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Space tourism is soon becoming a reality.

Hotels in space are being built for

millionaires who want to see the Earth from a distinct perspective. However, is
it beneficial for humanity?
On the one hand, some people think that seeing the Earth from space is
amazing and it is totally worthy. Also, they defend the fact that it develops a lot
the scientific knowledge. This last argument is not really proved because
scientific knowledge has already developed beyond than just building a hotel in
On the other hand, this kind of trips are extremely risky and so expensive that
only millionaires can afford them. In addition, if only wealthy people can go and
scientists cannot, it develops even less scientific knowledge. Moreover, they are
not eco-friendly. Plentiful kerosene is used to get to the hotels, and it
To conclude, not only is space tourism detrimental to the human race but it is
also harmful to the environment. Therefore, we should invest in Earth bound
environmental projects rather than tourists in space.

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