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Script in STS

Gaspar: It’s not surprising the fact that in the Medieval Period is known as Middle Ages/Dark
Ages where there are wars and battles. Yet why is that? Contrary to popular assumption,
combat during the Middle Ages was frequently driven by politics of state and building empires,
rather than by feudal concerns, religious beliefs, or what Thucydides called the eternal drivers
of "honor, fear, and interest." Did you know that historically, the Dark Ages were seen as a
period of limited cultural development but it has scientific development.

Gaspar: These advances have immensely benefited people in this period, particularly during
wartime, as some of these innovations are designed to be both offensive and defensive
weapons. Let us procced on knowing and understanding them.

Gaspar: First we have Castles, Castles were common in Europe during the Middle Ages and
were often the homes of royal families or other powerful people. The main purpose of castles
was to protect the people who lived there from invasions. They were also a status symbol to
show other people how important a family was. Many ancient castles still stand in Europe
today, and some of them have been home to the same family for many generations.

Marcus: Second we have the Knights wearing chain mail, it was the earliest form of metal
armor worn by the average soldier during the Medieval times and era.  Medieval Chain Mail
was a flexible armor which was made from interlinked metal rings. Chain Mail armor provided
protection against being cut by the opponents blade. It was effective against the sharp points
and blades of the spear,  axe and sword. It helped to prevent the skin being pierced stopping
the fatal infections which often followed such injuries. 

Galvez: Thirdly the Compass, it will aid in navigating the north, south, east, and west to aid in
the quest for a suitable location, particularly if the invaders plan to conquer during the
medieval time.

Gabay: Forth invention is the Mechanical clock, until the High Middle Ages, there was no
accurate and accessible way of measuring time. People had to rely on natural phenomenon,
such as the movements of the Sun, or on contraptions such as the hour glass or
calibrated candles. The conqueror might use the Mechanical Clock to track the time till they
arrived at their target. Throughout their journey, they understand when to rest and when to
continue sailing or walking.

Fifth, if the invaders have arrived at their target, they will require the Battering Ram to destroy t
he castle's gate. A battering ram was often a tree trunk with a reinforced head. It may be a
simple affair carried by a huge number of soldiers and using the momentum of a charge to hit
the defenders.

Gutierrez: Sixth, gunpowder has been frequently utilized as a propellant in weapons, artillery,
and rocketry. As a result, we may claim that rocket invention cannot be used without gun
powder. Having this discovery during a battle is extremely advantageous because it can be used
as an actual weapon, enhancing an empire's victory.

Caraig: The seventh invention is the paper mill, which is significant during the age because a
high production of the paper is required so that a substantial amount of data may be printed,
which is happening during the battle at the time. Letters can also be written via paper to
request assistance from nearby communities in defending or conquering a place.

Cuaresma: In the last invention, we have pressing print, which is necessary because if there is a
huge production of paper, it is also important to speed up the printing of written information
using it. The distribution of information to many neighboring countries is also accelerated by
the use of the widespread printing technique.

Galvez: After listing each invention, we can draw the conclusion that thanks to these
innovations, medieval living was made easier. Aside from that, connecting to war, having this
invention made it also easier to invade an empire. It also had an effect on modern times, when
nearly all of the technologies made during the medieval era were improved upon so that we
might still gain from them.

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