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Meaning of Physical Education

Physical Education-is an integral part of an educational program designed to promote

the optimum development of the individual physically, socially (morally), emotionally and
mentally through the total body movement in the performance of properly selected
physical activities (Andin, 1988).
Functions of Physical Education
a. Biological Function- refers to the enhancement of the individual growth and
development through body movement.
b. Integrative Function- refers to personality integration achieved through participation
in properly selected physical education activities. It provides relaxation and relief from
strains and tensions provide opportunities for socialization, as well as the development
of the mental capacities of the individual.
c. Social Function-refers to the transmission of values and standards that is consistent
with the needs and ideals of the society.

Objectives of Physical Education

a. Physical Development- an individual who participates actively in different carefully
selected physical education activities, develop and maintains good health and high level
of physical fitness.
b. Social Development-provides opportunities for the development of the desirable
social traits needed for adjustments to the social life in general. Some traits are:
cooperation, friendliness, good leadership, honesty in group competition and respect for
the rights of others.
c. Emotional Development- offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional
mastery. Examples of these emotional traits are: self-confidence, self-control, courage
and determination.
d. Mental Development- it provides opportunities for individual to develop his mental
capacities as he learn and understand the rules and strategies of game and sports and
as he discovers ways of improving his movements in the given physical activity.

Major Goal of Physical Education

Fitness is the major goal of physical education. In Physical education, the concept of
fitness has implication to physical, social, emotional and mental well-being. Considering
the 4 aspects, it can be said that fitness is the ability to live a healthy, satisfying and
useful life.
Importance of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness provides strong bones and muscle, leads to better health and well-
being, prevents various health problems, reduces stress, tension, chances of being
depressed and improves a better quality of life.

Components of Physical Fitness

a. Health-Related Fitness- It is characterized by moderate and regular physical activity.
It is generally designed for the masses that are unwilling to exercise at high intensities.
Health-related fitness activities can be integrated into regular everyday activities that are
characterized as lifetime activities.
b. Skill-Related Fitness( Sports/Motor Skills) - It is more associated with performance.
People who possess them find it easy to achieve high levels of performance in motor
skills, such as those required in sports. It includes the health-related components, but
includes additional components that are somewhat related to genetic factors. This is the
right choice for people who can perform at high level intensity.

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