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B: Good day everyone!

Thank you H: Cobb salad, although sometimes

for joining us this afternoon, I am tossed together, if often also be
Brianna Camalig served as a composed salad.
J: I am Jennica Ibay B: Chef salad, an American salad
consisting of hard-boiled eggs, one
H: and I am Hanna Lei Yumang
or more varieties of meat, tomatoes,
J: And we are here to present you cucumbers, and cheese, all placed
what is a composed salad upon a bed of tossed lettuce or other
B: Composed salad is a type of leaf vegetables. ( they say that this
salad that is prepared with many salad is created by the chef from
ingredients and are all arranged whatever ingredients he or she has
neatly and symmetrically on the at hand, example, he or she has a
plate instead of being tossed together lettuce, cucumber, and meat in the
in a bowl like the other salads. kitchen, he or she can make a chef
salad out of that items)
H: Here’s what it looks like shows
the picture J: Composed Mediterranean Salad,
it is an everyday salad made
J: Composed salad comes from the typically of three ingredients,
French word “salade composée” tomatoes, cucumbers, and parsley
H: The essence of this salad is a and seasoned simply with kosher
selection of fresh ingredients that salt ( kosher salt also called as rock
contrast in shape, texture, color and salt is made of sodium chloride)
flavor yet complement each other J: Back in the early salad eating
and are arranged for eye appeal. days (circa 1st century CE)
B: This dish also features a type of H: Ancient Greeks and Romans gathered
meat, cheese, eggs, and even a grain and layered raw vegetables, drizzling
or beans. vinegar, oil, and herbs over top to create
the world's first salad.
J: The base of a composed salad are
usually a layer of salad greens that B: And just an added information,
line the plate or bowl in which the composed salads were enjoyed by
renaissance folks and were called as
salad will be served. Its body
Salmagundi in the 18th century.
consists of the main ingredients.
J: Here’s a sample on how to make or
H: Edible garnish enhances the arrange a composed salad shows the
appearance and also complementing video
the overall taste. H: This kind of salads can also be an
B: Composed salads were usually important part of a healthful diet because
topped with an oil based vinaigrette they can be a year-round source of
and other dressings. B: Here are the
examples of a composed salad. J: And that is the composed salad. H:
Thank you once again for listening to us
J: The salad Niçoise, made with today!
potatoes, tuna, green beans,
B: We appreciate your attention!
anchovies, and hard-boiled eggs and
olives is an example of a composed

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