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First Quarter – Week 4

Topic: New Testament

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

A. demonstrate understanding that the New Testament focuses on the life of
Jesus Christ: His acts, teachings, passion and glorification, and the Church’s
beginnings under the guidance of the Holy Spirit;
B. appreciate the history of God’s saving love through frequent reading of the
New Testament stories and living out Jesus’ teachings; and
C. nourish one’s loving relationship with Jesus through living and loving like Him.

1. Daily Routine
2. Review of the previous lesson (Old Testament)
3. Activity: Film Viewing – “Helping Hands”
4. After watching the video, answer the following questions.
a. What is the video all about?
b. Who did many kind deeds for others? How will you describe her?
c. Was there a time when you were able to help a classmate/schoolmate
who was in need? Write your experience on the space provided.
d. How did you feel about it?
e. Why do we need to help those who are in need?

Helping people is a command that Jesus gave us. We can find this
commandment and other loving commandments in the New Testament.

1. Get your Bible and locate the Bible verse. Then, read it silently and prayerfully.

John 13:35
“This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if
you have love for one another.”

2. Analyze the pictures and answer the following questions.

a. Would you do the same acts of kindness shown in the pictures? Why?
b. What if you have nothing to share, what will you do?
c. Will you do this just to please God?
d. Why do you want to help people who are in need?

Love is not measured by how much you say or how strongly you feel but by
how much you give. This is supremely true of God's love for us. Love is the
ultimate measurement of our love for Christ and one another. Every time we
help people in need, this love becomes more real and evident. It is a mark of
being a follower of Christ.

The New Testament focuses on Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son: His acts,
teachings, passion and glorification, and His church beginnings under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Gospels are the heart of the Bible

because they are the principal source for the
life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Gospels
were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and

The Old Testament prepares for the New Testament, and the New Testament
fulfills the Old; the two shed light on each other, both are true words of God.
The New Testament gives us the life stories and teachings of Jesus. These
stories and teachings inspire and guide us into a deeper loving relationship with
Jesus and others especially those who are in need.

Catholics hear the Bible proclaimed at every Mass. Readings from both Old
and New Testaments are carefully selected and arranged according to the
church liturgical year.

In the Liturgy of the Word, we reflect on the life

and teachings of Jesus every time we listen to the
Gospel. The message of the Gospel is explained to
us by the priest during the Homily to help us apply this
message in our daily lives.

Use any of the following words in a sentence to show you understand our lesson.
(New Testament – Gospel – Evangelist – Prophets – Jesus)


1. Write True if the sentence is correct and False if not.
_____ a. The writers of the Gospels are called Evangelists.
_____ b. The readings in the Old Testament are more important than the
readings in the New Testament.
_____ c. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ can be found in the Old
_____ d. We must listen and live out the Word of God.
_____ e. The first four books in the New Testament talk about the beginning
of the Church.

2. Answer the following questions.

a. What do we need to do every time the Word of God is read?

b. Why do we cross our forehead, lips, and heart before the Gospel

c. What does the priest mean when he says, “Go and proclaim the Word
of God”?

1. Study week 4, lesson “The New Testament.” See CLE learning packet.
2. Prepare for a short test next meeting.

Catechism of the Catholic Church. (1994). Makati: Word and Life Publication
Catechism for Filipino Catholics. (2005). Manila: Word and Life Publication
The New American Bible. (2004). Makati: St. Pauls.
SabbathSchool. (2011, October 27). Bible story "Helping hands" | kindergarten year B
quarter 4 episode 5 | gracelink. YouTube. Retrieved September 3, 2022, from

First Quarter – Week 5
Topic: God the Father

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

A. demonstrate understanding that God created us in love and freedom;
B. respond to God’s call to love and serve one another;
C. use one’s freedom responsibly by choosing to do what is right; and
D. exercise responsibility and stewardship over God’s creation.

1. Daily Routine
2. Review of the previous lesson
3. Short Test#3
4. Song Analysis: Study the lyrics of the song and answer the question that follows.

We are made for service to care for all men

We are made for love both time and again
A love that will give through sorrow and pain
A love that will never die with strain

God sent His Son to show us the way

One who shared His love every minute of the day
One who gave His life that we might live And His
Spirit to help us through the years.

Life can be so lonely when nobody cares

Life can be so empty when nobody shares
But if man gives himself to help other men
The happiness of Christ will live within

If you will give the song a title, what would it be? Why?


This song talks about service and the song says that God created us so that
we can serve, more importantly, so that we can love. Love and service are
manifestations of God’s image in us. Let us try to understand this through
discussing stories from the Bible.

Get your Bible and locate the given Bible verses. Read the stories. You may also
watch the videos of each story which are uploaded in your CLE section team.

*What does each story teach us? Write your answer in the space provided.

A. Genesis 3:1-24 (Story of Adam and Eve)

B. Genesis 4: 1-16 (Story of Cain and Abel)
C. Genesis 6:9-17 (The story of the Great Flood)
D. Exodus 2:15-23 (The Story of Moses)

The deepest meaning of the Ten Commandments is revealed to us by Jesus

through His greatest commandments: love God and love one another.

When God created us, He made us in His image and likeness. He gives us the
gift of intellect that enables us to think, to decide and to freely choose to love.
We experience freedom in making choices: to act or not to act; to do or not to
do something; and we accept responsibility for these acts.

Freedom is a God-given gift that enables us to make choices. Responsibility

is a task or work expected from the person to do or perform. We are given
freedom, but that freedom comes with the responsibility to do what is good and
within the boundaries of God’s law. We bear in mind that we should always be
responsible with what we say or do. It is our conscience that helps us in our
thoughts, words and deeds. We are to love God and our neighbors. When we do
good acts, it brings us closer to God.

We can remain responsible with the use of our freedom with the help of God’s
grace. We receive grace from God every time we open ourselves to God in
prayer, receive communion, and other sacraments and reflect on the Word of

Our being created in God’s image and likeness both inspires us and calls us
to become loving individuals. When we open ourselves to God, we receive the
grace to be more loving and be more responsible in the use of freedom.

Synthesis: Fill out the Exit Ticket

I learned __________________________________________________________.

Therefore, I will ____________________________________________________.

I pray _____________________________________________________________.

1. Game on Bible Stories
The teacher will send the link for the game during synchronous class.

2. Which is the better choice in the following moments of life? Put a check
on the line of the better choice in each of the following moments in life.

a. Health break
____ Share my snack with my sister/brother.
____ Keep my snack in case I get hungry later.

b. Asynchronous Session ____ Do my work.

____ Play online game or watch a movie.

c. Online Mass
____ Participate actively.
____ Do other things while listening to the priest’s homily.

d. Examination Day
____ Answer the test honestly.
____ Open the learning packet to check one’s answers.

e. Flag Ceremony
____ Stand straight and sing the National Anthem.
____ Chat with my classmates or watch others while having flag ceremony.

3. Situational Analysis
Dominic joined the online class early. She observed that her classmates
were chatting and some of them were shouting. If you were Dominic, what
would you do and why?

1. Pray the Nicene Creed.
2. Study week 5 lesson - God the Father for a short test next meeting.
3. Read in advance week 6 lesson - God the Son. Get ready for class discussion
next meeting. See CLE learning packet.

The New American Bible. (2004). Makati: St. Pauls. Holy Bible
Catechism for Filipino Catholics. (2005). Manila: Word and Life Publication
Flores, D.A., & Apdua, A.A. (2016). Signs of the Times. Manila: Rex Book Store.

First Quarter – Week 6
Topic: God the Son

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

A. demonstrate understanding that Jesus reveals to us the way and the truth on
how to live as Christians through the beatitudes, the parables and the two
greatest commandments;
B. pray for the strength to be committed in living out the teachings and
commandments of Christ; and
C. follow the loving actions that are taught and shown by Jesus in their everyday

Daily Routine
1. Review the previous lesson.
2. Activity: Film Viewing- “Greater Love in Memory of Richie Fernando”
3. After watching the video, answer the questions below. Write your answers
on the space provided.
a. What sacrifice was made by Brother Richie?
b. If you were in the situation, will you do the same? Why or why not?

c. Which of the Ten Commandments was shown by Brother Richie in his


d. As a grade 4 pupil, what things can you do to help the physically

challenged or persons with disabilities?

The video tells us about the story of Brother Richie, a Filipino Jesuit
scholastic, working at the Technical School for the Handicapped in Cambodia.
He had an extraordinary heart for the disabled people. God always guides and
leads us to the truth and the way towards our heart’s greatest desire.

Get your Bible and locate the Bible verse. Read the Word of God silently and

John 13: 34-35

Jesus said “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have
loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you
are my disciples if you have love for one another.”

John 14: 6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
father except through me.”

Jesus is the way to the Father. His teachings and way of life lead us to live a
true Christian life. Jesus’ commandments, parables, and actions call us to be
loving children of God.

“Jesus tells us the truth about the Commandments”

The Greatest Commandment is to love God and to love our neighbors the
way we love ourselves. The commandments are our guide on how to love and
not simply a list of do’s and don’ts. The commandments are about loving and
never about blind obedience to the laws.

Love for God can be shown by observing the first three commandments. Love
for neighbors can be shown by doing the last seven commandments. Jesus
makes this clear. As He said “to love God with all your heart, mind and strength
and the second one is like the first to love others as you love yourself.”

“Jesus is the life”

How does receiving the Bread of Life/ Holy Communion affect our lives? Jesus
continues to inspire us and move us through His words that we hear and reflect
on during the Eucharist. His real presence in the Holy Communion also gives us
the strength to live His commandments because we become His Body when we
receive Him in faith.
The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our loving relationship with
God and with one another.

Complete the statements.
a. The greatest commandment is __________________________________________
b. God is __________________________________________________________________
c. Prayer can ______________________________________________________________

Song Analysis: Listen to the song – “Tell the World of His Love” and answer the
following questions.

1. How did Jesus show His love to us?


2. Give 2 stories in the Bible that show the way Jesus loves us.
_______________________________, _______________________________

3. How can you love others the way Jesus did?

b. ________________________________________________________________

1. Let us pray the Nicene Creed.

2. Study weeks 4, 5, & 6 lessons for long test#2 next meeting. See CLE learning

The New American Bible. (2004). Makati: St. Pauls.
Catechism for Filipino Catholics. (2005). Manila: Word and Life Publication
Flores, D.A., & Apdua, A.A. (2016). Signs of the Times. Manila: Rex Book Store.
Jesuitcomm. (2018, October 16). Greater Love in memory of Richie Fernando.
Retrieved from


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