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Contract Grading

ENG 101: Dual Credit

Instructor: Kalen Krantz, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Credit: Tanya Woodward, Dr. Sladek

This class will be assessed using Contract Grading. This form of assessment allows the student
to focus on their writing as opposed to achieving a numerical grade. Through following labeled
expectations, and submitting your work on time, you can achieve a good grade on each paper.
This enables risk-taking, which will allow you to make mistakes and receive feedback in order to
grow as a writer. Labor-based contract grades are a great way for students who are still learning
as writers to benefit and thrive in writing courses.

On the first day of this course, we will discuss the contract we will use. The information under
each grade is required and non-negotiable. We will devise additional contributions that can be
added to the course, and will serve to benefit your grade. Do you want an additional day to
miss? Do you want more time on your Reflections? After we have discussed possibilities, we will
vote on the best ones and create our contract grade that we will follow for the semester.
Students have a voice in contract grading, use it.

To get started:
1. Read and make notes on this document. Come to class with thoughts and answers.
2. Read “So Your Instructor is Using Contract Grading”

Discussion points:
● What constitutes an “A”? What does going “above and beyond” look like? How many
“above and beyond” things should we include? Three or more?
● What does doing less than the minimum requirements look like? (What makes a C or
● How many extra duties is “above and beyond”? Three? More or less?
● What does “taking risks in writing” mean to you? What” risks” could you try?
● Do we need to distinguish an A+ from an A, since A’s and A+ are worth the same amount
of points on your GPA at UNK?
For an A grade, you will: (Goes above and beyond—Exceeds Expectations)
❏ Meets all of the requirement of a B grade
❏ All major projects are a 4/4 (A-Level), demonstrates excellent work (going above and
beyond the assignment guidelines) on all major projects
❏ Revises any major project below 4/4 or 2/2 to be “A” level work
❏ Revisions are optional
❏ Completes all Discussion Boards to their entirety.
❏ Submits all assignments on time (with the exception of extenuating circumstances
discussed prior to the due date
❏ This is a big one that can impact your contract grade. Turn in assignments on
time and inform Professor Krantz if you are needing extra time. Communication
can benefit you in terms of late work.

For a B grade, you will: (Meets Expectations-minimum requirements)

❏ Meets all the requirements of a B grade
❏ Submits all major projects on time, fulfilling the project requirements*
❏ Completes the daily reading (articles), completes the project reading (2-3 books)
❏ Attendance:
❏ Attends all formal class times (M-W-F), with the exception of (3) three excused
❏ Attends all required writing conferences with instructor, attends
❏ Attends UNK Writing Center Conference (online) at least 1x this semester
❏ Participates regularly in class with thoughtful contributions
❏ Gives thoughtful (constructive) feedback during all peer reviews
❏ Demonstrates genuine effort and critical thinking in work
❏ Revises any work below the “B” level (2/2 on daily work or 3 / 4 on larger assignments)

For a C grade, you will…. (Approaches Expectations)

● Submit all homework, though not all is at a 2/2 (complete) level
● Submit all major projects, though one may be late
● Attendance--misses more than four (4) class times, or has an unexcused absence

Below C
● Missing/incomplete daily work or major projects
● Attendance: misses more than 5 class times, multiple unexcused absences, did not
attend Writing Center or writing conferences with instructor
Extras (Choice Board Options)
Examples could include:
Volunteers for (3? Let’s decide together) different extra duties, such as
● Extra Discussion Board posts/comments
● Extra consultations with the Writing Center
○ You can go each essay and receive extra credit!
● leads a class discussion over an article (chooses article, formulates questions, etc),
creates lesson plan or other career projects from course material
○ Great idea!
● Workshop days in class?
● takes risks in writing such as: trying a new style or structure, writes with nuance, tries
out a new genre etc. If you are interested in exploring “risks”--reach out the instructor
to come up with a plan together.
● Extra credit opportunities?
○ Peer Reviews?

*I’ll mark in the Canvas gradebook, upon record, your “extra” things.

If you believe you are in danger of not fulfilling the above requirements, see instructor ASAP.

I, _______________________________, understand the above grading scale. I understand that

failure to complete one or more of the requirements for this grade will result in my grade being

Optional: My goal for this class is to earn a(n) _______.

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Name Date

How do I know how I’m doing?

Major Projects (Big and Medium)
4/4 Exceeds Expectations = A (90 or higher)
3/4 Meets Expectations = B (what would’ve gotten an 85 or higher previously)
2/4 Approaches Expectations = C or below (75)
1/4 Does Not Meet Expectations = D or Below (60)
*I’ll also provide a rubric with detailed feedback so you know how you are doing, and how to
Assigned Homework
2 points each
+2: Exceeds Expectations (this is the same grade as a 2, but if 90% of your work is 2+, this could count as an extra)
2: Complete, Meets Expectations, submitted on time, full points
1: incomplete or late; potential for resubmission
0: not done

Here’s a basic breakdown:

● BIG—45% (Comprehensive):
○ Final Paper
○ 3 Essays

● Medium—35% (Formative):
○ Inquiry Proposal
○ Annotated Bibliography
○ Rhetorical Situations
○ Attends Writing Center

● Daily(small)—20%
○ Weekly Discussion Boards
○ Participation
○ Attendance
○ Peer revision

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