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1.0. Submissions:
1.1. Deadline:
UNIFESP Article submissions for presentation are open from
1sh April 2017 until 1sh June 2017.

SPONSOR: 1.2. Who can sign up:

BLUCHER Postgraduate and undergraduate students, or people who
Conferences proceedings publication have taken any graduate degree.

1.3. Submission Rules:

1.3.1. It is necessary that the student is regularly
enrolled in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) and has
SOFIA.UNIFESP.INSCRICAO developed a research with results already to be
@GMAIL.COM presented. In the case of other people, who ones that
other questions:
have taken graduate degree and are not currently
@GMAIL.COM linked to any undergraduate or postgraduate program,
it is necessary they are currently linked to any HEI’s
group of studies.
GUARULHOS, 1.3.2. It is required that the author sends, along with
1SH APRIL 2017. the article, an institutional proof of active enrolment in
the HEI where he/she studies. For those who ONLY
have a link with some group of studies, it is necessary
to present a statement issued by the HEI, on letterhead
and signed by the person in charge, attesting
participation in the respective group of studies. In this
latter case, the researcher must have taken - at least -
12 months of participation in the respective group of
studies, having it as reference the publication date of this
call for papers.
1.3.3. The works must be sent respecting the deadline
established in item 1.1. of this call. Entries sent out of
this deadline or that do not meet ALL the conditions
of the items 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 will be disregarded
1.3.5. Only APPROVED articles can be present in the
SOFiA XI edition. Prior to approval, SOFiA will carry
out a first screening, in which it will evaluate the work
relevance with our scope of approach, the work quality
- which includes allegiance to EVERY rule of this call -
and its adherence to the set of thematic sessions,
which will be set up in view of the enrolled works. The
sessions have very LIMITED space. Moreover, enrolled
works also may be DENIED whether we evaluate the
IMPERTINENCE of the work/article with the SOFiA
aims or there is no adherence with other works that
we will approve for create thematic sessions.
1.3.6. The works do not necessarily have to be in the
Philosophy field, but they must take up a clear
philosophical approach.
1.3.7. It is unappealable the decision of SOFiA about
APPROVAL or REFUSAL (referring to the 1.3.5. item).
When someone submit its work to the XI SOFiA, it is
agreeing with ALL rules of this call and with the
unappealable SOFiA decision.
1.3.8. Each person can have its name listed in the
authorship of ONLY one work/article, either as an
author or as a co-author. It is not possible to
participate in SOFiA with more than one paper, either
as an author or as a co-author.

2.0. On articles:

2.1. Guideline for papers:
2.1.1. Title: it must have a maximum of 12 words
and be centralized, typed all in capital letters and
bolded in size 13;
2.1.2 Identification: It must be right below with full
name and institution, both in size 12. In footnote
must be your academic degree, besides email
address and funding agency of the research.
2.1.3. Abstract: The text must be preceded by
abstract typed ONLY in English, the Portuguese
version should not be placed. The abstract must
be PRECEDED by the English title of the work.
The abstract should contain between 400 and 500
words, neither more nor less. Right after, it must
there be five keywords separated by a period. It
should be typed in Word format, Times New
Roman style. However, specifically for the
abstract: it should be typed in size 12 with single
spacing 1.15, in SINGLE paragraph;
2.1.4. Number of pages: For the inscription, the
works must contain, at least, 10 pages and, at
most, 13 pages (already counting bibliography and
2.1.5. Format: The article can be typed in
Portuguese, English or Spanish. It must be entered
in the form of an academic ARTICLE, sent in Word
format. The text BODY must be typed with Times
New Roman style letters, spacing 1.5 and indenting
paragraph 1.5;
2.1.6. Quotes: It must be typed in Times New
Roman, single spacing 1.0, size 11, with indent 2.0.,
It must be typed in SINGLE PARAGRAPH apart
ONLY when it takes at least 5 lines. Quotations
with less than five lines have not to be separate
from paragraphs, they must be in a regular
paragraph and be highlighted by quotation marks.
ALL quotations must be made IN THE BODY of
the time, footnotes have not to be used, and it

must follow the following template (AUTHOR,
year, page), item 2.1.8;
2.1.7. Footnotes: it must be typed in Times New
Roman, single spacing 1.0, size 10.
2.1.8. References have to be cited throughout the
text according to the system (AUTHOR, date,
page), and presented in alphabetical order at the
end of the work, according to the APA or ABNT
/ NBR-6023 standards, and typed in size 12 With
1.0 single spacing.
2.1.9. Layout: Alignment: Justified; - Margins: Top:
3 cm; bottom: 2 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 2 cm. -
Paging: insert number of pages in the footer with
right side alignment;
2.1.10. The submitted articles will be published in
proceedings published by Blucher. Publication date
is until the first quarter of 2018.
2.11.11. The abstracts will be released during the
event in proceedings.

2.2. Presentation and publishing:

2.2.1. Presentation time: Each work will have 25
minutes for presentation. Next, 5 minutes will
take place for discussions, extendable for 5
minutes more.
2.2.2. Allowances: SOFiA will not be responsible
for sessions members' expenses who will present
their works. Therefore, all those who submitted
work will have to pay for their own costs, such as
travel and lodging, for example.
2.2.3. Permission for reproduction and copyright
transfer statement: When the article is submitted
to XI SOFiA, the author agrees to publish - the
same article sent - in XI SOFIA Proceedings, as
well as its abstract. Those who have their papers
approved MUST send a copyright transfer statement
for the publication in the SOFIA proceedings. The
deadline for the delivery of the copyright transfer

statement will be released together with the works
approved publication.
2.2.4. ISSN: SOFiA publications (with articles and
event abstracts) have ISSN. Besides, each paper
will be published by publisher Blucher with a Digital
Object Identifier (DOI) specified by International DOI

3.0. Where to submit:

3.1. Submissions are EXCLUSIVELY via email
3.2 The full name of the main author and
"enrolment" in parentheses must be on the subject
of the email message. Ex: John Elis Katter
(enrolment). Besides, the file with the article must
be named IN TINY with the surname arrived by
the name of the main author (ex: katter_john)
and must be sent in Word 2013 format or later.
Emails that do not have on your subject such a
structure will not be opened because they
are not considered submissions and,
therefore, will not be approved. The email address
at item 3.1. is EXCLUSIVE for inscriptions. If there
will have any question, they must be sent to
(, questions
that are sent to the email address for submissions
will not be answered. RATIFY: Entries that do not
follow the instructions described in this item will
not be approved, as they will not even be
considered a subscription.

4.0. Results:
The list of approved works will be announced at
most on 31sh July 2017 in order to be presented
in the XI SOFiA, it will be sent to the approved
email along with the acceptance letters.

5.0. Date and place of the event:

The XI SOFiA will be held on 18th September
2017 and 22nd September 2017 at the Federal
University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).

6.0. Honourable mention:

Each session will have a person responsible for
coordinating. This year, authors of the most
outstanding presentations will be awarded an
honourable mention.

7.0. Omitted cases:

Facts that do not appear in this public call will be analysed
and deliberated in an irrevocable manner by the
organization of the XI SOFiA.

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