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L3 Semester 1 Final Exam 2021

Task: Prepare a 5-minute oral presentation

You will answer 1 impromptu question (maximum 2 minutes)

1. Choose a Global Issue presented in your extract and the BOW
2. Choose a 25 - 40 line extract from one of the poems below:
● “For Calling the Spirit…”
● “Once the World was Perfect”
● “How to Write a Poem in a Time of War”

3. Comment on the wider BOW

● “Perhaps the World Ends Here”

● “Remember”
● “Suicide Watch”
● “This morning I Pray for my Enemies”
● “In Mystic”
● “Talking with the Sun”
● “Morning Prayers”
● “Rabbit is Up to Tricks”

Use the IO planner given during the midterm to help you organize your thoughts (on the next

Practice your presentation and make sure you do not exceed 5 minutes.
THE INDIVIDUAL ORAL - A Guide for Planning and Outlining

Introduce global issue and literary extract and ● What is the Global Issue?
body of work ● Why does it matter?
● How is this GI presented in your
literary extract and BoW = Thesis

Literary extract from Joy Harjo poetry (25-40 ● Feature 1

lines) & literary BoW as a whole (see notes ○ Example from extract
on previous page) ■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Example from literary BoW
■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Compare and contrast how the
extract and the BoW poem(s)
present the GI (note
differences and similarities)
● Feature 2
○ Example from extract
■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Example from literary BoW
■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Compare and contrast how the
extract and the BoW poem(s)
present the GI (note
differences and similarities)
● Feature 3
○ Example from extract
■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Example from literary BoW
■ Purpose and effect
○ Relevance to Global Issue
○ Compare and contrast how the
extract and the BoW poem(s)
present the GI (note
differences and similarities)

● How effectively does the author
achieve their aims?

See next page for grading criteria and rubric ↓


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