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IOBC-WPRS Meeting of the Working Group on IOBC

“Integrated Protection in Oak Forests”

10-13 October 2022 Hammamet, Tunisia

Lentini A.1, Mannu R.1, Olivieri M.1, Pira G.2, Mulas A.2, Ruiu P.2
1Dipartimento di Agraria, Università di Sassari Sassari, Italy Email:
2Servizio Ricerca per la Sughericoltura e la Selvicoltura, AGRIS Sardegna, Via Limbara 9,
Tempio Pausania, Italy

Coraebus florentinus (Herbst) (Coleoptera Buprestidae) is a
xylophagous beetle that cause drying and death of branches of
oak species in Mediterranean Region.
Larvae complete their development
in two years. Before pupating, larvae
dig a circular gallery that interrupt
the sap flow causing the death of

Currently, the removal of infested branches through

pruning practices represent the only feasible control
method against C. florentinus (Cárdenas & Gallardo
2018; Gallardo et al. 2018). Infested branches and twigs
are easily recognized because of the typical symptoms,
characterized by sudden yellowing and desiccation of
the leaves on the same branch.
Removing of infested branches before adult emergence
leads to a decrease of the pest population. Since one
year old larvae do not often cause symptoms and can
not be removed by cutting branches, consecutive
pruning activities for at least two consecutive years are
necessary to reduce the infestation level in an infested


The current work aimed to evaluate the technical and economic sustainability of pruning to control C. florentinus infestations at large-
spatial scale. Trials were conducted in a cork oak forested area in Sardinia (Italy) of 150 hectares and the pruning activities were
performed in April 2021 and May 2022 by three teams of three workers each.


Trials were performed in a cork oak
forested area located in northern Sardinia
(Italy). A network of 64 sampling sites was
implemented to identify the area to be
treated and to monitor C. florentinus
infestation. At each sampling site, 10
plants along a linear transect were
sampled to estimate C. florintinus
infestation as percentage of infested
plants. Monitoring data were analyzed by
using a Geographical Information System
(GIS) to identify the area where pruning
activities were to be conducted.
Moreover, the spatial distribution of C.
florenitnus infestation was evaluated.


A total of 14,230 and 7,335 branches were cut in 2021 and 2022, respectively. During the two years, approximately € 58,000 were spent
for the coverage of working activity (504 labor days), to which € 4,000 must be added for the operating expenses of the cutting
equipment (e.g., gasoline, oil for the limbers). Everything considered, the average cost for pest control services was € 413 per hectare.
However, the effectiveness of the control plan can only be evaluated from 2023.

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