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Benefits of Organic Eggs

by ERICA KANNALL Last Updated: Feb 01, 2014

The benefits of organic eggs may be worth the extra cost. They come from
chickens that were given 100 percent organic feed, free of any agricultural
chemical residues. The chickens are also treated humanely, with access to outdoor
space to roam. In addition, the eggs themselves contain essential amino acids,
vitamins and minerals needed to keep you healthy.
Benefits of Organic

For eggs to be labeled as organic, they must meet requirements drawn up and
enforced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The feed given to the chickens
cannot come from crops that are genetically modified, treated with pesticides or
herbicides, or fertilized with chemical or synthetic products. The chickens also
cannot be treated with hormones, antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency notes that some of the pesticides used in food
production may cause cancer, skin irritations, nervous system disruption or
hormonal imbalance in humans. Organic eggs are free from any of these
potentially harmful chemical residues.

Fat Content

Organic eggs come from chickens that must have access to the outdoors year-
round. This means the hens get exercise and have an opportunity to eat grasses,
other plants and insects in addition their feed, which may improve the nutritional

quality of the fat found in the eggs. According to Susan Allport, author of "The
Queen of Fats," eggs from chickens that are free-range and eat a diet rich in
omega-3 fatty-acids -- from sources such as grasses and weeds -- lay eggs that
are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than chickens that are only grain-fed. Omega-3s
play a critical role in brain function and growth, reduce inflammation and may
prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. An
independent study conducted by "Mother Earth News" confirms that free-ranging
chickens lay eggs with two times the omega-3s, one-third of the cholesterol and
one-fourth of the saturated fat as conventional eggs.
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More Vitamins than Conventional Eggs

According to the 2007 egg-testing project conducted by "Mother Earth News," eggs
from free-range chickens contain two-thirds more vitamin A, seven times more
beta-carotene and three times more vitamin E than conventional eggs. These
differences likely come the diet of organic hens that free-range. Getting more
vitamin A from organic eggs helps maintain your immune system and healthy skin,
hair and eyes. Beta-carotene, which accounts for the dark orange color of organic
egg yolks, is a precursor to vitamin A in your body. It also functions as an
antioxidant, helping to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps to maintain healthy red blood cells,
nerve function and cell membranes.
Other Benefits of Eggs

All eggs, whether organic or not, are a good source of protein, iron, riboflavin,
vitamin B-12, phosphorus and selenium. From one large egg you'll get 6 grams of
dietary protein. Your skin, muscles, glands and other organs require protein to
remain healthy. Growth and repair of cells also relies on amino acids found in
protein. Iron is essential for proper red cell production, oxygen transport and
preventing anemia. The B vitamins riboflavin and B-12 aid in DNA synthesis,
metabolism and maintenance of healthy red blood cells, eyes, skin, hair and nails.
The mineral phosphorus is needed to maintain strong bones and teeth, while
selenium is an antioxidant in the body that works with vitamin E.


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