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<project name="deprecated" basedir="." default="deprecated:check">
This build file contains deprecation checks for EJBCA. These may be
obsoleted properties, ant targets, or anything else the user should be
aware of.

The main purpose is to warn the users about the removal of those
features/functionalities in the following release so they can update
their property files or their procedures in a timely manner.

Once the item has been deprecated in one release of EJBCA, in the next
release it should be moved from here to the removed list (in removed.xml
build file), and set-up in such a way that it'll fail a build (using the
"fail" ant task).

<!-- Old property mangling -->
<!-- Use old variables as default for new variables. Since properties are
included before this file, a configured property will never be
overridden. Set the warning messages inside of deprecated:notify
target. -->

<!-- The j2ee.web-noconfigure option has been replaced with the

web.nosslconfigure, but the same values are valid, so we just copy
it. -->
<condition property="web.nosslconfigure" value="${j2ee.web-noconfigure}">
<isset property="j2ee.web-noconfigure"/>

<!-- Deprecation utilities -->
<!-- Display the warning messages and sleep for 10 seconds in order to draw the
user's attention. -->
<target name="deprecated:notify" if="deprecated.detected">
<echo message="You're using deprecated features! Be aware that those
features will be removed in the next release! Proceeding automatically in 10
seconds. You can stop the build process now by pressing Ctrl-C." />

<!-- j2ee.web-noconfigure warning message -->

<condition property="deprecated.j2ee.web-noconfigure.warning"
value="You are still using the j2ee.web-noconfigure option in
the This option is deprecated. It has been replaced by the
'web.nosslconfigure' option which can be found in the Please review
the '' file for more details." else="">
<isset property="j2ee.web-noconfigure"/>
<echo message="${deprecated.j2ee.web-noconfigure.warning}" level="warning"/>

<sleep seconds="10" />


<!-- Top-level targets -->
<!-- A top-level target that should be called from outside of this build
script. It should depend on all of the deprecation checks that should
be performed. -->
<target name="deprecated:check">
<condition property="deprecated.detected">
<isset property="j2ee.web-noconfigure"/>
<!-- isset ... -->
<!-- Notify user of any deprecations have been detected -->
<antcall target="deprecated:notify"/>

<!-- Deprecated ant targets should be put in here with informative failure
messages. -->
<target name="bootstrap">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'bootstrap' target in EJBCA is deprecated. It has
been superseded by the 'deploy' target. This was part of the rewrite of the
installation procedure for EJBCA. Please read the accompanying installation
documentation with current release of EJBCA in order to get acquainted with the new
installation procedure. This target will be removed in the next release."
level="warning" />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />
<antcall target="deploy" />

<target name="ocsp-deploy">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'ocsp-deploy' target in EJBCA is deprecated. It
has been superseded by the 'va-deploy' target. This target will be removed in the
next release." />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />
<antcall target="va-deploy" />

<target name="va-deploy">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'va-deploy' target in EJBCA is deprecated. The VA
is now deployed as a standard build. This target will be removed in the next
release." />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />
<antcall target="deploy" />

<target name="test:runocsp.setuptest">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'runocsp.setuptest' target in EJBCA is
deprecated. OCSP tests are no longer dependent on prerun setup" />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />

<target name="test:runocsp">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'runocsp' target in EJBCA is deprecated. OCSP
are now included the main run command" />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />

<target name="ejbca-util.jar">
<property name="deprecated.detected" value="true" />
<echo message="The use of 'ejbca-util.jar' target in EJBCA is
deprecated. The command has been replaced by 'ejbca-common.jar" />
<antcall target="deprecated:notify" />

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