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Student ID: BTM22020013



1. In your opinion, what would have happened to Alans’s performance if he had not quit his
According to the case study, Alan's performance will deteriorate if he does not
quit his job. Based on the relationship between stress levels and job performance, it
shows that a high level of stress results in low job performance. This is because stress
contributes to decreased performance, a high error rate, and poor work quality.
Furthermore, it may have an impact on his health issues such as anxiety, emotional
disorder, and depression. For example, Alan was under a lot of stress and nearly
committed suicide after he forced himself to persevere under the job burden that he had
to take over after his manager. Following that, he felt immense pressure and struggled
alone because no one in his department assisted him. Furthermore, when he attempted
to resolve or discuss the arising matter about him with the director, the director did not
even assist by postponing their scheduled meeting. As a result, he was upset and
disappointed because the work he had done seemed unappreciated. Therefore, quitting
his job is the best decision for him, especially in terms of his health.

2. Suggest five ways Alan could have used to cope with his stress.
Alan has a few options for dealing with and managing his stress. The first thing to
do is manage the time. Time management is essential for having a productive day and
completing tasks on time. This method can be used by creating a commotion list,
beginning with an important, urgent task and ending with a scheduled activity. This
method should be used by determining the individual's most productive time and
completing the most difficult task during that time.
Next, Alan can relieve stress by engaging in physical activity. Almost any type of
exercise or movement can improve fitness while reducing stress. Physical exercises
should be chosen based on personal interest. For example, if Alan enjoys swimming, he
should swim to relieve stress. Walking, stair climbing, jogging, cycling, yoga, gardening,
dancing, and weightlifting are some other activities. Regular physical exercise can also
help to increase heart capacity and provide a mental diversion from work pressure.
Furthermore, relaxation training is an excellent way for Alan to manage his
stress. This training can help to create a reservoir of calm to draw from when needed.
Meditation and yoga are two relaxation techniques that can help reduce stress. These
activities help to relax the mind and body by isolating the trainer from the job task and
stressful world. As a result, Alan has peace of mind and understands how to control his
Moreover, expanding social networks, such as socialising with friends, family,
and coworkers, helps to reduce stress and tension. It is beneficial to communicate with
them and share the burden and pressure. Despite they do not understand or stand in the
same position, it is better to let them know and talk compare to bottling up and keeping
the tension alone. Emotional support is a critical protective factor in dealing with life's
challenges. Meanwhile, loneliness has been linked to a variety of health issues, including
high blood pressure, weakened immunity, and cognitive decline. Thus, it is advised that
an individual, such as Alan, broaden their social network.
Finally, organisational approaches are appropriate for upper management to
implement or are requested personally by the individual. It is a personnel selection and
placement service. For example, human resources should hire someone who is qualified
for the management position. To have better performance and great teamwork with a
good leader, it is necessary to hire a worker who is capable of doing so. This approach
can then be trained because it helps to educate employees and prepare them with the
necessary skills. The future of the company can be predicted with training and skills, as
well as having a healthy environment in the office. A great leader is required to lead,
assist, and train coworkers to be better. Therefore, organisational approaches are
required, particularly for management in charge of and leading the team. Like Alan, he is
willing to discuss his problem with the director, however, the director keeps postponing
their meeting. It is a good approach chosen by Alan to cope with his stress.
3. Discuss Five Organizational factors that can lead to stress.

Organizational factors may cause stress. To begin, the environment may have an
impact on mental health. Economic uncertainty is one of the environmental factors that
affects job security. A city or country that encounters this factor may experience job
stress as a result of insecurity about their position. The security will affect one's mind
because it will put pressure on them to wonder if they will still have the job they have
now in the future. Following that, a political issue that arises in every country is
relatable. Every nation desires a stable government with well-defined policies.
Nonetheless, almost all countries in the country are dealing with the same problem,
which is a political one. The issues that arise are constant and have never been resolved
as a result of empowerment.

Next, one of the sources of stress is an organisational factor. It occurred when the
task, role, and interpersonal interactions were required. A difficult task, for example, is
frequently applied to a person's job. An abundance of tasks in a single capacity, for
example, may cause employees anxiety and stress. It happened in the workplace because
a difficult task can be a burden for someone who knows he or she is incapable of
handling or performing the task. Hence, if they are being judged or scolded for their
work performance, they experience anxiety and stress.

Individual factors are also one of the sources of stress. This factor is usually
caused by family issues. It is primarily an argument between family members. The next
major source of stress for an employee is personal economic problems, such as the
financial burden of repaying bank instalments and the like. Individual factors also
include personality issues, which are most likely influenced by the individual personality
that develops over time. This factor will have an impact not only on the team but also on
the organisation, as one person's behaviour can cause distress for others. To avoid stress
and poor job performance, an individual or a company's employees should avoid
individual factors and the upper management should take care of this matter by training
and provide them with a consultation session.

Furthermore, individual differences in perception, experience, and personality are

among the factors that contribute to workplace stress. This issue arises because everyone
in the organisation has different preferences and perceptions that may clash. Hence , it
may result in an argument, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation. Some employees
may interpret the situation positively, while others may interpret it negatively. In terms
of experience, the older colleague may experience less stress while performing the task
assigned, whereas the new employee with less experience may encounter problems and
stress due to a lack of knowledge or expertise in performing their job. As a result, Alan is
one of the factors that contribute to organisational stress. He faced stress and problems
after the manager left, and he was forced to take over the position and manage the work
despite having less experience than the manager himself.

Finally, the company's organisational culture may cause stress among its
employees. Stress can be caused by a lack of support in the organisation because it is
human nature to seek support and compliments in order to boost and improve one's
performance. Employees can have the energy and a good environment in the office with
support to perform and complete their tasks completely. Next, one of the organisational
cultures that should be changed and improved is poor management. Putting it into
practice can help to meet job demands and foster a better working environment. Hence,
having a good culture in an organisation is important because it will help with the
business outcome as well as great teamwork to have a better future.

It is critical for an organisation, particularly upper management, to understand the

sources of stress and poor performance in their organisation. The revelation will assist
them in improving and changing for the better.

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