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My Pakistan: Next 75 years

Pakistan was a land of dreams and hopes, a land of new beginnings for our ancestors. Who laid
down crucial sacrifices for the creation of Pakistan. The father of the Nation, the founder of
Pakistan “ Quaid e Azam” visioned of Pakistan as a modern, democratic, educationally advanced
and a thriving country. Unfortunately the founder of the newly independent state was gone to soon
only after a year since the independence of Pakistan. Ever since it’s creation the Pakistani nation
and it’s political leaders are struggling to establish Pakistan as a politically and economically stable

Immediately after it’s creation Pakistan faced various problems including fallout between Pakistan
and India. The conflicts be that of the division of indus tributaries or the Kashmir issue between
the two newly neighboring countries sour the relations and set out the two of them to go on
immediate wars against each other.

The years from 1947-1958 are referred to as the teething years of Pakistan as new leaders appear
on the Pakistani political stage making efforts to make Pakistan a constitutional country. The
constituent assembly of Pakistan has framed three constitutions up till now while the first two
being abrogated which is referred as years of constitutional crisis in Pakistan. Abrogation of
constitutions led up to imposition of martial laws in Pakistan as each ended with severe and lasting

This year (2022) Pakistan will complete it’s Diamond Jubilee. Though Allah Almighty has
bestowed Pakistan with His utmost blessings as Pakistan will celebrate it’s 75 years of being
independent where initially the British as well a the Indians thought it would be unable to function
independently and will gradually merge with India.

However it is saddened to see Pakistani nation struggling with current political turmoil, economic
instability and social unrest. It has been 75 years since Pakistan came into being still the nation is
victim of serious and severe social problems including terrorism, inflation, poverty, political and
economic crisis. As technological globalization has brought the world together today the Pakistani
nation is well aware of what has been wrong with Pakistani political and economic system which
has caused chaos from decades. Pakistani nation is making efforts and hopes that soon Pakistan
will get it’s due stability and prosperity.

We hope that 75 years from now Pakistan will be a politically stable country. Today this political
instability has given rise to socio economic disruption. We hope that in next coming years political
parties forming government in Pakistan will formulate policies that will help Pakistan to grow and
will stabilize the political system of Pakistan. A proper democratic system will be observed in the
country where the elected government will fulfill it’s tenure of 5 years with sincerity.

Further the nation hopes in the next 75 years Pakistan will be economically independent and will
not face economic crisis like it is facing today. We hope the coming elected governments will
make up for their previous mistakes. They must work on labor and import/export policies that will
be beneficial for the country.

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