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English Notes

B.A. Programme - 3rd Year

Prepared By: Sartaz Sir

(University of Delhi)
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A- Literature:
1 Five short question bearing 2 marks each – words - 30-50
2 Semi long two question of 5 marks each [2x5=10]

B- Reading skill - unseen passage = 15
( Que & ans – word/similar/opposites)

C- Grammar
1 Phrases / idioms: Fill in the blanks using in sentences-5

2 Bring out the difference from the words- 10
Based on book
3 Prepositions
4 Determiners

5 Pronouns

6 Connectors
[Note: 3 to 6 carry 30 marks]

D- Writing skill – 20
1 Description

2 Letter
3 Ten question

4 Paragraph

[Note: 1 & 2 carry 10 marks and 3 & 4 carry 10 marks and based on

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Learning to write, Free writing

Short Que. (30-50) words

Q.1 What do you understand by ‘free writing’? Is it easier than writing

for exams?

Ans. Free writing means to talk the pen and paper and start writing for
ourself. It does not require the neatness, correctness politeness,
spellings and grammar. As there are our own thoughts, so there is no
fear that others will read it.
Free writing is easier than writing for exams because there is
requirement of correct grammar, spellings and patterns when we write

for exams.

Q.2 What happens when we start writing for ourself?

Ans. In the starting, se think that we know our feelings ideas and

subject. But when we sit down to write, then we realize that we are

confused in our thoughts. We are confused whence we should start,

what we should write, how we should write.

Q.3 What is the attitude of the teachers towards teaching the


students about writing?

Ans. In schools and colleges, the teachers are indifferent to teach

writing. They think that their duty is to check the answers and give

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them grades. In fact, the teachers should give the student a great space
of time and mistakes for teaching them good writing.

Q.4 Why do the recruitment agencies prefer the applicants? Write
essay in their own hand writing?

Ans. It is believed that hand writing is the mirror of one’s character. It

reveals one’s true personality traits, sincerity commitment, attitude
and social responsibility. Therefore the recruitment agencies prefer

that the applicants should write an essay in their own handwriting.

Q.5 What is the finished product in writing? How can this skill

Ans. The answers which are written for the terminal papers and exams,
essays for placements or admissions, or articles for publication etc. are
the finished product because this written materials is for others. This
skill can be attained after of practice.

Q.6 What are the by-products of teaching and learning situation?


What is its base?

Listening and speaking are the by-products of the teaching and learning

situation. There is also a global demand for the oral skill. The speaking
is finding its place in the curriculum. In spite of it writing is the base and

first requirement of these by-products.


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Unit- 2

Learning can be fun
Q.1 Do you agree with the authors that learning is different from
acquiring information? What is the difference?

Ans. I agree with the author the learning is different from acquiring

information. Acquiring information means to hear or listen from others
without having any personal experience. On the other hand, learning
means to get knowledge and ability by having personal experience.

Q.2 Why is the process of learning more important than the end
result? What are the different steps of the process?
Ans. The process of learning makes us able to achieve deep knowledge
while the end result is like a finished product which does not help to

learn. So, the process of learning is more important than the end result.

The different steps of process of learning are i.e. acquiring knowledge

by living in the family, society, watching others to do something and

then try to do it by ourselves.

Q.3 ‘Making a mistake is a natural’ part of learning . Do you agree?


Then why are we so afraid of making mistakes?


Ans. The teacher, who taught us maths, was very strict and cruel. He
did labor on the blackboard in teaching the subject, but he used to get
irritated and furious whenever somebody(student) would ask him to
clear the concept again. He would beat the student with a stick
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mercilessly. He would beat so hard that other students were frightened

and never dare to ask again.

As the topics of maths were new for me, so I was not doing good in the
subject. Mostly numerical went above my head. Because of the fear of
teachers cruelities, I could not ask him to teach me again. So I kept
pushing myself behind in the subject. I could not complete my

homework. For that I was beaten several time by the teacher. The
maths became enemy for me whenever I opened my maths book,I was

bored. Whenever the period of maths came my heart would start
beating fast. I used to pray to the god that either the teacher should die

or met some accident so that he might not come into the class. Infact it
was the most difficult time for me in the school.

I told my problem to parents hesitantly. They arranged a tuition for the


maths. The tutor was also careless person. He never taught me what I
wanted to read. So the study of school and of the tuition went separate

way. The burden of homework increased because I had to do. I agree to

the idea that making a mistake is a natural part of learning. Nobody can

escape from the mistakes.


It is seen in schools and colleges that the teachers, punish and

humiliate the student if they make mistakes. Therefore we are afraid of

making mistakes.

Q.4 If student makes a mistake, what should be the response if (1) the
teacher (2) and other student in the class?

Ans. If a student makes a mistake, the teacher should correct the error
and make the student
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encouraged instead of humiliating. The other students should learn

from that mistake instead of making fun and laughing.

Q.5 Recall your childhood and write a brief account of the most
difficult thing you had to do in school?

Ans. I remember the days when I was a student of 6th class. I had
passed the primary education and entered the middle class education.

As I had got first position in the 5th class, so I was very excited in the
next class . Now I had to read 7 subjects i.e. English, Hindi, Maths,

Science, Social Science, Sanskrit and Drawing. The algebra in maths was
a new thing for me. Though I was good in other subject, but maths
became a problem for me the work for tuition also. He never tried to
make my base strong in the maths. So I remained student in the maths

and got very poor grade.


Q.6 Write a short essay (about 250-300) words on our education

system and how it can be improve?

Ans. Our education system is infact faculty which imphasises on the


eramming system instead of learning. The teachers give information

and the students cram these informations.

In school and college, a school is forced four and more subject to

is considered that a student can became educated only after reading

many subjects. It is seem that a student is best only in one or two
subject while poor or average in other subjects. But he is

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companed to read and pass them. He is not declared passed until he

qualifies all subject. So his talent in the subject in which he is best, keep
diminishing only to qualify the uninterested subject.

Students are never taught how to write answers. The teachers are

confined to check the grammatical error and grading the writing.

The students are left on their own what to put the thought in the essay
or other answers.

Many subjects which are taught, have no link with the life. After all

what is the use for a ten years old child to teach him about the location
of pacific ocean . If he is interested in this line, he will develop his talent
on his own later. Infact our education system is producing poor

administrators unable managers idiot leaders and corrupt clerks.

If we want to get the real benefit of education there must be big

change in the education system. Instead of teaching a student many

subjects, only such subjects should be taught in which he is interested


and can perform well. It is the duty of the teachers at school levels that
they find out of the talents of the student and develop them.

There should be discussion at higher level how to remove the cramming

system and how the real learning can take place. There must be

practical learning. The education may not became a burden, such

policies should be made that the students may take it as a pleasing


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Billy Elliot is my story, only less happy

Question. Conduct and write out an interview with a person you
like/admire in your college. (Union president/sports
captain/teacher)or your neighborhood. The better can be published in
the college magazine.

Que.1 Sir! How did you start your teaching carrier?

Que.2 Why did you do M.A. with two subject while you can so P.H.D
with one subject?

Que.3 Sir! You have also degree of L.L.B. But why don’t you choose the
carrier of a lawyer?

Que.4 Sir! You did not want to become a teacher but in spite you

become a successful teacher so, why did you choose teaching line?

Que.5 Sir! You are a successful teacher but in spite of it why did you not
apply in the school for a teacher or lecturer in the college?

Que.6 What are the reasons behind your successful teaching?


Que.7 What do you expect from your students?

Que.8 How do you feel when your students get success in their life?

Que.9 What are your strong and weak points?

Que.10 Which habits do you like & dislike in your all students?

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Q.1 What made Barry John so unhappy in his childhood?

Ans. Barry John’s parents were not interested in the education and
other activities of Barry John. He would participate in the dramas in the
school functions but his parents never visited his school to see his

performance, when he was sixteen years old, his father insisted that he
should stop the study and do job in some company but Barry, John did
not stop study, so he had to leave his home. Therefore his childhood

was unhappy.

Q.2 Why is theatre so important to Barry John?

Ans. Barry John says that he theatre members are linked to one
another stronger than that of families. He says that the theatre is a

therapy by which we can cure the evils of the society.

According to Barry John, the Central theme of the theatre is people

therefore theatre is so important to Barry John.

Q.3 How is Barry John’s attitude to theatre different from that of


most other people?


Ans. Mostly people take the theatre the mode of earning money and
many call it the wastage of time but the attitude of Barry John is

different. He says that the theatre is a therapy which helps to educate

the people about the social evils and how to remove them.

Q.4 Barry John has tried to combine theatre and education? How does

theatre educate us?

Ans. Barry John says that theatre provides us a stage on which we can
‘pour out our feeling in front of the people. The people are found in our

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society. They are taught about bad effects of those evils threw the
dramas in this way the theatre teach us.

Q.5 What is Barry john’s opinion of Shahrukh Khan?

Ans. Barry John, says that Shahrukh Khan is not world’s greatest actor.
But he has great passion for his work. He is dedicated and honest for
the work. He is open as he does not hesitate to accept his
shortcomings. Though he is a famous actor, but he is down to earth.

Q.6 Who is Barry John & how did he come to India?

Ans. Barry is a famous person who is associated to the theatre world.
He is the founder of the TAG, the theatre school from which many

famous actor & actresses i.e. Shahrukh Khan, Ravi Dubey, Sidharth
Basy, Mira Nair, Manoj Bajpai etc have come out after being trained. He
also runs a theatre school, IMAGO & does his work honesty.
He belongs to London. His family belonged to the working class. His
father was not in favour that Barry John should got higher education.

When he was sixteen year old, the father forced him to give up the
study & do some job. But he wanted to make his career in the theatre

world. But in those days the English theatre was class found. Only the
people who belonged the high class society, could tough
t or

English extremely good, were given chance in the English theatre


schools. As Barry John belonged to the economy class, he could not got
admission there.

There was a teacher of Barry John is the school who had sympathy with
him. The teacher advised him to go to India to try his wide. So he came
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Download Delhi University Previous Year Question
Papers with Solutions from

 General Electives  AECC

 B.Sc. (H) Computer Science  B.Sc. (H) Mathematics
 B.Sc. (H) Chemistry  B.Sc. (H) Physics
 B.Sc. (H) Electronics  B.Sc. (H) Statistics
 B.Sc. (H) Botany  B.Sc. (H) Geology
 B.Sc. (H) Home Science  B.Sc. (H) Zoology
 B.Com (H)  B.Sc. (H) Microbiology
 B.Sc. Physical Science  B.Sc. Mathematical Science
 B.A. Programme  BMS
 B.A. (H) Psychology  B.Sc. Life Science
 B.A. (H) Economics  B.A. (H) English
 B.A. (H) Hindi  B.A. (H) History
 B.A. (H) Journalism  B.A. (H) Philosophy
 B.A. (H) Political Science  B.A. (H) Geography
 B.A. (H) Sanskrit  B.A. (H) Sociology

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to India India during 1970’s with a group called ‘Yatrik’. In the early life
in India, he taught dramas in schools and colleges. Gradually he came
into the contact of the theatre world and has become a legendry.


If I return this time

Q.1 Explain the image of puppy in the poem if I return this time?

Ans. The ‘puppy’ indicates towards the common people and selfish

people. The poet says that the life of a common man is just like a puppy
because one is not sure for one’s life in the big cities, one may meet

some an accident and is crushed to death as if he were a puppy.
An injured puppy heals its wounds himself. So he is selfish. Infact the
poet does not want a selfish person.

Q.2 Explain image of the ‘Tiger’ in the poem “if I return this time”?

Ans. The Tiger stands for the wild animals. Infact, the poet wants to say
that our society is full of such types of people who behave just like the

wild animals. If they are requested to keep aside, they lose their temper
and look at others with anger and in such way that they would swallow.

Q.3 What is the central theme of the poem “If I return this time”?

The central theme of the poem “If I return this time” is that our

personality and attitude should be so, soft and miled that it may seem
pleasing to others.

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Learning to write II (Editing)
Q.1 What are the requirements of learning the writing and editing?

Ans. To learn writing and editing, there must be two different

mentalities. The first mentality is fertile, intentive and nay saying. The
second mentality is critical, skeptical and nay saying. The first mentality
help us to write for others and the second mentality will help us to crit,

cut and revise. This thing will make our writing pleasing.
Q.2 What questions should we ask from ourselves while writing?
What will be its advantage?

Ans. When we write for others, we should ask the following questions

from ourselves. The first question is what voices I use most. The other
questions are which voice feel most like me, What voices don’t get

much enhances to speak, what are the voices of others that I have
internalized, what are the voices of others that I can try out in order to

get things written. If we write keeping these questions in mind, our

writing will become a social writing.

Q.3 Why is it advised to share our writing to other?

Ans. When we share our writing to others, we are linked to the

experiences and thoughts of others

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A Mother’s decision

Q.1 Do you think that Harish is an obedient son?

Ans. Harish is not an obedient son. It is true that he wears what the

mother gives him to wear and he eat what he is given. Inspite of it he
can’t be called obedient son. Infact he lacks the self confidence. Though

he is fourty years old, but he is unable to take decision by himself.

Q.2 Do you think that Saroj is a caring mother?

Ans. Saroj is really a caring mother. She knows the inabilities of her son,
so she is always worried about his future. She gives him good to eat and
clothes to wear at right time. She has been looking for a suitable bride

for him who may bring lot of money so that her son may live happily.

Q.3 What are some of the ways in which Harish defies his mother?

Ans. Harish is very fond of watching T.V. whenever his mother asks him

not to waste his time in watching the film he ignores her and rises the

valum more than before. In this way he defies his mother.

Q.4 Does Harish want to get married? What are his reasons for

wanting to do so?

Ans. Harish does not want to get married because there seen sincerity
from him towards the marriage. He is not eager to look at the face and
body of Renu who he is going to be marriage. He is not excited even to

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talk her. In fact he is sad for missing the night movie. He lives in


Q.5 Why does Harish constantly need to escape into a world of


Ans. Harish is forty years old, yet he is unmarried. He wants a life
partner with who he made lead his life peacefully. But he is along in the

matter. So he dreams of beautiful girls are watches the movies based
on actresses. His dreams girls are Pretty Zinta, Karishma Kapoor and

Sushmita Sen. In fact, he escape into the a world of fantasy only to
escape from the loneliness of his life.


Q.6 Suppose, you are Mrs, Luthra of ‘A mother’s decision’ and you

have just met Saroj and Harish. Write a letter to a friend telling her
whether you find Harish to be suitable husband for your daughter or


Luthra Niwas

L-17 Tara Apartment’s, Delhi


1 Feb, 2011
My dear Suman,

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I hope that you will be enjoying a good health. I am writing to tell you
that a marriage proposal has come for my daughter, Renu my

husband has accepted proposal but I do not agree. There are several
reasons behind my disagreement. Mrs. Saroj Chawla, the boy’s mother

is very greedy. Harish Chawla, the boy seems to me a foolish person.

Harish is forty years old. He right cheek is chubby while the left cheek is
sunken. He runs a video rental library which he has succeded from his

late father. He is unable to lead the business properly. So, the business
falling day by day. He misplaces the cassettes in wrong files and forgets.

He does not deposit the advance money while giving the cassettes on
rent. So, they are disappearing.

He is very fond of watching movies. He watches the movies daily at
night. If, by some reason, he misses the film, next night he watches two
films. In this matter, he ignores everybody and everything. He is very

fond of film actresses i.e. Preety Zinta, Karishma Kapoor and Susmita
Sen. He have dreams of them

He is unable to take decisions by himself. His mother decides what he


will wear and eat. He even wears the undergarments only after given
by the mother.

Last Sunday they visited our house. They took the dinner with us.
Harish drink the wine with Mr. Luthra. After drinking he could not

control and wabble. He could neither looked Renu properly nor tried to

talk her. His mother gave her consent.

I think that Harish that Harish is not suitable for Renu.

Yours sincerely

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Sunita Rai


Sole Provider Lonely warrior
Q.1 Write a paragraph on the treatment of women in our society in
about 250 words?

Ans. We live in India and our Indian culture famous all over the world.

We can say to ourselves Indian with proud. We show that we respect
the women just like goddess. But, there rise a question it is true our
behaviour towards the women just like a goddess. In fact we do not

behave with them just like a human being.
In our society, mostly addressed the women name of daughter, wife,
daughter in law etc. But there is no own identity in our society. If they
are determined to make their identity they have to face lot of problems

which create through their family members & neighbour. In fact, I want
to draw the attention towards the attitude of the society in which the

girls and women are treated inhumanity. The women are considered
the commodity to be consumed. They are taken as the thing to provide

comfort & service to the family. The married women are considered the
machine to bear the boy. She has to pass through the pregnancies

agonies pain of the delivery until she give the birth to a boy because
thinking of society is that girls are burden in the society.

We can see two types mentalities in our mind first we should fight

against with behaviour & thinking of the society towards the women.
Second we are the scared to involve in this matter because we think
that no one stands with us against it, we have to face lot of difficulties,
& questions of the society.

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In fact this thing shows miserable condition of the women in our

society & thinking about the women. We pretended that we are so

educated, civilized & our behaviour respectable towards the women,

but in fact we are not respect of the women, instead we are
responsible for this miserable condition of women in our society.
Though, today we come in 21st century yet, we can’t able to change our
ideas, culture, towards the women in our society. We can see that no

change come into the life of women and also in their conditions.


Photography Mother
Q.1 Why is the photograph important to the sons?

Ans. The sons have fall that the last time of the mother is very near. So,
they want the last to make the mother assumed that they love her truly

and will remember her forever. Therefore they take the mother to a
photography shop to be photographical.

Q.2 Why does the speaker find the present ‘unreal’?


Ans. The speaker and his brother try to please and take her to the city,
show the different types of things so that she may forget her past. But
this present is unreal for her. In fact, the real life for the mother was

the past in which she passed through unbearable agonies. The present

can’t wipe out the past. Therefore the speaker finds the present
Q.3 Why does the speaker have to turn around to see how mother

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Ans. The speaker was a little child when his mother become widow
since then the mother has never taken a breath, happiness. She has
borne so much suffering and agonies that the felling of happiness have
died from her heart. The narrator has never seem her smiling.
Therefore he turns around to see how the mother looks while smiling.

Q.4 How have the sons tried to wipe out Mother’s past? Have they
Ans. Now the sons have grown up and can provide comfort happiness

to the mother. They want that the mother should forget her past. So
they try their best and take to the city for fun. They show her different

types of things i.e. palaces, houses, parks, cinemas, theaters and house

ridden in buggies. But they do not succeed ridden out mother’s past.
Q.5 In his own way the photographer also tries to wipe out Mother’s
past. Why will mother not let him do that?

Ans. The photographer is a professional, do according to the

requirement of the profession, he talks in Sugary way. He add feel as at

home. Then he tells her to forget any worry after that he requests her
to smile. But the mother’s eyes are filled with tears. In this way she

does not let the photographer to wipe out her past.


Q.6 When mother was struggling to bring up her ‘blood’, the thought
of the future had the power to wipe out the present. Now that the
future is the present does she still have that power?

Ans. The mother became widow when she was still young. She had to
bring up her for children. As she had no other means, so she was
depended upon her in-laws. She was bearing a lot of troubles and
points. Infact she was getting the power to wipe out the present (pain

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full present) from the thinking of that her children would handle
everything when they everything greue.
Now her future has become present in words her children have grown
young. Now they can provide her all comforts and happiness. They take

her to city for a fun and change. But the mother has no power to wipe
out her past. Because her soul has died. Now there remain only tears
instead of happiness.

i ya
Learning to write III

Q.1 On which part of writing do the teachers and students


Ans. The good writing is divided into two parts i.e. what we want to say

and how we say it. But the teachers &students emphasize on the
second part ( instead of thoughts) the students spend more energy to

use correct grammar of the sentence. The teachers also check only the
grammatical errors and think that they have done their duty.
Q.2 What is the reason when an essay is called poor?

Ans. An essay is called poor because of poor thoughts. If there is no

attraction and something new in the essay. It will become bore in spite
of correct spellings formations of sentence etc. In fact poor essays are
poor not only because of poor language, but also because of poor
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Q.3 What advice is given if we can’t justify or explain our feelings?

Ans. If we cannot justify or explain our feelings, there is the need to
read and think further. Thinking is the ability to look inward and we
aware of others responses and feelings. By reading and thinking be

develop the ability to critique and depth in our thoughts.

Our Muddled Generation
Q.1 Do you agree with his view that 80 to 90 % of today’s bright,

young and educated people are unemployable?

Ans. I agree with, Dinesh Kumar’s view that 80-90% of today bright

young and educated people are unemployed because they are

muddled. In fact they have no clear idea about their future. They are

not sincere about their study. They can’t give the answers properly.
They need readymade answers to give.

Q.2 Do you think it is wrong to want to make a lot of money? Is

Dinesh Kumar hostile to people who want to earn a lot of money?

Ans. I think there is nothing wrong to make a lot of money because it

helps us to rise our living standard and economic development of the

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‘Dinesh Kumar’ is not hostile to the people who want to earn a lot of
money. In fact he wants that the people should have possibility clear
idea and hard work for the earning.
Q.3 What do you mean with muddled generation and described by

Dinesh Kumar’?
Ans. Dinesh Kumar calls the youth generation of today as the muddled
generation he says that the younger are careless confused,
irresponsible and ill manners. They want to get a lot of money but they

have no clear idea how they would get. If they are given to options to
either to sit idle or work hard. They will choose first position. They call

themselves graduate, post graduate etc. But they look in despair and
out of window and if they are asked some questions from the subject

which they have read and passed. In fact they can’t reply properly
because they have become habitual of preparing with the readymade

The younger call it confidence to reply in manners after getting the


higher education they have not learnt the good manners and ability
which is the first requirement.

They are aware of mobile phones, newring tones, pictures etc. But they
are unaware of current National, International affairs.
t or


The Leader of men

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Q.1 Roop Singh shows his disregard for Kedia by refusing to salute
him. He shows his regard for the narrator by again no longer saluting
him. How do you explain the contradiction?
Ans. Roop Singh has left no regard for Kedia in his heart, so he stops

saluting him. On the other hand he has become the friend of Ritik, the
narrator, so the regard for him has increased in his heart. There is no
need of formality between their relation. So he has stopped saluting
the narrator.

Q.2 Why did Roop Singh get so angry with Kedia on the night of 31st

Ans. A big party been arranged by the residents including Kedia on 31st
December to celebrate the last night of year. When Roop Singh lifted a

plate to take food Mr. Kedia appeared there. He insulted Roop Singh by
advising him not to eat too much because the food was fabulous which
Roop Singh never seen. With these words of Kedia, Roop Singh got

Q.3 Why did Roop Singh take his revenge by destroying the lobby and
mutilation his own hands rather than by attacking Kedia? What

happened Roop Singh in the end of story?


Ans. Roop Singh was in rage after being insulted Kedia. He wanted to
take revenge but he was a poor man and could not dare to attack

Kedia, a rich and influential person. He knew responsibility for his

family and also result of attacking Kedia. Therefore he destroyed the
lobby to calm his anger down instead of attacking Kedia.

Q.4 The role of the narrator play, not only in the story, but also in the
way it has been told?

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Ans. The role of the narrator, Ritik, is short but important in the story
‘The leader of Men’. He support Roop Singh and criticizes Kedia for
arguing to Roop Singh. He becomes his friend and gives him moral
support. He also gives him some books to read. In the end when Roop
Singh is badly injured, he takes him to nursing home for the treatment.

Q.5 Why do you think is Kedia angry with Roop Singh?
Ans. Kedia’s friend, Mr. Sharma came to visit him. But, Roop Singh
stopped him at the gate and did not let him enter without

conformation. When Kedia protested Roop Singh replied in English.
Kedia took it an insult and got angry with him.

Q.6 Who is the narrator referring to when he calls ‘Leader of Men’? In
what way is that person the ‘Leader of Men’?

Ans. Ritik, the narrator, refers to Roop Singh, the security guard as
‘Leader of Men’. Roop Singh has raised the voice against the injustice
and the wrong behavior. He does not bend in front of the influence of
Mr. Kedia. Roop Singh behavior and firmess inspires the other security

guards who study taking him as their leader.


Q.7 In ‘The Leader of Men’, what do the young narrator and the
security guard Roop Singh talk about as their leader.

Ans. Ritik, the young narrator, and Roop Singh, the security guard have
become friends. Ritik is impressed to the attitude, personality,

confidence and honesty of Roop Singh. When they meet, they talk
about their personal experiences. Roop Singh tells about his family,
education and why he is compelled to do the job as a security guard.


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Q.9 Suppose you are Kedia of ‘Leader of men’ write a letter to your
friend Mr. Sharma apologizing for what happened on the day when he
visited you?

V-17 pocket 2
Tara apartments, Patna Bihar
19th March 2011

My dear Mr. Sharma,
I am really very unhappy & sorry since the day when Roop Singh, the

security guard insulted you. On that day you went back without visited
my home. I also did not try yo stop you because you were upset with
the silly behavior of the security guard. Several months have passed,

but you have neither visited me again nor talked to me on telephone.
Therefore I am writing this letter to beg your pardon for the incident
which happened on that day.

Roop Singh belongs to the Rajput community. He is also some educated

so he gives air to himself. He talks in English only to doon me. He is so

idiot and arrogant that he does not salute me now while he salutes the
other residents. Whenever I pass from him he erects his chest. So, I

dislike him so much and want to eject him from the job. I have started
to make the other residents against him by saying that he does not do

duty properly. He falls asleep on the duty and drinks wine. I have called
a meeting next week in which the decision will be taken to remove him.

Though mostly residents are with me and supporting my stand but that

boy, Ritik is supporting him. He spends time talking to him. I have

complained against him to his father. I hope his father will stop him
from visiting Roop Singh.
I want to request you to forget that incident and do not mind the the
silly behavior of a security guard after all we are masters and he is our
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servant. He can’t insult you anymore. So I beg apologies again from

you have been visiting earlier.
Yours sincerely

i ya


Learning to write IV

Q.1 What is the differences b/w the examination questions &

teaching question?

Ans. The difference b/w the teaching question & examinations question
is that the teaching questions are asked to understand the lesson.

These questions clear the story and theme of the lesson. On the other

hand, the examination questions are asked to test our knowledge and
Q.2 Why is it advised that not to write to impress the examiner?

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Ans. Different examiners have different likings and mentalities. So they

are impressed by different things. The things which impress one may
irritate the others. We do not know who will be an examiner. Instead
we should write the answer with clear point of view.

Q.3 Why is it advised to read the question paper carefully and revise
the answers?
Ans. Mostly student think that the pattern of the questions paper will
be just like the earlier years, so they do not read instructions. But there

may be in the pattern, so we should read the question paper including
the instructions and questions carefully so that nothing may be left.

After completing the whole answers we should revise it, to correct the
errors if there is some.



The End of Yuga


Q.1 How is the religion that prevailed at that time of the Mahabharata
different from Islam and Christianity on the one hand and Buddhism

and the Bhakti Cult on the other?

Ans. In the Islam & Christianity there is a categur state want what

religion consists while there is no clear cut definition of Dharma in the


Mahabharata. There are question and answer and doubts regarding the
nature of religion.
There is Hero worship in the Bhakti cult and Buddhism while there is no
hero worship in the Mahabharata.

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Q.2 According to Karve, what the definition of friendship that

prevailed in the age of the Mahabharata? Do you think it is a good
definition? Justify your response?
Ans. According to Karve, the friendship during the age of the

Mahabharata, took place b/w the people of same social & financial
status. This definition of friendship is not good because there should be
no boundation of states, cast, religion etc. for making one our friend.
Q.3 How is Krishna depicted in the Mahabharata different from the

Krishna of the Mahabharata?

Ans. In the Mahabharata, Krishna is not taken as ‘God’ though he is a
hero & important person. He is the friend of Arjun & helps him in the
battle against Kauravas.

But, in the Bhakti, Krishna is taken as ‘God’. He is hero & is worshipped
by the people.

Q.4 What was the philosophy of life that prevailed at the time of the
Mahabharata? Do you find it hard or pessimistic?

Ans. The philosophy of life in the Mahabharata time was to do ‘Karma’


& live with honour. The Mahabharata does not create a dream world.
The miracles do not occur. The God do not descend to change

somebody’s fate, & misfortune is not transmuted into good fortune.

One does is not duty any reward, instead to live with honour & die.
Q.5 Describe the impact of Bharata’s rule that “a play must not end

tragically” on literature of the past Mahabharata?

Ans. Bharata, the first dramatic theorist laid down the rule that a play
must not end tragically. Later the dramatists followed Bharar’s rule &
brought their story’s end into pleasing. The ‘Ramayana’ is the good
example in which we find the love among the family members, then
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separation, & in the end there is re-union of the family. Like that there
is the happy ending of the story of Shakuntala has been modified at
some rule by Kalidas, but it is also the happy ending.
The films of today show the similar thing. The story start from love,

there are many twisting, conflict, quarrels & separation, but in the end,
all is well. The miscreants get punishment & the hero gets reward & the
family re-unites.

i ya


Maniben Alias Bibijaan


Q.1 As a little girl Maniben wanted to marry Gandhi ji, What does this
tell us about Maniben?

Ans. This things tells us about the secular nature of the Maniben.
Gandhiji was a great national leader. He stressed on cecularies & equal
importance to the people of all different communities. Therefore

Maniben liked him & wanted marry him.

Q.2 Why do you think Maniben’s elder sister, Rama wanted to marry?
Do you think it has anything to do with her jumping into a well?

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Ans. Maniben’s elder sister Rama wanted to marry to muslim boy who
lived in their neighbourhood. This was the same old muslim man who
become victim of riots. As Rama was Hindu & the boy was muslim, so
their marriage could take place in conservative society. Therefore
commited suicide by jumping into well.

Q.3 What is the reality about her son that Maniben does not want to
Ans. The reality about her son that Maniben does not want to face, is

that he is the part of riotes. In fact, there are the full scale route in the
state. The people of two communities are thirsty of blood of one

another. They are looting the shops hower etc. & setting them on fire.
Many has also looted a T.V. set. His clothes are blood stained yet
Maniben is not prepared to accept that her son is also a roiter.


Q.4 Maniben talk to a Muslim man in the T.V. set, gives him to drink &

prepares sheer Kurma for him every Thursday arternoon. Do you

think she lost her balance?

Ans. Maniben’s mind has been affected with the roites which are going

on in the city & state. She is more affected to know that her son also a
part of these roites. She has sympathy with the old muslim man who
the victim because of affected mind. She has lost her balance.

Therefore she tlks to the the muslim man in the T.V. set.

Q.5 Do you really think it is ironic that the man her son

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Ans. It is really an ironic that the man should be brought back to life and
into the house of Manu. In fact Manu is an associate to the bajrang dal
and against the muslim community. He is the part of roits. He and his
associates have murdered the old muslim man and looked his television
shop on the other hand, Maniben, Manu’s mother; wants the muslim

man back into life and keep him into her home.
As the mother is in favour of the muslim man while the son is against of
him so, it is an irony.

Q.6 Suppose you are Sejal. Write a letter to your friend narrating about

the strange behavior of your mother-in-law. Write how the old women
behavior has made impossible for you to adjust?

95 Gandhi Chowk,
Ahmadabad, Gujarat

3 March, 2011

My dear Sujata,

I hope that you will be enjoying the life. Three weeks have passed since
my marriage and I am happy with my husband, Manu though my
mother-in-law, Maniben Purekh, is a nice and soft natured woman but I

am finding myself unable to adjust with her.


In fact her behavior is very stange during the afternoon, she sits in front
of T.V. Then she start taking as if she were talking to somebody. She
brings water in a glass and tries to give it to the imaginary man then she
recalls of her childhood days. In the starting I thought she was praying,

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but later I realized that she was murmuring from her talkings and
words, I have to come to know that the imaginary man is an old muslim
man who has been killed in the roits. She thinks that the man is alive
and her childhoods neighbour with whom her elder sister wanted to

My tension grows on every Thursday when she cooks Korma for that
imaginary man. You know that we are vegetarians, but she cooks the
non-vegetarian food on every Thursday.

Thirty two years have passed since she became widow earlier she had
been wearing pure white Saree, but now she wears printed Saree and

keeps lost in her fantasies. Though we are the family of three members,
but she says that there are four members. She even makes the
arrangement of bad for that imaginary fourth member.

Yours Sincerely

Unit- 15

Her Name is Bharti


Q.1 What would be the civilized solution to the problem of Bharati?


Ans. In a civilized state, there is the law an order and the police to keep
up it the constitution has indicated the terms of punishment according
to the ceverity of crime. All the affences do not deserve capital


If Bharati is really guilty of being a prostitute and killing her daughter

she should be handled to the police the law will decide how much
punishment should be given to her.

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Q.2 Do you think that we are a civilized society? Explain according to

the story Bharati?

Ans. Though, we are educated and ourselves civilized, but in fact we are
not civilized in spite of 21 century. We prefer the laws made by the

sophisticated an end time society. Just like animal and use violence if
somebody breaks those.

Q.3 What does the play “her name is Bharti” reveal about middle class

Indian parents?

Ans. The play “her name is Bharti” reveals the indifference the middle
class Indian parents towards the social problems they think that the
duty of the children is to follow the parents order and Burry into their

text books they want that the children should not make across
questions and do not involve into social problem.

Anuttam and Mandira represent the middle class they themselves was

the incident of Bharti but forbid their children Kurri and Bumba to
watch it. When Kurri tries to watch, Mandira scolves and order her go


Kurri and Bumba visit the injured women, Bharti with other children
they feel the pain of the woman and understand what she wants to say
when the parents know about it, they scold them and slap. But the

children are determined to visit the woman again. They tell the parents
that they can’t be stopped.

Q.4 Explain the title “Her name is Bharti” in about 75 words?

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Ans. The play “her name is Bharti” shows the limits of tolerance of the
Indian women. In this play Bharti is that woman who is naked violence
in the name of religion, various superstitions & violence against women
and from then it moves to violence with in one’s own country.

In this play, show the condition of the Indian women that they live in
our society in really miserable condition. We give lot of speech on
women’s welfare and their protection and make lot of rules & acts in
the constitution in our country for the women i.e. domestic violence

and give lot of right but in vain. They have to bear lot of torture and
exploitation in our society especially lower middle class. The women

can’t able to say against it and keep silent.
In fact in this play, the police or the local administration do not take
action against that crime which is happening with Bharti. Kajol (maid)

who belong also with other slum says about her, she is wicked women
& has no morals. They must kill her. This thinking show lacks education
in her thoughts. So, we should ask a question with ourselves, do we
have a right to call ourselves civilized?

Thus we can say and explain the title of this play ‘Her name is Bharti’

show the limit of tolerance of the Indian women.

t or

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