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SER 320


Center of Gravity

Name: Bailey, Alyssa, Yaron, & Lindsey Score:


The Center of Gravity (COG) is the point at which an object could be theoretically
suspended and not rotate in any direction. It is the same as the center of mass. The
position of COG changes whenever the body position changes. This has important
implications for both static posture and movement of any kind. When standing, women’s
COG tends to be about 55% of their height (Hillebrendt, 1942) and men’s COG is about
56.18% of their height (Croskey et al, 1922).

Each body segment has mass which may be used to your advantage when performing an
exercise or skill. If you optimize the use of biomechanical concepts such as the stress reflex
and conservation (and transfer) of momentum, you can improve your performance on
numerous skills.


Part I Reaction Board Part 2 Tape
Scale Tape Measure
Tape Measure

Fs – force read at the scale; upward force applied to the board by
the scale
Wtbody – weight of the body acting downward at the center of
mass of the body
Wtboard – weight of the board acting downward at the center of
the board
Lb – length of the board
Lcg – distance of the center of gravity of the body to the dorsum
of the feet




Part 1: Lb
COG – Reaction Board Method

This test will use the principle of levers and rotary motion to determine the height of your
COG (along vertical axis). For equilibrium to exist, the counterclockwise torques must
equal the clockwise torques.

Set Up of Reaction Board

a. See figure for Reaction Board.
b. The board must be supported at both ends (at one end by the platform of
a weight scale and at the other end by a board).
c. One knife edge of the reaction board should be centered on the platform
of the weight scale and the other should be centered on the wooden
d. The surface of the reaction board must be level.
e. The reaction board must support the subjects’ weight without
appreciably bowing or breaking.
f. Weigh each subject in metric units as accurately as possible on a
calibrated scale. Each subject should be wearing only shorts and tank
g. Accurately measure the height of each subject using the metric system.
h. Position one knife edge of the reaction board on center of the scale and
the other on the center of the supporting wooden block.
i. Prior to getting a subject’s weight on the reaction board, have him/her
straddle the reaction board and lower his/ her body gently onto the
j. Once a subject is on the reaction board, have him/her assume a
stationary anatomical position with the hands at the sides of his/her body
and the dorsum of the feet perpendicular to the floor and coplanar with
the vertical surface of the knife edge.
k. Accurately weigh each subject on the reaction board in metric units.
l. Each student is responsible for calculating his/her own center of mass
l. Each student is responsible for calculating his/her own percentage of
total body height that the location of the center of gravity of the body is
from the dorsum of the feet.

Data Collection:

Body Weight 81.8 (w) kg Height (h) 177.8 cm

Length of board between supports (Lb) 205.74 cm

The board should be supported at one end by a wood block (axis) and the other end
should rest on the scale.

Weight of board in the horizontal position (Wtb) 22 pounds; 10 kgs

Weight of the person while on the board (p1) = r1 124 pounds; 56.4 kgs

Weight of the person while on the board alone (r1 -Wtb) = 102 pounds; 46 kgs

Now have the subject lie barefoot and supine on the board with heels against the
footrest (feet are away from scale) and arms abducted above their head.

Weight observed with the person lying on the board (r2) 130.5 pounds; 59 kgs

Weight of person while on the board (p2) = r2 ___________________ pounds; _____49_____kgs

Weight of the person while on the board alone (r2 -Wtb) = 108.5 pounds; 49 kgs
Now have the subject lie in a position of your choice:

Describe: plank position

Weight observed with the person lying on the board (r3) 116 pounds; 52.7 kgs

Weight of person while on the board (p3) = r3 ______ pounds; ______kgs

Weight of the person while on the board alone (r3 -Wtb) = 94 pounds; 47.7 kgs

No rotation was occurring, so clockwise and counterclockwise torques must be


p x Lb = w x d

In this equation, (p x Lb) is the reaction force provided by the scale multiplied by the length
of the board (counterclockwise torque). The second part, (w x d) is the weight of the
person multiplied by the lever arm, which is the distance of the person’s COG from the axis.
You should realize that (d) will equal the height of the person’s COG. Calculate the Center
of Gravity for all 3 scenarios.

Solve for (d). p x Lb = w x d so, d = p x Lb = ___________________x____________________


d1 = 141.8 cm d2 = 123.2 cm d3 = 120 cm

NOTE: since the axis is not at the base of the feet, add 12 inches (distance from axis to
foot plate) to the final distances.

1. For each scenario, what is the location of your COG as a percentage of your height?

(d1/h) x 100 = 79.8 %

(d2/h) x 100 = 69.3 %
(d3/h) x 100 = 67.5 %

2. When in anatomical position on the board, how does your COG compare to the
average female/male? Is your COG different than the average female/male? If so,
briefly explain why this might be.

When in an anatomical position on the board the COG is going to be a little different for
females and males. This is because a womens pelvis is larger and broader than a males,
making the COG a little lower. My COG could be different from the average female because I
am shorter so it will be proportioned a little differently.
3. Measure from the floor to the height of your COG on your body. Describe the
location of each COG.

COG Location COG Description

Anatomical Position (d1)

approx 3 inches above belly button

Arms Above Head (d2)

lower back
plank position (d3)

4. Was the vertical height of the three COG calculations different? If so, explain
why this occurred.

The vertical height of the three centers of gravities were different. This occurred
because of the changing in position. With each change in position COG then changes
with it. When the subject was positioned in a plank position with arms underneath his
COG was measured at the lower back which seems accurate based on the positioning.
when arms were raised over the head center of gravity lowered from anatomical
position (even though this COG seemed high) because of the arms being raised rather
from at the sides.

Part 2:
Segmental Masses in Motion

Vertical Jump
Stand so that your right side is facing your lab partner(s). Crouch and then jump as high as
possible while keeping your arms on your hips. That is, do not use your arms to jump.
Then, repeat the jump, but this time, swing your arms vigorously upward when you jump.
Record your observations.
1. Which jump produced the highest vertical distance? Why would this occur?

The second jump with swinging your arms produced the highest jump. This would
occur because you get more momentum up from swinging your arms upwards rather
than hands on hips, which produces no momentum up.

2. Examine the concept of angular momentum and explain why there was a
difference in these two jumps.

Angular momentum (=mvr), is the momentum of an object that is not moving on a

single plane, it uses the radius of the motion to determine how much momentum is
added to the motion. In the first motion, no arm movement, there was no momentum
added due to the arms. But in the second motion, the arms swinging, the jumper is
propelled up higher than in the first jump because there was additional momentum
added to the jump.

Long Jump
Place both feet behind a piece of tape. Crouch, swing arms vigorously and jump as far as
possible. Take one or two practice jumps before recording your data. Record the distance
from the back edge of the starting tape to the back of the heel landing closest to the start
tape. Then, repeat the jump, but this time keep your arms straight out in front of you the
entire trial. Record your data below. Lastly, repeat the normal jump while holding
lightweight kettle bells (5 or 10 lbs).

Normal Long Jump: 234 cm

Jump with Arms in Front: 214 cm
KettleBell jump: 190 cm

Consider that a person with better neuromuscular coordination will likely be better at
transferring momentum.

1. Explain the differences in the 3 distances. Be sure to address why there were

The normal long jump was the highest but he was in proper form so he got further and
he could generate more momentum forward with his arms. Also there were weights
added and different forms. With his arms stationary in front of him, he was unable to
get any additional momentum like he did in the first jump. Then with the added weight
of the kettlebell his mass increased and velocity decreased.

2. For the normal jump, describe how the COG moved during the preparation phase,
point of take-off, and landing. Consider both the height of the COG and its
movement in the sagittal plane.

In the preparation phase, when he is getting into a low/ready position, the center of gravity is
below the normal center of gravity and back a little because his arms are swung back. At the
point of take-off, when his knees are extended and the arms are up and forward, the center of
gravity is above where it normally would be and most likely forward a little due to the
forward movement of the arms. In the landing phase, he is back into a similar position as the
preparation phase so that he can take the force of the landing, so his center of gravity would
be in a similar position, lower than normal but slightly more forward position because the
arms are not behind the abdomen. With respect to the sagittal plane, the center of gravity
does not experience much change. In the first jump it would experience the most change to
the center of gravity in this way but the jumper kept limb movements minimum. In the second
and third jump there was practically none because the arms were in a fixed position.

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