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Marcos – B1G1 – Mock 1 – October 2022


From: Marcos
To: Mrs Edwars 
Hi Mrs Edwards, 
 I thinkboth are a good choice, I think that we can to do first the talent competitionfirst, so the public
can see both.
I think that the prize should be the same for both and I had thought that for first place 10 euros and
two tickets to the cinema to see the movie you want with popcorn and soda, and for second place a
board game or a game of cards.
I think the school can give some sandwiches and a soda or water. 

95 words

Hi Mrs Edwards, 
I like the idea of prepare an end-of-the-year event
I prefer to do both competition, so if you don’t like the talent competition you can participate in
sport competition. You can organise first talent competition for people who want to participate in the
two of them.
To me, the best prize that you can give to the winner is: For the first place two tickets to the cinema
and for the person who is in second place you can give them either a board game or card game.
Obviously the prize is the same for two the champions.
I consider that the school could give some sandwiches and a drink to all children

Points to revise:
The reader may not understand what you are talking about. You should “prepare” the reader first. Do
not start the sentence with an answer.
Grammar – verbs present/past.
There is no ending.

GRADE: 5(out of 10)

When I feel stressed it is usually because I have a exam and I have got a lot of homework and I don't
know one think of the exam and I see that I don't have time to do or when I have a bad day and I
have got a lot of things to do and all of this things I do wrong.
Marcos – B1G1 – Mock 1 – October 2022

To feel relax, I sit in a chair or in an armchair,whichever is closest to me, then I close my eyes and I
count for a few minutes: one, two, three ... until I am relaxed. 
I think it's a good idea for when you are stressed and you don't know what to do.  

118 words
When I feel stressed, usually its so that I have an exam and I have got a lot of homework and I don't
know one think of the exam and I see that I don't have time to do or when I have a bad day and I
have got a lot of things to do and all of the things I do wrong.
To relax, I sit on a chair or on an armchair,whichever is closest to me, then I close my eyes and I
count for a few minutes: one, two, three ... until I am relax. 
I think it's a good idea for when you are stressed and you don't know what to do.  

GRADE: 5 (out of 10)

Points to revise:
Structure/punctuation (the first paragraph is only one sentence).
Grammar (plurals).

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