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Individual Oral

Outline method 1
Introduce ● What is the global issue (GI)? Why does it
1 matter?
global issue ● How is your GI presented in your literary
min work and non-lit BOW? (Answer = thesis
& works statement)

● Feature 1 ->
○ example from passage -> effects
○ examples from entire work -> effects
○ relevance to GI

Literary work
Feature 2 ->

○ example from passage -> effects

min and passage ○ examples from entire work -> effects

○ relevance to GI
● Feature 3 ->
○ example from passage -> effects
○ examples from entire work -> effects
○ relevance to GI

● Feature 4 ->
○ example from passage -> effects
○ examples from BOW -> effects

Non-literary ○ relevance to GI

4 ● Feature 5 ->

BOW and ○ example from passage -> effects
○ examples from BOW -> effects

passage ●
○ relevance to GI
Feature 6 ->
○ example from passage -> effects
○ examples from BOW -> effects
○ relevance to GI

● Similarities between lit. work and

● How do the BOW and Lit work present the
non-lit. BOW -> relevance to GI
GI similarly and differently?
● Differences between lit. work and
min ● How effective are the writers in achieving
their BOW - relevance to GI
● Why your GI matters / is significant

5 ● You said… Could you elaborate on…?

● What are other similarities and differences
between the work and BOW?

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