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Gençer Güleryüz

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 1

Performance – Özetler

24.06.2013 itibariyle 402 soru konuların içine dağıtıldı.

Ctrl+F yapıp question number’a göre aratılabilir.

Gençer Güleryüz
0537 724 4633



1 TORA – TODA - ASDA (23) ....................................................................................................................... 3

2 Total Drag (Thrust Required) grafiği (13) ................................................................................................ 5
3 DRAG vs. SPEED grafiği (20) .................................................................................................................... 7
4 POWER vs. TAS grafiği (7) ...................................................................................................................... 9
5 Take-Off Speeds (49)............................................................................................................................. 11
6 Take-Off Segments / TOD soruları / Reduced Thrust (25) ................................................................ 13
7 Factors affecting Take-Off and Climb (51) ............................................................................................ 17
8 Climb (49) .............................................................................................................................................. 20
9 CAS - TAS – MACH (9) ........................................................................................................................... 24
10 Cruise (58) ............................................................................................................................................. 25
11 Glide / Drift-down Procedure / Descent / Approach & Landing (49) ............................................. 30
12 Chart soruları (46) ................................................................................................................................. 39

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 2

1 TORA – TODA - ASDA (23)

Density Altitude: Gözlemlenen yoğunluğun ISA’de karşılık geldiği irtifadır.

 performansı belirler.
 pressure altitude corrected for 'non standard' temperature


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 3

Stopway  an area beyond the take-off runway, able to support the aeroplane during

an aborted take-off.

(Stopway TODA ya dahil edilmez sadece aborted take-off ta durmak içindir)


TORA take-off run olarak kullanılan mesafe.

ASDA = TORA + stopway (take-off run + durabileceğin mesafe.)

TODA = TORA + clearway (take-off run + en yakın obstacle’lar dan clear ettiğin mesafe)

en fazla TORA’nın 1.5 katı olabilir!

Balanced airfield: ASDA = TODA  the acceleration/stop distance available is equal to

the take-off distance available.

A balanced field length provides the minimum required field length in the event of an engine failure.

 Uphill slope accelerate stop distance is increased. Uphill slope ta take-off hızına ulaşmak için daha çok
koşturacaksın, dolayısıyla daha geç duracaksın. ASDA artar
 Uphill slope increases the take-off distance more than the accelerate stop distance.
 if the brakes are released before take-off power is achieved, the accelerate/stop distance will be: longer than the
graphical distance. (chart sorusu: the performance will be worse than in the chart.)
 Antiskid yoksa ASDA artar.
 Antiskid yoksa v1 düşer.
 Antiskid take-off ve landing de değerlendirmeye alınır.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 4

2 Total Drag (Thrust Required) grafiği (13)

 Vmd dışındaki her hız drag i arttırır. Daha fazla thrust gerekir.
 Backside of power curve  speed unstable ve a lower airspeed requires more thrust.
 Mass azalırsa drag azalır, Vmd azalır.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 5

Thrust available ile drag curve ün kesiştiği noktalar  Minimum hız ve maximum hız

 unaccelerated level flight.


 Propeller ın thrust I hız arttıkça azalır. Q2091

 Jet in thrust hız arttıkça artar. (ram etkisinden dolayı) q2798

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 6

3 DRAG vs. SPEED grafiği (20)

Vmd  max cL/cd ratio  optimum AOA

Max. Endurance  minimum fuel flow.

max endurance  Vmd küçük hız, daha büyük AOA gerekir.

Max range  1.32Vmd büyük hız, daha küçük AOA gerekir.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 7

 Mass artarsa Vx Vy(roc speed) artar. (grafik sağ üste kayar)

 Flap koyarsan vx vy azalır. (grafik sola üste kayar)

 Altitude artarsa vx vy TAS cinsinden artar


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 8

4 POWER vs. TAS grafiği (7)

 On the Power versus TAS graph for level flight, the point at which a tangent from the origin touches the power
required curve: is the point where the Lift to Drag ratio is a maximum. (Vmd)


Q5495: 125 olması lazım ama 95 çıkıyor. hatalı

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 9

Q1444: irtifa artınca yoğunluk düşer, tas ı arttırmak lazım, yani grafik sağa kaymalı. sağa giden tek grafik
figüre d.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 10

5 Take-Off Speeds (49)

Vsr: reference stall speed and may not be less than 1-g stall speed.

Vmcg is based on directional control being maintained by: primary aerodynamic control

only. (rudder)

VMCG ≤ VEF < V1 ≤ Vr

the failure of the critical engine of a multi-engined aeroplane at VEF

V1 take off decision speed

below V1  the take-off must be aborted.

the first action is to reduce engine thrust

above V1  take-off should be continued.

Vmcg ≤ V1 ≤ Vr

V1 artarsa  ASDA yetmez, ASDA’yı arttırmak gerekir.

Downhill slope  uçak zor duracak V1 azalır.

ASDA artarsa  V1 artar, Vr sabit kalır, sonuçta stopway take-off için kullanılmaz aborted

take-off ta durmak için kullanılır.

Vmca Straight flight can not be maintained below VMCA, when the critical engine fails.

VMCA decreases with increasing pressure altitude.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 11
VR is the speed at which the pilot should start to rotate the aeroplane.

1.05 Vmca ≤ Vr

V2 take off safety speed. take-off climb speed or speed at 35 ft.

V2min belirlenirken Vsr ve Vmca ‘e dikkat edilir.

VS< VMCA< V2 min

1.1Vmca ≤ V2

In certain conditions V2 can be limited by VMCA Low take-off mass, large flap extension, low field elevation.

More flaps  V2 decreases if not restricted by VMCA.

two- and three-engine turbo-propeller and turbojet  V2 min is: 1.13 VSR

more than three engines for turbo-propeller  V2min not less than 1.08 VSR


Q796 In relation to the net take-off flight path, the required 35 ft vertical distance to clear all obstacles is: the
minimum vertical distance between the lowest part of the aeroplane and all obstacles within the obstacle domain.

Q1670: For a take-off from a contaminated runway, which of the following statements is correct?

The take-off performance data for take-off must be determined in general by means of calculation, only a few
values are verified by flight tests.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 12

6 Take-Off Segments / TOD soruları / Reduced Thrust (25)

Segments for take-off: 838,402,14292,2627,2668,2673,2155,809

2nd segment conditions:

 starts with Undercarriage retracted.

 Flaps in take-off position.
 Operative engine(s) at take-off thrust.
 Climbing speed of V2..
 Ends at 400 ft above field elevation.

3rd segment

 Starts when acceleration to flap retraction speed is started.

 The maximum acceleration height depends on the maximum time take-off thrust may be applied.

Engine failure Take-off run: horizontal distance along the take-off path from the start of the

take-off to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is

reached and the point at which the aeroplane is 35 ft above the

take-off surface. 2157,2811,1951

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 13

TOD soruları
Q3680: The take-off distance of an aircraft is 800m in standard atmosphere, no wind at 0 ft pressure-
altitude. Using the following corrections : "± 20 m / 1 000 ft field elevation " "- 5 m / kt headwind " "+ 10 m / kt tail
wind " "± 15 m / % runway slope " "± 5 m / °C deviation from standard temperature " The take-off distance from an
airport at 2 000 ft elevation, temperature 21°C, QNH 1013.25 hPa, 2% up-slope, 5 kt tail wind is

Elevation =+40m ( +20m per 1000ft)

ISA deviation = +50m ( temp is +10 on ISA / +5m per degree)
Slope = +30m ( +15m per % of slope)
Tailwind= + 50m ( +10m per knot of tailwind)
Total correction =170m add this to 800m = 970m

Q5487: The take-off distance of an aircraft is 600m in standard atmosphere, no wind at 0 ft pressure-
altitude. Using the following corrections: ± 20 m / 1 000 ft field elevation, - 5 m / kt headwind,+ 10 m / kt tail wind, ±
15 m / % runway slope,± 5 m / °C deviation from standard temperature. The take-off distance from an airport at 1
000 ft elevation, temperature 17°C, QNH 1013,25 hPa, 1% up-slope, 10 kt tail wind is:

Altitude +1000ft = +20m

Temp deviation from ISA at 1000ft is +4C = +20m
Slope = + 15m
10kt tw = + 100m
Total correction = 155m
600m + 155m = 755m

Q1063: headwind tailwind correction fileld length limited tom a uygulanır. Rüzgarın Climb limited tom a
etkisi yoktur. 15 derece için bakarsak. Field length limited için 69500 – 360x5 = 67700. Climb limited 69000 olur.
Küçük olan seçilir. 67700 doğru.

Q1073: During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane, the actual measured take-off runs from
brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the
aeroplane is 35 feet above the take-off surface are: - 1747 m, all engines operating - 1950 m, with the critical engine
failure recognized at V1, the other factors remaining unchanged. Considering both possibilities to determine the
take-off run (TOR). The certificated value of the Take-off Run is:

TORR is the greater of:

All engines TORR: Gross x 1.15 = 2009m
OEI TORR: Gross = net = 1950m
Answer 2009m
q797: During certification flight testing of a transport aeroplane, the distances measured from brake
release to the 35 feet point are equal to: - 1547 m with all engines running - 1720 m with failure of critical engine at
V1, with all other things remaining unchanged. The take-off distance adopted for the certification file is:
AEO 1547 Gross x 1.15 =1779m net
OEI 1720m Gross = net = 1720m
You must choose the greatest distance 1779m

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 14


Q1074 During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane, the actual measured take-off runs from
brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the
aeroplane is 35 feet above the take-off surface are: - 1747 m, all engines operating - 1950 m, with the critical engine
failure recognized at V1, the other factors remaining unchanged. Considering both possibilities to determine the
take-off run (TOR). The certificated value of the Take-off Run is:
TORR is the greater of:
All engines TORR: Gross x 1.15 = 2009m
OEI TORR: Gross = net = 1950m
Answer 2009m

Q824: During certification flight testing on a four engine turbojet aeroplane the actual take-off distances measured
are: - 3050 m with failure of the critical engine recognised at V1 - 2555 m with all engines operating and all other
things being equal The take-off distance adopted for the certification file is

2555*1.15 ile 3050 den büyük olanı seç.  3050 m

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 15

Reduced take off thrust 1633,1635,2818,1636,1665,13359

 has the benefit of improving engine life.

is permitted, only if:

 the actual take-off mass is lower than the performance limited take-off mass.

not be used when:

- the runway is contaminated.(en kötü durumda kullanılmaz)

- antiskid is not usable
- windshear is reported on the take-off path.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 16

7 Factors affecting Take-Off and Climb (51)
Take-Off Performance Climb Performance

Airport Elevation

Pressure Altitude


Relative Hum.


Uphill slope -

Downhill slope V1 ı aşağı çek -

Headwind (50%) No effect

Tailwind (150%) No effect

Engine failure

Daha fazla flap

Daha az flap (daha hızlı V2)

Wet runway -

Clearway -

field length limited takeoff mass climb limited take-off mass


 TODA artarsa daha yüksek bir TOM la havalanabilirsin. Ağır uçak da zor duracağı için v1 düşer.

 Wet runway  A reduction of screen height is allowed in order to reduce weight penalties.

 Obstacle yoksa daha fazla flap konup TOM yükseltilebilir.


concerning the obstacle limited take-off mass for performance class A aeroplane

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 17

 It should be determined on the basis of a 35 ft obstacle clearance with the respect to the "net take-off flight
 A take-off in the direction of an obstacle is also permitted in tail wind condition.


 Distant Obstacle varsa ve pist yeteri kadar uzunsa düşük flapla kalkılabilir. (long runway)


Tyre Speed limited Take-off Mass

 Maximum Tyre Speed can limit the Lift-off Speed.

 Belirlenirken Ground speed hesaba katılır. Tyre speed limits VLOF in terms of ground speed.
 Tailwind olursa GS artar tom u limitleyebilir.
 Downslope olması field length limited tom u arttırır, tyre speed lim tom u etkilemez. Vlof aynı sonuçta


Brake Energy Limited Take-off Mass

T artarsa  decreases the brake energy limited take-off mass.

Uphill slope  increases the brake energy limited take-off mass

If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is brake energy limited a higher uphill slope would increase the maximum mass
for take-off.


Question: Why should the temperature of the wheel brakes be checked prior to take off?

- Because overheated brakes will not perform adequately in the event of a rejected take-off.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 18


In the event that the take-off mass is obstacle limited and the take-off flight path includes a turn, the bank angle
should not exceed 15 degrees up to height of 400 ft. q2630

For take-off obstacle clearance calculations, obstacles may be avoided by banking not more than 15° between 50 ft
and 400 ft above the runway elevation. Q2160

Q13348 : The take-off runway performance requirements for transport category aeroplanes

are based upon: failure of the critical engine or all engines operating whichever

requirement gives the greater distance.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 19

8 Climb (49)

Thrust hem drag i hem de weight in flight path doğrultusundaki bileşenini dengeler.

Vx: Best Angle of Climb (best climb gradient)  maximum obstacle clearance

Vy: Best Rate of climb

Vx < Vy 2843,14718,2848,2860,1471,2861

Climb Gradient is defined as the ratio of the increase of altitude to horizontal air distance

expressed as a percentage. Q2850

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 20

Angle of climb (Climb Gradient) Rate of climb
Excess Thrust



Altitude (pitch angle düşer)


Daha fazla flap (Vx azalır) (Vy azalır)

Wind No effect No effect


Altitude artarsa Vx Vy TAS cinsinden artar, Q846

Sabit power da acceleration için burnu ezmen gerekir ROC ve angle of climb azalır. 2847

 Headwind  Ground gradient (angle of flight path) artar.

 Tailwind  Ground gradient (angle of flight path) azalır.

The net flight path gradient after take-off compared to the actual climb gradient is: smaller.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 21

Climb gradient = (T – D) / W * 100

Gradient = ROC / TAS

5%  3 degrees climb.


Q4532 On a segment of the take-off flight path an obstacle requires a minimum gradient of climb of 2.6% in order
to provide an adequate margin of safe clearance. At a mass of 110000 kg the gradient of climb is 2.8%. For the same
power and assuming that the sine of the angle of climb varies inversely with mass, at what maximum mass will the
aeroplane be able to achieve the minimum gradient?

At 110000kgs the gradient is 2.8%.

What mass increase will put the gradient down to 2.6%
2.8/2.6 x 110000 = 118461kgs

Q3676: 10% ile tırmanıyor 10000m de 1000m tırmanır. Yani 15 m + 1000m = 1015 m yükseklikte olacak.

900m lik obstacle  1015 – 900 = 115m clearance.

Q5491: 5% ile tırmanıyor 5000m de 250m tırmanır. Yani 50 ft (15m) + 250m = 265 m yükseklikte olacak.

160m lik obstabcle  265 – 160 = 105m clearance.

When V1 has to be reduced because of a wet runway the one engine out obstacle clearance / climb performance:

Islak pistin sonunda havalanacğın için obstacle clearance performansı düşer. Ama climb yani dikey hızına etkisi
yoktur. (ıslak olan yer, havayla alakası yok) q1637

Headwind best angle of climb speed i etkilemez, max. Range speed i ise arttırmak gerekir. 1460

q2628 You climb with a climb speed schedule 300/.78. What do you expect in the crossover altitude 29
200 ft (OAT = ISA) ?

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 22

The rate of climb increases since the constant IAS-climb is replaced by the constant Mach-climb.

Q2633 If the climb speed schedule is changed from 280/.74 to 290/.74 the new crossover altitude
will be


Obstacle corridor : An operator shall ensure that the net take-off flight path clears all obstacles. The half-
width of the obstacle-corridor at the distance D from the end of the TODA is at least: 90m + 0.125D

The requirements with regard to take-off flight path and the climb segments are only specified for: the failure of the
critical engine on a multi-engines aeroplane. Q837

Q3678 The climb gradient of an aircraft after take-off, in a standard atmosphere and still-air, at 0ft pressure
altitude, is 6%. Given: Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 1000ft OAT +17 C Atmospheric Pressure 1013.25hPa Anti-ice
systems Wing and Engine ON Use the following corrections to determine the climb gradient after take-off at the
given aerodrome. Aerodrome elevation +/- 0.2% per 1000ft Deviation from standard temperature +/- 0.1% per C
Wing anti-ice ON - 1.0% Engine anti-ice ON - 0.5%

PA correction -0.2% because we're at a 1000ft

Temp correction: at 1000ft ISA temp is 13*C actual temp is 17*C. 4*C difference = correction of 4 x -0.1=0.4%
Wing anti ice -1%
Eng anti ice -0.5%
Total correction = 2.1%
Initial gradient 6% - total correction 2.1% = 3.9%


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 23

9 CAS - TAS – MACH (9)

 Sabit CAS’ta tırmanırken TAS MACH artar.

 Sabit CAS’ta tırmanırken Mmo (max. Operating mach number) aşılabilir.
 Sabit MACH’ta tırmanırken CAS TAS düşer, o yüzden AOA ‘ı yani CL yi arttırmak gerekir.

 Sabit MACH’ta alçalırken CAS TAS artar, o yüzden AOA’ı yani cl yi azaltmak gerekir.
 Sabit MACH’ta alçalırken Vmo (max. Op. Speed) aşılabilir.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 24

10 Cruise (58)

Lift = Weight Thrust = Drag

 Excess thrust fazla ise uçak ivmelenir.

 Mass artarsa daha hızlı uçman gerekir. Drag artar.
 Mass sabitse IAS sabitse drag de sabittir. TAS artar.
 Mass azaldıkça daha yavaş uçarsın daha az drag olur.
 Lift formülü = 1/2rhov2cls hızı azaltırsan cl artar.
 Cl AOA ve aerofoil yapısına bağlı


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 25

Absolute ceiling: is the altitude at which the rate of climb theoretically is zero.

Service ceiling: the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to 100 ft/min.

Aerodynamic ceiling: is the altitude at which the speeds for low speed buffet and for high speed

buffet are the same.

 Mass azalırsa service ceiling artar.

The maximum operating altitude for a certain aeroplane with a pressurised cabin is the highest pressure altitude
certified for normal operation.


"Buffet Onset Boundary" graph 2794,1658,1660,2793

 The values of the Mach number at which low speed and Mach buffet occur at various masses

and altitudes.. Aerodinamikle alakası var.

 limits the manoeuvring load factor at high altitudes.

 The speed range between low speed buffet and high speed buffet decreases with increasing

mass and increasing altitude.

 Maximum IAS yani maximum dinamik basınç deniz seviyesinde elde edilir
 Cg öndeyse drag artar, range azalır
 Cg arkadaysa drag azalır, range artar.
 Mass artarsa aynı AOA için TAS ve Power required artar.
 Power artarsa an increase in speed, fuel consumption and fuel-burn/distance
 Mass artarsa hourly fuel consumption da aynı oranda artar.
 Specific range = TAS / fuel flow
 Tas artarsa fuel flow artar.


 cruise da minimum specific fuel consumption I maximum range verir..


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 26

Maximum range optitmum altitude da sağlanır. O yüzden irtifa arttıkça range optimum a kadar artar sonra düşer.

Headwind varsa maximum range over ground u yakalamak için hızını biraz arttır. Q2810

Tailwind varsa maximum range over ground ı yakalamak için hızını biraz azalt.

Maximum Range Cruise ve Long Range Cruise

 It is efficient to fly slightly faster than with maximum range speed.

 Long range cruise gives: a specific range which is approximately 99% of maximum specific range and a higher
cruise speed.
 Belli bi long range cruise(IAS) ta alçalırken Mach düşer.
 Mass düşerse specific range artar, fuel flow düşer, optimum alt. Artar.
 Motorları kaybedersen specific range düşer.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 27

Optimum Altitude

 Optimum altitude increases as mass decreases and is the altitude at which the specific range reaches its
 An aeroplane sometimes flies above or below the optimum altitude because optimum altitude increases
continuously during flight.
 An aeroplane sometimes flies above the optimum cruise altitude, because ATC normally does not allow to fly
continuously at the optimum cruise altitude.

Question: Under which condition should you fly considerably lower (4 000 ft or more) than the optimum
altitude ?

- If at the lower altitude either considerably less headwind or considerably more tailwind can be expected.


Step-Climb procedure: 13757,2867

 to fly a profile as close as possible to the optimum altitude as the aeroplane mass reduces.
 Executing a desired step climb at high altitude can be limited by buffet onset at g-loads greater than 1.

Higher COST INDEX  A higher cruise mach number. Q1467

Critical engine inoperative: increases the power required and the total drag due to the additional drag of the
windmilling engine and the compensation of the yaw moment. Q2792

Engine failure durumunda ilk amaç straight flight ı sağlamak yani yawing moment i dengelemektir. Q2092

 ETOPS rule: 180 minutes flying time from a suitable airport in still air, with one engine inoperative.
 ETOPS flight is a twin engine jet aeroplane flight conducted over a route, where no suitable airport is within an
area of 60 minutes flying time in still air at the approved one engine out cruise speed.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 28

Q857: 130000kg 4300kg/h harcarsa, 115000kg 3804kg/h harcar.

Q858: 0.06kg/N specific fuel consumption ile 14kg/nm harcıyor. 0.035kg/N ile 8.17kg/nm


Q2795: Maximum Cruise Thrust is not a certified rating

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 29

11 Glide / Drift-down Procedure / Descent / Approach & Landing
Motorlar çalışmıyor. Thrust ı kaybetmişiz. .

tan γ = D/L (karşı bölü komşu)

γ: glide angle
* uçağın minimum açıyla süzülebilmesi için;
yani minimum glide angle için tan γ ‘ın minimum olması yani D/L nin minimum olması gerekir. Bu da eşittir L/D

tan γ minimum = D/L minimum = L/D maximum

Buradan, glide angle ın yani glide distance ın L/D oranına bağlı olduğu gözüküyor.

ÖZET: Glide angle(γ) ve dolayısıyla Glide distance neye bağlıdır?

 L/Dmax  Vmd (min drag speed)  optimum AOA (Bunların haricinde uçulunca glide
performance düşer)

 Configuration (clean configuration’da glide distance artar. flap kullanılırsa L/D oranı bozulur)

 Wind (Tailwind gelirse glide distance artar. Headwind gelirse glide distance azalır.)

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 30

 Uçağın ağırlığı glide distance’ı etkilemez çünkü L/D oranı Mass’ten bağımsızdır. L ve D aynı oranda artacağı için

L/D oranı yani glide angle değişmez.

 Yani 50 tonluk uçak ile 60 tonluk uçak aynı mesafeye süzülür.

 Tabii 60 tonluk uçak daha hızlı süzülür, 50 tonluk uçak daha yavaş süzülür. Yani havada kalma süreleri

(duration) farklıdır ancak açı aynı olduğu için aynı noktaya süzülürler.

 Headwind ve tailwind yatay hızı etkiler, dikey hızı etkilemedikleri için duration’ı etkilemezler!

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 31

Glide distance

Tailwind  glide distance artar.

Headwind  glide distance azalır.

Vmd dışında veya optimum AOA 4 derecenin dışında uçulursa glide distance azalır.

Glide angle configuration ve AOA’a bağlı.

the difference is that for a given angle of attack both the vertical and forward speeds of the heavier aeroplane will
be larger.

Endurance (during glide)

 altitude, speed, mass and fuel on board.  hepsi endurance’I etkiler.

 Mass azalırsa endurance artar.

 Wind endurance ı etkilemez. (yatay bileşen dikey hızını etkilemez)


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 32

Drift down procedure

 applied after engine failure if the aeroplane is above the one engine out maximum altitude.
 obstacle clearance after engine failure., the obstacle clearance during a descent to the new cruising altitude if an
engine has failed.
 When determining the obstacle clearance during drift-down, fuel dumping may be taken into account.
 If the level-off altitude is below the obstacle clearance altitude during a drift down procedure fuel jettisoning
should be started at the beginning of drift down.
 The vertical interval by which a Class A aeroplane must avoid all obstacles in the drift-down path 2000 ft

Question: With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, why does the curve
representing 35 000 kg gross mass in the chart for drift down net profiles start at approximately 4 minutes at FL370?

-Because at this mass it takes approximately 4 minutes to decelerate to the optimum speed for drift down at the
original cruising level.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 33


headwind  angle of descent artar

tailwind  angle of descent azalır.

singamma = D - T / W

 mass artarsa best angle of descent hızı artar.

 sabit mach ta alçalırken TAS-IAS artar, dolayısıyla burnu ezmen gerekir, angle of descent artar.
 Sabit ias ta alçalırken her şeyi sabitlemişsin, iniyorsun; angle of descent de sabit kalır.


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 34

Approach & Landing

The approach climb requirement has been established so that the aeroplane will achieve:

 minimum climb gradient in the event of a go-around with one engine inoperative.

The maximum mass for landing could be limited by the

 climb requirements with one engine inoperative in the approach configuration.


Landing Distance Go-around performance




Daha fazla flap

Daha az flap

Snow contamination -

Wet runway x 1.15 -


Vlo  Landing gear Operating speed.

Vso  The stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the aeroplane is

controllable in landing configuration

Vref  not less than 1.23 Vsro and must be maintained down to 50ft.


 According to EU-OPS 1, for turbo-prop aeroplanes, the required runway length at a destination airport is: the
same as that required at an alternate airport.

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 35

 To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should: make a "positive" landing and apply
maximum reverse thrust and brakes as quickly as possible.

 Approaching in turbulent wind conditions during manual flight requires an increase in approach speed.
(Türbülans seni stall hızının altına düşürmesin diye daha hızlı yaklaşman gerekebilir)



When determining the maximum allowable landing mass at destination, 60% of the available landing runway length
should be taken into account.


Maximum Landing Distance at the destination aerodrome and at any alternate aerodrome is 0,7 x LDA (Landing
Distance Available).



Landing distance available = Landing distance x 1.67 x 1.15(wet)



Landing distance available = Landing distance x 1.43 x 1.15(wet)


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 36

Landing Distance soruları
Q854: A commercial flight is planned with a turbojet aeroplane to an aerodrome with a landing distance
available of 2400 m. The aeroplane mass must be such that on arrival the aeroplane can be landed within:

Landing distance available 2400 m olarak verilmiş. Runway dry.

Landing distance available = Landing distance x 1.67 x 1.15(wet)

2400 m = landing distance x 1.67  landing distance = 2400/1.67 = 1437m

Q798 For a turboprop powered aeroplane (performance class A) on a commercial flight, a 2200 m long
runway at the destination aerodrome is expected to be wet. It must be ensured that the landing mass of the
aeroplane allows a full stop landing on a dry runway within a landing distance of:

Landing distance available 2200m olarak verilmiş. Runway wet.

Landing distance available = Landing distance x 1.43 x 1.15(wet)

2200 m = landing distance x 1.43 x 1.15(wet)  landing distance = 1338 m

Q855: At the destination aerodrome the landing distance available is 3000m. The appropriate weather
forecast indicates that the runway at the estimated time of arrival will be wet. For a commercial flight the mass of a
turbojet aeroplane at landing must be such that the aeroplane can be landed within:

Landing distance available 3000 m olarak verilmiş. Runway wet!

Landing distance available = Landing distance x 1.67 x 1.15(wet)

3000 m = landing distance x 1.67 x 1.15  landing distance = 3000/1.92 = 1562m

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 37

Load factor = 1 /cosbank (load factor sadece bank angle a bağlı) 2779

Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 38

12 Chart soruları (46)

SEP tablo soruları (19tane)


MEP tablo soruları (21 tane)


MRJT tablo (6 tane)


Gençer Güleryüz – AYJET 39

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