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Câu 1:  


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I
thought Archie __________________ (leave) but in fact he was in the cafeteria.

2. Who is expected __________________ (win) the next election?

3. The meeting __________________ (finish) by 4.30 so give me a ring then.

4. He admitted __________________ (steal) the painting after the police arrested


5. The examiner asked me why I __________________ (chose) to learn English.

6. How long __________________ (you want) to be an astronaut?

7. My niece __________________ (can) talk until she was two.

8. You __________________ (earn) a lot more money this time next year.

Phần trả lời:  Câu 2:  PART 2:


Read the text.



In my job people either come to me or I go to them. This is because most of my
clients are working full time and only have the evenings or weekends free. We
usually spend a few hours going through money matters and then I work out with
the client how best their money can be invested and how to plan for their
retirements. I give advice on anything from pension funds to taking equity out of
property. In short what I’m doing is advising people how to make their money
work for them and provide them with a secure future.
The people who usually consult me are often desperate to find a way out of a very
difficult and traumatic situation. These days I’m seeing more and more people
who have overreached themselves and been tempted by easy credit. They can’t
see a way forward and that’s where I come in. My job often involves reassuring
people that there are ways out of their problems. However, in the course of my
work I also encounter people whose lives revolve around spending money that
they haven’t got and who are neither willing nor able to change their ways.

I work in partnership with two other people and we are always extremely busy!
We mainly deal with small businesses or individuals who need help with their
taxes. We calculate their profits (or losses) and advise on what expenses they can
claim for. Some forms they have to complete look quite complex but for people
with our experience they’re really quite straightforward. Some of our clients think
we should be able to save them enormous amounts of money but we’re certainly
not miracle workers!

In my opinion the economy is a fascinating subject and I try to pass this on to my
students. It’s such a wide subject. There are so many influences you have to
consider and a successful economist must be familiar with all the markets and
current trends. As we’ve seen recently with unstable stock markets world wide,
predicting how an economy is going to do is almost impossible because of all the
contributory factors. Friends often ask for advice on what shares to buy or sell but
unfortunately there are no guarantees in my business and it’s always a big risk!

Complete the sentences with the correct person A–D.

1. _______ is a teacher.

2. _______ thinks his subject is not straightforward.

3. _______ doesn’t work office hours.

4. _______ has some clients that do not take his advice.

5. _______ doesn’t always do what his clients expect.

Phần trả lời:  Câu 3:  PART 3:

Write a description of one of your neighbours. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say who the person is and how you know him/her.

Paragraph 2: Write about the person’s physical appearance.

Paragraph 3: Write about this person’s personality.

Paragraph 4: Write about any special abilities this person may have and say why
he/she is an interesting person to know.
Phần trả lời:

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