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1. Where does Josh live? 

1 punto

a. in the suburbs

b. downtown

c. near here

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  2. What time does Josh start work?    

1 punto

a. at 5:30 A.M

b. at 9:00 A.M.

c. at 5:30 P.M.

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  3. How does Josh get to work?  

1 punto

a. He walks.

b. He drives.

c. He takes a bus.

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The House

headphones 5N4B3aGa

Click on the headphone to listen to the conversation.

  4. The man and woman are worried because ______________.  

1 punto

a. they can't find the right house

b. the house looks dark

c. they forgot to bring something

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  5. Before they left home, the man _______________.   

1 punto

a. got dressed too slowly

b. turned off the lights

c. made a long phone call

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6. The woman thinks that _______________.  
1 punto

a. the party might have finished

b. they arrived too early

c. the lights might not be working

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headphones AZla3rQe

Click on the headphone to listen to the conversation.

7. Brad was having problems with his neighbors because they 1 punto

a. played music in the morning

b. weren't very friendly

c. made a lot of noise at night

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8. The neighbors solved the problem by _______________.  
1 punto

a. getting another dog

b. giving their dog to someone else

c. putting their dog inside

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9. Brad annoyed his neighbors when he _______________.  

1 punto

a. scratched their car

b. parked in front of their house

c. talked to them about their dog

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DIRECTIONS: In this section of the test, you will read a few incomplete statements
and questions.  After you read each statement or question, read the four possible
answers and select the one that best completes the statement or question
10. Do you know ___ cellphone this is? 1 punto

a. whose

b. who

c. who’s

d. that

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11. Isabelle doesn’t ___ golf every day. 1 punto

a. plays

b. playing

c. play

d. played

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12. That money isn’t ___. 1 punto

a. him

b. your

c. ours

d her
d. her

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13. The woman ___ helped you is my friend. 1 punto

a. who

b. whose

c. where

d. which

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14.  Blair wasn’t hurt, but it took her two hours to recover ___ the shock.
1 punto

a. for

b. from

c. over

d. at

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15. The mechanic ___ the car right now. 1 punto

a. repairs

b. is repairing

i d
c. repaired

d. was repairing

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16. Lucy was vacuuming the carpets ___ Paige was mowing the lawn.
1 punto

a. while

b. then

c. because

d. so

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17.  Ryan didn’t have enough money, ___ I paid for the meal. 1 punto

a. when

b. as

c. so

d. while

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18. That’s the house ___ the thief hid. 1 punto

a. which

b. that

c. where
d. who

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19. Riley rarely ___ to the theater. 1 punto

a. go

b. goes

c. is going

d. going

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20. We don’t know ___dog keeps digging holes in our lawn. 1 punto

a. whose

b. which

c. who’s

d. who

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21. Have you talked to Douglas ___? 1 punto

a. since

b. ever

c. lately
d. just

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22. Vanessa Mae___ the violin for hours! 1 punto

a. are playing

b. has been playing

c. have been playing

d. can’t be playing

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23. Tiffany has lived in Boston ___ two years. 1 punto

a. already

b. since

c. just

d. for

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24. We better turn back before it ___ dark.

1 punto

a. gets

b. has

c. breaks
d. comes

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25.  ___ small, the house is well designed. 1 punto

a. Despite

b. However

c. Even

d. Although

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26. Mary arrived after Gina ___ to bed. 1 punto

a. went

b. have gone

c. have been going

d. had gone

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27.       My room is ___ comfortable as yours.

1 punto

a. more

b. like

c. as

d most
d. most

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28. By the time Elsa called, Wilson had ___ left for work. 1 punto

a. since

b. yet

c. already

d. ever

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29.       My sister got married last week.  ___ wedding was fantastic. 1 punto

a. Hers

b. Her

c. His

d. Him

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30. Danny was fed up. He ___ for Lola for an hour. 1 punto

a. was waiting

b. waited

h b iti
c. has been waiting

d. had been waiting

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31. I can’t hear the song. Will you turn ___ the volume, please? 1 punto

a. up

b. out

c. back

d. down

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32. The red skirt is ___ longer than the blue one. 1 punto

a. many

b. too

c. more

d. much

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33.       Wisconsin  is less busy ___ Los Angeles.

1 punto

a. as

b. than

c. of
d. more

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34.       You ___ take photographs in a museum.  It’s not allowed.

1 punto

a. must

b. don’t have to

c. can

d. mustn’t

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35.       We didn’t find tickets for the concert. It was sold  ___.

1 punto

a. out

b. away

c. off

d. down

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36. A: “We ran out of juice.”  1 punto

      B: “Really?  I ___ go and buy some.”

a. will

b. ‘m going

c. going to

d. have

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37. You had better ___ your essay again before handing it in. 1 punto

a. checking

b. check

c. to checking

d. to check

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38. Lisa and Waldo haven’t finished ___  their apartment yet. 1 punto

a. painting

b. paint

c. to painting

d. to paint

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39.       You ___ to come if you’re tired.

1 punto

a. mustn’t

b. can’t

c. may not
d. don’t have

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40.       Karla sets ___ some money each month for her vacation.
1 punto

a. about

b. aside

c. back

d. up

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41. His mother made him ___  his room. 1 punto

a. to clean

b. clean

c. to cleaning

d. cleaning

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42. If she doesn’t wear a raincoat, she ___ wet. 1 punto

a. get

b. gets

c. has got
d. will get

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43. Tony ___ living in the mountains.  He just hates it. 1 punto

a. doesn’t

b. enjoys

c. loves

d. can’t stand

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44.  There is very ___ milk left. You have to buy some.

1 punto

a. few

b. lot

c. much

d. little

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45. Unless you ___ speaking Spanish, I’ll call the teacher. 1 punto

a. stop

b. stopped

c. don’t stop

d won’t stop
d. won t stop

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46.       You turned off the lights, ___ ?

1 punto

a. you didn’t

b. didn’t you

c. you did

d. did you

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47.  There ___ to be a small movie theater where the supermarket is now.
1 punto

a. was

b. used

c. use

d. had

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48. Jenny ___ the night at your house, didn’t she? 1 punto

a. spend

b. was spending

c. spent

d. has spent

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49. Greenpeace___ in 1971. 1 punto

a. founded

b. was founded

c. was found

d. is founded

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50. The faucet was turned off so tightly that I ___ able to turn it on. 1 punto

a. couldn’t

b. hadn’t

c. wasn’t

d. didn’t

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DIRECTIONS: Select the word that best completes the sentence.Untitled Title
51. Police officers are sometimes on ___ at night. 1 punto

a. patrol

b. force

c. cover

d. alert

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52. In the end, the detective managed to___ down the dangerous criminal. 1 punto

a. track

b. find

c. get

d. hit

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53. Due to popular ___, the movie will be shown for another week. 1 punto

a. demand

b. performance

c. attraction

d experience
d. experience

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54. Diane works for a charitable ____  . 1 punto

a. accommodation

b. donation

c. organization

d. location

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55. Thankfully, I had a ____ landing because the snow wasn’t hard. 1 punto

a. burn

b. pace

c. soft

d. hard

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56. They’ve made lots of new friends and their ____ lives have become much 1 punto

better since they joined the club.

a. activity

b. keen
c. shape

d. social

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DIRECTIONS: In this section of the test, you will read  a passage. Read each
question and select the best answer. 

Many people who are looking to get a pet dog get a puppy. There are many reasons
why people get puppies. After all, puppies are cute, friendly, and playful. But even
though puppies make good pets, there are good reasons why you should consider
getting an adult dog instead.

When you get a puppy, you have to teach it how to behave. You have to make sure
that the puppy is housebroken so that it does not go to the bathroom inside the
house. You have to teach the puppy not to jump up on your guests or chew on your
shoes. You have to train the puppy to walk on a leash. This is a lot of work.

On the other hand, when you get an adult dog, there is a good chance that it will
already know how to do all of the previously mentioned things. Many adult dogs
have already been housebroken. Many adult dogs will not jump on or chew things
that you do not want them to jump on or chew. Many adult dogs will be able to walk
on a leash without pulling you to the other side of the street.

Puppies also have a lot of energy and want to play all of the time. This can be fun,
but you might not want to play as much as your puppy does. Puppies will not
always sleep through the night or let you relax as you watch television.

On the other hand, most adult dogs will wait on you to play. What is more, they will
sleep when you are sleeping and are happy to watch television on the couch right
beside you.

There is one last reason why you should get an adult dog instead of a puppy. When
most people go to the pound to get a dog, they get a puppy. This means that many
adult dogs spend a lot of time in the pound, and some never find good homes. So if
you are looking to get a dog for a pet, you should think about getting an adult dog.
They are good pets who need good homes.

57.  The author apparently thinks that puppies are___________.

1 punto

a. bad pets because they take too much work to own

b. friendly, playful, and a lot of work

c. not as cute as adult dogs

d. not as playful as adult dogs

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58. Which is the best synonym for behave in paragraph 2? 1 punto

a. listen

b. understand

c. train

d. act

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59. Paragraphs 3 and 5 begin with the phrase, "On the other hand." This 1 punto

phrase is used to

a. Highlight an example

b. Contrast previous information

c. Contradict a later statement

d. Support the upcoming paragraph

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60. In paragraph 3, which is the best example of a dog that is housebroken? 1 punto

a. Spot goes outside to use the bathroom.

b. Rex always breaks things inside of the house

c. Rover never jumps on guests.

d. Muffin chews on people’s shoes.

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