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Please choose 

one of the topics below. Then,  write an essay consisting of 3 paragraph. Elaborate
your own opinion with the references related to the topic that you choose.

1. Indonesia has signed some Free trade agreement with some countries in Asia. Do you
think that this decision is beneficial for Indonesia economic? Explain your reason!
2. Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy.
Although it can have a negative impact on society it also can give benefit to some people.
Who are they? Why?

Jawaban :

1. The current era of globalization is a strategic momentum for the Indonesian nation to make
efforts to prepare for free trade with antidumping and other non-tariff policies as well as
implement tariff policies that are pro-SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) scale companies
and pay attention to the absorption of domestic labor. The points of thought as a direction for
trade work also contain this. Indonesia is in the line of optimism that it is able to take
advantage of the opportunity of free trade benefits with efforts to empower domestic products
and encourage Indonesian companies to compete in the domestic and global markets.

In the relationship between Indonesia and ASEAN regarding AFTA with major world
countries such as China, Korea, India, Australia and Japan. As we all know that what is meant
by free trade is the process of entering goods into the territory of a country that has entered
into a free trade agreement without being subject to the entry fees / taxes / additional fees that
were previously imposed before the free trade agreement. With the elimination of entry fees
for every item exported by the country that entered into the agreement to Indonesia as well as
every item exported by Indonesia to a country that agreed to a free trade agreement, it has a
positive and negative impact on Indonesia.

The positive impact of AFTA for Indonesia is that now Indonesian products can easily be in
the ASEAN region and AFTA participating countries, this certainly not only provides benefits
with the ease of international trade in the ASEAN region but will also spur creativity in
Indonesian entrepreneurs because the products of other countries in the ASEAN region and
AFTA participating countries will also flood the Indonesian market, so that Indonesian
business people are required to be able to increase their creativity. In addition, other positive
impacts are encouraging the country's economic growth, equitable distribution of people's
income, and national economic stability; adding the country's foreign exchange through
import duties and other costs on exports and imports; encouraging the advancement of
domestic science and technology, especially in the field of industrial sector with the
emergence of new technologies can help in producing more goods in a short time; through
imports, the needs within the country can be met; expanding employment and opportunities
for people to work; and finally strengthen fraternal relations and cooperation between
Daftar Pustaka

Direktorat Jenderal Kelembagaan IPTEK & Dikti. (2017). Memperbaiki Daya Saing Indonesia,
(Online), (
dayasaing-indonesia/), diakses 24 Mei 2017.

Lutfiyanto. (2014). Dampak Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia,

(Online), (
maka lah-perdagangan-bebas-asean/amp/), diakses 24 Juni 2017.

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