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Name: Venus Rovie C.

Laque Subject: Purposive Communication

Course: BSHM 1


Task 1: Comprehension Questions: Instruction: The input above provides information about
globalization- how it works, how it happens and what drives it, and what is good and bad about
it. Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What do the following words mean? Use context clues from the text to determine the
meaning of the words.
a. Enabled - to make someone able to do make possible
or make able.
 The evidence would enable us to arrive at a firm conclusion.
 The conference will enable greater international cooperation.

b. Enormously- to be marked by extraordinarily great size, number, or

 The productions of Germany, Belgium and the United States have enormously and
fairly regularly increased.
 Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.

c. Flourished-to be in a vigorous state, to grow well or to be succeed.

 Many industries flourish on the outskirts of the town, including
rope and net manufactures, flour mills, saw mills, mining railways, paper mills.
 Wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake.

d. Floundered- to struggle with stumbling or plunging movements, to struggle clumsily or

 By contrast, Europe is stagnating and burdened with double digit unemployment, and
Asia is floundering in the wake of financial collapse.

2. What does the experience of Starbucks tell the readers about globalization?
Answer: The experience of Starbucks tells the readers that Starbucks is a proponent of
globalization because it has been successful in expanding into new markets. It has enticed
similar companies to expand globally as well. Starbucks supports local farmers and
encourages them to develop the business skills required to compete in the global
marketplace by using Fair Trade products. In short, Starbucks wants to share to all the
readers how they reached their success.

3. What are the driving forces behind globalization?

Answer: Globalization has speeded up enormously over the last half-century.
Global production of goods and services has increased as a result of a variety of
factors, most notably globalization. Many businesses have expanded beyond their
national borders to establish operations in far-flung corners of the globe.
McDonald's, Subway, Kellogg's, Walmart, Tesco, Coca Cola, and Pepsi are just a few
examples. There is no doubt that globalization has increased global production
of goods and services. Cultural exchange, improved transportation, low barriers to
trade and investment, and Technological change are the driving forces of

4. What are the benefits of globalization?

Answer: When we hear the word “Globalization” it is a complex and controversial issue. But
what are the benefits of globalization? Well, it helps us to access to new cultures,
the spread of technology and innovation, lower costs for products, higher
standards of living across the globe, access to new markets, access to new talent,
international recruiting, and managing employee immigration.

5. What are the negative effects of globalization?

Answer: Although globalization has provided numerous benefits to developing countries, it
has also had a few negative consequences. Globalization has led to millions of
people being lifted out of poverty, Displacements of Workers, Unemployment,
Increased Lifestyle diseases, Abandonment of Culture, terrorism, job insecurity,
currency fluctuation, and price instability


As more people cross borders because of globalization, more language contact
happens, making communication more challenging. Your teacher will ask you to view a
video or listen to an audio-recording titled The Effects of Globalization on Global
Communication by Nikolay Danev.

Task 3: What is Globalization? Instruction. Read the following statements carefully. Decide if
each statement is true or false. Write T on the blank if the statement is true, and F it is false. If
the statement is false, re-writ or revise it to make it true. Use the space provided after each
statement. (Point system: 5 items x 3 points each = 15 points)
____T_____ 1. Globalization began after the Internet was invented.
____F______ 2. All globalization processes are economic in nature.
Globalization is neither a purely economic process nor is related to communications only. It is a
broad process of increasing socio-economic-industrial-trade-cultural relations among the
people living in all parts of the globe.
_____T_____ 3. Because of globalization, modes and forms of communication have
_____T_____ 4. One effect of globalization is deepening poverty.
_____T_____ 5. One effect of globalization is the rising cost of information technologies.

Task 4. IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON COMMUNICATION. Instruction. In pairs, make a

collage, a poster, or a slogan about the impact of globalization on communication. Then, on the
space provided below, explain your work in one or two paragraphs.
Communication is a way for an easy conversation between people in person or in a long
distance situation . Through globalization that makes the stage of communication possible ,
it evolves from yesterday past , a way of face to face interaction into tomorrow future , a
globalized communication through gadgets for an easy and fast interaction . The globalized
human or the human earth represents a progress of communication but then globalization
has its pros and cons . We’ve been globalized and a coin has 2 sides which means the
positive and the negative effects of communication globalization . Gadgets help us to be
updated in everyday most specially in gathering news and conversing to the people all over
the world . These online sites will promote unity through likes , sharing posts and
commenting them for enlightenment . These connections would help everyone to be
connected and promote camaraderie from local places to international countries . On the
negative effects , globalized form of communication lead to misunderstanding . There is a
barrier that would reflect that the news could be assess whether correct or not . Nowadays ,
we used the social media platform to share news but then this could also lead into Fake
news . In fact , this is not a good sign that we've been globalized. Before you post
something in online sites, you need also to think twice so that it would be safe for everyone
and that would not lead into a barrier.

1. Your teacher will show you a video of two speakers in a conversation. The two
speakers are experiencing miscommunication. While viewing the video, note the
 The source of the miscommunication (the word or phrase that was not
correctly understood).
 The resolution of the miscommunication (the strategy or strategies the
speakers used to try to resolve the misunderstanding)
1. What did one speaker say that was not understood by the person he/she was
speaking with?
- There several miscommunications in the movie. First is when an officer asked Mr.
Narvoski some questions but his answers are irrelevant to the questions.
- Mr. Dixon, the Director of Customs and Border Protection, explained to Mr. Navorsk
why he was unable to enter the United States. Mr. Navorski's country has suspended
all travel privileges on a passport issued by their government because of the new
leader and there’s a war in his country, therefore his visa and passport are worthless,
his country no longer exists and he can’t go back to Krakozhia or go out in the
terminal. But Mr. Dixon tells him that he is free to remain in the International Arrivals
Lounge, but forbidden to step foot on American Soil. Mr. Navorski is escorted to the

2. What was the other speaker understands of what was said?

- He did not understand the officer that was asking him questions like if he knows
anyone in the New York but then he pulled out a paper and said “116 Lexington” and
keep saying “yes”
- Mr. Dixon told everything about the visa denial to Mr. Navorski, but it was clear that
he didn't understand anything. Mr. Dixon used the example of chips to represent Mr.
Navorski's nation, Krakozhia, and an apple to represent the liberty rebels to convey
that all flights into or out of Krakozhia have been suspended, and the visa is no longer
valid, but he still didn't get it.

3. What do you think were the causes of the miscommunication?

- The major cause of the miscommunication is language barrier. Since Mr. Narvoski
does not speak the same language as Mr. Dixon and the officers.

4. How was the miscommunication resolved?

- When Mr. Narvoski is staying at the lounge he finds it frustrating that he did not
understand what other people is saying to him. He then went to a bookstore at the
lounge and get 2 same books but different version of it, one is English and the other
one is translated in his language. And then he compared the two books to understand
what is in the English book he is reading; also, everyday he goes to the television to
read the news about the war in his country. As time goes by, he slowly understands
what other people is saying to him, he even makes friends with the people working
there and also helped him, he even got a job as a contractor at the airport.

5. What should have been done by each speaker to prevent the miscommunication?
- As the person who will travel to America, Mr. Navorski should be prepared and learn
basic English words and phrases as he is unable to speak or express his thoughts.
So that somehow, he would be able to understand what Mr. Dixon and the officers
are saying. And so that the people he was talking to can also get an idea of what is
he talking.
- Mr. Dixon should also get an interpreter in situations like this. So that they would be
able to explain the situation of the passengers and what they should do.

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