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And me synonyme = - personally

- As far as i’m concerned

Candidature  application  to apply for

Position  poste (de travail synonyme de job)

Cover letter  lettre de motivation/application letter

Disabled  handicapé

Section of the C.V

- Hobbies
- Hard skills
- Soft skills

Etape d’un recruitement

1° Job offers/job ads

2° CV/resume (U.S) and cover letter  education, work experience, contact detail (n.address, e-mail,
address, phone number…, drive license)

3° Job interview

Cover letter

 Motivations
 Only say the relevant experience
 Show your interest
 Mention some of your softskills
 Explain your choice : why this company ?
 What you can bring to the company
 Why they should hire you
 Tell about your availability

Job interview

- Introduce yourself
- How did your here about this position

To apply  postuler

To apply for a job  application  applicant (chercher les trad mais c’est logique)

1) Select a job + job ads (advertissement)

2) Write a CV (resume en US)
3) Write a cover letter

Information ne prend pas de S au pluriel

Furniture pareil (meubles)

Advice pareil

Pour dire ces mots au singulier on met « a piece of » avant

Ex : a piece of advice

Regle des pluriels irréguliers

Soft skills (savoir être)  organised, patient (=/ impatient), autonomous, sociable, kind, generous,
demand (exiger)

To acquire  acquérir

Training  formation

I.T = Information Technologie (les trucs à inscrire)

Average  en moyenne

Last  dernier

To last  durer

He eats

Does he eat

Employer  employeur

Employee  employé

Trainer  formateur

Trainee  reçoit la formation

Interviewer  intervieweur

Interviewee  interviewé

Competitor  concurrent  to compete  competition

Available  disponible

Availability  disponibilité

Location  localisation

Rental  location (d’un appart par ex)

Details about the position (le travail, le job), the location, the working rhythm, perks (avantages du
taff, company car (voiture de fonction), insurance (assurance), Bonus (prime).

to deserve (merité)

the salary (le salaire)

the possibility to get promotion, to be promoted (être promus)

the working atmosphere  l’atmosphere de travail (if it’s a part time job or full time)

to know about the holidays, or vacations (vacances)

open office or just an office (en fonction de la personne)

a place to have lunch (company restaurant)

temporary worker (intérimaire)

temp work (job en intérim)

retail  distribution

retailer  distributeur

involved  impliqué

to involve  to deal with

complaints  plainte

to complain  se plaindre

per annun = per year = yearly

to require  requirement (nécessité) (par ex : pour être pilote le permis est un requirement) (un

schedule  emploi du temps (pour le travail) sinon timetable marche aussi

job interview  presentation

- Motivations
- What I can bring to the entreprise
- Hard skills (for example : pour dire qu’on est très bon on dit on I Have C2 level (Toeic :
880/990) /soft skills (qualities – behaviour in working situations …)

Relevant = important
Details about the position

Details about the salary

Get a promotion

For me I’m really really glad to be here with you too

I’m Lucas Casier, I’m twenty five years old, I live in Radinghem-en-weppes it’s not too fort from here I
am looking too for a job and I saw your jobs ads in a poster on the street also you must know I’m
really motivated to work in IBI as a sales represantative

Effectively I already work in Peugeot as seller also i’m all time involved on my job and I think it’s a
relevant think to have, moreover I work also like a seller in Decathlon and I guess it’s a good point to
remember for this ads.

In decathlon I work like a seller so I advice customer to what is real need, this is a huge part of my
position in Decathlon

About this job I sincerelly hope a possibility to be promoted because if i’m an industrie and I can’t
grow up professionnaly I don’t really see the benefit of this. Otherwise I wait the moment you say
the perks of the job.

For sure I have my driving license since seven years.

Because I’m younger and a young item it’s better in the entreprise for the energy, creativity,
innovative. I have some soft skills and my personnality can make this ahead, I’m leadership, I have a
professionnal spirit, I like the human contact, I love drive on the road a lot so if we have to drive it’s
not a problem for me and mainly I have a lot of experience as a seller or sales represantative.

Mhhh I thinking about the question but I’m perfect also I’m humble

I say you I’m perfect, I don’t have default

So you don’t tell us but what is the perks of the position ?

You know I really like car so What is the car exactly ?

Erreur entre At et In  At quand on cite la company et in quand c’est juste le nom commun (ex : I
work at Ipac bachelor Factory mais I work In school), When you name the building is at and in when
it’s not.

Salesrepresentative = commercial (le métier)

A commercial = spot publicitaire

I’m - in charge of = je suis en charge de etc … (un travail ex : employer des nouveaux jeunes)
(interviewing candidate)

- I have to
- I’m responsible for the sales department
- My job consists in interviewing candidates
- My job involves interviewing candidates


En +

Fulfilling = enrichissant


Exciting = qqch qui nous plaît à l’extreme





En –



Tiring (voir trad)





Glamarous (wealth – success)

A pay raise  augmentation de salaire

Appraisal interview  entretien annuel des salariés pour évaluer leur bien-être etc …

Demanding = exiger (le verbe = to demand)

what I liked when I worked at Peugeot was the freedom of action

on the other hand, I didn't like it because I didn't have enough work to do and I had to ask for it every
day, which was sometimes restrictive

wealth  richesse

tedious  frustré et boring

belitling (voir trad)

dead end

laid off  licencié

retraite  retirement (to retire)

intern  stagiaire (encore étudiant qui travaille pas forcément stagiaire mais c’est qd même souvent
le cas)

waiter  serveur

bartender  barman

janitor  concierge

my job requires  requiert

voir superlatif et comparatif

Hello everyone, today we are going to tell you about a great woman: Lena, whom you probably know
better as Lena Situation, Of Algerian origin, Léna Situations, whose real name is Léna Mahfouf, is a
French influencer was born in Paris in 1997. She created her blog in 2012, when she was still a high
school student. There she shares her beauty tips, fashion advice and good addresses all over the

She created her channel on YouTube, which met with some success and launched her career as an
influencer. She publishes hundreds of videos that are viewed millions of times. She regularly
collaborates with other influencers and brands. She gets the title of French pop-culture influencer in
2019. This award is given to her during the People's Choice Awards.

She inspires us because she is an accomplished woman who started from nothing and now she is at
the head of a company, she is a self-employed.

She also created a pop up store which is a store of ready-to-wear and lifestyle object from here new
brand « Hotel Mahfouf », as well as a restaurant. All of this three hundred and eighty vidéos makes
four hundred and twenty millions view on this Youtube channel

The young woman is also an employee of a clothing brand. In September 2020, she published the
book Toujours plus which deals with personal development. The book was a great success in

On the private side, she shares the life of Sebastien Frit. She made their relationship official in
February 2020.

Thanks to her work and her use of social networks, Lena Mahfouf has conquered worlds usually very
normalized and closed : the cinema, fashion, publishing and many other things.

2,5 M abonnés, 420M de vue au près de 380 vidéos

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