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1. What leadership skill does Airiel use in handling the problem? Explain your
answer in detail.
- Airiel employs transactional leadership, which is based on a system of
communication between the leader and each employee, in which the
employees are rewarded for achieving specified objectives. This talent
entails motivating and leading subordinates primarily by appealing to their
self-interest, which comes from their formal power and duty in the
- He creates an environment where subordinates have many opportunities
to make decisions and surrender duties, and he avoids making decisions
because he is focused on the results, adheres to the established
organisational structure, and measures performance using the company's
rewards system.
- Hence, he approaches his members, solicits their feedback, and works
collaboratively to resolve the problem. His method aids in achieving a
positive result and increasing their drive.

2. Do you think Sarah’s problem can be resolved? What should her boss do
after getting to know about this situation?
- Yes, with the support of the boss and the organisation, the problem can be
solved. With professional coaching and attendance at a workshop, she
can improve and train her unprofessional attitude. This is due to the fact
that a workshop can assist her to learn their abilities and apply them in her
professional life since she is a great sales representative.
- Sarah's supervisor can also assist her by demonstrating idealised
influence. The employer can instil new ideals in her through words and
actions, as well as set an example for her to emulate.
- Thus, the boss's involvement is critical in resolving Sarah's issue. Sarah
can also improve herself and learn new talents through her work.
3. Based on the situations above, which leader would you choose to work with?
Trait theory, leadership core traits.
- I would choose Airiel because he has excellent leadership qualities. This is
because he is driven by achievement and has a strong desire to lead. It is
evident when he approaches the team members to seek their feedback on
how to fix the bakery's issues. His initiative assists them in coming up with
a reasonable answer while maintaining their productivity.
- Based on his approach, he appears to be a trustworthy leader. His
approach to problem-solving creates a positive atmosphere in the bakery
and boosts employee motivation. He is also a personable manager who is
trustworthy, builds trust among his people, and fosters the development of
new abilities.
- To conclude, Airiel is the ideal person to work with because he is prone to
transactional leadership. I am firm with my decision because he instils a
feeling of justice in the organisation by taking the time to listen to team
members' perspectives on how to solve their problems.

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