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Argumentative Writing

Assignment 22-27 November 2021

Please extract and write the arguments that respectively support both the native and non-native
English speaking teachers from the two readings shared to your WA group. You must collect your
work to your class leader who will then submit to me by no more than Friday, 26 th November 2021.
Bear in mind that you must paraphrase all the main arguments, give the reasons and examples.

Note: You must cite the references and name the word doc file by your name.

Arguments Pro Native English Speaking Teachers (NEST)

1. Argument1: Medgyes notes that NESTs are solely probably superior which in some cases
non-natives do higher in certain areas of language use.(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014a)

Reason: Medgyes determined that each non-NEST has his or her personal troubles while
using English; however, he determined a few styles withinside the regions of difficulties. The
maximum common regions are fluency and vocabulary, observed through speaking,
pronunciation, and listening comprehension. At the lowest of the list were grammar,
formulatiom expressions, appropriacy, intonation, and prepositions

Example: Grammar is the favorite subject of non-NESTs, although many of them show
hatred for learning this rule and formula. Grammar should be more concrete and easier to
learn than vocabulary, which is correct in many cases. Many college professors are more
flexible in their learning. Spelling mistakes made by non-native speakers than native
speakers, suggesting non-native speakers may not be retained. much stricter with grammar
and spelling errors from their students (non-native speakers) than NESTs, which are more
concerned with communication skills. (Janopoulos, Michael, "University Faculty Tolerance
of NS and NNS Writing Errors: A Comparison", Journal of Second Language Writing, 1.2
(1992), pp. 109-21.)

2. Argument2: Peter Medgyes notes that non-NESTs are often uncomfortable with the language
they have to teach.1 Because of this fearful feeling, they are often faced with pessimism or
aggressiveness. (Peter Medgyes, "Queries from a Communicative Teacher", ELT Journal,
Vol. 40, No. 2, 1986. p.24.)

Reason2: The aggressive one may be a terribly serious issue among lecturers as a result of
non-NESTs have linguistic problems that will cause negative perspective towards their
students. In contrast, fortunately hopeless kind is believed to be the foremost common one in
all students. These sorts of students are passionate about synchronic linguistics and pays very
little attention to pronunciation and vocabulary, and almost none to linguistic appropriateness.

Example2: The lecturers who are aggressive, on the opposite hand, tend to figure on wrong
assumptions. These, of course, could end in the assembly of the many kinds of errors similar
to phonological, structural and semantic. Medgyes advised that aggressive non-NESTs tend to
be synchronic linguistics-centered in a method that they believe that knowing grammar means
knowing a language, that is incredibly common among teachers of English in non English
speaking countries like Indonesia, to exeplify. However, things are even worse because of the
thought that these teachers typically broke rules once they were students and so transmit the
errors committed to their students when they teach. (Peter Medgyes, “Queries from ...”, p.

3. Argument3: Native speakers, on the other hand, have a "meaning" that can help you to see if
the students use the right choice or not. these words have hidden connotations or are outdated
or slang. In addition, non-NESTs may also have burden within the cultural context of
language. the selection of language needs to match the social scenario of the interaction then a
lot of hooked in to the context; linguists agree with this.(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014)

Reason3: Furthermore, Medgyes points out that different cultures read the planet in several
ways. it's then terribly tough for a non-NEST to show a subject that he's unknown with. it's
quite common for non-native speakers to use structures that native speakers wouldn't use
within the same situations, simply with reference of their ignorance. several specialists in the
field of second language acquisition tend to trust this discussion. In short, these lecturers may
feel dangerous as a result of they're unable to achieve this native command once they attempt
very laborious to realize it.
Example3: speakers continually perform higher reach really good example to the present is
shown by the actual fact that a non-NESTs can possibly not get the highest IELTS score
(band 9), or the very best TOEFL score at 677. several of them will simply achieve their
‘near’ native competency, however not the pure native. Selinker, in his lingua franca
continuum, points out that L2 learners are somewhere between 0% and 100 percent of
competence. To support this, Medgyes explicit that a non-native speaker’s competence is
proscribed and that they can solely reach close to native competece at the foremost thanks to
the fact that their utilization of English is significantly associate imitation from the native
speakers. this is often the rationale why the nativetheir communicative functions in their 1st
language. Change synonyms of colored words.
Arguments Pro Non-Native English Speaking Teachers (N-NEST)

1. Argument 1: Non-NEST people have things in common with their students and can
serve as good examples for successful English learners. This is very important to give
students the idea that it is not necessary to be born in an English speaking country in
order to learn English. You can see that your non-native teachers were, will be, and
will always be English learners. On the contrary, NEST cannot be a role model
because it inherits English as a first language and does not have to learn English as a
second language. It is assumed that native speakers are the model teachers of a
language because they have a better command of correct and fluent forms of speech
and are more familiar with the cultural suitability of a language.Recently, more and
more voices have questioned this very ideology.(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014)
Reasons: The powerful method of teaching is normally finished through Non-NESTs.
Because the non-NEST is a trainer and a learner on the equal time, she or he has
unconsciously advanced mastering techniques that may be beneficial to his or her studying.
This can then be delivered to the teaching of his or her students, who share
things in commons because the beginners of English as a secong language. On the alternative
hand, NESTs won't be capable of have this. Moreover, Non-NESTs can offer beginners with
extra data approximately the English language, however unluckily NESTs discover language
acquisition as an subconscious absorbance.
Example: In several cases, Non-NESTs are more able to anticipate language
difficulties. in line with Larsen-Freeman and Long, it's calculable that between 23% and 51%
of the errors that occur between 2 languages are due to the transfer and interference from
L1.10 Therefore, a non-NEST will positively benefit from this condition, whereas NESTs
don't very have this experience.(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014)
2. Argument 2: Lederer (1981) points out that non-NESTs tend to contemplate morphological
mistakes instead of pronunciation and syntax, on that NESTs place emphasis.(Walkinshaw &
Oanh, 2014)
Reasons: The purpose is that phrase order is a structural sample that NESTs study
subconsciously; they take it for granted. However, even rather knowledgeable local speakers,
who have been now no longer knowledgeable in linguistics, might now no longer recognize
the way to give an explanation for phrase order in English.
Example: Take a look at the subsequent sentences (adapted from
Lederer’s example):
[1] He were given in to his bed room sleepy
[2] He sleepy were given in to his bed room
The local speaker can routinely say that the second one sentence does now no longer make
any feel for them because of its syntactic arrangement. But, no person can assure whether or
not NESTs can virtually give an explanation for each unmarried a part of the structural
sample of that sentence. So far, we've got now no longer but been capable of determine which
kind of teachers carry out higher of their classrooms
3. Argument 3: Greenbaum (in Kachru 1985) argues that, "There is no doubt that non-local
audio system can collect native-like talent in English as an extra language, whether or not
they study English as their 2d language or overseas language.6 (Braj Kachru, "Standards,
Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language withinside the Outer
Circle", English withinside the World(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014)
Reasons: He, furthermore, conducted an empirical have a look at to peer if there has
been a distinction in competence among native and near-native audio system. Her look at
confirmed that there are variations in each groups' intuitions even if a number of the near-
local audio system did now no longer have a overseas accent. One of the motives she gave is
that grownup rookies can not undergo the equal tiers of language acquisition that
kids do. Coppieters determined that native and near-native audio system have the equal talent
and are identical of their stage of language use. She found that native audio system and near-
local audio system broaden a one-of-a-kind grammar (or a one-of-a-kind belief of grammar)
and proposed that a language does now no longer impose a selected underlying grammar on
its audio system. This is inline with the writers private revel in throughout his teaching
mastering manner on the Department of
English. Some local instructors even couldn't give an explanation for a few prescriptive
grammar and frequently consulted the Grammar for Dummies book withinside the teachers’
room, the book that turned into now no longer always sophisticated sufficient for a “language
Example: If you compare your students to their native English speakers, another
grammatical form used by Indonesian students and their Native American and Australian
friends seems very obvious, although students have been learning English grammar for
many years and native speakers have never met. in any English grammar class. Accordingly,
the cultural sense plays the most important role in creating the verbal structure of language.
(Walkinshaw & Oanh, 2014)

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