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Impact of French Revolution on Europe

Europe and Constitutional Monarchy

French Revolution put an end to absolute monarchies and feudalism. It promoted
rise of Republic Monarchies all around the Europe, a form of government where the
king or the queen has no right to pass legislation or to pass any law. Where functions
of government are done by elective representatives of the country.

Europe and Democracy

After the French Revolution the idea of Democracy – People’s government, heavily
influenced Europe. Democracy emphasized on power of people that how people can
rule themselves without a king or a queen. This idea was new for many European
countries as they had only experienced monarchic rule for centuries
The French Revolution promoted the growth of democracy within Europe. The
European society got awareness of the fact that they hold the power to overthrow
any unfair government if it didn’t provide or protect their rights.

Europe and Nationalism

The French Revolution brought an emphasis on Nationalism – the spirit to have love
and compassion for one’s country. It build love between people and the ethnicity
they belonged to. Now the loyalty of people to their Kings and Queens got replaced
by the love for their nationality or the country. French Revolution came up with life
liberty and sovereignty, the Europeans now seemed to understand how on the basis
of nationalism one could have their own sovereign states

Europe and Humanity

French Revolution with its Declaration of man and citizen rights brought awareness
and an emphasis on human rights. The European society learned about their natural
rights, their freedom of speech, their right to have sovereignty irrespective of any
authority, abolishing slavery and gave basic rights of woman as well. This later on

became the inspiration of many revolutionary ideas. Such as the Haitian revolution
was influenced by the French Revolution
Birth of Ideologies and inspiration for many Revolutions
It gave birth to Ideologies such as Nationalism, Liberalism, layed a groundwork for
Socialism and Communism.
It inspired many Revolutions such as Haitian revolution and Italian war of

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