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Here is the 4- steps to Understanding Hollywood Movies in English

 Step 1- Watch the movie in small pieces or in chunks: Choose a 10-

minute segment or one scene (a clearly defined part of a movie), just
watch that and then pause

 Step 2- Aim to understand 70% of that piece that you have

chosen: How can you do that? Use the English that you already know, but
also use clues from the context, from the situation that is happening in the
scene. Look at the tone of voice of the actors, the background sounds, the
nonverbal signals of the characters (remember that these vary in meaning
from culture to culture)

 Step 3- Go look up the meaning of words or phrases: Remember that

the words are details- that’s why we don’t do this first. Don’t get
paralyzed by feeling like you have to look up every single word. Just look
up the words that you think are important (key words).

 Step 4- Watch the same scene again and try to understand slightly
more (80%): Don’t try to get 100% comprehension. Perfection doesn’t
 Watch movies with subtitles
 It’s always easier to start watching a film (“movie” is American English,
“film” is British English) you have already seen before. This way, you can
concentrate more on the language and less on following the plot.
 A great tip is to visit ESL Notes and download the notes on the movie you
chose first. You will be able to read the dialogue before watching the
movie, underline words you don’t understand and find out what the
expressions mean.
 Watch movies without subtitles
 If your level of English is advanced enough to understand a film without
the subtitles on, good job! Now you can concentrate on your listening
skills and practice understanding spoken English.
 If you don’t understand something: don’t worry! Simply: Pause the
video. Rewind. Watch again. 
 Watching movies without subtitles is a fantastic way to get used to
hearing different accents, different voices, and in different scenarios. It’s
just like real life!
 3 Tips on how to learn English watching movies
 1. When you hear an interesting word or expression: write it down.
 2. Research the words or expressions you like and find out how to use
 3. Practice! Use the words and expressions you write down: make
sentences or, even better, use them in conversation. This is the best
way to improve your speaking and vocabulary.

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