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PRIOR PRESENTATION BEFORE THE MESSAGE…………………………………………………………………………………….2


LOAD THE CROSS (04.09.2021)..............................................................................................................4

CORRECTION(05.09.2021)................................................................................................................... 36

RETALAXIA (07.09.2021)......................................................................................................................51


ORDINANCES TO BE PUT TO VOTE ........................................................................................................68

GLOCAL ECUMENISM (10.09.2021)....................................................................................................... 91

CONOLTAÇÃO(11.09.2021) ................................................................................................................ 103

RECONSTITUTION (Sep 14, 2021)...................................................................................................... 109

ORDINANCES PREVIOUS AGAINST PROJECT GLOCAL ECUMENICAL .....................................…………… 115

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER READING ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 116

DECISIONMAKINGOFCHRISTIANLEADERS ………………………………….................................................................. 118

Grace and Peace !! !

GOD does not choose the capable, He enables the DISABLED!!!

II Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are able by ourselves to

think anything as of ourselves; but our ability comes from
God, Who has also made us ABLE to be ministers of a new
testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit; because the
letter kills and the spirit quickens.

***Presentation of the servant who writes these messages at the request of God:

Dear leader or members of BRIDE OF CHRIST, this message is being made

available at the request of God who has enabled a disabled person because I have
DYSLEXIA and ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity - I will send attached
document so that you can understand more about this disability and that they can
help acquaintances and family members. There are millions of people with these
disabilities and they don't know. .

To write this message I had to correct it 10 times and even so I believe you
will find spelling and grammatical errors, so I ask for forgiveness in advance but I
am striving for days and nights out in exclusive time to obey and please God.

As a servant I am just fulfilling my calling and I try to faithfully obey what

God asks of me, however absurd it may seem in the eyes of those who live in the
world and those who are lip service Christians and do not live the Gospel.

I am immensely grateful and owe my life to God1 !!!

I confirm in Luke 7:41

A certain creditor had two debtors: one owed him five

hundred pence, and the other fifty. And, having nothing to
pay with, he forgave them both. Say, then, which of them
will love him more?

Questions and Reflections WHILE READING THIS DOCUMENT

Read salm 34 which reflects my life.
reveals to YOU .

These notes can be used as long as THEY ARE RELEVANT IN THEOF THE GLOCAL
IMPLEMENTATIONECUMENICAL PROJECT that God revealed to me during the 80 days of fasting2 through
the night, apart from unpublished unknown words and entire texts in which I transcribed with
maximum fidelity to the revealed content.

What will be your contribution to this GLOCAL Ecumenical Project?

What gift and talent will you use in the restoration of the bride of Christ (Church Body)

What are you willing to do in your Church with the priestly ministerial body and Levites (which are not just praise,
those who clean, who are at the gatehouse etc)?

And for the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT, you who are a leader will need to pass a representative
agenda of your doctrine for a vote in Congress (there will have to be a consensus among all the members of your
Church). You must immediately notify your superior or the regional authority when you receive this e-mail, passing
it on and that it must pass it on to the national and global authorities, if any).

For the vote of the leaders of the world headquarters, national or unique in each country will only be valid
due to the number of leaders and Christian denominations.

Therefore, if you are a local leader, you must transfer this content at the request of God to the national

That would be omission and God needs at this time faithful Christians to help prevent a future genocide of
thousands of Christians and if you act in omission you will be indirectly guilty if you wash your hands like Pilate.

At this time of reading you are being asked to pass this content on to other national and international
Christian doctrines and If you can already schedule local and regional meetings prior to the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL

Get together and come together to see what you can do to fulfill the Ordinances suggested by God in this
message, so that a glocal agenda can be made to be voted on at this first Glocal Ecumenical Congress.


No processed products, meat, fish, eggs, refined sugar and milk. Just grains, oilseeds, vegetables, and bananas
with oranges. Vitamins A,C,B,D,Z.
LOAD THE CROSS (09/04/2021)

By choosing to Carry Your Cross, you demonstrate that you have spiritual
maturity and gratitude to Jesus for all that He taught and endured for His People. It
is an act of love, trust, giving and obedience to God's purposes.

God chose you for this mission as a Christian leader.

It is common knowledge that each one has an identity in the Kingdom of

Heaven and that it is linked to the presence of the Holy Spirit of God (perfect DNA)
to guide you as you survive on the face of the earth until the coming of Jesus

Only by Grace humanity will be saved, so God through this message also
sends a warning to Christians who are not yet aligned and who must learn to obey
Him and seek holiness daily.

Human nature suffers from variations, deficiencies and tends to corruption

because its DNA is imperfect as it derives from Adam's sin. So if the Christian is not
clothed with the divine weapons of a (Gibbor-Chayil)3. Check in Judges 6, follows in

Then the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said:

"The Lord is with you, mighty warrior".

An indisputable fact is that everyone who wants to enter the Heavenly

Kingdom must necessarily practice submission to the commandments and control
themselves4 by obeying them faithfully and loyally to Almighty God.

"And they shall know the truth, and the truth shall make them
free" John 8:32.

No turpitude, ignorance, or ignorance can be pleaded before God when the

Truth has been discovered, baptized, and accepted Jesus as His Master and Lord.

It means noble, mighty warrior in Hebrew - title given to Gideon by God who enabled him because he was a fearful
In the course of reading you will see the meaning of the creation of this word by God who has infinite power to
create because he is the creator of the beyond of the Universe, so he can create a word in the 21st century.
Every mature Christian he knows that when he is reborn in the water he must
necessarily go through a process of at some stage of his life "spiritual
metamorphosis"5 if he wants to be a new creature.

It is undeniable that it is uncomfortable to go through the narrow door that

Jesus referred to in Matthew 7:13 and this means that every Christian will need a
total change of habits and thoughts (methanoia) so that the transformation is
complete and can enter the Kingdom of Heaven6.


God has His unique and perfect way of acting but only uses the one who
surrenders completely in His Divine Hands and that leaves shape because TRUST in
God and know that He alone has power to fulfill His promise.

What affects this message is the general call of the union of each member of
the Body of the Christian Church and in the rescue of the lost sheep of Israel so that
the Body is fully restored as it is currently segregated.

Only in this way The bridegroom (Yeshua- Jesus Christ in Hebrew) will be
able to return and save His People. The head will not come if the body is
dismembered, segregated and on the warpath.7

God's action is inscrutable and anyone who wants to understand the real
reason for this message must ask for revelation from the Holy Spirit.

God guarantees that everyone who obeys His Ordinances through the
command of the Holy Spirit will have their reward8.

An expression metaphorically used to represent the transformation that takes place in the cocoon ⇒ has nothing to do with
symbology of a new age, on the contrary, it is a symbol that God left in nature. If the new age uses the symbol of God, that's their
problem. I just represent the symbol that God tells me to write, since creation is HIS.
There are cases where a person has lived a lifetime of mistakes, brokenness, slavery, addictions and spiritual
blindness in which case the transformation process is much more painful. The issue here is not to compare if one
sinned more and the other less, nor to understand the move of God in each one's life. At this moment, it is only
necessary that there is acceptance of the action of God in the life of whomever He wants without a defensive
attitude of pre-judgment, for example, before the individual and personal testimony of each member of the Church.
Each one witnesses the truth of his life through his point of view.
One criticizing the other's Christian doctrine.
Since there is the promise that everyone who seeks His Kingdom in the first place and His righteousness will lack
nothing and His grace will abound.

Never forget that only under the word of Christ can there be a miracle and
only reach the Father through the Son. Any servant of God will only heal, free,
prophecy in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene!!!

He is living King and is seated at the Father's right hand and will very soon
return to snatch the chosen ones, save them and later Rule the world!!!9

In spiritual warfare it is important that you are committed, disciplined,

constant and descend every day in the Divine Pottery without fail to have a spiritual
"tech touch" with The Creator.

It is necessary to start with changes in habits that are not very pleasant for
meat, for example: you need to win the battle of sleep in order to surrender
yourself in His powerful hands and accept all the pain necessary for the “spiritual
metamorphosis” to occur and you to be transformed into a new creature, who will
always carry the DNA of perfection because of His Holy Spirit.

Receiving this message from God could be the change you've always longed
for and needed to shake up your spiritual life. The time has come to go further in
this spiritual process and quicken your faith, you will surely discover mysteries
henceforth never revealed to any other human being.

Surely this is the crucial and most precious decision you will ever make in
your life, dying to the world, surrendering yourself blindly to the Potter's hands and
controlling the Ordinances through His Holy Spirit in your daily life.

Only God knows everything in advance and has infinite power, as he is in

control of everything. He is Righteous, Faithful, Has thoughts of peace about His
chosen ones, and Fulfills all promises in the time He believes to be pertinent.

(don't let your doctrinal ideological positioning blind you from the main context of these messages)
Sometimes that was all that was missing in your life, to go down from this
reading, daily and without fail at dawn in the Divine Pottery and wait humbly in the
waiting room until He wants to work the miracle you need, change the story of your
life and hand you the key to your victory.

Christ is victorious and those who want to be by His side must be prepared
for the rain of blessings He wants to pour out to those who seek Him in the dawn.
In Christ the victory is certain, just be patient in the waiting room, trust and hope
that the calm will come.

Where CHRIST is present with HIS MIGHTY LIGHT nothing is the

same: He lives, He Reigns and works miracles, wonders and signs!!!

When you feel weak, drained, just trust Christ, for He alone has infinite power
to give you what you need right now and restore your strength, empowerment,
comfort and reveal to you what you need to do to collaborate in the Glocal
Ecumenical Congress.

With Christ as your best friend, everything you need will be given to you to
overcome evil (which is persistent, cunning and always in a position to attack your
life), as your goal is to kill, steal and destroy everything and everyone that he sees

Seek to feed and nourish your soul with Holy Scripture. Always read in times
of Spiritual Warfare the Reading of Psalms 83 and 41. God speaks through the

Obedience to your call requires exposure of your position (carrying the light
of Christ), confrontation (being salt on earth, making a difference), overcoming pain
and fears (traumas) and especially doing what you don't want (because it is always
better to obey than to sacrifice) but what God wants.

You need to take a position in the Kingdom of Heaven, as a faithful

(Gibbor-Chayil), the time has come to take the MORE Gospel even wherever
you go and touch the soles of your feet in the name of Jesus Christ to
prophesy, heal and deliver!!!


difference you want in the world.

By Following The Cross, without a shadow of a doubt there will be retaliation

from the enemy, see it as the payment of those who live in the world, that is, the
non-acceptance by souls who live in sin and cohabit in darkness by their own

Whoever is a follower of Christ will also have to expose his image, pass over
his reputation for the love of Jesus and obligatorily leave the neutral position (on
the fence - lukewarm position, remember that God vomits to the lukewarm). In the
spirit world you undoubtedly live in light or darkness as you have no intermediate
zone in the spirit world.


If you decide to take up your calling, you will have to face and overcome the
barriers of the soul. A true Christian must always be salt on earth, Light of Christ in
the world and source of living Water wherever you go.

You must live free, unafraid of damaging your reputation and what the world
might think. Know that just by being a follower of Christ you are already judged by
the erroneous pre-judgment of people who live in darkness, as it is assumed that as
a Christian leader, you chose to follow The Cross you will be labeled crazy for the
world. If Jesus were preaching in the streets today, he would surely be labeled a

Have you ever stopped to think about it?

The phrase contained in 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 reflects God's standing before
the world:

“But God chose the foolish things of this world to confound

the wise; and God chose the weak things of this world to
confound the strong; And God chose the base things of this
world, and the despicable things, and those that are not, to
annihilate those that are; That no flesh should glory in it".


Never be frightened by The Supernatural Power of God because those who

have not gone through the transformation process may think for a few minutes that
they are going crazy. Your perception of the world will change in such a way that
everything you thought about people, objects and values will fade away. Always
remember that where the sword touches everything changes completely and
nothing remains the same.

Always see the process of “spiritual metamorphosis” as an option to apply

TRUST and assume your Cross with spiritual maturity. Decision-making through
methanoia is enough to let God transform you. Consequently, the link between you
and your co-dependence on the Holy Spirit of God will be tightened.

For the faithful (Gibbor-Chayil), it is a commonplace and normal fact to live

supernatural situations of God's action through His multiform power, in which He
speaks through people, praises, animals, wind, flowers and countless situations in
everyday life.

“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Mt 22:14). Jesus
spoke all these things to the crowd in parables. He said nothing
to them without using some parables, thus fulfilling what was
said by the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will
proclaim hidden things since the creation of the world”.
Matthew 13:34-35. “Although you are always listening, you will
never understand; even if they are always seeing, they will
never notice.

For the heart of this people has become unfeeling; they

grudgingly listened with their ears, and closed their eyes. If
not, they could see with their eyes, hear with their ears,
understand with their heart and be converted, and I would heal
them.” Matthew 13:14-15

Due to the simple fact that God is above nature (supernatural) He has power
infinitely superior to human beings and it can work when it wants to work wonders,
signs, miracles.

God opened the Red Sea, sent a flood, impregnated a virgin through His Holy
Spirit, revealed secrets to His prophets, fed Elijah by ravens, trained a little
sheepherder rejected by his family to be King of Israel, gave courage to fearful
Gideon and a title of (Gibbor-Chayil)(valiant warrior in Hebrew), gave unshakable
strength to Samson, gave Isaac to Abraham who was 100 years old, and bore his
offspring throughout the world (lost sheep of Israel that must return home
according to the scriptures in the time that God to designate).

There's no reason to be scared by these photos and the next ones, which I'll
post in due course. Remember that numerous and varied signs will be there as it is
written in the Holy Scripture and you will see it occur from now on both in heaven
and on earth.

The time has come to live the supernatural of God, so open your spiritual
eyes, stop rationalizing and ask God for discernment so as not to deceive yourself.

Every servant has a gift, a talent and must be used. God gave me something
different from most I know. Nor did I ever ask, as I never imagined they existed. So
I have to obediently use them and demonstrate to Christians the supernatural work
of God.

Allow the Light of Christ to come in, open your heart to live The supernatural
of God who is ALIVE and who works tirelessly night and day to fulfill His promises
and fulfill His plan of Salvation.

If He made you a promise, believe it and never lose hope because He will
fulfill it in his time so that His name may be glorified. Only God knows everything
that each one needs, so practice repentance so that this relationship of co-
dependence does not get cold.

If you think it's too much to expose your reputation for Christ's sake by
confessing your sins through a testimony before the world and talking about the
miracles you've received in your life and in your family. How then do you think you
will rescue souls from darkness???

Always remember the humiliation that Jesus suffered for his unconditional
love for all mankind. And are you ashamed to expose yourself and fight against a
unique system of antichrist?

Jesus was a laughingstock (Nazarene), ridicule, mockery, persecution,

slander, slander, suffered countless and painful physical attacks, temptations and
trials in the desert. It was three years of fighting and fighting the world of darkness.

Remember that Jesus prepared for 30 years to be able to be aligned with the
purposes that God had in His life for the excellent fulfillment of His call.

Obey the daily Ordinances and align with the Holy Spirit Comforter so He will
be with you 24 hours a day, pay the necessary price so that God is motivated to
fulfill His promise when He sees your effort.

God is just and ONLY uses those who are aligned and willing to be
transformed into His Mighty Hands.

Always remember that the person who lives in constant sin and prefers the
things the world can offer than living the Way of the Cross, sees with the eyes of
the flesh, cannot see an inch beyond the nose, nor can he discern.

Nobody knows about the action of God, because His intelligence is infinite and
nobody has a crystal ball to guess what God's plans are in the lives of those who
give themselves to the Cross.
So don't judge who lives in the world, no one knows God's plans in the life of
every human being and sometimes they need to go through certain situations to
discover the Truth. Each is aligned with the timing and will of God.

The true (Gibbor-Chayil) needs to have spiritual maturity and always

remember that if a person loves and follows Christ then it is not against the
Kingdom of God. Therefore, overcome the judgment coming through your flesh and
look with spiritual eyes.

Unlike a clad (Gibbor-Chayil), you need to pray for the blind, lost, and
enslaved sheep of the enemy. Never be afraid of those who harm your flesh, be
afraid of those who sold their soul and chose to live in darkness.

God warns that for Christians to win the battle against the unique system of
Antichrist, will only be on our knees, however with the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL
PROJECT Christians must create defense mechanisms in the face of genocide.

Do not give legality of action to the enemy in your life through feelings of
darkness such as: anger, envy, gluttony, unforgiveness and wounded pride, which
are the preferred loopholes that the enemy uses legality to defecate (baal+zebul -
that who defecates in Hebrew) his infernal rubbish and intoxicate his soul.

If someone hurts you, always go down to the Divine Pottery. Leave there
your plea for justice that may be delayed but does not fail because God is just and
slow to anger.

The Psalmist in his chapter 86th perfectly expresses this situation, in which
everyone who follows the path of the Cross undoubtedly suffers persecution,
calamity, moral stoning, defamation, physical violence and injustices follows in
“Bend your ears, O LORD, and listen to me, because I am needy and

Guard my soul, for I am holy: O my God, save your servant who

trusts in you. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for to you I cry all day
long. Rejoice the soul of your servant, for to you, Lord, I lift my
soul. For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and abundant
in kindness unto all that call upon thee. Hearken, Lord, to my
prayer, and hearken to the voice of my supplications. In the day of
my distress I cry unto you, because you answer me. that thou hast
made, they shall come and prostrate themselves before thy face,
O LORD, and shall glorify thy name. Because you are great and do
wonders; only you are God. Teach me, O Lord, your way, and I
will walk in your truth; unite my heart to the fear of thy name. I
will praise thee, O LORD my God, with all my heart, and will glorify
thy name for ever. and you delivered my soul from the deepest
hell. O God, the proud have risen against me, and the assemblies
of tyrants have sought my soul, and have not set thee before their
eyes. But thou, Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious,
suffering, and great in kindness and in truth. Turn to me, and have
mercy on me; give thy strength to thy servant, and save thy
servant's son.

Prominent Psalm continued ⇒*** Show me a SIGN10 for good, so that those who hate me may see it,
and be confused; because you, Lord, helped me and comforted me”.

*******Do not panic!!!

Just open your spiritual eyes and let yourself be guided by the confirmation
that the Holy Spirit of God will do right now in your life, as long as you are
living in the light of Christ!!!Open your spiritual eyes if you really believe
that God is supernatural, works signs and miracles!!! Maybe you've never
seen anything similar. Until I received this sign, I had not seen anything
like it in my life either.

The signs that God gave me when I asked Him only mentally, while I was making a consecration in which I
wanted an answer from God, if I was to be His wife...
He gave me a photo, but I didn't ask for a photo... I asked for a sign only, like any other that He always gives me.
These Psalms 86 and 34 represent my life.
In the small dark photo, there's my face looking to the side and a light coming out of my face. It was on the last
day of the campaign on the hill at dawn. The Holy Spirit asked me to turn my face on the last day of the campaign
at dawn on the mountain.
I BELIEVE IN A supernatural GOD who works wonders and gives signs!!!
He gave me His Seal on my forehead when I asked to be His wife, therefore I received HIS Seal of the LIGHT of
CHRIST on my forehead and I am the wife of CHRIST, for I consecrate my life and my body to Him alone!!! I'm
EUNUCH (proven by medical report) due to malignant cancer in an advanced state that I had in the colon of the
uterus due to HPV (human papillomavirus), in 2007. I can't have sex and I don't want to have anyone!!! Only the
Presence of GOD is enough for me!!! If He wants to put someone in my life I will obey, but I have no desire. And I
tell Him that if I'm a man who distances me from God, let him stay very far away. Let him be a person who loves
God more than I do.
For the truth is that The Light of Christ greatly troubles those who are in
darkness, yet Adonai, El Shaddai, Elohim does not fail to protect and deliver His
chosen ones from death at all times, enabling and instructing them about the
danger that they surround through His Comforter.

God does not sleep and HIS POWER IS INFINITE and "SUPERNATURAL",
therefore submit (Contact yourself 11
⇒ expression created by God in one of the

Page 74⇒ I suggest you read this message as God sent it from beginning to end calmly, without haste, Read, reread and
assimilate asking for revelation of the Holy Spirit of God in every line, in every comma and do not skip the pages. Everything for God
messages below) to Him because He is righteous and ONLY in GOD you can trust your life12.


Never forget that there is a spiritual war around you that is invisible to the
eyes of the flesh but visible on a spiritual plane. And that you have two enemies:
your flesh prone to corruptibility and hell that works tirelessly with your fallen
angels loose in the air and prowling around you like a fierce and hungry lion in
search of a tiny loophole to destroy your life.

“You just have to sin to open the legality of demonic action in your life”

I have numerous photos of the existence of demons in the air, one day I will
witness and expose them because it is the way God uses to reveal signs and the
real presence of demons through photos.13

I'll just leave a photo that was taken by my security camera that was on the
balcony of the apartment where I lived. This photo was taken by her while I =was
fasting for 8 days on the


I was just monitoring via the internet to see if everything was ok in my house
because I was worried to know that a prophecy that God revealed to me about
three months before it happened had been fulfilled and where I lived had been
flooded with water up to my waist like God to me. revealed in a dream.

DOUBT TALK to HIM, who is the source of authorship.
Suggested Reading Luke 9
God only reveals to me by photo His signs and the presence of demons after I had real experiences and almost
had a heart attack, because my health is very delicate after the treatment of malignant cancer in an advanced state
that I'm only alive because of a miracle and action of the Holy Spirit of God.
When I moved the camera I came across the image of these two demons
outside my house, I didn't even believe what I was witnessing and I decided to take
a picture and after that God didn't stop revealing in several pictures the presence of
infinite demons that have various forms, sizes and colors.

Unclean spirits of the underworld who are always prowling around looking for
a loophole.


Countless opposers to God's plans and designs in the lives of His chosen
ones. And unfortunately the vast majority of the world has opted for their free living
with a focus on the things the world can offer. Many have bought the enemy's pack
of lies and want to obtain prosperity and victory at all costs and in various ways
(sacrificing innocents, killing, stealing, destroying nature, etc.) without bearing the
burden of the Cross, bearing pain, suffering and the lamentation (a cocoon process
that every Christian undoubtedly needs to go through).

The “friends of the world” prefer and want to receive the key to victory
immediately without going through the “spiritual metamorphosis” process14 in the

The most certain decision that a person can choose in his life is to assume
Jesus and carry His Cross which is the ONLY Key that Saves and opens the Door of
the Kingdom of Heaven.

It was in the painful process of Calvary that Jesus Christ faced like a gentle
lamb and he did not give up even when God revealed to him otherwise He took his
Call in focus to the end. He has always been in line with God's will by accepting His
heavy and painful Cross for the sake of His people. With His obedience, He gained

Metaphor about the transformation process that the mindless caterpillar undergoes when
acting by an act of faith (natural instinct). God left this model for human beings to mirror
and transform themselves completely into a new creature, to be able to enter heaven.
transcendence through the Resurrection and conquered sin (death) through the
Grace of God.

During the 30-year process, he was obedient, humble, and focused on the
Ordinances of the Holy Spirit.

Always remember that God is an expert in confusing the wise and

demonstrating HIS Supreme power such as turning water into wine, overcoming

The famous phrase reveals God's infinite power: "Where sin abounded,
GRACE ABOVE ABOVE". Never forget that we are all sinners, flawed and
miserable and that we must undergo the daily process of sanctification
through the painful process of “spiritual metamorphosis” in order to be
saved and to be able to cohabit in heaven with The Holy Trinity.

Only through the GRACE of God is there the possibility of SALVATION.

No one, however holy they may be or seem, on their own merits will
conquer it, since all creation carries in the nature of the flesh the DNA of
sin (Adam) but Christians carry in their Spirit the DNA of the perfection of

This reading of the messages that God has entrusted to me has the purpose
of reviving the faith at the GLOCAL level of Christians. God calls all Christians to

God says that if your faith is "on the wall", you are tired of waiting for the
fulfillment of His promise, disappointed, frustrated, hurt, deluded after reading this
meditative message there will be The most important Decision Making of your life.

Brief personal comment ⇒ I in my ignorance, disability and biblical ignorance (a baby crawling in this spiritual universe), never
imagined the meaning of this word (ECUMENISM) that was revealed to me by God by dawns. The next day I confirmed what God
told me about this word and confirmed it !!!Glory to God today and always .. He is Supernatural!!!
You need to take an attitude with spiritual maturity and take advantage of
the momentum of this message to get out of the comfort, frustration and
conformity of this hegemonic system.

It is the opportunity that God is giving the followers of Christ to strive and
overcome with HIS help, the imperfection of the nature of the flesh (SIN), just start
with the search for intimacy with God in the early mornings and clothe yourself with
"divine weapons" of a faithful (Gibbor-Chayil).

In making the most important decision of your life you will need to decide
and take on the transformation process, but keep in mind that this process will be a
TOGETHER in obedience to God's Glocal Ecumenical Project!!!

Assume your CROSS and surrender yourself through an act of TRUST

(FAITH) by allowing God to mold you in this painful process of “spiritual

This process is painful (requires effort, change of habits and thoughts) only
through the constant and daily search of the Only Truth will there be the expansion
of your knowledge and discernment coming from the direct help of God in all
decisions and your life. (From the simple purchase of a piece of clothing to the place
you should or should not go).

In this process of transformation, TRUST and OBEDIENCE are

fundamental so that there is a closer bond of intimacy with The Lord God, who
will enable you in all your areas of disability.

You need to be aligned with God's purposes that are revealed through
intimacy with God's Holy Spirit.

Gratitude and glorification are quickening weapons of faith that must be

practiced constantly towards the Eternal King. Even in the face of pain and
suffering, as they are attitudes that only a faithful (Gibbor-Chayil) will demonstrate
his love and trust in God - remember Job). God will see your effort and willingness
to face this painful "cocoon" process.

God reveals that you should always be thankful for everything that God
puts in your life and that if you are in the habit of murmuring then stop it
right away. He asks you to always try a little harder and constantly mortify

your flesh .
God recognizes each one's effort and AFFIRMS that it will reward you in
a way you never imagined if you don't give up halfway and stay focused on

When you choose to forget about “I”, you allow yourself to live what
Adonai has in store for your life that your eyes have never seen, it is so
wonderful, magnanimous and surreal. If God created the planet earth for
sinful humanity in six days, imagine what He has in store for His Chosen???

The People of God do not belong to this world and God awaits in His
Eternal Glory all those who trust in Him and seek Him daily in the Divine
Pottery at dawn (or as long as possible, sometimes he works on duty and it
is difficult to descend into the Pottery)

The one who lives in a state of vigilance, continuous effort, who

struggles, who faces the battle of sleep for the love of Him and the insane
desire (in the eyes of the world) to know Him better, and let themselves be
transformed by His hands will be able to participate in His Glory in the
Kingdom of Heaven.

You will only be able to overcome with God's help the uncontrollable
desire to sleep soundly.

Whoever wants to enter the Kingdom of Heaven needs to be attentive,

vigilant and be striving, break the paradigms of the one world system that
wants to be introjected and fight with the weapons that God is making
possible for Christian leaders at this time.

Gloria Hallelujah today and always to the Creator of the Universe beyond!!

God always reminds me that it's not just any way, much less anyone
who will enter to live with Him in His Heavenly Kingdom, has to be worthy
and up to Him in order to share His Glory.

That is why it is important to be connected to His Ordinances and fight

for the implementation of this GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT.

There are cycles, stages and processes in life that must be fulfilled and
their phases surpassed so that there is complete transformation,
empowerment and restoration in the process of daily “spiritual

The limitations and deficiencies are implicit, that is, inherent in the
flesh's imperfect DNA (SIN). But know that everything and even the
deficiencies are taken into account by God, because only He knows
EVERYTHING even before we were born and for what mission each of His
chosen came to the world and how much each one can support.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but He always reminds me
that without effort and without constricting the ordinances of His Holy Spirit
that Jesus through transcendence allowed to Comfort His people, no one will
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. God proves the quality of gold and tests the
point of the clay mass, to see if it is fit for use by His Mighty hands.

It is necessary to be daily clothed with the “divine weapons” of a baran

in order to be strengthened in the faith and withstand the repeated constant
and invasive attacks of the enemy.
Tolerance, patience, resilience and even the sources of love,
forgiveness, compassion, humility can be exhausted in the face of battle,
which can unfortunately become a fertile ground for enemy action.

Therefore, do not succumb to the tricks, the desires of the flesh, and
the enemy's attacks on your soul.

The enemy specializes in defecating its garbage in the souls of those

who live in disobedience and misaligned to fulfill their spiritual mission here
on earth.

Focus only on Salvation and carry your Cross to the end as only
through Christ will you be saved.

The example of Jesus must be remembered often because ONLY He

was meek, kind, kind, just, faithful, cordial, resilient and withstood
everything in the face of the attacks of enemies who persecuted Him.

Remember these Holy Words:

“Not everyone who says to Me: Lord, Lord! will enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who does the will of My Father, who is in heaven. Many will
say to Me that day: Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in Your name? And, in
your name, do we not expel demons? And in Your name did we not perform
many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly: I never knew you; depart from
Me, you who work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23).

Jesus was meekly guided like a lamb to be slain alive for the love of His
people and he endured all physical pain, mockery, offenses, persecutions
because he knew he would transcend death and upon assuming His call there
would be The Salvation of His people through the Grace shed by the Hands
In this painful process of transformation, only God has the remedy to
cure your pain and suffering. There must be varied renunciations such as
changing eating habits through constant fasting.


For example, fasting, if someone has not done it or is unaware of it,

knows that it can bring unparalleled results in this process of “spiritual

Jesus fala na revelação que fez a João, segundo o texto que se encontra no
Apocalipse 22:12-15, segue in verbis:

“Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me, to repay each one
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the
Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their garments that they may
have the right to the tree of life, and may enter the city through the gates. Dogs,
sorcerers, adulterers, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices
lies will be left out”

If you really want to enter heaven know that you need to be transformed into
a new creature and purify the trichotomy of being.

God speaks about the importance of constant fasting by Christians. And if you
still don't have this practice and are having gluttony problems, after reading this
and with my testimony, you can be motivated to practice it.

God wants to help you in this unprecedented experience through His Holy
Spirit and for sure the result beyond a few pounds less will result in a closer
relationship of friendship between you.

FASTING really is a somewhat controversial issue, however God asked that it

should be thoroughly reviewed, especially by Christian leaders, as many let
themselves be overcome by gluttony and have already lost control over this harmful
habit that can lead to perdition. God wants all Christians to receive Light on this
topic and to reflect on where pleasure is placed in their lives.

Reflection: Where is your treasure??? That's where you get your pleasure!!!

And God asks now: Where is the pleasure of your life???

It's in food, in the car, in the horse, in clothes, in ostentation, in

vanity, in lust, in sex (even if maritalally blessed), in the preferred leisure, in
the ambition to acquire wild things without blessing those who need it most,
it's being always surrounded by important people… or IN THE PRESENCE OF

God wants HIS PEOPLE to enjoy only HIS DIVINE PRESENCE. The
material things HE will surely continue to bless you, yet He wants them to be
just a means for you to live and survive.

What God does not want is for you to be the reason for your existence, as
only He is the Reason for you to breathe at the moment you read this

Unfortunately, there are many Christians who flee from what GOD wants
and who live to eat, dress and show off !!! They forget the wise words of
Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:25 and 33; Luke 12:22 follows in verbis

Therefore, I say to you: do not be preoccupied with your own life, as to what
you shall eat or drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall wear. Is not
life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

So seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these
things will be added to you. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
will bring its own worries. The evil that each day brings in itself is enough.

L22 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Be not afraid
for your life, what ye shall eat, nor for the body, what ye shall wear.

MESSAGE from GOD to Christians who have already been blessed

and are accommodated and conformed:

God now wants to give a message to a Christian who has already established
himself in all areas of life and fulfilled every promised and unimaginable dream that God
has wrought in his life.
If right now in your life you find yourself in a comfortable position but God reveals
that you have unfortunately forgotten the fundamental The principle of your life: To be in
communion with Christ the way He deserves and to be grateful for everything.

You must always remember to bless God's work the same way you were

God wants you to remember now what your faith was like at the beginning of the
journey and from what condition you were rescued!!!

Mountain climbs at dawn, frequent fasts, hours of prayers and intercessions,

sleepless nights praying, frantic search for His Presence, vigils until morning…. no limits
in the search for His Presence and why did you stop after you were abundantly blessed
in an amount far greater than you ever imagined???

God said that after He blessed you, you settled down…

And He tells you: Beware!!!

Pay attention: The time now is not to think of selfish desires, but of His KINGDOM
that is very close, therefore God says:

Pick up where you left off and don't stop…don't let go of the hammock and never
settle down until Jesus comes because your salvation may be in danger.

It's time for you to be more grateful for the blessings poured into your life and
prove your LOVE to GOD and fight like a baran!!!

Christianity is very well represented by "faithful barans" who are already alert to
the signs, dressed daily in the waiting room of the Divine Pottery and shod with the
shoes of readiness before the world's process of fulfilling prophecies.

The BRIDE needs to be restored and positioned in Her GLOCAL Ecumenical

Project !!!
You who have spiritual maturity know that without renouncing the pleasures of
the flesh there will hardly be a “spiritual metamorphosis” and life tends to stumble from
one side to the other (darkness and light).

Remember, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out
of the mouth of God." For example: if gluttony is your enemy, remember,

John the Baptist who ate locusts to survive. When you have a compulsion to
sin of the flesh, you must renounce it out of love and gratitude to God for all that He has
done and does for His people.


Another controversial issue that God revealed to me is about eating meat.

GOD revealed that there are some landowners linked to the anti-Christian system
who are injecting toxic substances and hormones that are extremely harmful to the
trichotomy of human beings and that there is no way to control this veiled use of
substances consecrated to the enemy in evil rituals.

He even reports that they are "conglomerate opponents' cartels" that intend to
manipulate the mind of the general population with the misuse of these harmful
substances, causing dependence and stimulating the creation of various diseases in the
trichotomy of being.

God revealed that many meats before being distributed undergo demonic rituals
and that they are consecrated to the false gods of these opponents of Christ before
being distributed and serving as food for the general population. There are other foods
but God has not authorized me to speak for now.

ATTENTION: FISH dies by mouth!!!

BE CAREFUL with what you are ingesting, where you make the ingestion and
especially what you have released from your mouth... What kinds of words are part of
your daily repertoire: word of blessing or curse???
"The mouth only speaks when the heart is full"
Always remember that God gave you a horse and a message and if you kill the
horse by ingesting toxic waste in your system you will end up getting sick without saying
the message.
And if, for example, you suffer from binge eating, you need to make a decision:
nourish your system and soul with healthy foods and meditation on the Word.
And if you are a Christian leader, you also suffer from any other type of
compulsion and for any reason you cannot or do not want to deliver this lack of control
to God, therefore preferring to assume a CONFORMIST posture and continue acting only
in search of your momentary satisfaction of the flesh, be aware of the risks that this
option can entail in your life.
Only GOD can help you so stop being reluctant and surrender yourself to the
Divine Pottery at dawn and God will help you in everything you need to believe!!!

God reveals that this part of the message is specific to some religious leaders
who are seriously sinning and in need of repair.

Receive on behalf of JESUS???

If you Christian leader identified with this message and knew it was for you, God
is now asking you if you are willing to humbly acknowledge that you have committed the
sin of “gluttony” in some area of ​your life and that you are sincerely repentant.
Know that at dawn when you make this decision to repent and ask for help, God
will have a conversation with you in His Divine Pottery.
Many testimonies will blossom after this Decision Making. Glory Hallelujah today
and always to the Eternal Creator of the beyond of the universe that has infinite power to
heal whoever He wants and when He wants to!!

Regarding the consumption of meat, God remembered His People when

they were in the desert and murmured about the need for meat.

And do you remember how God acted in the face of murmuring???

The Lord King of Hosts spoke to Moses in the text expressed in

Numbers 11:19-23, follows in verbis:
He says to them thus: 'The Lord has heard your whining about all that
you left there in Egypt, and he is going to give you meat. They will eat it not
just a day or two, or five or ten, or even twenty days! They will eat meat all
month long, until they vomit it up in disgust, until they pour it through their
nose and eyes. Because they rejected the Lord who is here in your midst,
and lamented that they came out of Egypt!' ” Moses retorted: “But there are
at least 600,000 able-bodied men, in addition to the women and children,
and you promise them meat for a whole month! Even if we killed all the
herds and all the cattle that would come! We would have to fish all the fish in
the ocean in order to fulfill that promise!”. “Since when did my arm get
shorter? You will soon see if my words come true or not.” It was the Lord's

When a person cannot stand temptation and ALWAYS gives vent to the
uncontrollable desires of his flesh, there is no doubt that he will see with “evil
eyes” what God suggests through His prophets.

The Lord wants you to be cleansed, sanctified, and able to cohabit with
Him in His Kingdom.

"God warns and fixes only those He loves"

However, God warns that many Christians need to mature spiritually

and create a bond of intimacy that will be given to those who choose to go
down daily in the waiting room of the Divine Pottery and meditate on His

You have to make an effort and you already know that this
transformation starts with METANOIA, that is, with a general detox in the
trichotomy of being. You have free will and can choose what purpose and in
what cardinal sin you need to fast. It could be food, social networks, people,
places, environments, habits harmful to the body (addictions, compulsions

The world wants to fill your soul and occupy your time with various
toxic wastes that are intended to distance you from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Are you that type of person who cares about other people's opinions
and likes to please those around you just to be accepted and be part of a
social group of people who live deluded by the things of the world???

Remember that the friends of the world are enemies of GOD or you
choose to live in darkness or in the LIGHT!!!

As long as there is no methanoia, there will be no transformation into a

new creature through the process of “spiritual metamorphosis” at the hands
of the Creator. This is the only impediment for this process to be completed
and you can see your promise fulfilled.

See what awaits you in Revelation, CHAPTER 21, follows in verbis:

Those Who Conquer Will Be Children of God—Earth attains its

heavenly glory.

1 And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth. Because the

first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea
no longer exists.

2 And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem,

descending from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband.

If right now you feel resistance to the NEW and feel disbelief in this
message, that is, you are not open to control yourself, much less let the
action of God flow in your life through the Holy Spirit, God asks you to
review your position and accurately identify which spirit world you are
actually living in and what you aim at: Is it winning the world or living in the
Kingdom with God???

The more you mortify the impulses of your flesh, the greater your
connection with The Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many who claim to know the
Truth prefer to keep their desires and live a lukewarm and facade spiritual

But those who live in front forget that God sees everything and nothing
escapes His fiery Eyes and that He searches and probes everything in our
hearts. For him there is no insurmountable facade, so whoever is living this
way: WAKE UP FOR LIFE, there's still time!!!

“Take advantage of this Glocal Ecumenical movement to change your life”

Right now when you are reading this message, God is seeing your
reactions and already knows what your position will be in His GLOCAL

See Matthew 5:6 for the text that follows in verbis:

"Only a person who is humble in spirit and recognizes his own sins and
weeps for them and submits to the sovereignty of God, can hunger and thirst
for righteousness."

It is necessary for the LIFE OF THE FAITH IN THE BODY OF THE

CHURCH, each Christian to set aside time in the day or dawn and to isolate
himself with GOD at dawn, to try to live in interior silence, to meditate HIS
so that the roots in this bond of co- dependence on Your Comforter.

It is through His Holy Spirit that God acts because He is omnipresent,

omniscient and omnipotent. Its power is manifold and infinite!!!
Only in God can you trust and He always has the specific remedy for
your pain. He is THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATER that will invigorate your
strength. He wants to clothe you through divine weapons, empower you and
transform your life when you put your face in the ground and your mouth in
the dust.

GOD wants to nurture your soul so that you are able to withstand the
desert, storms, trials and evil attacks SAFELY!!!

Regarding resistance to God's plans, be sure to remember His people

when they lived in the process ("cocoon") of the desert and that due to their
disobedience, stubbornness and resistance, they remained forty years in a
repair process until they learned to obey and be aligned with God's purposes.

Do you want this to happen to you too, stay 40 years in the desert or
be aligned with His designs ???

Would you rather obey what GOD asks in this message or sacrifice???

Do you prefer to go through the “cocoon” process and align with GOD's
designs in your life to definitely become a NEW CREATURE or would you
rather live like a crawling caterpillar that lives to eat ???

Personal Comment: There are reports that of the nearly 2.5 million
people who left Egypt with Moses only Joshua and Caleb entered the land of
Canaan at the end of 40 years in the wilderness process.

God's own friend in the case Moses died on Mount Nebo and only saw
the promised land from afar because of his disobedience.

God said to Moses, "Speak to the rock", but Moses disobeyed and
raised his hand, and smote the rock twice with his rod." Exodus 20.11
There are also scientific data that report that the time needed to
complete the distance from Egypt to Canaan was only 40 days and that due
to disobedience it took 40 years. That is, their resistance and disobedience to
surrender in the "cocoon" process that God has for their life is the
impediment of their spiritual metamorphosis.

So if you still have any shadow of resistance in your soul, while

reading these messages from God, preferring to choose to give vent to
rationality and your own will in maintaining this cycle in which you live, know
that you need to urgently descend into the Divine Pottery to talk to O Potter.

Which of the life cycles do you live in???

Do you live a slave to the world due to your disobedience and look for
in your decision-making to act rationally submitting to the uncontrollable
desires of the flesh???

Or do you live in total obedience and descend daily into the Divine
Pottery??? Do you live under the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit of GOD???


This part of GOD's message is unique to the Christian who is facing

the desert, the pit and the cocoon in despondency.

Know that GOD is watching and that is why he is delivering this

message to you as a NEW OPPORTUNITY!!!

Know that in this period in which you are, when you have no strength,
you cannot free yourself from slavery and you feel guilty constantly.

Thank God now and seize this opportunity He is giving you by reading
this message.
Enjoy and get down this morning if possible at DIVINE POTTERY
because GOD wants to talk to you.

But before going down, do a review of your behavior and be sincerely


Only God will give you the cure through the necessary medicine that
He will administer in the right dose of this painful process of “spiritual

God is speaking to you through

these lines: Repent!!!

It is always necessary to remember that GOD does not share His Glory
with anyone and that Christians have to take pleasure in the presence of

The leaders are the commanders of the “boat” and need to be an

example of perfection and divine empowerment in everything so that souls
are saved!!!

God wants to help you in this process but you need to go down to
Divine Pottery and let yourself be molded… maybe you are in this process
needing to break some habit, some paradigm, some situation, some
addiction or free yourself from some sin.

That's why God wants to receive you every day in His Divine Pottery at
dawn to be able to repair it until you are at the exact spot in the mass and
ready to live with Him. Believe: God knows what is best for you to fulfill your
call with excellence.
Remember as a form of comfort that WHENEVER YOU ARE faced with a
burden and in situations of persecution, sadness, pain, suffering, tears… GOD
IS WITH YOU and never abandons you, on the contrary, He always carries
you in His arms and protects you.

Just surrender and repent daily because the intrinsic nature of the flesh
is sinful (thoughts, words, deeds, omissions, guilt and for unimaginable sins).

REMEMBER the characters in the Bible who were handpicked by God,

they all went through countless trials, valleys and deserts (how they have
been and how we can all do) but were blessed ABUNDANTLY in their lives
(because God is faithful and fulfills His promises).

Yet the enemy knows that you are a mighty warrior and that you carry
the Light of Christ. That's why he hates you, wants to kill you and uses a
nasty strategy in which he always throws a cloud of smoke to stun your soul
(mind) and unbalance it.

If your root is not firmly established in the Rock (GOD) your flesh will
surely succumb to the enemy that does not stop attacking mainly Christian
leaders and high hierarchical government positions in all sectors. Its focus is
the imminent attack on the Church Body so that it remains segregated and
dispersed as it currently stands.

You leader who hasn't seen a demon yet, now when you saw that
photo you proved that it exists, it's real and that your demonic legions are
scattered to threshing through the air (you're a living witness because you
saw in the photo of two unclean spirits that my camera of vigilance took
while fasting and in an 8-day consecration on the mount ).
Know that demons are experts at throwing a cloud of smoke and giving
a new version of empowerment to your target who yearns to step into the
painful cocoon process but hasn't yet had the courage.

Know that all Christians suffer attacks and when they are in the
process of cocooning, the enemy's attacks worsen, because he doesn't want
the transformation to take place. The fact is, the spiritual enemy only sells
prosperity in a false and lying package. He is the king of lies and deception
and is an expert at discouraging, especially when the person has not yet
passed through the cocoon.

The enemy by being a fallen angel has celestial powers and can really
give a life of luxury, fame and power to those who buy this illusory package;
Just agree with him and sell your soul for eternity, but they don't know what
awaits them in the abyss of hell, if they did, they would never sell their souls
to gain the world.

There is a sad fact today that there are many (offering)plates of

Churches "prostitutes" that to keep their doors open "forget to evangelize"
and talk about the path of Calvary and the Cross.

SELL lies, distort The word, persecute those who carry THE TRUTH.
They focus only on prosperity, guess work through technological schemes to
obtain personal data, i.e. applications.
These are false revelations triggered by false prophets who with their
prophetesses disseminate thousands of videos daily on youtube and lead
directly to hell sheep who are lost and blind, who do not even imagine THE


PURITY must always be expressed first to those who want to be a new
God insists on the revelation that urges the restoration of the BODY OF THE
CHURCH, so that faith may be quickened through Union and communion in
Christ. And it begins with obedience and connotation to the Ordinances of the
Holy Spirit.

Christians must take a stand of spiritual maturity in the warfare waged

in the spirit world.

Always remember when you feel your Cross weighing on the process
that each biblical character went through to obtain his victory, such as:

*Jesus did not care about the persecution of His people.*Mary did not
fear death by becoming supernaturally pregnant through the Holy Spirit of
God.*Abraham did not fear the opinion of others and did not disobey God's
ordinances in preparing the environment and initiate the act of killing his
only son Isaac.*Moses was fasted for 80 days because of the people who
took him out of Egypt, interceding for the ungrateful with God.*Joseph was
sold by his brothers into slavery, imprisoned in a latrine under threat of
death and only after 13 years the promise that Adonai made was fulfilled.
During this period he remained faithful, not succumbing to the temptation to
bed Pharaoh's beautiful wife. On the contrary, he was arrested for having
fled and accused of being an unjust rapist.

ONLY your INDIVIDUAL effort, alignment with God's purposes in

fulfilling your call to keep your tunic, are ACTIONS that will serve as a
guarantee for the fulfillment of the promise made by God.

You who are mature know that the relationship with God is a two-way
street that requires a lot of effort, abdication, repentance, renunciation,
transformation and humility.

In the Body of Christ, the multiform power of God is felt to act and in
the life of each chosen one who has his mission (not everyone will be a
mouth and not everyone will be eyes).
All you have to do is be aligned with God's plan and ready with the
shoes of readiness to carry it out.

If you are not aligned, believe that God will use another vessel that a
llows you to be molded and surrendered in this process of consolation.

If you haven't decided on the process of transforming into the “cocoon”

you haven't lived the blessings that God wants to pour into your life.

If Jesus Christ suffered so much, transcended death (sin) and is in

Glory at the right side of the Father. It is a living example for all followers
who must take up his cross in this life, discover the purpose that God has in
his life and must obey check the Ordinances.

Carefully analyze the text written by Paul in the Letter to the Romans,
in chapter 12:

'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present

your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your
reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal

of your understanding, that you may experience what is the good, pleasing,
and perfect will of God. rather, think in moderation, according to the
measure of faith that God has given each one of you. For just as in one body
we have many members, and not all members have the same operation, So
we, who are many, are one body in Christ, but individually we are members
of one another. So that, having different gifts, according to the grace given
us, if it is a prophecy, let it be according to the measure of faith;

“It is necessary to be in cognitive consonance with God's plans and always

aligned if you want to live your call and fulfill your promise!!
“Strict discipline is for him who leaves the path, and he who hates
reproof will die” (Pr 15:10)

Repair is the means by which God uses to repair your vessels daily and
reshape them in His mighty Hands in Divine Pottery. God spent 40 years
trying to fix HIS PEOPLE in the wilderness and warning them of the result of
their sinful behavior if they did not submit to His Ordinances and continued
to live guided by the desires of the flesh (sin). Only Joshua and Caleb
entered Canaan.

“He who loves instruction loves knowledge; but what abhors reproof is
unwise.” Proverbs 12.1

Moses prophesied: "And the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from
one end of the earth to the other." Deuteronomy 28:64.

And God fulfilled this prophecy so much that today thousands of

Messianic Jews (first converts and followers of Christ) were literally scattered
to the four corners of the world and are blind, because they do not know
their genealogical ancestry.

The vast majority of believers in Jesus are faithful, obedient and

exercise their calling as part of a Christian Church. Yet The Lord reveals that
many of these Christians are of Messianic Jewish descent, but unfortunately
they are blinded in a cloud of enemy smoke that has shot them down.

purposefully, so as not to exercise their priestly function and be a

channel of blessing in the CORPO DA CHURCH.

They cannot see that the concealment of the importance of the apple
of their eyes in God's Salvation Plan was created through the hegemonic
Roman system. This system perpetuates today and generates walls of pride
in countless believers who prefer to live CONFORMED to this system and who
DO NOT accept that they need to change their point of view (enlarge): They
do not want to KNOW THE MYSTERIES of GOD.

Here is the opportunity that God is sending you through this message,
it follows in verbis:

Convert yourselves by my rebuke; behold, I will abundantly pour out

my spirit upon you, and will make known to you my words. Today could be a
turning point in your life. ... The Lady Wisdom calls upon fools to put an end
to their foolish and destructive ways of life. (Proverbs 1:23)

This perpetual phenomenon prevents the lost sheep of Israel from

assuming the right position in the BODY OF THE CHURCH and from returning

Jesus will not come until THE BRIDE is united!!!

And unfortunately these lost sheep (among them there are many
Christian leaders included in this list) have no curiosity and even less interest
in knowing about their genealogical ancestry.

Many need to overcome the wounded pride of having been deceived by

the enemy so that these scales fall from their eyes (TRAVELS) and can thus
receive this Revelation by the Holy Spirit Comforter that will heal them from
deceit and pride.

And so they will confirm if they really are Messianic Jews and many
who are sad and desolate in their ministries will finally be able to fulfill with
excellence their calling in the BODY OF CHRIST. They will be covered by the
Grace of God and by a shower of blessings in their lives. Each member of the
BODY must assume their correct position IN THE BODY of CHRIST.

But if they prefer to continue CONFORMED in this hegemonic system

forged and closed to the message of God, it will be these same people who
will read this message from God, will judge it, criticize and allege falsehood
in the written words. And they will return to their CONFormist and self-
indulgent position that exercises their ministries. They will be the same ones
who will conform to the unique system of the antichrist that will very soon be

Conduct a constant and daily thorough self-analysis of your behaviors,

thoughts, spoken words and murmurings.

Adam's DNA is imperfect and sinful, but Christ's commandment doers

carry God's perfect DNA through the consolation of the Holy Spirit.

The human being, when frustrated with some situation in his life and unaware
of the strategies of spiritual battle, tends, through spiritual ignorance, to take out
much of his frustration on the compulsive desires of the flesh and on people who
surround him through murmurings and extrinsic guilt.When a person does not live
the purpose of God in his life, he is bitter and cannot see beyond. Usually tends not
to admit that the situation of discomfort is due to the intrinsic sin of their existence
that acted through a thought, word, omission, action, guilt16

To break this vicious cycle in which a large portion of the population lives,
this checkup internal under the light of Ruach Hakodesh is necessary17, changing
their thinking (metanoia) and choosing to go through the painful process of
“spiritual metamorphosis”.

They are spiritual and religious practices that together allow the creation of
behavioral habits that please God. The faithful baran carries “The seal of Christ”,
is always clothed with divine weapons and anointed by His Precious Blood on the
Cross that protects him from the possible attacks of the evil one in front of the daily

Unknown behavioral sins that are carried through the pedigree of up to 4 previous generations. They are cycles of
destructive behavioral patterns that pass from generation to generation until there is liberation (This fight can only
be won with effort: fasting, prayer and by the Grace of God that can uproot the iniquity of the predecessors).
Holy Spirit in Hebrew.
Do not believe that the SPIRITUAL BATTLE is a clean fight because the enemy
is dirty, false, liar, murderous, it is camouflaged in people weak in faith who live in
the world with repeated practices of sins.

The light of Christ ALWAYS protects His followers in the dark way, in
ambushes and in the cunning snares of evil. It is enough to be allied with CHRIST as
His Master, His Guide and His Friend.

Only in Christ can you trust and tell of all your sins. GOD will not condemn
you if there is sincere repentance. Thus says The Lord to Jeremiah in his chapter
17:5, it follows in verbis:

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his
arm, and departs his heart from the LORD!"

If you analyze it comprehensively, you will come to the conclusion that

everything in life is summed up in countless cycles and processes. Each one has its
time and an analogy can be drawn with the jurisdiction of the world.

Each process depends on the degree (level) of legality open to evil action.
The deeper the breach, the greater the invasion and breadth of damage the enemy
will operate with the trivial intent of killing, stealing, and destroying.

But if they prefer to continue CONFORMED in this hegemonic system forged

and closed to the message of God, it will be these same people who will read this
message from God, will judge it, criticize and allege falsehood in the written words.
And they will return to their CONFormist and self-indulgent position that exercise
their ministries. They will be the same ones who will conform to the unique system
of the antichrist that will soon be consolidated

⇒ *** Thus declares The Lord of Hosts:

“Many will sell themselves as prostitutes and will settle for slaves selling
their souls. I declare that they will suffer bitterly at the hands of the enemy and
will be blamed to the extent of their complicity in the face of the genocide that MY
PEOPLE will suffer. They will be judged by Me to the same extent as their omission
in the face of non-compliance with MY GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT”.
Glory Hallelujah today and always to the Almighty GOD of Israel who lives and
REIGNS for eternity !!!

These people who displease God will be held responsible at the final judgment
for acting like wolves in sheep's clothing and leading countless blind, sick and deaf
sheep to hell and will be possible victims of the glocal genocide of Christians.

They are God's opponents and will not allow the defense of Christians through
the implementation of the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT.

The desire that is fulfilled delights the soul, but to depart from evil is an
abomination to the mad. Man could be perpetually happy, but most
men despise the path of happiness and success! The greatest source
of human fulfillment and pleasure is found in justice, truth and wisdom.
Proverbs 13:19

This sad ending will be destined exclusively for those who think only of
themselves in a gluttonous, selfish way and who live hidden in their thoughts of
darkness, for the conformists, lazy and full of reason.Those who do not assume
Christ as their only Teacher and Guide will not be able to declare themselves a
Christian nor will they participate in the final judgment, therefore they will not be
saved, that is, they will be Conformed to the unique anti-Christian system.

MESSIANIC JEWS are the first believers converted by

JESUS who is the ONLY True Messiah!!!

Christians do not care about genealogy and are not interested in researching
whether they have Messianic Jewish ancestry, however it is time to go in search of
THE truth that the enemy has covered up with a cloud of smoke and does not want
anyone to find out, because then he will have more time to raise souls for hell.

The transformation takes place inside the cocoon in which the caterpillar,
mindless by an "act of faith" (natural instinct), closes itself in a tight cocoon without
knowing what will happen and ends up transforming itself into a new creature
(butterfly) totally different and with habits different from your old nature.
With human beings the process of "spiritual metamorphosis" is also
necessary18 and after individual transformation there is the ability to conform to the
Rules, Ordinances and Laws that govern the Celestial Kingdom.

LOVE is the trembling of the LORD

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and
instruction”. Proverbs 1:7

When referring to the name of God it is ALWAYS necessary to have trembling,

respect and obedience because He is Almighty and Creator of the beyond of the

You don't joke with God, don't blaspheme and never should use His Holy
Name in vain (as unfortunately is observed in today's society, especially by
Christians all the time).

It is a direct affront to His command and deeply displeases Him. God asserts
that there will be judgment for the vain misuse of His Holy Name.

The laws of the Kingdom of GOD are distinct from the world and know that
when you are in the Kingdom of Heaven there will be beyond the change in your
corporeal spiritual conformation and a new name. There is no room for sin. God
promises that in His Kingdom there will be no pain and suffering.

Only when servants are corrected, repaired, broken and dented can they be
used as vessels are they fit to receive the anointing of God's power. Therefore every
follower of Christ who longs to be used by God must be mended daily.

God searches your heart, probes your thoughts, and sees your willingness to
be transformed. He sees his daily effort to step out of the Status quo ante (“tracked
position”) into a Ad Quem Realm heavenly(“butterfly”).

It also checks daily those who obey His commandments, Ordinances and
those who submit to the process of conlteration under the direct Command of the
Holy Spirit of God.

People who have already had access to The Truth that Sets Free are not
afraid of the progressive and constant daily repair at the hands of the Potter.

With spiritual maturity, they take pain and control themselves in this process
to be a new creature. They always place themselves in a position of alignment
(enlistment-baran) to the Creator's purposes. They fight daily as faithful barans in
defense of Christians.

Remember that any Christian's promise will be fulfilled if he first accepts

Jesus, is baptized in water in total repentance of his past life, and accepts that God
molds him to follow his new life the way He wants, since only He knows what is the
mission of each one and the purpose for which he came into the world.

So that there is continuity in this alignment (enlistment-baran). You must be

willing to surrender to His beautiful feet daily, humbling yourself and striving in the
process of "spiritual metamorphosis."

However, as everything is processes and cycles, a baran needs to beware of

some procedures that are intrinsic and that come decoded in the soul in an
automated way when and directly connected with The Holy Spirit of God, which
reveals according to the individual search and effort of each a.

"The more you are given, the more you are charged."

In this intimate relationship, if you yearn to have access to the Blessed

Sacrament, you need to be prepared for that encounter. It is therefore assumed
that he must have gone through the painful process of transformation and gone
through it.
You certainly suffered but overcame it with God's help since it is undeniable
your level of difficulty and how much you dedicated and struggled daily, with focus
and abdication of past life in all areas that go against God's plans.

God rejoices with the Christian who has assumed with spiritual maturity the
position of a baran and holds his CROSS in the certainty that he will be safely led to
eternal Salvation.

Metaphorically represented: every baran must leave the gluttonous position

of a caterpillar to fly freely like a butterfly that feeds on the nectar of flowers and
that when flying has the possibility of reaching heaven by the GRACE of God.

The examples of nature regarding "metamorphosis", the oyster and the eagle
serve as a reference in the message of God without an ideological stamp other than
the literal and linked only to the natural process that a brainless caterpillar in a step
of faith enters into a cocoon, and after suffering immensely, it turns into a beautiful

The Lord God purposely left these examples for humanity to typify how it is
necessary to isolate a certain period of time from the outside world so that this
transformation takes place from the inside out without interference from others,
that is, individually.


There are many impediments to the ordinances of the Holy Spirit of God,
due to internal and especially external influences, because the environment to which
the person is subjected and the surrounding circumstances (social, labor, family,
leisure, religious, etc.) they can become obstacles for this isolation process to take
place in an integral way and without interference.

Consequently, there is a delay and the person will spend more time to align
himself with the purpose that God has in his life. Many unfortunately can not (EXIT
the middle) and give up the path, do not feed On the Truth that leads to life!!!
Unfortunately many "seeds"19 try for a while and settle down. Others go blind
and forget the real purpose of life, the blessings they have already received and
succumb to the middle selling their soul as "whores" to the enemy that enslaves
them and torments their lives with disease, loss, death and destruction of their
dreams, of their purity and hope.

That's why God advises that if you find out that you live in a toxic
environment surrounded by people who prevent you from being a new creature,
reassess your life and your salvation, which is individual. Create strategies to
change the environment in which you live and live in a healthy environment through
prayer and with the help of the Comforter.

The Lord revealed His permission to the world in the face of the spread of the
CoronaVirus 19 pandemic which was a milestone in the world and in the lives of
many Christians who were conformed and reassessed their lives.

The whole world had to enter forcibly and without leaving their homes. It was
the experience of “a cocoon” for many Christians through social isolation and left a
visible reminder of the destructive potential of wearing a mask in any public place.

God revealed to me that the mask serves as a warning to all Christians that
they must literally "cover their mouth" and change their habits, I urgently curb the
use of the mouth in the sense of speech and gluttony.

This isolation, consented to by God, should have been used by Christians as a

deepening of intimacy and codependency with Him. For this He created mankind, so
that there might be Codependency on Him. That's why the human being is His
image and likeness. He wanted a family.

And positively, many Christians have suited this purpose and literally
awakened their call. However, many take the opportunity to gain weight and enjoy
the pleasures of the flesh watching TV series, excessive food, etc.

"For many are called,but few are chosen"(Matthew 22:14)

parable of the sower
And you Christian leader really looking be part of this
heavenly family ???

When giving an affirmative answer, you need to position yourself as a baran

in fulfilling the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT and be willing to practice methanoia,
undergo the “spiritual metamorphosis” and grasp The Cross to obediently follow
God's plans.

The key to the heart of God is Humility

To be able to receive the key to the heart of God, the practice of humility,
trembling, obedience, love, dedication, effort and renunciation of the values of
the world will facilitate access to the Blessed Sacrament.

There is only one key that opens Adonai's heart and consequently it will be
The Gateway that will give access to the dwellings that Jesus Christ is preparing for
His followers in the Heavenly Kingdom.

The transformation process can be compared to an exodus in which a

Christian chooses to follow and live in the Light of Christ (truth, humiliation and
obedience) and does not give room to darkness (world that lies in the evil one and
sold him an illusory package of wealth, fame and power)

And you must be thinking about what the guarantees are if you
choose to TRUST, control yourself and make an effort in the use of the gifts
and talents that God has given you and enabled free of charge to carry out
the fulfillment of this message???

Just as Abraham, Jacob, Noah, David, Rahab, Mary, Esther, Hannah,

Gideon did…

God guarantees that you will live the fulfillment of all that He promised you
in His Kingdom and that He will give you much more than you ever imagined. day.
The works that God reserves for those who trust in Him are always great, leaving no
room for a shadow of doubt (enemy).

God promises, therefore He will fulfill it in the time He sees fit!!!

In the Kingdom of Heaven the guarantee that God gives to everyone who
comes to Him (through Jesus Christ ONLY) is that there will be no room for pain,
hunger and suffering.

Just pleasant thoughts of peace, love and prosperity. There will be no room
for feelings of anger, envy, greed, greed, lust, ostentation, vanity, greed. On the
contrary, they will live eternity with THE BLESSED TRINITY in communion, order,
balance and harmony with the heavenly principles and regulations.

That's why it's important to undergo the transformation here on earth so that
you are connolted to the Holy Spirit of God and become with His Ordinances able to
reside in the Kingdom of Heaven.

You will not just praise as many say and think wrongly. Heaven is a very
dynamic place because The Lord THE CREATOR does not get tired of working and
does not stop creating. So this idea that we're only going to praise is wrong.

Unfortunately many Christians are literally losing their salvation because

they think this way, which is wrong because they think heaven will be too peaceful
and will only praise. That's why “they enjoy” here on earth everything that the meat
desires. They were blinded by the seed planted by the enemy in their souls and live
in sin by giving vent to the compulsions and pleasures of the flesh.

God warns that all Christians who join His Glocal Ecumenical PROJECT must
already go clothe themselves in prayer in the Pottery and take a stand as they align
themselves with God's plans in their lives.

They must be preparing for the Battle against the unique system of the
Antichrist and that the Ordinances of the Comforter be controlled through the
practice of the teachings left by Jesus Christ.
Those who aspire to the Kingdom of Heaven must be willing to sell everything
literally and abstain from absolute pleasure in material things if they are to enter.

A faithful baran who is in a state of vigilance always discredits and rebukes

this kind of selfish thinking. He is always ready to assist in the salvation of people
conformed to the Hellenic system20. They need to encourage Christians to buy the
Land of Heaven.



God, right now for you to read His message is enabling neurologically to write
these countless lines to write this message.

He only wants Christians to unite glocally through His Ecumenical Project and
He has His reasons, it is not for Christians to question Him just obey Him.

God remembers that His sword can only be used when authorized through
the Word or directly by HIM. As long as THE SWORD is ALWAYS in line with HIS will,
never selfishly. That's why HE gave The sword only to the faithful barans.

"There are words that wound like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18

⇒ Psalm Reading Recommendation 59

God reminds a faithful baran to meditate on His Word and set aside time for it
at least twice a day.

He tells me that the time of many Christians today is being spent in other
situations that are related to the pleasures of the flesh.

From this reading onwards, a faithful baran must review his time
management if he wants to help implement the rights inherent to all Christians and

Focus of the antichrist system: prosperity at any cost in a selfish way (gluttony) and that preaches the
accumulation of material goods on earth. Opponent of God's Plan of Salvation.
prevent genocide. You should therefore spend your time exclusively in MEDITATION
OF THE WORD and avoid polluting your soul with worldly things.

"What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel"

“ Where your heart is is where your treasure is!!!”. Mt 6:21

Dearest, always take your time to evangelize wherever you place the soles of
your feet. Always remember to fulfill the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit of God.

Try to research your genealogical ancestry (the surnames of your relatives

and find out if you have Messianic Jewish descent). Help bring Light (knowledge) on
this topic in the lives of your acquaintances and thus will be helping God's plans to
rescue the lost sheep of Israel.

The Body of Christ is fully restored in order, perfection and balance.

God reveals that many Christians are in the Body of the Church but are
carrying out functions in ministries that are not His purposes, therefore they find
themselves discouraged and without faith.

Many times you don't feel fulfilled and full because it is NOT the ministry you
believe it to be, because the one who created the beyond of the universe is God and
He determined the destiny of His chosen one.

God knows you even before you are born, so align yourself with God's plans
and not with your belief in thinking that this ministry is. Sometimes God wants to
use you in praise and you insist on evangelizing because you think you don't have a
pleasant voice. Don't forget that God empowers the chosen and does not choose the

If your promise hasn't come true, it's because you haven't signed up with a
baran and didn't align with His designs, believe it!!! Take hold of the Ordinances of
the Holy Spirit of God and let God show His power to enable you so that His Glory
may shine in the four corners of the world!!!
God did not create man to be a god but to be co-dependent on Him who is
the ONLY one who can enable him so that His Glory and Honor are proclaimed in the
four corners of the world when others see the wonder, the miracle or the sign that
God worked in your life. Gloria Hallelujah today and forever to God!!!

Always remember the Biblical characters who were deficient in some area of
their lives but by trusting in God they were enabled.

Be ready to receive the bridegroom and prepare your oil (lamps-through

knowledge-wisdom) like the wise brides. 21

Make an effort and seek transformation, be the change you want in the
world and if you have not yet found yourself in your ministry, start through your
transformation and decide to free yourself from everything that prevents you from
being aligned with the designs of God and act with the spiritual maturity of a faithful

Remember that the transformation you desire in the world begins in you. This
is the real BUTTERFLY EFFECT that everyone hears but many do not understand
(the enemy distorted its meaning).

Metanoia is intrinsic and inherent in the process of “spiritual metamorphosis”.

God is speaking to you through this message23 and will know your position
after reading it. And if you will help with your gifts and talents in carrying out YOUR

Personal comment: I believe that's why God asked me to buy candles and kerosene. Sometimes the Holy Spirit
speaks to me in parables and I'm slow to understand. I obeyed, went to the market and bought a bunch of candles,
matches and kerosene. But only now when writing I understood what HE wanted to tell me: JESUS WILL SOON
RETURN is for us to be ready as faithful barans, enlisted (aligned) to HIS design!!! I've been here writing, editing
for days and nights without end and I know that God is seeing my effort, my dedication and my overcoming in
writing. Because I'm not an expert in this area I TRUST, I OBEY, I EFFORT to do with excellence what HE gave me
for free. I know He is empowering me and this message will serve to make His Glocal Ecumenical Project effective.
And it will help to bring light (knowledge) and save countless Christians from a possible genocide, because through
this message it was possible to create a Christian defense system. And if the Project is not fulfilled, God will judge
each one according to his omission. I am doing what He asked of me and I know that I will receive the rewards for
all my effort, dedication and blind trust in Him. So I do with and for the infinite love and gratitude that I have to the
Almighty God.
Baran is a name in Hebrew that means noble warrior, brave man. It was the title given to Gideon, “the fearful one” by God after
enabling him. Allow God to act and empower you in areas you feel deficient. Let the Light of Christ be revealed through you, your
attitudes and your words wherever you go and may He alone be glorified and revered because of His Power and Majesty.
Message from God written by a person with ADHD and dyslexia
God does not want Christians CONFORMED but CONOLTED!!!

POSITION YOURSELF like a Warrior!!!

God always enables the handicapped to astonish those who think they are
wise, strong, mighty, and reasoned with.

The divine weapons of a baran: TRUST - TRUTH - JUSTICE - REPENTANCE


The repair takes place daily through submission, conoltation to the

Counselor's purposes, by continuous prayer, by the practice of the teachings of the
Gospel and by the effort to overcome the desires of the flesh (especially pride).

A faithful baran is ALWAYS in continual connection with The Holy Spirit of

God and ALLOWS himself to align and mold himself to His purposes.


that a faithful baran must practice daily if he is to fulfill his promise.

● Perform daily the practice of prayer alternated with some type of fasting (detox from social networks,
detox from cell phones or harmful habits, the trichotomy of being)
● Strive and wake up in the early morning because God does not sleep. Now it is necessary to quicken the
faith and strive to save the lost sheep throughout the world of Israel. Rest will be in eternity;
● Change your eating habits if you are unhealthy. If you can, choose foods that nourish your body. Avoid
frequenting mundane places and keep the necessary contact with mocking people (use common sense and
silence in the face of people who live in darkness); And if God puts people in your way, ask Him what you
can do to help them and fulfill their mission;
● Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and guidance in which place you should practice your spiritual mission
to assist the Church Body;
● Let the SUPERNATURAL Power of God flow into your life and allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit
of God;
● Fight like a faithful baran and bravely against the lusts of the flesh;

*Suggestion: Write it down on a sheet and hang it in places you daily pass your eyes on, such as your oratory,
refrigerator or desk.

INDICATION OF DAILY READING of Psalm 46/*** PEOPLE OF ISRAEL be aware of the signs !!! (confirmation by
Joel 3). Through the prophets God always reveals what will happen and how He will act, so be aware of the wolves
in sheep's clothing, ask for discernment from the Holy Spirit and do not believe everything they tell you, because
the enemy, who guides the wolves, is the King of lies, cunning and murderous.
● Establish bonds with people who seek and live the teachings of Jesus, who really has the life and posture
of a child of God;
● Be vigilant and don't let yourself be swayed by the devil's onslaught of the illusion package that the enemy
tries to sell you when you put yourself in the breach (fame, money, and effortless power);
● Study more about the enemy and find out how you can fight him effectively and definitively. Learn and ask
the Comforter's insight into what strategies you should use to win every battle in every day-to-day
● Take on the Cross with spiritual maturity even if the situation is difficult and it goes in the opposite
direction to what you yearn for. Because the victory in Christ is guaranteed to all He follows and obeys;
● Always bless whoever or wherever the Holy Spirit commands. Do not be like Saul and remember what
Jesus said to the apostles: “Take nothing with you on the way, neither staffs, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money; neither
have two tunics”.
● Discover, fulfill your calling and seek salvation with a focus on the Kingdom of Heaven;
● ALWAYS be grateful for everything even if it's not pleasant or favorable. Remember Job;
● Love without measure and always be willing to forgive with the pure heart of a child;
● Pray, watch unceasingly and be silent with the Holy Spirit;
● Believe and trust that God will fulfill what He promised you, however unfavorable the current situation you
live in is. God willingly has enough power to change your story now as you are reading this message. He
knows the right time for each chosen one, so enlist and align with his designs;
● Never fear the enemy because if you are clothed in the weapons of a faithful baran and without legality
you cannot touch a hair on your head. He can try but no weapon forged against his life and his house will
prevail because Jesus is at the front of this battle and has already won;
● Establish a routine of prayer, services, purposes, offering, tithes, pile, fasting, service in the body of the
Church (fulfill your call).
● Prepare daily for the rapture.
● Always be vigilant about gluttony. (entry point for other deadly sins, food, silence, social media, places).
● Live in harmony with The Holy Spirit and do not allow anyone to try to influence in an opposing way the
purposes of God in your life.
● Always ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in whatever you do. For example: what should you eat, buy
etc… always let Him guide you. Only God knows what's best for us and obeying Him is better than
● Constantly rebuke thoughts of darkness, pain, suffering, vanity, envy, comparison, boasting, pride, greed,
greed, lust etc.
● Obey what the Holy Spirit tells you even if it may seem crazy and strange to others. a faithful baran
always uses common sense and is sure that The Comforter is speaking to him, so as not to sin as David
did when he ordered the number of soldiers to be counted. See the text of 1 Chronicles 21:Then, Satan rose
up against Israel and urged David to number Israel. Remember that you owe only satisfaction to God who loves
you unconditionally and has thoughts of peace about you.
● Seek tirelessly and constantly to live in fellowship with people who live a life of holiness. Focus on
● Close yourself to the worldly things that take you away from God26 in a posture of silence, make purposes
for periods of time like Jesus did when he retired in the desert.

The friends of the world are enemies of God. See James 4:4: “Adulterers, don't you know that friendship with the
world is enmity with God? Anyone who wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God”.
God always gives advice through his prophets, it follows in verbis:

“However, because I cried and you refused; and I stretched out my

hand, and there was none to pay attention, But you rejected all my counsel,
and did not want my rebuke, I will also laugh at your perdition, and scoff,
when your fear is coming. When your fear comes like desolation, and your
destruction comes like a storm, distress and anguish will come upon you.
Then they will cry out to me, but I will not answer; at dawn they will look for
me, but they will not find me. Because they hated knowledge; and they did
not choose the fear of the Lord: They did not take my counsel, and
despised all my reproof. Therefore they will eat of the fruit of their way, and
will be satisfied with their own counsel. For the error of the simple will kill
them, and the folly of the foolish will destroy them. But he who listens to
me will dwell in safety, and he will be free from the fear of evil.” (Prov

RETALIATION (07.09.2021)

God revealed this word that I confess in my ignorance I never even imagined
its existence. God explained that when you enter the enemy's spiritual territory, it is
normal for you to defend yourself because The Light of Christ bothers a lot of those
who live in darkness and in the practice of sin. The adversary feels attacked in his
space and has no intention of changing his sinful lifestyle.

So God told me that warfare in the spirit world exists and is in progress. Only
those who are under His command and who are clothed with the divine weapons of
a baran will win every day.

God is the Lord King of hosts and only He can enable. Because the Christian
by his own effort is unable to win any battle if we do not have His help and His

The life of a Mighty warrior must always be guided by the Truth and without
a loophole for the enemy to enter.
God emphasizes the importance of silence at this time and suggests that you
speak as little as possible, that is, be in a spirit connoted to Him, because He wants
to reveal great things to you and how you can help him in the realization of this

Misuse of the mouth can be deadly28.

In Spiritual Battle, a simple misplaced word, "an innocent little lie"29, a

victimistic and omissive attitude, a misplaced comma or the hidden desires in the
heart30 can serve as loopholes for the enemy to act with legality and establish a
fierce and destructive process. retaliation.

And in this case, unfortunately, you yourself are the culprit and used your
free will in a transgressive way, giving the enemy opportunity and legality to act.
You must therefore bear the consequences derived from the way you used your free

That's why many people say that when they see a bad thing it seems that
everything comes together. This situation represents the Battle in the spirit world.
This is how the enemy acts to destroy, kill and steal.

When it comes to a chosen one, the enemy's fury is tripled and his attack is
fierce. It is expressed in perfection in the text of Luke 11:25, it goes on in verbis:

When a spirit leaves a person, it passes through arid places looking for
refreshment, but not finding it, then ponder: 'I will return to the house from

God always asks me to be silent because as I have dyslexia and ADHD I am usually misinterpreted and judged by things I say
when they are not in line with what He sends me.
the fish dies through the mouth
Either you live in TRUTH, LIGHT under the jurisdiction and protection of God or in darkness. For God a lie is a lie, it has no
qualification and much less quantification. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life;
Every faithful baran must constantly self-analyze and be very careful with situations in which there is self-deception, such as:
*Vanity dressed up in false humility ⇒ For God the humiliated will be exalted and the glory and Honor is for Him only!!!
* People who always look for someone to blame because they don't want to admit out of their own pride
that they were wrong and accept their guilt in a certain situation. These are people who don't want to see their
locks but only their little brother's mote.
which I came'. As soon as he arrives, he finds the house swept and in order.
So he goes and brings seven other spirits worse than him, and they go in and
live there. And that person's final situation becomes worse than the first
one”. Happy are those who receive the Word.

*** Watch your home and close the gaps to live safely, with a clear conscience
and in the Peace of Christ. Strive to obey as much as possible, connoting yourself
to the Comforter's designs. You will be clothed with divine weapons and will not
suffer or be less attacked by the fury that the enemy has over your life and your

The enemy always tries but fails because Jesus is at the front of this battle
and works through deliverances, healing deliverances for those who follow Him
and carry their crosses.

God ALWAYS protects those who are clothed with divine weapons and who
seek Him in the Divine Pottery!!!

God reveals that prayer in constant spirit is essential and if possible it is for
the dawns when you choose to win the battle of sleep and humbly decide to humble
yourself, repent of the sins committed during the day in thoughts, words, acts and

It's your own fault, remember, because only you have the free will to choose
to sin. For example, no one puts a gun to your head to make you lie. So look for
alternatives to not talking but not lying and falling under the jurisdiction of

God longs for communion in this relationship between you and that it is
transformed into a beautiful friendship, that is, a bond that will become closer each
day with your choice and search.

“By being silent to the world, you will be able to listen with YOUR
CONSOLATING SPIRIT”. God asks you to silence your soul and confine yourself to
His purposes so that you can fulfill His promise and fulfill His Plan of Salvation.

Within the divine Law, everyone who is with his heart turned to thoughts of
darkness consequently opens fissures and breaches for sin to be instituted, giving
the enemy room to win the war.

What God longs for most is for all Christians to unite and choose through their free will to go down daily into the
waiting room of His DIVINE POTTERY.
And if the damage is not remedied or repaired in time with the supplication to
the Potter, he will be able to work wonders, miracles and signs32.

God cannot prevent the enemy if he has the guarantee, that is, the legal
permission to enter the gap opened by those who disobey the commandments,
ordinances and designs of God. For where there is darkness there is sin, the price of
which is health and the wages of death, and the Light of God does not mix with this
jurisdiction of darkness.

God only acts in the jurisdiction of the TRUTH and the LIGHT of
CHRIST. So if you are sinful it no longer belongs to the territorial
jurisdiction of His jurisdiction!!!

God IS ALL POWERFUL KING33 but if the person chose of his own free will and
conscious of the wrong done, he should therefore receive the punishment. God
leaves it up to the accuser who specializes in punishing, killing and stealing.

When a child of God carries the light of Christ on a daily basis, he becomes a
target of hell in all he does and speaks. The Light of Christ radiates and
overshadows those who live in darkness who retaliate wherever legal.

The demons use the loopholes to go tying and enslaving more and more
people who do not know The Truth that sets them free and are used as living
instruments of Satan to persecute Christians.

A true warrior is always on guard and ready to repent, to undo the shackles,
situations of embarrassment, lying and not giving space to legality are constant
attitudes of vigilance in the soul, even if for this you need to humiliate yourself
thousands of times and expose your misery of your flesh in front of others.34

Conduct a constant and daily thorough self-analysis of your behaviors,

thoughts, spoken words and murmurings.

He can act wherever HE wants
God asked me to pray for someone I don't know who is named Adeildo Costa.
Adam's DNA is imperfect and sinful but Christ's commandment doers
carry God's perfect DNA through the conollation of the Holy Spirit.

The human being when frustrated with some situation in his life and unaware
of the strategies of spiritual battle tends, due to spiritual ignorance, to take out
much of his frustration on the compulsive desires of the flesh and on people who
surround him through murmurings and extrinsic guilt.

When a person does not live the purpose of God in his life, he is bitter and
cannot see beyond. Usually tends not to admit that the situation of discomfort is
due to the intrinsic sin of their existence that acted through a thought, word,
omission, action, guilt35

To break this vicious cycle in which a large portion of the population lives, it
is necessary this checkup to carry out internal under the light of Ruach Hakodesh36,
change their thinking (metanoia) and choose to go through the painful process of
“spiritual metamorphosis”.

They are spiritual and religious practices that, together, allow the creation of
behavioral habits that please God. The faithful baran carries “The seal of Christ”,
is always clothed with divine weapons and anointed by His Precious Blood on the
Cross that protects him from the possible attacks of the evil one in front of the daily

Do not believe that the SPIRITUAL BATTLE is a clean fight because the enemy
is dirty, false, liar, murderous, it is camouflaged in people weak in faith who live in
the world with repeated practices of sins.

The light of Christ ALWAYS protects His followers in the dark way, in
ambushes and in the cunning snares of evil. It is enough to be allied with CHRIST as
His Master, His Guide and His Friend.

Unknown behavioral sins that are carried through the pedigree of up to 4 previous generations. They are cycles of
destructive behavioral patterns that pass from generation to generation until there is liberation (This fight canbe
won only with effort: fasting, prayer and by the Grace of God that can uproot the iniquity of the predecessors).
Holy Spirit in Hebrew.
Only in Christ can you trust and tell all your sins. GOD will not condemn you
if there is sincere repentance. Thus says The Lord to Jeremiah in his chapter 17:5, it
follows in verbis:

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his
arm, and departs his heart from the LORD!"

If you analyze it comprehensively, you will come to the conclusion that

everything in life is summed up in countless cycles and processes. Each one has its
time and an analogy can be drawn with the jurisdiction of the world.

Each process depends on the degree (level) of legality open to evil action.
The deeper the breach, the greater the invasion and breadth of damage the enemy
will operate with the trivial intent of killing, stealing, and destroying.

Always remember the 7 Divine Weapons of a faithful baran:


God gave you the free will to choose which way you want to follow: Which
do you prefer???

● The Way of the Cross: Follow Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life!!!
● The Way of Hell: The enemy is the way of lying, of the perdition of the soul
and of the death of the spirit!!!

In ancient times the Law of Retaliation was accepted. The famous phrase “An
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” represents this Law.

In the spiritual world this law is applied.follows In verbis a text in Revelation

18:4, check:

“Then I heard another voice from heaven saying: “Come out of

her, you my people, so that you do not share in her sins, so
that the plagues that will fall on her don't hit them!
We live in the material world that is surrounded by the spiritual world in
which there is a constant battle that is invisible to the eyes of the flesh.

Your enemy has no love in his heart, only deadly hatred of the man who is
the image in the likeness of God. The enemy is vindictive, cruel, bloodthirsty,
murderous and wants you to always be in sin. May you succumb to the desires of
your flesh so that he has legality over your life.

“Submit yourselves to God; resist the devil and he will flee

from you”. James 4-7.

“We know that whoever is born of God is not in sin; he that

is born of God protects him, and the evil one does not strike
him.” 1 John 5:18

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put

on the whole armor of God, that you may stand against the
devil's snares.” Ephesians 6:10-11


God also tests the purity of the gold of OFFIR through trials, deserts, dark
nights, that is, not everything is the fault of the enemy in your life. ONLY you open
the gaps and begin with the fact of succumbing to the desires and pleasures
inherent in the flesh. The enemy will only act legally and with God's permission.

God tests the quality of gold and tests whether the dough is in the right spot
to be used to be molded into His vessel for His Glory and His Honor. Always notice
that the chosen ones are the most trampled, crushed and broken by His Divine and
Mighty Hands.

Jesus came to teach how to forgive enemies37and to teach through the real

So Peter approached Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he has sinned
against me? Up to seven times?"
examples he left while passing through the earth. See one of His teachings found in
Romans 12:19-21, follows in verbis:

“Beloved, never seek revenge, but leave wrath with God, for it is
written: "Vengeance is mine; I will repay", says the Lord.

On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, give him something to

eat; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. By doing this,
you will heap live coals on his head."

Do not let yourself be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with


DIVINE CAPACITY (08.09.2021)

“Call on me and I will answer you, and I will reveal to you great and inaccessible
knowledge, which you do not know”. Jeremiah 33:3

It is in the waiting room of the Divine Pottery that the process of

transformation into a new creature takes place. The common goal of every Christian
is Eternal SALVATION in which he longs to cohabit with God in His Kingdom.

Fulfillment of the promise only comes through The Potter's Hands who mold
according to His infinite Grace and Goodness.

The surrender process is painful, requires effort and monitoring the

Ordinances of the Holy Spirit of God. It is important to coat the seven divine
weapons that the faithful baran receives every descent into His Divine Pottery,
making him protected. This process starts through methanoia and later through the
option to go through the “spiritual metamorphosis” so that it is able to fight against
the darkness38.


● Metanoia and Metamorphosis: Achieving Goals and Objectives

● Win the Battle of Sleep with God's Help39 You Christian leader already knows
that only The Creator has the key to your victory, only He can change your

You must prepare to return home.
You will make it, pray and ask Him for help to remove sleep.
story 100%, so I don't know what stage you are in your trajectory, but don't
let go of your net, focus on the end that is near.

So "lift up your sleeves" and grab the net. Don't forget to Glorify for all the
blessings you've received so far in your life and for breathing in full pandemic. Every
day that dawns is a new opportunity to start over.

God deserves the best, the EVERYTHING because if you are alive and
thanks to HIM... Always remember to give for free what you received for
free to whom The Holy Spirit designates.

Because everything God does is good, perfect and pleasant!!!

One of the divine strategies: tolerance and resistance.

By being aligned with God's plans, these strategies may be part of your
repertoire constantly and strengthen you on your way so that you can be a source

A leader and faithful baran knows he needs to save the lost sheep around the


One of the enemy's favorite tactics of action is the cloud of smoke that
obscures reality, blinds the truth. and carry out His Plan of Destruction.

The enemy also has power and uses it legally due to the sin of people,
inanimate things and situations to unbalance the adversary. The first attack takes
place in the soul (mind-psyche), then it acts according to the individual's permission
arising from his free will and in the sense if he is favorable to the world of darkness.

The spirit world is divided into two zones: Light and darkness

There is no intermediate position for the baran, either he lives in the light,
truth and path that leads to eternal life or he succumbs to darkness and gives vent
to demonic action in his life .
To live in the Light some criteria are established, since everything God
created is in perfect order, harmony and perfection.

The divine weapons of the baran must be sought daily on the way down to
the waiting room of the Divine Pottery, especially at dawn when the battle of sleep
is won, it is when great things God reveals those who fear Him and love Him for
what He is and not for that He can do.

Weapons of Empowerment and heavenly coating given by God's Grace to the

faithful barans (noble warrior-title given by God to Gideon): JUSTICE, TRUST,

Only God has enough power to coat daily those who seek Him with a humbled
and broken heart.

TRUST: If GOD wants at any time, He can change the story of the person
who can receive through His Mighty hands the key to his victory and witness a rain
of blessings in his life and in those around him.

DON'T FEAR: GOD chose his people hand-picked and enabled the disabled for
example: Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, Noah, Esther, Ezekiel, Hannah, Gideon,
Paul, Peter, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jeconiah, Jonah among others.

If you look closely at the history of each biblical character, they were
practically all needy and deficient in some areas of their lives (in flesh and soul).

However, none of them had a deficiency in the Spirit because they were
handpicked by the Lord and decided to trust what is not seen with the eyes of the
flesh but felt with the heart.

Allow God to mold you: God reserved the good figs and set them apart to
go through the Divine Pottery process. He decided to mold them according to His
purposes and designs to fulfill His Plan of Salvation.

“Where sin abounded, Grace much more abounded”

The DNA of the Holy Spirit Comforter is Perfect and where His Word touches
everything is transformed. The Grace of God is only dispensed at the right time and
Salvation comes through it due to the very high price that Jesus paid on the Cross
and transcended sin (wages is death).


After the resurrection Christ left His Holy Spirit to His people to help and
comfort them. He acts constantly on those who seek Him and intercedes with God
with inexpressible groans. God does not stop working and uses his angels to give
daily deliverances to all HIS PEOPLE but unfortunately the vast majority of
Christians have no idea and much less can imagine how countless they are. Give
thanks every day for countless deliverances.

no fruit in the vine and the fig tree does not bloom, your followers know that one
day they will rejoice because in Christ there is always hope that a miracle will occur.
JESUS, by treating his followers as friends, made them co-heirs of the Heavenly

If God wants He goes back to what He wants because it's GOD

God left the example of Jechonias who only reigned for 3 months in Israel for
his own good. He was intentionally “cursed” by GOD and exiled for thirty-seven
years in Babylon so that His plan would not be hindered and that Jechonias would
be part of the genealogy of Jesus' birth.

However God was always taking care of Jechonias in Babylon and blessed
him after withdrawing this decree so much that it is part of the lineage of Jesus40,
because he was always the good fig as much as the Messianic Jewish people spread
to the four corners of the world.

Check out what God said to Jeremiah in chapter 24:7-:

There is a doctrinal dispute among non-Messianic Jews about the name of Jeconiah but who in the end recognize
the existence of Jesus as they quote Matthew 1 for their unsubstantiated justifications.
Then the Lord said to me: 5 “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: For the
good represent the exiles whom I sent to Babylon. I did it for their good. 6 I
will see that they are treated well, and I will bring them here again. I will
help them and I will not hurt them. I will plant them and not uproot them. 7 I
will give them hearts capable of recognizing that I am the Lord. They will be
my people and I will be their God, because they will return to me with all
their hearts.

Regarding the evil figs, God reveals that they are the opponents who continue since the
beginning, insisting on not accepting Yeshua as Savior and preventing Him from returning, as
they omit the truth about the lost sheep and plan a glocal genocide in the face of Christians. God
left a prophecy that will soon be fulfilled to opposers and wolves in the skin of shepherds. See
Jeremiah in chapter 25: 27-38, follows in verbis:

“Say unto them, The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says:
Drink from this cup of my wrath, until you are drunk and vomited,
and fall to the ground, and rise no more, for I will send the sword
upon you. And if they refuse to accept the cup and drink, say to
them: The Lord of hosts says they will have to drink whether they
like it or not! You cannot escape it! Have I already started
punishing my own people and would you escape? No, you
will not be able to get rid of my punishment! I will send war on all
the peoples of the earth, says the Lord of hosts! So he prophesies
against them. Tell them that the Lord of hosts cries out from his
habitation, from his holy temple in heaven, against all who live on
earth. He will do it with the exaltation of someone who treads
grapes in the press. That voice of judgment will echo
throughout the Earth, to its ends, because the Lord has a
dispute against all peoples, against all humanity. As for the
wicked, he will deliver them to the sword, says the Lord. 32
It will be the slaughter of all the wicked. Behold, declares the Lord
of hosts, the punishment will go from nation to nation! It will be
like a colossal storm of wrath that rises against the farthest
corners of the earth.” At that time, the earth will be filled with all
those whom the Lord has caused to die, from one extreme to the
other. And no one will weep for them, nor will they gather their
bodies to bury them; they will be like manure in the fields. Weep
and lament, O evil shepherds! May the chiefs of the flock
revolve in ashes, for their time has come, the time for them
to be slain and annihilated! They will fall as if they were
fragile women! They won't find a place to hide to escape!
Hear the frantic cries of despair from pastors and leaders because
the Lord has destroyed their pastures. People who live at this
moment in peace will be uprooted by the violence of the wrath of
the Lord. He left his lair like a fierce lion chasing prey; their land
was devastated by well-armed and hardened battalions, all
because of the tremendous wrath of the Lord.

God reveals that every Christian must pay attention to this message and if he does not
come to fulfill His Ordinances he will be a conscious victim and blamed for his omission or will
succumb to the system that the Antichrist is already implementing, literally becoming a slave
and suffering bitterly until the coming of Jesus.41

God has the power to back down from any decision and you who are reading
this message will understand that The truth was purposely hidden so that we could
be protected. That is why God has allowed the Messianic Jewish people to be
confused until today by the majority of people and have been literally scattered to
the four corners of the world for their protection42.

God revealed to Ezekiel in chapter 7:1-2, it follows in verbis:

Afterwards the word of the LORD came to me, saying, And thou, son of
man, thus saith the Lord GOD concerning the land of Israel: The end is
coming, the end comes over the four corners of the earth.

After centuries of warnings to the world, the fulfillment of this prophecy is

carried out in contemporaneity. Because only GOD knows all things and He is JUST
because He knows what He needs to do for HIS plan of salvation to happen. God
knows the enemy's strategies, so He can change or anticipate or revoke His decrees
to His good pleasure as He pleases. Because it's GOD!!!

GOD decrees but then goes back because he owes nothing to anyone. His
People are safe in His Hands43 Only God has the full knowledge and control of
everything in the palms of His MIGHTY Hands. There is nothing He does not know or
hides from His Eyes of Fire.

Therefore, whoever wants to be by His side must always be true and upright
in his life, in his thoughts, attitudes and in words. You cannot leave a “tiny gap”
because the enemy is always ready to defecate his shadow of doubt.

"A faithful baran must follow the path of the Cross and act identically
to Jesus Christ if he wants to enter the Heavenly Kingdom."

This message should only be delivered to the leaders until the Congress takes place so that guidelines can be
implemented in the realization of the Project Ecumêncio Glocal that God desires. It will later be made available to all
Christians in the world.
Remember that the lord King of hosts and the servants must always obey Him.
Although many say they have faith, they do not believe in the supernatural and have no idea about the fullness of
God and how He uses His multiform power
You must therefore undress completely and let the Light of Christ live and
transform your reason for thinking, acting and existing!!!

Ruach Hakodesh is the voice that cries out in the soul that always brings
gentleness, peace and love to the heart. The Comforter is available 24 hours a day
to advise, educate, order, command, exhort and guide the steps of those who
demonstrate their obedience and follow the path of the Cross.

Without the suffering of transformation and without wishing to carry The

Cross, the key to victory will never exist, there will never be a resurrection, much
less Salvation through Grace44.

Carrying the Cross is not an option, it is the duty of the Christian

who must not run away as the opponent runs away when he sees The

“The ears that heed the reproof of life will make their home among the wise”. Prov 15:31

In the process of “spiritual metamorphosis” transformation is evident and old

habits do not fit.

"The truth must always shine wherever a faithful baran passes."


God reveals that today most pulpits of Christian Churches in general are
being used as a stage for counterfeit wolves and opposers to make their “horror
show” in the heads of His sheep. God commands remember that these will give an
account of each one without exception45.

The story that prostitute Churches sell is a fallacy for followers who prefer to close their eyes and spiritual ears
when they hear about the Cross because they don't want to suffer and just want to receive
Jeremias 25:34-38
God Orders that the way in and out of the pulpit be revised because they
forgot to revere Him as they should and the constant practice of consecration in all

Unfortunately the scenario of most Christian Churches is that their

composition is given by countless believers who they are by analogy compared to
the people who came out of the desert and who were baptized but the desert did
not come out of them. 47
They continue to maintain the same harmful habits of the
old life and make no effort to transform themselves, living in the same cycle of soul
destruction in a life of “frontage”. Contaminating with its darkness whoever gives
permission and those around him.

When becoming a new creature there is no more room for darkness because
it lives in light, truth, harmony, perfection, hope, obedience, tolerance, renunciation
and gratitude.

The faithful baran chooses to enter and stay in the path of the Light of Christ
or else chooses to live in the form of a caterpillar crawling and living to satiate the
flesh48 “Carrying the cross is an obligation and not an option for those who long for

To enter the Kingdom of God it is necessary to let yourself be empowered

and remodeled by the Potter. In heaven there is no hunger and no need attached to
the desires of the flesh. It is just a reflection of the Light of Christ that inhabits your
Spirit configured with the DNA of God's perfection.

The Kingdom of God is still unknown in its entirety but every Christian knows
that His works are perfect and have His signature. All his works refer to the
unspeakable as no human being is capable of reproducing them identically and

Fast-Prayer-Charity and Purity
After reading this message a "watershed" will be installed in your life, God affirms. You cannot have everything in life or you are a
friend of the world or a friend of God.
The Word of God is Light that radiates The Truth that, wherever it touches,
dissipates the darkness of lies and doubt. The enemy keeps circling and when
finding a breach, he tries to influence everything and everyone that gives legality to
be used as maneuverings and slaves in this world system49.

Where the Word touches Jesus goes freeing, freeing, healing and dispelling
the darkness of the path of those who seek Him to quench their spiritual thirst.
Those who are weak in faith and unwilling to transform themselves allow the enemy
to use them and allow themselves to be covered by the cloud of smoke. For the
enemy does not stop a second of trying to delay The Plan of Salvation. Hell has
daily powerful "missiles" aimed at the Christian Church specialized in generating
discord, disunity and segregating the lost sheep of the PEOPLE of GOD.50

"Where are your thoughts is your treasure"

God only has thoughts of love and prosperity for sinful man who was made
His image and likeness. When God created him, he wanted to have a family.

For a faithful baran to become empowered by God he must at some stage of

his life choose to enter the "cocoon" and descend from the leap of pride. Choose for
Christ's sake to suffer Calvary51.

The Sealing Ring that was established in Jechonia is an example vivid that
many mysteries have the Lord King of52hosts.

always remember that ONLY God has enough power and ability to change the
story of who HE wants53 and back behind a decree.

Paul's words affirm that a faithful baran does not fight against men of flesh and blood but against principalities and powers
scattered in the air.
***Watch and pray without ceasing!!! 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Which is according to the exact measure of each one, because only God knows what individual limitation of his
chosen ones
Testimony: When God woke me up all these days to give these messages I didn't even know what it would be
for. While writing, I had a deep and intense sleep to the point where the letters came out in scrawls. And I wrote
another similar name but I didn't understand what I wrote because I was sleeping. So I'm going to leave the picture
of this part of the message so you can see the action of God... I never imagined the story of Jeconiah, much less
the sealing ring... then I confirmed everything in the Word.
As long as there is a sincere desire and daily practice of repentance.
God reveals the urgency of awareness to the level glocal on process Metanoia
and "butterfly54Effect"onpart of His55people.God reports that many Christians are
involved in worldly things and left influenced by customs generated in the global
society and opponents habits that are displeasing to God.

the Christian people are forever different it carries the Light of Christ but
sucube sin for wanting to compare the worldly people who boughtfor free will
illusory package the56world.

God explained that the ring seal of Jeconiah re it perfectly presents the
situation of His people57and that they were under their “curse condition” expelled
from their land (ISRAEL).

Messianic Jewish people were “packed in the same bag” together and often
confused with non-Messianic Jews “on purpose” by God. They have suffered since
they were expelled from Israel and spread throughout the world continuous
situations of anti-Semism before other nations and among the Jewish people
themselves until the reading of this message. From now on the history of His people
has changed and they will unite in Christ to fight the antichrist system.

In World War II more than 6 million Jews were victims of a genocide by

Hitler. The fact is that many Jews emigrated to different countries far from Israel58.

Being a Messianic Jew is seen by many due to the ignorance of the Hidden
Truth as a "seal of shame" as the curse on the Jewish people was evidenced in Holy

Right now many Messianic Jews are reading this message not knowing that
they are part of the flock of the lost and blind sheep of Israel.59

God is giving a warning through this message to His people
The world lies at the command of the enemy allied to all principalities and infernal powers that are furious and
aim at the destruction, robbery and death of those who carry the light of Christ.
Messianic Jews-lost and blind sheep.
Mainly Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, Spain and Portugal. The Jewish surnames MESSI NICOS are highly identifiable
as they are linked to the work function, trees, animals and issues related to nature.
In the name of Jesus Christ Nazarene thousands of scales fell to the ground after reading this message.
Another example is the Poles, Ukrainians, Spaniards and Portuguese in which
a majority has Messianic Jewish ancestry and is also unaware of the hidden truth.
Another impeding fact is the shame of being recognized as a Messianic Jew
therefore they omit their ancestry for fear of being an object of ridicule and
persecuted by the world.

God wishes that through reading this message and remembering the Ring
Seal of Jeconiah that it is the repositioning of Messianic Jews and that the entire
world at the Glocal level knows about this truth so that Christians can position
themselves correctly in the Body of Church assuming their role as channels of
blessing and are respected according to their attitudes.

The Humiliated Are Exalted in the Kingdom of Heaven

God no longer wants His people to accept without the possibility of defense
what the enemy wants to introduce with this anti-Christian world system. God
wants this Battle to take place in the spiritual and legal field in communion with
Christ (without shedding of blood) through the OrAction- Fast-Charity-Effort-Truth-
Humility and Repentance.

God claims that He has allowed all the happenings with His People so far so
that in the time that is NOW there is the union of the Body of the Christian Church.
This hidden Truth will come out not only through this message, but through faithful
servants who obey and carry out His Ordinances through the Comforter.

God wants Christians to defend themselves from the genocide that has
already been planned at the hands of the enemy and that there is the Union of the
Church Body so that the Head (The Bridegroom) can return through the realization
of His Project Ecumencio Glocal.

Know that God is in control and don't despair that you've spent so much time
not knowing The hidden truth. Just be thankful that time is God and it's different
from our time, God is the beginning and the end. Everything He does, remakes and
undoes has logic, a reason for being and makes sense under the bias of His
Supreme Intelligence.
God never omits The Truth and explains in His time in detail His plans
through His obedient servants so that all Christians can understand His action. So if
you are reading this message, feel privileged because you were chosen by the Lord
so that you can after reading this auxiliary message and prepare The Body for the
coming of the Messiah.

God reveals the fulfillment of His decree and allows His People to suffer and
be spread throughout the world on purpose under a bias of "curse" to ultimately
protect you until this opportune moment when you are leaving the darkness of
ignorance and any shadow of doubt about The hidden truth of the lost sheep.

In this period of "birth pangs" you as a Christian must fight and not give up.
You need to act like a faithful baran from this message. God assures everyone who
accepts this message their faith will be quickened and whoever was lukewarm will
be spewed out of the pulpits and the Church Body by Him.

There will be A RENEWAL in the Church Body and it urgently needs to

position itself correctly, to come together and unite for Christ's sake.

God does not want to fail to provide salvation for all sinners, but leaders must
first gather, fast and align themselves with God's purposes to carry out The plan of
action so that the sheep are not cruelly decimated through His Project Ecumencio

God does not want to be omitted The truth that He has purposely hidden all
these years from anyone else that should be propagated to the four corners of the
world by Christian leaders of different religious doctrines who believe in Christ.

The Antichrist's plan will soon be implemented under the aegis of the children
of Abraham and through a pre-set agenda.

Opponents to try to harm God's Plan of Salvation use their power and
financial prestige to influence and there are already several strategies to deceive
the world with the concealment of a false coming of Jesus Christ.
They are experimenting and using cutting-edge technologies in a punctual
way in some parts of the world where many unsuspecting Christians will fall for
believing what the eyes of the flesh see.

Will you CONFORM to the genocide of this unique system and not fight like a
faithful baran???

Remember that salvation comes by grace and God is seeing who is striving to
obey his Ordinances, commandments and laws.


Jesus was direct when he recommended his disciples to start with the lost
sheep. You will be able to observe some quotes and excerpts from Holy Scripture in
which you reflect on the importance of your rescue in the Plan of Salvation60.

You will see that from the time that Jesus resided in human form here on
earth He obeyed the Ordinances of God by aiming with this instruction His apostles
concerning the rescue of the lost sheep.

The ordinances of Jesus to the apostles in Matthew 10:5 follow in verbis:

So, to these twelve men, Jesus sent the following

recommendations: “Do not go to the Gentiles, nor enter any city of

the Samaritans. But first, seek out the lost sheep of the house
of Israel. And as you go, preach this message: The Kingdom of
Heaven is within your reach! …”61

If you are interested in knowing about The Lost Sheep of Israel there is an attachment in this file about a study I
carried out for months under the inspiration of Ruach Hakodesh. It's pretty straightforward and goes straight to the
point in a nutshell. If you are interested and have time to go deeper, ask for guidance from a Messianic rabbi.
Cross References
Jeremiah 50:6 Now my people have been like lost sheep; their shepherds led them astray and made
them wander the hills. They wandered over hills and mountains and forgot their own resting place.
Ezekiel 34:4 Thou hast not strengthened the weak sheep, hast not healed the sick, has not bandaged
the wound, has not brought back the straying, nor hast thou sought out the lost; on the contrary, you
have ruled over them with tyranny and brutality.
Matthew 15:24 To which Jesus replied, "I was not sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Matthew 15:24-26 To which Jesus replied, "I was not sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Luke 24:47 and that in His Name repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all
nations, beginning with Jerusalem.
Acts 3:26 Therefore, when God raised up his Servant, He sent him first to you, to bless you, turning
each one of you from your sinful lives”. Peter and John taken to the Sanhedrin
⇒ *** This is one of your roles at this time as a member of the

Church Body and at this time in Christian history. As a CHRISTIAN

leader you are being called to fulfillwith excellence62 the Ordinance
of God:

Carrying The Light of Hidden Truth 63

The lost Sheep of the House of Israel must first correctly identify their
genealogical ancestry and later recognize that they are Messianic Jews and that
they have always belonged to the chosen PEOPLE of GOD so that they can later
come to assume their correct position in the Body of the Church. First, the
restoration of the Church Body in accordance with the will of God is necessary.

God knows the enemy and knows that he is prowling around like a hungry
wolf lying in wait to devour his sheep. It stores the maximum amount of information
and data that will be used against you in your moment of vulnerability. He is

Acts 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas, taking the word with all courage, affirmed to them: “It mattered
that to you, first of all, the word of God should be preached; but since you reject it, and think
yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we now turn to the Gentiles.
"Let all the responsibility for your faults fall upon your own heads." I am innocent of my duty, and from
now on I will devote myself to the Gentiles.
Acts 26:20 I preached first to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem, and then to all Judea and
to the Gentiles alike, admonishing them to repent and turn their lives to God, doing works that would
denote their sincere repentance.
Acts 28:25-28 Then they began to disagree among themselves and left, shortly after Paul had made this
final statement:
Romans 11:11-15 Once more I ask: Did they stumble so that they lay prostrate on the earth? No way!
Rather, by their transgression came salvation to the Gentiles, to provoke jealousy in Israel. …
Matthew 18:11 For the Son of man came to save that which was lost.
Psalm 119:176 I, like a lost sheep, have gone astray and lost my way: come in search of your servant,
for I have never forgotten your commandments!
Acts 18:6 However, as these objected and uttered grievous insults, Paul shook off his clothes and
sentenced them: Isaiah 53:6 Verily all of us, like lost sheep, are wandering; each human being took his
own path; and Yahweh has laid upon him the iniquity of us all.
Jeremiah 50:6,17 Now my people have been like lost sheep; their shepherds led them astray and made
them wander in the hills. They wandered over hills and mountains and forgot their own resting place....
Ezekiel 34:6,8,16 So my own sheep wandered in all the mountains and in all the high hills. They were
disbanded throughout the land, and no one cared about them or looked for them....
Luke 15:3-10 It was then that Jesus proposed the following parable to them: …
1 Peter 2:25 After all, you lived like stray sheep, but now you have been converted to the Shepherd and
Bishop of your souls.
One of the obligations of a faithful baran is to fulfill his calling with excellence.
This truth was purposely hidden "under the bias of a curse" . Anyone who is a Christian knows that the lost sheep
of Israel have a fundamental mission as intermediaries between God and the Gentiles. They are channels of
blessing wherever they go and were hand-picked by God. They must therefore be respected and blessed as the
apple of God's Eye. Countless prophecies have already been fulfilled and now is the time to prepare for the soon
return of Yeshua. Rightly perform your function in the Church Body and assume your clear calling if you want to
receive the grace of salvation. Indication From the reading of Romans 12
intelligent and uses numerous strategies to destroy those who carry the LIGHT of

GOD reveals himself to each Christian according to the search and depth in which he immerses himself in
His mysteries. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent and helps those who strive to carry his Cross in
whatever way necessary. His burden is light and His yoke is easy, but there is a burden and a yoke that will be
proportionate to the individual capacity of each creature known only to God.


ORDINANCE (09.09.2021)

The free will to choose to fulfill the Counselor's Ordinances is one of the
noblest and most righteous attitudes that a Christian demonstrates out of love for
Jesus Christ. And during the process of "spiritual transformation" is that the faithful
baran learns to benew creature and undergo conoltaction of the comforter designs.

Ordination means establishing rules and commandments that must be kept.

God's message is that every Christian after reading this message must ORDER
himself and take his position as He desires in the Body of the Church.

The Christian in the role of creature must have humility and joyfully
acknowledge his position in the body and must daily humble himself in a sign of
sincere repentance for the sins committed in daily life.

Physiologically the human being alone has limitations (imperfect DNA derived
from Adam) that try to prevent him from fulfilling his calling with perfection. God
previously knowing about this limitation of human nature created a mechanism that
will block it completely through the Union of the Church Body.

This process will begin with the free will of each Christian who will choose to
monitor the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis64.

The Holy Spirit carries the perfect DNA of God.
The apostle Peter gave guidance according to what he learned directly from
Jesus' teachings: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.

Freely choose Conoltar if Ruach Hakodesh is to decide to be in a state of

perfection because the DNA of God is perfect and immaculate.

God explains about the importance of establishing regulations, laws, and

commandments that must be obeyed by every person who wants to live in the
Kingdom of Heaven.

To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, it is not enough just to fulfill the pre-
established orders in the Holy Scriptures, it is necessary to act with spiritual
maturity to support all phases of the individual process that God has in the life of
each Son.

The first phase of the process is the change of thinking through methanoia
and the second phase is the option for the "cocoon", that is, humbly wishing to be a
new creature and undergoing the spiritual metamorphosis through your complete
transformation and daily repentance of any attitude that is displeasing to God and
the third phase is the total submission of the servant through theconoltACTION
dailyof the Ordinances that the Holy Spirit of God commands to be fulfilled.

Always remember that All creation that God created has a pleasant, perfect
form and that this was consolidated through order, balance and harmony.

It is necessary to take courage and dive deeply into the heavenly waters if
you want to acquire intimacy with God and obtain, through Grace, the wisdom65 to
live according to His will. Every Christian longs for SALVATION and to receive
“rewards” through the fruitfulness of their actions in favor of the Kingdom and God66

Wherever a bearer of the Light of Christ and His Wisdom passes there will always be a reason that only God
knows and that makes perfect sense in the end.
After this reading, you will have the opportunity to bear fruit by seeing the Ordinances that God has manifested
through this message. Caution!!! The Spirit of rebellion is always opposed and creates doubt as to the fulfillment of
God's purposes. The opponent always exalts the Reason clothed under an armor of empowerment that until its last
moment tries to demonstrate control of a situation that has already lost control. It's the enemy's strategy to make
up The truth, uses the' wounded pride" and the "false wisdom" to try to prevent the Christian from controlling

“Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as

snow; though they are red like crimson, they will become
like white wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

Jesus told Nicodemus, ``Unlessone is born of water and the Spirit, he

cannot enter the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)

In teaching about baptism The Master Jesus Christ left no doubt about the
purpose of this ordinance in which The Comforter was charged with instructing,
educating, exhorting, and assisting in whatever might be needed.


Remember the example of biblical characters:

Jesus who took 30 years to fulfill His Call, Joseph in Egypt 13 years, Noah a
few years building the ark, Abraham 25 years to have his son Isaac, Hannah a few
years of suffering in not being able to generate, until he decided to enter his
firstborn, the apostles had 3 years of direct ministry by Jesus Christ and practical
learning for after His resurrection and receiving the Holy Spirit and fulfilling their

God is the Alpha and Omega. Everything is orchestrated by His Mighty


It is a chronological natural ordinance that God stipulated to all who wish to

dwell with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the lifeChrist's follower is no different to crave the fulfillment of his

promise, for there must be renunciation of worldly things and change through
methanoia. The option for transformation into a new creature and the ACTION
through the constant practice of prayer create new habits that please God, who
longs to see you descend daily in the morning in His Divine Pottery.

himself and "falling off the jump" recognizing that he is only a servant at the moment and that only will enjoy the
Kingdom of Heaven by the Grace of God. Remember: God knows everything and has control over everything.
Every Christian during their day in the place they are and feel the need
should put their mouth in the dust and their face on the ground as a sign of sincere
repentance so that God will hear their cry. He reveals that every Christian who
accepts this message and who has not gone through the "cocoon" is willing to help
in this process of transformation into a new creature.

A Christian is still a servant until he has the final judgment, must be

submissive in the Mighty Hands of the Potter and live in accordance with Holy
Scripture by abstaining from sin and obeying His ordinances through Ruach

After Jesus left the examples of Baptism in water and the Resurrection, there
was permission by God that His Holy Spirit be with His People, educating and
ordering what they must do so that they are aligned and able to fulfill His promise
and return Home where Jesus is preparing the dwellings.

God teaches with the examples he left in nature that it is in the process of
isolation in the “cocoon” and in the silence that there can be a complete
transformation and conoltATION to His purposes and in a more effective way.

Jesus silently accepted the Calvary process and did not cry out for a moment
even as he was cruelly flogged, spat on, reviled and brutally wounded. With this he
demonstrated that silence must be maintained during the transformation process68.

How Jesus spoke to those who asked how they would be saved and answered
to take up his Cross and follow Him. At this time God desires that there be
transformation and the full restoration of the Body of the Church69.

One of the ordinances that Jesus taught is linked to silence because whenever
he needed to be alone with God, He faced the desert to meditate on the Spirit.

Holy Spirit in Hebrew

God reveals that many Christians want to appear and expose their gifts with vainglory and this is repugnant to
Him who is slow to anger but applies His justice at the right time.

Death is intrinsic to the process of “spiritual metamorphosis” and without it there is no transformation into a new
It is necessary to establish behavioral patterns to protect the soul and
through silence this connection with God and nature is made possible.

“When you are silent to the world, the spiritual ear opens”

By being silent you are able to receive the divine content of Ruach Hakodesh
who is always willing to assist you in understanding the Spiritual Universe which is
full of incontestable mysteries as it comes from a supernatural God who works
miracles, wonders, signs to all instant. As an example, always remember the
unprecedented prodigy of opening the Red Sea.

Anyone who is beginning this process of spiritual knowledge by reading this

message may not be able to understand it at first. And by God foreseeing this
limitation of the flesh will give you the necessary empowerment for you to
understand it and things you never imagined. He asks you to trust this message and
humbly obey.

It is only necessary to CONOLL GOD'S ORDINANCES to be aligned with His

plans and willing to daily transform into the DIVINE POTTERY.

God acts only in the life of those who allow themselves to be transformed
through the complete change of habits, thoughts and spoken words.

Never forget this opportunity when reading this message and that there is no
middle ground for God.

You will either choose to live in the light of Christ that will guide you safely or
you will live in the darkness of doubt, fear and pitch. The Christian needs to be clear
about this decision in his soul, decide to bear the seal of Christ, and act with
spiritual maturity.

A faithful baran needs to constantly dress daily and practice the Gospel
through a straight, reputable, constant, balanced, bold, confident, patient, joyful
and hopeful conduct. That way you will always be sealed through the blood shed on
the Cross. Whoever has the grace of God overcomes death (sin).
When Jesus took up His Call, that is, THE CROSS, he chose to follow for 30
years a painful process of preparation based on blind and absolute Trust in the Word
and submitted himself through the control of the Ordinances of God.

Jesus trusted, was educated, oriented, prepared, exhorted, empowered by

the hands of the Potter so that in a silent and humble way he could fulfill His Call.

Blessings overflowed from the Potter's hands when Jesus transcended the
imperfect DNA of the flesh (sin) through the perfect DNA of God. There was the
outpouring of Grace in place of blood70. He allowed the salvation of everyone who
surrendered to the Potter's feet and confessed his sins, professing his faith. Just
accept it and receive the Ordinances as a humble servant in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus is simply wonderful, and with His transcendence He promises every

man who believes in Him, who obediently follows His teachings, and who submits to
His ordinance to be baptized in water that His Holy Spirit will be constantly helping
him. Only in Him trust, believe and fulfill what His Holy Spirit commands.

Jesus regarding Salvation was never a respecter of persons and never

segregated when distinguishing by ethnicity, social, employment, financial or civil
status. On the contrary, for Him all are equal and ALL will be co-heirs of His
blessings that He received from the Father when fulfilling His noble calling.

Jesus includes every human being who has decided to trust Him and has
freely chosen Him to be their Teacher, their GUIDE and their LORD. Every person
Jesus Christ accepts as his Only Savior will undoubtedly step out of the position of a
servant on earth to a joint heir with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The girl of God's eyes

"Where sin abounded, Grace much more abounded."
The apple of God's eye has a different calling whether you want to accept it
or not. The People of God were handpicked by Him to be intermediaries between the
Gentiles and God. They were designated as a channel of blessing where they place
the soles of their feet. There are several passages that talk about the blessings that
are inherent to His people, just search for those who are most interested.

And I will bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee;
and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3

It is urgent after reading this message that leaders position themselves

correctly in the Church Body and that after The Glocal Ecumenical Congress enable
means and strategies that allow the gathering and unity of all Christians in the
world, so that they can be prepared for the anti-Christian system and fight with
spiritual maturity as a faithful baran.

The Church Body must be lined up in order and united in prayer to win the

Recall some of God's Ordinances: Obey and live in cognitive consonance with
Ruach Hakodesh configuring yourself through transformation into a new creature.
Seek holiness and act with perfection71.

Always remember that Jesus was very incisive in Matthew 10:6:

"But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

And there are countless spread around the world and you as a Christian
leader and apostle of Christ must fulfill this mission. That is why it is important that
the union of the Body be carried out in order, perfection and balance. For everything
He does is pleasing and beautiful to the eye.

The limitation of human nature tends to be uninterested, much less in

fulfilling the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit to perfection.

Never forget that the faithful baran carries the Holy Spirit who has the DNA of God.
However, when God knows each one like the back of His Hand, He only goes
as far as He knows that His sheep can bear and bear the pain and suffering. His
yoke is easy and His burden is light but there must be effort. And the rod and staff
will not leave the Mighty Hands of the Potter who always corrects and mends you
daily when you descend into the Divine Pottery.

The story of the key to victory that is preached by the prostitute Churches,
without methanoia and transformation into a new creature, is a fallacy that the
enemy has sold to the lost and blind rebels.

If you are going to enter the Kingdom of God, want to live there for eternity
in safety, and want to receive the fulfillment of your promise, you must first obey
and align your life with God's purposes. You must strive and faithfully fulfill your
calling at all costs so that God's Grace can someday superabound in your life and
you can be saved eternally.

And whoever has already received the fulfillment of his promise must
continue fighting until the coming of Jesus Christ.

To participate in the Kingdom of God it is necessary to assume a position of

blesser and not just receiver because when you carry your Cross constantly and
without murmuring you will finally receive on the day that God wills the
dispensation of His Grace in a superabundant way that will generate thousands of
fruits and will multiply in the Kingdom of Heaven

Therefore, always be attentive and vigilant with the purpose of God in your
life and with the conoltaction of the daily Ordinances of the Holy Spirit of God. Do
not forget to live the teachings of the Gospel in practice.72

For example: Welcome person(s) into your home, God says you may be receiving angels. His Power is infinite and
multiform, unfathomable to human reflection and wisdom. God uses things, people, animals, situations and
everything He wants so that you can be convinced of error, sin and that you need to repent if you want to live with
the Light of Christ to guide you.
When you fail to comply with one of the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit, your
disobedience will open a breach that will give legality to the enemy so that he can
permeate and contaminate your body and soul and drive the Holy Spirit out of your

A lot of vigilance and care not to fall into the enemy's daily traps that use all
possible and unimaginable tricks to deceive the chosen ones. He is furious and
ferociously desires to take as many souls as possible to the pit of hell for eternity.

No one knows the day and hour of Yeshua's return, no one, not even the
resurrected Christ himself so be aware of the signs and don't despair with news of
false prophets trying to sell the package of illusion73.

When Yeshua returns it will be with a thief at dawn and no one who is
sleeping will see Him… so go your way without haste but without pause. Focus on
what is needed, make an effort and give your best because Christ deserves his All.
Remember that Everything you do will be recorded in the heavenly books and
records including your tears in the Divine Odre.

Be a prepared bride and be attentive to the signs but be astute not to fall into
the conversations of counterfeiters who live in darkness and want to deceive God's
people. If you hear: Jesus is there, don't go... it's a trap!!!

Suggested reading of Psalm 46: God is my strength!!!

You need to be strong, courageous, daring, obedient and prepare in the early
morning hours to descend daily in the Divine Pottery. Ask for God's help to guide
you, awaken you, guide you and teach you so that you learn to be willing to obey
the Ordinances of HIS HOLY SPIRIT.74

Be careful not to eat these false ideas hot and burn your mouth.

As absurd as it may seem to the world but always use common sense and always have the discernment to know
which voice is speaking to you and if it really is from God. If David erred in hearing the wrong voice and ordered his
soldiers to count, then all human beings are liable to be shot by the enemy with arrows. Therefore, common sense,
prayer, fasting and vigilance is never enough.
The Lord is pleased with those who obey HIS HOLY SPIRIT and are willing to
let themselves be transformed by His Mighty Hands in the early morning hours of
the Divine Pottery.

Personal comment: After the revelation I had during a morning watch I went to
check the existence of all the words and the agreement of the texts that God
revealed to me and observed that they really exist but in the matter of the
Ordinances they are limited only to water Baptism (repentance) and baptism of the
Holy Ghost.

The message from God that has been revealed to me this morning is that the
ordinances of Jesus go far beyond those established and that every baran must be
guided by the Ordinance of the Holy Spirit that commands and must therefore
be fulfilled.

There are the ordinances of Jesus as you can see in the text of Matthew 10:
6-10, follows in verbis:

But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; And go,
preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons; You have
received free, give free. Have no gold, nor silver, nor copper in
your belts, nor saddlebags for the road, nor two tunics, nor
sandals, nor staffs; because the worker is worthy of his food”.

Just use common sense and ask the Holy Spirit of God for guidance so that
He reveals and confirms what was revealed to me. Ask the Holy Spirit of God daily
what is the Ordinance that you as a Christian leader must control (submit and
practice) to implement the Congress and Realize Your Glocal Ecumenical Project;

I close with a short prayer I made to God when He had finished revealing to
me. The room was intoxicated with azure blue light and His Glory flooded my being
to the point where I could no longer sleep.
Prayer: “Here I am, Lord, use me as You will. I want to fly to meet You. What I long
for most is to be freed from the limitations of that body. Please make me a new
creature in Your hands.”


ORDINANCES that must be ALIGNED by all Christian leaders.

There will be a VOTE on these ordinances stipulated by God.

1º) Only Christian leaders previously registered by e-mail will be allowed.

The GLOCAL ECUMENICAL CONGRESS will be publicized and its broadcast will be live. The necessary data must be
proven: Denomination of the Christian Church (CNPJ), position held, time of ministry, Role you intend to perform in
the PROJECT due to the gift, talent and mission you have IN THE BODY OF THE CHURCH)

2) In this GLOCAL ECUMENICAL CONGRESS they must be discussed Effective Strategies for the implementation of
this UNIQUE GLOCAL SYSTEM OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, so that all Christians around the world can be updated
through true communication and with a reputable source in relation to the information conveyed daily at the glocal

Voting will be held on the day of the Glocal Ecumenical Congress and each country will have its active participation
and 12 people of different doctrines (Churches) must be elected, provided they are exclusively Christian. (not

3rd) The elected Christian leaders must be people considered capable by God and proven fit to exercise the
respective function for which they were voted.

These leaders will be exposed and recognized glocally by the brothers in the faith.

They must provide this service on a voluntary basis (as they usually own and survive from an already consolidated
ministry, with exceptions).

4th) All volunteer Christian leaders in the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT must be spiritually supported by prayer
among Christians and in whatever is necessary, as long as their need is duly proven and approved by 80% of the
registered voters.

***In addition to the need to create SUPPORT against persecution, defamation and violence.
⇒ ATTENTION: God commands that the entire process of implementing the Glocal Ecumenical Congress must be
confidential and you, the leader, know why. Therefore, the fewer people who know the better until theis Project
Ecumêncio GLOCALconsolidated and created an EFFECTIVE SYSTEM OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST with glocal
access by Christians.

5th) The creation of a Glocal Ecumenical Site (Christian Interdenominational) with daily and reputable
news that will be UPDATED by leaders who have specialized technical capacity in the area of information
technology and who wish to contribute voluntarily to the Kingdom of God until its effective implementation.

After the effectiveness of the Congress, there must be contracting and maintenance of the System of the
Bride of Christ. The people or company who have dedicated themselves with excellence, who have the capacity to
provide the service required and who are reputable will be voted and elected. There must be exclusive dedication
and there must be remuneration according to the prices applied in this area without overpricing or devaluing the
work and dedication in an exclusive way.

Subsequently, for its glocal maintenance there will be costs and the Project will need people who are fully
dedicated to the IT area, mainly. These people will have to pass a thorough voting sieve, with the criteria that God
has already revealed to me and will have to have the approval of 80% of the registered leaders in the ECUMENICAL

6th) DAILY PROGRAMMING of community prayers and proposals for collective fasting campaigns, purposes,
mountain climbs, etc. There may be participation in communication radios and Christian TV programs. In other
words, any source of communication as long as it is exclusively Christian.

7th) Food tips, proper behavior of a Christian, reflection and meditation on the word

8th) Creation of an interdenominational Christian Chat with simultaneous translation and WHATSAPPs groups
(cells) only for registered and PROVEN CHRISTIAN Christians who are registered. There will be a folder for
registering Christians.

⇒ In this case, there will be a need to vote 12 volunteer leaders to manage these various groups (cells) at a glocal level and who will

help in their maintenance by sending accurate and reputable information from revelations, reflection texts on The Word. Which will

be fired equitably and in Glocal scope;

9th) Enable 6 services per day and at dawn (in total and in the hours that God revealed to me), through whatsaap,
telegram (other suitable forms of technology) and through the website (12 leaders registered in the PROJECT so
that all Christians can unite in vigil and prayer There must be a daily commitment until the coming of Jesus

These leaders will be voted and established at the glocal level as responsible for each cell (group) to manage it
Registered Christians only (with possibility of simultaneous translation regardless of ethnicity) have access.

10) permit disclosure on this site and specific groups to be used for various Christian purposes. Like for example
Christian poetry, praise, praise videos in all languages;
As long as it has a Christian stamp without ever profaning in a single word or grammatical placement the
image of the Holy Trinity that mustbe respected alwaysand adored according to HIS POWER AND MAJESTY!!! The
twelve leaders need to vote on something they find inappropriate (80% of the majority always);

11th) Do not allow members who want to "appear" and who want financial support of a selfish nature. They will be
removed from the effective register if there is any legal non-compliance or if they are blamed by the common vote
of the REGIONAL COUNCIL (which must be implemented).

An exclusive sanctioning committee should be created for cases of Christian misconduct with specific rules
that provide opportunities for reinsertion on the correct path;

12th) There will be a composition of THREE councils (local, regional and global - in the case representing each

13º) A folder of the site and of the specific groups must contain a part destined to the purpose of enlivening the
faith and demonstrating the power of GOD through real testimonies of true life. They can be written either by audio
or videos. As the witness feels more comfortable and that they will be translated simultaneously into all languages.

The time of each testimonial cannot exceed the 1 hour period of exposure and should never be for personal self-
promotion. Therefore, there will be a vote to choose testimonies in which there will be a specific committee
assigned to this area. The person's full name should not be revealed, just the first few letters of their names.

*** This specific content will have glocal dissemination for everyone including non-registered with
exposure in all technological means so that non-Christians and lost souls see THE SOVEREIGNTY and infinite
POWER of GOD and that they convert to CHRIST as the Only MESSIAH!!!

14th) MUST exist Local, regional and global humanitarian relief projects.

15th) Implementation of physical units and headquarters (local, regional and worldwide that will be maintained by
voluntary donations from Christians for the maintenance of them and employees. Subsequently, the execution of
the PROJECT must be analyzed and a salary stipulated).

16th) ALL CASH DONATIONS to the GLOCAL Ecumenical Project, without exception, will be deposited in
accounts that will be created after the site and groups are made effective. There will be the creation of a CNPJ
GLOCAL based on its headquarters. This money will be reverted to charitable works and distributed according to the
proven need and which must always be voted on. Regardless of the urgency of the situation. There must be the
creation of a CNPJ that has legal support with religious immunity. It must be previously voted on regarding its
creation and establishment of its glocal headquarters.

Any decision-making must involve at least 80% of approval by the glocal leaders registered in the PROJECT.

⇒ Always!!! The donations MUST be demonstrated in a specific folder that is easily accessible ON THE GLOCAL
ECUMENCIO PROJECT WEBSITE that will be created and that does not omit any pertinent information, much less
the lack or excess of a penny.

EVERYTHING must be done TRANSPARENTLY so as not to give vent to Judas syndrome.

***This financial sector must be supported by at least 12 volunteer members of leadership (local, regional and
global), PROVIDED that they are approved in a vote (they will demonstrate and prove that they are trained by GOD
and that they already act in a reputable manner and do not have the dirty plug). Because they will have to verify,
maintain the suitability and transparency of computerized data and update them daily without fail.

17th) TRANSPARENCY is the rule of every action of a Christian leader in the execution and maintenance

Mainly in the financial issue, since all receipt of amounts and their application must be placed on the monthly
agenda (in an area intended only for Christian leaders) and must necessarily pass through the scrutiny of the vote
of all members of the unit registered in the register (it will be done by internet to monthly voting and must be
approved by 80% of the participants).

It will be discussed monthly on the applicability of values ($) in projects (they must always be
suggested in advance, with a prior period of 20 days (to have a useful time and can be attached to the agenda), to
be proposed at the monthly meeting and which should be voted within the respective unit (local, regional or

In urgent cases, a Committee for Extraordinary Matters should be created and voted within 24 hours due
to the seriousness of the situation. they do not have effective government support and that the money reserved for
these specific cases is used. EX: Public Calamity, etc.

18º) The world assemblies for voting on financial matters until the effective SYSTEM OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST
must be voted in the Glocal Ecumenical Congress ( which should be carried out quarterly via the internet, during
the period of one year until its complete glocal execution).

Only after voting, creating and consolidating an interdenominational extrajudicial regulation (glocal legal order) can
there be the establishment of a pre-released date on a quarterly basis so that all world leaders can participate and
vote on pertinent matters to help in the maintenance from the project.

19th) The percentage of amounts collected from donations received through local and regional units must be
transferred in the percentage of 30% of the amount to the world unit (member country-state). Always in a
transparent way through the proper medium so that it can be easily identified by any registered Christian member
(So there is no shadow of doubt and space for Judas syndrome).

20º) All amounts received as a donation must be updated daily in a folder with total transparency. The costs of
maintenance of the physical unit will be disclosed monthly in a transparent way.

21º) The composition of the group of people (Christian leaders) who are previously approved (election by 80% of
the voters) will be appointed responsible for a sector or body created IN THE BODY OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.

Thealways shouldrepresent number 12 the number of Christian leaders. They must be members
capable of providing excellent services (annually evaluated) and on a voluntary basis (except for some
22º) Christian leaders with technological knowledge from different countries will be voted to maintain
the page and will be in charge of receiving the worldwide demands that need help.

“God has never divided and will share His Glory with anyone”

It is necessary to break paradigms, bring light on the Truth purposely hidden

by God regarding the whereabouts of the lost sheep and their importance in the
Kingdom of Heaven. It takes spiritual maturity and acceptance of supernatural
signs, miracles and unknown revelations without prejudice or with epiphany.

The signs in heaven for example are becoming more and more frequent and
God will continue to speak through his chosen prophets who live paying a high price
through a life of holiness, renunciation and obedience.

The prophetic ministry is very misinterpreted because most of the times it

flees from human rationality in which they forget that God is supernatural and uses
their prophets in a supernatural way to speak the Truth and open spiritual eyes
closed and intoxicated by the fallacy sold by the enemy.

The enemy is a liar and is willing to sell a package with an air of rationality in
which a fairer and better world to live in is projected. But that's not what you see in
reality when you step out of your house, turn on the TV, access social networks,
glocal information channels etc. The fact is that every day the world tends to ruin,
destruction and death .

Nature screams like a "WOMAN IN BIRTH PAIN", suffocated and asks for
relief in an unbridled cultivation system with pesticides, hormones, countless fires,
global overheating due to the industrialization of products that generate countless
diseases, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, extinction of species, pollution of
waters, seas, etc.

The Holy Spirit of God with its manifold nature reveals the hidden. He has the
power to project into any substance, inanimate or living thing to recover the
memory of Him, resignifying his purpose and the fulfillment of man's call (image
and likeness of God) here on earth.
Just open your spiritual eyes and your heart to see, hear and feel what God
wants to teach and say.

God speaks through the wind, the chirping of a swallow, the image of a cat
watching you deeply, the comfort of a bed, the food you eat to nourish your
organism (conscious feeding) etc.

With the faith fully developed the move of a mountain is literally and fully
capable however to reach this stage it requires a lot of complete and constant
surrender with a focus on Salvation and if it is God's will for this to happen.

A faithful baran can never think selfishly and without logic, he needs to be
aligned with God's plans and if it is part of his call that a mountain leaves its place
and throws itself into the sea, it will happen because God wants it.

Until today only Jesus has exercised faith in His totality and obedience. It's up
to you to choose to take up your ministry and develop the supernatural totality of
what God has for your life here on earth.

It is useless to take Holy Communion if the heart is lukewarm, unforgiving of

others and with thoughts of darkness.

In the call to Glocal Ecumenism, the world needs to have the knowledge OF
THE ONLY TRUTH that saves, frees and cures, that is, it is a matter of parsimony,
tolerance and respect for others.

So there is a need to restore ecumenism sold in a distorted way. This

antichrist system tends to the failure and ruin of thousands of blind and lost
Christians who survive alienated in a story that perpetuates in an opposing
hegemonic alienating Hellenic Roman system The One Truth that saves and sets

There is no contraindication to GLOCAL ECUMENISM by other religions, it just

requires tolerance and the practice of love in the same measure that they receive
from Christians tolerate.
With the imminent coming of the Messiah of the non-messianic Jews and the
implementation of the unique anti-Christian system, the whole world will know that
the revelation OF THE TRUTH and the importance of the RESTORATION OF THE
BODY of CHRIST (THE BRIDE) by the Christian leaders who were silent the message
of God and consequently will be accomplices in the decimation of Christians in the

Any contrary spirit reading these lines be bound and fall right this moment to
the ground. I order you to go to the pit of hell and never leave. It is rebuking in the
name of Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ in Hebrew)75.

Freedom of expression through the media spreads many “unfounded truths”

that generate distortion and discrepancy OF THE WORD contained in SACRED

It is necessary to restore the lost sheep on purpose by GOD so that THE

TRUTH comes out ABSOLUTELY in this critical period.

The above statement refers to the fact that countless lost sheep of Israel find
themselves alienated and blind in this hegemonic system. Many are disoriented in a
situation of tiredness, illness, corruption of the soul in an inhuman, atrocious and
competitive oppositional system.

They must first know that they are the lost sheep of Israel and then feel the
Power of God's Grace in their lives that will quicken their faith, quench their thirst,
alleviate fatigue, and give new life in abundance.

Just as there is wide dissemination of the establishment of Freemasonry

networks, satanic churches, proliferation of terreiros of occult practices, polytheists,
sects of occultism, witchcraft, spiritism, mysticism and esotericism are tolerated by
Christians out of respect for the dignity of the human person.

I do not know why but God told me to write this, then write. He is faithful and knows all things, I trust and obey
So what would be the problem and the objection if not the very
presence of the opposing spirit in not allowing the realization of the

Through the dissemination of the hidden TRUTH and the activation of

Christian leaders in mass for the realization of the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT,
in contrast, the creation of the antichrist will provide opportunities for the
contradictory and inconvenience of the decimation of Christians around the world in
the future.

If you are reading this message but are from a different religion and love
your neighbor even if you are not practicing Christianity, why not help your fellow
Christian to understand Ecumenism in its truth and totality???

Or do you intend to accept the messiah imposed by a global government in

which you will likely be treated like a slave, and choose not to be saved by Grace.

So this message is for you leaders who urgently need it in your companies,
communities, state agency, -state or private public to assist in the dissemination by
all means of communication in the same way that the antichrist has disclosed his
unification in Abraham. God emphasizes that there must be an opportunity for
Christians to disclose to the world His GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT after its

The adversary system is part of a legalized equitable process in which the two
parties can defend themselves and explain their reasons for defending themselves.

If you leader does not give this opportunity to contradictory Christians in the
face of the implementation of a single anti-Christian system and accepting what
they want to impose on the world level, you will indirectly be responsible for a
genocide worse than what occurred in World War II.
CONSOLATION (11.09.2021)

It is a situation of submission to the manifold power of God who created

all creatures in six days.

God created this word with its infinite power. I searched everywhere and
didn't find it so the Holy Spirit of God revealed to me that it comes from the figure
of a cone (cono in Spanish) in which the base is on the earth and points to Heaven,
that is, to the planes and His purposes here on earth for His People and which will
be through the daily Ordinances of His Holy Spirit.

He creates words, He gives signs and uses His prophets.

This word was revealed in the sense that the believer in Christ needs to be
molded, resigned and submitted to the teachings that God left through Sacred
Scripture and the daily Ordinances of the Comforter.

Understand that submission is a duty of every Christian who must obligatorily

obey His commandments, His laws, His ordinances and accept His messages
revealed to those chosen by God through His Holy Spirit.

In the case of His prophets (faithful barans) who are normally stigmatized by
society in general and continue to be persecuted, slandered, defamed, dishonored
and misunderstood many times.

It is always supernatural for God to act in the lives of His prophets, but
unfortunately many people who believe in God think in a way CONFORMED to the
hegemonic religious doctrinal system and when they see and face certain
supernatural situations they tend to rationalize in legalism and sin when judging or
think ill of the prophets of God.

“There is no liberation of the soul if there is no CONOLTATION”

The word of God is alive, effective and modifies everything where it touches.
Even so, those who are in the light are liable to fall if they do not practice daily

And Christians who succumb to sin will be instruments of the enemy, used by
darkness to afflict those who are in the light and play a role opposing God's Plan.76

The acceptance of the conoltation generates unbelievable results because

God promises that whoever seeks in the first place His Kingdom, His righteousness
will never lack anything. On the contrary, He abounds with His blessings in His time.

However, if the free will given by God to man is not used in communion with
His purposes, it will allow an open space for the spirit of darkness to approach and
ruin the trichotomy of being in his life.

There is no balance in the life of a person who does not undergo the practice
of conoltation. ACTION suggests that it be practiced constantly, reiterated the
incessant transformation that every Christian must go through and be a new
creature to be able to enter Heaven.

Metanoia of thoughts and the "spiritual metamorphosis" through the painful

process of the "cocoon" in which there must be policing of the mouth, habits,
routine, thought and establishment of cognitive patterns consonant with the
purposes of God through the Holy Spirit Comforting.

God investigates and searches the hearts of those who are conoltados and
blesses them according to their commitment, dedication and in accordance with the
mission assigned to each one. Always analyze the reactions in the face of turmoil,

They will be judged for this as far as their action, omission and damn words.
strong winds and deserts for those who believe in His promise, His Word and yet
confidently obey Him.

With the total surrender of their lives in the hands of the Potter and they win
the battle of sleep at dawn in His Divine Pottery to be in HIS PRESENCE.

“God is superior and infinitely Supreme in all that He represents and does”

He does not need His creation to perform His works, He only uses the
prophets (faithful servants) to communicate what will happen on a personal, local
and glocal level.

Faithful prophets are connoted completely to the will of God, thirst for
Christ, thirst for righteousness, and yearn to dwell in heaven. They deliver the
trichotomy of being to Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit in Hebrew) who guides and
commands their lives. There is no room for thoughts of darkness, sin and death.

Excessive religiosity is a transgression of conoltation because it gives an air of

sanctity to the world, but in reality there is no resignation and connoltation through
obedience and daily repentance. The Lord hates hypocrisy and sophisms uttered by
their accursed mouths, who use His Holy Words to dissuade His sheep, preach what
they don't fulfill, live literally on social media fronts (massaging their ego).

It is necessary to assume The Cross, transforming oneself into a new

creature controlled and aligned with the will of God in order to fulfill its spiritual
mission here on earth and be able to enter heaven77

Many prefer to give vent to the compulsion of the desires of the flesh and are
not willing to leave their comfort zone and act in a conscious and selfish way. Many
have settled down along the way because they have already reached the level they
would like in their lives.

Many stopped putting on divine weapons in the Divine Pottery at dawn and
forgot that God does not sleep. They no longer fight like barans against sleep,

"It is not anyway to participate in the glory of God"
tiredness, laziness, gluttony (which is not just food but wanting to accumulate
things, money etc), greed, ostentation, lust, greed, vanity, wounded pride, envy.
The unclean spirits that take advantage of these openings arising from weakness in
faith to destroy the plans that God has in their lives.

The enemy steals everything that God gave and kills the spirit due to the
corrosion they suffered in the trichotomy of the being that can only be saved by the
Grace of God.

These people are often identifiable in whatever milieu they attend as they are
murmuring, selfish, petty, gossipy, judgmental, know-it-all and truth-telling78 . Like
the people in the desert who, having everything they need from God, did not control
themselves and spent 40 years on a journey that should have taken 40 days.

⇒ Suggested Reading in Hebrews 11

Watch, pray without ceasing, seek and find. Sacrifice as much as necessary
to weed out demonic castes from your life and family ancestry (up to 4 generations
repeat spiritual patterns). God sees your effort and is supported by a broken heart,
pure and that wants to be with HIM in truth as Commander of your life.

The Truth sets heavenly frontiers free and God's anointing is poured into the
lives of His People and His prophets.

Church get ready to see Jesus Christ, it will be soon!!!

Come down to the Divine Pottery at dawn and learn from God what He wants
to teach you, sometimes you will not be able to understand at first. Just control
yourself, accept your cross and trust that God's timing is right.

Only God is righteous enough and has thoughts of peace for his connoted
children and rejoices to see that the person is applying connotation in their life
based on His word.

Center of care
Conoltese the experience with the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ left for His
People and practice Christianity in its integral form that was forgotten and
transgressed by a compulsive immediate system that gives vent to the nature of the
desires of the flesh and its selfish longings with a empowerment garb.

Take your first step today, let Jesus come in quickening your being and your
faith. The Father ALWAYS has open arms, all that is left is for you to decide to
descend into the Divine Pottery at dawn, renounce your flesh, fight like a baran in
the name of Jesus Christ and be clothed with the divine heavenly weapons (PRAYER,

⇒ Suggested Reading in Isaiah 1


The problem of why the human majority lives in these conditions of

miserability is due to the transgression of the Word due to its CONFORMISM in a
predominant hegemonic system that lies in the evil one and disconsolation through
disobedience to the basic principles handwritten by God on the tablets of the
Ordinances of Holy Spirit.

Yet God fulfills what He promised those who seek Him unselfishly for their
personal motives and obey His purposes by practicing righteous acts, because the
righteous name is due only to Jesus Christ who must be considered righteous and

"The one who practices The word and acts of justice live in a submissive way to the plans of God through Trust"

“What God writes does not prescribe”

Ex 31:14 Therefore ye shall keep the sabbath, for it is holy unto you; he that
profaneth it shall surely die; for whosoever doeth any work in it, that soul
shall be cut off from among his people.

Ex 31:15 Six days will be worked, but the seventh day is the
sabbath of rest, holy unto the LORD; whoever does any work on
the Sabbath day will surely die.

Ex 31:16 And the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, and
shall keep it throughout their generations by an everlasting
Ex 31:17 It will be a sign between me and the children of Israel
forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on
the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

Ex 31:18 And he gave unto Moses (when he had finished speaking

with him on Mount Sinai) the two tablets of testimony, tablets of
stone, written by the finger of God.

This theme is very controversial and needs to be aired because it was

revealed to the people in the desert and who wrote it was God, therefore what He
writes does not prescribe.

The unbridled capitalist Hellenic Roman system created an anti-Semitic

(Messianic) Jewish counterculture and imposed its commemorative dates around the
world in an imposing manner. It was received in a CONFORMED way by the vast
majority and changed the day of the Lord.

This topic is also controversial, but God asked me to write about the
importance of being reviewed by Christians. It needs to be ventilated and restored
to the control of the tablets written by the hands of God Himself.

Shabbat and Shemite must be obeyed by the lost sheep of Israel and by
those who love Christ as Their Master since He is a Jew. For the lost sheep and their

“A change of mindset is the key to a new life”

An act of faith becomes fundamental in this process of transformation:

putting aside pride, your own will of the flesh, of the ego, of vanity and
Reconstitution (14.09.2021)

God says that it is necessary to create a single Christian system and effective
protectionist laws in the face of Christians in all legal orders at the glocal level.

For the antichrist system has numerous strategies to continue the hegemonic
pattern of Hellenic culture in a new version with an air of communion and Abrahamic

It is urgent for all countries in the world to create an ordained system

constituting the Christian's right to freedom in particular, so that genocide does not
occur with the implementation of this unique world system.

It is alert to the fact that just because it is written in Revelation that the
decimation of countless Christians will occur before the creation of this unique glocal
system of the antichrist that God wants to see His People CONFORMED.

God wants his faithful barans to fight until the end to create defense
mechanisms and the realization of His glocal Ecumenical PROJECT. It is also
necessary to create bills that allow constitutional legal support to protect the
repeated attacks against the followers of Christ for millennia.

The Lamb was sacrificed alive for our sins, however his followers must strive
and fight with the divine weapons in the spiritual world and also with the legally
expressed legal weapons that guarantee the practice of Christianity in an equitable
way like the others in a future preventively in face of the possibility of creating a
single anti-Christian system.

The persecution of Christians in the spirit world is visible and goes far beyond
the destruction of temples and the elimination of the Word. It is a fact that there are
countries in which Christians need to memorize the Word to preach in a hidden way
in underground tunnels to maintain the faith of Christians while there are countries
where people have five Bibles at home and leave them open creating dust on the
page of Psalm 91. Unfortunately these people live in countries that do not accept
Christianity and make their defense unavailable in an equitable and impartial
manner. This is hurting the right to freedom of religious worship and that is exactly
what the unique anti-Christian system will do. People will want to go to a service
and they won't be able to because there won't be any more Christian Churches.

Why is there only an attack on Christians???

Nobody throws a stone at a tree that doesn't bear fruit!!!

But don't worry, God is in control so He's sending this urgent message so that
Christians are prepared. He guarantees that he is always on the side of the
humiliated and the persecuted who suffer injustice for the love of His Beloved Son.

Opponents want to force the fulfillment of the prophecies but forget that time
belongs to God and should not be anticipated in any way by this system that ignores
The Word and wants to destroy God's plan of Salvation.

So know that there is a bombardment of false information and introduced by

the devil wanting to anticipate the time of God, but always remember that God is
not put to the test.

The fact is that not even Jesus knows the day and hour of His return, so any
impediment to the prophetic fulfillment without the legitimacy of God (from the
signs and the words He measured to His prophets) will be considered anti-Christian.

God only fulfills what He promises in the time He sees fit and the enemy
always tries to use the free will of the weak in faith and makes his dirty move in an
opposing and cruel way by forcing the presentation of the Antichrist ahead of time
and trying to destabilize the psyche ( = soul) of the world population that is sick in
this cruel system.
God warns of the urgency of carrying out his Glocal Ecumenical Christian project and
the Reconstitution through a specific bill aimed at the right to guarantee life and
total freedom of Christian worship.

God will not allow His people to be decimated without first fighting and trying
to consolidate the unity of Christians in His GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT that will
establish guidelines, regulations and the implementation of rights inherent to the
dignity of the Christian person.

Never make a mistake about the anti-Christian proposal because it comes

with a camouflaged appearance of good ideas and unity, but it is doing nothing
more than increasing its field of action and finding allies, that is, creating strategic
anti-Christian links in all means of each respective objective on the agenda with a
pre-established date.

It tackles relevant themes but hides behind the scenes the hidden planning
of this unique governmental system of antichrist. I will leave a text in the footnote
so that you understand that the problem is not the hunger that the Agenda wants to
eradicate, but it is a spiritual problem that afflicts the world that is GULA79.

● The objectives of the Sustainable Development Instrumentalized by the UN as regards agenda 2030 had as precursors
the MDGs (objective development of the millennium). IPEA has brought a swing on the results of the eight goals stipulated
by this project worldwide of which the first goal was to end hunger and misery. According to the last MDG report there was
the eradication of misery in more than half and the proportion of undernourished persons in the developing regions fell in
half. Due to obtaining excellent results of the MDGs there was then the creation of the ODS in which 17 objectives were
set forth to the agenda of 2030 among all countries of the world. Since in the contemporary condition of humanity urges
projects with public, private and primary entities related to each area pertinent to the fulfillment of each goal. As far as the
objective of the ODS agenda refers to hunger, however there is a question linked to the spiritual plane since the problem is
not only the lack of food, but the gula, which has several spiritual ramifications such as greed , avarice, greed, fear,
deemed exploitation of land resources. The fact is that there is a greater intake of industrialized foods that are deficit and
need nutrients for the healthy development of the body. Most Ingere for immediate satisfaction of the pleasure of its meat
linked to a personal dissatisfaction or an existential emptiness arising from some area of ​life and that they disclose in
harmful habits, cars of auto mass destruction under command of a system created by frenetic consumption and
Immediatist who instead of satisfying hunger and serving for life has become a reason to live. The mandatory premises
were left aside that Jesus Christ preached during his passage on earth. "Not only of bread the man will live, but of every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God." It is evident that society is spiritually sick and lives in a system that lies in the
evil one, in which anxiety, fear, isolation, panic, selfishness, avarice and other forms of state of everglists flood the soul
and They completely blind the majority of the population, which lives without seeking the truth that frees and satisfies the
seat of the soul. They live in a vicious cycle linked to the desires and compulsions of the flesh.They can not see that there
is a light at the end of the tunnel and that God is in control of everything and who has thoughts of peace and prosperity for
all who seeks him with a repentant and humiliated heart in the Divine Olaria. The word contained in Sacred Scripture is
alive and effective and where it touches nothing is the same. Its light permeates the darkness and releases the captives in
the claws of this system. He left all commandments and 613 mitzvot so that the human being could follow according to his
plan of salvation, among them in Leviticus 25: 2-7, a rest of the land in general called Shemitá in Hebrew, as well as Also
the Shabbat, rest of the human being on the seventh day of the week and that he promised to bless with abundance. Yet
the Roman-Hellenic culture transgressed the firstfruits stipulated by God, created a new opponent system to his designs.
Those who are not adept at any religion must at least agree that everyone
has the right to freely practice their faith, the contradictory and to be able to defend
themselves with equal rights before everyone else. May Christians also be able to
defend themselves and create strategies in front of their opponent. This is to create
opportunities for equal justice in a system that practices justice impartially.

And if there is no restoration of the Church Body and especially the meeting
through the identification of the lost sheep where mechanisms must be created that
also increase the number of missionaries around the world in an exchange of
Christian doctrines that should always publish to their followers daily strategies of
fighting the enemy in the face of this imminent single anti-Christian system.

So that these missionaries through living with other Christian doctrines can in
the future create a unique Christian system. For now, what God only wants is for
Christians to unite in His GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT then everything will fall
into place in a balanced and orchestrated way by His Mighty Hands.

The Reconstitution of the Legal System regarding the creation of the right to
freedom of worship and freedom of religious practice with emphasis on the dignity
of the Christian person so that all adherents of Christianity are respected in an
equitable manner and not subject to persecution, much less decimation of your
species as the enemy intends.

God wants to see this effort on the part of His People because the Spiritual
Warfare exists and He has identified His FAITHFUL barans through the acceptance
and effective reading of this message and who must mobilize glocally through His
GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT and the protectionism of Christian law.

As the people in the desert that lived in disobedience, the current conjecture of humanity allows this analogy, in which the
majority of the world population lives in disagreement with the designs of God, blind in a system plastered in the evil one.
As a result of noncompliance with the word hunger and other miseries are the consequences of a sick, blind and living
society to survive according to the desires and pleasures inherent in the flesh. For if the light of Christ permeated all the
darkness of souls captive in this malignant system certainly there would be misery, suffering, anxiety, fear unfounded,
avarice, greed, greed, pride and selfishness. Everyone could live balanced in order, perfection and harmony as all the
creation of God was generated. The problem is not hunger is the glitch that has as Beelzebub patron, responsible for
commanding demonic legions that work eagerly in search of gaps arising from the free will of humans who live in cognitive
dissonance with the designs of God in their lives and prefer to live in Darkness rather than curb your impulses through
fasting practice.
It is necessary, as mentioned above, that there is a demystification of the
doctrinal prejudice divergent from the Christian practice to which each leader is
submitted and that, out of love and trust in CHRIST, they unite in this GLOCAL
Ecumenical Project.

That interdenominational union is the objective implemented in the

Christian's soul and that there is daily sanctification of the ministerial leaders who
must obligatorily unite glocally in prayer and clothe themselves with the divine
weapons of a baran when descending into the Divine Pottery at dawn.

Always pray for the executive, legislative and judiciary powers of each
country, as the enemy always attacks the leaders more strongly and directly. If
those from above fall into its clutches, the others are forcibly subjected to injustice,
persecution and corruption schemes.

"Give power to a man who does not practice and lives in communion with God and he will see
who he is"

And unfortunately this is what we see when we see many people who enter
politics with good goals but who enter that environment are totally transformed and
corrupted in their souls. The enemy is a skilled combatant and knows that by
reaching the leaders in the area and submitting them to patterns of slavery (vices or
sinful habits) they will always open legality for him to make the party and ruin all
the plans of God in their lives and of those who are subjected to it at work.

Leaders in general, after reaching the desired level, have a natural tendency
due to the position they occupy to be strongly attacked by the enemy that sows in
the soul its tares that tend to pride, vanity, ostentation and selfishness, so they
need to have faith well grounded in practice Christian not to succumb. Because they
reached the pinnacle of their earthly desires and tend to deify themselves,
completely forgetting that God does not share HIS GLORY with anyone!!!
It is necessary that you Christian leader share this content with the leaders of
Your Church and with the leaders of other Christian Churches you know around your
Neighborhood, City, State and Country.

It is necessary to establish the union always in communion with the Love of

Christ . 80

Every Christian must ask in prayer for the revelation of the Holy Spirit of God
so that this message may be confirmed. I testify as truly that it was revealed to me
and inspired in every word and comma by the same Most High and Mighty God of


God warns that depending on your positioning you will be blessed or cursed because it is merely your free will in following the
ordinances stipulated in this message that God sent you. Or to believe you wanted him to go to your house and write and explain all
this for you in person??? At this moment your faith will be judged and if you are São Tomé you will have to talk closely with the Holy
Spirit of God.

So dear brother I ask you never in my words of the flesh because I am failure, miserable and sinful.
I declare as true that all the lines you have read are a result of several days and dawn of exclusive dedication for more than 10 hours
a day sitting in front of the computer. I do not even feel that I have back and legs laughs ... I give glory to God for the pain and that is
for the good of the nation.
It was several days of transcription and grammatical correction and I believe that it was not perfect.
Only God is perfect. I ask for forgiveness for errors and grammatical agreement.
I am in a process of genealogical liberation and I am practicing a fast, industrialized, and meat fasting for 80 days.
I strive to align to the designs that God has in my life after catching a lot of the enemy.
I wrote in the best way and consecrated this message and with my best for the kingdom of the Lord.
I hope in God that there is fruit and that all Christians vecçam the wall of pride and are united in the project of God.
I focused on writing in the essence of the message under the tremor I feel in God and through his authorization as I digit every word.
If God is not accepted, God will be in charge of noncompliance with the message. If I am not alive for the accomplishment of
Congress I already feel at peace and I know that I will be in his arms because I fulfilled my mission.

1º) It is urgent the sanctification of the Christian leaders of all Christian denominations and if you
received this message it is because you were chosen by God and you must be a living example through the
conollation of the plans of God and from the constant practice of the teachings of the Gospel. Sanctification also
takes place through fasting, prayer, community campaigns in the mountains and in the Church itself before the day
of this GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT. I ask you to pray for me please also to be able to expose everything that
God will reveal to me until the day and that my neurological deficiency does not prevent ... but that I be each day
more able to obey my husband and be faithful to the fulfillment of HIS will.

2nd) Glocal Interdenominational Congress for the realization of the Church Body Ecumenism Project
(defense and implementation strategies through bills that must be presented in the legislative chamber of each
country to be voted in defense of the freedom of Christian religious practice and dignity of the Christian person)

3rd) Applicability of all decisions voted at the glocal level in Christian churches

4th) Direct combat against the unique anti-Christian System through a specific channel in the media for
those who are blind and lost so that they can receive the opportunity to know the hidden truth and choose to accept
Christ as their Savior.

5º) The practice of a Single Christian System that will receive a name that I will reveal on the date of our
meeting, which by the end of the year must be carried out: CHRISTIAN ECUMENCIO PROJECT

6th) THERE MUST NOT be religious doctrinal imposition, whoever does so will be withdrawn their
permission to speak and will be sanctioned (an exclusive committee with sanctions and vetoes should be
established). The time for each participant will only be 7 minutes at first so that it doesn't stretch too much, so an
outline with topic and graphics should be objective and prepared (material that will be made available glocally in the
live stream and translated according to the ethnicity of each participant) . Material that will be reviewed prior to its

7º) Creation of a base in Israel for the leaders in the glocal scope so that there can be daily disclosures to
all Christians who will be notified and alerted of all events in an equitable, true and fair way through the website.
(Prepare mechanism for the supposed gran reset).
Prevent the spread of false news about the end of time and proliferation of false prophets that should be
extinguished from the Christian milieu. For this there will be the creation of an identification system of false
prophets that God has placed in my heart and that the opportune moment will be announced. It will be fair and the
true prophets will be enrolled and will have all the support to spread the messages of God globally so that everyone
knows without the deception of false prophets.

There will be the creation of a specific committee for the faithful barans with the gift of prophecy.


THE E-MAIL that we are already organizing to make this GLOCAL ECUMENICAL
meeting happen by the end of the year:

*** Please use common sense and do not ask questions that do not have to
do with the proposed theme of the ECUMENIC PROJECT.

*** I need you Christian leader ALWAYS and never forget that I AM
NEUROLOGICAL MENTAL DEFICIENT and that I need to be treated in a special
tolerant and patient way in the measure of my inequality.

I carry the imperfect DNA of the flesh (Adam -sin) but I am empowered by
the perfect DNA of GOD through THE CONSTANT PRESENCE in my humble life.

I'm doing and carrying out orders, yet I'm human (flesh and bone), I have
numerous health problems and I need to be isolated with GOD. So I need people
who love God to help me in this mission. If I take a long time to respond, it's
because I need time to balance myself, so be patient and I'll respond at the exact

I need Christian doctrine leaders at the national level to support me and help
me in taking on each one's cross and responsibility in this mission. And that some
help me in coordinating the maintenance of emails.
I will ALWAYS put it in prayer before effecting the acceptance of any help and I will accept it at
the right time from God.

This is independent of me because it is God who works and it may take days
for the Holy Spirit to confirm me.

So I say that I will not take any action to please anyone because I just need
to obey what God tells me and because only He knows everything up front.

Sometimes the person's help at that time can prevent the project from being
fulfilled or will be helpful in another specific area He reveals to me.

So never be offended on a personal level and don't let the

enemy sow hurt pride because it is the vehicle he uses to
destroy lives, ministries and the plans that God has in each
one's life.

In the BRIDE OF CHRIST member (Romans 12) each one has a mission and
if you are a leader you must submit to the Ordinances of the Holy Spirit and accept
the role that God wants to give you in this Ecumenical Glocal Project.

Urge for the realization of this GLOCAL ECUMENICAL PROJECT of Christian

volunteers who have the technological knowledge to be able to implement this
project as God wants and asked.

I will ALSO put it in prayer before accepting any help.

There is a need for People who help to disseminate and translate to other
cultural ethnicities as long as they are Christian.

God asked Christian leaders to be ready to help and not throw stones

because: THE PROJECT is HIS and whoever is in disagreement

should complain directly to Him.


LANGUAGES MUST: ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE (otherwise it won't be read
because you must imagine that we will receive thousands of emails).

So use common sense and ask for revelation from the Holy Spirit so that He
says what you as a leader can help and carry out with excellence in fulfilling the

Be sure and confirm from the Holy Spirit that you will be able to contribute and
what you are willing to do to help bring about the Glocal Ecumenical Congress. If
you don't come to add but to criticize, you will be automatically dismissed because
I'm disabled and I don't have much less physical mental health to tolerate
unfounded attacks.

So use common sense and act like a faithful Christian baran.

Together we can fight this battle and always with the help of GOD who will
lead us to avoid a future genocide of Christians without the opportunity for defense.

ALWAYS REMEMBER that God has enabled a disabled person like me to

spread this message. It confirms that He literally uses the things that are nothing to
confuse the things that are.82


I just end with a testimony so you can know my degree of disability. Only yesterday, and I speak the truth, as
God as my witness, did I understand the literal meaning of the word ATTENTION DEFICIT person!!! Deficit means
lack (delay) and I have comorbidity with dyslexia (I change letters, grammatical agreements can confirm when
reading the message that I often change the meaning of things despite having corrected this message more than
10 times).
Only at 43 years old I understood the meaning of this word … so imagine my degree of disability, I don't lie and I
speak the truth.
He enabled me to write these lines because I alone cannot. Since 04.09.2021 I've been writing, reediting countless
times and configuring for the love of God alone.
Because it is exhausting and intense work that I have to redo countless times due to my disability.
So know that I did my best to carry out this message and that it was 31 days days of exclusive dedication with
several sleepless nights, Homeric pains in the back, in the legs (I have problems in the lymph nodes that they
removed due to cancer in the left leg, brood horrible blisters on the skin and swell and pain the entire leg and foot a
I apologize for errors, grammatical and structural agreement.
I can only assure you that I have a very clear conscience that I did my best and that I also know that the
translation of every message into other languages was done by google docs, that is, I don't know if it was
done correctly in your language.
Therefore, use common sense if you identify any word that is beyond the purpose and the proposed theme and try
to understand the real meaning of the message. Ask for revelation from the Holy Spirit.
The Lord God Almighty IS SUPERNATURAL and speaks through the mouth of
his PROPHETS. He revealed these messages so that there may be LIVENING OF THE
FAITH in the GLOCAL (local + global) scope of Christians and that they increase
their hope that soon His Beloved Son will return

No one knows the day and hour but it is necessary that ALL CHRISTIANS are
prepared and united correctly in the BODY OF THE CHURCH which must be
RESTORED and gathered in CHRIST through the GLOCAL ECUMENICAL
PROJECT83 so that His people can be saved and co-habitate with His Holy Trinity in
His glorious Kingdom for eternity.

All it takes is correct decision-making in the soul of you Christian leader

to whom this message is exclusively directed.

It is a warning that Christian leaders need to gather in Christ in an

interdenominational movement at the glocal level.

It is necessary as soon as a consensus is established by the Christian leaders

for this Glocal Ecumenical Congress to be held and for relevant matters to be put on
the agenda and the Ordinances of God voted. That mechanisms and strategies be
established to implement them.

As long as there is agreement among Christian leaders that they should

ALWAYS put on the agenda the vote on the following articles suggested by God and
that other suggestions will be proposed by the respective Christian leaders.

It is necessary to approve other strategies that will be suggested and

proposed for voting at the next Glocal Ecumenical Congress, which will always be
live and should be disclosed over the internet to all Christian leaders duly

Afterwards, God through this message will prove what He wants and I never knew the meaning of this word because I recognize
that I am ignorant in many areas and neurologically impaired (ADHD and dyslexia). Only GOD to empower me and give me the
strength to finish in record time for me.
The introductory agenda of this first Glocal Ecumenical Congress must be
taken into account the suggestion coming from God, through the specific voting of
these articles that serve as a guide for the formation and realization of His Glocal
Ecumenical PROJECT.

All suggestions must be previously exposed to be put on the agenda at the

next Congress.

At first, a committee must be created provisionally by volunteer Christian

leaders who have conditions and specialized knowledge in the area of
information technology so that the first Glocal Ecumenical Congress can be
implemented as soon as possible (if possible by the end of this year 2021, if not at
the latest that the PROJECT is carried out by the end of 2022).

Thereafter every three months there should be an Internet Glocal

Ecumenical Congress of Christian leaders for a period of one year until there is
effective establishment of an ecumenical Christian ecumenical site.84


God told me when I was writing these lines:

“Give for free what you have received for free”85

⇒ ATTENTION TO THOSE WHO MAY try to use and administer in a DIFFERENT way TO GOD'S PURPOSE regarding the
disclosure only to leaders about THIS CONTENT:
*** I express that I was fully empowered and authorized by GOD to write this message. Therefore, I have
authority over this content and protect all copyright (it is registered in all legal means) if it is used in a way that
opposes the purposes of God OR that it has a personal profit objective.

I emphasize that only out of love and obedience I am writing endless days. I will not sacrifice what I must obey
(This phrase my mentor always repeats).
I confess that I don't even feel that my back is burdened with the oppression over this material, I've never written
anything that hurt so much my back seems to carry the weight of the world.
I do and obey everything that God sends me always for the love and gratitude I feel for Him.
The legs are deadening from so many hours writing, correcting, editing…

MAY ALL THIS SACRIFICE BE at the height of God and that it is solely and exclusively for Honor and Glory From
him… today and forever!!!

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