lesson study. Several obstacles that appear within the
implementation of the lesson study are related to the teachers, the participants, and the
availability of the facilities. Despite these obstacles, basically the teachers seek to
implement the lesson study as one of the efforts for improving the learning quality and
the learning.
Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that the obstacles that have
been found should be the matter of consideration for the relevant parties so that the
related problems might be solved. Then, it is expected that through the success of
continuous lesson study implementation the quality of both the teachers and the learning
process will be better and the students’ learning results will be improved. Thereby, the
objective of improving Indonesian educational quality might be achieved.
Pendapat Pembaca

Penelitian ini berjudul “Teachers’ Readiness in Implementing Lesson Study”. Latar

belakang masalah yang diangkat oleh peneliti adalah adanya kenyataan di lapangan bahwa
guru masih tidak mampu menerapkan lesson study. Di dalam penelitian ini dijelaskan tujuan
penelitian namun tidak dijelaskan secara rinci mengenai pernyataan masalah penelitian. Di
dalam jurnal ini pun tidak terlalu banyak menyebutkan teori yang digunakan atau digunakan
sebagai rujukan dalam penelitian, namun jurnal ini banyak membahas tentang lesson study.

Dalam sisi penulisan jurnal ini meletakkan introduction pada bagian pertama yang
dipaparkan peneliti. Dalam jurnal-jurnal lain biasanya bagian kedua akan membahas tentang
literature review, namun tidak dengan jurnal ini. Dimana bagian kedua dari jurnal ini langsung
membahas mengenai metodologi penelitian. Teori-teori yang digunakan sebagai bahan
pendukung penelitian digabungkan dengan introduction. Hal ini menjadikan tidak terlalu banyak
teori yang disampaikan. Selain itu, dalam jurnal ini tidak dituliskan secara jelas kerangka
penelitian atau kerangka konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Sehingga pembaca tidak
tahu secara pasti bagaimana penelitian ini dilaksanakan. Pembaca akan mengetahui tentang
penelitian ini jika pembaca benar-benar membaca seluruh jurnal.

Kemudian di bagian metodologi penelitian, peneliti menuliskan penelitian ini

dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif. Namun penelitian ini hanya menggunakan kuesioner
kemudian dianalisis menggunakan table. Berdasarkan yang telah pembaca pelajari dalam kelas
kualitatif bersama Dr. Uzi, penelitian ini kurang tepat jika dikatakan menggunakan metode
kualitatif. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam penelitian kualitatif tidak bisa hanya menggunakan hasil
jawaban kuesioner, peneliti harus melakukan wawancara untuk dapat menemukan jawaban-
jawaban yang mendalam tentang permasalahan penelitian. Dalam wawancara yang dilakukan
pun seorang peneliti dapat memperhatikan mimik wajah responden yang diteliti. Wawancara ini
tidak bisa hanya dilakukan sekali, penelitian yang bagus harus melewati beberapa tahapan
wawancara sehingga mendapatkan jawaban yang benar-benar valid dari responden yang
diteliti. Hasil wawancara kemudian akan ditranskrip dan dilakukan tringulasi. Namun, dalam
jurnal ini tidak dilakukan tahapan-tapahan tersebut. Peneliti hanya memberikan kuesioner
kemudian menganalisis jawaban dari kuesioner tersebut.
Namun, dalam jurnal ini peneliti sudah menggunakan kode-kode seperti dalam
penelitian kualitatif contohnya T1,T2,T3. Tetapi dalam jurnal tersebut tidak dijelaskan arti dari
kode-kode tersebut. Sehingga jika seseorang yang tidak memahami kaedah penulisan kajian
kualitatif tentu tidak akan paham dengan kode-kode yang digunakan oleh penulis. Selain itu,
peneliti juga tidak menjelaskan tentang cara mendapatkan kesahan atau reability dari
instrument yang digunakan.

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