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Wellspring Bible Fellowship Awana Club August 2011

Hello and a big welcome to another year of Awana at Wellspring Bible Fellowship. I want to thank you for placing your children in the Wellspring Bible Fellowship Awana Club. Our mission statement at Wellspring is that we live to worship and glorify God by being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are producing other fully devoted followers of Him in our homes, church, community, and world. The Awana ministry is an extension of this mission statement and it is our hope that the children who pass through this club will become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Before we embark on another year of bible adventure, I would like to encourage all parents of our club members to be actively involved with your children as they go through their books this year and attempt to complete them. The primary responsibility for a childs spiritual growth rests with you as parents. Those of us who are involved with the Awana ministry can not replace your position as parents and take over the primary role to disciple you children. We can assist you in your familys spiritual journey, but the responsibility of instructing your child in spiritual matters rests with you. So please set aside time during the week so you can assist your child with scripture memorization so he or she can have the opportunity to blossom into a mature Christian as they become older. Remember, time is limited during Awana each week so please have your child prepared to recite verses when the come to Awana. If you are interested in serving in Awana, we have great ministry opportunities. All that is required is a desire to serve God and watch children grow in their faith. If you are interested, please call Elmer Miller at 440-2122. We who are involved in Awana look forward to another great year of working with your children. In Christs Love, Commander Elmer Miller

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