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3 refers to the following letter Sorry for sending this to all the staff in the company, but my list of people who are planning to attend the Signmakers's conference in Dartmouth is not up-to-date, 60 | thought 'd mail it to everyone just to be on the safe side. The company has agreed | to pay for transport, which means that you won't have to drive there yourselves. The bus will eave from in front of William's Tower at a time to be announced later. | Hotel accommodation has been booked at the Premium Inn, Dartmouth. The management agrees that everyone should have his or her own room. All rooms | should be very comfortable, Please sign the form in the board room if you plan to | arrange your own accommodation Q, Where is the Signmakers’s event taking place? (A) In the conference room (8) William's Tower (C) Dartmouth (0), The Premium Inn refers to the following e-mail, To: Shoe Boat From: Rainbow Company Subject: Customer Complaint To Whom it may concern, | have trusted Shoo Boat products to protect the feet of my employees for over | ten years now. As director of sales, | recently purchased a few pairs of boots trom your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, | the boois began to fall apart on them afer just twelve Weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six-year warranty. | In short, the boots are unsate to wear because my men are working with dangerous | equipment, which makes it necessary for thom to wear solid and endurable protective gear including footwear. Please respons as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund. Thank you. | John Trimbaid Rainbow Company Q. Who is Mr. Trimbald? (A)-4 Rainbow representative (B) A Shoe Boat salesman (C) A factory worker (D) A building inspector refers to the following letter, December 30 DigiPhoto Service 8289 Sun Avenue On January 7th, | will be traveling to Osaka via Oceanic Airto meet with a new client on the following day. Over the course of this trip, we will be negotiating the terms as well as the length of the client's contract. This new client willbe a significant addition for our company, ‘80 | would like to request new presentation materials trom the Marketing Department. In the materials, please show a full list of our products, as well as a comprehensive list of our competitors and the products that they offer. | would prefer that these Pieces of information be presented in both PowerPoint and brochure form. Please let me know how much time you will need to complete these materials, Regards, Akira Tanazaki

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