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DISTRICT COURT OF MINNESOTA. TeNnTH JUDICIAL DisTRICT Waocitt County Justice Cera CATHERINE MCPHERSON 3700 BRADDOCK AVENHIE NE, Roost [10 Ip oF Distwact Coc BLFFS10, MISSESOIA 88313 78) 6 Fay 705068 August 3, 20: Donald Mashak Route 1, Box 231 Albertville, MN 55301 Kevin Dobie 4300 Park Glen Road, #300 Minneapolis, MN 35416 Re: MTGLQ Investors, LP. v. Donald Mashak, Provident Bank, John Doe and Mary Roe Court File No.: 86-CV-15-1271 Mr. Mashak, Court Administration received two letters from you on July 25, 2022, 1 am returning these documents as the constitute “ex parte” communication. Under Rule 2.9(A) of the Minnesota Code of Judicial Conduct, 4 judge shall not permit, consider, or take any action on an ex parte communication. Rule 2.9(A) of the Minnesota Code of Judicial Conduct prohibits the Court from reading, reviewing, or taking action on any such party communication outside the presence of other parties and/or their counsel. Please be advised that simply copying opposing counsel or the other party does not make it an acceptable form of communication with the Court. Rule 2.9(B) provides, in relevant part: “Ifa judge inadvertently receives an unauthorized ex parte communication bearing upon the substance of the matter, the ‘communication should be noted as received and returned to the sender.” As such, the Court is ethically prohibited from commenting on your correspondence or acting upon any request therein, Iwill forward your questions about ADA accommodations to Monica Tschumper, the Wright County ADA coordinator. Please contact Ms. Tschumper with any further ADA requests you may have. Ifyou wish to schedule a motion, please e-mail the scheduling division at If you need assistance or have questions regarding how to file a motion, the Wright County Law Library or the Self-Help Center may be able to provide guidance, The law library's phone number is 763-682-7592. The Self-Help Center's phone number is 763-760-6609. Please be advised that any future correspondence not in compliance with the rules stated above will be retumed Sincerely. Law Clerk to the Honorable Catherine McPherson, ec: Kevin Dobie; File STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MTGLQ, CASE TYPE: 14 OTHER CIVIL John and Jane Doe Corporations, & John and Jane Doe Appraisers & Mortgage Brokers Court Case No. 86-CV-15-1271 Plaintiff Vs, oe ENDANT ta EFFORTS TO. tT RE NES AE aR TH. S ACT Donald Mashak, The Provident Bank, John Doe, and Marie Roe, i Defendant). Sta oi = Dated 2= Enjoined Indispensable Parties: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Federal National Mortgage Association, and Deutsche Bank (USA) NA, Residential Credit Solutions, Inc, First Frankiin Financial Services, Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, John andlor Jane Doe Appraiser, John andior Jane Doe Morigage Broker. To: Clerk of Wright County Courts, 763-682-7539 Fax: 763-682-7300, 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100 Bufldo, MN 55313, Plaid MTGLO, Goldman Sachs Group, inc. Federal National Mortgage Association (hereafter “Fannie Mae’, Deutsche Bank, NA, Residential Credit Solutions (hereafter * RCS") First Frankin Financial Services (hereafter “First Franklin’) via ther attomeys Liebo, Weingarden, Dobie & Barbie(L WDB), PLLP 952-925-6088 fax 952-925-5879 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis MN 55416, The Provident ‘Bank (hereafter Provident) t 201 East 5* Steet, Cincinnati OH 45202 and Indispensable party Federal Reserve Bank Board of ‘Govemors, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20551, TO: Judge Catheri herson via Fax 763-682-7300 this 1.2022 Wright County Government Center 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100 Bufalo, MN 55313 Re: DEFENDANT MASHAK'S C\ ROTHER © i D OMPLY WITH NALLY AN INTEFE DEFENDA\ Al RT REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCOM! ra NDE! WI To comply with the requirements of the coun, for Accommodation under the ADA, Defendant Mashiak fas sought to make an appointment for evaluation of his Past Traumatic Stress Disorder for past three months. Mashak has been unsuccessful inthese attempts and past attempts over the years. Defendant Mashak was last officially diagnosed with PTSD in 2010. The Court has indicated it wants @ renewed diagnosis before it wil grant Mashak said Accommodation. In Summary: Defendant rec PTSD fs asubset of PTSD caled Lege Abuse Synrme(LAS) | 1 provi this link only for those not familiar with it itvictim.convienal-abuse-syndi Much of my LAS is the result of stress and distress of dealing with corruption, witness tampering threats, attempted murder and retaliation for exposing and exposing a criminal banking conspiracy, a conspiracy to obstruct justice by said criminal banking conspiracy, a conspiracy to commit sedition and treason. As well as Simulated Litgation, Simulated Legal Process, 16 Judicial Theater and multiple or ongoing criminal Conspiracy Against Rights. Mashak asserts that actos and coconspiralorsin these forementioned conspiracies and acts, 2s well as Wright County MN employees and agents have intertered wit his retationship with his health care providers into make good on orginal witness tampering threats and in furtherance of these acts and conspiracies. FACTS To Recap so you understand the source of my PTSD: First National Bank of Anoka, NA (FINA) wrongfully repossessed vehicles from hundreds of innocent Minnesota Families circa 1990. FINA employees and agents made witness tampering threats towards Mashak, that included threats fo destroy his business ‘and life and then escalated to threats to kill Mashak, and finally, threats to Kill anyone Mashak cared about Mashak gave smoking gun evidence (29., Exhibit 1) to banks victimized by FNA'S crimes. Once ofthese banks was The Bank North, NA. (TN). Mashak’s business continued to do work for TBN. FINA hired persons to make attempts on Mashak's life. ‘Mashak went to Minnesota State Legislators but they were uninterested in hearing about these matters. For this reason, Mashak terminated relationships with fiends and family and postponed plans for mariage and a family, so fone of them could be used for extortion or would become collateral damage. Mashak was thinking within 2-3 years the FBI would have these banking criminals in ai, and he could resume a normal fe. ‘When the Anoka County Attorney failed to act on Mashak’s evidence and smoking gun evidence (e.9., Exhibit 1), Mashak went to the FBI. A senior FBI agent was assigned. A week or 2 laler this agent contacts Mashak and indicated that ‘ther persons in the banking industry confirmed Mashak's allegations. Said Agent asked Mashak if he would wear a wire, ‘And could he get FNA employees or agents to repeat the death threats. Mashak said yes. To this point, Mashak thought All ofthis was a matter of simple corruption. (Exhibit 1 also contains the Court case numbers of 3 lawsuits that were resolved favorable to the Plaintiffs, that largely relied on Mashak’s evidence and testimony of what had transpired.) Mashak's business began doing work for Norwest. Norwest Bank, NA (Norwest), Inow renamed Wells Fargo Bank, NA (Wells Fargo)] bought TEN. Norwest then used TEN's litigation regarding the wrongfully repossessed vehicles against FNA, to force FNA to sell fo Norwest ata discounted price or goto jal if Nonwest was forced to press the Litigation. Once Norwest acquired FNA, it acquired FNA's labilties, including thase from the wrongfully repossessed vehicles. When Norwest realized Mashak’s business worked for them and he possessed the smoking gun evidence in the FINA litigation, Norwest was now liable for, Norwest terminated its business relationship with Mashak Mashek attempted to contact Norwest's CEO Richard Kovacevich in their Golden Tower in downtown Minneapolis. | believe itwas on the 38° floor. Kovacevich refused to meet Mashak. Kovacevich had his secretary coldly tei Mashak that Mashak had to deal with Norwest lawyers. Mashak then mailed a letter to Kovacevich imploring him to meet with him andlor simply reinstate the business relationship. No response was received by Mashak. 216 Norwest then made bribes, campaign contributions and other consideration to government officals to kl the investigation and prosecution related to the FNA wrongful repossession litigation, "Norwest then engaged in blacklisting Mashak and his business. ‘At some point, the Senior FBI Agent was replaced by a Juniors FBI Agent, 6-12 months out of FBI Entry Training. This new agent never phoned Mashak. Several Months later Mashak called his new FBI Agent. The Agent state that the US MIN District Atfomey did not want To pursue the prosecution, David Lilehaug was the US MN Distict tory. Lillenaug was also Campaign Finance Manager fora now dead US Senator. David Lillehaug arranged a $50,000 campaign contribution tothe now dead Senator. Other bribes and other consideration were arranged, but evidence of this other consideration is scent. In @ panic, Mashak called the Senior FBI Agent, sure that the Banking Conspirators new of his communications to the FBI. The Senior FBI Agent merely replied, “| was afraid that might happen” & “Don't wory, bankers don't usually make good on ther death threats. Al this point Mashak began to think the problem was one of Systemic Comuption. it wes also at this point that ‘Mashak realize he would likely never be able to reunite with old friends nor have a wife and family. From thal point forward, Law Enforcement and the Courts would pay shor shrift to Mashak. No police reports were made ‘On the dozens of incidents of staking Mashak reported. Law Enforcement played catch and release with assassins that were caught or identified. The entire perception of Mashak’s perception of realty was swept out from under him, For 1 or 2 years, Mashak was afraid to leave his own house. Mashak’s finances and health declined from the retaliation for simply trying to make sure the innocent Minnesota families that had their vehicles repossessed were made whole. Acting on the Senior FBI Agents assurance that bankers don't usually make good on ther death threats, for a few years | said nothing about these crimes, hoping the bankers would forget about me. I ried to rebuild my business and reach out {and connect with a few people. But these Banker's, US District AGs and Judges are drunk with power. They just enjoy screwing with any of the masses, who in their mind, crossed them. Now, one might think, who is Mashak to make such Accusations, But Exhibit 2, clearly demonstrates that Kovacevich’s Well Fargo is incomigible. From 2008 to 2018, Wells Fargo engaged in 5 major criminal conspiracies (that government prosecutors decided they couldnt cover up). They stole rmtions of dolars trom mitions of Americans, but no Wells Fargo Employee went to jail. We all know that the equity and equally mandated by Natural Law and our Constitution required that Wells Fargo employees face the same penalies as ‘other persons convicted of similar crimes. But Equity and Equality was ignored in exchange for bribes, politcal contributions and/or other consideration. In 1998, Norwest bought Wells Fargo Bank, NA, but changed its name to Wells Fargo Bank, NA. (Wells Fargo) In late November 1998, Mashak’s health collapsed from the stress of these witness tampering threats and the destruction of the foundations of his Perspective of reality as Wells Fargo continued to make good on the oniginal conspirators threats to destroy his life. He was intubated for nearly 3 weeks and not released to go home until sometime in January 1999, During his stay he was told mulliple times he was not going to live. Mashak had entered the hospital with resistan! Pneumonia, picked up MRSA there and was told a virus had “chewed on his heart’. His heart function had dropped to 10%. Mastiak somehow survived but eft the hospital and rehab homeless and on the brink of death. For the next 4 years Mashak lived in deep depression and with the belief that any day he would die. Mashak should have Been considered a vulnerable adul, but no government entity offered i, 2s Wells Fargo, and David Lilehaug just wanted Mashak dead or suffering 3/6 Having distanced himselt from fiends and family again, Mashak had to replace his work force and subcontractors. But no longer could he draw from amongst his former college friends, or his alma mater in general. AS new people came into his lite, they recognized Mashak’s vulnerability. Mashak came to find himself surrounded by evil people. They had Mashak corwinced my murder was imminent by staging a breakin of my ofices and smashing everything up. By heir design, Mashak was nol sleeping inthe affice that night. In my weakened state, they kept demanding | pay them protection money. When Mashak realized that was a ruse, Mashak sought some way to get them out of hs fife without them feeling a need for retaliation, On multiple occasions Mashak arranged their arrest as he became aware of crimes they had committed. Each time they were released and sought Retaliation. In one instance, the police even informed one of them that | reported their time. Police just laughed when | sought assistance. So Mashak was forced to bide his time, keep his mouth shul and hope his health would recover enough He could redress the situation hmsel. Al the time hoping they would get arrested fr their various crimes. Eventually one of them got arrested and ! became healthy enough fo tll the other, “| am back, get out” The bankers, Lawyers and judges howled in laughter at what they were puting me through. Thatis the evil, twisted nature of these folks. But somehow Mashak survived, though it would take to circa 2012 for Mashak's heart to return to 30% of function. As il became clear, Wells Fargo would never forget about him and he would never have a normal ie, Mashak determined that he would make sure no other person suffered this fate. ‘About the end of 2003, Mashak’s health had recovered enough, to think about how to reform the MN Judiciary. At this time, ‘the Internet was just springing to fuller life, Mashak became aware of a group of folks seeking Judicial Reform. Having had a taste of retaliation before, Mashak was content just to be a body in the crowd as these folks sought Judicial Reform. | called this loose coalition of individuals and groups, Judicial TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform). Each year from 2003 to 2018 Judicial TAR asked the Minnesota House and Senate Juciciary Committees fora hearing dedicated to receiving evidence and testimony of corruption in the Minnesota Coutts. For the ast 10 of those years, Mashak personal faxed the annual request. The Minnesota House and Senate Committees never once provided Judicial TAR that Requested hearing. Evidence of these annual requested have already been submitted i the pleadings. In 2009, Judicial TAR held an ad hoc hearing atthe State Legislature and we video taped that. That has also been submitted in prior pleadings, And lastly, Mashak complied alist of proposed Caucus Resolution for Judicial TAR fist in 2008, then a much ‘more extensive ist in 2012, recycled each election year thereafter. A copy of these 2008 and 2012 resolution have already been submitted in prior pleadings. ‘Some time between 2010 and 2015 Mashak reached the conclusion that all ofthis was much more than Systemic Corruption. This was Sedition and Treason. Clearly, the MN House and Senate Judiciary Committees not providing Constituents a hearing dedicated to receiving evidence and testimony of Minnesota Courts is outrageous. And the way they hid hearings, moved and cancelled hearings on related legislation should we could not testify was certainly not in ‘compliance with the Natural Right to redress as reduced to writing in the First Amendment of the Federal Constitution, nor in ‘compliance with their oaths to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. ‘Along the way, Wells Fargo, the Minnesota Juciciary and finally all ofthe coconspiratos in Treason, Sedition, et. al Created a bogus COINTELPRO Dossier on Mashak. Now everyone has freely shared this information withthe general public, but no one will provide the contents ofthis Dossier to Mashak. | have asked fri from Law Enforcement, | have asked fort in Discovery here and in other matters, {have even Subpoenaed its production. The point being that it All this stffin this COINTELPRO Dossier on Mashak is true, and not a product of fabrication, exaggeration or other ere, why cant | have the contents so | can cross-examine the alleged accuser and impeach the alleged evidence. Are we not ‘supposed fo have Due Process in America before we destroy someone's life for daring to testily against a Bank ‘Conspiracy? Should there not be some court record, arrest record and/or police fle on each of any alleged incidents. What ‘am | some master criminal that can't be caught by all the resources of Law Enforcement for my entire life? All have is 46 bogus, “Disorderly Conduct” related to testing against Wells Fargo andlor for attempting to investigate the coruption of judges. 'As Mashak became aware of the Federal Reserve (Banking) Systems,’ ‘Debt Based Fiat Money” criminal conspiracy, ‘And the used ofthe windfall profits to fund the Progressive Giobalist Insurgency, Mashak became more certain he was ccorrec in openty accusing govemment of becoming a Domestic Enemy engaged in Sedition and Treason and other Crimes. The Federal Reserve System is a "System’, meaning al financi institutions are coconspirators ints crimes, including funding Conspiracies to Commit Treason and Obstruction of Justice. Stil, that was just Mashak’s assessment. And, who was | to make such bold accusation. it can see in Mashak’s 2018 proposed rough draft of a “Declaration of Causes" inspired by the Founders’ original Declaration of Causes, et. al. ‘6JUL1775. It can be found online for anyone interested. Bul in 2016, hardcore, practicing Progressive Professor Thomas Leonard, pubished “liberal Reformers” (Long ago made patt ofthe record) and Mashak had the last bits of information and a credible source from which fo connect the dots. (Exhibit 3) And, Mashak did connect beautiful inthis Caucus Resolution submitted at his precine, which was approved and passed to the Wright County MN GOP BPOU and alleged then to MNCDB. But the chair of the Republican Patty of Wright County claims it was lost. And finally, when Mashak continued to press the resolution fo DISMANTLE THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND TREASONOUS PROGRESSIVE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE, he was kicked out of the Party for allegedly caling one ‘person a Communist, and another person a Progressive. Meanwhile, the coconspirators actually showed ths fake COINTELPRO dossier to the membership and spread it allover own as directed by Judge Halsey. The same Judge Halsey ‘who criminally engaged in obstruct of Justice, after being previously removed by Mashak from the case, instructed the replacement Judge to Rule Against Mashak in a manner not consistent withthe Rules(as previously described and documented in prior pleadings.) These actions in furtherance of multiple ofthe aforementioned criminal conspiracies, such 2s Conspiracy Against Rights for retaking against Mashak for exercising his Consitutional Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances against the Minnesota Judiciary and the conspiracy to commit Treason by aiding and abetting the Progressive Globalst Insurrection that began circa 1913, Said Insurrection being unconventional n nature as it was based an a paradigm shift in warfare. Called Permeation or Gradualism, rather than sudden overpowering violence, it call fr slow, cover infitration over generations so no one generation experiences enough change to be moved to resist, revolt or mount a counter-revolution. Mashak now has been the vitim of 2 corupt Government officials. A US District Altomey and a Minnesota Judge. Al for daring to testify against e banking conspiracy. is this how our legal system rewards witnesses that come forward despite witness tampering threats. Inthe past, Mashak has sought to be evaluated for PTSD. The person said they were qualified and it would be no problem. ‘Then someone from Wright County Government contacted her. Mashak was never allowed ask her why she suddenly could not certify her findings. They insisted Mashak had to start over with someone else. Intutively, Mashak knew the fix was in. For the past 3 months, Mashak has contacted 3 or more facies qualified to make this assessment. They have variously {old me they won't schedule an assessment with me for a variety of ilegitimate reasons. Clea, the matters ofthis tigation involve the very experiences thal induced the PTSD long ago. Ciealy, Mashak is entitled to accommodation under the ADA so he can properly represent himself in these matters. The foregoing is sufficient to document why Mashak suffers from PTSD in the form of both the disorder caused by exposure to violence and threats of imminent violence, as well as those induced as described by Legal Abuse Syndrome. 5/6 ‘Though Mashak could put all ofthis under a Protective Order, he chooses not to. America needs to see the irue Nature ofits Legal and Justice System. And as Mashak has provided credible evidence of the Minnesota Judiciary involvement in Obstruction of Justice, 2s well as Treason, ths is a matter which must be decided by an unbiased jury after Defendant Mashak is allowed sufficient time for Discovery inthis complex case, not by Summary Judgement Defendant Mashak expects to be able to call any provider of PTSD assessment beginning next week and be able to sel up an appointment for timely evaluation, Accommodation under the ADA being necessary for Defendant Mashak fo adequately protect his legal interest in these matters. Those were my thoughts. Thank you for your time. Respectfully submitted, In Liberty: Bane ihe Don Mashak, 612-249-3299 07/25/2022 Ri. 1 Box 231, Albertile, MN 55301 Defendant, As a Free Person and State National under the Organic Constitution of the ‘United States of America 6/6 Filed in District Gourt State gf Miqnes COURT ‘STATE OF MINNESOTA pal te pes hg DISTRICT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MTGLQ, CASE TYPE: 14 OTHER CIVIL. John and Jane Doe Corporations, & John and Jane Doe Appraisers & Mortgage Brokers Court Case No. 86-CV-15-1274 Plaintift DECLARATION OF DON MASHAK DEFENDANT MASHAK’S CONCERNS ABOUT THIS COURT'S, AND/OR OTHER. COCONSPIRATORS UNCONSTITIONALLY AND ILLEGALLY INTEFERING IN Vs. DEFENDANT MASHAK EFFORTS TO COMPLY WITH COURT REQUIREMENTS FOR. ACCOMMODATION UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Donald Mashak, The Provident Bank, John Doe, and Marie Roe, Defendantis). Enjoined Indispensable Parties: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Federal National Mortgage Association, and Deutsche Bank (USA) NA, Residential Credit Solutions, Ino, First Franklin Financial Services, Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, John andlor Jane Doe Appraiser, John andlor Jane Doe Morlgage Broker. To: Clerk of Wright County Courts, 763-682-7500 Fax. 763-682-7300, 3700 Braddock Ave, Room 1100 Buffalo, MN 55313, Plait MTGLO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Federal National Mortgage Association (hereafter “Fannie Mae’, Deutsche Bark, NA, Residential Credit Solutins (hereafter “ RCS") First Franklin Financial Services (hereatter "First Franklin’ via ther attorneys Liebo, Weingarden, Dobie & Barbie(LWOB), PLLP 952-925-6888 fax 952-925-5879 4500 Park Glen Road #200 Minneapolis MN $5416, The Provident Bank (hereafter Provident) at 201 East 5* Street, Cincinnati OH 45202 and indspensable party Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, 20th Street and Consttution Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20551. Don Mashak, being fst Duly Sworn, upon oath, deposes and states as folows: 4. Lama Defendant in tis litigation; 2. That the facts alleged in the associated pleading but not listed specifically here, are nevertheless truthful, as | prepared said brief; 3, That any Exhibits included in the associated pleading are tue and correct copies: Exhibit 1 -DO NOT MAIL & 3 Court Case File Numbers Exhibit 2 ~ Wells Fargo Bank, NA’s 5 Criminal Conspiracies 200-2018 Exhibit 3 — Cover of 2016 Book, “iliberal Reforms” by Thomas Leonard Further your Declarant sayeth not Dated_ This _25% day of JULY, 2022 By Fen ov ade Don Mashak, 612-249-3299 Rt. 1 Box 231, Albertville, MN 55301 ‘Signed in Wright County Defendant, As a Free Person and State National under the Organic Constitution ofthe United States of America 916 Appellant only had the time and motivation to discover this foregoing info experiencing government and Judicial Corruption in the 1990s. A Bank Conspir: Fargo Bank, NA {formerly Norwest Bank, NA), engaged in witness tampering thi threats to destroy Appellant's life, kill Appellant. These Witness tampering threa! threats to kill anyone Appellant cared about. (‘DO NOT MAIL” evinced their kno: vehicles these banks had teen So cea Be eG wrongfully repossessed) Proof of . oicksiy. wke the accuracy of Appellant's “a! ee ghey Mashak's testimony and evidence provided to the Anoka County Sherriffs Department, MN AG, FBI, Jeff Blodgett and other employees of Paul V Office can also be found the outcome in these Hennepin County Cases: Bank N Bank of Anoka, NA 27CV88-22383, Citizens State Bank of St. Louis Park vs. 1s Anoka, NA 91-002759, Don Mashak vs Norwest Bank (now dba Wells Fargo Ba the banks that sued on basis of my allegations prevailed in their litigation. The F —EXHIBIT-1 15 [24 WHAT DOES JUSTICE LOOK LIKE UNDER PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL DARWINISM? ORE MODERN HISTORY. PROOFS & LOGICAL INFERENCES THAT SOCIAL DARWINISM 1S THE UNIFYING PHILOSOPHY OF MENT AKA TRAITOR PROGRESSIVE DEEP STATE othschild, Rockefeller, Soros, Clinton, Council on Foreign Relations, et. al. SOCIAL DARWINISM - The Rich have the Right to exploit the poor & middle class because they are allegedly genetically superior as evinoed by thelir wealth (Survival of tho Fittest) D THE REAS! WELLS FARGO. MILLIONS O! AMERICANS, GONE TO MANY TIMES kepeh 8$12576408905377 S ‘ COULD YOU ‘WellsF erro Bank's iezal eudest loans yetNO ONE GOES TO JAIL PERSONALLY Lipeciwwstuuas56790-well fagewibarstuban fund MISERY Fv. wa OF DOLLARS ‘arrow used exes nyraone 29 IGOR etl thy tnes-1 8m over enautoriet- scouts /$0600: OF AMERICANS Faniarweltcsspancane [AND NOT GO TO 't?s7~clterwetorsrevezerm/evhats-wrone-mells-ferne SAL? END DEBATE; OUR GOVERNMENT & TYRANT CLASS ASSERT A RIGHT. - Sr The Ratt EXPLGMT Te POOR BME AS ee ae EXHIBIT X 2 BELIEFS, PRINCIPLES & PHILOSO PHIES OF THE PROGRESSIVE 7 It I IGLOBALIST ELITE'S INSURGENCY THAT ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL &/or VIOLATE NATURAL LAW &£or YOUR UNALIENABLE NATURAL RIGHTS! Progressive Elites assert: 1) The concept of unalienable Natural Rights of the individual are “nonsense” (pgs 24-25); 2)The American masses are too stupid to govern themselves. (pgs 51-53); 3} The Progressive elite are genetically and intellectually superior to the masses (Ibid.); 4) Being genetically & intellectually superior to the masses, Progressive Educated Elites in governement, selected from among the wealthy, say they are not accountable to the ignorant masses (Ibid.); 5} Progressive Elites created a 4th 2016 aE Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era Thomas C, Leonard Research Scholas, The Council of the Humanities; Lecturer in Economics, Princeton University Written by a hardcore practicing Progressive Professor who quotes the Founders of Progressivism & includes credible cites. Social Darwinism (1870s) rebranded as UK Fabian Socialists (1884), US Progressives (1830s) & German Nazis (1920s) Branch of Government called the "Administrative State” & inserted it between WE THE PEOPLE & the 1st 3 Branches of Government to make elected government less accountable to the WE THE PEOPLE. (Pgs f°; 41.48) This Administrative State is the speai ion over head of the Progressive Fu 's unconventional method of revolution/civil war calling for Siow jenerations. EXHIB! 1 We czot BNW & “66g NW SMOdVaNNIW

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