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Amy Chastain

Dr. Jackie Kim

FRIT 7235
February 8, 2022

Quizzes & Rubrics

1. Rubric for instrument creation & performance project:

Student checklist:
▢ I feel I am ready to complete my assignment. I have scheduled a time to meet with my
teacher if I have questions.
▢ I have selected which instrument family I am going to model my instrument after.
▢ I have secured materials to make my instrument and know my instrument will make a sound
and/or make pitch.
▢ I have finished construction of my instrument and tested it so I know my instrument will make
a sound and/or change pitch.
▢ I have practiced playing my instrument and feel ready to record a short demonstration of how
it works.
▢ I have included the following information in my Flipgrid video: (a) which instrument family the
instrument belongs to and why, (b) how the instrument makes sound, and (c) words to
describe the timbre of the instrument.
▢ I have recorded my video using Flipgrid and provided a link to my Flipgrid video.

2. Student comprehension rubric - to be used throughout unit

Quiz 1: Woodwind Instruments

Quiz 2: Instruments of the Orchestra

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