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`Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

First Semester

Name: _______________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________

Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given statement.
1. BMI is a measure of body mass based on height and weight that aid in
determining weight categories. BMI stands for.
A. Body Mass Identity
B. Body Master Identity
C. Body Massive Index
D. None of the Mention

2. What is TRUE about PAR-Q?

A. Identifies history for chronic medical conditions
B. Evaluates one’s history for medical conditions such as heart diseases, hypertension,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes mellitus
C. When all questions are answered YES; putting an individual at high risk.
D. All of the mention

3. Its purpose is to test for Cardiovascular Endurance level based on how quickly your heart rate will
come back down after a physical activity.
A. Curl- up
B. 3-minute step test
C. Zipper test
D. Sit and reach

4. This physical fitness test measures the strength and endurance of the upper arm muscles.
A. 90 degree push up
B. Curl- up
C. Zipper test
D. None of the mention13

5. Fitness level assessment determines the current health status of an individual and so, HRF stands
A. Health Relationship Fit
B. Health Related Fitness
C. Healthy Relationship for Life
D. None of the mention6. What is the best description about lifestyle?
6. What does F.I.T.T. Principle stand for?
A. Fast – Improvement – Training –Tips
B. Fitness- Impact – Training – Target
C. Fitness – Is – Too – Tough
D. Frequency – Intensity – Time –Type

7. What does the question, “How long do you exercise?” refer to?
A. Frequency
`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

B. Intensity
C. Time
D. Type

8. What does the question, “How hard do you exercise?” refer to?
A. Frequency
B. Intensity
C. Time
D. Type

9. What does the question, “How often do you exercise?” refer to?
A. Frequency
B. Intensity
C. Time
D. Type

10. In order to experience progression, you must gradually add intensity to ______ the body.
A. Fatigue
B. Relax
C. Overload
D. Exhaust

11. A muscle forced to operate beyond its customary intensity by increasing the load refers to_____.
A. Frequency
B. Progression
C. Specificity
D. Overload

12. Exercising a particular muscle for a certain task refers to ______.

A. Training
B. Specificity
C. Overload
D. Progression
13. Sports training should be adjusted according to each athlete’s characteristics and needs, such as
age, gender, rate of progress, and previous experience.
A. Overload Principle
C. Reversibility Principle
B. Individualization Principle
D. Recovery Principle

14. What is the most accurate way to figure out an athlete’s aerobic capacity?
A. Expensive laboratory tests
B. Ask them – They know their body better than anyone else
C. If they are only capable of talking in short sentences
D. How hard they are breathing

15. Rodrigo wants to build his muscles. What should he do?

A. Strength Training
`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

C. Do Aerobic exercise
B. Eat More Dairy
D. Sleep more

16. This refers to the excessive loss of water from the body, usually through
perspiration or sweating, urination, or evaporation.
A. Dehydration
B. Overexertion
C. Hypothermia
D. Hyperthermia

17. This refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training.

A. Dehydration
B. Overexertion
C. Hypothermia
D. Hyperthermia

18. This is an alarming rise in body temperature, which is an effect of exercising in a very humid
environment? It sets the stage for heat stress and even heat stroke, the potentially fatal collapse of the
temperature-regulating mechanism.
A. Dehydration
B. Overexertion
C. Hypothermia
D. Hyperthermia

19. Excessively low body temperature, characterized by uncontrollable shivering, loss of

coordination, and mental confusion.
A. Dehydration
B. Overexertion
C. Hypothermia
D. Hyperthermia

20. Which of the following is NOT one of the symptoms of Hyperthermia?

A. Heat Cramps
B. Heat exhaustion
C. Heatstroke
D. Shivering

21. When is the advisable time to replenish lost fluids?

A. After Exercise
B. If feeling thirsty
C. Before feeling thirsty
D. None of the Above

22. Why does overexertion or overtraining usually happens to athletes or exercisers?

A. Pursuit of high-level performance
B. For fame
C. To lose weight rapidly
D. To achieve the ideal body structure
`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

23. What is the best thing that we should remember to avoid hyperthermia?
A. Minimal Hydration
B. Use dark colored clothing
C. Exercise in extremely heat and humidity
D. Rest Periodically

24. Which of the following points do we need to consider in preparation for any outdoor physical
A. Use sunscreen.
B. Eat and hydrate well
C. know the environment well.
D. All of the Above

25. What does MVPA stand for?

A. Minimal and Vigorous Physical Activity
B. Maximum to Vigorous Physical Activity
C. Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity
D. Medial and Vivid Physical Activity

26. When inside the gym, what manners should be observed appropriately?
A. Hugging the equipment
B. Returning the dumbbell after use
C. Walking without a shirt
D. Wearing slippers

27. A playing court should be

A. Clean and safe
B. Dirty
C. New
D. Slippery

28. A wooden or metal railing inside a dance studio is called

A. Barres
B. Beam
C. Swing
D. Tube
29. Wiping the wet floor in a court, gym or dance studio is for the avoidance of
A. Equipment damage
B. Injury
C. Leak
D. Waste
30. The following are likely the outcome of breaking gym rules, except
A. Conflict
B. Discount
C. Distrust
D. Scuffle

31. Chitchatting inside the gym helps muscle buildup.

`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

A. False
B. Maybe
C. True
D. Somewhat

32. All are gym etiquette, EXCEPT.

A. Resting
B. Taking selfie
C. Using earphones
D. Wearing shoes

33. Leaving the weights anywhere can cause

A. Burns
B. Gains
C. Injury/accident
D. Trust

34. Shouting and grunting inside the gym can

A. Distract other people
C. Help other gain strength
B. Caused injury
D. Loss weight

35. Used supplies and equipment such empty water bottles should be thrown in
A. Lockers
B. Machine Weights
C. Trash bins
D. Treadmill

36. What is the usual objective of the event organizers in organizing health-related events?
A. For awareness about health issues and encouragement on active
B. For enjoyment
C. For recreation.
D. To raise funds for awareness about health issues.

37. These are usually 1-day events that focuses on running various distances (i.e., 3k, 5k, 10k, or
A. Dance events, competitions, or marathons.
B. Fun runs
C. School, club, community, or company events.
D. Sports Tournaments

38. These are short-course sports programs catering to school children.

A. Dance events, competitions, or marathons.
B. Fun runs
C. School, club, community, or company events.
D. Summer sports clinic
39. These are events that are organized by schools, clubs, communities and
`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

companies for specific purposes.

A. Dance events, competitions, or marathons.
B. Fun runs
C. School, club, community, or company events.
D. Sports Tournaments

40. These are usually lecture-based events that cover topics discussed with an audience.
A. Fun runs
B. Outdoor recreation events
C. Summer sports clinics
D. Talks, seminars, or conferences

41. An annual multi-sport event involving student-athletes from 17 regions of the Philippines.
B. Palarong Pambansa
C. School Sports Intramurals

42. These are specialized events that target sports enthusiasts and athletes.
A. Fun runs
B. Outdoor recreation events
C. Summer sports clinics
D. Talks, seminars, or conferences

43. How can participation in different health- and fitness-related events improve one’s total
A. He or she can elevate his/her participation by joining events that promotes health and
B. He or she can learn more about different health concerns such as diabetes, obesity,
nutrition, smoking and other more.
C. Participation in different health- and fitness-related events.
D. All of the above.
44. In choosing a fitness event to participate in, what should one, need to consider?
A. Equipment
B. Friends
C. Interests and preferences
D. All of these.

45. The most common sports competitions for students in school.

A. District Meet
B. Intramurals
C. Palarong Pambansa
D. Regional Meet

46. These are usually lecture-based events that cover topics discussed with an audience.
A. Fun runs
B. Outdoor recreation events
C. Summer sports clinics
D. Talks, seminars, or conferences
`Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Matalino St., D.M. Government Center
Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)

47. These are events that are organized by schools, clubs, communities and
companies for specific purposes.
A. Fun runs
B. School, club, community, or company events.
C. Sports tournament
D. Summer sports clinics

48. These are short-course sports programs catering to school children.

A. Fun runs
B. Dance events, competitions, or marathons.
C. Summer sports clinics
D. Sports Tournament

49. These are usually 1-day events that focuses on running various distances (i.e., 3k, 5k, 10k, or
A. Fun runs
B. Dance events, competitions, or marathons.
C. School, club, community, or company events.
D. Sports Tournaments

50. What is the usual objective of the event organizers in organizing health-related events?
A. For enjoyment.
B. For recreation.
C. To raise funds for awareness about health issues.
D. For awareness about health issues and encouragement on active lifestyle.

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