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Copyright © IFAC Control of Industrial Systems.

Belfon. France, 1997



Juan J. Alba

lnstituto de Investigaci6n Tecnol6gica

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain

Abstract: Technical and economic reasons, as well as political decisions, are pushing for the
restructuring and introduction of competition in the electricity industry. In this framework, new
technical challenges arise, concerning power system planning and operation. Artificial
intelligence can provide efficient solutions for some of these new problems: improved
modelling of uncertainty, accurate on-line security assessment, customer modelling and control,
decision-support systems for trading operations, etc.
Resume: Des raisons techniques et econorniques, ainsi que des decision politiques, donnent lieu a
la reorganisation et I'indroduction de la concurrence au sein de l'industrie electrique. Dans ce
cadre, des nouveaux defis techniques apparaissent, en ce qui concerne I planification et
l' exploitation du systeme electrique. L'intelligence artificielle peut fournir des solutions
efficaces a plusieurs de ces nouveaux proble~es: modelisation amelioree des incertitudes, analyse
de securite en temps reel, modelisation et contr61e des clients, systemes d'aide a la decision pour
les operations commerciales, etc.

Keywords: Power systems, artificial intelligence, decision support systems, fuzzy modelling,
expert systems, knowledge-based systems, machine learning

1. INTRODUCTION associated with the behaviour of independent

generators. Moreover, the electricity industry is
The electricity supply service is going through no longer protected against unexpected events and
important transformations all over the world. errors by regulated rates, captive customers and
Technical and economic reasons, as well as political actions of the government. It must improve its
decisions, are pushing for the restructuring of the ability to forecast and hedge risks, and requires
industry and the introduction of competition in new ways of modelling uncertainties.
important parts of this activity. The traditional
concept of the vertically integrated utility, either run Transmission grids are interconnected to
by the government or privately owned, is being create large wholesale markets in which power
replaced with a complex environment of generators, flows change with differences in prices and
transmission service providers, wholesale electricity consumption. These vast systems allow a more
markets, system operators, power brokers, etc. As a economic supply, but require a co-ordinated
result of this, the established decision-making operation. Control centres require additional
processes, that used to be centralized and carried out capabilities to deal with this new environment.
in a top-down fashion, are being transformed into a
network of decentralized mechanisms, that have to Generators are no longer totally constrained to
operate in a rapidly evolving context. follow the instructions of a central dispatch, but
may have a certain degree of autonomy in their
In this framework, new technical challenges arise: commitment and dispatching. Therefore, system
operators must be able to react to unexpected
The expansion of generation and conditions. New systems for operator's support
transmission is no longer centralized and co- are needed for this task.
ordinated; decisions on the upgrade of
transmission networks must face the uncertainties

Power buyers and sellers need to forecast necessary investments, since they were protected
the consumer demand to establish their prices and against the consequences of planning errors.
strategies. On the other hand, the behaviour of
consumers will probably become more responsive The development of combined cycle gas
to prices, and could be more difficult to predict. turbines has led to increases in thermal efficiency
and to a reduction in the optimal size of units. Using
Consumers may have the possibility of this technology, the typical installed capacity of
selecting a supplier and establishing physical generating plants can be less than 300 MW"
contracts. The system operator usually has to construction time can be reduced to one or two years,
authorize those contracts at short notice, and and the investment per installed kW is considerably
always must monitor them to prevent risks to the smaller. Moreover, the development of the natural
security of the system. New security assessment gas transportation infrastructure and, in some
tools are required for this task. countries, competitive wholesale gas markets, has led
to wide availability of this fuel at reduced prices.
All participants in the electricity market must Additionally, the lower environmental impact of gas-
take into account complex and rapidly evolving fired power plants reduces the regulatory uncertainty.
environments: fuel prices and availability, As a result of these factors, decisions concerning
transmission congestion and rates, demand generation expansion involve lower risks and can be
patterns, etc. A new generation of decision taken by smaller agents. This has made possible the
support tools is needed to work in this context. appearance of independent generation companies that
can produce energy at prices lower than those charged
These needs provide challenging lines of research for . by traditional utilities.
the electrical engineering community: uncertainty
modelling, demand forecasting, real-time security The development of renewable energy sources,
assessment, decision-support software, etc. Artificial thanks to subsidies and favourable regulatory
intelligence could provide feasible solutions to some treatment, provided a new competitor in the
of these problems; this paper reviews some of the generation industry, although most of these
developments that are taking place in this domain. technologies are not yet able to survive in a
competitive environment without official support.
The paper starts with a brief survey of the
transformation that the electricity industry is Technical advances in transmission
undergoing: section 2 reviews some of the reasons technology cannot be considered a force behind the
behind the changes, while section 3 describes which changes; nevertheless, FACTS technology (power
could be the foreseeable structure of the electricity electronic devices used to control power flow,
supply industry in the next future. The rest of the voltages and other magnitudes of grids) allows
paper deals with the contributions of artificial transmission companies to operate their networks in
intelligence in this context, through the description a more efficient way. This is specially important in
of some interesting examples. an environment in which generation expansion
decisions are frequently beyond the control of the
owners of the network, and environmental onstraints
2. THE TRANSFORMAnON OF THE make the construction of new lines difficult.
Economic and political factors have also been
There is no single reason for the transformation that decisive in the transformation of the industry. The
the electricity ind~stry is undergoing world-wide, but oil crisis of the seventies pushed most
a mixture of technical, economic and political governments to try to reduce their dependence on oil
explanations. Not all of them are applicable to all imports. Among other measures, some countries
countries, and they always have to be considered in a (significantly the United States) promoted the use of
variety of local circumstances. renewable resources, waste incineration and
cogeneration. A favourable treatment for these
From the technical point of view, the advances assets (ensuring a healthy return on investment and a
in generation technology are considered by very Iow risk) made possible the development of new
most observers to be a major driving force behind the companies that entered the electricity business; first
restructuring of the electricity supply. During the they were cogenerators or operators of renewable
sixties and the seventies, the typical capacity of the energy-based plants, later they were independent
large coal-fired and nuclear units reached values power producers (mostly running gas-fired facilities).
between 600 and 1000 MW. Construction time was
frequently more than four or five years, and up to ten Demand side management was paid significant
years for some nuclear plants. For this reason, attention in power system planning. Growing
decisions on generation expansion had to be taken environmental concerns played a crucial role in
long before the capacity was needed. The required the support for alternative generation and demand side
investments were enormous, and cost overruns were management, and made much more difficult to keep
usual. In this context, only large, vertically integrated on building large coal-fired and nuclear units.
utilities, owned by the state or working in a heavily
regulated environment, were able to make the

Many new participants came into the electricity that would be caused by a fast increase in electricity
market through these newly opened doors: gas rates, and the transition period also has to be
marketers, oil companies, energy service companies, extended. This is specially the case in most countries
manufacturing firms, etc. This new environment set of Central and Eastern Europe.
the basis for the increase of competition and the
pressure towards deregulation.
Some political factors have played a major role INDUSTRY
in the transformation. First, the example of certain
countries that undertook liberalization processes quite A competitive electricity industry should have several
early. Second, the growing world-wide acceptance of of the following characteristics to a certain extent:
the advantages of competition and free markets to
organize sectors of the economic activity. Finally, • Separated companies provide generation,
the pressure of some multilateral financial transmission and distribution services (i.e., there
organizations, such as the World Bank or the is no vertical integration).
European Investment Bank, that frequently require the
deregulation of the economy (including the electricity Transmission and distribution activIties are
industry) to provide funds to a country. In Europe, considered to be a monopoly. The providers of
the European Union has been active in promoting the these services usually have a franchised territory;
open access to transmission networks. the prices they can charge and the decisions they
can make are closely controlled and regulated. The
The entrance of private investors in the transmission network is the axis of the electricity
electricity industry world-wide has been a major market, and it must be ensured that all the
component of the transformation of the electricity participants have access to it in fair conditions.
industry. In the most dynamic areas of the world
(such as Asia and Latin America), fast increases in Generation is open to competition. A number of
demand require ambitious programmes of generation generation companies can compete in a wholesale
expansion. However, in many countries, state-owned market (the "pool" or power exchange), in which
utilities do not have the resources required to invest, they can bid a price for the energy that they can
or even to ensure the maintenance of equipment. supply. The generation dispatch is based on the
bids, but also has to take into account the
A frequent solution for this problem has been the use relevant constraints. A wholesale price of the
of build-operate-own (BOO) or similar schemes, in electricity is established for each period, based on
which a private investor builds a new generation unit the system marginal cost, and is used to
and establishes a contract with the utility to sell the remunerate the generators.
power produced. Investors are frequently selected
through competitive bidding. The proliferation of A system operator is responsible for the security
these schemes has led to a globalization of the of the system, and the provision of reserves,
electricity business, the appearance of a reduced set of voltage control and service restoration capabilities
"world-class players", and the entrance of highly (all these are now called ancillary services, and
competitive agents in markets that had previously can be supplied through market-based procedures).
been totally closed.
There are different types of contracts to hedge the
Several obstacles can make the transformation of the risks associated to the volatility of the wholesale
electricity industry a difficult task. electricity price, as well as secondary markets to
sell and buy those contracts.
First, when all or part of the industry IS Investor
owned (as in the United States or Spain), past There is a separate commercialization activity,
investments are protected by the regulation and their carried out by power marketers that buy wholesale
remuneration is ensured. In most cases, those electricity from the pool and sell it to customers,
investments were authorized or even required by the paying a fee for the use of networks. This makes
government. Obviously, a fast liberalization can possible the existence of different rate schemes,
cause some assets to be unable to recover their costs tailored to the needs of each group of consumers.
in a competitive market. These are the stranded
costs; in some cases these costs are recovered In some countries, consumers, distributors or
through transition charges that must be paid by generators are or will be entitled to establish
consumers after the introduction of competition. physical contracts, outside the pool. Obviously,
these contracts will have a direct impact on the
In principle, a state-owned electricity industry can be dispatch and can cause security problems;
faster to transform (as happened in Argentina, Chile therefore, the independent system operator must
or the United Kingdom), since there are no investors authorize and monitor each transaction.
to satisfy. However, in many countries, electricity
prices charged by state-owned utilities are heavily Planning is no longer a centralized actiVIty.
subsidized and do not cover the actual costs. The Investors take decisions based on their forecast of
government cannot afford the lose of public support demand increase, their estimate of wholesale

electricity prices or the contracts that they can number of scenarios is high) and requires a relatively
sign. The transmission company must react artificial probability assignment.
swiftly to new generation. The market provides
economic signals if there is a lack of capacity (in This approach presents several important advantages:
that case the wholesale price will increase), and so
attracts new investors. Fuzzy sets can accurately represent the uncertainty
about the value of a magnitude.
There is a regulatory body, relatively independent Fuzzy values are more natural and easy to obtain
from the government, that oversees the electricity than the scenarios and associated probabilities.
industry and controls the market. The regulators This method does not require to select a set of
can still have ways of adjusting the system, such discrete scenarios, but recognizes that uncertainty
as the use of a capacity payment to make sure about the future has a continuous character.
that there is enough installed capacity. • Fuzzy numbers can be processed using efficient
algorithms: a fuzzy approach is usually much
more efficient than a traditional procedure based
4. AI IN TIffi NEW ENVIRONMENT on the analysis of multiple scenarios.

A competitive electricity market presents significant This method has been used in fuzzy power flows and
technical challenges from the planning and operation fuzzy optimal power flows (Miranda, Matos et al.,
points of view. 1990; Miranda and Saraiva, 1992; Saraiva, Miranda et
al., 1994; Guan, Liu et al., 1995; Pinto, Araujo et
In expansion and operation planning, there is an al., 1996), where fuzzy values are used to represent
increased need to improve decision-making processes loads. It has also been applied in unit commitment
in the presence of uncertainty. Fuzzy techniques have models, maintenance scheduling, hydraulic generation
been explored in this area, and have provided scheduling, reliability evaluation and generation
promising results, as will be described in section 5. expansion planning (Su and Hsu, 1991; Huang, Lin
et al., 1992; Liang and Hsu, 1994; Pinto, Araujo et
Additionally, the multi-attribute evaluation processes al., 1996; Saraiva, Miranda et al., 1996), where fuzzy
involved in the selection of a generator or the variables are used to model generation costs, demand,
negotiation of a contract can be supported with spinning reserve, water inflows, etc.
knowledge engineering techniques, as will be briefly
discussed in section 6. Fuzzy optimization (Terano, Asai et al., 1991)
provides an efficient way of dealing with multiple
The operation of a liberalized power system requires attribute optimization problems. In this approach,
flexible and fast support tools, given the variety of membership functions are used to represent the
partially autonomous agents that can take decisions objective function and the constraints. This method
that compromise the security of the system. Section has several advantages:
7 will review some of the tasks and responsibilities
of the system operator and the support that can be It allows a flexible treatment of constraints (i.e.,
provided by artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. a certain degree of violation of a constraint can be
Generators working in a competitive pool must It provides an efficient and global evaluation of
evaluate a wide range of factors to prepare their bids several objective functions.
or asses their trades. Appropriate decision-support
tools can provide efficient solutions to these Nevertheless, a fuzzy optimization problem is more
problems, as will be discussed in section 8. complex than its crisp counterpart.

Finally, since a competitive industry will be more Some examples of fuzzy optimization applied to
focused on its customers, there will be an increased generation scheduling, unit commitment and
need for load modelling and control; some maintenance and fuel scheduling are presented in
developments in this field are described in section 9. (Niimura, Ueki et al., 1990; Su and Hsu, 1991;
Huang, Lin et aI., 1992; Maekawa, Yasuda et al.,
1992; Tomsovic, Skugge et al., 1993; Liang and
5. FUZZY TECHNIQUES AND PLANNING Hsu, 1994; Djukanovic, Babic et al., 1996; Guan,
UNDER UNCERTAINTY Luh et al., 1996).

Fuzzy techniques have been used to model

uncertainties in different power system applications. 6. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING IN MULTIPLE-
Fuzzy values can be used to represent uncertain
variables that are needed in power system planning. Many power system tasks require to make decisions
A usual approach to this problem is based on the use assessing multiple attributes. There are widely known
of several scenarios with associated probabilities. techniques for this, as well as the fuzzy approaches
However, this is a time consuming task (if the that were discussed in the previous section.

Knowledge engineering methods have also been instructions coming from a centralized control, but
applied to this problem. may have a certain degree of autonomy. This is
specially important if physical contracts
Some authors (Wang, Liu et al., 1994; Rosenwald, are allowed. In this case, the generation dispatch is
Liu et al., 1996) have proposed an approach to this not only a result of a centralized market, but
problem based on the following elements: generators can directly supply energy (i.e., can
modify their dispatch) through a bilateral arrangement
A graphical structure, the Goal-Decision with a consumer or reseller, by-passing the market.
Network, that represents the objectives, the
decisions that can have an impact on each Obviously, the independent system operator must
objective, and the information that is used to assess and authorize those contracts, and monitor
make each decision. their application. This process has different aspects:
Influence functions, that give a quantitative
assessment of the impact of each decision on each The losses caused by each transaction must be
objective. estimated and charged to the responsible
A search algorithm that looks for Pareto-optimal participants.
decisions in the Goal-Decision Network through The impact of each set of transactions in security
the application of three operators used to simplify must be evaluated. If they lead to the violation of
the network through the identification of sub- security constraints, the independent system
graphs. These operators are inspired in actions operator must re-schedule the transactions.
that are performed in human negotiation. Nevertheless, this rescheduling must be carried
out in a non-discriminatory way. For instance,
This procedure has been applied to interchange the Californian regulation establishes that the
contract negotiation and cogeneration planning. dispatch resulting from the pool cannot be given
priority over the bilateral transactions.
• Moreover, the rescheduling should preferably be
7. AI IN THE OPERATION OF A COMPETITIVE based on economic signals that would give an
SYSTEM estimate of how costly the rescheduling is for
each participant.
A competitive generation market requires three basic
functions: There are no complete and verified approaches to this
problem. Three interesting suggestions are discussed
1. The operation of the market (pool): collecting and in (Chao and Peck, 1996; McGuire, 1996; Wu and
processing bids, establishing the balance between Varaiya, 1996). In any case, all of them require the
generation and demand, computing the system precise and fast evaluation of the impact of a set of
marginal price that will be used to remunerate the transactions on security.
energy supplied by the generators, etc.
2. The operation of the system: monitoring the It must be noticed that, in this context, there is a
security of the network, taking into account all strong need for on-line security assessment. In
the physical constraints that can affect the traditional environments, the system operator usually
dispatch, authorizing and applying the generation carries out detailed off-line security analysis using
dispatch provided by the market, as well as the simulation software, to establish guidelines and
bilateral transactions; arranging the supply of criteria that will be the basis of a secure operation.
reserve and voltage control services, operating the On the other hand, generation and load patterns are
transmission network, etc. relatively predictable: generating units are usually
3. The ownership of the transmission network. operated according to yearly and seasonal schedules.

In "traditional" regulatory frameworks, functions 1,2 On the other hand, a highly competitive market with
and 3 are usually carried out by a single entity. For bilateral transactions can lead to rapidly varying
instance, this is the case of Red Electrica de Espaiia. generation and load patterns, caused by price
differences, contractual arrangements for fuel supply,
In competitive environments, functions 1, 2 and 3 etc. In this circumstance, there is no much support
can be carried out by separate entities (as in for a seasonal generation plan, unexpected events are
California). In other countries (such as Argentina) 1 more likely to occur, and a rapid response to each
and 2 are the responsibility of a single institution incident is absolutely required.
(CAMMESA) while transmission services are
provided by different entities. In the United Kingdom, Different artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have
functions 2 and 3 are united (The National Grid been applied to security problems. The most
Company), and function 1 is executed by The promising developments are based on neural
Electricity Pool of England and Wales. networks, decision trees, pattern recognition, etc.
They are based on the off-line analysis of a large set
The entity in charge of function 2 is usually called of power system operation points and contingencies,
the independent system operator. It is responsible for to generate a data base of examples. These examples
controlling the behaviour of the market participants, are later treated with an automatic learning algorithm
since they are no longer constrained to follow to extract security criteria.

pool environment is described in (Nieto, 1996). This
However, only a few research groups have developed system will evaluate the situation of the generation
and tested realistic-size applications (Cauley, Kumar plant, the evolution of the wholesale pool prices, the
et aI., 1993; Niebur, 1993; Wehenkel and Pavella, actual costs and other information to propose a bid.
1993; Wehenkel, 1994), and the development of an
on-line tool integrated in an control centre is not yet
accomplished. Moreover, there is no commercially 9. AI FOR MODELLING AND CONTROLLING
available system to support the generation of the data CUSTOMERS
base of examples.
The ability to accurately forecast electricity demand
will be increasingly important in a competitive
8. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS FOR environment, since it will allow the power marketers
TRADING SUPPORT to negotiate good prices for the energy that they buy.

Transparency and availability of information are There are many applications of neural networks in
required to obtain an efficient market. A solid demand forecasting, that will not be reported here.
structure of information processing and data But there are also approaches based on innovative
communication systems will be require to make sure applications of fuzzy techniques. For instance,
that all agents have access to the relevant data and can (Michalik and Mielczarski, 1996) describes a system
make informed decisions, and the regulation has to develop models of consumption patterns of
acknowledged this importance. For instance, the US domestic customers. The system is based on surveys
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has focused on the use of several electrical appliances.
established the basis for the so called Open Access
Same-Time Information System (OASIS), that will The main problem with these surveys is that they are
be the basis of the US electricity marketplace. only reasonably accurate if the sample of customers
is big enough: the load curve obtained for a reduced
Trading support systems are already offered by control sample can be quite different from the total load
centre manufacturers (MPS, 1996). Nevertheless, for curve. As a solution for this, the proposed system
the time being they are just data management tools makes use of fuzzy filters to represent the uncertainty
that do not provide much support to the traders. that is contained in the customers' responses to the
Knowledge engineering techniques can be of use in surveys. These filters produce a "fuzzified" version of
this task, and there are some interesting developments the customer's load curve. Thus, the load curve
or proposals. Unfortunately, given the commercially obtained from a reduced customers' sample is much
sensitive character of the information concerning closer to the one corresponding to a large population.
these systems, it is difficult to find details in the
technical literature. On the other hand, direct load control can be used to
reduce peak demand, allowing to contract less
An interesting example of expert system for trading capacity (thus reducing the fixed payments of the
support is described in (Robson, Whittington et aI., contracts). Nevertheless, load control must take into
1996). It has been developed in Scotland to support account that the satisfaction of the customer will be
one of the utilities there in their spot electricity sales. the first priority in a liberalized market.

Scottish Power and Scottish Hydro-Electric are An interesting system that makes use of fuzzy
vertically integrated utilities that are external techniques to control air conditioning equipment is
members of the English pool. They can bid into the described in (Bhattacharyya and Crow, 1996).
pool, as well as sell energy to their own customers
(while the English utilities are obliged to sell all
their energy into the pool). Additionally, the Scottish 10. CONCLUSIONS
can trade electricity among themselves. For instance,
if one of the companies has a temporary Artificial intelligence techniques could provide
unavailability of a power plant, it can buy the default efficient solutions to some of the planning and
from the English Pool or from the other one. operation problems that arise in competitive
electricity markets. However, for the time being,
The expert system is designed to support the traders only prototypes are available for the most promising
of Scottish Hydro-Electric in negotiating the price for applications. The development of industrial products
these sales, taking into account: still requires a significant amount of work. There are
on-going research efforts concerning the tasks and
The pool price, since it is the alternative price tools of the system operator, that will probably
that the buyer could pay to obtain energy. provide useful results in the next future.
The state of the interconnection with England, to Unfortunately, since some of the applications in
determine if the buyer could have access to it. other aspects of power system planning and operation
The perceived need for power of the buyer. can constitute important competitive advantages for
their owners, the development of collaborative
An interesting, albeit still preliminary, proposal of research efforts in these areas will be more unlikely.
expert system to assist in the preparation of bids in a

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