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FICHA 2374925

COVER PAGE……………………………………………………………….PAGE 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………….PAGE 2

QUESTION 1, 2……………………………………………………………...PAGE 3

QUESTION 3………………………………………………………………...PAGE 4

QUESTION 4………………………………………………………………,,,PAGE 5

QUESTION 5…………………………………………………………………PAGE 7

Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a


The evolution of growth and change of model in trade is considered, given the relevance

for the consumer as the main actor and for technology as a fundamental tool, it is

appreciated that it is evident that the markets for services and products converge.

Technology brings with it the need for adaptation, and companies must always be in line

with market demand, today digital companies are needed and the average is well below

what is required and the lag of digital adoption is expected today it is the reflection of

industries that are stagnant in time. A clear example of adaptation and evolution is Tesla, a

company that has just emerged, starting from a technological model, and reaching the

creation of electric cars with cutting-edge technology, and robust automation in its

production and assembly lines. Thus, Tesla products will bring with them a service, where

the vehicle will fully fulfill the various functions required by the consumer, from a mobile

office to an entertainment center, all aiming at a comprehensive approach.

Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

The summary of the text is the need for a close relationship between technology and

industry becomes more evident with the passage of time, because thanks to these new

technologies and the step to digitization and modernization of many companies in the

world, it offers the products and services add value, which in the long run will end up

being the purpose of the product. When investing in technologies and research becomes a

benefit for companies in the long and medium term since better training of staff can be

expected for better production in the company and generate a qualified workforce for

production processes. Technologies will determine the growth and evolution of the

economy in the long term, so its importance and necessary adaptation by world companies

should not be ignored if it is to advance in time.

Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Traditional policy tools are often obsolete in the face of market integration of products and

services. The single market has lost none of its importance – if anything, the growing value

of cross-border markets, given productservice integration, makes it all the more valuable.

But the single market alone will not guarantee future success. Broader framework

conditions - ranging from the ease with which companies can switch from one business

model to the next to the user-friendliness of the emerging data protection regime - are

under careful scrutiny by companies that have more choice than ever: digitisation gives

companies agility in terms of location, outsourcing, and using global value chains to their

maximum advantage.

Las herramientas políticas tradicionales son a veces obsoletas frente al mercado de

integración de productos y servicios. Solo el mercado no ha perdido nada de su

importancia – si algo, el creciente valor de los mercados cruza-frontera, dada la integración

de productos y servicios, lo hace todo más valioso. Pero el mercado solo no garantizará

futuros éxitos. Condiciones de marco más amplias- que van desde la facilidad con la cual

las compañías pueden cambiar desde un modelo de negocio al siguiente usuario-

amabilidad del régimen emergente de protección de datos está bajo un cuidadoso escrutinio

por las compañías que tienen más elecciones que nunca: La digitalización da a las

compañías agilidad en términos de localización, subcontratación, y el uso global de

cadenas de valor para su máxima ventaja.

Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the

meaning of each word.

Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.

Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,

technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This

need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.

Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,

technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This
need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational
change is that strategy to the
need of a change. This

need is based on the
organization's vision for better
administrative, social,
technical and improvement
assessment performance.
Change: Organizational change is that strategy to the need of a change. This need

is based on the organization's vision for better administrative, social, technical and

improvement assessment performance.

Company: Entity in which capital and labor intervene as factors of production of industrial

or commercial activities or for the provision of services.

Development: Business development refers to the progress experienced by the company as

a result of its evolution over time. Therefore, business development does not always imply

growth or increase in size, but under certain circumstances it can mean the opposite.

Digital: is a type of
organization that bases its
competitiveness on the use or
development of technology.
Digital: is a type of organization that bases its competitiveness on the use or

development of technology.

Economy: Science that studies resources, the creation of wealth and the production,

distribution and consumption of goods and services, to satisfy human needs.

Globalization: Globalization is an economic, technological, political, social, and

cultural process on a global scale that consists of increasing communication and

interdependence among the different countries of the world, uniting their social

markets through a series of social and political transformations.

Industry: Economic and technical activity that consists of transforming raw materials into

products suitable for human needs.

Innovate: Change things by introducing novelties and good ideas.

Products: Thing produced naturally or artificially, or the result of a job or operation.

Profit, the amount of money that is earned, especially with an investment.

Technology: all the technology that can be applied in the business sector in order to make

the company's activity more competitive and efficient. In this sense, business technology

can be divided into two main sectors: hardware and software.

Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client d Things created by projects.

b Solution e A series of tasks to be done in a

specified sequence.

c Engagement a A customer.

d Project b Products and services that solve a

client’s problem.

e Deliverable c An agreement between client-

service provider


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