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Variation, Adaptation and Speciation Name:______________________

Are all the organisms of a particular species exactly the same?

Data Table:

What are some of the factors that might cause variations between you and classmates?

What are some other examples of variation within species?

Why is variation within a species important?
1. Variation allows for a better chance at________________________under different or
changing conditions. Examples?
○ Some members of a population might be naturally more resistant to
○ Coloring differences allow certain individuals to ________________________
better in different seasons or changing conditions
2. Allows for closely related living things to live in the same environment with
different ____________________________

Variations Within a Species

What other types of variations might make some members of a population better able to

What types of environmental changes might make it more difficult for a species to survive
without variation?

● Help organisms survive in their __________________________
● ________________________ can help an organism survive in one of 3 ways:
○ ____________________an organism get food
○ prevent an organism from _______________________ food
○ help an organism ____________________________
Types of Adaptations:
● ________________________ adaptations
○ An inherited physical ________________________________ that helps an organism
survive in its environment
○ Example: _________________________________________________
● ________________________ adaptations
○ An inherited characteristic __________________________ that helps an organism
survive in its environment
○ Example: _________________________________________________
○ Possum
■ Sometimes it will "play possum" and roll over, become stiff, and drool.
Its ________________________________ will become slow and shallow.
■ “Playing dead”
○ Fennec Fox - North America
■ ___________________________ _________________________
● Great hearing for insects underground
● Full of blood vessels to dissipate heat
○ Cactus - Desert Plant
■ Adaptations:
● Root depth: Shallow/Deep
● Leaf Waxing
● Night Blooming
● Drought Resistance

Fight or Flight is an ___________________________

What is Speciation?
● Speciation is when a population within a species develops its own __________________
_________________________that ultimately makes it unique from the original species.
● It is the _________________________ of a new species over a period of time.
● When different sets of populations are no longer able to _________________________
reproduce, they are considered to be _______________________________ species.
How can Speciation happen?
● Environmental ___________________________
● Beneficial (helpful) adaptations
● _________________________ of populations

Beak Task
The Galapagos Finches
● How do you think we see biodiversity on the Galapagos Island through finches?

● The galapagos finches show an example of ___________________________________

● Charles Darwin thought that each species becomes adapted to its
_________________________ over time.
○ His observations led to the development of his ideas about
_____________________ selection.
■ 3 main points:
● Organisms usually ________________ more offspring than can
● There is ______________________ among individuals in a
● Organisms _____________________________ for limited resources.
○ Natural selection occurs because:
1. Only those individuals that are ______________ ______________________
to their environment are likely to survive.
2. Individuals that survive _____________ ____________ their traits
(adaptations) to their offspring.
3. Those adaptations now are _____________ ________________ (evolution)

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