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General Instructions:
1. The study material consists of all three sections.
2. Section-A Notebook work ,students should do the
same in subject notebook.
3. Section-B –Notes,revise the given notes.
4. Section-C-Worksheet.These are Extra questions for
practice,students should solve the same in rough
NCERT Page 95

Question 1:
Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of multicellular
organisms like humans?

Answer 1:
The body structure of multicellular organisms such as humans is very complex. They
comprise of specialized cells and tissues for performing various important functions of
the body. Unlike the unicellular organisms, multicellular organisms are not in direct
contact with surrounding environment. Therefore, simple diffusion will not meet the
oxygen requirement of all the cells and tissues.

Question 2:
What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?

Answer 2:
The most important criteria to decide that something is alive is the movement. All living
things move by themselves without any external help. In some cases the movements of
living things are quite fast which can be easily observed but in other cases the
movements are very slow and hence observed with difficulty. For example - the
movements in most of the animals are fast but the movements in plants are usually slow.
Question 3:
What are outside raw materials used for by an organism?

Answer 3:
Various outside raw materials used by an organism are as follows:
a. Food for providing energy.
b. Oxygen for breakdown of food to obtain energy.
c. Water for proper digestion of food and other functions inside the body.

Question 4:
What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?
Answer 4:
There are various life processes which are essential for maintaining life. Some of them
are as follows:
a. Nutrition
b. Respiration
c. Excretion
d. Transportation

NCERT Page 101

Question 1:
What are the differences autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?

Answer 1:
Autotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition
i. Food is synthesized from simple i. Food is obtained directly or indirectly from
inorganic raw materials such as autotrophs. This food is broken down with the
CO2 and water. help of enzymes.
ii. Presence of green pigment
ii. No pigment is required in this type of nutrition.
(chlorophyll) is necessary.
iii. Food is generally prepared during
iii. Food can be prepared at all times.
day time.
Example: All green plants and some
Example: All animals and fungi.

Question 2:
Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?

Answer 2
Plants need the following things for photosynthesis:
(i) Plants get CO2 from atmosphere through stomata.
(ii) Plants absorb water from soil through roots and transport it to the leaves. 
(iii) Sunlight is absorbed by the chlorophyll and other green parts of the plant.        
Question 3:
What is the role of the acid in our stomach?

Answer 3:
Role of Hydrochloric acid in our stomach:
i. It provides an acidic medium in our stomach which is necessary for activation of
pepsin enzyme.
ii. It kills germs present in the food.         
Question 4:
What is the function of digestive enzymes?

Answer 4:
Digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin, etc. helps to break the
complex food particles into simple ones so that these simple particles can be easily
absorbed by the blood and thus transported to all the cells of the body.

Question 5:
How is the small intestine designed to absorb digested food?

Answer 5:

The inner lining of small intestine has millions of tiny finger-like projections called villi.
These villi increase the surface area for absorption of food and are richly supplied with
blood vessels. These blood vessels take the absorbed food to each and every cell of the
body where it is used for obtaining energy, building up new tissues and repairing of old

NCERT Page 105

Question 1:
What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with
regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?

Answer 1:
Terrestrial organisms take up oxygen from the atmosphere whereas aquatic animals that
live in water use oxygen dissolved in surrounding water. Since, air dissolved in water
has fairly low concentration of oxygen so, the aquatic organisms have to breathe faster
to get more oxygen. Terrestrial organisms take oxygen from the oxygen rich atmosphere
so, they have much less breathing rate than aquatic organism.  
Question 2:
What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in
various organisms?

Answer 2:
Glucose is broken down into a three carbon molecule called pyruvate in the cell
cytoplasm. Pyruvate is further broken down by different ways to provide energy in
various organisms.   Pyruvate is broken down in different ways in different organisms as
shown below:                                                                                                                      

i.In yeast cells, during fermentation, pyruvate is converted into ethanol and carbon
dioxide in the absence of oxygen.
ii. In mitochondria, breakdown of pyruvate takes place in presence of oxygen to give
rise three molecules of carbon dioxide and water.
iii. Sometimes, when there is lack of oxygen, especially during vigorous activity, in our
muscles, pyruvate is converted into lactic acid.

Question 3:
How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings?
Answer 3:
Transport of Oxygen: The respiratory pigment, haemoglobin present in red blood cells
takes up the oxygen from the air to the lungs. They, then carry the oxygen to cells and
tissues which are deficient in oxygen.
Transport of carbon dioxide: Carbon Dioxide is more soluble in water. Hence, it is
mostly transported from body tissues in the dissolved form in our blood plasma to lungs
where it diffuses from blood to air in the lungs and then expelled out through nostrils.  
Question 4:
How are the lungs designed in human beings to maximise the area for exchange of

Answer 4:
In the lungs, the wind pipe branches into bronchi which, in turn, branches into smaller
tubes called bronchioles. Bronchioles have pouch like air-sacs at their ends called
alveoli. Each lung contains about 300 - 350 millions of alveoli. The alveoli provides
maximum surface area for exchange of gases. They have very thin walls and are
surrounded by an extensive network of blood vessels to facilitate exchange of gases.
NCERT Page 110

Question 1:
What are the components of the transport system in human beings? What are
thefunctions of these components?

Answer 1:
The main components of the transport system in human beings are the heart, blood, and
blood vessels. 
(i) Heart receives deoxygenated blood from the various body parts of the body and sends
this impure blood to the lungs for oxygenation. After receiving the oxygenated blood, it
pumps oxygenated blood to all the parts of the body.  
(ii) Blood helps in the transport of oxygen, nutrients, CO2, and nitrogenous wastes
throughout the body. WBCs protect the body against infections and diseases.  
(iii) The blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) help in circulating the blood
throughout the body.    

Question 2:
Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals
and birds?

Answer 2:
Warm-blooded animals such as birds and mammals maintain a constant body
temperature by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment and by
warming their bodies when they are in a cooler environment. It is therefore necessary to
separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to maintain efficient supply of oxygen into
the body. Hence, these animals require more oxygen (O2) for more cellular respiration so
that they can produce more energy to maintain their body temperature.  

Question 3:
What are the components of the transport system in highly organised plants?

Answer 3:
The transport system in highly organised plants is composed of vascular tissues, xylem
and phloem.Xylem helps to conduct water and minerals obtained from the soil to the rest
of the plant. Phloem transports food materials from the leaves to different parts of the
plant body.
Question 4:
How are water and minerals transported in plants?
Answer 4:
The plants take in water containing dissolved minerals from the soil through their roots.
The roots of a plant have hairs called root hairs which absorb water and minerals from
the soil. The root hairs are directly in contact with the film of water in-between the soil
particles Water and dissolved minerals get into the root hairs by the process of diffusion.
The water and minerals absorbed by the root hairs from the soil pass from cell to cell by
osmosis through the epidermis, root cortex, endodermis and reach the root xylem. The
xylem vessels of the root of the plant are connected to the xylem vessels of its stem. So,
the water containing dissolved minerals enters from the root xylem vessels into stem
xylem vessels. The xylem vessels of the stem branch into the leaves of the plants. So,
the water and minerals carried by the xylem vessels in the stem reach the leaves through
the branched xylem vessels which enter from the petiole (stalk of the leaf) into each and
every part of the leaf. In this way, the water and minerals from the soil reach through the
root and stem to the leaves of the plant.

 Question 5:
How is food transported in plants?
Answer 5:
The transport of food from the leaves to other parts of the plant is called translocation.
The food made in leaves is loaded into the sieve tubes of phloem tissue by using energy
from ATP. Water now enters into sieve tubes containing sugar by the process of osmosis
due to which the pressure in the phloem tissue rises. This high pressure produced in the
phloem tissue moves the food to all the parts of the plant having less pressure in their
tissues. This allows the phloem to transport food according to the needs of the plant.

NCERT Page 112

Question 1:
Describe the structure and functioning of nephrons.

Answer 1:
Nephrons are the basic filtering units of kidneys. Each kidney possesses large number of
nephrons, approximately 1-1.5 million. The main components of the nephron are:
(i) Glomerulus
(ii) Bowman's capsule
(iii) Long renal tubule

Functioning of a nephron:
(i) The blood enters the kidney through the renal artery, which branches into many
capillaries associated with glomerulus.
(ii) The water and solute are transferred to the nephron at Bowman's capsule.
(iii) In the proximal tubule, some substances such as amino acids, glucose, and salts are
selectively reabsorbed and unwanted molecules are added in the urine.
(iv) The filtrate then moves down into the loop of Henle, where more water is absorbed.
(v) From here, the filtrate moves upwards into the distal tubule and finally to the
collecting duct. Collecting duct collects urine from many nephrons.
Question 2:
What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?

Answer 2:
Plants use the following ways to get rid of excretory products:
i. Many waste products are stored in vacuoles of the cells.
ii. Some waste products are stored in the leaves and they are removed as the leaves fall
iii. Some waste products such as resins, tannins and gums are stored in non-functional
old xylem or bark.
iv. Plants also excrete some waste products through roots into the soil around them.
v. Plants get rid of excess water through transpiration.

Question 3:
How the amount of urine is produced regulated?

Answer 3:
The amount of urine produced depends on the amount of excess water and dissolved
wastes present in the body. Some other factors such as habitat of an organism and
hormone such as Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) also regulates the amount of urine
NCERT Page 113

Question 1:
The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for
(a) nutrition. (b) respiration.
(c) excretion. (d) transportation.

Answer 1:
(c) In human beings, the kidneys are a part of the system for excretion.  
Question 2:
The xylem in plants is responsible for
(a) transport of water. (b) transport of food.
(c) transport of amino acids. (d) transport of oxygen.

Answer 2:
(a) In a plant, the xylem is responsible for transport of water.  
Question 3:
The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires
(a) carbon dioxide and water. (b) chlorophyll.
(c) sunlight. (d) all of the above.

Answer 3:
(d) The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll and

Question 4:
The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place
(a) cytoplasm. (b) mitochondria.
(c) chloroplast. (d) nucleus.

Answer 4:
(b) The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in

Question 5:
How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?

Answer 5:
Fats are present in the form of large globules in the small intestine. The small intestine
gets the secretions in the form of bile juice and pancreatic juice respectively from the
liver and the pancreas. The bile salts (from the liver) break down the large fat globules
into smaller globules so that the pancreatic enzymes can easily act on them. Lipase
enzyme present in the pancreatic juice causes breakdown of emulsified fats. Glands
present in the wall of small intestine secrete intestinal juice which contains lipase

enzyme that converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol. This is referred to as
emulsification of fats. It takes place in the small intestine.  

Question 6:
What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?

Answer 6:
Saliva is secreted by salivary glands, located under the tongue. It moistens the food for
easy swallowing. It contains a digestive enzyme called amylase, which breaks down
starch into sugar.

Question 7:
What are the necessary conditions for autotrophic nutrition and what are its by-

Answer 7:
Conditions necessary for autotrophic nutrition are:
(i) Carbon dioxide, (ii) Water, (iii) Chlorophyll
(iv) Sunlight Carbohydrates (food) and O2 are the by-products of

Question 8:
What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some
organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration.

Answer 8:
Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration:
Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
i. Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of i. Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence
oxygen. oxygen.
ii. Complete breakdown of food occurs in aerobic ii. Partial breakdown of food occurs in anaerobic
respiration. respiration.
iii. The end products in aerobic respiration are carbon iii. The end products in anaerobic respiration may
dioxide and water. ethanol and carbon dioxide (as in yeast plants), or
iv. Aerobic respiration produces a considerable lactic acid (as in animal muscles).
amount of energy. iv. Much less energy is produced in anaerobic
 Yeast and bacteria uses anaerobic mode of nutrition.

(i) Differences should always be written in tabular form.

(ii) Differences should be written in terms of their significance.
(iii) Write only those many numbers of differences as stated in the question.
(iv) Give example wherever possible.
Question 9:
How are the alveoli designed to maximise the exchange of gases?

Answer 9:
The alveoli have a structure specialised for efficient gaseous exchange:
(i) Walls are extremely thin.
(ii)They have a large surface area in relation to volume.
(iii) They are surrounded by numerous blood capillaries.

Question 10:
What would be the consequences of a deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?

Answer 10:
Haemoglobin is the respiratory pigment that transports oxygen to the body cells for
cellular respiration. Therefore, deficiency of haemoglobin in blood can affect its oxygen
supplying capacity. This can lead to deficiency of oxygen in the body cells as a result of
which the person suffers from anaemia, breathing problems and exhaustion. 

Question 11:
Describe double circulation in human beings. Why is it necessary?

Answer 11:
 A circulatory system in which the blood travels twice through the heart in one complete
cycle of the body is called double circulation.
Importance of double circulation:
The separation of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood allows a more efficient supply
of oxygen to the body cells. This efficient system of oxygen supply is very useful in
warm-blooded animals such as human beings. Warm-blooded animals have to maintain
a constant body temperature by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter
environment and by warming their bodies when they are in a cooler environment.
Hence, they require more O2 for more respiration so that they can produce more energy
to maintain their body temperature. Thus, the circulatory system of humans is more
efficient because of the double circulatory heart.

Question 12:
What are the differences between the transport of materials in xylem and phloem?

Answer 12:
Difference between Xylem and Phloem:
Xylem Phloem
i. Xylem conducts water and dissolved minerals i. Phloem conducts prepared food materials from leaves
from roots to leaves and other parts of the plant. other parts of plant in dissolved form.
ii. In xylem, transport of materials take place ii. In phloem, transport of materials take place through si
through vessels and tracheids which are dead tubes with the help of companion cells, which are living
tissues. cells.
iii. Movement of water and dissolved materials iii. Transportation of food in plants is also called
is also called ascent of sap. translocation of food.
iv. Movement of water is mainly achieved by iv. Translocation of food requires energy in the form of
transpiration pull and no energy is required. ATP.

Question 13:
Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with
respect to their structure and functioning.

Answer 13:

Alveoli Nephron
Structure Structure
Alveoli are small sac-like
Nephrons are tubular structures present inside the kidneys.
structures present inside the lungs.
The walls of the alveoli are one
Nephrons are made of glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, and a
cell thick and it contains an
long renal tube. It also contains a cluster of thin-walled blood
extensive network of blood
Function Function
Nephrons principal function is to control the absorption of
Gas exchange of oxygen and
water and soluble substances such as sodium salts by filtering
carbon dioxide takes place in the
the blood, reabsorbing what is required and excreting the rest
as urine.



All living things perform certain life processes like growth, excretion, respiration,
circulation etc.
All the processes like respiration, digestion, which together keep the living organisms
alive and perform the job of body maintenance are called life processes.
Examples :

Kinds of nutrition in which in organic Kinds of nutrition in which in organisms do
materials like CO2, water etc are utilized not possess the ability to synthesize their
to own food. They depend on autotrophs for
their food supply directly or indirectly.
prepare organic food by the process
of eg. Animals, Fungi
Eg. Green Plants

Autotrophic Nutrition :
The organisms which carry out autotrophic nutrition are called autotrophs (green

Autotrophic nutrition is fulfilled by the process by which autotrophs take in CO2

and H2O and convert these into carlohydrates in the presence of chlorophyll,
sunlight is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Equation :

Raw Materials for Photosynthesis :

q Sunlight
q Chlorophyl  Sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll
q CO2  enters through Stomata, and Oxygen (O2) is released as by
product through stomata on leaf.
q Water  water + dissolved minerals like Nitrogen phosphorous etc are
taken up by the roots from the soil.
Site of Photosynthesis :
Chloroplast in the leaf. Chloroplast contain chlorophyll. (green pigment)
Main Events of Photosynthesis :
q Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
q Conversion of light energy into chemical energy + splitting (breaking) of
water into hydrogen and oxygen.
q Reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates.
STOMATA : Tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves
(i) Exchange of gases O2/CO2
(ii) Loses large amount of water [water vapour] during transpiration.

51 X – Science

How do organisms obtain their food
Unicellular / single celled organism : food is taken up through entire
surface. Example : (i) Amoeba. (ii) Paramaecium

52 X – Science

The human digestive system comprises of alimentary canal and associated disgestive
Mouth  Intake of whole food

Teeth  Chewing/grinding of food.

Tongue  Rolling of food
 +
Tasting of food
Swallowing / pushing down of the food
Salivary Glands  Secrete Saliva + Mucus.
Sa liv
ar y
 Starch    Sugar

Oesophagus  Taking food from mouth to stomach by
 Peristaltic movements
[contraction and expansion of muscles of the
Stomach  oesophagus]
Gastric glands secrete Gastric juice

53 X – Science

Small Intestinal 

Small Intestine  Villi  helps in absorption of food into the blood.
[finger like projections]

small intestine  Receives

secretion from

Emulsification : The process of breakdown of large fat

globules into smaller fat globules by bile juice.

Large intestine  Absorb excess of water.

 The rest of the material is removed from the body via
the anus. (Egestion)

54 X – Science

Respiration involves
(i) Gaseous exchange : Intake of oxygen from the atmosphere and release
of CO2  Breathing
(ii) Breakdown of simple food in order to release energy inside the cell 
Cellular Respiration
Breakdown of Glucose by various pathways

* Takes place in the presence of * Takes place in the absence of

oxygen oxygen
* Occurs in mitochondria * Occurs in cytoplasm
* End products are CO2 and H2O * End products are alcohol or
* More amount of energy is lactic acid.
* Less amount of energy is released.
55 X – Science

Human Respiratory System
Passage of air through the respiratory system.

Nasal Passage

Nasal Cavity







Alveolar  Blood capillaries

* During inhalation the thoracic * Thoracic cavity contracts

cavity (chest cavity) expands * Ribs move downwards
* Ribs lift up Diaphragm becomes dome shaped
* Diaphragm become flat in shape * Volume of lungs decreases and
* Volume of lungs increases and air exits from the lungs.
air enters the lungs

56 X – Science

Exchange of Gases between alveolus, blood and tissues.

Terrestial Organism – use atmospheric oxygen for respiration Aquatic

Organisms – used dissolved oxygen for respiration Respiration in
Plants :

Respiration in plants is simpler than the respiration in animals. Gaseous exchange

occur through
1. Stomata in leaves
2. Lenticels in stems
3. General surface of the roots.

57 X – Science

Life Process (II)
Transporation and Excretion
– Human beings like other multicellular organism need regular supply of
food, oxygen etc., This function is performed by circulatory system or
Transport system.
– The circulatory system in human beings consists of :
The circulatory system in human beings consists of :

A Pumping Organ
Heart Blood vessels A circulatory medium
- Arteries & Veins Blood & Lymph

Deoxygenate Vena Right Right Right

Blood Cava Atrium Atrium Ventricle
(from body) (Relaxed (contracts (relaxed)
) )
Blood Circulation in
Body Parts Human Heart Right
via AoRTA contracts

Left Left Left Left Oxygenated
Ventricle Ventricle Atrium Atrium blood
(contracts) (relaxed) (contracts) (relaxed

58 X-Science
(A fluid Connective Tissue)

Solid Component Liquid Component

W.B.C. A yellow colour fluid
R.B.C.s Blood
Provide Body contain 90% water &
Platelets 10% Organic substances
- carries respect helps in defence by
gas (O2, CO2) Blood engulfing the like
- contain Hb Clotting germ cells - Plasma Proteins viz.
& impart red colour albumin, globulin
producing inorganic-mineral ions
to me blood antibodies
- Lymph - a yellowish fluids escapes from the blood capillaries into the
intercellular spaces contain less proteins than blood. Lymph flows from the
tissues to the heart assisting in transportation and destroying germs.
Blood Vessels

Arteries Veins

1. Carry Oxygenated blood 1. Carry deoxygenated blood

from heart to body part from body parts to heart
except pulmonary Artery except pulmonary vein.
2. Also called distributing 2. Also called collecting Vessel.
3. Thin and Less elastic.
3. Thick and elastic

Transportation in Plants
- There are two main conducting Pathways in a Plant

Xylem Phloem
1. Carries water & minerals 1. Carries product of
from the roots to other part photosynthesis from leaves
of the plant to the other part of the
2. No energy is used. plant.
2. Energy is used from ATP
59 X-Science
– Transpiration is the process of loss of water as vapour from aerial parts of
the plant.
Function :
1. Absorption and upward movement of water and minerals by creating
2. helps in temperature regulation in Plant.
– Transport of food from leaves (food factory) to different part of the plant is
called Translocation.
– The process of the removal of the harmful metabolic wastes from the body.
– Excretory system of human beings includes :
1) A pair of kidneys
ii) A Urinary Bladder
iii) A pair of Ureter
iv) A Urethera

– Urine produced in the kidneys passes through the ureters into the urinary
bladder where it is stored until it is released through the urethera.
– The purpose of making urine is to filter out waste product from the blood
ie, urea which is produced in the liver.
– Each kidney has large numbers of filtration units called nephrons.
– The Urine formation involves three steps
1. Glomerular Filtration : Nitrogenous wastes, glucose water, amino
acid filter from the blood into Bowman Capsule of the nephron.
2. Tubular reabsorption : Now, useful substances from the filtrate are
reabsorbed back by capillaries surrounding the nephron.
3. Secretion Extra, water, salts are secreted into the tubule which open up
into the collecting duct & then into the ureter.

60 X-Science
– Haemodialysis : The process of purifying blood by an artificial kidney. it is
meant for Kidney failure patient.
Excretion in Plants

– Oxygen, CO2 & Through stomata

H2O (Transpiration)

– Other wastes may be stored in leaves, bark etc. which fall off from the plant.
– Plants excrete some waste into the soil around them.
– Gums, Resin In old Xylem
– Some metabolic wastes in the form of crystals of Calcium oxalates in the
leaves of colocasia and stem of Zamikand.

Life Processes
(Question Bank)
Very Short Answers (1 Mark)

1. State one difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of

2. What will happen to a plant if the xylem is removed.
3. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?
4. Name the tissue that transports water and minerals in plants.
5. What is the role of acid in our stomach?
6. What is emulsification
7. Name the organelle in which photosynthesis occur.
8. Name the largest artery in the human body.
9. Define transpiration
10. What are structural and functional unit of kidneys called.
Short Answers (2 Marks or 3 Marks)

61 X-Science
1. How is small intestine designed to absorb digested food?
2. What are stomata? Draw a labelled diagram of stomata.

62 X-Science
3. Write the equation for the process of breakdown of glucose in a cell
i) in the presence of oxygen
ii) in the absence of oxygen.
4. Write the difference between inhalation and exhalation.
5. List the three events which occur during photo synthesis.
6. How does transpiration helps in upward transport of substances.
7. Describe the process of double circulation in human beings.
8. Write the functions of the components of blood.
Long Answers (5 Marks)

1. Explain the process of digestion of food in mouth stomach and small intestine in
human body. Draw a well labelled diagram.
2. Draw a diagram showing Human Respiratory system. Label the following parts
i) Larynx ii) Trachea
iii) Bronchus iv) Lungs


Date: 30.03.2020
Day: Monday
TOPIC- Nutrition in humans
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Learn the given points below and write in your notebook . 2.Practice the given
diagram in your notebook. 3. Solve the MCQ .
Nutrition in humans:

63 X-Science
    •   Saliva is secreted by salivary glands located under the tongue which contains digestive enzymes like
salivary amylase, which break down starch into sugar. So, digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth
    •    Tongue helps in chewing, moistening, rolling and swallowing of food.
    •   The food from mouth then goes down the oesophagus, which is the food pipe to the stomach,
through the movement of walls of oesophagus (peristalsis)
    •   Stomach mixes the food hence received with various digestive juices.
    •   Inner lining of stomach secretes:
                •   Mucus – protects the lining of stomach from being corroded by the acid.
                •   Hydrochloric acid – creates an acidic medium and dissolves bits of food.
                •   Digestive juices – break down protein into simpler substances.
The food from stomach eventually moves into the small intestine.
            •   Digestion in small intestine: It is the longest part (about 7.5 m long) of alimentary canal. It is
the site where complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats takes place. It gets intestinal
juices from two different glands – liver and pancreas that help in the further digestion of food.
   Liver is the largest gland of the body and secretes bile juice. Bile juice is stored in the gall bladder and
has a significant role in the digestion of fats.
   Pancreas has enzymes that help in total digestion of all food components.
    •   The digestive tract and associated glands together constitute the digestive system.

Answer the following question:

1. Name the Glands associated with the Human Digestive System?
A.  Salivary Glands and Pancreas B.  Salivary Glands and Liver
C.  Liver and Pancreas D.  Salivary Glands, Liver & Pancreas
2. Arrange the correct sequence of the steps involved in the process of Human Digestive System?
A.  Digestion, Ingestion, Assimilation, Egestion and Absorption
64 X-Science
B.  Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion
C.  Egestion, Absorption, Digestion, Assimilation and Ingestion
D.  Assimilation, Absorption, Ingestion, Digestion and Egestion
3. In which part of the body digestion of protein begins?
A.  Pancreas B.  Stomach C.  Small Intestine D.  Large Intestine
4. What is the Function of Hydrochloric Acid?

(i) It makes pepsin enzyme effective.

(ii) It kills bacteria which may enter in stomach with food.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A.  Only (i) B.  Only (ii) C.  Both (i) and (ii) D.  Neither (i) nor (ii)

5. Name the largest part of the Alimentary canal?

A.  Large Intestine B.  Small Intestine C.  Liver D.  Stomach

6. Complete digestion of food occurs in:

A.  Stomach B.  Small Intestine C.  Pancreas D.  Large Intestine

7. What is the function of Bile Juice secreted by Liver?

A.  It makes the food alkaline. B.  It makes the food acidic.

C.  It breaks down the food. D.  None of the above

8. Name the hardest material present in the body?

A.  Dentin B.  Pulp C.  Enamel D.  None of the above

9. In which part of our body food gets absorbed?

A.  Small Intestine B.  Large Intestine C.  Stomach D.  Liver

10. The undigested food stored in the liver in the form of carbohydrate is called:

A.  Pulp B.  Glucose C.  Glycogen D.  Carbohydrate


Date: 31.03.2020
65 X-Science
TOPIC- Respiration in humans
INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Learn the questions and write in your notebook . 2.Practice the given diagram in
your notebook.

Question 1 Why do organisms need food?

Answer Organisms need food for obtaining energy to perform the vital functions.
Question 2 What is a respiratory substrate?
Answer The substance used by the cell to derive energy is called a respiratory substrate
Question 3 How does food yield energy?
Answer Food is broken energy in the form of ATP.
Question 5 Name a few respiratory substrates. Which of them is most commonly used?
Answer Carbohydrates, fats, proteins are some of the respiratory substrate. The most commonly used of
them is glucose, a carbohydrate.
Question 6 Give the general equation for respiration?
Answer C6H12O6+6O2→6CO2+6H2O+38ATPC6H12O6+6O2→6CO2+6H2O+38ATP
Question 7 What are the stages of respiration?
Answer Respiration takes place in the following stages:
External respiration or gaseous exchange: The exchange of gases between the environment and the
body is called external respiration or gaseous exchange.
Internal respiration: The bio-chemical processes involved in respiration which break down the substrate
to release energy take place in the tissues within the cells of an organism. Thus, this is also called the
cellular or tissue respiration.
Question 8 What is the respiratory surface?
Answer The area where the gaseous exchange takes place is called the respiratory surface.
Question 9 What are the characteristics of an ideal respiratory surface?
Answer The respiration surface should have the following characteristics:
a) It should be permeable to the gases.
b)It should be thin (1 mm or less) to allow effective diffusion.
c) It should be richly supplied with blood vessels or bodily fluids to allow maximum uptake of oxygen in
minimum time.
Question 10 How does gaseous exchange take place in the lower plants?
66 X-Science
Answer In lower plants exchange of gases takes place through the general body surface as they are not
highly modified or specialized.
Question 11 Which part of a plant is involved in the gaseous exchange?
Answer The entire plant is involved in gaseous exchange- leaves (stomata), stem (lenticels) and general
surface of the roots.
Question 12 How does gaseous exchange take place in the leaves?
Answer The leaves have openings called the stomata which are generally on the lower surface of the
leaves. It is through the stomata that the gases and water vapour diffuse in and out easily. The oxygen
diffuses in through the stomata and then enters the leaf cells.
Similarly, the carbon dioxide produced by the leaf cells diffuses out through the stomata.
Question 13 What are lenticels?
Answer In woody stems, the entire surface is covered by dark which is impervious to gases or water.
However, there are certain openings or pores in the layer of bark. These are called the lenticels. They are
visible more raised then the general surface of the stem. At the base of the lenticels are loosely arranged
cells which allow the diffused gases to pass in and out.
Question 14 What are pneumatophores?
Answer Plants which grow in salty water show specialized roots called the on. These are roots growing
out of the surface of water with numerous pores on their surface.
Question 15 How does exchange of gases take place in fish?
Answer Fish have specialized organs called the gills for exchange of gases.

67 X-Science
Date: 6-4-2020
Day: Tuesday
INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Learn the questions and write in your notebook

Long answer Type Questions

Question 1 What is the importance of nutrients?
Answer The various nutrients carry out different functions such as i. Energy production
ii.Synthesis of materials for growth and repair of tissues
iii.Synthesis of materials for carrying out and maintaining life functions
iv. Synthesis of materials for immune system.

Question 2 Give account of the reaction of the photosynthetic reaction?

Answer The reactants of photosynthesis are:
Carbon Dioxide: During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrates and this is
called fixing of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is used by the terrestrial plants
whereas the hydrophytes use the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water.
Water: During photosynthesis, hydrogen of water is used to fix carbon dioxide and its oxygen is
released. Water is obtained through the root hairs by absorption.
Chlorophyll: They are pigments capable of absorbing radiant energy of the sun. There are two types of
photosynthetic pigments- chlorophyll and carotenoids. Chlorophyll is the main pigments as they are
involved in the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. The carotenoids also absorb light energy
but they pass it to the chlorophyll molecules.
Radiant Energy: The radiant energy from the sun is the source of both light and heat energy for
photosynthesis. Light energy is harvested by the pigments in order to carry out the breaking down of
water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The temperature required by the enzymes to function is
maintained by the heat energy of the sun.
Minerals like magnesium are essential as they form the structure of the pigment molecules. Minerals are
obtained through water on form of dissolved salts.

Question 3 How are all plants and animals dependent on green plants?

68 X-Science
Answer The green plants are fed on by the herbivores which in turn by carnivores. Ultimately, the
decomposers derive their nutrition from the dead plants and animals. Thus, all organisms are directly or
indirectly dependent on the green plants.

Question 4 What are the steps involved in holozoic nutrition?

Answer Holozoic nutrition involves the following steps:

1. Ingestion- the food is taken in as small or big particles.

2. Digestion- the food taken in is broken down into a solution form.
3. Absorption- the digested food is observed into the cells and tissues.
4. Assimilation- the absorbed nutrients are utilized by the cells and tissues for various processes.
5. Egestion- the undigested food is then removed from the digestive tract as faeces.

Question 5 Write short notes on absorption?

Answer Absorption is taking in of digested food by cells and tissues. This involves the absorption of food
in the soluble form from the region of digestion into the tissues or in to where it has to be utilized or into
the blood stream which transports it to the different tissues. This takes place through the cell membranes.
The absorption may be passive or active. Passive absorption is through diffusion or osmosis without using
energy. For example: Water is absorbed by osmosis. Active absorption needs energy. For example,
absorption of glucose and sodium ions.

Question 6 How is food digested in amoeba?

Answer Amoeba is a protozoan and holozoic. Since it is a unicellular organism, the digestion is
intracellular. The food taken in remains in a food vacuole or gastric vacuole formed by the cell membrane
and a bit of the cytoplasm. The vacuoles are transported deeper into the cells by cytoplasmic movements.
Here they fuse with lysosomes that contains enzymes such as amylase and proteinase. Thus, amoeba can
digest sugar, cellulose and protein. Fats, however, remain undigested.

Question 7 Describe the digestion of food in the small intestine?

Answer The first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum gets the pancreatic and the bile juice. The
chyme is acted upon by the enzymes and salts present in these two secretions. The starch is converted into
maltose by the pancreatic amylase and the remaining proteins, proteoses and peptones into peptides are
converted and amino acids by trysin. The bile juice emulsifies the fats and then converts them into fatty
acids and glycerol by the action of lipase.
In jejunum, there is no digestion. In ileum, the food is completely broken down into the simplest of forms
e.g. proteins into amino acids and carbohydrates into monosaccharides. This digested mass is now called
the chyle and it is in a liquid form.

Question 8 What is the function of large intestine in the human digestive system?
Answer Function of the large intestine are:

1. Storage of the undigested food temporarily or temporary storage of undigested food.

2. Absorption of water from the undigested food to form solid faeces.
3. Facilitation of the egestion of the faeces.

69 X-Science
Question 9 What is the role played by the liver in addition to the digestion of food
Answer Liver carries out the following after the digested food reaches the liver through the blood stream:

1. Glucose is converted to glycogen and stored.

2. Cholesterol is manufactured from some fatty acids.
3. The amino acids are used to form required proteins.
4. The ammonia produced by the above reaction is converted into the less harmful urea. the latter is
then transported through the blood stream to the kidney from where it is excreted.


Day: Fridays
TOPIC- Life processess
2. Practice in your notebook.

1.Name the product and by product of photosynthesis.

2.In which biochemical form the photosynthate moves in phloem tissue?
3.What are the raw materials of photosynthesis?
4.What is the similarity between chlorophyll and hemoglobin?
5.Name the products of photolysis of water.
6.What are the end products of light dependant reaction?
7.Which cell organelle is the site of photosynthesis?
8.What is the difference between digestion of heterotrophs and saprotrophs?
9.Give example of two plants and two animal parasites.
10.Name the enzyme present in saliva, what is its role in digestion?
11.Which chemical is used to test for starch? Which colour shows the presence of starch?
12.Give the term- rhythmic contraction of alimentary canal muscle to propel food.
13.Name the three secretions of gastric glands.
14.What is the function of mucus in gastric gland?
15.Name the sphincter which regulates the exit of food from the stomach.
16.Give the functions of hydrochloric acid for the body.
17.What is the role of pepsin in stomach?
18.Why pancreas is called mixed gland?
19.Give two functions of bile juice, from which organ it is released?
20.Name the largest gland of our body.
70 X-Science
21.Name any three important enzymes of pancreas and the food component on which they act.
22.Where from intestinal juice come to the small intestine?
23.What is the function of intestinal juice?
24.What are the simplest digestive product of carbohydrate, fats and protein?
25.Name the finger like projections of small intestine and what is the necessity of such type of
projections in digestive system?
26.Why are intestinal villis highly vascular?
27.What is the function of anal sphincter?
28.Name the site of anaerobic and aerobic respiration in a cell.
29.A three carbon compound is the common product of both aerobic and anaerobic pathway. What is
30.Why do we get muscle cramp after vigorous exercise?
31.Distinguish between lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation?
32.Name the energy currency molecule of cell?
33.The breathing rate of aquatic animals is high, why?
34.What is the function of mucus and fine hair in nostrils?

1.Product-starch by product-oxygen
3.carbon dioxide, water
4.both are pigments
5.oxygen, electron and protons
8.Heterotrophs- digestion occurs inside the body, saprotrophs- digestion occurs outside of
9.plant-cuscuta, orchid animal-lice, tics
10.Salivary amylase-It digests starch to maltose.
11.Iodine solution, blue
13.HCl, pepsin, mucus
14.Protects the inner lining of stomach from the action of acid HCl.
15.Pyloric sphincter
16.Activates pepsin, make the medium acidic for enzyme action, Microcidal.
17.Pepsin digests protein into peptones.
18.It behaves as exocrine as well as endocrine gland.
19.(i)Emulsifies fat (ii) Change the food medium into alkaline on which pancreatic enzyme can
21.(i)Amylase- carbohydrate, (ii) Lipase- fat, (iii) Trypsin- protein.
22.Secreted from internal wall of small intestine.
23.Perform final digestion of all food components.
24.(i) carbohydrate- glucose, (ii)fat- fatty acid, glycerol (iii) protein- amino acid.
25.Villi, Increase the surface area of absorption of digested food.
26.More the blood supply, the more will be the absorption of digested food.
27.Regulate the exit of waste material.
28.Anaerobic-cytoplasm, aerobic- mitochondria.
29.Pyruvic acid.
30.Because of the accumulation of lactic acid which is formed due to anaerobic break down

71 X-Science
of glucose.
31.Lactic acid is a 3 carbon compound produced on oxidation of glucose anaerobically where
as ethanol a 2 carbon compound is formed on anaerobic oxidation of glucose along with co2.
33.Because they take dissolved oxygen whose percentage in water is lower than atmospheric
34.Filter impurities.

72 X-Science

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