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Research #1

Presenter: Sta.Ana, Jhansel Ivan E.

Prof: Engr. Ronald Licsi

- It is the brain of computer and does all the work.

-It is a computer processor that incorporates all the functions of

CPU(Central Processing Unit) on a single IC (Integrated Circuit).

-First introduced in early 1970’s.

-4004 was the first general purpose microprocessor used by

Intel in building personal computers.

-Arrival of low cost general purpose microprocessors has been instrumental in development
Of modern society the it has.


-Internal clock that regulates the speed at which it executes

Instructions and also synchronizes it with other components.

-Microprocessor executes instructions is called clock speed.

-Clock speeds are measured in MHz or GHz where 1 MHz

means 1 million cycles per second whereas 1 GHz equals to
1 billion cycles per second. Here cycle refers to single electric
signal cycle.

-Clock speed range of 3GHz. Speeds more than this generate enough heat to damage
the chip itself.


-Number of bits that can be processed by a processor in a single

instruction is called its word size.

-Determines the amount of RAM that can be accessed at one

go and total number of pins on the microprocessor
-First commercial microprocessor Intel 4004 was a 4-bit processor.
It had 4 input pins and 4 output pins. Number of output pins is
always equal to the number of input pins.

-Currently most microprocessors use 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.


-Command given to a digital machine to perform an operation

on a piece of data is called an instruction.

-Determines the amount of RAM that can be accessed at one

go and total number of pins on the microprocessor
-Basic set of machine level instructions that a microprocessor
is designed to execute is called its instruction set.
These instructions do carry out these types of operations :

* Data Transfer *Input/output and machine control

*Arithmetic Operations

*Logical Operations

*Control Flow

*Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller

contains a CPU, Memory, I/O all integrated into one chip.

*Microprocessor is used in Personal Computers whereas Micro Controller is used in an

embedded system.
*Microprocessor uses an external bus to interface to RAM, ROM, and other peripherals, on
the other hand, Micro Controller uses an internal controlling bus.

*Microprocessors are based on Von Neumann model Micro controllers are based on Harvard
*Microprocessor is complicated and expensive, with a large number of instructions to process
but Micro Controller is inexpensive and straightforward with fewer instructions to process.
Capabilities of Different processors
Speeds and Feeds - processor performance is usually a number in either MHz (megahertz) or
GHz (gigahertz.) That number represents how many times the internal clock inside the CPU
ticks in cycles per second. The clock inside a 2.5GHz CPU ticks 2.5 billion times each second.

Cache - fast access to memory is important to a PC processor, and that’s what your cache is
for. Waiting for data to come in from system memory can make your CPU inefficient. The
memory hierarchy is a way to show where memory bottlenecks exist. The CPU registers hold
the data actually being used in calculations and comprise the fastest memory. The next
fastest are levels 1 and 2 caches.
Cores - modern PC processors are multi core. Each core is as fully functional as the others.
Each has its own cache, but can communicate with other CPU cores as needed. Share
information in a cache, such as the level 3 cache built into AMD Phenom II processors.
AMD’s Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) technology adds a new concept. The GPU core
which is better at certain kinds of math than the traditional core. The technology, originally
developed for AMD’s DirectX 11-capable line of graphics cards, brings sophisticated graphics
capability and parallel compute technology directly onto the CPU.
Bandwidth - CPUs are part of a larger platform. They need to communicate with the outside
world. Data buses (circuits that carry the data) communicate with the chipsets built onto the
motherboard. The chips act as traffic cops to route data to the outside world, for example to
the PCI Express slots, which communicate with discrete graphics cards and other expansion
cards, and USB ports, which communicate with external storage, keyboards, mice, etc.

Types of addressing modes

*Immediate Addressing Mode –

In immediate addressing mode the source operand is always data. If the data is 8-bit, then the
instruction will be of 2 bytes, if the data is of 16-bit then the instruction will be of 3 bytes.
MVI B 45 (move the data 45H immediately to register B)
LXI H 3050 (load the H-L pair with the operand 3050H immediately)
JMP address (jump to the operand address immediately)

*Register Addressing Mode –

In register addressing mode, the data to be operated is available inside the register(s) and
register(s) is(are) operands. Therefore the operation is performed within various registers of the
MOV A, B (move the contents of register B to register A)
ADD B (add contents of registers A and B and store the result in register A)
INR A (increment the contents of register A by one)
Types of addressing modes
*Direct Addressing Mode –
In direct addressing mode, the data to be operated is available inside a memory location and
that memory location is directly specified as an operand. The operand is directly available in
the instruction itself.
LDA 2050 (load the contents of memory location into accumulator A)
LHLD address (load contents of 16-bit memory location into H-L register pair)
IN 35 (read the data from port whose address is 35)
*Register Indirect Addressing Mode –
In register indirect addressing mode, the data to be operated is available inside a memory
location and that memory location is indirectly specified by a register pair.
MOV A, M (move the contents of the memory location pointed by the H-L pair to the
LDAX B (move contents of B-C register to the accumulator)
LXIH 9570 (load immediate the H-L pair with the address of the location 9570)
*Implied/Implicit Addressing Mode –
In implied/implicit addressing mode the operand is hidden and the data to be operated is
available in the instruction itself.
CMA (finds and stores the 1’s complement of the contents of accumulator A in A)
RRC (rotate accumulator A right by one bit)
RLC (rotate accumulator A left by one bit)
Types of Instructions
1. One-byte instructions –
In 1-byte instruction, the opcode and the operand of an instruction are represented in one

Task- Copy the contents of accumulator in register B.
Mnemonic- MOV B, A
Opcode- MOV
Operand- B, A
Hex Code- 47H
Binary code- 0100 0111

Task- Add the contents of accumulator to the contents of register B.
Mnemonic- ADD B
Opcode- ADD
Operand- B
Hex Code- 80H
Binary code- 1000 0000
Types of Instructions
Task- Invert (complement) each bit in the accumulator.
Mnemonic- CMA
Opcode- CMA
Operand- NA
Hex Code- 2FH
Binary code- 0010 1111

Note – The length of these instructions is 8-bit; each requires one memory location. The
mnemonic is always followed by a letter (or two letters) representing the registers (such as A,
B, C, D, E, H, L and SP).
2. Two-byte instructions –
Two-byte instruction is the type of instruction in which the first 8 bits indicates the opcode and
the next 8 bits indicates the operand.

Task- Load the hexadecimal data 32H in the accumulator.
Mnemonic- MVI A, 32H
Opcode- MVI
Operand- A, 32H
Hex Code- 3E
Binary code- 0011 1110
0011 0010
Types of Instructions
Task- Load the hexadecimal data F2H in the register B.
Mnemonic- MVI B, F2H
Opcode- MVI
Operand- B, F2H
Hex Code- 06
Binary code- 0000 0110
1111 0010
Note – This type of instructions need two bytes to store the binary codes. The mnemonic is
always followed by 8-bit (byte) data.
Types of Instructions
3. Three-byte instructions –
Three-byte instruction is the type of instruction in which the first 8 bits indicates the opcode
and the next two bytes specify the 16-bit address. The low-order address is represented in
second byte and the high-order address is represented in the third byte.

Task- Load contents of memory 2050H in the accumulator.
Mnemonic- LDA 2050H
Opcode- LDA
Operand- 2050H
Hex Code- 3A
Binary code- 0011 1010
0101 0000
0010 0000
Types of Instructions
Task- Transfer the program sequence to the memory location 2050H.
Mnemonic- JMP 2085H
Opcode- JMP
Operand- 2085H
Hex Code- C3
Binary code- 1100 0011
1000 0101
0010 0000

Note – These instructions would require three memory locations to store the binary codes.
The mnemonic is always followed by 16-bit (or adr).

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