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Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

for more details contact:9893182845,8319457826..

watsapp 8319457826
Children’s future…
can not go wrong,
Everyone wants to be
a genius!
??? What should I do ???
Nikita asks her Grandfather……..

I want to be a
genius! What
should I do?

Grandfather doesn’t have any

Nikita asks her mother…..

I want to be a
genius! What
should I do?

Mother does not know.

Many people do not
how to be a genius…

for more details contact:

watsapp 8319457826
? You don’t understand me
? Who knows what is
inside us
Every child
has an abundant inner
Most parents
don’t know their children’s
inner world… and this…..
Causes children
emotional disorders.
Parents are angry & kids
are unhappy.
The intelligence of the same
age children should be
negligibly different
Same classroom
Same teacher
Same study time
for more details contact:9893182845,
watsapp 8319457826
Why then...
Some are top students
Some are average students
Some are inferior students
Every child
has his advantage learning
Learning will not be painful.
Congenital intelligence is the
base to make a genius.
Would Edison,Lata
Mangeshkar, Sachin
Tendulkar ever reach the
top only by Hardwork,
study & Practice,
if there was no inborn talent/
intelligence in some specific areas
If Latadidi was asked to
learn to dance
If Edison was asked to play
If Sachin was asked to
play the piano
Could they have become
a celebrity?

for more details contact:9893182845,8319457826.

watsapp 8319457826
Every child has enormous inner
It is a necessary prerequisite to
make him a genius

If you can find the talent of

your child – make efforts &
follow the path to develop it.
Key period
is the chance to make your
child a genius.
If key period is
the talent of the child will
become weak & be gone…
Finding the children’s talent

= half success
for more details contact:9893182845,
watsapp 8319457826
Worldwide people are using
Advanced technology to
strengthen the greatest
advantage for their children.
Take action
Identify inborn intelligence
& develop talent/potential
of yourself and your child.
Using scientific methods
to find your child’s talent

Potential Talent Evaluation thru’

Finger prints analysis
for more details contact:9893182845,8319457826..
watsapp 8319457826

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