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These responsibilities have been established for safety reasons and a safeguard against losing articles.
1. Children are to stay in their clubroom, Caraway Street Room or Gym (see #6 below) wherever their last club segment took place while waiting for their parents to come and pick them up. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 2. The children are not to be out in the parking lot either before or after the club meeting. (NO EXCEPTIONS). 3. No children are to arrive for their club until 6:15 PM (unless prior arrangements have been made with their club leader.) 4. The Cubbies are to stay in their club room from the time their club begins until their parent(s), or responsible adult picks them up. 5. All Sparks are to return to their club room(s) after Game Time to pick up their take-home projects and coats, and parents are to pick up their Sparks at this location. 6. The clubbers are not to bring personal toys from home. They could get lost in the course of a club meeting. 7. It is the responsibility of the person who brings the child to AWANA to let the childs leader know if someone else will be picking the child up. All parents of cubbies must file and sign a form with the Cubbies director giving written permission to allow alternate persons to pick their child up from Cubbies. 8. Please put the childs name on all coats, jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, etc. 9. All clubbers are to come to club wearing tennis shoes (no black, or hard-soled shoes will be allowed on the gym floor). 10.AWANA begins at 6:15 PM. Please make arrangements to pick up your child no later than 8:10 PM.

11. Cubbies club is a two year program, prior to starting kindergarten. The child
entering the club must be three years of age by September 1st of the club year and be potty trained. 11. No one is to leave the church building during the AWANA Club Meeting.


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