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Business Plan Guidelines

Prepared by:
Mr. Ferdie Alexis Medina (Presiding Officer)

Mr. Robert Jerome De Vera (Author, Module)
Ms. Sheila May Piquero (Adviser, ABM Club)

Edited by:
Entrepreneurship Subject Teachers

Ms. Rabia Abdulrahim

Ms. Julieta Arcenio
Mr. Dandy Montoya Bonete
Ms. Jineveve Galban
Mr. Marlon Marcos
Ms. Laiza Mendoza
Ms. Rochelle Paňa
Ms. Kyla Marie Pastoral
Mr. Martin Zarate
 Title Page – (Own Format / Design)

- Business Plan
- Name of the Company (Own Design/Logo)
- Submitted by: (Group Leader/Members/ Grade Level &
- Submitted to: (Subject Teacher)
- Date of Submission

 Table of Contents (Own Format / Design)

 Executive Summary – is part of the business plan which is the first to be

presented but the last to be made.
 Introduction – this part discusses what is the business plan all about.
 Marketing Section – (Market – refers to the persons who will buy the product or
services or both.)
-shows the design of the product where you will sell and how you will introduce
the product to the market.

 Competitive Analysis – is the strategy where you identify major competitors and
research their products, sales and marketing strategies. (Include your SWOT

 Financial Section – shows the money needed for the business, how much you
will take in and how much you will pay out.
 Management Section – shows how you will manage your business and the
people you need to help you in your operations.

- First M of 4 M’s (Manpower)

- Eight Rs of HR (Recruiting, Reviewing, Rewarding, Retooling,
Recycling, Resonating, Retaining, Routing)

 Production Section – shows the area, equipment and materials needed for the

- Last 3 M’s of 4 M’s of Production (Method, Machine, Materials)

Appendix (REQUIRED):

 Organizational chart – is the diagram showing graphically the relation of one

official to another or others of a company.
 Product or Service Illustrations examples
 Product Packaging examples
 Marketing Materials (Brochure, Online Advertising: social media, Email, Content,
 Projected Income and Expense (FOR NON-ABM STUDENTS ONLY)
 Projected Financial Statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Capital
Statement, Cash Flow (FOR ABM STUDENTS ONLY)
 Other relevant information supporting your business plan (Patent, Licenses,
Permit, Contracts etc.)
 Relevant charts (Market studies, Competitors studies, Industry Studies,
Consumer Behavior etc.)
 Contact Information of key people (Accountant, Lawyers, Consultant, Managers
Business Plan Format:

Font: Arial
Font Size: 12
Margin: One inch on each side.
Pages: Should be numbered except the title page, table of contents, and appendices.
Header and Footer: The name of the company should appear on each page.

*Minimum and Maximum of 15-20 pages ONLY

Scoring/ Guidelines:
Performance Task 1:
Business Plan (By Group) - Total of 100 points

1. Depending on the number of students per section, the teacher will arrange the
group members alphabetically, minimum of 8-10 members.

2. The teacher will pick the leader of each group.

Criteria: Students who earned one of the highest grades of the first quarter, who
also showed leadership potential.

3. The leader will submit his peer evaluation of the members to his teacher. This will
be subjected for approval of the subject teacher in case of violent reactions from
the members of the group.

4. On the other hand, the teacher will grade the leader of each group based on the
members’ feedback and his observation to the leader.

5. To avoid grading biases:

 It is mandatory for the leader to show the result of his peer evaluation to his
group members before submitting it to his subject teacher.
 It is as well mandatory for the members of each group to pm their subject
teacher for their feedback about their leader or their other team members.
 Based on the result of peer evaluation, the subject teacher should interpret all the
data given to him by the leaders and the members of each group.
 Students will be encouraged to have their screenshots as evidence needed by
the teacher.
 Failure to comply for both parties means no merit unless for valid reasons.

6. In case of any chaos inside the team due to group dynamics, the group must
learn to survive and mediate. This will serve as your training ground before you
experience the real thing.

7. Transfer to another group will not be allowed. Also, asking for solo submission
will not be entertained. Only extreme cases will be allowed of transfer.

8. Lastly, there will be deductions if the group become too fragmented.

Performance Task 2:
Creation of Innovative Product / Innovative Service/ Mixture of Both (By Group)
– Total of 100 points

1. If f2f will be allowed soon, the students can submit their innovated products,
services or both to their subject teacher at school. However, only for the approval
of the subject teacher, depending on the situation and availability.
If this is not possible:
2. Pictures, Videos (minimum of 2-3 minutes only), and other channels for
approval of the subject teacher.
1. Services:

Videos/ pictures, showing the best hair hack, make up tutorials, massage, fitness,
tutorial services, vlog, blog, apps, website, charities,
Humanitarian work, etc.

(Some services should be subjected for approval, especially if it’s too

provocative, if there will be conflict of interest, approval for charities and other
humanitarian works, and safety of the students)

2. Product:

Videos/pictures of the process of making the product and the final product itself

The subject teacher must do his or her best to check the quality and safety of the
product or services/ mixture of both.
Dried goods, fresh goods,
- sanitation, ingredients, expiration etc.
Tangible products - safety of use, raw materials, equipment used

Intangible products (song writing, story writing, literature, dance choreo,

mixtape/album, other artistic product, digital products, licenses, software)
- avoid plagiarism

3. Products like Skin care/ vitamins/ drugs / technology / gadget

Sci fi products / new discoveries / or unique services
will be allowed only after the approval of the subject teacher.

However, it should not be tested for medical trial purposes. The students will just do a
sample demo thru videos and pictures on how they are planning to execute it.

For safety, The STUDENTS should NOT be present during the demo, he or she
must use video apps, drawings, simulation apps, etc
any risk should be avoided at all cost. This should be not done in REAL LIFE.

Always check the safeness of the students, their products,

services, or mixture of both.

4. Lastly, the product, services or mixture of both must be SMART (simple,

measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound) in making their business
plan, product or services.

5. In case of new discoveries or new potential, entrep teachers must seek the
advice of the school for approval.

6. Any form of intellectual theft will not be allowed.

Performance Task 3: Peer Evaluation

*Uploaded Excel File

Peer Evaluation – Total of 100 points

1. Each leader will be given a copy of peer evaluation (excel file) of his group
members. This will be submitted to his subject teacher, after showing it to his
group members. The grades that were given by the leader to his group
members will be subjected for the approval of the subject teacher based on
the feedback from both parties. The leader will be graded by the subject
teacher based on the same guidelines.

2. The peer evaluation will be based on:

(Whether or not the student is complying or unresponsive, attitude of the student,
team player, hardworking, willingness to help, creativity, innovativeness, well -
organized, can meet deadlines, entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills etc.)

To be submitted on October 26, 2022:

Activity# 1: Product or Service Proposal / Mixture of both – by group

- The subject teacher should approve the proposal first before

proceeding in making of business plan and creation of product or
service / mixture of both.
- Not graded, the leader of each group should submit the proposal.
If rejected by the subject teacher (safety reasons, not realistic, not feasible):
To be submitted ONLY until October 29, 2022

To be submitted on December 3, 2022:

Performance Task 1 (Business Plan) – by group

Performance Task 2 (Creation of Product / Service/ Mixture of Both – by group
Performance Task 3 (Peer Evaluation) – by group
Rubrics: Business Plan
Exemplary = Proficient = Acceptable = Needs Beginner= 6
10 9 8 Improvement
Executive He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Summary exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the executive the executive the executive the executive the executive
summary of summary of summary of summary of summary of
the business the business the business the business the business
plan plan plan plan plan
Introduction He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the the the the the
introduction introduction introduction introduction of introduction of
of the of the of the the business the business
business plan business plan business plan plan plan
Marketing He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Section exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the marketing the marketing the marketing the marketing the marketing
section of the section of the section of the section of the section of the
business plan business plan business plan business plan business plan
Competitive He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Analysis exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the the the the the
competitive competitive competitive competitive competitive
analysis of the analysis of the analysis of the analysis of the analysis of the
business plan business plan business plan business plan business plan
Financial He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Section exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the financial the financial the financial the financial the financial
section of the section of the section of the section of the section of the
business plan business plan business plan business plan business plan
Management He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Section exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the the the the the
management management management management management
section of the section of the section of the section of the section of the
business plan business plan business plan business plan business plan
Production He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
Section exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the executive the executive the executive the executive the executive
summary of summary of summary of summary of summary of
the business the business the business the business the business
plan plan plan plan plan
Appendix He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the appendix the appendix the appendix the appendix the appendix
of the of the of the of the business of the business
business plan business plan business plan plan plan
Organization He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
(Format, exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
Grammar, demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
Ease of understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
Reading, of key of key of key understanding understanding
Design) concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of organizing of organizing of organizing of organizing of organizing
the business the business the business the business the business
plan plan plan plan plan
Innovativeness He/she He/she He/she He/she needs He/she shows
exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement beginning skills
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates in in
understanding understanding understanding demonstrating, demonstrating,
of key of key of key understanding understanding
concepts, concepts, concepts, of key of key
underlying underlying underlying concepts, concepts,
principles, principles, principles, underlying underlying
core core core principles, core principles, core
competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies, competencies,
and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes
of developing of developing of developing of developing of developing
the the the the the
innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness
the business of the of the of the business of the business
plan business plan business plan plan plan
Rubrics: Creation of Product / Service/ Mixture of Both
Exemplary = 100 Proficient = 90 Acceptable = 85 Needs Beginner= 75
Improvement = 80
The student The student The student The student needs The student shows
exceptionally proficiently acceptably improvement in beginning skills in
creates/provides creates/provides creates/provides creating/providing creating/providing
a quality and a quality and a quality and a quality and a quality and
marketable marketable marketable marketable marketable
product or product or product or product or service product or service
service in service in service in in in
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
that also shows that also shows that also shows that also shows that also shows
innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness innovativeness
without without without without sacrificing without sacrificing
sacrificing the sacrificing the sacrificing the the safety of the the safety of the
safety of the safety of the safety of the customers. customers.
customers. customers. customers.
Peer Evaluation Sample (Uploaded Excel File)

Peer Evaluation
Use Asterisk *

100 95 90 85 80 75
Very Needs Incompliance/
Outstanding Satisfactory Fair
Satisfactory Improvement Unresponsive

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