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Activity #4-Media Content Infographics

Social media and healthcare pre-pandemic

During COVID-19, the world discovered that social media is a great
way for individuals and communities to stay connected even while
physically separated.

During the 1918 flu pandemic, which the CDC estimates infected a third of the
world’s population, people didn’t have the same sources of communication
we now have in the 21st century to quickly share news and information. For
context, a public health report on Minneapolis’s response to the 1918 flu
shows that critical information regarding the virus was primarily shared via
postal workers, Boy Scouts, and teachers. Can you imagine learning about a
pandemic from a Boy Scout knocking on your door, encouraging you to wash
your hands?

Social media platforms are meant to connect people and helped the world
remain connected, largely increasing usage during the pandemic. Since many
people are asked to remain home, they have turned to social media to
maintain their relationships and to access entertainment to pass the time.

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