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Digital System -are designed to store, process, and communicate

information in digital form. They are found in a wide range of

applications, including process control, communication systems, digital
instruments, and consumer products. The digital computer, more
commonly called the computer, is an example of a typical digital
A computer manipulates information in digital, or more precisely,
binary form. A binary number has only two discrete values — zero or
one. Each of these discrete values is represented by the OFF and ON
status of an electronic switch called a transistor. All computers,
therefore, only understand binary numbers. Any decimal number (base
10, with ten digits from 0 to 9) can be represented by a binary number
(base 2, with digits 0 and 1).

According to Daisy Mui Hung Kee (2021) Digital technologies have

influenced fast food restaurant strategies during the global pandemic,
while technology may enable digital transformation, fast food
restaurants are rapid to match the changes. Digitization opens new
possibilities for fast food restaurants to sustain their business. With
digital infrastructures in place like mobile devices, Wi-Fi networks, and
online payment systems, it brings convenience to both business and
customers. Deepening digitization has helped fast food restaurants to
become more customer centric.
According to Dr. Will Serrano(2018), Digitalization has enabled
infrastructure and cities to be “smarter”; the use of physical space and
energy, the transmission of information, the management of users,
assets and processes, the operation of businesses and companies have
been progressively digitalized. The main challenges of a Smart City is its
definition, scope and interconnections; there are different approaches
to Smart City implementations that vary from collaborative
multidisciplinary environments, the addition of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) within its physical fabric to the use of
Big Data for higher abstraction decisions.
Digital as a Service (DaaS), where any complete digitalization can be
implemented independently of its associated physical infrastructure in
a Cloud environment; DasS would enable an interoperable Virtual
Digital Infrastructure (VDI). In addition, this paper reviews the current
Digital Systems, Transmission Networks, Servers and Management
Systems. The next Industrial Revolution will be founded on Artificial
Intelligence that will entirely replace humans by taking production and
management decisions based on the Internet of Things (IoT), the Cloud,
BlockChain, Big Data, Virtual Reality and the combination of digital and
real infrastructure or city. Digital as a Service would be its enabler by
providing the entire interconnection, integration and virtualization of
its Space, Services and Structure.
According to Bilal Khalid (2021), In the recent past, innovations in
information and financial technology have brought about a great
revolution, leading to the development and advancement of e-
commerce activities. This e-commerce, in turn, has created new fiscal
needs that, in most cases, cannot be effectively met by conventional
financial systems. Marketing has been instrumental to the spread of
these digital technologies, especially on the internet and social media
(Dahlström & Edelman, 2013; Feyen et al., 2021; Fichman, Dos Santos,
& Zheng, 2014; Rangaswamy et al., 2020; Solomon & Klyton, 2020;
Technology and Innovation Report, 2018). From this, various financial
institutions, businesses, and other stakeholders are exploring the
inherent potential and opportunities resulting from these technologies
and are deploying an appropriate marketing strategy to introduce them
to the market. Among the notably developed and well-adopted
technologies are digital payment systems (Sivathanu, 2019).
The digital payment infrastructure consists of an interconnected
network of related entities, which are designed to accelerate the speed
of data exchange between the concerned systems, and to initiate,
sanction, and expedite cash transfer between different parties
(Scholnick et al., 2008). Digital payments incorporate financial
transactions initiated by an individual or several clients, which may
cover business-to-business (B2B) transactions, individual-to-business
transactions, and person-to-person payments.
According to Peter M. Bican (2020), As digitalization or digitization has
been gaining momentum in recent years, it is here to last [1]. This is
supported by impressive numbers: Around 39.1 million results on
Google for the search term “digital transformation”, 818 thousand for
“digital business model”, 311 thousand for “digital entrepreneurship”,
and, altogether, 7.3 billion results for the search term “digital” (Google
search query, performed with the respective search terms on May
10th, 2020). Apparently, digital whatever is not only a dominant topic
in industry and academia, but especially when talking about
transforming business models into a sustainable and circular economy.
There is no conference, no new business model, and no political
discussion that lacks a reference to “digital” or its often-used siblings,
Innovation 4.0 or Industry 4.0. However, a common understanding of
the various terms is lacking, especially in academia. Confusion is
paramount (as with other contemporary concepts, like Artificial
Intelligence), and “digital” risks deteriorating into a mere buzzword [2].
Further complicating the digital conundrum, digital terms and
interrelations are not only perceived differently between the various
fields of study, but also within specific research fields, like social
sciences or engineering.
According toThomas Ritter (202), Digital technologies have changed the
way business-to-business firms act in business markets in terms of what
they sell (their value propositions, e.g., Gandhi, Thota, Kuchembuck, &
Swartz, 2018) and how they sell it (their value demonstrations,
e.g., Syam & Sharma, 2018)—and they also pose new requirements to a
firm's capabilities. Although the topic of digitalization is currently
prominent in the minds of many practitioners and academics,
digitization and the digitalization of business are not new topics of
One of the earliest applications of computing power in business was the
computerized registration of 26 million US citizen's employment
records by IBM equipment to support the Social Security Act in
1935.2 Similarly, the first conference on artificial intelligence was held
at Dartmouth in 1956. Hence, topics like big data (i.e., large amounts of
data) and artificial intelligence have been discussed for decades and,
therefore, have long been fields of interest for practitioners and
academics alike

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