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TCW: The Contemporary World

Working Definition of Globalization

The most comprehensive and modern understanding what globalization is this lines:
Globalization is a process of interaction among the people, companies and governments of different
nations. It is a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic
movement and on human physical well-being in societies around the world “Globalization 101, n.d).

Globalization, as a concept, is connected with the way we view our place and the meaning of
this planet. More so, it describes processes which steer the policies of nation directly gives impact to
various institutions. This is inevitable since globalization is a process by which different parts of the
world interact economically, politically and culturally. It ia international expansion of the world scale
(Patel, 1999), a declining international variety, but increasing international interconnectedness. Hence,
the transformative powers of globalization reach deeply into all aspects contemporary socio-economic
and cultural life.

Steger (2005) used the term “globality” to signify a future condition characterized by thick
economic, political and cultural interconnections and global flows that make currently existing political
borders and economic barriers irrelevant. It further viewed as the interpenetration of geographically
distinct ‘civilizations’ (Roberson, 1995). Steger propose that the core of globalization is the
unprecedented compression of time and space as a result of political, economic and cultural change, as
well as, the powerful technological innovations. Steger then developed six core claims of globalization,
which are as follow:

1. Globalization is about the liberation and global integration of markets;

2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible;
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization;
4. Globalization benefits everyone in the long run;
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world; and
6. Globalization requires a global war on terror.

Various indications and manifestation of movement of globalization in economics, cultures,

technology and others.
Economic globalization
a. Multinational corporations operate on a global scale, with satellite offices and branches in
numerous locations.
b. Outsourcing can add to the economic development of a struggling country, bringing much
neede jobs.
c. Some automobiles use spare parts from other countries, as in a car being assembled in the
Philippines with the parts coming from Japan, Germany, Korea and others.
d. The Free World Trade Organization supervises the world trade.
e. The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 countries located primarily in
f. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade bloc in North America.
g. A dress with design inspired by the culture of Africa, made in South Korea sold in New York.
h. A bag made in China, sold in America and brought to the Philippines as souvenir to expectant
Culture globalization: Blending of culture
a. Greek culture spread across Africa, Europe and Asia through Alexander the Great. This is the
reason there are cities named for Alexander in Africa, Egypt and Turkey.
b. The silk Road was a trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea and it allowe te
exchange of not only goods, but culture and knowledge as well.
c. Christian missionaries from Europe added to the globalization of Christianity.
d. Colonization all over the world was a major cause of globalization.
e. Improved travel facilitated the growth of globalization, as people moved for a better job, a
better life, or some fled from danger, slavery and oppression.
f. Food is one factor of globalization. One can find people eating letchon in America, sushi in Peru
and Indian food in Europe.
g. Satellite television ( parasat, sky cable, sky direct) allows shows from one country to be aired in
many countries adding to cultural globalization.
Technology and globalization
a. The internet is a major force to globalization.
b. Global news networks, like CNN, ABC contribute to the spread of various type of information.
c. Mobile phones connect people all over the world instantly and virtually like never before.
Other aspects of globalization
a. The Olympics began in ancient Greece and still continuing today.
b. The FIFA World Cup, NBA, Boxing, etc have more viewers among other sporting events across
the globe.
c. Travel and tourism allow globalization in many things, the exchange of money, cultures and
d. The K-12 is a global program. A college graduate in a country does need additional academic
credential to work professionally in other country unlike before.

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