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Sam Stewart MellSSa Shetler


Brlan Casey, 」ohn Dunn, Cralg Ga=ant, Marcla Coiby, LIZa Lundgren,
Kelth Ryan Kappe上Katrina Ostrander, and 」ames Sphan, Jason Glawe, and Johanna WhIting
wlth Kathleen Berger and Brandon Purdue
Megan Duehn
ChrlStlne Crabb, Jane Kno町and Mark Po=ard
SlmOne E=lOtt and Amanda Greenhart
Sam Stewart
Corey KonleCZka
Ch「lS Beck wlth Shaun Boyke,
Samuel ShlmOta, and Evan SlmOnet ⊂RたATIVE DIRE⊂丁OR


ChrlS Beck and Scott NICely



Brlan Schomburg

⊂OVER ART ChrlStlan T Petersen

Anna ChrlStenSOn and Darren鴫n


事N丁ERIOR ART Playtest Coord'natOr Zach 「七Walthomas “Unrepentant’’

Lachlan “Ralth’’Coniey wlth Jordan DIXOn and Mark
Jacon AtlenZa, Arden Beckwlth, Greg Bobrowskl, McLaugh=n ′`The Ad Llberators’’Audun Gabrlel
Alberto Bontemp上Matt Bradbury, JB Casacop, `.」egerg「yte’’」⑦V=e Wlth Bard Eggen, Vegard Eld⑦en,

Ama ChrlStenSOn, Anthony Devlne, Ma…SZ Gandzel,

」onas Falsen, J⑦rgen “ExKwame’’N」⑦ten, and lvan
Audrey Hotte, 」eff Lee 」ohnson, Mark Molnar,
Andre Paulsen ′`ltam Threshold’’Percy Hudson wlth
Davld Auden Nash, Stephen Somers, Darren鴫n,
Kevm Land. Danlel M○○ney, Samantha Myers, ChrlS
Ryan Va=e, Ben Zweife上and the Lucas帥m art archlVeS
PaneltZ, Brett Smlth, and Matta Warwas “Kessel
Runners’’Chase “GlgerStreak’工eMaster wlth Davld
ART DIRた⊂丁iON Carro=, Sammy Carrol上Jlm 」oos, and  ̄rodd Monte

John M  ̄rall10n

MIChael Slglaln Frank ParlSI Leland Chee' Pablo Hldaigo’
and Matt Martln

F州TASY Fantasy Flight Games
FLIGIⅢ   1 995 West County Road B2
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」9]ee」8 ue∧e 8ulMO」8山0」川〕8u9J]S
S,JO」ed山] ∂u] "e∧e」d ’pe〕eul…l∂ Jl `」O-P91e⊃O同uOl=eqeと]
叫=O eSne⊃ e埴P「E叫8…ユe囲Sl:隼旧」e e8ue」]S "OqE)
S叫Iu Pue Senl〕三周qnS ePl∧O」d /e山eつ」O] eu⊥ uOISS∂」ddo
S.e」ld山ヨe囲」ePun e^lNnS PinOM O11M 9SO囲llt3 ]O OSle ]nq
S9∧leS山e巾SJeInSuO⊃JO r白uO ]Ou P9Jlnbe」 SuOISl〕eP ]ln⊃脚P
9いue叫8間e舟e山]Sed e肌理81Sul enblun」elnSu○○ elue」8
Pu門ueS∂」d 9即uO 8ul」e∂q ∂∧eu (e山PeeP 8u〇日eSn 9⊃」O]
e JO 91e] 9岨S叩eueq 9〕elP91肌ul ∂」O山JO甲」粥S u(訓Ou8i
O〕 eSOOu) " llu S」eSn e⊃」O] 」∂明O "∂lSuI Pue e8pelMOuy
」OJ乱l申」eeS `s]∂」〕eS S]l Olu1 9∧l∂P Pue /xele8 e囲JO訓Ol
e里∂」Oidx9 (eu⊥ 〕Sed 8uoI S]l O=⊃9uuO〕 OSlt3 1nq叫9Se」d
9叩ul ∂⊃」O] e叩JO用M 9111 O〕 u∂1Sii AluO ]Ou S」elnSu○○
S」eqeS叫811 」le埴8u印u8=e∧e mOu]lM u9]JO巾IM
P9uOxp∂」 eq O] 9〕」OJ e ure山∂」 SJe【nSuOつく9〕eed JO Slue山O山
u川∂∧] 91e〕S Jl]〕el晒e uo 」eMJO 9Pl] e囲Sulu」n] JO 31qed
-e⊃八unJ S8uleq 」e∧O⊃SIP =lM nO^ pue `e8」E’口E)寂el晒e巾
ul山e即」e]unO〕u] 8ul叫8u ∂囲山OJ中eMe Sl即急ueJ]S le6」
」19叩く」e∧eMOH el購qJO Pi〇日9u] uO PeePul S叫9uOddo elqeP
-1…OJ e」e有eM S冊u1 9〕」0] e囲O] Pe〕〕9uuO〕 S」elnSu○○
1」ed e⊃」0] 8ul∧l「 9囲e津山0〕準∂S中nJ] S」elnSuOつく∧xel晒
9即uI 9」n]ee」〕 」e里O /ue sビ]Sn「 Se巾ee」q Pue S∂∧旧l `s」e
-lnSu○○QL相e pe]Sn」] Pue Puel」j e9」eM]甲SeJleS到9⊃」0]
e巾O] uOl]⊃訓uO⊃ 」e8uo」〕S e準eS SJelnSuOつくsuol〕0山e UMO
」leい木川d山e O〕 ∧eM e Se u∂∧e 」O ‘uol]d∂〕9P」O `uol]○○]O」d
」O巾8ua月S 」O=I anS」nd r白21u S」∂Sn 9〕」O] 」e叩O Se9」e11M
StlVM tlⅦS N漢tIV「nSNO⊃ ∃H⊥
A PO丁EN丁FOR⊂E nothlng tO a Consular patlent enOugh to walt for the right
OPenmg When others grow frust「ated wl亡h d冊Cult negotia-
臣oR G○○田 t10nS, Consulars’patlenCe glVeS them the presence of mind

to hear both sldes, the leveIheadedness to contemplate thelr

A Consuiar’s expanslVe knowledge of hlStOry and lore often decISIOn, and the vlgllance to see lt lmPiemented, nO matter
Plays a ma」Or rOle ln Shaplng the decISIOnS he must face the tlme lt takes Wlthout patlenCe, a Consular can only ever
ln the course ofhlS llfe A wISe Consular makes use ofany act ln haste and may never be able to see the blgger PICture
knowledge he can flnd, from anclent 10re tO Wrlt亡en records,
Consulars’extenslVe knowledge and thelr dlSCernment tO
even lnCludlng rare artlfacts such as the ho10CrOnS left by
know how and when to apply lt, COmblned with the patlenCe
anclent Jedl Masters AImost no pleCe Of knowledge lS tOO
to stay the course, make them one o白he most potent forces
esoterlC OrtOO Smail to be ofuse atsome pomt
for good ln the gaiaxy
lf some blt Of myth from the anclent PaSt Of a remote
PeOPle’s hlStOry Can heip explaln the root ofa present-day
COnf‖Ct, lt lS the wISe Consularwho learns of lt and puts lt
胃岳A⊂E, W8SDOM.
to use Successful negotlatlOnS Ofany scale often rely on the KNOWしEDGE...
Consuiar’s abl=ty tO flnd the real cause of conf=Ct burled u臣

der the ha旧ruths and obfuscat10n both sldes use to 」uStlfy Where two opposlng Sldes exISt, there you w用find a Con-
thelr COntlnuat10n Sular hard at work as an ArblterOf the dlSPute The scale
Of the conf=Ct does not matter From the sma腫)St COmmu-
Knowlng the varlOuS forms of combat or the tactlCS Of an
nlty Squabbles to the largest ofgaiactlC COnfllCtS, the Arblter
OPPOnent Can help a Consular point Out the best defenslVe aP-
lS hard at work trymg tO broker peace ArblterS negOtlate
PrOaCh Knowledge of effectlVe teaChing methods and forms
for balance and peaceful resoIut10n They work tlrelessiy to
Of practiCe Can help the Consular lnStruCt a d怖cult Padawan
brlng those ln COnfllCt tOgether ln the hope that sett=ng thelr
Who camot see how what he lea「ns today wlil lmPaCt hiS Per-
dlfferences wl‖ lead to stronger communlt)eS Such commu-
formance ln the heat of battle Knowledge of rare Force tech-
nitleS are, after al上Iess =keiy to fall vICtlm tO the oftentlmeS
nlqueS has glVen mOre than one 」ed再he means亡O Carry On
dlSlngenuOuS Offers of the Emplre tO “Settle the matter’’for
thel「 =fe’s work beyond thelr aPParent demlSe Even such ap-
One Slde or the other Even when no apparent conf=Ct eX-
Parently t「iViai knowledge as the name of the last-aPPOlnted
iStS, lt lS =kely because an Arblter has taken steps to prevent
head of a locaI planetary farmIng COnSOrtlum Can have some
a ful上b10Wn Outbreak of hos帥ty behlnd the scenes, SOme-
bearlngOn a Consula「’s efforts lf put lntO the rlght context
tlmeS by elimlna帥g the source of conf=Ct PerSOna=y Whlle
Wlthou=he rlght knowledge, a Consular′s work lS COnSld- they are constantly workmg for peace, thlS does not mean
erably more dlffroult ln such cases, Vltal decISiOnS are mOre thatArblterS are lnCaPable ofcombat, merely that they pre-
akln tO gueSSWOrk than reasoned and mlndfui efforts  ̄ro a fer to settle thlngS aS PeaCefu=y as posslble
Consuiar, knowledge lS nearly everythlng
Co=ectlng and provldlng uSeful knowledge, the Sage works
However, nO amOunt Of knowledge w用bene臼t a Consular for the good of a= Anclent WISdom and teachlng Can Show
Who does not have the dlSCemmen=〇 SOrt through lt and new and lmPOrtant lnSlghts to Sages, maklng thelr etemal
SeParate that whlCh lS lmPOrtant from that whlCh lS nOt The quest for knowledge all the more lmPOrtant Sages truly un-
Consular’s dlSCemment may be the only clue avallable when derstand that knowIedge lS POWer Applylng that knowledge
llStening tO OPPOSlng Sldes ln Order to resolve a confllCt and power to the world around them brlngS a PurPOSe tO
Sages’efforts that few would wl‖ingiy shun After al上What
Seelng the feln=hat hldes the kl‖lng blow may mean =fe
Sages leam lS lmPOrtant tO al上for lt nOt Oniy guldes thelr
Or death ln the moment A pupii may have dlf龍ulty wlth
decISIOnS but can而Iuence those of others as well
tralnlng, but the diSCernlng maSter Wl= know why, Wlthout
havlng tO aSk Consulars’comectlOn tO the Force does not Some Force users, PartlCularly Consulars, belleVe that the
avail them lfthey have not the ab冊yto hearand understand trapplngS Of modem gaiactlC冊e separate lndlVlduais from
Wha=he Force lS te帖ng them VISIOnS from the Force mat- thelr true POtentlal to connect to the Force AscetlCS take
ter not lfthey cannot te= the actual from the posslble or slft thlS One SteP further to AscetICS, the Force lS a旧mportant,
through those posslbl=tleS tO determlne What mlght happen SO they eschew anythlng that threatens to weaken thelr COn-
glVen a PartlCuiar course ofactlOn nectlOn tO lt Often, an AscetlC’s only possessiOn lS a =gh亡-

The Force lS a =Ving thlng, but lt Offers no clearslgnPOStS Saber ln retum, the AscetlC eXPerlenCeS a COmeCtlOn tO the
Force that few others ever know For thiS Consular, the Fo「ce
about the future or the past merely hlntS and suggestlOnS
becomes more than 」uSt a guIdlng hand, lt becomes almost
Ofwhat couid be and what may have been l白S uP tO the
Consuiar to decide what the Force has revealed and how to Wha=he AscetlC IS He knows such a c10Se COmeCtlOn that
make use o白t
every moment ofhlS =fe lS dlreCted by and ln SerViCe tO the
LlVlng Force What he glVeS uP m POSSeSS10nS and dlStraC-
Even then, the Force often speaks sIowly, dlSCIoslng ltS Wl‖
tlOnS, he makes up for ln Force-1nSPlred wISdom and spirltual
Only over tlme Consulars often flnd themselves relylng On Strength Some saythatto trulyembrace theAscetlC llfe lStO
PatlenCe tO leam what the Force has ln StOre for them becomeonewlth the Force ln lifeaswell as m death
PatlenCe a=0WS the Consular to fo=ow a tra= of scant evl- Niman DISCIPles relleS On thelr Skl‖s wlth a llghtsaber to
dence to an lmPOrtant dlSCOVery When others mlght grow defend themseives and protect those who flnd themselves
Weary and glVe uP The onrushing biows of an enemy are m need or are themselves seeklng PeaCe for others Nlman

二// ̄


一七着 / ̄     子一 ̄- ̄ ̄
’edou uo se∧ii 」elnSuO⊃ ∀
SuO呼nllS-SuOi昨」8eiJuOC) 8u!uueds世卸S/S O叩dn 8
’昨囲」9〕Je 〕Xeu e囲」0 田eu1 8ui叫e^e」d ’se士別Sn」q SeuS嘩叩X∂ JelnSuO⊃ eSIM eu⊥ Je
-1nSuO⊃ e JO 9Sne⊃∂q Pe∧iOSe」 e」e Sl⊃蝿uO⊃ ie〕Oi JO SPueSnOu⊥
]Xeu e囲Sde甲ed ue明`uope」∂ue8 s時日Ou JI 」einSuOつe明」O=O町i 9」9M 」el肌J!」8 Jey嶋eq PinOM uO!時
子u!S e囲`∧肌==e∧e」e11M uO用∂qe」 8uluSn」⊃ `∧xel晒uMOuy
P∂」O]S∂」 eq =iM 」∂P」O IP∂「e囲時囲∂dou 9肥
叩SSO」〕e e8ed山榊S〕l Senui]uO〕∴e」ld山ヨe囲Pue e]e」ed
e⊃eed ]eeq =lMAxei晒e囲Pue `」nつつO =iM副ld山喜e明JO -S9P 9」e Selun ∂=uM S」einSuO⊃ JO S耳O捕SSele川e111 O] ued

Puee印判〕∂dou e肥’uOl呼∧leS」i∂囲ul印PuePuU lllM/∂囲 e8」el ul enP Sl /epo〕 S〕SIXe ]l Se Axel晒∂明JO ∂de11S e山
‘9⊃」O] e囲JO =iM 9哩O〕8ulP」O〕〕e ‘∧ep 9uOle巾edou e肥
乞田e埴Se∧uP ]eu州 善d⑬聞’’’
とS準!」甲nS e渦A9囲OP相M cSl明月e OP /e囲OP相M
di∂u Ol準eS∧e囲 uoiln川Su川eSe lP∂「e111OI Pue uE eeS uOOS PlnOMAxele8∂囲
’epq¥ 」e]SeIN Se 11⊃nS `」9u〕ee」有印OM e JO uOl]colPeP ∂囲]nO
∂SO明JO 8uleq-=9M Pue Se^ll e巾O=粥川] SnO」e8uep e se
-岬M両S 9S」QM山∂囲PunO」e 9SO囲Se Se∧leS山e囲O]」e8uep
ue9S 9」e A9囲ue11M ue∧9 Pue ‘s9〕ue]S山n〕」l〕乱(P ui ue∧e 8ui
-Si∧Pe Pue ‘e8pelMOuy 8ul準eS ‘8ulPln8 ul ]SIS」∂d /9Ll⊥ ue⊃ e甲nlu Se ’9PIS甲eP 9明」OJ S]eu8e山e^l〕lSu9S-e〕」O] Peul卯
-昭u ue明∂」0山OU eq PinOM S」9Sn ∂⊃」0]血eu troM.S」∂u〕e乱
^e囲e」euM Pue u∂uMSildnd uo e準〕 O] enし同uO⊃ S」elnSuOつ
川0囲W十村e]Se山ienlu9∧9 O=揮d 」ie里uO ]」即S ∂lqiSSOd
Il11S S」9山…18 "∂q /eu 〕川8nou u月a ’S〕」E)9申l∂里ul
lS9q 9囲/eM IP∂「 e哩jO S叫ePn]S8uno∧ e^18 o〕 PeP99u叫OM
edoL川]lM e」n叩e囲P」eMO団00i `∧xp唾∂囲JO Seu〕e〇月S91月 -PunO」8 e囲S佃」9甲e軋e明く」O]〕nJ]Sui PeSOu-P」e=leu ‘叫○
-」eJ e囲ul /eMe Pe制⊃∂S ‘ouM 9SO明e」e e」eu十=l〕S S9Pe〕eP
○」ed e]晒O○○nS胆H S」elSun ]Sed /q p∂]弱」つSuO」〕OiOu u∂∧∂・
」OJ 9u=⊃∂P ul ueeq e∧eu S」∂Sn e⊃」O] 8uiulE汁u∂」 eu仁山e囲
Put3 ′s8ulP」O⊃e」OIOし仁S」eSn 9〕」O] 」∂囲O山O」J OI SS9〕〕e ∂∧eu
e]則l…e]Xe OI S]」O鵬"enbesqns s′」9P臥P」O「 Pue 98」nd
(∂囲e∂pelMOuy 9囲OSle叩q S∂〕uel」edx9 」l∂明AluO ]Ou uO
S.eu11edied 」O」ed山喜0] 1SOl lPe「 e明]O =e lSO山IE叫llM
M軌P S」e甲e乱川IOd ]e巾O〕 8ul「8uno∧ e s8ui」q OuM 」e甲e軋
9」n叩e11=〕;削E) u∽ (epol u9準] SuOI〕⊃e ∂明Si]l `」eP」O iP9「9囲Puea⊃」O]e囲JOS∧eM9里uI山間eSle」
lPillM O] ]ue]Xe e巾」elnSuOつ∂叩ue囲」∂〕leq MOu)1 M9] Pue ueMePec] e e8晒ue /E)山」eSn 9つ」0]相e elluM S」9LPe計
ら山O⊃9q OuM S」elnSu○○ ∂SO囲JO SPueu 9囲ul e= Aeu ’JleS〕l
(Xei晒e111 O] P9u」n坤」 ∂⊃eed pue p∂〕eeJeP e」ld山喜eLll
/x叩8 eu=O PeePul Pue ‘」eP」O IP∂「 e囲JO 9」n叩∂u⊥
Se∂S岬叩1ulOd 8uldd11 e叩eq PlnO⊃ `∧epo]JOS」9Sn 9〕」O] 9明
∧q p∂佃d山e Pue POO]S」∂Pun Al」edo」d “s8u冊∂Seu=O血∀ 叫OMre P」eu Pue∂ue〕S eu] uO」eleeH e9eS
]Sed e即O S9渦S… ]Sul晒e p」en8 pue `e」n叩9里O] SePln8 O] PeSeeld rfue∧ 9」E S⊃肥∂Pld∂山0」J 8ul」9unS SeI]lun山田O〕
Se 9∧」eS ue⊃ `lcol巾八田PuE, 9n」〕囲Oq `s91e] PIO e〕」O] e叩 相eIN e⊃」O] ∂囲jO ePiS叫eP e埴9q O〕 Se∧0」d ]l jl ue∧e.9q
JO S8ulquOM 9明O叫l川81Sul Pue `suol〕e〕Ol ejeS Pue e」n⊃9S (e山]l 」e∧∂]ellM Pue 」e∧e」9uM ’ss9u=i JO eSne〕 ]OO」 e囲"O
`uol時uJ」OJui 91qenle∧ ePi∧O」d plnO〕 `pe」9∧0〕SIP月 `]e囲
S準eS 」eleeH e巾‘os 8ulOP ellllM ]SO山]l P9訓OuM ∂SO囲
Se〕eld pue s8uleq JO 」euueu "臼9」e 9つ」O] e囲ul叩IM u∂P O] Ple Pue ]」O川O〕 ePl∧O」d o] 9〕」0] ∂叩SeSn 」eleeH e巾
-PIH S」eSn a⊃」O] MOllej O] Pue /xE>lE)8 a囲O1 98pelMOuy Meu
村uo ]nq `spunoM8ulPu∂山Pue ‘s山o〕d山∧s 8ulつnP∂」 ‘s訓n「u1
8ui8…q `lnO Sel」elS人山9S∂明SyeeS 」elnSu○○ eu⊥ lle le JO 8し時ee」]呼Pelll準OSle e」e S」e印O SMO=∂=le甲山O」J uJ9叩
uMOuy S1 9⊃ue]SIXe 」ieu川`]SO口岬no囲8uo1 98pelMOuy Pue usln8し同SIP ]eul叫81Sul Pue e⊃uePm8 」O] 9つ」O] e囲O]uI d開
S〕⊃勘1」e ule]uO⊃ Seid山9]叫el⊃u∀ 山e囲」∂∧O⊃S!P O] Pe小nS 0自由=qe ,S」∂ieeH 《s]」e 8u=eeu 9囲ul Pe8撚ue 9uO血e 」OJ
=eM Sl 」elnSuOつ∂囲Pue `s91」e]S血u爪Je山Seu 9⊃」O] e岨 Syse] e」O〕 9」e 3SO囲91間M SPunOMJO8u=e9u Pue SSeul= JO
8uun⊃ e」∂山∂甲PuO/eq 」eJ O8 s∂l掴qe Pue S叫ele] S,」ele9H
JeinSuOつ8ulPu郎」ePun Pue "e鴫d
e `snol∧qO山○○S舟e山」9ie9H e囲JO elO○ ○u子血e山0] 911uM
e JO S]」OJJe e叩0〕 S測e囲PIOJ 9囲O叩xpeq叫8no」q ueeq
e∧E申9PIS刈eP e囲O] u9i闇」O u叩O8」OJ Pue]SOl 」e111ie ‘lPe「 S叫OM POO8 uMO 」「eLl1 8ulnu刑0〕 u」n〕 ul `e∧e叩Ou
」∂…OJ ue∧] e」nSS9」d lE)l」∂d山口O 9〕lds u1 8u画ddns d99斗 ∂SIM」∂囲0 ]118… O11M e山Ou P9u」n]∂」 ∂uOeuJOS時明]uee山
O=ellddns佃y e pe〕ui∧uO⊃ 」O `9叩dsIP 」Oqel e P∂]E)lPelu Se11 uOM印岬q e相eIN S」∂叩O JO eSueJeP Pue uOi]⊃e]0」d
JelnSu○○ e eSne〕9q S∂llddns epl∧0」d o〕 anul"O〕 9〕u坤l∀ ∂叩ul Pe8鴫ue se∧leS田9111 PuU ue"O SeldiつSiG ue…N Sel]
-1囲e e∧iSu9JeP 」l∂明O〕 Syue囲印eu皿=9 O〕引n⊃脚P ‘〔沖〕eq
e巾O] lell∧ Sei」]SnPul uOl〕en]lS ∂囲∂ZillqelS Pue yuuq e甲
山0」川〕eq山eu1 8ul」q O]佃M e SPu即elnSuO⊃ e `uoi岬l助e JO Pl∂リe明uO S]ueuOddo 91qePl…OJ山e巾e沖田’sel紺qe
iel」ed山口O 98p∂ e明uO 」9199] S山e]S/Sんe]9ueld u∂11M e〕」O] 」19囲囲iM P訓q山O〕 `」eqeS叫8" 9明岬M =l準,Seldl⊃SiG

belngS Who are a part o白t lt lS through thiS understandlng

tha=hey can find peace for themselves and brlng lt tO Oth-

ers However. thlS IS nO eaSy taSk, and too often peace lS Only
found on the other slde of turmol=n thelr CeaSeless quest
for understandlng, Consulars are both student and teacher,
acqulrlng knowiedge forthemselves and passlng lt On tO those
who w用Carry l=O future generat10nS ThlS IS a rOle fl=ed wlth

danger, but for Consulars, knowledge and understandlng are

the greatest weapons a Jedl (Or any llVlng belng) can wleld ln
the battle agalnSt the Emplre and the dark slde ofthe Force

丁he cornerstone of the way of the Consular lS the

acqulSltlOn Of knowledge-mOSt Often the secrets and

10S=eaChlngS Of the Jedi Order There are few endeavors
more dangerous ln the galaxy The Emplre has destroyed
or conflSCated most of thlS lnformatlOn The few fragments
that remaln are We= hldden and can be川gh lmPOSSIble to

understand For a= thelr WISdom, these Consulars are no

Jedl Knlghts, and un=ke prevIOuS generat10nS Of thelr bro-
ken legacy, they do not have the wISdom ofthelr elders to
ca= upon Countless months or years often end ln f「ustra-


nS ’1ue関りつきll富田○
」刷〕 PuU OI Pue u!ed 」即uJ!S
SJell]O d19理1Oq Ol edou s」e胆∀ `山叩PuO∧eq
OuJ Pue Se」n旧相ee 」ie田山O」J 8u岬eei何周
Soul:帰山OS PuB甲1eM相u印ed /(e明く98p9iMOu)口O Pe∂S e閏
8u!1ueId 」判∀ ●]Ouue○ S」quSuOO SrねM u叫O!担川QJu1 6哩eSn 」訓u=O 9SueS iieuJS e山OS Pu導O]8uluu!∂eq ∂」e伯囲‘8uiu⊃」e9S
ue○ OuM 9SO囲OI S囲nJ=坤∧ eS9囲uO SSed A9叩`peelSui -lnOS JO S」e∂∧ 」三周∀ 〕〕=JuO⊃ l則J9]u1訓rOS e∧lOS∂」 Ol elqeun
P9開田e囲l∂8 Ale洲1SO山PinOM時ll⊥ ’PIO∧ e囲O叩uO〕eeq e」∂M A9囲eSne⊃∂q Pe]つe「e」 u9eq e∧t3u叫8… SJe]!q」V
e euiuS村d山!S IOuue〕 S」elO甲S en∂o」 St? 8し周つきS」elnSuO⊃
`」9∧eMOH ’SSeu刈eP ]S9d∂eP e明ue^e uO "811 P∂uS ue〕 P哩 判ed sno」e8uep e uo山9叩e〕eld /恥8ulPue]S」eP
-un JO xpE’i 」le囲"q `iel叫elOd ]e㊤」8 e∧eu /eu⊥ SuOileZiu晒」0
/e囲S囲n」] e囲Pue mn」]」QJ ]Senb 」i9哩ui S」el〕e」eu⊃ ∂Sell]
」9囲O」O e」id山ヨ叩⊃ele〇 e里句e∧l〕18nJ eJOeJli e囲O叫l P9⊃」OJ
SePm8 e〕」O] ∂u⊥ -∂」!d山王e明Aq山e囲O〕 Pe月?Pu晒E,do」d pue
8uleq 」O uMO 」le囲uO "O 8ul判〕S 」eu担e」OJ9q SP」eZIM "u∂○
uol]d9⊃9P 9111 9∧9"eq OuM eSO囲O川8uliee∧9」 (相ue]」Od皿
○○○ Pue SJO]ue山uePPlu山O」J SuOSS91 8ul準1嶋P」O IP9「 e叩
9」O田`叩q囲n」] ∂囲8uIPuU AluO IOu O] Se∧l∋S山∂11] 91e〕lPeP
epIS]nO SuO印PeJ] ui 8u岨IEJ] Pe∧i9⊃e」 Selelllul P∂甲e] 」e囲O
S」elOu⊃S 9n∂oとI ePu晒edo」d pue 9⊃uE」Ou8i JO uO11ePunOJ e
uo eJ!du昌明〕叩D Slu SP=nq eul時dlec=O」ed山] S冊MOuy e⊃」O] ∂巾ul囲ed uMO」旧Ll1
S」elOu〕S ∂n8o」 Pue 8ui11] SnO」∂8uep e∴eq ue⊃ e8pelMOu〉」 8ulPuU∵^x坤謁9囲le∧eJ] S〇時間u「 Pei駒e囲.Pe]eui…e〕Xe
S叫81u)イ「Pe「e囲Pue /Xel晒e明8u岬」 MOu e」ld山喜e囲いlM
増V「OH⊃S ∃n90H 山eu] P∂uOPueqe Peu胆J (9叩uO11eZiu晒」O eLl] uO Sxpeq
J19囲P9u」n〕 Ald…S 9山OS `」eP」0 ∂囲O] S∂P陀Se eN∂S PlnO⊃
u」E9「 Pue MO」8 s」∂囲O dieu O] 98p9lMOu〉口e囲∂Sn 産油∂」911M `sd」Oつe⊃lN9S IPe「 e1月Pe」elu∂ S9〕el]iul PeiieJ
Pue山9囲O〕 P∋l粥∧∂」 AIMOIS Se〕uel」edxe e囲e準] O] 9⊃uELP 9Se囲JO相e山訓uM ere印ul JO測e」 e囲PuO∧∂q eSO月e∧eu
e」e⊃」O] 9囲Aq山e囲O〕 uMOuS木uun]」Oddo puo〕eS e Se ∧e囲`d叫Se叩ue」dde olul山eu"d∂つつe PlnOM S叫∂間男IP∂「
“e」nl周。 」le囲eeS S」9u〕e軋向日w e川」l∂囲P∂∧eS村qeqo」d Ou 」O `e山E美) e山l] 9明u∂11M SueMePec] 9山O〕eq O〕旬」nlelu
Pue」eP」0 1P9「eLl] ui e〕eld e lu∂囲]SO⊃囲Oq 〕q巾Se準]S… e囲SSeSSOd ]Ou PIP /eu3 ‘準e∧∧ OO] Pe8pn「 SeM e⊃」O] ∂囲
`]Sed JleいJO S∂準]S… e甲山O」] P訓」eel e∧E)u S」eu記軋
O] uO11〕euuO〕 」leLl] Je即euM ueMePec=O Sn呼lS 9Ll] e∧ellPe
u∂∧9 〕Ou PIP相e山〕ee」8 e ‘]⊃eJ ul "81u〉イJO yue」 e囲O〕
Peu」e∂i ∂q ]Sn山SuOSSel P」e11相e山u〕luM uOdn pE?O」 8uol
9SO」 」eP」O !Pe「 P9∧o」]S∂P-MOu 9巾ul PeNeS OuM昭ユON
e se 9⊃」O] e囲ul Aeu」nO「 」l∂明e9S Pee〕Sui Ae囲‘suE?MePEd
lPe「 e山O⊃∂q O1 9⊃」O] 9111 ul準∂M OO] 9q OユPe8pn「訓eM
(e囲118nou⊥ ∂〕u∂l〕ed山9叩1118ne] Seu eJll Pue `p∂SSed MOu
9∧叫S」e〇人`se8es相臥几」0]叩日 u」eei Ol 」e8ee 〇〇十∂∂p9
epISquE)Pe巾O川]ed印qns]9∧ IVMS e明SiSlu⊥有印ePl
-1MOuy 」OJ布S」冊OO〕 SeM a8es e囲∵明nO∧ ul Sde11」9d
」le即O ∂nl」l∧句中d…S lu即Od… 〕SO山∂囲e」eSUOl]⊃E"l∂即
8uiPueJeP囲」OM e」e le囲SleePl ue∧e Pue Pue `p」OM」19い`=lM」le即u瑚M ui山Si〕Odsepん8un叩eMOd
’∂ldo9d `s8ul囲PeuSl」∂甲血e山9」e e」eu=e里eZiu8o〕e」八〇明
‘uoi〕〕n」]SeP S,」eP」0 1Per9叩JO e準M e即ui ]nq `s」9111O uOdn
-1OJ O11M SJt3lnSUOつ8ul」∈現nS Pue `e⊃u晒o」」E? `∂Pl」d oI Peel
e〕uelOl∧ Pll岬Ol e」iSeP ;出川∂∧Eu Aeu⊥判ed sl1月8uol曾 ut3J甲粥」 PuO八〇q ]Sn「 S(eMie S1 1eu] a〕睨d 91qi8u即ul e山OS
山91118uiPeel ‘山∂囲8ulPln8 9」eMJleS]l a〕」O] e即I Se `ue山iN 」OJ ruE)SSe○○u 9」e Sd9〕SS… 」Ou… Pue S"∧e llt3uJS ]e囲Jelleq
e囲JO S∂nbluu坤9叩8ul叩⊃e」d碕∧印n叫I Se∧l∋S山e明PuU e岨C“POO8 」e〕ee」8,, SnOlnq9u e1旧O中uE)SS∂○○u Se P∂Ul]Sn「
山9叩JO ISO山`pe9]Su「 PunO」8xpeq s冊0] S9山O⊃ ]l ueuM ]Ou SuO11⊃t3 」ie旧9」e ue明∵p9P」E’8e」 u三男O OS 9」e Ae囲St3
’s8ul∂q ]SeSIM e間引e S」elnSuO〕 Jl ’p∂∂Pui 」elSe∋ ]Xeu e巾
佃」e」 E eId害⊃S!a ue田!N 9囲8ul津山.uOi〕〕nJrsul 」∂qeS叫811
1euJ」OJ P9^19〕9」 Sd」Oつe〕iNeS IPe「 e明u1 9SO明]O M∂] e湿田uco P9uSPOOiq ○○J uOl〕E⊃即Sn「甲E)e (恒〕eunl」OJun
布ule]」9〕叫981=P Pue木ul…nu eld皿S ePIS )1」eP 9里O=eSOl〕 ∂J= ]e巾9準] OuM eSO囲
囲「M準E=le囲]nOqe ]eS中oelnb (∂11] ’ssoI S「L11 Aq小yien川Ids Me」P O] Su∂]e3」里Pue e〕」O] 9印ul相o…euSIP JO eldd肌e
Pue五両⊃lS旬d囲Oq `pepunoM u99q 9∧eu OuM eSO囲9」O〕Se」 -囲Oue Se〕ee」〕 ]SOi 9J= 11〕粥時間uO印u∂o⊃e」 eu川〕lM S/eMle
Ol e∧eu (e明S期8]euM eSn Ol布np」l∂囲SE) ]( 9eS (e岨SSOi Si ]l `eoJ e ]SulE,8e sI川e 8ulSl剛Se∧leS山e明PuU S」einSuO〕
elql」」∂〕 e囲山O」JんeeM Pue PePunOM叫ei 8ul∧eu `」∂P」O 9囲 ue11M P9」eds eq ue〕 e川u911M uMe」P小e」E’」 e」e SuOdeeM
JO Slue山8e」持e1 9巾SeSe∧leS山e囲∂∂S S」ele∂H相e囚」∂P」O SSO=∂ユee」8叫9∧e」d o川O鵬ue ul AluO OS OP (9Lll `9〕」OJ le明
IP∂「 e叩JO S叫eu山e」 ∂」e /eL1=e叩ue^18在席lつ∂ds9 ‘]SO山 -e1 9Sn Ol uOdn pe"e⊃ e」e S」t3lnSuO〕 u9uM PePIO∧E) 9q lOu
ue唱eJO山SILl] Pue]S」∂Pun S」aleaH 山∂印ePe山OuM eSOLl] -ue〕 ∂朋E)q u9uM Seu川〕 9」e 9」9叩‘s"O鵬IleJO 9]lds ui `]臥
叫neu Ol xpt3q ∂山O⊃ S∂準]Sl山PiO d∂eP un」 SPunOM PiO
e刑SSOd Je∧euauM/ep 9叩JO」eP」0 9叩e」e
/3明1Sn山OO] OS Pue `uo p9∧O山Seu Axei晒e囲MOu uos弱」 PueんeuoidlG PelSnellXe u∂∂q 9∧eu SuOl]do 」∂囲O
lnq」euJO〕∂q O] Pedou 9⊃uO /∂囲uOS○○d 9囲JO S」ePu…9J =B 」e弔e ‘"OSe」 〕Se=3 ]=ePISuO⊃ S∧eMle S」einSuOつくreqluO⊃
Se 〔〃u∂S ]SEd e囲JO Se渦S… ∂皿e準S uMO Sll 」O川]Ed p9」e〕 jO in耳E9=Ou e問M ulE生u9」 〕e囲∂〕粥d JO S]e沖Od ∂li8叩
-〕e」un e囲判EM O] u18∂q /e111 ‘山∂囲O"l∂SII Suedo e〕」0] ell]
MeJ e里村eMe dl」 O] u〇時∂」囲9Jl」]S Pue P」O⊃SIP JO Selddl」
Se "q `se準〕S… ]Sed囲M S∂∧leS山eu] eli〕uO〕e」 O〕 〕dlu∂]]e uSl u∂uM 9Su9S O] eiqe u9男O 9」e S」elnSu○○.9⊃」O] e囲O] uOIJ
-iO。] e Se u18印判8i山Sl11⊥ S訓nlleJ SnOl∧9」d 」19Ll] 」OJ SPuelue ○○9uuO〕 」le明月0 9Sne⊃明S8ul囲=e岬M Auo…eu ul SMOiJ
’uoISSn⊃SIP u8no川口瑚uO〕 e∧lOS9」 」e叫nO〕ue Ae11] S8uleq
dleu O〕 ∂⊃」O] e11] ul S帖準」le囲eSn S岬山OldlP 8ul」ePueM S」e
-囲Oue1月d(eu訓O山Peeu rsn「9山OS○○1doed =e句`s]ue山0山
=e ul PunOJ eq ue〕 eJe∂dユq岬∂Z岨8o〕9」 S」ElnSuO〕岬e9」 0]
Seユ郎(see su閃山Ou /q 9」e(e里1nq ‘e〕」O] e囲JO S/EM e囲
u口depe 9SO囲JO S甲e山i回訓e木y=nbuE)」〕 PuE) 9⊃eed 」euul
]uePn]S e囲e山0〕∂q S∂uJl]∂山OS /e山
」e中日軋e唱Aqe」∂uM98p9iMOu消OSlunOJ 9」e/eu3 Se `peni臥
A"el〕9ds9 9」e S」eSn e〕」0]叫ei⊃ue /q ]dey副OI JO S9山O] Pue
SuO」〕OIOH PeNeSe」d eq lSn山Pue 9Jll O] SuOSSel 」ie11] 8ul」q
S〕=乱u〕nS le囲eZlu8o〕e」 S」O]⊃nJ]Sul eS∂u⊥ ∂⊃」O] e明JO
S/eM e叩u」eel O川SIM OuM 9SO明O] Slde⊃uO⊃ 11n瑚iP eS間e
判O Ae∧uO⊃ O]山e囲eSn Pue ]St3d e甲山0」J S]⊃∂「qO ]nO準∂S
=iM 」e甲e叫e Se…〕∂山OS OS ‘9SueS le⊃lS相d /ue ul PeLPnO]
eq ]Ouue⊃ ]1 8u冊eiq18ue叫l `snolnqeu e Sl a⊃」0] 9u⊥
E’lOue」ed uo s」9P」Oq呼叩
SS9ue」eMe JO le∧el e唱lM Seu〕」t3eS 」le囲]〕nPuO⊃ O] S98es
Seつ」O川〕luM ′^xel晒91月ul S8u19q Pe叫eM ]SO山9111 e」e ]l 」OJ
11〕」eeS OuM eSOu⊥ e」id山喜∂囲]Sul晒e ∂印E)q 9囲ul uOde∂M
SnO」e尋uep 〕SO山9u] S叫叩」] e里uOSe訓e」OJ訓ld山! e里(q
(P〇八0」1SeP ue∧e」O) uepplu e」∂MS叩川口l∂明叩日9⊃」O] 9囲JO
S」e]Se山]SOI Aq pul岬q ]矧SP」O〕〇月O川J」朗S Pee〕Sul Se8es
相eIN ulun乱S」O]u∂山u⊃nS M9=nq-〕Sed 9明山O」J S」ePleJO
SP」OM e明u「 PunOJ eq uきつ山OPSIM ]e囲SMOuy e8es乱l⊥
OS e」O山]Ou Jl鵜訓O le〕lS相d
e se 9S。」9Xe len]l」lds e 1pnu Se Sl 」eP」O 3SOl e11=O uOdeeM`
e囲8ulPle間`seldl〕SIG ue山IN相el⊃∂dse pue ‘lP〇日Ie 」O]
」eqeS叫811 9明jO ]」e e1月Pulu∂q旬dosoilud e明SSn⊃SiP ]e明
SP」O〕e」 8u刷e山∂」 ∧uビSe lleM Se 《suo」〕O10u Pue S]Xe=euOl〕
-⊃n」〕Sui mO yeeS Seldl〕Sla ue山iN ∧ue山`spo囲9山uOi]⊃n」〕S
-uO〕 Pue Sle]Sん⊃ 」OJ 11〕」eeS SnOl∧qO 9里PuO(eq seo8 slu⊥
侶O10u甲∂=eqeS叫8= ]SOl uO uOl]e81]Se∧u=le囲Sn〕OJ S⊃l
-1e月OJ Axel晒e囲」nO〕S OuM SeidPS!a ueu"N "le」nleN
]ue〕Ouul e里PueJeP PuE) xp∂M e明
]○○〕0」d o]山e囲e nニSeq =lM〕E判SPue11 9u]ui19S9」e八〇里
]e旧9eS =lM M91∧」nd 」leu] ePIS]nO S]⊃eJl川3」∋∧0〕SIP OuMS」e
-1eeH相eIN Axei晒9u3 SSO」Je SPunOM SS〔沖unO〕 ∂囲eSOl〕
d「9u O=ePJO ul Se」nSe叩eS9明]nO準9S S」eIeeH e山OS
PePunOM ∂囲JOいきd 9甲eSee Pue ejll JO uOl]e^」∂Se」d
9叩ul PIE PlnO〕 ]e里A8oIOuu⊃〇月SOI JO S9〕91d ]SIXe e」eu]
PleS S同‘∂〕」O] 9即PleiM OuM eSOいJO SuOillPeJ] (ue山e里
SSO」〕∀ S8ul1月8ul∧ll lle O〕 P91]相席⊃lSul」]ul S1 9〕」O] eu⊥
PePeeuSlユi See山lユ
e甲nS同un Pe∧」9Se」d eq uE)〕訓O Ou Aq p∂P191M Pue M9J
l⊃∂i∂S巳OユPeie∂∧e」 S口きい]⊃e川」e ue.S二川e〕S∀町村e」〕eS
」ele9」8 ue∧e ul PePnO」uS uOue⊃Ol e ul ul晒e ]9∧ AeMe ueP
-Plu乱e S〕⊃e「qO甲nS `pe」e∧O⊃SIP e〕uO 叩eu∂q 〕S9]e∂」8
eu=O eq ut3〕 ∂Sn」19囲u9uMSe山O〕 e山l] eしPnS ll]un SPut3u
昭山O」J 9JeS田e囲8uldee)仁SuOi〕e」eue8 arn叩」OJ S9nbl]ue
ese叩e∧」eS∂」d o] 9dou s叩e〕S∀ `pE)elSui Se∧leS山e明」〇月l
eP」Ou O=eP」O ul SJ=e」 」O) u⊃」E)eS 〕Ou OP S二時9⊃S∀ 9n」] SI Sl叩
`esues e山OS ul Pl」OM l∽lS相d 9巾山O」J叫e山甲e]∂P 」le叩
u9∧18 `んO〕訓Pe」叫O⊃ 山∂eS叫8… S」e準∂S 〕=e」叩e⊃S∀

Of peace and deslre tO brlng harmony to the conf=CtS arOund
them, the quest for wISdom lS nOt Wlthou白ts perlis Eamest
and well-meanlng CurlOSlty Can SPira=ntO ObsessIOn lf Consui-
ars do no=read carefuily Consulars must take great care to
ensu「e that they do not seek knowledge for personal power
Fewer thingS are mOre dangerous than a secre=hat lS known
to only a few, and the sense of power that comes from belng
One Of the select few can create prlde and arrogance lf the
Consular lS nOt Carefu上

Wlth deep understanding, there sometimeS COmeS a SenSe

Of superlOrlty Consuia「s can come to be=eVe their knowL

edge makes them better than the less-educated beings who

SurrOund them Such ConsuIars sometlmeS Seek greater and
more eluslVe SeCretS. in tlme, this can deve10P lntO an Obses-
SIOn ln Which Consuiars gather hidden両ormation and name
themseives the singuiar stewards of these secrets, Withhold-
ing SuCh knowIedge simply because they decide only they
are worthy to possess it

Even those who are abie to remain humble can face cor-
ruptiOn from their discoverieS. ConsuIars search endlessiy
for a deeper unde「starlding of the Force; before long言t is
iikely that they w用discover hoIocrons, lost tomes, Or anClent

SeCretS that deta= one ofthe many paths leading to the dark
Slde of the Force・ Wh=e ConsuIars seeklng tO fo=0W the path
Of the Jedl are Wary Of Sith teachingS, the corrupt血g influ-
ence of the dark siCle can be found in other t「aditions. Both
the So「cerers of巾nd and the Nightsisters of Dathomir d「aw
thelr POWer from fear, hate, and anger What can appear to
be unlque and insight帥expIoratlOn Of exotic Force tech-

nlqueS Can lead Consulars unknowingly down the path of

the dark slde lf they are not vig11ant. There are even some
rare organlZatlOnS, SuCh as the Jensaara上Who cIaim to waIk

ln Perfect balance wlth the Force, ab!e to cali upon both

COmPaSSIOn and anger for thelr POWer. Whetherthere lS any
truth to these clalmS IS nOt known, but reckiess Consulars
draw旧n by a promlSe Of new understanding Of the Force

Consulars must constantly examlne both themselves

and亡hosearound them ln Orderto bestutillZethe knowl-

edge they have acqulred The burden of understandlng

Welghs heavlly upon thelr Shoulders, and the appllCa-
tiOn Ofthat knowledge lSa de=Cate taSk Consuiars must
St「iVe tO hold onto the baiance of lnSlght, reCOgniZing that

While they may have a deeper understandlng Of a given

SituatlOn than many other belngS工hey have by no means
achieved perfect understanding and absolute wisdom」t is
the Consulars’duty to remembe「 that the wise a「e certain
that they know nothing. ThlS meanS Consulars must be able
to make ha「d choices when knowIedge is lnCOmPlete or
OutCOmeS are unCertaln, Often riskmg their own life and
the iives of others in the p「ocess.
‘SeSSeu準eMPueSll]8ue」1SleuO!〕O山eeld刑n山Seuつdeu⊥’1」euつS冊uOe○間口Oとi 00-L6
’Se刑n堀田uMOJl∈甲1uOdn=eMP/恒ue)SU○○ OuMeSO唱」O"」eeuS,」e]⊃eJE団〕∂明u!3Jeld印判S!3」eu⊥ ‘∂⊃eJ/eいSel〕ln瑚!Peu]1nOqeu!eid山O⊃」O]ue81nPu!a成 OuM9SO囲」O=〕eds9」9圃ISeu」9]〕巳」叩〕eul:e3ue」3iO叫1 “dieu018u高」〕S!euS∂SO明
」e∂uepue相ue"e∧Peul叫81山1E冊S]〕ESS〇回〕9」 i 96-68 i
‘ue∧!8ue9q9∧euAe囲S∂u冊∂明JO小向」OMun ‘S」∂明OJOSu9P」nq3囲3SeePueAuo…ell 8ulJqO]elqeS!9uS`JleS」euueいe]eun〕」OjSS∂l ∂」eOuM9SOu]Ol…山lP!∧O」d佃‘P」eM訓JO叫8no明 和e"O囲lM‘suo!SSeSSOduMOS!し=OPueleSunO⊃ 8。_し8i
’Si(フ∂P!uMO」!∂囲 “叫O捕」則〕9n叩uO〕向SS∂ieSee⊃ 08〇三L
囲MPeuO!Sn冊!P」○○e理qe山O〕equeつ八〇い`8u叫O〕uuOj ]Sn山人eu子elq!SSOd山口nq=ee」E,SleO8布yol」l∂ul
1Ou9」eSllnSe」ueLIM’uO印n」JO]9山O〕O]SePe⊃ePue∧∂」O u8no囲ue∧〇時uleZlU8o⊃∂」S」e]⊃e」e甲甲nS’/x引e8
S」e〇人e単軌ue○S耳01」∂」!eいJOS引nSe」eulleuleZ甲8○○e」 e里0〕∂Je∂d8uuqo18u!準eSS/(eMle`s」O∧eePue
〕OuOPueりOS」91〕軌eu〕9S9囲pe9Z」印判l:e⊃ue!ped田l !  S間ulPe]unE’PunSIJe:r)e」euつe岨:uO即q田V
‘S訓=ePueSPu9哩 ’S○○uelS山nO」!⊃8u匹」lS叩〕SO山e囲 乙L-S9
∂⊃」O]9叩SeSe∧i9S田e囲lee∧e」川MS8u冊iieeしu11 ul]e明8ulZlu8o○○」‘pu皿uJleつe岬MuO11⊃n」]SqO
]u三甲edss91S]ee」]u∈印O」副⊃e」eu〕∂u⊥:uO!Su○○SePuO)    Puき何らPS∂⊃e月9〕つき」きu○○u⊥:eつりe!3セd i !
“1Senb」ie囲」O !∴∴∴s9小津PeSeu18ul」nPS」ed○○準潤dsき 雪
耳edlOu9」eOuMaSOい9囲19qPue山∂明9」OJeq9山E⊃OuM !elO月Ie囲ulelqenle∧SE’Se∧i∂S山叩9∂SS」叩e」e甲 i
S8u!eqeい9∂p9lMOu沖eO川eJuelJOS」e]〕e」e11つuつnS“lu町 甲nSul臥u=Ou副ES]」O鵬eSO明〕e明8u!Z甲8oつe」 ウ9」L与
Pun○○e9SO囲Aqp∂Z甲80⊃a」9q]Sn山Sl9∂J9u卦y叩3山OS PueAxel晒e囲O]叫e山ue川8岬∂PuE)9〕e∂d
∂」eSlue山uS"d山O〕〕E)PuE)31O」S,」∂]〕軌euつeu⊥:e○u晒o○○V 8u!8u∪q山0」川]∂ue」]SSe準〕」9]〕e」eu〕eu⊥:aPリd
●1u∂山ue川副u∂ e]eu岬ne∧〇時OeO]3」!SeP8u!N∂S-JleSeu!e⊃u叩edpue ○○u9Pn」dep!SelSe)Puee8pelMOu〉=Oee」e」ein叩」ed euOP6]eXUa田O⊃∂quE⊃」卸⊃剛Eu⊃eu⊥:uO!SSaSqO ‘PunOJeqAeu叩申9∧∂」euM 9与-6ウ
’]〕eelqOu村8u!山eeSe 」OJSe⊃uanb∂SuO〕訓q肌e〕Pue’le/剛]eq`ss訓」e坤aO]P粥l ue⊃S叩⊥“3OJ8u叫un〕eAqpe〕ueni岬eq八useeue⊃Pue S8u!∂q=eulPOO89叩S∂∂Sr白uO」叩e」坤pe111:e事e^!eN 上轟轟覇轟 目
’S∂∧l∂S山9叩Pa∧eS9que)S8u!eq甲nS」∂明9uM8川」9P!SuOつ Jel⊃軌eu⊃∂ll]O=unO山剛eds!8u岬JjnS 0クー∑⊆
1Ou`…恒l」∈現nSP∂3」qOuMS8uleql印eds!P不usse"?」e山 ∂1e!∧e=eOlaJ!S∂P3ul’Pe∂uu!e」eOuM9SO明
O〕沖!nbs!」副つe」eu⊃eu⊥●Se^「eS山∂u]」OJ3uOu9NeSeP O)P岬」∂JJOO]S∂]e]!Seu」∂∧eu」e〕⊃e」e甲3囲Pue
uoISSed山Oつ」OJ旬つede○○ue∧euOuM9SOu⊥:Pe」]eH `∂〕」O]e囲U口u印Od皿9」eS8ul∂q=∀:uO!SSedulO3
’1e明JOPePu叫e」 ‘SuOunlOSle川8リOe〕nPO」dpuE9Puepel〕∂dx∂un  嶋田0」JS山訓q○○du〕eO」ddeo〕」∂〕〕e」eu⊃e巾 乙i-S乙
∂qPlnOuSPueP∂u∂川和u∂SSe甲O岬山OS9」e叫引Sul S.」e〕⊃e」q甲eul∂」euSIOuOPOuMeSO囲]e囲uO月d山nSSeeu]
Su!e8」e〕⊃e」eu〕ell十」euueuJXOPO囲OunUeu! SuOl圃ISPueS8uleq8ulueSqO在e:SSeu」e^el⊃l
’il門ee〕刑〇人ue9湿田O] eiqeunS=∂1⊃e」eしPe囲`uo!〕⊃ee」e〕e!P∂lul川SPue山eP]e叩 uo!)e叩Se囲MP∂⊃e]’eつ!Ou〕P」euee湿田O]んess∂⊃∂u .○○!〇匹∂∧!l⊃∂兄∂〕SO山eいe〉i曾山ueつ」elつき」eu⊃ ウ乙-Lし
e湿田OlelqeS!Je:PEJ叫p∂ll子uo胆n]!SeJOSeiq印e^  ∂u川B8u甲∂SqOPue凡eM8u!eq小eこuO!]ne⊃
’uO!1el〕乱ddejOxpE)lE)」O∧∧u9OIPe∂lue〕S町⊥      “」∂]つき」eu〕e囲PunO蛇 ∂SOulO]UOpe」!dsu甲eS甲Ope〕旧∂P臥亘∂∧eMun 9し ̄60!
’S」e囲OO]u」nle∧OISll=Ol〕e「qnS3囲eeSOIPuelS]Ouue〕 竃 叩叩P9〕0∧9POSSi」叩」叩eu工s叩]∀座れ〇回
S]i11「V甘口山田V「nSNロコ:T-[ ]l臼Vl

between the GalactlC Emplre and the Rebel A旧ance, COunt-
1ess smaller confllCtS Slmmer betwee旧ndlVlduaI planets, Or

nat)On-StateS, CltleS, and trIbes These mlnOr WarS Often are

lgnOred by the ma」Or galactlC Players However, tO the Con-

Sular, nO COnfllCt lS t○○ Sma冊O reSOlve, and no specleSShould

be lgnOred when one lS PrOmOtlng PeaCe, understandlng, and

galactlC harmony

ThlS SeCtlOn eXPands players’opt10nS When chooslng SPe-

CleS for thelr Characters言ntrOduclng three specleS that have

an lntereSt ln dlPiomacy, knowledge, and passlng On that

knowledge to others These specleS are the Arkanlan, the
Pau“an, and the Coslan Their Startlng CharacterlStlCS, Skl=s,

and ab冊es make these specleS We= sulted for bulldlngCon-

Sular characters

However, Players should not feel constralned to =ml=hese

SPeCleS tO the Consular career optlOn Any belng Of a glVen
SPeCleS, W冊the rlght background, Sk用S, and talents, Can take as brutal or ruthless because of帥S They be=eVe they are
On 」uStabout any role (and thus playwe= with any careeror SlmPly a pragmatlC SOClety, dolng What lS neCeSSary tO
SPeClailZatiOn) A Pau’an may remember her specleS’anclent build upon generatlOnS Of sclen描c knowledge ln an effort
role as the stewards of thelr former homewo「ld of Jtapau, to achleVe absoiute genetlC Perfect10n
and declde to become a sllent and vlgllant protectorofa new
Physio10gy: ArkanlanS reSemble humans ln mOSt reSPeCtS,
home ln a far-Off clty Such a character may choose to be a
SaVe for thelr Pale whlte eyeS and fmgerS that end m Claw-
Sentlnel and lnVeSt ln the Shadow speclallZatlOn A Coslan
llke nalls o白he same coIorlng Both of these features are
Force user may apply hlS keen lnte=ect to the precISe flght-
a polnt Of prlde to ArkanlanS. Who see them as slgnS Of
1ng Style of Form =1 Soresu, and become a Soresu Defender
genetlC Pu「lty ArkanlanS are ta= and lean, Wlth chlSeled fea-
to master that form o=lghtsaber combat And w回e most
tures and we=-deflned muscles Halr COIor varleS, Wlth whlte
ArkanlanS Vaiue scholarly pursultS above a= else, an Arkanlan
belngthe most common ArkanlanS are !ong-=Ved compared
Wlth a comectiOn tO the Force may f而d tha白nnate comec-
to humans, mOSt llVe for at least a century and spend over
tlOn tO al=lfe pushes herto becomea Seeker, and」Oumey lntO
航y yearso白helr旧e ln a State Ofprime heaith ThlS IS Seen
the natural world to galn …e understandlng Of nature
as further pr○○f of both thel=nherent superlOrlty and theJr

丁hese specleS OPen an array Of new roleplaylng Cha=eng- mastery of genetlC SClenCe ArkanlanS have keen vISIOn and
es and opportunltleS for players A player might choose to are capable ofseelng血O the lnfrared spectrum, thouch thlS

Play a wISe Coslan Teache口OOklng tO PaSS On knowledge to has led to vISual sensitlVity that requlreS them to wear polar-
the next generat10n, a COntemPlatlVe Pau’an AscetlC Whose 1Zed lenses or b=nders ln Certaln enVlrOnmentS
loss of homeworld has dnVen the character to seek unde十
Arkanlan Offshoots are bred ln great Va「lety aS =Vlng eX-
Standmg ln a mlnlma=St =festyle, Ora CleverArkanlan Arblter
PerrmentS言hough such belngS are nOt regarded as “true
Whose sharp mlnd aIways seeks resoIut10nS tO COnf=CtS that
Arka用ans ’’They typICally =Ve a brie川fe ofservltude to thelr
beneflt both sldes However, a Playercould 」uStaS eaSily cre-
Pure-b1○○ded masters, Wlth no hope of belng regarded as
ate a viC10uS Coslan Aggressor, a Wa亡Chful Pau’an Protector,
anythlng mOre than a slave or pet
Or a ho亡headed Arka印an Sta南ghterAce
Society: The people of Arkanla =Ve ln a rlgld caste system
Those whose biood shows ltSelf to be pure a「e held ln Ven-
鬼R且〈A開国A聞 e「at10n, W帥e members o白helr SPeCleS Showlng any SlgnS Of
Weaknessorflawsare looked down upon ln addltlOn tO maln-
Coid, Calculatlng, and absolutely certaln Of thelr natural
talning PhysICal perfectlOn, ArkanlanS are eXPeCted to have
SuPer1〇両y to other specleS ln the galaxy, the whlte-halred
Sharp, loglCal minds Most ArkanlanS are We= versed ln aCa-
ArkanlanS are reCOgnlZed across countless star systems for
demlC and sclen師c matters, Wlth a partlCular focus ln medl-
both thelradvanced b10englneerlngand thelr maSSlVe egOS
Clne and genetlCS Perhaps due to thelr natural arrogance,
丁hlS near-human specleS has been a part ofgalactlC SOClety
ArkanlanS eXPeCt SubservlenCe and respect f「om outslders
for thousands of years and ln tha=lme has elevated ge-
Non-ArkanlanS need to recognlZe Arkanlan SuPerlOrity
netlC eng!neerlng from a sclenCe tO an art form Countless
CenturleS Of medlCal experlmentat10n and efforts to stay Homeworld: Avast, lCy tundra covers mostofthe Arkanlan
On the cuttlng edge of blOteChnoIogy led the ArkanlanS tO homeworid of A「kanla Ceaseless how=ng Winds buffet the
develop laboratory-Created genetlC Offshoots of thelr OWn Surface, maklng llfe upon lt aimost lmPOSSlble lnstead, Ar-
PeOPie, they regard these offshoots as lesser shadows of kanlanS llVe deep underground ln VaSt netWOrks of tunneis
themselves or even slaves ArkanlanS do not see themselves and caves Heat lS drawn from the planet’s core and航ered

/   ノ

仁ノ 寸書
’SSeu叫eP O] enP臆臆0〕dn 9∧O山
-9」 Sue叫e卑∀.Sxp∂llつ=l準8ul津山u∂uM :uO!S!^甲ea
uol]ee」〕 」el〕E,」EuJ 8ul」nP Z yue○
○∧OqE euOIP9IN ule」=Ouue⊃ =l]S (eu⊥ eul⊃iPeIN u団ue」
euo囲lM e山e8 e111 ui8eq suelue甲∀ :Se!即qV Ie害⊃3ds
c]X OOし:○○ua!」adxヨ8u叫e]S
」9MOd川M + 0し:PiOuSe」田u!t3」]S
uM頃E] + OL :PIOuSe細り⊥ PunOM
uol]つeJ」ed uelue卑∀JO Pu団M9u e 8u間∂∂S ∧ld山IS
9」e /9u]∵u]n」1 ul ]〕∂dse」 Pue SSeuPuly岬M lue囲Sul呼eJ3
-Selつeds 」e111O 8ul」91unO〕ue u9uM甲eO」dde le〕ld布e ut3 eq
O] S山○○S 〕E’uM ]dopE OユSut31ue卑∀ e^i〕iSueS-9〕」O] ∧ue山P91
Slu⊥ SuOl岬N∂SqO ele」⊃uO〕 e」O山9PIS8uole uOiSSed山0〕 Pue
e〕」O] eu=O 8ulPu郎」ePun ul叩q 5uolt3 e〕uelつS ul ]Ou小y
young CoslanS tO reSOIve thelr OWn COnfliCtS through lnSlght,
∈⑬S容A聞 lntrOSPeCt10n, and patient COntemPlatlOn

Soft-SPOken and genla上the reptlllan CoslanS are Seen aS Chlldren are equally valued by CosianS for an lnSlght un-
harmless or even befuddied by most who encounter them fettered by experしenCe A chlld’s unlque VieW On a SltuatlOn

丁heirShuffllnggalt and hunched posture combine WIth a soft lS Seen aS a glf=o a= Coslan PeOPle, and whlle elders are
VOICe and gentle demeanorto create the lmage Ofan elderly, respected, lt lS the young who are cherlShed When a ciutch
even heiplessorsenlle specleS-butnothingCOuld be fu「ther Of Coslan eggS hatch, the v冊age usua=y holds a great cei-

from the truth CoslanS are Shrewd thinkerswlth sharp mlnds ebrat10n aS neW llfe and wISdom are brought lntO the worid
and keen powers of observatiOn Those seeking WiSdom oト
HomeworId: The verdant worid of Cosla lS found ln the
ten tum to a Cosian foradvICe, WhlCh lS klndlyglVen-though
Deep Core The only mhablted planet m the system of
Oniy when asked for, PatlenCe lS a Central vlrtue tO them,
the same name, Cosia OrbitS a Smgle star lt plays host to
and they often keep thelr 」udgments to themselves When
twm mOOnS, l七bu and  ̄rabu, WhICh can be clearly seen ln
CoslanS do make theIr Way lntO the larger galaxy, lt lS Often
the nlght sky The surface of Cosla lS帥ed wIth masslVe
as cur10uS Observers and eager students Thelr eyeS brlghten
trees set upon flelds of seemIngiy endless rolllng hl=s The
and thelr SteP quickens when encounterlng neW belngS Or
branches of the cosa tree produces palm leaves over one
expIorlng unknown places ThIS Can Create a ParadoxICal
hundred meters ln length Cosla teemS W剛Wild=fe rang-
SenSe Ofboth chl剛kewonderand aged wISdom To CosianS,
mg from lnSeCtS With bright carapaces and wlngS tO VICiOuS
any belngS foo=Sh enough to be=eVe they have leamed a=
P「edators that stalk the fo「es川oor CoslanS are the only
the galaxy has to offer are dolng themselves a great diSSer-
natlVe Sentlent llfe They make their home ln V用ages bullt
VICe CoslanS take each day as lt COmeS, ready to appreclate
lntO the sldes of the g「eat cosa trees, rlSlng high lntO the
all the subtle orlgma=ty lt has to offer
Sky These homes and ha=s are comected by wlndlng StalrS
Physioiogy: Though they walk wlth a bent posture upon made of flnely carved wood and waIkways made of etched
two ciawed feet, When CoslanS rlSe tO thelr fu= height, they Planks and cultlVated vlneS
typICaiIy stand at around 1 8 meters ta= due to the long
Each vlllage operates lndependently, SO Cosia has no for-
neck that nSeS from their broad-Shouldered back Scaies
mal capltal The largest settlement, Nu-Cosa, lS home to
ranglng from dusky gray-green tO b「lght emerald cover
SeVeral thousand CoslanS lechnology lS lntegrated seam-
thelr body, Often fadlngWlth age Both thelr head and long
1essly wlth each v=Iage’s natural beauty, PrOVldlng Cosia-
tall are crowned wlth tufts of hai「, WhlCh can vary ln COior
ns wlth many of the trapplngS aVallable on most mode「n
from mldnight biue to sllvery whlte Their 10ngfaces end ln
Planets across the galaxy However, CoslanS have no formal
a beaked mouth capped with a broad nose Their large eyes
StarPOrt Of thelr OWn lnstead, SeVeraI sma= starports and
are orange or ye=ow, rmged旧bony rldges, they have肌e
landlng StrlPS eStabllShed by outslders dot the landscape
unlque tralt Of bllnklng With eye=ds that rlSe uP from the
丁he largest rlSeS llke a great lndustrlal scar f「om the wood輸
bottom ofthelrSOCkets As they age, many CoslanSgrOW a
1ands a few mlles from Nu-Cosa and hosts the planet’s lm-
greatbeard oflongwhltedown from thelrbeaked chm The
Perlal occuplerS
Nu-Coslan Sub-SPeCleS does not have the more common
beaked mouth and walks ln an aimostcompletely hunched Language: CoslanS SPeak a tr川ng, Ch!rPlng language aptly

manner, but lS CaPable of carrylng grea=oads of welght Ca=ed Coslan lt mingles easlly wIth the wlld sounds o=helr
upon ltSStrOngback ltlSOtherwISeSlml!arto ltSmOreCOm- homeworld and lS Often mlStaken forthe vocallZatlOnS Ofthe
Planet’s natiVe aVlanS CoslanS are natura川ngulStS, eaSlly
and eageriy leammg BasIC and other languages ThlS a=ows
Longer-iiVed than most other sentlent SPeCleS Of the gal-
them to communlCate Wlth and expIore the gaiaxy more
axy, CoslanS are CaPable of reachlng uP tO tWO hundred
readlly Many CoslanS be=eVe that when one understands
years ofage As they age工he coior fades from thel「 halrand
SCales and they begln tO mOVe mOre SIowly, though they are
Stl= capable of great speeds ln tlmeS Of need Because of
thelr rePtlllan nature, CoslanS adapt well to many envlrOn-
ments ThlS makes them eager and hardy travelers capable
Of endurlng eXtreme temPeratureS, though the cold does
tend to bother them lf exposure lS PrOlonged

Society: CurlOSlty lS Of supreme lmPOrtanCe tO CoslanS

丁hey value leamIng for ltS OWn Sake, and most are expected

to choose an area of focused study eariy ln thelr llfetime

ThlS Iove of educatlOn lS CultlVated by Coslan elders, Who
encourage the young to seek wISdom ln the experlenCeS Of
Others By asklng Othe「s abou=helr eXPerienCeS, CoslanS

galn both a sense ofthe galaxy at large and a respect forthe

WiSdom ofthelrelders Older CoslanS are held ln the hlghest
esteem by thelrCOmmunltleS, and each vl=age lS ruled by a
COunCil of the eldest廟ng vl‖agers These elders are con-

Suited when dlSPuteSarlSe Although thelrWOrd lS Often con-

Sldered the flnai say ln SuCh matters, mOSt eiders encourage

J!∂囲mq `uMOuyun Si SueJlec]
JO ued 3囲uO uO鵬SnOi〕SuOO
」O S∂Pるds 9叩JO ]i叩叫∂」∂uu! ue
冊」e囲ellM elqe○肥e e叩b pue `〕i
8uol 」O〕 9つきld
uo u母胎lS Ap」e」 Sue,ned 9囲′se98nJ〇月O S9P」Ou ui
埠8 e u仁碕岬un岬OJun ’eluOu ‖e⊃ O1 9⊃eld e 」OJ 8u開OOi
`s∂uel」9d相e囲」∂PueM Sue,ned JO Suei⊃ 〕lPe山Ou `」elei
S∂Pe○eP “MON ’バXele8 e囲JOS」eu」O⊃ ‖e O〕8ule91J ‘〕eueld
9u=鳴i Sue申ed ]SOW ’jieS叩」OJ nedem Pelulei〕訓ld山喜
∂囲‘s蛇M euOi⊃ e明」三周e `」9^eMOH布9!⊃OS叩Ja唾ul
Pl」OMe山Ou 」!e囲JO uO!1e0Oi印O山9」 9囲=川M P9uIq山O⊃
′s割印eeJ SnOPO」eJ 」!eu⊥.e〕ueS∂」d 8uileP叫l叩」le叩Aq
eiqeZiu8o〕e」 AllSe3 e」e Sue,ned `∧xa同訓=O SelJ∂ds
]u三甲u9S 」9叩O 〕SO山」∂∧O ∂ul」∂MO] Pue uSilnO岬‘]uneD
軸V. n廿日
‘uMe」日十0しJO PiOuS∂」囲
e⊃ue」qlun⊃ue ue 9∧eu SueiSO⊃ 11∀ :Pe)!⊃閃8uo」事S o
’uOI]ee」〕 」el〕e」eu, 8u!」nP Z yuP」 9∧Oqe (9」O「) 98pe
u!e」=OuueO冊S /eu⊥ ’(副O「) e8peiMOu〉1 u同ue」
きa陀e」e囲SlunOつつき∂田OS佃’e」0田」O S」ee^
8u囲JO elqede:) ∂」e (9u⊥ -Sueds3川8uoll
‘SS9u刈eP岬Id mq lie u! eSe∂岬M 99S l胴囲8u!MOlit?
`lieM Se uOiSいPeued」勘S岬M山9囲P9P!∧O」d e∧eu ned印n JO
雪害i⊥i「l田V S∃漢⊃∃dS
S∈甲P PunO」∂」9Pun刈eP e囲u1 8ui∧旧O SuO!le」9u∂8 ss9i叫nOつ
‘P∂1〕∂叩」dun e」e /e囲Jl u岬d山∂明eSne⊃ u∂∧e 」O eiqe]」OJluO〕
’SueMePed Pue S8u=8uno( pIe
-un lue叩e津山OI Pu〇十S」9準9ds eul叫eD田O」J 8ul〕Se「q 〕iSn田
Pue ]〕e]O」d o=u8nos ollM Sue胆」en〇 9⊃」∂U ∂山e⊃∂q ∋山OS
事O u胆e囲」O SuOiSOidxe ueppns se lPnS `s9SIOu PnO「 S∂山l〕 ’s叩S八州」O S」E?inSu○○ ie」n〕eu e」eM SueiSO⊃ 9^i]lSueS○○⊃」O]
lle le uOlue〕O」d s冊」的M爪eu⊥ S∂山n10∧ u81u山O」J uO1pe〕 (ue山]ue9山S冊9liuM ’98e piO Olul u9∧∂旬間duJIS e洲P=甲
-O」d epl∧0」d o] S」ee =e山S 」刷〕 」e∧O S8ul」e∧O⊃ 」eln⊃」i⊃ 」e∂M ′p∂Pu…-u∂do ue ule]u旧u SueiSO〇 〇〇」0] eu=O e」n〕eu e]lu
相∽id布Pue 8ui」e9u 9∧i]lSu9S小y山∂J]X∂∴∂∧e11 Sue.ned -リul、、eul O] uedo ulE山∂」 O〕相=qビ」l∂囲」OJ S」O]⊃n」]Su岬ue
S8ueJ d」ellS JO MO」 e 1月1M Pe=周明nO山 S」elPee〕 Se Penie∧ e」eM Pue 」e]SB囚ue∧e 」O叫81u〉=O yue」
SS9Id= e Aq p9]En叫∂つつe SI S町⊥ S8ui∂q 」e囲O 〕SO山0叫l 」eeJ e111 O] 9SO」 Sue!SOつMe」 e ue叩9」0山l」9P」O IP∂「 ∂囲JO S布3P
Se)即IS布oue]Sul Pue 」O〕ePe」d e JO le111 S1 3〕uE」e9dde 」Ieu⊥ ∂囲ui Pu間」le囲JO相e山O] P∂iu∂P uOi]e」Oldxe 」OJ e〕ut?甲
Pe」 ul Pe田山l」 S9(∂〕9S-d9∂P Pue ul準(E鴫ullM ’ssei」ie11 e」e e pue Axel晒e囲ul S8uleq 8ui∧i=lEJO 8ulPue]S」ePun 」ed∂∂P
S∂lPOq 」l∂ll⊥ Sl!eu e洲Mel〕 (d」euS ul Pu9 S」98uu p9]e8uoi! 」OJ木uun〕」Oddo ue囲oq s」∈現O ∂⊃」O] ∂囲.uelS○○ e 」O] ]i
Sq山崎uoI Pue Se」n時eJ d」euS埴IM `叫n晒pue uEel ∂」e ∧∂u⊥ 囲lM P9瑚8 eq o〕 uMOuS Si eldoed 」ieいJO euO ue11M 9〕10「9」
S」9]9山OM]JO叫81∂u E ]e Pue]S八両"ld布Pue /xeie8 e囲JO Pue e〕」O] 9叩9Zlu8o〕e」 SuelS○○ :e⊃」OゴelI"O uO!事de⊃」ed
S8uleq叫el叫eS 」e巾O ISO山」e∧O 」9MO] Sue,neC] :A8oIO!S旬d
んuei叩O」d相ue⊃un ueし川M SIMO」8
…e11山O」J eJeS Suei〕 」ie叩d99y PuE’ 1き山Iut? Put? Slle⊃ P」lq 8u…e∂i `s]S粥q Pue SP」lqJO Se8en8uel
S∂i]=i]SOu PiO∧e dleu Slll準9S9明くspe山Ou P∂⊃eidsIP Se e∧= ∂哩」OJ SSeuPuOJ e e∧eu SueiSO〇八ue州9」n]eu S〕l Pue]S」9P
SuE,ned岬囲MON S」O]叩OSeu pue s]e山OldlP叫e=9⊃X∂山e印 -un村usee 9」Oul ue) 9uO ‘sei○○ds 」e1月Oue JO凡elnqe〕O∧ e巾
Society: Whlle stlll on Utapau, Pau’ans coexISted wlth an○

○ther specleS, the dlmlnutlVe laborers known as the Utal

The Pau’ans acted as admlnlStratOrS W回e the Utal Served

as the planet’s workforce Though there was a clea「 dlVlde

between the two specleS, and though the Pau’ans occupled

the leadershiP POSltlOn, the Pau’ans dld notvleW themselves

as superlOr tO the Jtal They took their rOles very ser10uSiy

and recognlZed that both halvesofthelrSOCletyWere equa=y
lmPOrtan=O the prosperlty Of Utapau
Now, Wlth the Pau’ans’ex=e from thelr homeworld, that

SymblOtlC relatlOnShlP has been thrown lntO turmOil Pau’ans

no Ionger llVe aiongslde Utal, mOSt are unSure What hap-

Pened to thelr former nelghbors after the lmperIal occupa-
tiOn, and l∩formatlOn Out Of Utapau lS SCant at best

Much =ke the few surviVlng Clt)ZenS Of Alderaan, Pau’ans

have trled thelr best to malntaln thelr anClent Culture ln

the face of a barrage of mfiuences from the rest of the ga上

axy ThlS, COmblned w剛thelr al「eady conservatlVe nature,

means many ofthe wanderlng Clans have grown lnCreaSlngiy Perception of the Force‖t was once be=eVed that the trst

mSularoverthe years  ̄ro enter a clan encampmentor board Jedl  ̄remple was bullt on 〕tapau, though neltherthe Pau’ans

a Pau’an shlP IS tO SteP lntO a Smal上Carefu=y preserved s=Ce nor the Utal have found any evldence ln SuPPOrt Of帥S ln

OfUtapau Many Pau“ansgoso farastodlm the =ghtsand the days of the Repub=C, the 」ed! Order dld take the oc-

COVerthe wa=s ln gray and tan hanglngS tO Slmulate the feel- CaSIOnal Pau’an lntO ServlCe, however The Pau’an deslre for

1ngOfbeing belowthe surface ofa planet UnfortunateIy, thlS diP10maCy and understanding meanS that those who are
Seif-1mPOSed lSOlatlOn has only made lt harder fo「 clans to StrOng ln the Force often recognlZe lt aS eVldence of a core
truth that connects a" bemgS Pau’an Force users typiCa=y
galn aCCePtanCe On a WOrld for any length of tlme
SenSe the deeper connect10nS ln the present moment, COn-
Homeworld: The planet of Utapau lS Iocated ln the far
Ce…ng themseIves less wlth the past or the future As such,
reaches of the Outer Rlm ’ferrltOneS, ln the Tarabba sector
they often seem to have a klnd ofserene detachment ThlS,
The planet’s rocky, arld surface lS COnStantly buffeted by
COmblned with thelr frlghtenlng aPPearanCe, Can unnerve
CeaSeiess winds of prodlglOuS Strength Nlne mOOnS Orblt
SOme-butthese Pau’ans are slmPly drawlng uPOn the ForceL
Utapau and are lIkely the cause of these great wlndstorms
to帥d thegreattruth thatu両esa= belngS Because ofthlS,
Deep fissures and slnkholes do=he planet’s su「face =ke
Pau’ans make excellent Consulars and MystiCS, though lt lS
POCkmarks, many reaCh to the very heart of Utapau, tOuCh- Sald that ln亡he days ofthe RepubllC SOme Pau’ans became
1ngthe planet’s metalllC COre ltwas ln these slnkh01es that
Sentinels and even Lemple Guards who foughtwlth a dlSCOn-
both the Pau’ans and Utal made their homes, CarVmgend-
Certlng Serenlty
iess passages lntO the rocky wa=s, Where they mlned velnS
Of ore and drew water from great underground seas
Now, lmperia=or掴CatlOnS do=he surface of the pianet
and guard the entrances to the sInkhoies What goes on
beiow IS unknown

Language: The Pau’an language (SlmPly ca=ed “Pau’an’’)

further enforces the specleS’predatory appearance lt lS

SPOken ln a low, WhlSPerlng hlSS nOt COmmOniy encoun- Wound ThreshoId: 1 2 + Brawn

tered by offworIders it can seem muted to other specleS Strain Thresho看d: 8 + Wlllpower
but comes across as gentle and pleaslng tO the sensltlVe
Starting Expe「ience: 95 XP
auditOry OrganS Of the Pau’ans 「b outslders, lt SOunds =ke

the long waming Of some serpentlne beast, rlSlng and fali- SpeciaI Abiiities: Pau’ans begln the game wlth one
1ng ln VOlume at what seem to be random血ervals. Unllke rank ln Negotlat10n Or CoercIOn They s帥cannot
ln BasiC, WO「ds are not broken by moments of s=ence traln Negotlat10n Or Coerc10n above rank 2 durlng
Pau’ans conveya complex ldea ln a Single proIonged sound Character creatlOn
Pau’ans are qulte CaPable of speaklng BasiC Though thelr
Sensitive Hearing: Pau’ans add □ to a= PerceptiOn
eiongatedteeth meantheyspeakltWltha bltOfa llSP, they
and Vigllance checks they make as Iong as they are
recogniZe the lmPOrtanCe Of ltS unlVerSality for communl-
Wearlng thei「 PrOteCtlVe earPleCeS l=hey are not
CatIng Wlth and unde「standlng Other belngS ln the galaxy
Wearlng these earpleCeS, they do not galn the bonus,
and they add (就to PerceptlOn and Vigliance checks
they make lnStead

uol時」eue88ulSl」 9叩8uo山e P関」ds u9uM 叫e山dol∂∧eP 」部〕e」e甲JO S]⊃∂dse
SSele⊃I」d sl ∂8p∂iMOu町OJ 11〕」eeS S.e山l]eJ= e JO e8pelMOuy lE)〕間e甲∂山9いPue u81ed山eつe巾JOんo〕S e印」e囲e8o]8ul」q
O] eN∋S ue⊃ 8ulule」] ul SuOl]elnq巾Pue Sle巾S.」91⊃e」e申e
Pue luOPSIM Pe〕elnuJn〕〕e eu⊥ dno」8 eL旧O S」9q山9山」9LllO
∂ul府ldeiOと] 9∧哩」」eu 8ulO8uo e囲JO叶ed 8ui8晒ue pue 8ul
∂囲O] Slll準9Se囲8uole SSed o〕相=qe e明Seu Pue Si間S
-〕Se」e叩ue e山O⊃∂q小ySe9 ue〕 `∂Pi∧O」d ue⊃ 」∂u⊃e剖]e巾8ul
JO布el」e∧ ePIM e dn沖!d ol木uun〕」Oddo e即e∧t?u S」9u〕e軋
-ule」1 9囲Put3 ’」eu〕ee] e甲nS 」O川〕」eeS e11⊥ u81ed山e〕 ∂哩
S」∂囲O (q p931qluX9 S叫ele] Pue S川準e囲ul木uun耳Oddo 」O
e8e]ut3^Pe eeS u∈判O ue〕 ∧e11⊥ S」eu」eel ]SeJ 9q OI S9∧19S山9巾 JOんo]S e明ul囲M 」9u⊃ee3 P3〕u91」9dxe Alq印nS e PuU O〕 Sl
∧eM ⊃…eu∧p pue 8u11Se」e]ui e」O山」eJ e `spl∧O10u 8uluieJ]
ue∧O」d `eJll 」ie巾JO 9S」n○○ 9囲」9∧O `e∧eu S」∂甲e軋 S∂uO
8ui甲]eM O] SPede]eP 8ulPee」山O」J ‘s∧eM JO 」equJnu相e ul
M∂u 8ulu」粥i Pue S剛S Sul]SiXe ul:SOOq 」OJ SuOl〕do Aue山
Si問S Meu eSe1月u」t3el O=d山∂ココe PlnO⊃ 」el⊃e」eu:) e 9間M
S」三周O eeJ=uele] S]仁dno」8 9囲]」Oddns o] 8ull‘SIM 」e佃d e
」OJ e⊃IO甲]〕e耳ed ∂囲Sl uOl時Ziiei⊃∂ds 」e11〕e軋eu⊥ S叫eP e^l]t3」」eu 8uldol∂∧∂P e囲ulし印M訓OZ 〕」O叫0〕 S.」9]つe」eLl⊃ e囲
巾S Peuel118iiue `pe瑚8 JO uOl叩○○ue8 」到]OuE O] ∂8pelMOuy Pu〇人9q de〕S O〕 8ulPl〕eP中snol〕SuO〕 」O `u8ied山e〕 e明ulし印M
Pue山OPSIM uOM-P」e叫l∂囲"ed… Pue e8」el ]e /xele8 e囲 lue山]llu山O〕 Pue Sn〕OJ 8川Puedx∂ ‘e10」 Meu ∂山OS 8uD軌q山9
ulO「e」 Ol e^l」P e l19J 9∧e11 S」e甲t2皐L ’山e囲PunO」e Axa層 S=○〕⊃剛叫p 9囲」e111euM `eJll S,」副つe」elP e ui lulOd aulu」巾e
9囲JO 8u胆ue]S」9Pun 8ulPlqE Pue de∂P e P∂∧el岬3 8ui∧t3H Se ueeS eq ue⊃ uO哩ZllE)i〕∂ds leuO印PPe ueJO uO印Slnb〕E’911⊥
」9:PE’」eu⊃ 」「e11=O le〕eJ M∂u e JO uOlユe」Oldx∂ e囲aZ=E肥」OJ S」e
esl」e ]L181山1叫] S∈周in〕助IP相e ]SO山ie囲IM le∂P O〕
-佃d ell工uo鳴zllel〕eds M∂u e uO dX e囲8ulPueds小e s∂8uel
佃l哩S」e∧ Pue囲8u叩S e囲8uiul晒elluM SS91囲「M OP 9沖田
-1eu〕 M9u 9Seu=O e⊃eJ e囲ul 」el〕e」eu〕 」leL1=O囲MO」8 e囲
OI Peu」e91 8ui∧e申S∂8e]ue∧Pe e]euu=e」e∧eS Seu JIJ∂⊃S∀ ue
`∧xei晒∂明弓O S」訓」O〕 ∂iqe]idsouui判lM eいO]u1 8u。n]ue∧ 〕〕eije」 Pln○○ uOl]eZ=E”〕9ds M∂u P 8ulule〕qO ]e明9Pl⊃9P /e山
S」9佃d申nS ’u9dde11 O]S∂nulluOJSlu"1 1Se」e]ulJOSe∂」e uMO
ue11M囲8u叩S 」9uul Pue l118iSul JO ∂」O〕S ]粥」8 e ul晒Ae山
」le囲JO8uluePIM e岬no」囲」O ∂∧l]捌eu S,u81ed山e〕 ∂明JOMOIJ
S二時e⊃S∀ (dluSP」eu Pue eulldl〕SIP u1 9SD」eX9 S冊118no」u⊥
∂ul∧= PeZ甲∧l〕 JO S〕」O3山O〕 e囲JO /ueu」 Se∧leS山e囲8ul相ep 到Iしβno」叩」9囲le ′suol閏…= 1u訓nつ」ie里ePISlnO SuOl〕つe
8叩d山∂即3 S」e]⊃e」eu⊃ 」le叩PuU Ae山S」9佃d ‘9〕ue]Su=O]
PuE) S」9∂d 」l∂囲山0」=」edE) S∂∧leS山e囲8ulneS Aq `ejll八両P
JO SPuuneP8uluSel〕 e囲」0 ′suo山eP」訓u同訓=∂lnb o]準9S ueld 8叩SIXe ue O=ue山dole∧eP S,」∂1
S叩9〕S∀ uOl]E)ld山9叫O〕 〕elnb 8ul二間⊃e」d pue spoo8 /iPl」OM ○○e」e11〕 e 8ul」O胆AISnOl〕SuO〕 ue明8ulP」eM∂」 ∂」O山eq uE,〕
8ulMeu〕Se Aq /uo…eu Pue∴e〕eed puu o] 8uIん〕バXel晒 9∂u9=叩p M9u e O18ulSl」 ’se…〕e山OS SuO11e∧11O山Pue ‘sleO8
e叩JO 9S「Ou Pue SOeLP 9囲uO 〉1〕eq 」l∂囲u」n] OI P∂Pl〕∂P ‘uol]en]lS 8ul∧10∧e S.」91⊃e」e甲e明]⊃三周e」 PlnOuS uO鴫Z=el〕
e∧t3u OuM S」e〕〕e」eu) SlinS uO11eZllei〕eds 埋る3S∀ 9肥 -9ds M9u e8uluie‖e t]X8uiPueds pue8u11〕e"O〕JOJ制e山e
]9SSe uE 9q O] eS皿O」d田O〕 Pue uOi時間O8eu 11∂no」囲e〕eed 旬d山iS8uleq ue囲」e囲閥 u81ed山e⊃ eJO eS」nO〕e叩u8no」囲
SMO」8 pue sdole∧eP 」el〕e」e埠S′」e佃d e se 8ulAeldelO月OJ
JO囲ed e 8uldole∧eP Puき91qnO」] le⊃〇日O S9Sne〕 ]OO」 ∂囲8ul
-u」∂〕SIP岬l=〉iS S.」e]iq」∀ ue PuU川M euOZ l訓lJuO〕 e ul 〉1」OM 相un"Odd〇時∂」8 E, eq uE,〕 uOl〕eZ=elつ∂ds Meu E) 8ul川b⊃∀
O1 8ui〉1eeS dno」8 ∧u∀ ∧xel晒9明ui 910」 9^l]〕n」]SuO〕 `∂∧(]⊃e
uE 9準] 0] P99u在e囲SiOO] ∂囲=eし印M S」ellq」∀ SePi∧O」d e〇月 §聞①且上村Z門田幡冨田冨
]u∂ie] Je]iq」∀ ∋u⊥ P9∧91甲e 9q e〕ueleq enJ3 e ue〕血o…eu
Pue SSeu」闇岬no」巾村uo ]e囲8ulMOuy ‘∂洲e S∂OJ Pue SPu∂lJJ
O] 8uIPue]S」∂Pun Pue e〕e∂d 8ul」q O団eeS Pue e叩Sn「u日O ellq
u81ed山e〕 8ulO8uo ue o叫I Pe耳eS
9囲Iee」 Alueey S」e叩」∀ S]e9」明Pue e〕uelOl∧ P10∧e O=」O駒
-ul Alueei〕 Pue相See eq ue⊃ SuOlreZ=eiJ∂ds M∂u eSe明ユq判
村e∧e 8ul津山elluM Axel晒e囲u川O11〕e ]〕9」iP 9準] OI S911SIM
u8noue期MS Pue 〕…eu(P Sl血l]S9(コPue e⊃」O] ul uOISS9」8
OuM 」e]つe」euつ」∂Aeld e 」OJ ∂⊃10uつ]ue=∂⊃X∂ ue Sl 」e事!q」V eLl⊥
-O」d 」e]〕Eueuつ斗○○q∂inと】 ○○O〇人Ni⊥S∃a aN∀∃3t]Oゴeいul SOし
e8ed uo punoJ Saln」 ∂明8ulMOl10J ‘suol]eZIiei⊃eds」ee」e〕-uOu
SNOl⊥dO NO看⊥けZi「V看⊃∃dS 〃¥∃N
Se u81ed山e〕 9巾8ui」nP SuOl]eZ=elつeds ese巾JO /ue e」inb〕t3
O] SlulOd e⊃uel」edx∂ Pueds ue〕 SJee」∽ 」e囲O ul S」9〕⊃引叩p
S9」nlue∧Pe 9」nln=OJ Se印un〕」Oddo
当OOq91n2] 9」O〇人Ni⊥S]a aNVヨ⊃t]Oゴe111 ui SuO11eZ=t31〕∂ds e囲
e^l]e」」eし=O S]」OS =e dn uedo叫81山e」ld山] e囲山O」J Pe]ei
-OSI Pl」OM lue]SiP e uO e」n8引e二時S(山`snol」93S/山eJO 99uy 岬M S∀画OOq∂lnt] 9」O〇人Ni⊥S∃a aN∀うつtIO] e囲jO SOしe∂ed
uo pell即eP SuOi]eZ開⊃9ds leuOl〕IPPe 8ulSeu〕」nd 」OJ S91n」
9巾)e 」∂甲e軋e 9q O] Peu」eel布」ed 」nO( u=∂1⊃e」e甲e
eu川e 8ulMO=OJ) uo 」〇時l SuOl呼Z=el〕9ds leuOi]lPPe Se乱O山
]q明SulMOu〉1訓I O] Ax坤謁e囲Sul」q O3 Sdle11 Pue ‘u81ed
-uJe〕 e叩JO山Silee」 Pue巾dep 9囲S∂⊃」OJule」 `〕∂∂uS P」O〕9」 」O 9uO eSe11〕」nd 」O uOl岬Z=E)i⊃eds ]S」U S,」e〕〕E)」勘p 9囲Se 9uO
]〕∂l∂S /E)山」e佃d 9111 `」ee」e〕 」elnSuOつe111 SeSOO甲OuM 」∂]
」e]つe」e甲∂里uO S叩Sl]e]S Meu 911] 8u印」M ISn「 ue巾」9L11t3」
`」9]!q」∀ ue JO S冊S Pu門ue山e」9d山∂〕 ∂明Peui晒」即〕e良川〕 ○○e」eu)相e ol elq坤e∧e ∂」E) SuOl〕eZ岬⊃∂ds M∂u 9○○囲9111
eMOu8ulMOu〉う8ulul叩e里JOSll即eP e1旧OeuJOS ul =U =l]S Sed布」el〕t3J叫⊃ Meu 9Se囲JO S〇回qビ9nblun Pue lu9山dole∧
-9P 9明8ul]〕eiJe」 e叩luele] leuL§1」O uE S∋Pnl〕ul uOl〕eZllel⊃eds
PlnOuS A9巾‘∧eM Slu] SuOlreZllE)l〕9ds M9u 8ulule]qO 91Pueu
O] ePl〕∂P S」eAeld e囲Jl u∂∧] SuOISSeS u∂∋M〕eq SeP叫e]u1 Meu u⊃e] 」∂uつe軋Pue ‘二時e〕S∀ ’」9]!q」∀ 」99」e⊃ 」e岬Su○○ e囲
8ul」nP Peueddeu e∧eu O] Pe山nSSe eq r巾SE9 ue〕 SuOl叩Zl esoo甲O11M S」e佃d ○○J SuO鴫Zllel〕∂ds M∂u ae」明S9⊃nPO」叫l
-le!〕9ds M9u JO uO「〕lSlnb〕e 9叩`suoISS∂S水yd 8ul」nP囲Ed 人NOM∀H ]O S∃ldi⊃Sia uOi〕ee」〕 」el〕頃ell〕 8ul」nP SuOl〕do JO
叫e」e胡P e uMOP dno」8 e即SeuSnd uol]eu=〕u=O e山l川」O
`e叩O」 S胴乱Oldxe o] 11SIM ]Ou OP S」〇八eld Jl ’」∂∧eMOH
SNO菓書けZ菓「V漢⊃∃dS M∃N

組 甘聞藍⑬胃管聞聞A開田
The addltlOnai career sk川s for an Arblter are Knowledge

(XenoIogy),しightsaber, Negotiation, and Perception

Characters who select帥S aS thelr Startlng SPeCla=ZatiOn

may galn One free rank ln tWO Of these skl‖s without spend-

1ng Startlng eXPerlenCe The career path of a Consuiar lS a


wide and varied one leading ln SuCh dlreCtlOnS aS those of

the healer, Student, Or mySt-C The Arb'ter has chosen the
Path of the negotlatOr and peacemaker, fo=ow旧g an lmate
lmPulse to seek peace and balance ln the heated atm○○

SPhere of conf=Ct and confusIOn An Arbite=S able to stand

between two foes, See tO the heart of the confiiCt between
them, and bringCalmnessand reconc=latlOn tO the sltuatlOn

ArblterS are bom negotlatOrS Whether fu=y aware of thelr

Force powers or not, they tend to師d themselves fo=ow-
1ng the career paths of dlPlomats and medlatOrS’Seeklng

to brlng PeaCe tO the galaxy Some ConsuIars work wlth the

Rebel A帖ance,帥dlng =ke-mlnded socletleS and bringlng
them lntO the Rebei fold or helplng them to overcome impe-
「lai pressure However, many do thelr WOrk ln SeCre=abor-
1ng Wlth a wlde varlety Of corporatlOnS, OrganlZatiOnS’and

Othergroups to help brlng harmony and tranqu=lty tO a War-

torn gaIaxy ArblterS See the ebb and f10W Of pressures and
Struggles and lnStlnCtiVely sense the fault =neS Of thought
g劇団出T回asn I巳u鵬」すd 」0」 abedrs晒仙調印巾叩2叩」d o叩劃uな血u蒔尋田ad ,
人格o脚H 」O珊dに職細田
N時白さO Sヨ「dI⊃Si口
alqeuOSee」un Al
-SnOPl191u SE) S叫Od s.)u3u
乙∧q 」9叫nO〕u○ ○い
臆Oddo ue」○ ○u〇 〇〇S O]」0]
〕0 ]Se」 9明」QJ S〉1⊃eu⊃ uOil
」即08eN酵JO相n〕捌P帥 -e11089N ∧∧eS JO yuE)」 」9d
eSee」〕9P O]叫⊃e甲 賀eqビS 」9PuE]S∧q euo e〕ul^uO〕
0〕巾elp uO!〕印0務N
三豊高ま納器言 ◆◆◆ p」eH e e津川
S)1〕eu〕 eSiM
-]e∂」〕S Pue uOl昨月O8eN
=曾山0」J 」01即08∂N ∧∧eS し佃P9粗9ue80eつnPe月e
臆MOd e〕」0] e uliM 」e〕〕e」勘〕
」O 叩き」 」∂d音e∧0山9と】
S]98」e]叫euOddo ue ue11M
∂uO JO Pe3〕Sul lsd卸S S)1〕eu〕 eSi州
OM〕山∂]I ue S∂8曾山きP -〕∂叩S Pue uO世llO89N
相enb 」ePunS S.uOdeeM li曾山0」」 」〇時周08∋N ∧∧eS
e e〕臥i〕〕e Ol叫∂dsのu〕甲 」O 叩き」 」ed臆∂∧0山明
S〉1⊃9u⊃ ∂SIM
臆]○○」〕S Pue uOl〕el〕O洗N 気eMOd e〕」0] 0〕
lie山0」」 ○○〕el〕08eN ∧∧eS 3un山UJI Sl ]e8」2〕 9叩SSelun
〕0測2」 」ed鵜∂∧0山〇日 Sxp9u〕 uOl〕de〕∋G Pue l]Ol〕
-」∂Oつl…euつ=e O]□pp∀
ll叩II33」∂d `u叩閏。lia両ro叩sl巾!書`(A6叩u@X) alipaI州。り軸:§I間§ 」aa.IB訓剛。脚叩
ll叩叩。liaN `軸SJlalI関l `(@」。1) alipal肌0りH ‘(u叩閑叩iトalilIa!軸。u軸`@u!I中軸`ioOO :§II鵬.Iaa.I関
」∋事喜q」∀ :HⅥnSNo⊃

SeClusion to contend wlth some faiiure that haunts thelr StePS
OrWISh to contemplate the greater role of the Force ln the gal-
axy at large, AscetlCS are lndlVlduals drlVen tO a CalmerタmO「e

COntemPlatiVe aPPrOaCh to thelr =fe, thelr needs, and thelr

Place ln the galaxy They do not seek to gather c「edltS, POS-
SeSSiOnS, Or laureis, but rather」udge their worth by the depth

Ofthelr understandlngOfand communlOn W輔the Force

Ascetics receiVe Athletics, Discip獲ine, Res帥ence, and Vigi-
獲ance as addltIOnal career skills Characters who selec=hlS
apparent functlOnallty Or Crude construc亡IOn AscetlCS may
as theIr Startlng SPeCla=Zation may choose two ofthese skills
be out of practlCe ln SOClal lnte「aCtlOnS and lnterPerSOnai
and galn One free rank ln eaCh without spendlng Startlng eX-
COmmuniCatiOn, bu=he awareness and reslllenCe they have
Pe「-enCe Wh=e most Consulars focus on the acqulSlt10n Of
helpfui skl‖s and ab冊eS, AscetlCS COnCent「ate On honlng galned through thelr trlals, aS We= as the physiCal strength
their own mind to a razor focus As a result, they are =kely thelr Chosen path has eamed them, Can be lnValuable to a
to have a higher straln threshoid than any other Consular group when more refined, ClVl=Zed plans have falled
SPeClailZatlOn, and they have the versati=ty tO WOrk thelr An AscetlC may be found aimost anywhere, from the ur-
Way through almost any dl簡culty. An AscetlC has spent a ban wastelands and undercltieS Of the Core Worlds to the
most lnhospltable and lSOlated comers of the Outer Rlm
言∴ /吉や ノ

The dlStraCtlOnS and demands of the outslde world can 」ar

even the most focused, POWerful mlnds from the spirltual

Path Those who retreat from the noiSe and the chaos fol-
Iow the path ofthe AscetlC There are tlmeS When even the
greatest must set themselves apart, focuslng On the spheres
Ofthesplrltand the mInd to theexclusIOn Ofa= else Byem-
b「aclng lSOlatiOn and hardshiP, many Consuiars are abie to

reallZe levels of potentlal that more mundane tralnlng teCrl-

nlqueS COuld never unleash

Many AscetiCS have chosen thelr lonely path of depr十

VatlOn and medltat10n tO Plumb the depths of a specl臼c

mystery, a trOub=ng eVent In the balance of the galaxy, Or
a great personal failing The growth made posslble through
thiS mtrOSPeCtlOn and seIf-denlal means that when AscetlCS
Choose to emerge from thel「 Se旧mposed exlle, they are lde-
a=y sulted to confront any sltuatlOn, Wlth the adaptab冊y of
hard-WOn eXPerlenCe Often Consulars wl‖ surface from such

lSOlatiOn tO take up a partlCular cause or purpose, driVen

from quiet COntemPlatiOn Ofthe galaxy by a troubllng lmbal-
ance sensed from the depths ofthelr Serenity
開国l」l回・aS叩uOSJe山OJさ6Ed帥柵叩。lld pu叩一」d o] p叩2」唖一義仙」己d  ̄
M∀「 」O S∃「di⊃与iロ
S沖〇匹」9MOd ∂〕」0]
O] OO ppE’lsse=O 9⊃ue」q
-山n⊃u∋乙iく∋〕01岬ul S山∂11
8u血」きつSi 」卸〕e」eu〕 e明月
Sulelu9」O u」n]んe∧e ul印S
し」∂即S u」nl ]X91=O 8ulu
-u189q囲Im P調l山田O〕 O
JO 」equnu /q準os 3S捌肌l
uOi〕〕e]0」d 9〕」0] 〕O S〉1ue」
Ol dn 〈⊃…山O〕 PuE) ulE)」1S
し」〔剃nS l」∂∧n∂ue山 uOl]
○○∂〕0」d e〕」0] e明山」OJ」9d

〔リO Pee〕S]l
PunO」 u⊃E’e PunOM I SJ:剃nS
」副〕e」孔P 9u仁山nn〕臥 0]
」9MOd JO S]〕a措Pu9相e]e PeSOdx∂ u∂u州∑ JO Pき91Sul
PunO」しpe9 ule」]S しSJeJJnS
児Pe」eu〕 ∂囲`(し乙乙 e8ed
S)1〕eu⊃ e〕uelllS `yooq91nと]副O〇人N山5]a aN∀
葛eとI Pue S叩e冊∀ O] 8ululeJL 諾薯智慧
e明し川〇㌦ed.」eMOd 9〕」0] ∃関○ゴ9∂S) ∂明の0胡「S u〇日M
le〕lS相d JO刈e」 」ad □ pP∀
e JO S〕〕9見∂ 9囲」ePun Jl
Sul恥9」〈⊃ u」nr旬e<9 uleJ]S
し」e即S u」巾〕X軋り0凱iu
-u届9q囲un Pe抑山田0〕 O
JO 」eq山nu佃準os esee」〕ul
uOil)卸0」d e〕」0] 」O S斗ue」
O〕 dn⊂〉]…山○○ Pue ulE’JIS
し」eJJnS ’」e∧n∂uE’田 uOl]
-○○〕0」d e⊃」0ヨ∂囲田」0リed
S沖9u⊃ e〕uel=S
-aと」 Pue SJl]9冊∀ 0〕 8ulul叫
Ie)lS相d JO測e月9d □ pP∀
脚u印面`脚u利害§a[ `au!i匝§叩`s叩aI間:§脚§ J拘」I強iロlIO各軸叩
uo害]e!101iaN `軸§J印l!al `laJI]1〕 a6pai関りH ‘(lI叫的叩]) alipal伽u巾u!lll!坤II ’l。りす:§脚§ 」aa」関
⊃町∋⊃与∀ :HⅥn与No⊃

丁         円田蝿聞直は
here comes a tlme m the =fe of most who feel the draw Some 「七achers work cIosely wlth estab=S申d schooIs and
Of the Force when they declde tha=hey can best serve academleS, Perhaps echolng the technlqueS and tradltlOnS

A 「七aCher’s addlt10nal career skllls

are KnowIedge (Education),

Knowledge (しore), Leader-
Ship and Perception Charac-

a desert, the sodden expanse ofa humid

SWamP, Or the cramped con帥es ofa tramp
frelghter.  ̄reachers w用do wha白S needed to

See that thelr Students are prepared for the

tasks that lle before them

Often the path of the  ̄reacher lS nOt One that

lS Selected, but one that lS thrust upon one by

ClrCumStanCe ln the pursultOfexpanslVe gOais,
∂…1 euljieu S酬目]〕9「qnS
e 8ui申」e9Seとi S沖e甲e8pe
-iMOu〉」 11e luO」J 」eu〕」eeS
u叩da調ad `叫§」@p問l `t劃。「) alillaIMOII)i `Iu叩閉れ回i) aIipa!肌。りH :§脚§賀絢」関I甘u叩叩叩
uo!暮哩0露3問`回!岬apI!a「 `(a」O「) alilIaImOIIX `Iu叩l!種叩]) aIi回aI伽l]軸’alI両種制’1I]00 :§問S 」a劃l!さ
」∋ll⊃e│獲。 :tlV「nSNO⊃
田 Activation: PasslVe
t10n requlred for gameplay (See Page 156 of the FoRCE AND Ranked: No
DESTINY Core Rulebook) 廿ees: AscetlC
Force f。/en[ if a character lS Carrylng ltemS tha亡tota1 2 en-
Cumbrance or less (after factoring ln reductlOnS SuCh as for
Activation: ActiVe (Act10n)
a「mor belngWOm), Wheneverhe makes a Force powercheck,
Ranked: No
he addsO● to the results
Thees: Arbiter
Fo/てe fo/ent Once per sessIOn, the character may perform lf a character normally carrleS ltemS tha=otal more than
the AggresslVe NegotlatlOnS aCt-On, mak-ng a Hard O◆◆ 2 encumbrance but dlSCards or otherwISe 10SeS those江ems

Lightsaber check lf the character succeeds, the character de- temporarlly, the GM can ruie tha=he characterst川does not

CreaSeS the d輸cuIty ofa= Negotlat!On Checks he makes for the galn the benefits of Empty Soul
remalnderofthe encounterby two to a mlnlmum OfO
⊂ONGENiAし Activation: ActlVe (lncldenta上Out of Thlm)

Activation: ActlVe (lncldenta上Out of巾m) Ranked: No

Ranked: veS 廿ees:  ̄reacher

¶"eeS: Arblter When an aily engaged wlth the character falls a check, the
When attemptlng a Charm or NegotlatlOn Check, the character Character may suffer l straln lf so, the character may assiSt
may suffera numberofst「aln tO downgrade the d佃Culty ofthe the next check that a=y makes thlS enCOunter aS an Out Of
Checka numberoftlmeSequal to thestraln Suffered ThlS num- tum lnCldental (rather than as a maneuver. as descrlbed on
ber camot exceed hlS ranks ln Congenlal When the character Page 34 ofthe FoRCE AND DESTiNY Core Ruieb○○k)
lS the target of a Charm or NegotlatlOn Check, the character
may suffer a number of straIn tO uPgrade the d櫛Culty of the
Activation: ActlVe (incidental)
Checka numberoftlmeSequai to thestraln Suffe「ed ThlS num-
Ranked: No
ber camot exceed hlS ranks ln Congenlal
巾ees: AscetlC

⊂Ru⊂1AしPOINT Once per sessIOn, the character may perform the Go Wlth○

Activation: ActlVe (lncldental) ○ut !nCldenta=f he does, he counts as havlng the rlgh=ooIs

Ranked: veS for the jOb (See the FoRCE AND DESTiNY Core Ruiebook, Page
¶-eeS: Arblter 181) when performlngthe nextskl= checkthlStum
Once per sessiOn durlng OngOing negOtlatlOnS, the character
may perform the C「uclal Polnt lnCldental to lntrOduce one po-
Activation: ActlVe (Maneuver)
tentlal concessIOn thatan opponentwl= do nea「lyanythlngtO
Ranked: No
Obtaln ThlSCan Only take place durlngan enCOunterfeaturlng
廿ees: AscetlC
亡he NegotlatlOn Sk川Such encounters can range from a hlgh-
Before maklng a Sklll check, the character may perform the
1evel dlPIomatlC COnference to the negotlatlOn Of payment
lntense Focus maneuver The character suffers I straln tO uP-
for a 」Ob, but should not lnClude socla=nteraCtlOnS featurlng
grade the abl=ty Ofthe skl= check once
Othersoclal sk用S SuCh as Charm, CoercIOn, Or DeceptlOn

Wha=he concessIOn lS Should be up to the player and lRON SOUし

GM lt should be somethlng that one party lS Wl=lngtO glVe Activation: PasslVe
up o「 exchange, and lt Shouid be somethlng COnCrete (SuCh
Ranked: No
巾“ees: AscetlC
as a new trade deal or the offer ofa used speeder to get a
deai on a new one) The lengths the other party lSW冊ngto
lf a character lS Carrylng ltemS that tota1 2 encumbrance or
less (after factorlng ln reductlOnS SuCh as for armor belng
go to are dependent on the scenar10, and may range from
WOm), a=he end ofthe encounter he heals a= st「al両hat he
Offerlng a drastlC decrease ln PrlCe tO agreeIng tO an lmme-
dlate CeaSe-臣e ln an OngOing COnfilCt At mlnlmum, the dif-
lS Currently sufferlng

froulty of further NegotlatlOn Checks should be decreased if a character normaily carrleS ltemS that totai more than

A=he GM’s dlSCret!On, there may be some thmgS that no 2 encumbrance but dlSCards or otherwISe loses those ltemS
reasonable sentlent W用do K冊ng oneseif to obtaln a COn- temporarlly, the GM can rule thatthe characterstl‖ does not

CeSS10n, Se=lng a Planet血O Slavery, and surrenderlng the galn the bene師soflron Soul

Rebel A旧ance to the Emplre are a= examples of thlS

’u」n=X∂u S叩蓑判e mun S滞e噂」∂MOd
90」0] ^ue∴∂準田]Ou他山」印的」き四・e阻∴勘n事
]Xeu S.」∂1)e」euつel1=O Pue e囲胆un 8u鴫」 9測O]
]ue」」n〕 S.Je:Pe」e甲e囲O] lenbe叫nOlue ue Aq eSue」
耳OuS u岬]iM相e euo JO 8u!]e」 eつ」Oコe明S∂See」〕ul
`ule」ISウS」9即S 」∂]⊃剛e甲9u⊥ uOi]〕e ○○u」ee「 e
9⊃uO ∂囲…OJ」∂d南山」el〕e」eu〕 eu⊥うu∂仰∂刀四
」∂甲e副_ :See叫
ON :pe)!ue甘
(u〇匹∀) e∧i〕⊃∀ :uO!事e^!〕⊃V
HヨNおVヨ「 VきつNo
’SeSSeSSOd le8Jel e叩]e明S9Pe」8dn
JO ed旬Pue」eq田nu e山eS 9明8ul^qu Se S]unO⊃ eu
`」eMOd 9⊃」0] e S]⊃∂leS Je:Pt3」eu〕 eu"i ’SeSS9SSOd
e〕」O] 」O luele〕 9uO Pue 」91unO⊃u∂ 〕ue」」n⊃ ∂囲u=○〕⊃e
-」ELP ∂uO /ue esoo埠/e山」el〕e」eu〕 e叩くuo!SS9S 」9d 9⊃uO
」eu⊃e剥_ :See叫
‘SJO Pee]Sul PunO」甲e9 PunOMしS」〔剃nS」印〕e」euつ
ON :pe)叩き轡
(ieluePi〕ul) 9∧l]J∀ :uO!1e^!1⊃V ∂u仁山m⊃臥O] PeSOdx∂ ue11M ’S JO Pt2∂1Su! PunO」甲粥
甘言⊥SV州ヨH⊥ 〃loN u岬」1S しS」;湖nS 」印⊃e」eu⊃ 9囲∵白乙乙e8ed `斗OOqeinと1 9」O⊃
州⊥S∃a aN∀剃Oゴ帥eeS) 8明e3OJJnS u911M?u∂/D7利Qj
‘uOiSSeS e山晒eJO 8u甲u!8eq e囲
〕il○○S∀ :See皿
叩l〕旧uO⊃ 1 Su!晒相∽!1euJO叩e ]uele] Si囲P∂Sell〕」nd seu ONやe斗ueロ
OuM 」9]⊃e」e甲∀ Pe」e即S uleJIS e唱O〕 ienbe spunoMJO 」9q
e∧!SSed :uo!〕き^!暮⊃V
一山nu e S」∈鴻nS 」∂y⊃弼e 9u十OS SeOP 」e〕〕e」eu〕 eu"i ‘刈〕印]e
∃⊃NV田上∃^1」競し1回∃ i‖
9甲田O」J P9」∂即S SPunOM JO 」eq山nu e囲O=enbe u岬」1S JO
」∂q山nu e S」〔親nS 」e]3e」叫p eul ●P∂∧lOSe」 ue∂q Seu 」∂1Je S9沖田利き∂明
」e甲el汀8し甲e8」e] xpeuJ評q山O⊃ e 」e鵬leluePlOui P∂el{] 津光叫〕 eulidl〕Sl(コ〕X9u 9唱」Oj 」e]〕軌euO e囲Se i間S eu両
-PS!a到] u! S測e」 JO 」equnnu elueS e叩8u!∧Eu Se叫nO⊃
PuIN eul l川OJ」ed ol eSOOu〇八e山∂u (u」OM 8u!∂q 」O山Jt3 」OJ
Se lPnS SuOi〕〕nPe」 u! 8u!」Ol⊃e=三周e) ss∂=O 9Jue」q山n⊃u∂ 01 e8ue」 〕」OuS ui咽M相e ue MO酵O] uie」]S乙」e即S舟e田
乙I印O=t2哩S田∂理8u吠」」e⊃ Si 」el⊃e」e甲e Ji 7u∂/Dう∂刀Qj 」e]Oe」eu3 9u十lelueP!⊃u甲」nlJO lnO ue Se PunO」. ed e⊃uO
叩e〕S∀ :See■叶 」∂uつe卑し:See叫
ON :pe)叩き!量 ON :pe)!uき!量
((u」ru」O lnO時世9Pl〕ul) 9∧甲∀ :uO町e^!]DV (u」ru_ JO lnO席]uePi⊃ui) e∧l〕⊃∀ :uO!pe^場〇V
〇日ヨ喜田回軸IM 曽o⊥⊃nH⊥SNI甘さ⊥5VN
PHYSiGA」 TRAINING ranks ln that skl‖ than the character does, the charac-

Activation: PasslVe ter may ch○○se to lmmediately perform a Skliied l七acher

Ranked: veS lnCldenta吊O Suffera numberofstraln, then add an equal

巾ees: AscetlC number o上衣to the ally’s next check The number of

The character adds口per rank of PhysiCa=halnlng tO hlS Straln Suffered cannot exceed the character’s ranks m

AthletlCS and Resl=enCe Checks Sk川ed 「七aCher


Activation: PassIVe Activation: PasslVe
Ranked: veS Ranked: No
¶.ees: Arblter l十ees: Arbiter

The cha「acter removes萱per rank of Sawy NegotiatOr from all Eac旧ひa charac亡er spends亡O aCtlVate a WeaPOn’s Sunder

NegotlatlOn and StreetwISe Checks quallty damages the target ltem tWO StePS, lnStead of one


Activation: ActlVe (ActlOn) Activation: PasslVe
Ranked: No Ranked: No
廿ees: Arblter 巾ees: leacher

Whlie engaged ln a debate or argument, the charac- Knowiedge (Core Worlds) and Knowledge (Outer Rlm)
ter may take a Savvy NegotiatOr aCtlOn tO make a Hard become career skl=s

ゆ◆◆) Negotiation check lfthe check lS SuCCeSSfu上One

bystander or observer per rank of Savvy NegotlatOr SeeS
Activation: ActlVe (lncldental)
One Ofthe opponent’s polntS (Chosen by the character) as
Ranked: No
mallC10uSly unreasonable
l十ees: 「七acher
丁he GM has the flnal say as to whether bystanders could Once per round when maklnga COmbat check, the character
See a POmtaS unreaSOnable, based on who those bystanders may perform a WISe Warr10r lnCldental to spend l Destlny
are and wha=he polnt lS (for example, an lmpe「lal offlCer Polnt and use any characteriStiC for the check
WOuld not =kely see the argument that the Rebel Al=anCe
needs to be defeated m冊arlly as unreasonable) ln these WtSE WARRIOR (1MpROVED)
CaSeS, the GM can suggest a modifled ve「s10n Of that argu- Activation: ActlVe (lncldental)
ment that would be more belieVable (Sald lmperial offlCer Ranked: No
may stl= want to defea=he A=lanCe, but may concede tha亡 丁子ees:  ̄leacher

uslngWeaPOnS =ke the Death Star lS barbarlC) When the character performs the WISe Warr10r lnCldenta上

One ally atshort range may use the same characteriStlC uSed
SI(1し」ED TEA⊂HER ln the WiSeWamOr mCidental forthe nextcombat check the
Activation: ActlVe (incidentai, Out of山m) a=y makes before the end ofthe character’s next turn
Ranked: Vさs
廿ees: feacher
Befo「e an aily at short range makes


/                 I
●囲MO」〇 JO ∧」0∂e書留3
e哩O叩P9dno」8 ∂」e SuOi e∧!]OIN Meu eSell⊥ ’SuOpeZ岬や
-∂ds s]l Pue 」e9」e〕 JeinSuOO ∂明」OJ P9u8!SeP SuOpe噂O困
JO 」9qunnu e S9○nPO」叩相o田」eH JO Seld!C)SIG `」einSuOO e
」O=ieM測OM ue.) 9S9囲9間M 明ie] Pue `esneっ’uo印qlu∀
8ulPnirNi `!Pe「 8u岬dse 」OJ eiq印nS SuOi]e^ilOIN lue」〔鴻!P
le」e∧∂S S]ueSe」d yooqeinとl 9」〇〇人Nl⊥S∃q aN∀ ∃3tIOゴeu⊥
聞出鯛㊥閏 e」⊃ eq PlnOuS SuO!l
」e岬Su○○ ISO囚●人xei晒
抑M luOPS肌Pue e8peiMOuy
8up胡s pue 8u岬nbつe 」O `]J冊uO⊃ 8
ーPue Pue eJ開d 8ulP開」ds uo sn
S訓」O∂∂〕e〕OM]Aue]O甲e∂uO3⊃uO=Oと】 0し
O SJlelnSuOO P腰MO持l」OM OI Dd 」は
晒MO」〇 i6・L
JO Su∂i e田嶋no」囲SuO胆e
明や] 9〇台
eSnきつ ナS
uO印q山∀ 乙-し
雌重き: 漢書1菓葵場
N刷上朋皿日間四間門SN開聞臼田NⅧ :之輸鴨]「臼Ⅵ。
SNO音■晴^看⊥ON tIV「nSNO⊃

-1120i ∴∴∴∴∴∴∴;∴∴∴∴
2上る0 Hope:ltisadarktimeforthegalaxy,WhentheEmpi「ecrushesresistanceandthosewhoaredifferentwithout.

ろ1-40 thoseinhldlngtOdothesameltcanalsomeanhelplngthosefa=entothedarksidebecomeJedlOnCe

41-50 しife∴LlfeitselfcreatestheForce,andpiacesteemlngWith=fetendtobestrongintheForce.PCswith帥S

i5○○。。 州千三二∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴;∴∴:;


6主70 detachedfromthebeingswholnhabitlt.Consularsfocusedoncommunitythinksmal上be=evingthatpeacelSa

7十80 Knowiedge:ThegalaxylS-naStateOfturmoilandtyrannythankstotheGalacticEmplre.WhlChexercises

8主90 WisdomlExpe「ience:MostConsularsaspiretobewiseleadersoradvisors.enablingthoseinthei「orb両olead

91-00 Apprentice:SomeConsularsarefocusedlessonthelrOWngrOWthandmoreonthepersonalgrowthofothers

Consulars re」eCt COmPlacency, St「lVmgtO make themselves

and thelr SurrOundingS better than they were the day before
ThlS driVe for lmPrOVement Can manlfest ltSel白n many WayS,

from self-1mPrOVement tO helplng feudmg faml=eS reSOlve

thei「 dlfferences Other Consulars take a broader vleW and

WOrk towa「d noth旧g less than galactlC PeaCe

in some lnStanCeS, the deslre nOt」uStfortheirOWn grOWth,

but that of the party, mlght run counter to the goals of al-
=ed characters ThlS Can Create SOme lntra-Party亡ensIOn and

COnfllCt, WhiCh the Consular lS uniqueiy equlPPed to resoIve

PeaCefu=y St川, l白S lmPOrtan=O nOte that Consula「s wlth

ノ⊂onsu事す園Signatu「e AbiIity巾ee: Mu⊂h to Lea「∩
白日仕口当用白=曽温習円売りn増刊日出的増  ‖自白‖ - 1- く

﹁∴.しノ    /

Once per game sessIOn, the character may spend 2 Destlny PolntS and make a Hard q)◆◆ Knowledge (Education) check’then choose one talent tha…e
cha「acter possesses For the remalnder of the current encounter one allled character wlt:hln med…m range COuntS aS havlng that talent l白hat talent -S rankedl
the a=led character counts as havlng aS many ranks ln the talent as the character v¥「lth thlS Slgnature ab冊y does

Reduce the d聞Culty of the

Skill check to actlVate Much
亡o Learn toんerage O)◆



the a=y The a=y does not have the Scathlng Tlrade talent
S書GNA丁調RE A露看」容丁Y: and thus cannot perform the ScathlngTlrade act10n tO begln
MU⊂軸TO L邑ARN Wlth (lf, however, the ally already had the Scathlng Tlrade
talent, he would be able to bene航from Supreme Scathlng
in an era when the 」edi are a= but extlnCt, PaSSlng On the 丁Irade once glVen aCCeSS tO lt )

scattered remnants ofthelr teaChlngS has become a vltal task

Atthe same time, those who teach must also expect to be on U甲GRADES
the fron川nes agalnSt the forces that would snuff out the llght

of the Jedl forever. Some of these dediCated lndiVlduals see Change SkilI (Knowledge): When actiVatlng Much to Lea町
the chance to turn thlS Struggle lntO a Classroom They adopt the character may make any Knowledge sk川check lnStead
Charges and apprentlCeS, then carry on lnStruCtlOn eVen aS Of a Knowledge (EducatlOn) check
both master and student contlnue the flght for survlVai For
Change SkiIl (Leadership): When actlVating Much to Learn,
such characters, eVery COnfliC白S a lesson waltlng tO be taught
the character may make a LeadershlP Skl= check lnStead ofa
Knowledge (Educat10n) check
Destiny: lb actlVate Much to Learn, the character only
Once pe「 game sessIOn durlng an enCOunter, the characte「 needsto spend l Destlny Polnt-nStead ofthe norma1 2
may spend 2 Destlny PolntS and make a Hard O)◆◆)
1mprove lalent: if the character possesses the lmPrOVed
KnowIedge (Education) check The character then chooses
versIOn Of the chosen talent, a=leS affected by the Much to
one talen=hat he possesses For the remainder of the cur- Learn base ab冊y also count as havlngthe lmPrOVed vers10n
rent encounter, One al=ed cha「acter withln medlum range
Of the talent.
counts as havingthattalent lfthe talent lS ranked, the al‖ed

charactercountsas havmgaS many ranks In the talentas the Increase Number: lncrease the number ofa=leS affected by
Characterwith the slgnature ablllty does the base ab冊y by two per lncrease Number upgrade

Note that lf the character chooses a talent that modifleS Reduce Difficulty: The d価Culty to actlVate Much to Learn

other talents (SuCh as the `′lmPrOVed’’or “supreme’’versiOnS

is Jtwerage (◆ ◆) lnStead of Hard O)◆◆)

of taients), thiS does not giVe the a=ied character the base Supreme鴫lent: lf the character possesses the supreme
talentaswell So, lfa characterglVeS an a=y Supreme Scath- versIOn Of the chosen talent, al‖eS affected by the Much to
1ngTlrade (WhlCh a=ows a character to perform the Scathlng Leam base ab冊y also count as havlng the supreme versiOn
Tirade actIOn aS a maneuVer), the talentwould be useless for Of the talent


’∂⊃!P e囲8uillO」副O]eq `lOOd e111
UJO」」O=e e∧O山e」 OI PePeeu Se田l〕JO」∂q山nu ∂明xpeu⊃ e11]
獲s∋∧O山e」 」el〕e」elP eu十uOi〕叩O8∂N Pe甲]e山un
/q pe〕〕;剃e沖9申出準e 8ui準Iu ueuM :)P2q]eS a^O叫atl JO木un瑚IP 9囲S∂Pe」8uMOP 」e]⊃e」euつe巾‘xpell〕 uOi昨月O8
○○N 」O `uo11de〕eG `uoi〕」eOつ′…eLD e Se津山」∂〕〕E,」elP 〕e囲
’e8ue」山niP∂山O] Pe]⊃∂鵬3q ue⊃ Seii
」9∧eueuM `puno」 e囲JO IS9」 ∂囲」O] S]ulOd相i]Sea Z Pueds
-1e岬uM le 98ue」山nuJIXe山∂囲S∂See」oui :e8ueti eSee」Ou看
^e山」e〕〕e」elP e囲`l掛uePi〕ul ue Se uOISS8S e山晒」∂d 9⊃uO
’9⊃uO S沖e甲9SO囲JO相n瑚IP e囲ePe」8
-uMOP爪e山Sxp∂LP uOi⊃」eOつ」O `uoi]de〕e(] ’uJJe1D `uoi]印O8 人⊥○○ iさ∀甘言がさ
-eN e沖田OuM 」e]〕軌e11〕 e明囲M P98晒u∂ S」∂]⊃e」elP P∂ille
`e∧11〕e Sl uOi]E周0∂eN Peu⊃]e山u[ eil11M :1Je導∃ aSee」⊃ui
S9準]S… leq」∂∧ ∂]eun〕」OJun 」O `s引nSu十S叫8"S P○
○Pu∂叫Iun /ue spiO∧e (i」O咋町O∂eu e明和E’l○○dse) pe∧10∧ul euO
∂Pe」8dn uoi]e」na 」ed puno」
-んe∧e `l呪」O P9eつつnS SuOl時間08∂u e囲」∂囲euM ]e囲∂」nSue
leuOi]lPPe [ 」OJ S]Sei u〇時ilO8eN P9甲le山un :uO!事剛na
S」O岬l]O8eu ∂Seu十elqe] 8ulul晒」eq e叩〕e uMOP ]lS (e囲u9uM
Z leu」Ou ∂囲JO Pee]Su=ulOd相i〕SeGしPu9ds o]SP∂∂u有uo ui89q u9∧9 SuOl時間O8∂u 9囲e」OJ∂q uOl叫e]uO⊃ JO SlulOd 」O
`s∂準]S….S=即Id lei叫e〕Od相e 91edi二時ut? O=岬iS9」OJ ∂囲
」elつe」elP e囲`uoi〕e11O89N P9u〕]臥nun ∂〕e^l]⊃e Ql. :人u!事Sea
e∧eu OSle (e明くpe∧lOSe」 9q O] 8ul〕leM叫e山e周∂S Pe〕ei〕O8∂u
(」e∧9MOu `Ⅵ⊃∂甲9囲
O] * leuO理PPe ue PPe 〕Ou SeOP S冊) xpe甲e囲JO S引nSe」 l即u∂〕Od e se叩iJuOつ相e ees ISn「1Ou OP S」O]ei〕O論u JSeq 9u⊥
叩01 ㊥叩e山0叩ESPPe」印e」elP e111 `訓l⊃e Sl uOi即O8eN
P∂u3]e山un ∂iiuM xpelP uOl咋周O89N 」O `uol]d∂〕ea `uol〕」∂ No8」がl⊥oり∃ N
-Oつ`…euつe Siie=卸⊃e」elP e囲」e∧∂ueuM :udun田PPV
雪害回Vおりd n 軍人⊥暮「寒さV害せn書けN寄書S
SlinS9」 9叩0〕 ㊥叩e田0叩e
SPPe 」e]〕e」きu〕 e囲’e^il⊃e
S=eMOd sl明e問M y⊃e甲
uol咋周O8∂N 」O ‘uoild∂〕 uol〕即08∂N P∂u〕1e山

一           /
-eG.uOD」e○○ `…きu⊃巳Siie」 -un ∧q pe〕〕〔親e S沖∂u〕
」∂1⊃巳」eu〕 ∂明 」e∧eu∂uM 相e∴山〇月 漢 e∧0山9と】
100d 9い山O」JO =e ∂∧0山∂」 O] PeP∂eu S9山間O 」9qlLmu 9囲xp9中軸JO木unつ朋IP 9囲S9Pe」8uMOP 」∂〕〕軌eu〕抽斗〕∂u〕 uOl朋08eN 」O `uol]d∂〕∂G
`uoi〕」∂Oつ’…euつe S∂津山」91つe」E2Ll〕 〕e囲」e∧eu∂uM Ipuno」 e囲JO ISe」 e囲」O] S叫lOc]相i〕SeG乙Pueds /eu…el⊃e」q甲9囲’lE叫9P。ul ue Se uOISS∂S 9田晒」ed e〕uO
uo!事叩06∋N PauJ事e山un :aa漢書A],量I害qV a音n事eu6!S賀なInSuo⊃
P9Seu⊃」nd ept3」8dn即急ue」IS 」ed
(9 」O山n山iX曾山
Oし句S胡Ju口∂8」el e囲PuE S」eJJnS ]98Je] ap ]eu] Se「」n「ul
e o]= JO Peersul (LJO山n…XE)山e O]) z句」9MOd s冊句
iee岬」引le SeSee」m=eSn e〕」O] ell] `Oe呼」eue8 o〕 P∂Sn 9」∂M
Pe]SOOq S叩Sl」91⊃e」勘D SeSee」〕u=eSn ∂⊃」O] eu⊥血a]SeN
0ouJI P9Se甲」nd epe」8dn両3ue」IS」∂d ol /q s]〕旧ul 〕e8」e]
9u] Pue S」三男nS 〕∂8」e] ∂囲]e囲S訓n「u=co11i」つ=e S∂See」〕eP 〈⊃OJO PeelSul) 98u削uI Sule山e月e8」el
」9Sn e〕」O] 9u十〇ele」eu98 o] PeSn e」9M ● ou Jl :u申uaJ]S ∂叩Se 8uoI Se 」eMOd s冊JO S]〕∈鴻9 e明ulE]SnS O] 〈⊃ ]…
-山O⊃ /e山」eSn e⊃」O] 9叩′」9MOd s岬8ulSn 」三男∀ :uO!岬」na
S∂u月〕 eid刑n山S冊eユ臥i]〕ビ
バe山」9Sn e⊃」O] e岨P∂Se甲」nd sepe」8dn e8ueと=O 」9q山nu ∂8ue」 ul Sule山9」 ]e8」e]
e明O〕 (enbe spueq e8ue」 」O」eq山nu e /q 」eMOd sl即O ∂8ue」 9明Se SuoI Se 」eMOd s叫=O S揮剃e eu‖re埼nS O]〈⊃〈⊃]…
-山O〕 ∧e山」∂Sn e〕」0] e明`」eMOd s冊8ulSn 」三周∀ :uO!1e」na
e囲eSe∂」⊃ul O] OO pueds /則r 」eSn e〕」0] ∂岨:e8uetI
+ Z 6lI!lI!回的J。看:§al!§!nlla」aJd
enq山l :○○山。園e爪od ●⊃菓q]

tempests and caims When Force users truly let the Force flow 。 Ebb: When makmg a COmbined Ebb power check, the
through them, gOVemlng thelraCtlOnS, they feel the Force ln eV- Force usermayspendOto add ▼ toa= checks made by
ery move lt makes・ it 「evltaliZeS and empowers them, eVen aS lt
engaged opponents unt-1 the end ofthe Force user’s next
SaPS and hinders thelr enemleS These Fo「ce users do not even
turn The Force user may not actlVate this muitlPle tlmeS
need to帥nk about lt, the Force simply does what they need lt
O FIow:When makinga COmbined FIow powercheck言he
to do, and they obey the w=l ofthe Force ln tum
Force user may spendOto add * to any checks the
Force usermakesthat use the same skl= before the end
Ofthe user’s next tum The Force user may not actlVate

丁he basIC POWer Can be used either to empower the user or thiS multIPle tlmeS
to sap strength from the user’s foes The basiC POWer has two ControI: The Force power galnS the fo=owmg effect Once
WayS tO SPend Force Points.
Per enCOunter, SPend O○○ to ask a slngie “yes-Or-nO’’
o Ebb: When the Force usermakes a sklii check, he may questlOn Pertaining tO the current events of the game The
roii an Ebb power check as part of the ro= The user GM must answer truthfuily (although depending on how the
may spendOto suffer l straln, then lnf=ct l strain On question lS Phrased, the answerstiii may be misleading!)
all other engaged characters. The Force user may not Control: The Force power gains the ongoing effect. Commlt
activate帥S muitlPle timeS.
O unt旧he end of the current encounter. Fo「 the remalnde「
e Fiow: When the Force usermakesa sklii check, he may Of the current encounter,

roll a FIow power check as part ofthe ro= The user

may spendOto hea= straIn. The Force user may
not actlVate this multiple times.


The upgrades for Ebb/FIow

tend to focus on enhancing the
effects when characters make
Force power checks as part
Of other actIOnS, aS Weli as
encou「aglng Characte「s to

swltCh between the Ebb and

may spend O to a
㊨ to a= checks ma

add (雌to any checks

xp9113 1‖準]X∂u 岬Ol @"e山O]nE PPe OleSOOu〕 十(q u」n〕 ]Xeu Slし=O Pu9 e囲副OJeq S)Pe甲Siu O〕 PePPe
/e山」∂Sn ∂⊃」0] e11十」eMOd s町=O eSn e山O」J ul叩S S 訴e囲eSee」〕ui O]Opueds (e山」9Sn e⊃」O] e岨:uぜue」]S
ISe〇日e Pelee甲9Sn 9〕」0] 9囲Jl ‘uoiSS9S」9d ∂⊃uO :MOlゴ ○
Se山11eld刑n山S冊∂]臥1]つe/e山」eSn e⊃」O] 9u⊥ しAq u」n]
刈〕eu⊃出汁S 〕X∂u ]X∂u Siし=O Pue e111 e」QJeq S」el〕e」e甲Pe∂晒ue oI PePPe @ e囲
S.」el〕e」eu〕 1e明Ol ㊨叩e山01ne PPe O〕 ∂SOOu〕南山 esee」〕u=O `し∧q u」n=X9u Slu JO Pue e囲e」O]eq Sxpe甲Slu O] P∂
」9Sn 9〕」O] ∂u十」eMOd si11=0 9Sn 918ulS e uJO」」 uleJ]S S
-PPe O 9囲∂SE,e」⊃ul O〕Opu∂ds ∧e山」eSn 9〕」O] e肥:u掘ue」]S
]See口e Pe」制nS 」∂1⊃EJEu) e引`uoISSeS 」∂d ∂⊃uO :qq] o S〇回] eid刑n山S冊〇時∧i〕〕ビバ引田
MOi] Pue 」eSn e〕」O] e11⊥ し∧q」eMOd s冊∧q pe〕瑚u=O Peleeu u」e」]S
qq! 」OJ S]〕e男9叫∂」∂期P Seu ePe」8dnん∂〕SeIN eu⊥血e書SeN e1月eSee」〕ul O] O pu9ds Ae山」eSn eつ」O] 9岨:LI轟)u訓IS
Se山i〕 eldl川田S冊∂]E^l]〕e AEu 」∂Sn eつ」O] eu⊥ S」e〕〕e」t3u⊃ Pe8e8u9 」9Ll]O lie
」eMOd s叩]句P9:P∂耳e 8uieq田O」J P∂Seu〕」nd sepe」8dn 9Pn] 8叩⊃9鵬JO Pee]Sul ‘」∂MOd si111岬M 98ueJ ]」OuS ]e S」e〕〕e」eu〕
-iu8e囚JO 」eq山nu e囲O=enb∂ S」ePe」e11〕 P∂8晒ue JO 」eq 」e囲0醇3〕e鵬OIOOpu9ds府山」eSn eつ」O] 9岨:e8uetI
世nu e ePni⊃X9 OIOpueds庇山」eSn e⊃」O] e肥:aPnuu8eN
]〕冊uO〕しSul晒pue ule」〕SしS」〔別nS
S∂山11 eldi]ln山 」eSn e11十Pe=O」 llnS9」 ●甲ee 」OJ ’」e∧eMOH (9⊃lO甲S,」eSn
S冊9〕臥i〕〕e凡e山」eSn e〕」O] eu⊥ し∧q u」nl lX9u Sl1=O Pue e囲) xp9甲e囲O]0」0訴」e1111eSPPEP訓0川nSe」●pueO
9明乱OJeq S」9:Pe」e甲P∂8晒ue o] PePPe ▲ ∂囲eSee」〕u=O 甲eヨSe準uJ eu Sy⊃eしp川準=e Ol〈⊃PPe]Sn山」eSn 9〕」0] e明
MOi害/qq∃ :ae山喜aMOd a⊃」q]
COn帥Ct Consulars tend
reSOlutlOn, to prefer
SOmetlmeS peacefui become
negOtiatlOnS methods of

aggresslVe When faclng down an adversary or protectlng the tooIs capable of generatlng lntenSe COld are crltlCal when
lnnOCent, a Consular needs to be ready for any eventuallty dealing Wlth preservatiOn but can also be usefu=n SClent而c

Wlth a varlety Of weapons endeavors,軒eflg掴ng, and even some types of manufactur-

ing When these same tooIs are weaponlZed, they become

霞ANGED W巳A中ONS POtent,亡ypICa!ly non-Iethai weapons ThlS !S PartlCularly rel-

evant for designS that are portable, lnCiudlng =quld-based
and energy-based solutlOnS
Weapons that lnCaPaCltate a target Can be far more valu-
able than those that ki‖ A dead foe takes secrets to the When臼red, the Loronar CryoBan rlfle’s beam dlSSIPateS

grave, but a llVlng One Can be questlOned More lmPOrtantly, the free energy of ltS target, effectlVely trlggerlng an eXtreme
lt remalnS POSSlble to educate and persuade a belng Who drop ln temPerature ThlS makes lnOrganlC Substances far
remalnS allVe, Whlle a fa=en opponent couid become a mar- more brittle言eavlng them more susceptlble to damage from

tyr for the enemy cause a physICal strlke For liVlng belngS, the sudden drop ln tem-
Perature CauSeS a Shock to亡he system that can be enough

M岳RR“SONN AJ_23 ⊂ON⊂uSS言VE R旧しE to mCaPaCltate SOme targetS

When used to attack a target wearlng armOr that removes

Crowd-COntrOI sltuatlOnS POSe a Slgnlficant and recur…g
One Or mOre臆due to extreme coid言he weapon’s PlerCe
lSSue for law enforcement Securlty PerSOnneI never want
qua冊y counts as O Characters who make a melee attack
to use an maPPrOPrlate level of defenslVe force innocent
againSt a target StruCk by the Loronar CryoBan ln the current
deaths must be avoided at a= costs However, lnadequate
「ound add□□tothe check
SOlutiOnS dramatlCa=y limlt an OfflCer’s optlOnS

The Merr-Sonn AJ-25 1S a highly regarded solut10n for 丁目NLOSS IDX“9 1ON S丁UNNER
CrOWd-COntrOI situatiOnS lts boxy shape and carblne SIZe
make lt both dlStinCtlVe and easy to wleld lt also confers an An lOn Stumer dlSruPtS llVlng beingS’neural pathways as

l両mldatlng aPPearanCe that screams force, enSurlng that tar- We= as the electro川C COmPOnentS Of droids and other

gets recognlZe the wleIder lS armed and ready to take act10n technoIoglCal devICeS ThlS Offers an effectlVe and non-
1ethal solutlOn for securlty PerSOnnel deailng Wlth threats
When師ed, the AJ-25 releases a dlreCted, but compara-
from llVlng belngS aS We= as drolds However, because 10n
tlVely sIow, blast ofconcusslVe force The force lS SufflCiently
StunnerS Can affect electronlC SenSOrS, Crlmlnals often use
StrOng tO knock down aduits of most specleS but remamS
these weapons to dlSabie securlty meaSureS Dlfferent
unlikeiy to cause serlOuS ln」ury The鉦e pa亡tem makes the
govemmentaI agencIeS take dlfferent legai vleWS Of these
WeaPOn We= sulted to deallngWlth crowds but a poor solu-
devICeS because of thelr altematlVe uSeS A= lOn StunrterS
tlOn for targetlng a Slngle perpetrato口n a CrOWd
lnCOrPOrate a dlStlnCtlVe dlSh on the barrel, requlred to fo-
CuSthe 10nlC flash on a target


萱帖=ll・ 5ki-- 〇日間 [「i亡 こくす和正看寡 看轟間 菓雪i王臆 書冊 看こ冊 圏聞I

N-23 ConcussiveRifle Ranged(Heavy) 8 5 Sho「t 4 2 8,000 4 Blast7.Concussive 2,lnaccurate2, Knockdown,Stun Damage

CryoBanRlfle Ranged(Light) 6 Medium 2 1 450 6 Ensnarel,Pierce5, StunDamage

lDX-91on Stunner Ranged(Light) 7 Medium 1 2 う00 4 10n,StunDamage

SporeStun Grenade Ranged(Light) 8 Sho「亡 1 0 100 7 Blast7,LimitedAmmo 1,Pierce3,Stun Damage

Sp「ayFoam Grenade Ranged(Light) Sho「亡 1 0 150 5 Ensnare4,Limited Ammo「

SprayRifle Ranged(Heavy) 7 Medium 4 1 2,700 6 Burn3工imitedAmmo 3,Pierce3,Preparel, StunDamage

SNロdV]Mココl]‖ :Z-Z ]「臼Vl
ueppns es」98∂l」1 Sl肥」e囲O甲粥0川ui里一M S3ue8e9」 le〕
-…eu〕 e叩8ulSOdx9 ‘se]e^一〕⊃eeP PleU e明`uMOP8u刑nO〕
uOl]lun山田e JO S」∂1Slue⊃
seus uU 」elul] el11 ueuM 」01訓]⊃e 」e山一〕 e囲M P∂ddlnbe
」nOJ O] ee」叩8ul」せ」e印e J即Slue⊃ e」nSSe」d e山OJ] P911胆」
pue p19U /8」eue Pe」eMOd-MOi e囲M P91e∂S Se」∂uds "
相E肥」Ou Si Sl岨PeOl爪ed s〕l l∂do」d oI P9Sn 」le PeSSe」d -Seld 」e]∂即u9}ue:l e」e SePeu∂」∂山eO中e」ds s.ssolu?」
十uO〕 ∂ul S∂」0]S叩明津e=∽i」Pui直」e叩l○○uO e Seu OSle
uodeeM 9u⊥ d=〕 e Se Seu⊃叩e甲luM `」9〕Slue⊃ 〕=lele山
∃aVN∃tI9 NVOゴ人間dS SSO│N∃⊥
]ue」edsue」] e ui P∂」O〕S S- uOi…n山田e S.e肌′(e」ds 9岨
●ul準S.〕e8」印e囲巾iM l〕胡
xpene Se8 1e囲甲Ou e ue囲SPMO」⊃ rsule∂e e∧l]J∂J
-J9 SSei S同工P9]e8Je]小unJe」e⊃ eq ]Sn山田e9J]S e11] eSneつeq -uO〕」9男e]〕e兄9 ∂渦OSIE) ue〕 ∧9即nq `p∂1euul u9uM柄〕lnb
‘」e∧eMOH訓l]ePeS訓」Oq」le ue do]S PlnO⊃刑=ue山dlnbe
小e山anX9 〕〕E Se」Ods e岨PnOl⊃ e」Ods e1旧Sule8e esn e剛
8ul」E)∋M S]∂8J即]Sule8e uode9M lnJ9Sn e e旧人e」ds e囲 JO Sl 」O…e Pele9Sun相e ]nq `s9」Ods e即Sui晒e uol]〕elO」d
s9津山Sl肥P91閃S相e]ue山uO」i∧u∂ eq O] Peu8iS∂P SeuO aeld山O〕 SePl∧O」d ]lnS PeleeS相elue山uO」l∧ue u∀ Sl山OJ eJll
8ulPnl〕ui.」0…e jO Sed村村E?山 ul:eJ]eued JO elqede〕 SI ]SOu」 」OJ ⊃即Odos ln!」eMOd e e」e Se」Ods es叩’叫eid sno」
-O∧lu」e⊃ e山O」J Pe〕Se∧」E)H P9]euO〕eP ueuM S9」Ods unlS e^l]
plni」叩・sel○○ds uMOu用Ie 〕SO山Ie JO ul準e囲8u嘩」]eu∂d
○○e JO PnOl〕 e旬d9P Sapeu9」8 un]S e」Ods s…∀ JOZl∂ds
o〕 uO印PPe ui山ee」1SPOOlq S.]e8」e] e囲O川中巾捌IP 9∧l〕
-eP∂S 9叩8u血」e⊃ ‘ul準e叩u釦O冊Peq」OSqe相See Sl ●∧eM eiq印d〇〇〇e相e瑚〕e
eっue]SqnS刷上]ue∧lOS ⊃lu晒」O ue ul PePuedsns 9^l〕ePeS ue ul e唱1eq JO 9叩e巾u」巾ue〕 ∂Peue」∂ unlS e `pe」equrnu
lnJ」∂MOd e 8u血」e〕句S〕∂8Je] S]l Sl〕9鵬Plnl十飢u∴PIr旧JO -叩O布oue〕叫81S Sl lenPl∧lPul ue ueuM uJeu] 8u帖)口n〇回M
山e9」]S P9Zl」nSSe」d相紬e Se」U訓」 ∧e」ds 」euO」O「 ∂山 s叫euOddo e山O⊃」e∧O ue⊃制〕 SuOdeeM 9Sn O1 9」lSeP (e山
e川叫e11ueS uO enl臥u8111 e Se⊃eid ouM uOS」ed e不可e岬IS
室患部輯人∀曽dS主格∀No轡○○ uo11en]iS IO」1uO}PMO」⊃ e u=○○〕 l即l∧ e eq ue⊃ S]ueuOd
-do JO dno」8 e 8uluun〕S JO 91qede⊃ uOdeeM 〕⊃e鵬ee」e u∀
のPu∂dso] Pe訓Ou叩lM ‘s判uOdEeM9明や8」e]相e uo相e⊃
-1岬uJOlne S」e発明木ulenb e」euSu] S.9Peue」∂山eOJ /E)」ds ∀
喜田VN∃せりNn⊥S害せodS ⊃eZ旧dS
叫9uOddo ue 9背理〕ede⊃ul八y
-」e」Od山e] O〕 Suee山e^l〕⊃∂鵬ue 8u日u9Se」d ‘p181」 ellnb sl usIP 8ulSn⊃OJ PeZllE’i〕∋ds s冊岬M S9刑n瑚IP O] ∂nP
e」e 19PO山SSOlu軋e 〕 l 〕lM S山t3「 uOdt?9M ]SO山岬nou十川E’]S
]l ’se〕91d山O〕 uMOP準e」q ]e…刑∩ ∂」nSOdx∂ 〇一」9udso…e
-ul Sl ePO山e^l〕〕e PuE Pe」elS10u ue9M〕9q uOIS」∂∧uO〕 eu⊥ e旧
JO S∂叩u皿M∂」 e不yuO 」9]Je uMOP準乱q OI Su18eq ll Pue
・」e∧eMOし仁eiqe]Sun S=e山村Od e肥e⊃eds ]e里ul岬M 9q -0」d叩Sl」叩e」eu〕 S.uOde9M 9叩8u皿nSSe `sput?dx∂ llSIP 9囲
`pelqeSIP布eJeS S〕l Pue uMe」P ueuM `」e∧eMOH 」e]SIO叫∂lSelq
O〕 Suedd別口膚囲8ul巾村e 8ulq山0叫9 `s」e〕9山引qn⊃ ∂e」里
ol d叫O e山niO∧e冊OI Puedxe ue⊃ S皿」e山村Od山eOJ ieu.uOu e ui u」OM ∂q O〕 …eePIS 9囲Seiqeu∂ uOi呼叩IPOlu Slu⊥
e 8ul…O仁SPuedx9 ePISul Pinb= eu⊥ uO11つ弱」 leつ…9甲 usiP 8uiSn〕OJ elq-Sd馴O〕 e Se]e」8〇回6-Xal SSOlu軋9肥
目明冨田芭臣聞置住田㊥醐罵 OnS Offer a vlta【 opportunlty tO a defender who IS OtherwISe


Aithough the best way to lnCaPaCltate SOmeOne lS from 丁he fear stlCk lS Only the sIZe Ofa stylus or a hypoder-

a dlStanCe, thlS ISn’t always an optiOn The fo=owlng are mlC叫eCtOr Because l口S nOt POWered, WeaPOn SCannerS
a selectlOn Of non-1ethal weapons deslgned to be used ln Callbrated for energy weapons do not detec白t Further, ltS
CIose combat Pay10ad lS Slmllar to many common pharmaceut)CaIs, SO lt
lS un=kely to trlgger a reaCt10n tO ChemlCal scanners The
圏ORST巨L N岳URONl⊂リ¥SH VVeaPOn ln」eCtS a POtent neurOIoglC COmPOund ThlS trlggerS

a powerfu口ear response, SOmetlmeS leavlng foes lnCaPabie

The neuronlC WhlP has earned a reputatlOn aS the preferred Ofcoherent thought or even lnCaPaCltatlng [hem entirely
WeaPOn Of slavers Borstei’s neuronlC lash a亡tempts to mltl-
Add臆臆to Percept10n Checks to師d a fear stiCk on a
gate thlS negatlVe lmPreSSiOn both through ltS aPPearanCe
VVearer’s body On a successful hit Wlth a fear stlCk, the at-
and ltS OVera旧unct10n lnstead of uslnga metal=C Cable, the
tackermay spend $ to force a =Vingtarge=O makea Formi-
lash pro」eCtS a flexlble energy strand, WhlCh lS Only emlt-
dabIeゆ◆◆◆◆) fear check Fear stlCks have no effect
ted from the h亜when actlVated The lnSubstantIal energy
On drolds or nonlMng OrganlSmS
PrO」eCt10n lS lnCaPable ofcauslng PhysICal ln」ury tO a target
However, lt CarrleS a Slgni廿oant electriCal charge ThlS Charge

lS CaPable of lnCaPaCltatmg mOSt OPPOnentS


ThiS WeaPOn Can be used to make melee attacks agalnSt 丁hlS eXtendable cudgel lntegrateS a Set Of conductor contact

targets at up to short range (the d酷culty remalnS Average VaneS that can effectlVeiy subdue a target The Z6 modei
【◆◆]) WaS deslgned to partia=y collapse ThlS enables the wlelder
to carrler lt at亡he walSt With mlnlma=nCOnVenlenCe When

FEAR S丁i⊂K actiVated言he same power supply trlggerS an energy fleid

that stab用ZeS the baton at ltS fu= nlnety-Centlmeter SIZe ln

Subtiety and dlSCretlOn Can be c帥Cal to effec亡lVe uSe Ofa addltlOn tO Servlng aS a Shock prod, the energy fleld lS Ca-
WeaPOn An eas=y dlSgulSed or concealed armament can Pable of deflectlng an attaCk from a plasma weapon, SuCh
be used as a means o=ast resort or mlght even be over- as a llghtsaber
1ooked by opponents as somethlng lmOCuOuS Such weap-

鵜田開田Ⅴ :E-之∃「臼Vl
uoISS9」dlu口S」し月e二時I」⊃ e明ul Ple O] 」0…e ll⊃
-un○○ IE皿」〇月O引nS e uOP川81山IPe「 e ‘seJue]S山nつ」。 eSe巾
相ienb山∂〕l e8曾山叩 ui SP」ePue]S 」一e囲O川」OJuO⊃ Ol ⊃一Iqnde:ヨ叩ur〇〇月O]印O8
un〕S e叩Pue e8euJeP Z+囲lM uOde9M eeleIN e岬M Pe…e -∂u相e pa]つedx9 Se11e一〇〇S eS9岨SeSSap8ulln」 」le囲8uolue
8uleq Se S叫nO⊃ 」e」E’∂M e囲`e∧l]〕e Si PleU eいe間M準印E
囲eeM JO SuO一]e」]SuO山eP SnOi閏u∂]SO u- 9Se8u9 Se」nlln⊃
e31e山e Se湿田」∂」eeM 9u"l 」e叫nO⊃ue e巾JO 」ePule山e」 eい 」叩O S山叩/S e]Se〕 9⊃」OJu9相叩S 」O叩9nbl利O S山e函S
」OJ 3^l]⊃eui Se山O〕∂q Pue lnO S"OuS e〕l∧9P 9巾`∂〕IAeP 〕luO」l 9〕e⊃明u川即ult3uJ S∂」n引n⊃ e山OS SuO11印O8eu ul 」O]⊃e口岬⊃
-〕91∂ 」e叩O相叫。M e8ue」 P98強u9 S」∂叫9 P刷9L即l e8e -UiuSIS e Pe佃d siOq山∧s pelel〕OSSe Pue Snle]S甲luM 」OJ Sel
-山eP un〕S S S」∂JJnS PIO」P 9囲‘pIO」P e囲M 98ue」 Pe8e8ue -1el〕OS里1M3ee」] Ol ul Pe"eつ∂」eM IP∂「 `se⊃u郎山nつ」l⊃ e」引ul
S」elu∂ P1〇日e∧l]〕e ue 8ul」eeM 」e]⊃e」euD e引1⊃eS」elul SPl〇日
OMユe明Se8uoi Se eSueJeP血e」eJJO O] SeSee⊃ P19U 」∂唱O e囲
`pleU re」eue 」帥Oue S]〕叫0〕 」O担n」SiP e JO P刷叩Ji
tIONHV │1⊃NnO⊃ │VNtlOゴ
」0…e S冊8ui」き∂M
ll S9〕e^11〕e9P有y]elPeuJ山口上PleluS A§」9u∂
ue明lM ]〕e]uO〕 ui Se山O〕 Pl〇日Sl11=e∧∂ueuM 」e」t3eM 9囲JO e問M Sxpeu⊃ PeSeq-相=8∀ 」0 -uMe」g相e o]喜SPPe 」elつe
-」eu〕 ∀ SuOdeeM 9∂leIN 8ul∪Oe8pnlq 」OSuOdeeM IMe」亀山O」J
相=qlSl∧ 8ul」n⊃SqO 9lluM lenPl∧lPul Pue 9〕l∧eP 9囲PunO」e
e」911ds 」e〕e山elP u=e]e山-OM〕 e 8u仙IJOJ ‘」e」eeM e囲PunO」e e8e山ePS」eJJnS」∂」eeM9明ueuM準OS l + Sul晒」OI川e ∂旧
PieU 8ul」∂田山IuS e Se]ee」⊃ 」0〕dn」SIP P刑e囲′esn ul い8u9」lS岬」
uol閏u9山eu」OJO 9⊃eld eld山IS e ue∧9 」O 」OSueS ]e e沖S」Oxp]〕e uビe8pop o両I=qe」l叩Se =eMSe旬=ql
-Xe』S」e」eeM l…= ueつ甲甲M `柚nq e」e S引nS e明`」e∧eMOH
e 」〇月l ∂渦S皿叫81山」eNeSqO lenSe⊃ e `p∂]臥il⊃門Ou u9uM
]ee」〕SIP毎∧lユele」 S=O〕dn」SIP P19即enPl∧lPu1 〇十一11eq e O] p9⊃nP9」相e間e]SqnS SIんn「u=O準i」 9囲`1⊃ed… uE, l∂∋]
Peddll〕 A"eJldA]SI PuE,」e]eluE"P ui S」∂]e山11ue〕 u∂〕 ue囲SSe( 冊S ue⊃ 」9Pue」eP 9明e問M制]甲nS Sxp印門sul晒e uoI〕
-〕∂]0」d ∂Pl∧O」d /e岨」9」粥M 9囲eSe⊃ue小e〕91d山Oつ刑]
Sl e〕i∧∂P e明-∂ZIS =e山S S理O eSne〕明」∂」eeM e明O] uC時〕∋1
-O」d e山OS8u一」9出OSe =∂MSe ‘ple叫e」eue leuOS」ed e8ul」eeM s9∧O18中yoqつIu晒」O `叫e〕叫Sue川田∂S e」e S]lnS 19801日
9OJ e]Sui晒e pesn 9q O川8u=qeu∂ `eie⊃S」e=eしuS u〕n山e O] SeuO ]S∂叩き3 9里中」引n叩」きd
〕i S凱l」q Pue木川euOl]⊃unj S冊Se渦」Oldn」SIP Ple引enPl∧lPul ・8u間副ee」囲eJ= 9q O] Seu uO11eln山ISん9∧∂ 〕Ou刑] S910u
u∀ dl11SJe]S」O e剛∂∧ e uO S山91S∧s JluO」〕⊃ei9帥相el]ue〕Od
叫e山n8」e」91unO⊃ e∧i〕⊃e出e 9囲`8uluie」] 8ui」nP ]19J池月O
pue spi∂luS 9明eiqeSIP O] P9Sn五両山」Ou S=O]dn」SIP Pl9U ∀ 9SueS e囲S∂See」⊃9P Slll]制〕 en∂」e e山OS e=uM SS9⊃O」d
8ulule」1∂里8ul」nP PeS粥」ou1 9q ue〕布eJeS]e埴OS幸l」S冊
遇⑬⊥dn岩Siロ田園岳は「Vna看^g臼NI 印喝1]… O] u∂渦eq ]Sn山Sde〕S SuOdeeM囲M 8ulule」=O
pe∂ds =nロゼ8ul叩e」d s口ued ⊃印ed e u∂uM中亘!nJl]」ed
(9」ld山喜Jl]つeleO e即O Se∧哩]ueSe」de」 Se 11⊃nS) バ」n「ul SnO∧91」∂ esne〕 ue〕 e判」〕S P」eM∧eM ∀ uOl呼⊃nPe JO
lP9「帥」eeJ 」O 9制OuM SienPl∧lPul岬M 8叩⊃e」e川ueuM sse⊃0」d 9明u8no」明甲OM /e里Se準申e Se∧leS山e巾〕nd
sxpe甲uoi〕」9O⊃ O上の言寄⊃時しuO]ne PPe舟eしu 」印e」e甲 s」e甲e9] Pue S叫∂PnlS岬oq ‘8ulul叩S]」e唱11開山8ul」na
e埴・uol]9」つS'PSIND e即∀ P」晒e」 u81u u。P9「P10u OuMSle
-nPi∧lPul岬M 8u11〕e」9叫I ueuM S沖eu⊃ uOl即089N O]のO
⊥InS 「きりo漢さ
叩e山Olne SPPe 」O…坤⊃unOつI恥」O声ui」e∂M J9]〕e」eu〕 ∀
Su81S∂P叫e」e男lP 8ul]e」8e岬`p叩e」〕 SuOl〕en]iS甲nS ul山∂囲1Je]
○○」d o]」O…eJO S∂d有畑e山e」e ∂」e11十Ale叩un〕」0ヨSlu9刑eS
山0〕Sn〕 SeM小n 甲e] S訓OIS山∂8 pue siele山SnOl○○」d…∂S
SnO」98uep e」Olu ue∧e巾lM S9⊃eld sno」e8uep o] lLIe囲e渦
JO論ue」 e SB =eM Se-SeuSl」nOiJ ⊃l]S印e Pue SAelu口0毎i」
-e∧きPe3e」Od」O〕ul A∂u十S9qO」 Pe」O…e uOlu山0〕 e」O山」eJ u9"O S19∧eJ=l叩制〕 eZlu8o⊃e」 OSle A9囲`eJe9d 3]OuJO」d
Ol uO叩unJ ul elqe」eduo⊃ e」9M (e巾9=uM uMOu叫n 〕SO山
-1e MOu e」e 」O…e JO S]lnS印eu」O eSe11十uOlu山0〕 」e∧eN

EffectlVe body armo口S COnSPICuOuS Good armor certalnly

PrOVldes an lntlmldatiOn factor ln addltlOn tO SeCurlty, but It

rlSks settlng the wrong tone for a tenuous negotlatiOn For
those tlmeS When appearances are as lmPOrtant aS SeCurlty,
armor that lS muCh less notlCeable-eVen l白t lS less protec-

tlVe-1S a neCeSSary COmPrOmlSe

A reflect body glove lS a Skintlght suIt that can be worn

undemeath tradltlOnal garments lt lnCOrPOrateS a reflectlVe
WeaVe that lS CaPable of dlSPerSlng the blasts from an energy
WeaPOn The thin layeroftlghtweave lS frag=e, however, Par葛

tlCularly for a sult Of armor

Add臆獲to Vlgllance and PerceptlOn Checks to notlCe

that the wearer lS Wearlng a reflect body g10Ve After a suc-
CeSSful combat check has been resoIved agalnSt the wearer,
the reflect body glove’s soak lS reduced by one, tO a minl-

mum ofzero The reflect body glove’s soak may be restored

to ltS Origlnal value by maklng a SuCCeSSfui Average O◆)
Mechanics check


A surprlSlng number of sentlentS dwe旧n aquatlC enVlrOn-

ments, far from an oxygen-enrlChed atmosphere When alr

breathers must work cIosely with aquatlC SPeCleS-Or traVel
beneath an ocean’s surface fo「 any other reason-a Self-

COntalned diVlng Suit lS requlred A good sult muSt be flex-

1ble and comfortable, but lt muSt aiso provlde for the user’s

needs over multiPle hours of use

The SeaScape dlVlng Sult Can PrOVlde sIX hours of atmo-

SPhere to an alr breather Durlng thlS tlme, the wearer also
has access to fresh water, nutrltlOn SuPPlements, and other
b1010glCal necessltleS W回e wearing a SeaScape dlVlng Sult,

a character does not suffer movement penaltleS for travellng

through water


fol10Wlng are neW gear ltemS deslgned for the Consular OCean, eXCaVatlng an arCheoIoglCal slte On an lCe Pianet, re-
鵜career (although most FoRCE AND DESTiNY Characte「s wl= COVerlng a rare mlneral from a voIcaniC WOrld, Or eVen ln-
flnd them usefull) Some of thiS gear lS lntended for surviVlng VeStigatlng the remalnS Of a ciViiiZat10n On a WOrid that has
ln the wlidemess, Whether to study anclent arCheoIoglCal inds become a nuclear wasteiand Even the hardieSt lndlVlduals
Or tO COnduct negotiatlOnS Wlth a newly dlSCOVered specleS requlre SPeCla=Zed gear to survlVe ln these condlt10nS
Other pleCeS Of gea「 are deslgned to help teachers or lnStruC-

tors, OrtO ald medlCal workers ln a= sorts ofsltuatlOnS ⊂ZERlくA B⊂1.7たNVIRONMENTAL ⊂O⊂⑬ON

Prlmarlly lntended for hunters and surviVa=StS, an enVirOn-

SURV容VAL G日AR mental cocoon provldes a secure space m an OtherwISe
hostlie 10Cale W刷e i=S deslgned to be portable言t Can
丁he Consular career requireS lndlViduals abie and wl‖lng
qulCkly l佃ate to become a small structure large enough
to trave=he galaxy m PurSuit Of ever-Changlng mISS10nS
for a single occupant The fleid unlt has dense lnSulatiOn,
At tlmeS, thlS may require negOtlat10n a=he depths of the


-u9 Mel e ue囲uOl]n叩SuI 8ulll⊃ee=O甲」e∂Se」 e ul PunOJ
eq o]村e洲e」O山Sl "e山dlnb∂ S冊‘lPnS S∀ SlenPi∧iPul ]O
e〕ue=19NnS ue唱」e111e」 `sISAleuE Pue甲」eaSe月OJ P9Sn相e
-nSn S=ue山dlnb9 9〕ue用e∧」nS PuE) 8uiuue⊃S `sJe(nSuOつ」O]
田闘V DN漢開聞Ⅴ⊃§
∧ep 」ed測l」P O] uOS」9d euo
」OJ 」∂ユeM 118nou9旬l」nd ol 」eSn 9囲SMO=e 」eUl」nd 」∂ユeM ∀
e」eudso山間2 9明山0」」
」∂〕eM Su印e」1X∂ JO elqede〕 9」e Sl∂PO山」9n明 uOl]eZlll∧l⊃
luO」=勘]lSl∧ Pe〕〕叩O」d e e準uJ O] SP∂eu 」eie∧叩e u∂uM
Seu月] eSO里」Oj向」eln叩」ed `」∂Ul」nd 」e〕eM e〕ueu91uie山
-MOI Pue elq劉e」 e S9」lnb9」 ∂Se囲JO昭8ul∧O山調 川∂Se」d
∂q OSle舟e山S]粥」明e^11〕eOIP剛ue∧e Pue liu晒」O (ie」9u皿
8ul∧=uOu ]nq ’s山Slue8」OO」J… AIPeeP r川el叫elOd uMO Sli
Seu Pl」OM P∂]lqeuulんe∧] uMOuy AllPe9」 ]Ou乱e S叫eul山el
-uO〕 JO S∂d布e1月ueuM相eln叩」ed `ss∂〕0」d e^lSuedx∂ Pue
8u皿nSuO〕-el山間12 9q ue〕 」e呼M 8uI相」nd `」9∧9MOH /xei晒
∂囲PunO」E) ]」OdsueJ] Ol e^lSuedxe pue ‘相Inq `∧∧E?9LI Sl 」∂〕
-EM I臥i∧」nS 〇一Seq 」OJ S]ueullueluO⊃山O」J ee」J 」9岬M JO Ald
-dns (pe91S e uOdn spued9P Sei⊃∂ds uMOuyん∂∧e相e9N
O9一日d朋│W⊥Nヨ蘭INO轡I^N∃ N冒N増O⊥∃t貼
叫e山uO」l∧u∂ P訓eJ9」d s`」訓弱M 9巾JO eSO囲
∂PIS叩O Se」n岬」ed山∂〕 Ol enP Sxp∂u〕相e山OJ) ■ s∂∧O山e川
」0…e 」O 8uiu]Ol⊃ 」9叩O 」ePun u」OM eq (euJ e∧Oi8 Apoq ∀
S叫∂山e」lnb9」 SSe」P Pue e〕e山
一Il〕囲Oq山O」J SeJuelue∧uO⊃ul e山0〕」9∧O Sdl∂u ]e囲]」OJLuO〕
le⊃lS相d JO le∧el e囲M 」∂」eeM 9囲S∂Pl∧0」d ]i S∂l小l]⊃e S]l
O] Sen〕ん0引Pne 」O lenSi∧ Ou 8ulJnPO」d lu訓S叩q e∧i]⊃9兄9
elq印e]ePun 4y」9"n Sl e∧O18 Apoq e ‘u81S9P小e suol]niOS
8uliOO⊃ Pue 8ul]eeu P9Zlie⊃O川]lM S」OSu∂S Peし山Sele」8e]
-u=e囲8ui囲Ol〕 JO 」9Ae1 8ul即一叫帥e sl e∧O18 Apoq sl肥
S8u11○○山S∂)岬1S-u8町ul P∂∧lO∧
-ul ∂uO相e 」OJ u」∂⊃uO⊃ le叩l」⊃ e ∂q ]Sn田]」O叫O⊃ leuOS」9d
leu] 9〕e]⊃lP S」O]⊃ej 9Seu⊥ uOISSn〕SIP 9u:‖O uOl]〕e」IP 9囲」OJ
Pue叩e uJ」eeS9」 e旧O] elnql」叫OJ ue〕 S=e]eP euL=O uOl〕e⊃
-Ulu8叫u〕叫M 」OJ S沖e11〕 `(uoiユe〕nP]) @∂pelMOu川O ′(e」O「) SuOlle⊃lld山I e∧e11 ue〕-MO」q r亘eeMS e SuiPni⊃ul-SSeuSnO∧
-」eu ]O uOl]S9謁ns相∀ S引nSe」 SnO」〕SeSIP 9∧eu ue〕岬11M JO
∂尋pelMOu〉仁uOi]d○○」9d血e o]口□ sppe 」e8恥l○○」⊃… ∀
」9岬e-∂8en8uel Apoq 」O SP」OM S,」9準∂ds e ]e」d」e岬S… O]
S腫]ePんess9〕eu血e 9∧l∂⊃」∂d ue〕
岬noue 9q ue〕 uOl]⊃eJ]SIP IS9叫811S e岨1」ed 8ul渦euOん9
」eMei∧∂囲]e11] OS `pep99u Se P印sn「Pe Pue `pe山OOZ `pe]e]O」 -∧e JO uOl]ue鵬卸eid山○○ eu] SeJlnb9」 uO哩l]〇号eu l∽l]l」〕 ∀
eq ue⊃山e」8oIOu e岨」e8恥l e囲e∧Oq叩aJJ」OJ ⊃町dE,」8oIOu e
ul P9〕⊃e「O」d sl ]〕9「qO PeUlu8eu 9岨S」OSu9S ]ue」eJJIP jO布o
-1」e∧ e Pue叫81=t3nSl∧ 8川Sn `ezIS leu181」O S]i S9山l] 000‘00し
0] dn 〕○○「qO ue 8u廟u細山句98u訓t3u〕 S冊Se∧lOS 」e∂e山l
-O」⊃… ∀ iOO] ∂〕el」do」dde ue ]nO11]lM S=e]eP 11〕nS u」∂⊃SIP
=Jl岬M SulE汁ue月eSn 9叩Se SuoI Se 」OJ ‘p10〕 」O leeu
相ensl∧ O] ∧判Iqe "9」9uul e囲e∧eu S91⊃eds M9J ’」∂∧eMOH SIS
elu叩X∂ O] anP Sxpe甲OI PePPe臆臆臆O] dn s∂∧O山∂」 OSle
-1」〕 e ∂∧10Se月Oん∂]S/山e e∧iOS O両uess∂⊃訓uOl〕e…OJul
]i e∂」囲/q ]eeu 」O PIO⊃ ∂山叫Xe JO S]〕〔鴻e ]SISe」 O〕 ∂Pe山
eu] aPl∧O」d uE,⊃ eZ【S ul S」∂〕∂山0」つ一山MeJ e AluO S]⊃e「qO JO
Sxpeu〕 eJu9111S9と=〇本un瑚IP 9u] Se〕nP○○ uOO〕0〕 eu⊥
S叩Sl」e〕⊃E)」e甲lenSl∧ ∧e〉=leleP 9しU小e山叩X∂ ul eu…eX9
O] Peeu叫8皿」eu⊃」eeS9」 e ]e囲S8u冊∂囲JO MeJ e 〕Sn「9」e e」eudso叩e e囲u=叩E山∂呼in〕il
-」ed 911=O ]S」OM e囲Se∧O山∂」 〕e囲」e掴ue囲M Peddlnb9 Sl
S∂ld田es ,lSue」OJ Puビ`se」n]〇両S IE,」eu… `s山Slu晒」OO」〕開
uoo⊃O⊃ eLl⊥ uOS」∂d el凱IS e」OJ 9」n担ed山9〕 9JeS e u旧]ule山
田∃9V卵1“Oせつ容N OいE臼9N容9∀Nl a∃i│ddV O=i Selqeu∂ Slu⊥田elS∧s 10」叫O⊃-即e山IP uMO S]l Se =eM Se
萱!葛刊i 喜聞漢●t質引 看〇 ・ コ11○○-I臆漢漢こ珊

DISCretlOn and prlVaCy are CritiCal to any serlOuS neg○○

tiat10n, PartlCularly those wlth slgnlfroant ram面catlOnS

Not surprlSlngly, many OutSlders are lntereSted ln traCk- CzerkaBC-7

Environmen[alCocoon       i
2,000 :;
1ng SuCh dlSCuSSIOnS, PartlCularly on worlds that suffer
from tyrannlCal govemments Consequently, SeCurlng
KamperdineCIothing 700 2       4
SuCh meetlngS from observatlOn lS O=he hlghest prlOr- SpeciaiistsBodyGIove
1ty ln many systems, before dlSCuSS10nS Can eVen begln,
each party lnVOlved takes the opportunlty tO SCan a rOOm Pretormin 100 4      1

for bugs, tO enSure PriVaCy Good surve川ance detectors

ldentlfy actlVe deviCeS that transmlt On any electromag-
ScanningandSurveilianceEquipment          ̄
netlC frequency, aS Weli as recogniZe the power supplleS
requlred to keep such bugs functlOnal AppiledlmaglngB310 5,250 Micr○○1mager   i 2  2

A surve用ance detector adds □ □ to any PerceptlOn Or

Vlgllance checks to attempt to ldentlfy the presence ofa bug DaiabarSDS-632 450 1      3
Wlthln Short range ofthe user Survei=anceDetector

Fabritech7000 )御。 2       う

円A躍RさTE⊂H 7000 GEOSGANNER Geoscanner

MinerS and prospectors depend upon a re=able geoscanner ParadourEnterprises SignatureScent 1,500 1∫ 4
to ldentify the 10Cat10n Of ore deposltS A range of dlffer-
ent sensors probe beneath a planet’s surface to a depth of Synthesizer !

nearly two kl10meterS These handheld devICeS Can detect

Suri「七ChFoodstuffs う00 「 5i
the dlfferent elements and mlnerals present ln the strata
as well as ascerta剛ng thelr relatlVe frequencleS These sys-

tems can be tuned to recogniZe PreCIOuS mlnerals and ores, 漢.b。,san。E,。Ct,。ni。S 〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇

even estimatlng the quantlty and trade value of deposltS 漢1to-sandE-ectron-CS 晴○○。■_」

Geoscanners warn users of any selSmlC, VOIcanlC, Or thermal 1,200 ∴ : ∴

actlV【ty, SO that approprlate PreCautlOnS may be taken They

aiso recognlZe hoIIow areas and subsurface water depositS, DataGoggles 250 1!1
WhlCh can becruclal m Ch○○slnga 10Cat10n tO mlne

A geoscanner adds □ to any PerceptlOn上Ore, Or Educa- iHoiogoggles 6,000 1i 6

tlOn Checks related to studylng the subterranean envlrOn-

ment withln medlum range Of the user


Aromas have a tremendous potentlal t〇両Iuence a sub」eCt’s

reactlOn A pleaslng Smell can leave a person ln a mOre re-
CePtlVe m○○d, W回e an unpleasant one may cut a dlSCuS-

SIOn Short However, a Sme= tha白S en」Oyable to one culture

Can be nauseatlngtO anOther ln fact, SOme SPeCleS frod the
natural body odors of other specleS tO be overpowerlngly
noxIOuS Strong odors that can conceal unpieasant ones are
Often a necesslty
When traveling On dlStant WOrlds, belngS muSt always be
A slgnature SCent SynthesIZer CreateS ml=10nS Of different Certaln that any food they eatthere lS COmPatlble wlth the)r
aromatlC COmPOunds These can be customlZed to comple- OWn digeStlVe SyStemS OrganlC COmPOunds that are flavor「
ment the olfactory organs of most common specleS and ful and nutrlt10uS for one specleS Can be letha=o another
many lesser-known ones The s)′Stem has a cata)og that A traveler who regularly lnteraCtS Wlth new specleS needs a
detalls the common emot10nal responses to many scents, tool to ldentlfy wha白S Safe to consume
WhlCh are further catego「lZed by specleS and culture
A food anaiyzer qulCkly examineS any food or drmk to de-
Uslng a Slgnature SCent SynthesIZer PrlOr tO a dlSCuSS10n termlne Whether lt lS Safe for consumptlOn These devICeS
removes喜臆from the first Charm, CoercIOn, Or NegotiatlOn COme Wlth ca=brat10n SettmgS for a= ma」Or SPeCleS A phys上
Check made durlngthe encounter Clan Wlth basIC PrOgrammlng Skl‖s can easlly adapt the de-

VICe tO WOrk for other specleS However, these deviCeS are

not capable ofdetermlnlng Whether the food tastes goodor
not No sk=l check lS requlred to usea food analyzer

e u1 8uiul叩」OJ P9Z=ei⊃eds sI Se188o8oIOし口O ]eS u⊃e] =l準

(◆)加害」O山n皿u… 叩l〕9ds e §ulul叩O] Pe]O∧9P ∂⊃uauedxe Jl]Siie9」 eんo「ue ue〕

e o十〇uO Aqんn「ul e囲leeu O] ∂Pe山沖e11〕 9ul〕lP9IN ∂囲
(∂l1川〕luM ulu]iM `]ue山uO」i∧ue lelつ即」e ue ∂⊃uel」edxe o] S」9
JO木unp馴P 3囲e〕nP9」 ^e山」el〕e」elP 9里血n「u=coill」つe 工eeM 9iqeu9 S∂1謁o8oIOH 9u月] 9叩⊃e」d pe]∽iPeP S9〕e」89]
leeu dleu O〕 〕9yuelq xpO11S刑e ue S∂Sn 」e]〕e」eu〕 E) u9uM -ul ]l ueuM 4ye∧il〕三男9 9」O山u⊃nu P9LISlld山Oつつe Si 8uiu」ee「
xpousJO渦」 e囲8ul〕nPe」 (叫el]ed e囲JO uOi〕
-eZlllq印S le山」9囲Pue uOiSSe」d山O⊃ 」OJ PeSn 9q ue⊃ ]∂測elq 雪∃「寄り〇〇〇「OH
準ous印e u∀ S]u91」]nu le)l〕l」⊃ 」OJ PeNelS Su晒」O e山OS 9∧eei
ue⊃ ]l-AISnO∂u捌n…S SPunOM 」∂即S SuOi8e」 eld刑n山J=○ 山e囲8ulSn e」OJeq S∂188o8 e]eP e巾O叫I PeOl
○SSOI POOlq 8ulつu91」edx∂ Sl e∂」e PePunOM e明u∂uM Se9」e -dn o〕 SelU e]t3P PeZ昭i⊃eds ule]qO O〕 SP99u 」9]〕e」e甲e ]e111
」9囲O OI MOI」 POOiq 9See」〕eP ]Sn山〕l `ee」e PePunOM e O] eln」 ∧e山IN〇 eu⊥ S∂188o∂ eleP 9い8ul」eeM e=uM =i準〕eu1
MOiJ POOiq SeSee」〕ul Apoq 9囲S∀んn「ui "E皿ne」] e Pe」覗nS 8ulSn S9準山∂11 Sxpeu〕 =e O] * 〕l呼luOlne SPPe 」∂]〕e」q甲
Seu OuM euO相e o=e8uep e∧e」8 e s∂SOd xpo11Sんo]E)ln⊃」lつ eur」e叫nO〕ue e1即O 」∂Puleue」 e11=O] =l準e8pelMOu〉l euO
3〕e19S AE,山」∂〕Oe」e11〕 e ‘」e]unO⊃ue ue JO 8uluul∂eq 9囲]∀
⊥∃羽的V「田刈⊃o蘭Si⊥NV SeSS9」80」d uos
-Sei e Se uOl]e山」OJul M9u 8uiPl∧O」d `elel」do」dde se sel…潟08
e山(] 」0 〕unO山き」el」OuS
.s]uePn〕S 9L11 O] Pede]eP e山O」J lel」9時u PueS ue〕」O]〕n」]Sい
E) ul S叫∂i]ed 9」O山〕E,e」〕 O=eSn 9囲91qeue /e山SuOl叩OS
uE’′s叫9PnユS句pesn 9」e S∂188o8 e囲ueuM ]1 9呼lndlueuJ OI
le〕18oIOuu坤叩q `s準E’] uJnS 」O=0Ol lnJ」9MOd e sl e⊃」O]
Pe」lnb9」 Sl ∂⊃l∧∂P e〕eJ」e]ul uE) Pue ‘∂iqeZ皿O]Sn⊃ Si uOl]e山
eu⊥囲eePJO yul」q凡∂∧ e111田O」川⊃eq lenPl∧lPul P9PunOM -」OJul Pe:PeieS eu⊥ PE)9]Sul PeSn eq Ae山-S」OSueS S.eI〕叩∋∧
e 8u18ul」q JO elqede〕 `s」91Ee旧」edxe u91JO 9」e S」elnSuOつ
e SuiPnl〕uトS9〕」nOS PeZlle〕Oi岬noし刑t3 `〕eNOIOH e明山O」j
uMe」P相eJid布Si uO哩…OJul ]e肥 uOl〕e…OJul leuO印P
-Pe岬M uOISl∧ JO PleU S」e」eeM 9巾Ael」e∧O Sel…治O8 9S9肥
」eu〕eel "dou(S 9囲eSn 」e8uo1 0u ue⊃」e]つe」軌P 9叩 Sヨ「9DoりⅦ∀ロ
]uiOd 11〕叫M 〕e `8u肌eDS Ie」neu 」Ou… 〕〕旧ui O〕 」∂lPee"lldo
-u∧s ∂叩eSne⊃ Ol@ pu∂ds ut3〕 IN0 9u⊥ Pee]Sui uOISSeS e明JO S8uiPue]S」9PunS… 」O Se刑n叩
」ePule山9」 9囲」OJ Pe∧lt311 SI PiOuSe」明ult3」]S S,」9Sn e囲Sue∂山 JIP "Sln8u= Ol enP P9PPe e」e ]e囲Sxp9甲uO鴫11O8eN 」O
.uoiつ」eOつく…eu⊃相e山〇月臆菓S∂∧0山e月01e」91iiSue」〕 ∀
e」nlle] uOISSeS e山晒9囲JO 」∂Pul臥JJ9」 e囲」OJ S yue月e =i準
le囲8ui∧eu Se S叫nO〕 」eSn 9叩Sue∂山SSeつつnS xpelP au!Id!) SuOISS9」dxe le〕O1 8ul旬」el〕 Pue
-S!a (◆◆◆ p」eH e 9津山〕SnuJ li 8uiSn 」∂〕〕t3J叩∀卵ue」
8ululeldx∂ 」OJ ’]⊃elelP "e」9耕P e ul E"P9山8ulMei∧∂」 l長町M
〕E =団S e18ulS e甲開] O] Pe」n∂即O⊃∂」d s=eu〕eel Jl]dou∧s ∀
lnJdl∂u OSle Sl ]i uOiSSn⊃SIP JO SlulOd印qnS ∂」O山eZlu8o
-J∂」 O=eSn 9巾91qeu∂ ueJ Slu⊥ S9」n]ln"ndu川Odn p9Seq
S∧ep M9J e AluO 」O」8u11Sel相eつId布`lueiSu叩
`s9S別ud JO SuOi〕∽=d… lElnbollO〕 S]⊃919P 」O〕e」∂瑚Sue」] e
Sl ∂〕l∧eP S叫=川M Pa]ueldun uol]恥」OJul `碕1E)u岬OJun uOl
‘」e囲n] P9」lnb9」 S川Oll∂」〕SiP 9」O山e」∂uM SuOl]en担u=nJ
-uSeJ SS印」O鵬Pue SS9luled e ul eleP 9囲8ulPP∂q山e `deelS
○○Sn 9q OSle ue〕 e〕l∧9PS冊`pIO」P e ue巾]〕ed山O⊃ e」O山」e]
S.叫81u e18uiS e JO ∂S」nO〕 eu] 」9∧O S刈OM引le∧9i SnOi⊃Su○○
-qnS E, ]e uie」q S,」e」e∂M ∂囲O中高つe」IP e]eP S」e埠ueJ] e〕l∧eP uol]nlOS 91q叩Od e」O山e S」〔削O 」O〕e」e川SueJ] ∀ SIOO〕 」e囲O
e肥Ple l刊∧ e eq ue⊃ 」9甲粥〕 Jl]dou(S e周eP e囲uie]e」 ∂Sn OI P∂eu SlenPl∧lPul `∂lqelle∧eun SI P10」P e]el」do」dde ue
相u∂ue…ed oI P99u 30u SeOP 」eSn eLl]甲luM ul Se〕ue]Sui JI Su」e〕uO〕 9〕19nbl]∂ OSle ]nq 98en8uel AluOユOu 8ulSSe」PPe
eSO囲」O] ∂山l=O叫nO山e P9]…= e ul uO11e山」OJulJO "nO山e JO 91qedE?⊃-uOl叩OS叫91u9∧uO⊃ e SlueS9」d p10」P 10⊃O〕O」d
98」Elんe∧ e q」OSqe O] SP∂eu lenPl∧lPuI ue `s∂Se〕 e山OS ul e `sese〕 〕SO山ul ∂n∂uo〕 uMOu汁」9SS∂l e ul eS」e∧uO〕 OLIM SIe
-nPl∧lPuI囲M e8晒ue o〕 9∧eu AEu ‘」e∧eMOu `s91○○ds u坤10d
-0山SO⊃」O PeZlll∧i〕 SS9lし印M quOM OuMS」∂」Oldx且つiS明PuelS
轡∃嶋⊃V∃⊥ ⊃g⊥dON人S
-」ePun 」O準9ds sei⊃eds "〕el晒uMOu〉=O相」O血巾E)∧ e旧
9uOM∂u eeSeu〕」nd pue
Sel…冶O8o10し=O ]eS "〇月n〕 9囲P」e〕SIP ISn山9u ‘=l準」∂∂」e〕 せo⊥∀轡∃⊥看「与NV田上雪間∃⊥S人与
e se =l準Meu e ]unOつO] SeuSiM 9=l ‘∂山i〕 e ]e Se188o8ol りN看N‡冒Vヨ「ロコ上がロl「〇号No⊃
-O旧O 」ied訓o山O」J S叫9u9q e∧le〕e」中uo AE肌」∂〕⊃e」e甲∀
(SnuOq Sl囲ul晒o] Su]uO山Ie」∂∧eS JO POl」ed e 」O] Aep e Se刑ed =e 」OJ ○○uel」∂dxe ∂u] eつueu
S」nOu le」9∧eS 」OJ P∂Sn eq lSn山S∂188o8 e叩`uol]∂」〕SIP S`IN0 -ue ue〕 uOi〕e〕nP∂ O] P即O∧eP SIOO] `s∂山i] u〕nS ]∀ ienPl∧lPul
9囲〕e `」∂∧eMOu) s∂i務o8 ∂囲SuMO 」9]〕E,」e11〕 e囲Se 8uoI Se PeuS=d山0⊃〕e e」O山e山O」J u」eel ue∧e 」O-叫9Pn]S e ule」] Ol
=l〉1S 」ee」e〕 E’Se S叫nO〕 MOu =l〉1S lell⊥ l開S leq山O〕 ̄uOu 9uO 旬un"Oddo ue 9∧eu ∧e山JeinSuO○ ○u十Se〕u問S山n〕」D P∂Zl
S]〕91∂S 」e]⊃e」e11〕 e ‘s9i88o8010し=O ]eS e 8ulSq甲」nd ueuM -1el〕9ds ∂」O山」∂Pun SuO11⊃e岬no」旧Pele」]SuO山eP SuOSSel
]⊃9「qO ∂ld山IS Se叩OqきS乱nO⊃ uOl]e〕nP9 e明くue]JO ∂」OIN
PieU 〕u9」9耕P e ui
uo11e11O89u e jO 〕」Ed se ’spi」OM e」l]u9 O=u∂山ue叫81lu9 8ui
/PnlS O]」O ie∧el Peつue^Pe 9」0山eユe Pi9叩e囲ui enし周u○○ O]
-8ui」q Sue∂山S冊S9山1191uOS S8uleq ]O S9d在村e山O] e〕」O]
P∂Se甲und eq ue〕 S918808oIO肌O]9SM9u E ‘(PnlSJO 9S」nO〕 E)
e囲]O Sledl⊃ul」d 9囲甲ee〕 OI Pe」ed∂」d 3q rsn山」elnSuO〕 ∀
Seleld山o⊃」∂Sn e囲ueuM AE,P u⊃EほS」nOu M∂J EJO e]e」 t3 ]e
`∂〕eid山O〕 O〕 S準eM川81e Se準〕相eu」Ou 8uluieJ=O 9S」nO〕 ∀
epn叩dEJO le∧el Peul…919P∂」d e]e小yn〕SJO PleUJein〕l"ed S∋岳聞o轡且つ冨「冨田軸V S「0⑬且
BloS⊂AN repllCatOr CreateS SynthetlC bodily flulds as appropriate for
a target specleS
A healer must be abie to recognlZe any anOmalleS ln a Pa-
When a character uses a plasma proteln reP=CatOrtO help
tlent’s b1010glCal makeup m Order to properly cure an ln」ury
heal a CrltlCa=n」ury, the characte「 adds automatlC * to the
A blOSCan lS CaPable o白dentifylng an lndlVldual’s specleS,
MedlCme Check made to heai the叫ury
age, and condltlOn based upon a glVen Set Of parameters
lt can aIso recognlZe any dlSruPtlOnS tO the anatomy from
叫urleS Or dlSeaSeS, aS We= as de=berate modlflCatlOnS SuCh
as cybernetlCS and cosmetlC mOdlflCat10nS
QuiCkly lmmObl=Zing a =mb ln」ury after lt happens can pre-

Vent the extremlty from becomlng mOre SerlOuSly damaged


A character uslng a blOSCan Can remOVe臆臆from any

Med)Clne Checks the cha「acter makes through accldental mlSuSe Prompt actlOn reduces the pa-
tlent’s overall hea=ng time. eVen though further treatment

Pリ¥SMA PROT馴N REPLl⊂ATOR may be required before proper heallng Can begln A spray
Piasto-CaSt lSan eaSlly portable tool that can be used ln heid
ReplenlShlng an川dlVldual’s vltal bodliy flulds from an ex- COndltlOnS When a patlent Suffers a serlOuS ln」ury, the cast

ternal source can reduce the recovery time from partlCu- relnforces the wounded llmb from the outside, PreVentlng lt
1ariy traumatlC ln」urleS ThlS IS mOSt relevant for ln」urleS from bendlngand exacerbatlng the t)SSue damage
thatlnVOlve blood loss, butltCan also be helpful ln CaSeSOf
A character can make an Easy ") Medicine check to ap-
diSeaSe Or POISOn Where仙Ids have been contammated ln
Ply a spray plasto-CaS=O a =mb that has been crlPPled or
e剛er case, an eX亡emal source enables the patlent’s body
dlSabled due to a CrltlCa=n」ury lf successful, the CrltlCa冊jury
to devote energleS tO heailng tiSSueS A plasma proteln
heals automatlCally after one week of narratlVe tlme

There lS互OWeVer, a rlSk that the drawn power could over-

c 1oad the power supply of the wlelder’s own llghtsaber as the

ln PrOteCtlOn Of others and wlth an eye toward neutrallZlng the excess powe口S StOred, CauSlng a CataStrOPhlC fallure ln the

Current S血atlOn aS qulCk)y as posslbie devICe Users of thlS mOdlflCatlOn COnSlder lt a Smail prlCe
to pay for reducmg the combat effectiVeneSS Of thelr foes, a
That lS nOt tO Say tha=hey fear combat, merely that their
t「adeoff tha亡could save =VeS ThlS attaChment can only be
goals ln COmbat are dlfferent from those of their mOre aggreS-
app=ed to llghtsabers
SlVely combat-Orlented peers Often, they wl= modlfy and
ModeIs !nciude: Custom varlantS
CuStOmlZe thelr llghtsabers to reflec=he hope that, nO matter
Base Modifiers: When maklng a COmbat check targetlng an
how dlre the sltuat10n aPPearS, PeaCe Can Stlll be attalned
opponent wlth a llghtsaber, the character may spend $ to
The ma」Orlty Ofattachments llSted here reflect those lde- reduce the opponent’s =ghtsaber’s base damage by one for
als and provlde slgnlfroant benefi=o the defenslVe臼ghter, the remalnder of the encounter if the combat check gener-
whether a Consular or a Force userofany other careertrack ates $宙$, the blade collapses as the power supply fa=s
intereSted ln PreServing llfe The =StlngS On llghtsabe「 crys- and may not be relgnlted untll the character’s nex=urn
tals also present some special sltuatlOnS ln WhlCh a Consular Mod肺cation Options: 2 1tem Quallty (DefenslVe + 1 ) Mods
Or SlmIlar Force user may have partlCula口ntereSt Several of Hard Points Required: 2
these entrieS COntaln the seeds ofstorleS the GM may wiSh to Price: 4,000 credltS (R)/9
make use of (See the sldebar CrystaI Availability, On Page
53, for further guldance ) 門=丁“MASl(1NG l(1T
ln addItlOn, SeVeral ofthese ltemS Can be used ln COn」unC-
Often, OPenIy carrylng a llghtsaber causes undue comment
tlOn Wlth the adventure ldeas found later ln thiS book
and notlCe Owners of such a weapon may have many rea-
SOnS tO Want a Subtler presence, yet Stl‖ keep thelr =ght-
Saber by thelr Slde Perhaps they must enter an area known
to be under heavy lmperlal scrutlny, Orthe mere presence of
The blade draln attaChment works by creatlnga Sma= power
draln When ln COntaCt WIth another =ghtsaber blade Once
an obvIOuS WeaPOn may SOur dellCate negOtlatlOnS What-
ever the reason, Force users may make use ofa hllt-maSklng
attached to a llghtsaberh=t and wlred mtO the powersupply,
kl=O diSgulSe thelr WeaPOn
the bIade draln attaChment draws energy from the power
SuPPly ofan opponent’s llghtsabervla the energy biade and Just as each llghtsaber lS unlque tO ltS uSer, SO tOO IS
routes lt tO the user’s own power supply when biade contact each hilt-maSklng kit, there lS nO “unlVerSal’’klt The needs

lS made The draw IS mOmentary but slgnlflCant enOugh to Of the moment, Or the personal tastes of the Force user,
reduce the effectlVeneSS Of an opponent’s llghtsaber, maklng dlCtate What form each kit takes SometlmeS a h冊may
lt less capabie ofdea帖g damage be dlSgulSed as a cane, atOther tlmeS ltCOuld be hldden


ノノノ ー〆


Even the best oftheJedl Can fa= The Emplre SCOurS the

galaxy looklng for Force sensltiVeS tO enfold ln the dark

Slde Untutored puplls wander far from the =ght, lost on
da「k paths from whlCh they may never return Many of
them have either found or constructed lightsabers of
thelrOWn Wlth such crystalsastheycould帥dand, ln the
course o=helr fail or thelr tlme aStray, have commltted
helnOuSaCtSSuffusedwlth thedarksldeofthe Force They
bend the kyber crystals ln thelr llghtsabers to thelr W町

Ieadlng tO the bloody red hue of these corrupted crystals

Even if these lndiVlduals dle Or are redeemed, they leave
behind a weapon and a crystal strongiy assoclated wlth
the dark slde ofthe Force These crystals must be pu「ged

ofthelreVli to avoid lettlngthem fa= lntO Other hands and

corrup=hem aswe= Thus, a Force user maytake on the
task of reclalmlng these crystals A corrupted crystal !S a
iightsaber crystal
ModeIs Include: None
Base Modifiers: lnsta=lng thlS CryStal changes a llght-
saber’s base damage to 6 and ltS CritlCal ratlng tO 2, and

the =ghtsaber galnS the Breach上Sunder, and VICIOuS 2

Item quailtleS When a character wleld-ng thlS llghtsaber
makes a Force power check, add O to the check When
the Force-SenSltiVe Character’s Mora旧y rlSeS tO 70 or more,

thlS CryStai has been recialmed, lt nO 10nger PrOV-des ●

and lt loses theVICIOuS ltem quallty, though lt COntlnueS tO
functlOn aSabove ln aII other respects lfthe crystai lS eVer
removed, the llghtsaber loses these qualltleS and reve「ts to

itS PreVIOuS base damage and crl亡ICal ratlng

Modification Options: 2 Damage + 1 Mods, 1 Decrease the vavln SyStem Most of the shards are unusable, elther
WeaPOn’s c「ltlCal rating by one to a mlnlmum O= Mod, 1
too smal! ortoo damaged to functiOn. and many ofthem
SuCCumbed to the gravity We=s of the planets of the ‘favin
1tem Quallty (VICIOuS + 1) Mod
Hard Points Required: 2 SyStem However, SOme few remaln, quletly clrC=ng amOng
Price: Camot be purchased Must be found (R)/9 the remainlngdebrlS helds, CraCked and unstable, but func-
tiOnal Specla川ghtsaber modIflCatlOnS are needed to use

∈RA⊂K岳D ⊂RYS丁A書写
SuCh crystais properly, bu=o the wl=lng Force user, they
Can be made lntO dlStmCtlVe blades A cracked crysta=S a
llghtsabe「 crystal
With the destructIOn Of the Jed上the Emplre has begun

to horde kyber crystals for ltSelf, CaPturlng and control- ModeIs lnclude: None
l-ng tradltlOnal sources of the crystals ln Order to develop Base Modifiers: lnsta=lng thlS CryStal changes a =ght-
Saber’s base damage to 7 and ltS CrltlCal ratlngtO 3, and
Strange neW WeaPOnS Force users must look for non-
tradlt10nal sources o川ghtsaber crystals wherever they may
the llghtsabergalnS the Breach 2, Sunder, and VICIOuS I

be found, regardless of thelr COndlt10n For examp)e, Wlth WeaPOn quailtleS lfa combat check made with thlS =ght-
the destructlOn Of the Death Star, a neW, lf dlfflCul=o ac- Saber results ln @, the GM may cause the crystal to shat-
CeSS, SOurCe Of crystals has been revealed At the heart of ter, after whlCh the =ghtsaber loses these quailtleS and
reverts to ltS PreVIOuS base damage and c「ltlCal ratlng
the great battle stat10n lay a glant kyber crystal powerlng
the lasers that destroyed AIderaan When the A=lanCe de- if the crysta=S eVer remOVed, the =ghtsaber loses these
StrOyed the Death Star, the crystal shattered ln the result- qualltieS and reverts to !tS PreVIOuS base damage and
1ng eXPIosIOn and scattered ltSelf across the open space of CritlCal ratlng


At[叩闇ent i お1!〇・ す;1和i看轟=l営回書喜喜喜漢音 -;i王菓こ研け「情事i臆臆臆園田  ̄こ前脚

BiadeDrain (R)4,000 0 2 9

HilトMaskingKit Va「ies Asmask 1 i     Asmask

PommelCap う,000 0 1 2

StunBlaster 750 l 5 5

一   一をお
6/(al s]lP9」⊃ 00019 l :e叫d
Sやe」!nbetI Slu!Od P」eH
∧q 〕〕訓eとI Pe∧O」d山iJO ]SO〕 9⊃nP〔油l `poIN (l + e^lSueJea)
相ienO山911十POI用十e8eueaし:SuO!]do uo!]e叩!PON
8し町剛le)l]i」〕 Pue e∂e山eP eSeq SnOl∧9」d s]l O] Sl」∂∧∂」 Pue
S∂削enb es9明S9SOl 」9qE,S叫8" a囲`pe∧O山〇月e∧e Sl l印Sん〕
∂囲J1 8ul]e」 ie二時l」〕 Pue 98t?山eP 9Seq SnOl∧9」d s]l OI S〕」∂∧∂」
Pue S副lllenb ese巾SeSOl 」eqeS叫811 9u仁OS MOleq lle=e∧∂
相Ie」OIN S`」∂Sn e^111SueS裏○○」O] e PlnO11S 9uO (q le]uePl〕ul
D(洞∈閏e巾Sul準] u9uM P9」∂即S ule」〕SJO"nO山t3 e巾eつnPe」
南山」e]〕剛e甲e∧iユISueS-e〕」O] e ‘uol]iPPe ul S∂刑enb山911
し9^lSueJea Pue ’」ePunS `l 11〕e9」日e明Sui晒」eqeS叫811 e里
Pue `乙o] 8ul]e」 l∽間〕 S]l Pue i O] 98臥uep eseq s,」∂qeS
-叫811 e Se8ue11〕 le]Sん〕 Si11] 8u用e]Sul :S」e即POI^i eSeg
euON :ePnI⊃u! SlePOIN
聞Sん〕 」eqeS叫8iiきSl聞Sん〕 u引0S
∀ S]10q 」9]Selq 8ul]〕elJeP le e∧l]〕〔溺9 e」O山u〕n山]1 8ul湿田
(qe」eu) ‘uepIM O〕 9Pelq S,」eqeS叫811 e S∂Sne〕 l増血⊃ lJelOS
∀ 9」U∂u…O⊃ul ]Sul鴫e uoilJ∂]O」d pele=e」edun 9Pl∧O」d ∧e囲
’e8ut311⊃Xe ul 」9PleiM」19叩jO uDn山PuEu∂P Ae囲」OJ ‘u8no明
ら佃u8= eSn O] "d ]Ou e」e /eu⊥ lu9囲uOdn u∂dd坤plnOuS
∂PIS叩811 e11川llM 9un] u口SO山eSO囲]t311] e〕」0] e叩]O lllM
e印S同Sdeu」9d 」O ]口O aSn e準Iu Pue euO PuU ue⊃ OuM
」∂Sn ∂〕」O]小河nl e S口l Pue ′1SiX9 OP /e囲`」e∧eMOH S里fu
e」ell」 eq O=岬no囲u∂∂q 8uol e∧t311 /e囲Pue ’1Sed叫el〕ue
e囲山0」J e山○○S聞Sん〕」eq∧中嶋iOS」O S利之」 ∂〕」0] e旧事O ∂PIS
叫8il e111 OI Peunne /両81u S9^聞Su∂S ∂⊃」O二日O SPue11 e囲O]ul
∧恥」Ie囲PuU OPe山OS `sl le]Sん⊃」9q/消O ed布S冊Se ∂」e」 S∀
6/(剖S]iPe」〕 000.9し:e叩」d 」le囲u∂uM 」O P∂∧」eSqO中u∂」J∂S 8uleq e」e (e囲ueuM MOuy
乙:Pe」!nbe凹S叩Od P」eH 碕∧il〕u11Sul Ol lueeS Sle〕Sん〕 eS9いJO S」9Sn沖印e 9Sl」d」nS
POW山nlP∂山0] e8ue」 xp∂甲 Pue uSnq山e PIO∧e Ol山9明8ulMOlle ‘=eM S」eSn 」le囲Pe村∂S
9See」〕u= くpoIN し十 9∂別冊3G し:SuO!1do uo!peつけ!PON ∂∧eu lSIXe O] uMOuy 9」t3 ]e囲MeJ eSO囲’eq A則r ese〕 e囲
8ul]e」 lcoi川⊃ Pue e8e山eP eSeq SnOl∧∂」d s]l O] S]」e∧e」 Pue 」e∧91e11M uMOuyun ]e∧ s」e]S山O」J ‘(xelE,8 e囲JO Se8pe ]Se
Se刑enb ese明S9SO=9qeS叫811 ∂明`pe∧O山e月e∧e Sl l即Sん〕 -deep e即山O」J ∂山O〕 ∧∂囲(es s」∂囲0冊S Sel]」edo」d lenSn
∂u"l e8ue月」O11S u冊IM lueSe」d s1 8uleq u∂PPlu e 」e囲euM -un明lM Sle]S凡C) 」eqeS叫811 Se uOl〕〕unJ Ol u∂ddeu八両]u∂P
∂ui〕〕e]ePJOS9SOd」nd 」O川⊃∂u〕 e囲OI OO ppe /e山沖9甲 ○○ul AluO Pue∴∂SOd」nd "∋」e即P中e川ue ue e∧e11 Sle]Sん〕
∂⊃ue=∂l∧ 」O uOl〕d9〕」9d e 8uI津山S」el⊃e」t3甲e∧illSueS置e〕」O] es∂即時囲]S9務ns s」O山n」 」9囲O 山∂唱叩Oqe MOuy S∂uleq
Se刑enb山e〕=9PunS Pueしu⊃ee」日e巾Sul晒」9qeS叫811 9明 JO ln]Pue11門nq euOuユe里queP OS S]9甲叫JO ]SIS」ed s」O山
-nと」 S」eSn 」19囲JO SPueu 9囲O叫l /E?M 」l∂囲e)1E山人∂明MOu
Pue ‘z o〕 8ul呼」 lcol川⊃ S]l Pue l O] ∂8e山eP eSeq S.」eqeS
-川副 e s∂8ue甲 回sん⊃ S冊8u「=e]Sul :S」e馴POl^i eS開 」O山O」J e山O〕 Sie]Sん〕 eSe唱e」e11M MO間O] S叫eeS 9uO ON
∂uON :aPnl⊃ul SIePOIN
l印s凡〕 」eqeS叫811 e 下鴨且S入超⊃轡日羽量目S
Si lE]Sん⊃」∂準eS∀ 」eeu Sl eOJ Pelee〕uO⊃ e 〕e明的nOP e 〕n○
○囲lM MOu用=M 」9PielM e ‘s8uieq uePPlu O] AeM eu3 8し時ulOd
Oし/(油punoj eq ]SnW PeSe11⊃」nd 9q ]OuuE’つ:e叩d
SSt3d山0〕門Ou S仁 elluM (q」eeu SPlu Ol/M ∂SO明〕⊃e]eP O] 乙:Pa」!nbaと1 S叩Od P」eH
∂lqe e」e (e囲1e111 /eM e u⊃nS ul a⊃」0] ∂囲O] S」e n :〕euuO⊃ PO囚(し十SnOi〕
-1∧)木画enO山9]l Z `po川 口O山n山Iu… e O] auO (q 8ul]e」
Pue」O10J叫id 〕JOS eMOi8 sie]S凡〕 eS9囲Aq pe⊃nP○○d s∂Pelq
`pe〕lu∂l ueuM SulSSE)SSe u9PPl11 u〇月」98uep u1 9」e Se訊e11⊃
l∽l"⊃ S.uOdt?eM e明eSee」⊃ea し:SuO!1do uo!1eD排PON
S「VIS人ロコロコ臼V雪上H訓「 :9-Z ]「臼Vl

ノ             /

ienges and trlals Dependlng uPOn thelr OWn PredlSPOSlt10nS

and the requIrementS Of thelr mlSSIOnS, Consuiars may have
entlre Staffs worklng under them, Or they might be venturlng
a10ne lntO a forsaken Outer Rlm SyStem ln many cases, a Va臆

rlety Of drolds may accompany them to help them ful帥any

number of tasks, lnCluding negOtlatiOn. 1nStruCtlOn, and more

Often servlng fa「 from establlShed bases and safe havens,

many ConsuIars make extenslVe uSe Of drolds ln the pursult

Of thelr dutleS There are many tlmeS When Arb圧ers, ded上
Cated to maklngthe dlfference between war and peace, may
flnd themselves alone ln thelrefforts aslde from a loyai drold
SerVlng falthfu=y by thelr Slde


Sk川s: Braw1 3, Coo1 2, CoordlnatlOn l, Ranged (Llght) 1,
丁he galaxy lS帥ed wlth sma=, Out-Of-the-Way SyStemS and
Res帖ence 2
POlltieS that may stand ln the way ofprosperltyand progress 1aIents: None
for the greater populatlOn The Outer Rlm, in PartlCular, lS Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, Ordrlnkand
COmPOSed of mlnOr, lnSular communltleS and cultures that Can SurVlVe ln VaCuum Or underwater, lmmune tO POISOnS
may lay cialm tO reSOurCeS, trade routes, Or lnformatlOn eS- and toxlnS)
Sentlal to the success o=arger, mOre Core○○riented en帥es
Equipment: 2 stun grenades (Ranged旧ght], Damage 8,
Respondlng tO thiS Sltuat10n巾dustrlal Automatons軒st cre-
CrltlCal ○○ Range [Short], Blast 8, DISOrlent 5巾mlted Ammo
ated the BDlO-SerleS drold, SPeClflCaily !ntended to assISt
十Stun Damage), 2 bullt-1n Stun WhlPS (Melee, Damage 5,
negotiatlng PartleS ln deallng Wlth the myrlad cultures and CrltlCal -, Range lSh〇時Stun 3), bul旧n armor piatlng (十1
SyStemS Ofthe less clVl=Zed parts ofthe galaxy defense,十1 soak)

P「ogrammed wlth the languages, tradlt10nS, taboos. and

morays of over a m==On RlmWard avlllZat10nS and corpora- 岳D“V81.SER鵜ES ENVOY DROID [剛VA叫
tlOnS, the BDlO serieS ISStl‖ seen asoneofthe bestchoICeS

OfcompanlOn foranyone seeklngtO do buslneSS ln the Outer Seelng a Weakness ln the general run of protocol drolds,
R!m With the help of these lnnOCuOuS drolds, any negOtla- namely the aimost unlVerSal humanold appearance of most
t10n With a less advanced soclety Wl= be l而nitely easler modeIs, the Rselkharhl Drold Group began the deveiopment
Of a drold who would speclailZe ln aSSISting negOtほtOrS and

diPIomats worklng SPeClflCally wlth non-humanold specleS

Bu冊around the anclent ChassIS Of a Krath war drold, the
ED-V8 uses varlable-C〇両guratlOn CybemetlCS tO alter the

賃罰賃覇眉間 appearance o白tS body, Whlle two lnterface modules sup-

Ply the foundatlOnS forcommunlCatlOn Wlth an array of non-

humanoid cultures
Ski=s: Charm 2, Knowledge (Outer Rlm) 5, NegotlatlOn 2
falents: None The ED-V8農SerleS IS PrOgrammed to be completely mOffen-

Ab冊ies: Drold (does not need to breathe, eat, Or drlnk and SlVe and nonthreatenlngaS ltaSSIStS ltS OWner ln eStab=Shlng
can survlVe ln VaCuum Or underwate「, lmmune tO POISOnS and COntaCt Wlth 10Ca=eaders Programmed wlth an abnorma=y
toxlnS)○ ○utland Etlquette and Protocol (BDlO-SerleS drolds hlgh level of autonomy, mOSt drolds ln thlS SerleS WOrk as
a=0W a帖es to add □ to any NegotlatlOn Checks or other the鉦st point Of contact wlth non-humanold socletleS, lay-

Checks made to negotlate Or medlate ln the Outer Rlm) 1ng the foundatiOr吊rom whlCh more experlenCed humanold

Equipment: None dlPIomats can buiid


Seelng a rlSlng need for crowd suppressIOn and non-1ethal

enforcement technlqueS On the Core Worids, Arakyd lndus- 運覇賃覇纏覇
trleS brlefly fllrted wlth a drold deslgned to帥thlS admltted- Ski11s: Knowledge (EducatlOn) 2, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 3,
1y sma= nlChe The BLO-SerleS COmbat drold was deslgned NegotlatlOn 4, PerceptlOn l
to neutrailZe OPPOSltlOn Wlthout undue ln」ury, thus salvaglng

PunOJ eq O3 SSeMO」d l叩」e山
JO SISe] ]Seq e囲J0 9uO PIO」P乙-G糾e PuL所ueIN SeOJ SSe「
-叫nO⊃JO S∂SS∂u準eM Pue S巾∂u∂」]S e囲〕l山l山O〕 9∧」∂S SuOl〕
-E」n∂uuoつq…1 91qei」臥S山e]S^s凡o田9山∂」O⊃ S,PIO」P e囲 e]inS 」∂uue〕S `」O]
O]ul Pelulue」80」d s∂」n引n〕 PueSnO囲P∂」Punu e 」e∧O ]O S91碕 -〕e「O」doiOu u上川nq当u岬O⊃ ∂8ue」 ∂uol ul-坤n日:1ueuld叩b∃
8u刑的9い8ulSeJMOuS ’s∂X訓e」 8ulu叫卸し料M uSeU S…e (Su「XO] Pue
S.Gと]⊥ eu十SPe叩8u肌illM 」le囲uO囲OJ Pue xpeq 8ulZZn日 SuOSIOd o〕 9un山… (」∂岬M」ePun 」O田m⊃e∧ ul e∧l∧」nS ut3〕
Pue yul」P 」O ’1ee ′e囲ee」q O] P99u lOu S∂OP) p10」(] :Sa即I!q∀
Slli準leq山○○JO (捌E 」ePIM eJO
euON :Sluelt汁
んe]SE皿」9d9eP e "ed山I e⊃uelliS9」 Pue木ull]eS」e∧ S,PIO」P 9囲
e〕u∂=lS〔柑`uoi]de〕」ed ‘lOOつ“S叩〇回∀ :困uo dno」8) si間S
le9J刑] SuO1呼Zlu晒」O囲M `」∂∧eMOし仁9SOd」nd leu181」O 」ie囲
」OJ PeSn8u19q S川n CLd⊥e囲JO S91d山eXe =11S e」e e」9世相」nつ
-eS 9]e」Od」O〕 e∧iSu9dx9ul Se 」O uOiSSe」ddns pMO」⊃ 」OJ ue]jO
`pesod」nde」 e」∂M Saと]⊥ ∂旧事iun le囲∂l訓O山里1M uO Pe∧O山 醒聾鱈重篤議
e」ld山ヨ9囲S∀ e〕lN9S JO "O PeSeud村tuanb∂SqnS e」∂M
SP10」P 8u肌eds 9u⊥ P∂iPPO〕 8u19q ∂」∂M Seeule」]判〕 uOl]de〕
-」ed 9囲Pue S里eeP8ulul叩」∂M∂] u1 8u11inS9」 `sp10」P 〕関山O〕
]ilnq-eSOd」nd 9」O山JO ]⊃ul]Sul 」el問∂明Pexpei Sel」eS-a日⊥ e明 Sei〕」ed 8ui咋周O89u 9叩u9eM]∂q yull 」Ol⊃e「O」doIOL1 9」n⊃∂S
1e囲PunOJ S」O"n」]Sul `」9∧9MOH SlePe〕 」9〕即O lei」∂duJ1 8un〇八 e 8uiPl∧O」d ‘∂」ellM/ue lSO山Ie O8 ue⊃ ]Zc] eu了Sq山II Pe]el
-n二間」e eld刑n山Pue reOIOuu判別」OSinde」 JO uO11eulq山Oつe
JO 8ulule」1 9叩8ui」nP S」eul」ed 8u間eds e^= lue山9id山○○ O]
Peu81SeP 3」∂M SPIO」P 9Se明くpIO」P el]1eq 訓9S-aS 」ie里uOdn 8ulZ冊n l〕e]u○○ユ⊃eJiP e〕e印ul O] uOl]剛edojO ee」e Peu81SSe
PeSeq有esooI Pue ’s…∀ ue」」O山l明Aq pe」n〕〕eJnue田柄eし日 」le111 O] S9∧i9S山9明」e∧ll∂P O〕 SSeu∂」eMe Pue 9∧11E周Iul 〕u∂l〕U
JnS SSeSSOd osle S"un 9u十」O〕e」edo s]=O IO」]uO〕副eld山0⊃
印v^ItI] alO岩ICe DNlt推案VdS Z"ロ岩上 e囲」ePun ]de年毎1O山9」 Pe]Olld eq ue〕 ]乙d eu川8noいl∀
∂⊃u∂nlJul JO e」euds
叩lOO〕 u阜=nq `s沖ed山l]S 8 `掴
」le甲elqlSSeつつきul MOu 」9ne山Ou lueli⊃血e o〕 SSeu9洲S.〕e山
S.uel〕lS相d ul一]linq ′」9uue⊃S ∂SOd」nd lE)」eu∂∂ ui刊nq `s〕ed
-OldlP e8ul」q uE〕 S]乙c] ∂囲`叫e山dinb9 uOl])e「O」d pue `se〕l∧
-PeUJんue8」9山∂乙(判il山O〕 98uE’」 8uol ul-帥n日:叫e関d叩b∃
○○P 8ulP」○⊃e」.S」OSu9S JO 9]InS e^lSu即Xe ue 8ul相賀eつ∂〕O山aJ
(SulXO] Pue
]乙d ∂唱Peu81S∂P ]l ueuM Peeu S間口Sn「SSe」PPe O〕 8ul準9S
SuOSIOd o] eun山… `」∂〕eM」9Pun 」O山m〕e∧ u1 9∧iNnS ue⊃
SEM 8ul」∂eu18u] lleu〕 」OeH OP =lM S]」ed」e叫nO⊃ S,1恥OldlP
Pu叩ul」P 」O ’]Ee `e叩t剃q O〕 P∂∂u ]Ou S9OP) pIO」(] :Se即1!qV
e明lM 〕〕e叫0〕 〕〕訓P AluO lue山uO」l∧u∂ ∂明∂旧SO11 MOu 」9]
( lenSn ue囲9山l]SS∂l -1elu Ou ‘s9…]9山OS lnq `∧xele∂ e囲SSO」〕e S」O呼l]08eu pue
%OS e準〕弱」et朝〕9ds e u)」粥S O] ePe山Sxp∂uつSxpe埠uO11
S]E)山OldlP」OJ SuOl]⊃un月O /捌e ePIM e ui …O耳ed ue〕SPIO」a
-de〕」ed山0」]獲臆S∋∧O山e」 PiO」P ∂山乙P〇位u○○y :S]uei叫
⊆ uOi]de⊃」∂d
`乙eui⊃lP∂IN ’しS〕lu勘D9囚`乙u〇時ulP」OO⊃ ‘=OOつ:Sl間S 的0!N看‖] ∃⊥o調書増
∂uON :叩eud!nb]
鱈醸闇篤諺 (S91⊃eds pIOue山nu
-uOu (ue囲lM elelPe山」O 91印0∂9u O] ePe山Sxpeu〕 」9囲0 」O
S準9Ll⊃ uOl〕el]O8eN相e o]□ppe o] Se昭MO=e SPiO」P Sel」eS
-8∧-G]=OつO]O」d Pue e]〕enbl〕ヨP(Oue山n甲uON `(SulXO] Pue
SPiO」P en〕Se」 Pue e⊃ue〕SISSE’ SuOSIOd o〕 9un山… `」∂〕eM」ePun 」O山nn〕臥uI 9∧l∧」nS ue〕
JOS91」eS a日S e巾」∂PISuO⊃ 0〕 lleM OP PinOMSISu〕 e ul e〕u○ Pue yul」P 」O事e `e11]ee」q O〕 P99u 〕Ou S∂OP) p10」a :Sa即I!q∀
○」e期P e 9津山0〕 9〕ue甲e SlueM OuM木u冊n Pue旬=q剛nP 9uON :S暮ue獲叫
」Ol」edns JO P10」P e 」〇月∂甲e山∂囲ul euO相∀ "OddE」 PuE
川M POO8 8u叫S=qelSe P」eMO〕 ∧eM 8uol e O8 AeuJ P9eu ul L 00ナS P!0」〇二時○○ie!ロS〇日eS-O乙S⊥」
Sle〕O1 8叩SISSe ∂Je11M ‘」91SeSIP回n]eu /q u」OI SuO18e」 Pue
S訓OZ 」eM Se u⊃nS ‘s]u∂山uO」i∧ue SnO」e8uep o叫1 8u18e(O∧ 9 0⊆L`L p10」08…eds乙q乱i
eso明」O事SuOlued山0〕 91qe aq Oユue∧O」d 9∧eu SCIE]S ell⊥
」e]SeSIP 」O SISi」O e ul Se山叩X9 1S卸e∂」8 e里O〕 PIO」P S冊 S 00合iL P!O」GenつSeさPue
9^l」P ]SISSE) O〕 e」lSeP Pue `1〕elle叫I ueey ‘u81S9P P∂88n」 ∀
eiO」凡きss〇〇〇u 巨 00与宅 ∂1O山eと=ueuJuO」V¥uヨ訓〕SOH]Zd
Sl111冊O] Sel」∂S 〔lgS eいPe]Ee」⊃ ′s]Se」e叫1 8ulu… 8unl十」eJ
L 000`8 P!0」(]八〇∧u]S9リeS-8∧-ロコ
S]l JO ]」Oddns u十uo哩」Od」O○ ○IJ」e〉1 9皿∴S]」O兄e 」ie囲ul 〕」Od
-dns pue 9⊃ue]SISSe JO舟e」」e 9PIM e 」OJ P○○u e叩〕19J S/E’M 9 000′⊆ 印0」ロ〕eq山0⊃唱ul∂i-UONSeリeS-0「日
-1e 9∧e11 uOl]eZiii∧lつJO S〕」OJ山0〕 ∂甲山O」J 」eJ e」n叫e∧ ]Sn山
与 00S`8 P!O」Cl]」OddnsAess∀S9ueS-OLC旧
OllM SlenPl∧lPu=∂囲O Pue `s」eeuOld `s」e」Oidxe `s」O∧9NnS
血書: 漢音園田り害鳥 ・!,賀葛園田叫1音
巾∀^1お] qIOおロコn⊃与∃曽
ロNV ∃⊃NV⊥S看S与V雪害I轡∃S回田S S□1ロ甘口:L-Z ]「臼∀l
丁丁S20-S董則ES D漢ALEC丁容⊂ DROID [則VAL菖

Throughout the hlStOry Of the galaxy工here have been many

lnnOVatiVe aPPrOaChes to educat10n Whlle the lneVltable

march of progress has seen a verltable raft of educat10nal
and lnStruCtOr drolds f10Od the Core Worids through the
m=iennla, many Cultures continue tO advocate the anclent
SkⅢs: AthletlCS 2, Braw1 5, CoordInat10n l, Llghtsaber 3, dlSCIPline O=ecturlng One manufacturer sought to combme
Melee 3, Ranged (Heavy) 2 both approaches ln a Slngle lamlnanlum She= lndustrlal
falents: None Automaton’s popular TTS1 5-SerleS educatlOn and tutorlal

Abilities: Drold (does not need to breathe, eat, Or drmk drold was modIfled wlth further dialectlC and communlCa-
and can survIVe ln VaCuum Or underwater, !mmune tO POl- tlOnS mOduies to create the TTS20, One Ofthe most success-
SOnS and toxInS), Combat巾alnlng (TRD-2置SerleS SParring ful orator drolds ln the galaxy
drolds allow any character who has spent at least one hour
Programmed ln OVer a m川iOn Styles and dlSCIPllneS Ofor-
PraCtlClngWlth them to lnCreaSe thelr melee
ganlZed argument and debate, thlS droid lS the best foll for
defense rating by two for the remalnder
any belng tralnlng tO be a sollCltOr, dlPIomat, Or negOtlatOr
Of the sessIOn)
Often the pressures o白ts contentlOuS PrOgraming Wl= cause
Equipment: Double-bladed tralnlng Saber
lndlVldual unltS tO deve10P a PartICularly quarrelsome per-
(Llghtsaber, Damage 6, C油Cal -, Range
SOna=ty lf thelr buffers are not cleared regularly Strangeiy
[EngagedI, Llnked 上Stun Damage, Un-
enough, however, SOme OWnerS Of the TTS20 serleS See thlS
Wieidy 5), Stun CannOn (Ranged 【Heavy];
as an added feature and w用encourage thelr drolds to de-
Damage 8, CritiCal -, Range [MedlumI;
Velop even greater helghts o白nSOlent confrontatlOn
Stun Damage), Z6 rlOt COntrOl baton (Melee;
Damage 5, CritlCai 5, Range [En-
gaged〕; CortosIS, DISOrient 2,
Stun Damage)

Ski看ls: Charm 2, Coo1 1, Decept10n 2, Knowledge (Core
Worlds) 1 , Knowiedge (EducatlOn=, Negotlat10n 3, Per-
CePtlOn 2, StreetwISe l
TaIents: None
Abilities: Drold (does not need to breathe, eat, Or drlnk
and can surviVe ln VaCuum Or underwater, lmmune tO
POISOnS and toxlnS), Master of RhetorlC (T丁S20-SerleS
drolds a=ow a旧es to add □□ to any opposed Pres-
ence○ ○r W用power-based checks or other checks
made to negotlate Or medlate ln the Outer Rlm)
Equipment: None
uOISue1 9山∂」〕Xe
JO川3山Olll e u=∂相"ePu∂JS∀ ue JO eSn小eu月1 e明O]
uoISnl⊃uO〇回SS∂つつnSS]l SeMO uO11叩O eし 相eIN Sel]」ed
」e明0山0」] uO11uane ∂nPun 8ulMe」P lnO巾lM uO嘩巾lS 9冊
で10∧ e O岬Pe]」eSul eq O〕 P∂Peeu Ao∧u∂ ∂Pe」=O 」OPeS
-Seq山eユu即」Od山川e u∂uM uOi〕E)」edo JO S」9]e∂明SnOl」臥
山悶」∂]nO 9囲JO Se」n]lnつつl]enbe ∂囲mOqe
ul eSn u99S OSie Seし口nq uOl〕eJ掴ul Pue e8euolds9」O=〕eJ
e」O山u」eei O] 8uiye9S Axel晒9叩JO SluePn〕S 」O3 」O `岬3d -」ed sl l∂POlu luePu9〕S∀ ∂11十elqiSl^ul向eeu 〕JE)」⊃ ∂ll] S」eP
ue評eq 9叩出O 8ul」e∂∧川Ids sno」nlu∂∧Pe eu=O=⊃e耳ed sl -ue」 ]e里e〕l∧∂P 8ul準Ol〕 P∂〕ue^Pe ue岬M Peddlnbヨ
us甲9uSel] eLl⊥ ∂lqiSS〇〇〇eui eq 9SIM」e11]O PlnOM ]e111 SPi○○M
細川eu⊃粥」 ue⊃euO‘usu」euSei] eJOle9SS.1O=d e明ui leePl euo pu日o川8nou〇人yml
e」e 〕JP」〕期MS 9S∂囲`山niPe山PlnlJ e u冊IM Se∧旧e巾9」n叩〕 ∂SO明」OJ ‘]SiXe冊S S」e相」e=euJS 9明弓O 」eq山nu Pe]l…l e
‘」9∧9MOH SiSudo]Sl」uつユ訓eld e叩」∂∧O P〇八o」]SeP SeM uOIS
門lSl∧ 」O 19ueld 」e岬M e O1 9uOie l∂∧eJ=Sn山euO ueuM
-」∋∧ … P9ZISゼロe∧」O⊃ 9囲JO ed布OIO」d 9囲ue11M P9dde」⊃S
.s9∧eM e巾SSO」⊃E)8ulddl準uS日8ul」叩=8 ejO 9⊃ue」t39dde e囲
相en叫∂∧e SeM l〕e「0」d e11⊥ S」eM訓Ol○ ○u] 8ul」nP SePe
]1尋ui∧18 `s川81旧」OuSJO elqede〕 Sl uS即euSe目9囲.叩e」 Pue -xpOlq旬yp oI Peu8iS9P d団S」e]S le)ue…」edxe ue o=OSSe〕
lS〇月O川〕」ed l粥Pi ue SuMeeS u9uM 」O `se9S u8no」相E)ln叩 ○○P9」d ∂里SeM 」9相IeuOS」ed叫ePu∂⊃S∀到工1∂PO山]d〇〇
-」ed ul u粥〕O向きJOeJ勘nSe囲山i準O]木ullqeS〕口つe鵬]Ou
〇u○○JO jOO」d e se s山9]S/S u81Sea 」eu9iS /q pe〕nPO」d lS川
=lM 」e岬3eM uS」e叩t3囲Suee山ulqe〕 P9SOl〕u∂ Sll ]nq `e⊃eJ
-」nS e囲いeeueq le∧eJ] 01木ullqe e11] S沖el uS即euSel] e肥
田∃A痛言H軸V∃⊥S 「∀軸eS日昌臼⊥N廿日Nヨ⊃S∀
SuO111Pu○○血e Al」eeu 」ePun 」∂]eM
9u川8no掴8u刑S叫e山eie S]l ul Sl uS即euSel]叩‘98」勘pe」 明きd u∂leeq e旧
e e」lnb9」 S」0〕e」eu98 e里e」Oj9q叫Sll月en]〕E JO SPOl」∂d Jel」q JJO JeJ S]」0鵬Ie」n引n⊃ Pue ′e〕e」Od」O〕 `相即li… JO S耳OS lle」OJ
JO elqedeつSeO8apdlu⊃」e Pl」OM川e9⊃O相e山JO Se∧e⊃ le」O○ SqnL=0」]uO〕 Pue Pue山uJO〕 9い」O SユSOd]nO Pe〕elOSl u〕ee」
○u] 8uo山e Se =eM Se `suo印PuO〕 」9明eeM 9山∂J]Xe ]SO山∂巾 〇月elSe9甲n山理e湿田S91〕lue∧ eSeu] ‘8u…山I準9〕勘nS
」ePun uOl周」OdsueJ=euOS」9d leePI S∂Pl∧0」d us即∂11Sel] 3叩 Pue 9ul」e山qnSSe甲nS ]」Odsue」=O S∂PO山」9囲O Pue叫紬
くs918010u申e]削」OSlnd9」 Pue ]9「0」P相1110q 8uIS[ SdooMS
P9]l…=O S91川qe eい8uluIq山○○ Se町nP 」l∂巾JO 9S」nOJ
Pue∴S」e相P」ePue]S Papni⊃e」d suol〕lPuO⊃ lco18oIO」Oe〕9山 ∂甲ul ln」eSn ]SO山PuU S」einSuO〇時明eSe囲9q u∂1JO用M
岬⊃Ol e甲9」euM Sleueld Je]eM uO eu⊃lu uO11叫OdsuE」] ]l Pue `s」e旧O uE)叩ellreS」9∧ e」O山e」e S」9P∂∂ds」le e山OS
lt3uOS」ed ap llU O中川e〕叩∂ds peu∂lSeP SE)M uS即euSE月 S〕iun凡きlll… Pue Sel〕ue8e布巾n〕eS Sn○
叩'」9Peedsd山n「 SSel⊃-JnつIpun Jelndod 9囲uOdn p9S明 ○1」e∧岬M ∂〕l∧」eS 8uleeS OSle ‘"Odsue」1 08」eJ Oユe〕ue/∂∧uO⊃
leuOS」ed uJO」J ∂u冊んe∧e 」OJ P9Sn訓e S」9P∂9ds」le “SPl」OM
⊥ゴV櫨⊃t帽山肌帆│∀NO§増さd HSlゴロ∃鵬S甘地 ∂」○○ uO S8ulPuel Pue 《s兄O∂渦'8ul」9∧neue山」OJ S削」OSlnd
○○」 8ulZ間n ′叫8旧〕I」9udso…e O〕 P利山= e」e S」9Peedミ」ne
OM] /q leSSe∧ 9囲〕⊃e]eP
]SOIN S甲OMl訓UOl脚」OdsueJ] PeuS=q印se 」0山e]S(S ]lSueJ]
O〕 ePe山Sxpeu〕血e J〇本un〕脚P eu1 9SE)e」つul `uo印PPe ul
坤qnd JO …O中ue沖e口e囲S山elS/S P9dole∧eP SS91 ul lnJ∂Sn
(dn掴⊃id ue〕 ∂8ue」 9SOl⊃ 1e S」9uue〕S 9∧lSSed r白uo) 〕…O」J
lSOll」 ∂∧O」d u9"O A乱川mq `pl」OM PeZlll∧l〕血e uo uol周」Od
(eMe 」9囲」e! 」O e凱e」 l」OuS ∂」e ]e1月S」∂uue〕S 9∧ SSE}d uo 」9〕 -SueJ=O S…OJ uO山田O〕 〕SOur e囲JO 9山OS乱e S」9P○○ds」l∀
-S18e月Ou旧M dl11S Sl岨S」euue⊃S 9∧一]⊃e Pue e^一SSed o] 31ql
-Sl∧u口SO山Ie ]=∂Pu∂」二e囲S山∂]S∧s明le副S耳e-e埴土O○○胴S
山O」J S朋ueq 」e相川eelS leuOS」ed 9肥:S田alS佃岬ee事S 冨田冨田ヨヨdS凋回せ
S∃「∩お「∀Nol⊥1〇〇V S山9]S(S ]SOuJ u口e甲e山u∂do e11] uO 9」euMe山OS PunOJ eq
∂uON :SuOdeeM ue〕 S…e S,」elnSuOつeJO 31nS」nd e明ul PeSn Sel〕町∂∧ e里JO
]SO山‘si∂PO山Pue Se津山P」ePue]S OI PeP∂eu eq (e山uOl]E)〕
乙:S]u!Od P」eH uO!1eZ!LuOISn⊃
6/S叩P∂」⊃ 000`s⊆ :旬!」e甘le〕叫d 叫PO山∂山OS嶋noLlll∀ e」O山8u冊e山OS e川be」判] Se⊃ue]S
-山n訓〕 Pue `s9」巾in〕一se〕eld 9」e 〇〇〇u仁SeSOd」nd ]SO山」OJ
euoN :旬!⊃ede⊃ 」e8uassed
叫ei瑚nS ue囲e」O山eq川8… 」e相」0 」ePeeds p」ePue]S e
O乙:佃⊃ede⊃ e9u剛q山n9u∃
」∂N∂SqO ∂uO ’]O=d euo :Ma」J SEe」∂uM uOl胴」Odsue」=O S…Oj PeZllt31〕9ds snol」e∧ e」lnb
-e」 u9"O旧M JelnSuOつe ‘s]SOd叩O叫e]SIP eS∂囲11〕e9」 CL
8uo「 :e8uet] 」OSueS
S」9〕e山000’9 :ePn叩1V umu"XeN S∂唱つOI PelelOSI Pue 〕11OXe JO布∂lJe∧ 9PIM e O〕
S山9]S∧s u8iS∂G 」eu91S :」e」nl)e]nueN S叫9Pn]S 」le囲9SOdx9 O団eeS叫8…相S」e^lP S,∧xele8 e囲jO
叫ePueJS∀/」9P∂∂ds」l∀ :1ePONIed旬, el印岬^ e〕u即」OduJ1 9囲e山Ou e^l」P O]8ul準eSS」au〕e∂〕血t3IN S」9明O
JO A巾ed山e 」O8ulPu郎」ePun ap Pu〇八∂q山e里9∧e91 S引8o1○
○1S相d esouM 9SOll] a」e SlueつOuul Pe」e8uepu∂ 」O Se=le lel]
-ue〕Od叫e]」Odu月1SO山9叩u瑚O PuE `∧xEl晒e囲en8E)ld uo11
」andspeeders are by far the most common form of trans-

POrtatlOn ln the gaiaxy AvallabIe ln a nearly un=mited range

Of shapes and sIZeS from countless manufacturers stretching

VehicIe lype/Model: AlrSPeeder-WaterCraft/Flasherfish from the Core Worids lntO the Outer Rlm and beyond, land-
SPeeders can be found on nearly every plane白n the Emplre
Manufacturer: Kuat VehlCles
Maximum Altitude: 20 meters Uslng rObust repulsorllft englneS, these vehlCles are gener-

Sensor Range: Medlum a=y easy to malntaln and serve as the backbone of most

C「ew: One pl10t

transportatlOn SyStemS Ranglng from small, Slngle-PerSOn
SWOOPS tO maSSlVe CargO CarrlerS, landspeeders are capab【e
Encumbrance Capacity: 5
Passenger Capacity: 1 Oftrave=ngata helght from a meteror less offthe ground to
an operat10nai cel=ngtha亡Can SOmetlmeS reaCh lOO meters
Price/Rarity: 5,000 credltS/5
Customization Hard Points: 2 Landspeeders lgnOre hazards and other effects of terraln
Weapons: None that are lower肌an theIr OPeratlng altitudes


lnitlaliy deslgned and produced to work ln COn」unCtlOn Wlth Developed based on the highly successful A-A5 speeder
larger base shlPS工he aquatlC SCOut ShlPS Were deslgned to truck, the A-A5m lS a PurPOSe-bullt emergency response ve-
SCOut Out POSSlble mlnlng 10CatlOnS Thelr durabl=ty and hlCle speclfroa=y deslgned to operate ln harsh言nhospltable
endurance resulted ln thelr being SOld ln Sma= quantltleS SCenar10S, Whether unforglVlng lnClement weather or terrible
throughout the Core Worlds and beyond The lM」-2c IS Ca- dlSaSterS EqulPPed wlth all the latest medlCal technoIogy
Pable of=mlted low-altltude fllghtaswell as surface and sub- and avallable wlth a fuily compatlble medlCal drold for a
marlne OPerat10nS, maklng lt an ldeai transport for a wlde nomlna=y lnCreaSed prlCe, the A-A5m lS亡he most rellable
Varlety Of tasks on water worlds and when deallng Wlth prl- VehlCle avallabie when tlme lS Of the essence and llVeS are
mar=y aquatlC PO=tleS On the=ne

Much more expenslVe than less versatlle watercraft工he MedlCal and rescue personne上as well as rellef workers
iML-2c IS One Of the most adaptable watercraft avaliable ln around the galaxy, have made the A-A5m synonymous wlth
the galaxy A pressurlZed passenger compartment means Salvat10n foryears lts expanded sensorsulte meanS that the
that passengers and crew are completeIy protected from the A-A5m lS able to flnd those ln need desplte the chaos ofa
depths as we= as from mClement weather ancl atmospheres Sltuat10n Whlle dellVerlng the llfesavlng ald lt requlreS Wlth
Most often brought lntO Serv!Ce aS a Submarlne VeSSe上the a =mlted cargo capaclty and the optlOn for further exter-
lML-2c outshlneS ltS alrSPeeder and landspeeder compet上 nal cargo modules工hlS WOrkhorse of the lTast stable lS fu=y
tlOn aS lt tranSltlOnS from the depths, tO the waves, tO Short CaPable of savlng llVeS and salvaglng entlre Settlements no
fllghts wlth ease matter the harrowlng ClrCumStanCeS

DIP10matS, enVOyS. and other emlSSar!eS Whose dutleS Caii

them to a planetappreclably covered wlth wateroften utlllZe
the lML-2c to reach thelr COunterPartS beneath the waves
ThlS Craft, CaPable of traveilng both a10ng the surface and
deep benea叶IS ldeal for fac=ltatlng face-tO-face communl-

Cat10n and negotlatlOn When remote communlCat10n Wlth Vehicie lypeIModeI: Speeder lTuck/A-A5m
the powerswho llVe beneath thewavesofa Rim WorId lS dlP- Manufacturer: lTast Heavy宜anspor亡S
10matlCally lmPraCtlCal, the iML-2c offers an altematlVe that Sensor Range: Long
COuld we= mean亡he dlfference between success and fallure Crew: One pllot, One medlC and/or one medlCal drold, One
llaiSOn OfflCer

Encumbrance Capacity: 1 00
Passenger Capacity: 6
Price/Rarity: 1 0,000 credltS/5
Customization Hard Points: 4
Vehicte lypeIModeI: Naval Surface-Submarine/lML-2c Weapons: None
Manufacturer: lmperlal Ml川ng, Ltd
Sensor Range: Medlum
Crew: One pllot, One CO-Pllot, One COmmS teChnlClan
Encumbrance Capacity: 20
Passenger Capacity: 2
Price/Rarity: 1 0,000 credltS/5
Customization Hard Points: 4
Weapons: None

了  くす
s19ueld 9]O山e」 uO SuO11e⊃O=〕e9」-O十eiqlSSOdu月相eeu
‘pe88n」 8ulSSe〕〕E 」O月eeP日i 8ul準山肌同e山eS e囲〕e 〇回M
e〕]enOullS 9∧l]⊃ul]SIP S〕l ei⊃llle∧ e叩e∧18刑〕 S8e1 8ul11〕」e
-u81u X S Seu洲∂uM e叩`ui肌e] elqe封dsouu十〇SueP 〕SO山
e叩8ul〕e」]9ued JO elqede⊃ 9i⊃叫∂∧ ue=l∧l⊃ e 」OJ P∂eu e即冊
o川O11e」Od」○○ 8ulu州ue用∂」○○句pe〕nPO」d pue peu81S9a
田冨田O│dXヨN看V田t帽⊥置1「V 〉i寒│∃軸M
叫8i9u S,el⊃lue∧ e叩腔u ueいSSel P」EZeu
血e山O」J Pue ule」」e〕 ]11811山OJJ S訓eu9d副Ou8i S」e判LeM
圃・一一回 lleM SE SlePO山Pue SuOl]o彫^ uelll∧l⊃八川21u 9」e ∂」e叩
‘9SOd」nd pue u181」O ulんe]=l山9」e S」9湿M ]SO山u8no囲∀
o] 9do叫9∧e PlnO⊃ 91⊃lue∧ Pe準旧」〕 」O Pele9uM Ou S捌e 8ul
罷罷認 -u〕ee」 ・ule」Je]相門SO叫E) SuiS」∂∧e」=O eiqede⊃ e」e S」∂湘M
‘s9〕ue]S山n⊃」I⊃ leeP一」ePun S」∂iMe」⊃ Pue S」e⊃PunO」8巾Oq
u叩」eMOIS L18noll]l∀ S」eP∋9dspuel Pue S」ePe∂ds」le O〕 lel]
-u∂SSe S9180iOuu〕〇月間OSinde」相〕luU Pue e^ISu9dx∂ ∂」O山
村enb9 mq紺eS」e∧ e」O山9叩Pue uOi〕e]」OdsueJ] P∂lee11M
pue pe準胤=O S]〕∂dse 9∧叩IJIS∂」 ]nq ’peul即ule山恒e∂
・e∧lSu9dxeu1 9囲u∂∂M)9q eSl山0」d山O〕 e叫9S○○d∂」 S」〇割eM
euoN :SuOde3M
O :S書u!Od P」eH uO!つだZ!uIOISn⊃
ウ/S引P∂」〕 000`sz :心!」etI/e叫d
S :心!⊃ede⊃ 」e8uessed
S乙:佃⊃ede⊃ aDu剛q田n3u!
〕〇月d euo :Me」○
○soi⊃ :a8uet] 」OSueS
∂し]SnPul uel羽l」qn :」e」叩つきJnueIN
sz lePOIN ue」nPO/」ePeedspue「 :1aPOIN/ed付ei瑚e^
碕ulP」Oつつt3 Pe〕i」d pue `〕」e JO
S卑OM ]iinq-Pue11 e」e ]Je」⊃ SnO∂8」O8 ese明‘e山t3u uely間q[

9明」ePunんeiPISqnS叫9Pued9Pu同山9S e /q pe〕nPO」c]
s」e〇両ue〕9」 ul在yJelndod ui 8ulSl」 ueeq OSle Seu S」∂P∂∂ds
んnxn=O 9u=冊SS∂つつnS A19〕e」ePO山Sll "q `s」eつPnOi〕 Pue
S掴S O8」e〕 S〕=OJ uMOuy相soll」 SI Sel」]SnPul uE時間q白
描昌ロコヨdS回NV漢人岩のXn「 NV回れロo

漢tems of the galaxy Whether penetratlng the v101ent front

Ofa brush鉦e war or the farthest reaches of the Outer Rlm,

these altrulStlC lndlVlduals flnd themselves, tlme and tlme

agaln, requiring tranSPOrtatiOn tO reaCh thelr Varled goals
丁hey may need to provlde re=ef to a system torn apart by
WarOr natu「al dlSaSte「 Or亡hey may flnd themselves drlVen tO

expIore or lnVeSt!gate lSOiated societleS Or SyStemS for thelr

OWn ed旧catiOn Or forthe educatiOn Ofothers

No matter what the call, Consuiars requlre a dlVerSe aS-

SOrtment Of starshlPS tO Carry them ln the pursult Of their
dutleS Whether makIng a brave show of force fora waverlng HuIl lypelCiass: Shuttle/丁6

aiiy, PlerCing the vel1 0f a renegade system under lmperlal Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpll
blockade, O「 Carrymgan Arblter lntO the dlStant Rlm, the llSt Hyperdrive: Prlmary Class 3, Backup None
OfvehlCles that may be useful lS Iong and varled Navicompute「: veS
Sensor Range: Medlum
Ship’s Complement: One pliot, One C○○PIIot
§llAR副G門丁臣RS A開国 Encumbrance Capacity: 80
日鋼丁R①し霞e僻耳S Passenger Capacity: 4
ConsumabIes: Three months
Star臼ghters and patrol boats are sm訓er, PurPOSe-bulit m帖 PricelRarity: 1 00,000 credltS/7
tary vesseis that represent some of the smallest hyperspace- Customization Hard Points: 2
CaPabie shiPS aVailable ln any lnVentOry Often lnCOrPOratlng Weapons: None
Shut亡Ies and other non-COmbat craft言hiS Class of starshlP

IS neVertheless best known for the sleek, POWerful warshlPS V"19巳DART PERSONAしFlYER
that typlfy c10Se-quarterS SPaCe COmbat
Once a maInStay Of ml=tary forces across the galaxy, the
A圧hough Consuiars seidom requlre armed and armored
V-1 9  ̄rorrent was eventualiy replaced by more versa同e and
COmbat flghters for亡helr dutleS, the super10r handllng, Stur-
heavlly armored sta而ghters, and亡he V-19 fe= out of use ln
dy constructlOn, and defensIVe CaPabl=tleS Of sta面ghters
all bu=he poorest, mOSt backwater systems Eventually,
Often make them ldeal for a varIety Of mlSS10nS Many Con-
even the most dlSadvantaged systems replaced theIT tor-
Sulars prefer uslng rePurPOSed ml=tary Craft for thelr OWn
rents wlth more modern flghters, and these beautIful shlPS
transportat10n aS Well as for penet「atmg COmbat zones and
Were left behlnd However, SOme enterPrlSing aftermarket
Other dangerous areas ln the pursult Ofthelr Ob=gat10nS
COrPOratiOnS refurblShed the fTghters, remOVmg thelr WeaP-
On SyStemS and upgrading thelr naVICOmPuterS and sensor
丁“6 SHU丁丁しE
SulteS, and marketed them as fast, lneXPenSlVe COurlerShlPS

FlrSt PrOduced by the hlVeS Of Slayn & Korpl上the dlS亡mC- Wlth ltS forward-PerChed, fore-and-aft cockp圧, the V- 1 9b’s

tiVe【y deslgned T6 shuttie was a malnStay Of the Jedl Order dlStlnCtlVe thln hui=S Often percelVed as cramped, eVen
before and durlng the CIone Wars, When ltS Strange ClrCular Wlthout the two passengers the offlClal manlfests clalmS lt
deslgn WaS Often embossed wlth the emblem ofthe GalactlC Can hold Emergency gear, ratlOnS, and very =mlted storage
Repub=C AftertheC10neWarsand wlth the rlSe Ofthe Galac- SPaCe OCCuPy the oddly shaped spaces ln and around the
tlC Emplre, the T6 shuttle fell out of favor, many Were mOth- turb旧e englneS housed in a flarlng COWl a=he rear of the

ba=ed or reIegated to the scrap yards of the Core Worids ShlP lts thlCk, Short wingS (more vanes houslng ltS rePulsor-
However, SOme few stl‖ saw servlCe, eSPeCia仕y ln the Rlm =ft generators than actual controI surfaces) contrlbuted to
SyStemS and other out-O臣he-Way 10CatlOnS 肌e shlP’s nlCkname as we= as圧S rePutatlOn for poor han-

dling ln thlCker atmospheres

丁he most faml‖ar aSPeCt Of亡he old T6 shutties today lS

the cockpltS, WhlCh have been repurposed for use on the A/ When one lS SearChlng for a means of transportatlOn that
SF-01 B-WingStarflghter The semlClrCularhuli ofthe shuttle’s Wl= be able to penetrate a hostlie system, anythlng from a
mam body, COntaInmga Smal上CramPed passengercompart- tense border sltuatlOn tO an aCtlVe War ZOne, the V-1 9b Dart
ment and what limlted storage the shuttle possesses, rOtateS lS a Perfect choICe With the handilng and armor ofa flghter,
around the cockplt ln a manner SImllar to the rotat10n Ofthe thlS ShlP W川be able to wlthstand nearly any帥ng the galaxy
hull and wlng aSSembiieS Of the B-Wlng Can throw at lt, dellVerlng ltS CreW With a mlnimum Of fuss
The repurposed V1 9b Dart Personai Flyer lS ldeai when tlm-
丁he attrlbutes that made the T6 shuttle ldeal for the 」edl
1ng lS CritlCa上danger lS hlgh, and the need lS great for an
Stl= lend lt tO Certaln uSeS tOday With ltS PreCiSIOn handlmg,
envoy or sma" party to arrlVe Safeiy
SPeed, and lnCOrPOrated armor, thlS Sma= shlP Can Safely
and qulCkly convey lmPOrtant SentIentS tO theIr destlnatlOn.

亜Ol⊃.POOJ ‘∧l uOl]つ∀ e11]岬M S9間Oulne le〕O=O ]ue山
-∂∧lO∧u1 9囲Pue 9」n〕〕n」〕S叩u=t?〕Oi Pe⊃uEIAP9 Pue e∧lSu∂1Xe
叩〇四M有y⊃lnb eつ叫nS S.〕9ueld e o] O8」e⊃ JO le9P岬e」8 e
」e∧ileP O] Sl leO8引出J1 91q坤e∧e SuOl]do MeJ 9」e e」e肥
∂⊃eds 8ul∧= PePuedx∂ Pue S」∂8uessed
」O=u9山号es時世‖O揮∂⊃eds o8」eつe囲JO e山OS eZil岬岬u]
S]ueL,e∧ e」E, ∂」e囲岬no囲1e ’pod叫∂山uO」i∧ue P」eM」OJ e叩u(
相」eU川d pesnou sI Me」〕 ∂岨i∧ uOl]つ∀ ∂明弓O S∧eq 8岬OOl
-Peu⊃unu OMl e11] ue囲e⊃eds o8」e⊃ e旧eS」9∧訓O山e e]e9」○
○ユPe∧O山∂」 8u19q JO elqede⊃ 9」e SPe9囲Inq 8…e∧」elul e囲
Puビ・…OJlun ∂」O山e」e∧l e印O S/eq o8」e〕 e肥S叫oue^ uOl〕
-○∀ 〕Selel e囲JO u81SeP =nu Peu岬e∂J]S 9」O山9囲O〕 e⊃uelq
suol]eZlu晒」O lnJ」eMOd 」e明O Pue訓d山喜訓r句
十ueSe」 e囲i S」e∂q u8iSeP ueし坤=]n `∧沖oiq S《∧l uOl]⊃∀ e岨
peんold山9 Sd町S 」訓nOつつ一服uOldlP訓Suedx∂ e」O山叩u叩 SeSOd」nd pue sle甲e山ule]」e⊃ 」OJ SdluS 9SO囲JO SS∂uin]
」e明e」 S〕」Odsu叩q8口⊥ 9Sn Seulq山O⊃ leuOI論」 Put? `s]ue山 -eSn e囲Sl皿= S」ePuel Pe]∽lP∂P Pue S∂111liJeJ l印lq」O 」OJ P99u
-u」9∧O8山9]S(S ・suoile」Od」O〕 ∂8Je申ueIN S∂SOd」ndんe]問山 ∂巾fuouoつe 」9]ee」8明lM O8」e⊃ e」O山8ul∧O叫O elqede⊃ S」e
-e」ed」O佃」n⊃eS」OJSdluS IOJ]uOつPue Pueu山0〕 1SO叩81u O〕 -叫81∂」川Inq 」e8」el e」e ∂」e明u8no囲∀ 〕e刈euJ u」ePO山e囲ul
e∧l〕eu」e畔ue 8ul準eS 9SO111 」OJ e叫0∧e] e ∂山O〕eq Se11 q8し dluS PIO q剛O e」n=e e即」ed e8」el u1 8…圃dx9 `s8u-PuE)向e〕
-9ueld 」O埴l⊃ede⊃叩明lM〕9訓ue=i9」O⊃ 9u川SJe叫81e」] 」E)1S
「⊥叩・s(e」」e 」OSueS Pue 8ul]nd山O⊃ 」Ol」9dns Su-Z冊∩
]Se8」e1 9叫]O 9uO Sl ∧i uOl]〕∀ e囲`i∧ uOl〕J∀ eu十ulSnO〕 ]S∂Meu
9]]eNO0 06dつ8ul」9elい8u] ue用e」Oつeu] O]布巾el…1S
sl1 3洲un SuOe 」OJ Seu坤ed相〕ee」8 eu"O極]Su陀用」 e u99q
pe∧一8⊃」ed s,]」Odsue」川E山S e明O] S∂叩q巾uO⊃ S∂∧l」P叫8=
seu ∧l uOl]⊃∀ 8ul」eeu18u] u細○○Oつe哩‘u81SeP叫elJue u∀
-qnS 9-∧< lenP JO沖eq PeO」q ∀ xp∂P IE)uOile81∧eu/両帝0〕
叫=O S"OdM∂l∧ PeO」q 9唱jO胆]S=「 eulds leS」OP e埴
8uoie ee」e飢l∧li PePuedxe ue 1111M q8し9u"i Pelue山釦e
u∂∂q Seu "nll S∂し9S「⊥ e囲JO 9deus e∂p9M "nlq e岨
」elnSuOつe ]O quOM e里O] lel]u9SSe u91JO e」e
un」 uO胆nPO」d 」ell」粥eL両q p9u」ee uOl脚nd∂」叩 s]」Odsue」1 Pue S」6叫8ie」] ‘山Ia 」9]nO e埴叩Ol18no川SuOl]
」Oj 8ul]eSued山O⊃」9∧O不yqeqO」d ]SOlu `∂叩S 」OSueS Pue leuO11 -t311O89u e^l〕lSu∂S O〕鵬]S ⊃l]e山Old P 8ulん」〇月O A§oiOu11〕el
-晒1∧eu inJ」eMOd e囲lM PeJelde」 u○○q Peu S冊`]u別臥l」Od
pue `pooJ ‘s訓l⊃iPe山国M八両lel叫e〕Od e8u面ddnsJeし月euM
-Sue」1紺nq-eSOd」nd 911] e⊃nPO」d o=晒eq xpueMnS 9u月I eu] ∧xel晒到=e∧O lle leし9〕euJ Pue leuuOS」ed JO布ol」e∧ ∂PiM
布川q `」∂叩d山o⊃l∧eu euO」d-」O」」e ue囲M M訓SOO8口⊥ JO e ]」Odsue」] O] 8uiPe∂u S9∧l∂S山eu] Pu日ue吋O S」elnSuOつ
un月eltlu e肥八川n⊃9S Pue uO叩O⊃ e∧l時l∂川Scoue3SIP ]ee」∂
11nu ∂i8ulSき田0」J
旬ed =e山S e rfe∧uO〕 ue〕 ]uel」e∧ ]」Odsut3」1 e囲`」訓81e即u8"
叫O」Jel]1eq 」O山ers/S訓叫e ut3布ddns ue⊃制1 SdluS 」Orfe∧
008口上S山e〕S(S粗ueMnS叫=O uOiS」e∧ P9Jn8即0⊃e」 ∀ -uO⊃ e∧lSSe山e∪] O] uOi]叩Odsue」]山9〕S(s-ul 」OJ Peu81SeP
sJe:用81e引ie山S山O」J 8ul両」9∧∂ 0〕 」9Je」 ue) S耳Odsu郎Pue
ふさodSNVH⊥州の帽害い漢日8巨「⊥ s」e川8ie」] ∧xele8訓"O SuOdsu叩Pue S」e購l∂」J ∂u=eeiJ
e呼」Od」OJ Pue ’血判l… `uel=∧l⊃んe∧∂ jO S9S」O囲」OM e囲乱e
(ウノ0〕⊃叫巾」OuSI 98ue虹- i捌川つ′- ∂8引田明く=∀ 〕」∀
seu坤ed相叩8ulSl…〕 Sd町SJe]S uO田山O⊃ ]SO山∂u=e中日
訓]) s山eeq 」O]〕叩P副unOUJ-=n11山nlPeu O間_ :SuOdeeM
ウ:S章u!Od P」eH uO!peZ叩O]Sn)
ウ/SliPe」⊃ 000`0引:心!」させIe甲賀d S上田o由$聞V田上
S叩uO山XIS :SaiqeunSuO⊃
9 :心!⊃ede⊃ 」e8uessed
OO9`8 :旬⊃ede⊃ e9u剛q田n⊃u∃ euoN :SuOdeeM
Me」⊃ SZ ‘〕O=d 9uO :叫euaId山0⊃ S`d叫S
し:Slu!Od P」eH uO!〕eZ!田O]Sn⊃
lunlP∂IN :e8uEtI 」OSuaS
LIS到P∂」J OOO′09 :心!」et]/e叫d
里uO山∂uO :Selqt?uInSuO)
訓oN dn準旧自宅SSel〇九e山l」c] :e^リP」adAH
Z :句⊃edeJ 」e8uessed
uo11e」Od」Oつ8ul」eeul∂u] ue用e」○○ :」e」n事⊃e]nueN
OS :心!⊃ed巳⊃ e)ue」q田n叫∃
∧l uOip∀/]」OdsueJl洲n日:SSei⊃Ied凡=nH
]O=d-OつeuO `ro"d訓o :1u訓uald叫OD S`d叩S
山nlPeIN :e8uetI 」OSuaS
訓oN dnxp明く乙ssel⊃んe山l」d :e^リP」ed人H
国」O〉=9 u佃S :」訓n]3eJnut2N
l」e(コ日6し-N」∂叫8i] :SSeI⊃Ied凡11nH
Passenger Capacity: 4, de-
The long, thin huli ofthe Consu/O手Class cruiserswe旧n the
Pending On berthing ar「angementS.
middle, COntainlng a COmfortabIe廟ng area and cabin SPaCe
Consumables: Three months
for lmPOrtantenVOyS and dipiomats as weli as quarters forthe
1 57,000 credltS/7
Sma用Often eiite crew The power and speed of the shiP a「e
apparent ln the three masslVe radial atomizer engines. The in-
Weapons: livo forward turret-mOunted )igh口aser cannons
famous pro印e ofthe Consu/OrCiass IS COmPleted by the 」OWly
(Flre Arc Forwa「d, Damage 5, CrltlCai 3, Range [CIoseI)
POd that hangs beneath the shlP’s towerilke brldge

亀住副丁鱒しS聞容甲S The Consu/0手Class c「ulSer has no place m the lmpe「ial

Fleet today Those few remalnlng eXamPles of the class can

be found ln the Outer Rlm Used prlmar=y by system govern-
- ; . 1 /       ′

丁he term capltal shlP IS a CatChall phrase used to desc「lbe

ments, COrPOrate COunClls, and trading federat10nS, the shlP

most large, heavlly armed warshlPS Capltal shlPS are Often

COntlnueS tO SerVe aCrOSS the galaxy A ma」Or Sei‖ng POlnt
used to conf「ont other, Slmliarly sIZed shlPS aS We= as for
of the Consu/Or-Class crulSer lS a Seif-COntalned moduie that
independent patroIs ln force and dlP10matiC force pro」eC-
Can aCt aS a COmPletely secure setting for negotlatlOnS aS
tlOn Common deslgn elements of capltal shlPS are rObust,
Well as a fully functlOnai escape pod
redundant systems, heavy armor, and powerful sensors and
WeaPOn SyStemS

Although most Consulars avoid armed confrontatlOn and

COnf=Ct aS muCh as posslble, eSPeCla=y encounters as de-
StruCtiVe aS those resultlng from capltal shlP COmbat言he

POWer, durabl=ty, and versatl=ty al10Wed by these large「 shlPS

Hu= lype/CIass: Llght CrulSer/Consular
Often mean they a「e empIoyed on the mostvltal mlSSIOnS
Ma皿facturer: Core=lan Englnee「lng Corporat10n
Hyperdrive: Prlma「y. Ciass 2, Backup Class 1 4
CON5uLAR"⊂リISS LIGH丁⊂RU冒SER Navicomputer: veS
Sensor Range: Extreme
Deslgned speciflCa=y to ferry dlPIomats and Consulars for
Ship’s CompIement: One shlP“S CaPtaln, One Pllot, One CO-
the GalactlC Repub=C, the Consu/Or-Class =ght c…Ser has
Pllot, One naVigatOr, One COmmS OPeratOr, four englneerS
been central to some of the most lmPOrtant negOtlatlOnS
Encumbrance Capacity: Up to 4,000, depending On COn-
and parleys m galactlC hlStOry Wlth sufflCient armOr tO Sur-
VlVe ail but the most concerted attack and sensors, COmPut-
Passenger Capacity: Up to 24, depending On CO而guratiOn
ers, and facl=tleS Sufficient to conduct a ma」Or SyStem-Wlde
Consumables: One year
OPeratlOn, lt lS eaSy tO See how thlS ShlP eamed ltS Place ln
PricelRarity: 5,000,000 credltS/5
the annals of dlP10matlC hlStOry
Customization Hard Points: 6
Weapons: None.

e準山人e里S沖∂甲uO鴫80」lS∀」0 (e」0「) e8p91MOu〉」如きol
の* Jl]e山O]ne PPe diuS 9明P」eOqt2 SJ叩e」E団つS」E?e∧ 9囲
」9∧O uOl]e山」OJui ⊃l」e]OSe JO leeP ]e9」8 e p副eln山nつつe e∧eu
euoN :SuOdeaM ∂Iq/つnJつe明P」eOqe Syueqe]eP e11⊥ :S)寒ueqelea lue!⊃uV
9 :Slu!Od P」eH uO!leZ!田OISn) (e∧i〕〕叩SIP 3SIM」e囲O
L/S坤Pe」〕 000.O与L :句」閃Ie叩」d 」O ′9nb刑e `叩OXe 9q PlnOuS]l ]nq `IND e囲O] dn sl埋d
S囲uO山ee」u⊥ :SeIq冨田nSu○○
叩JO uOl〕dl」〕S∂P a岬) sse=O S]lP∂」⊃ 000`し甲賀OM」eqeS]11811
O乙:心!つきdきつ」e8uessed e 8u11⊃n」〕SuO〕 」O=」ed 9uO PuU /e叩`lnJSS∂つつnS J仁)Pe甲
OOS`乙:心!⊃t2deo a⊃u剛quIn叫] uo!]da’」ad (◆◆◆) p」eH e e津山∧恥di11S叩P」eOqe
9 :]u訓LIeid田OD S.d叩S 」91⊃e」e甲11〕ee uOISSeS」9d e⊃uO `u〇時PPe ul (斗OOqeinとi 9」O〇
e山e」]X] :e8uetI 」OSueS 人Ni⊥Sヨa aN∀ ∃鎚Oゴ9叩JO 18し98ed ees) qo「 e囲」OJ SiOO]
叫8i」 9u1 8ul∧qu S門unOJ S/eMIE S⊃d e叩く∂/q/つnJつ∂囲P」eOqe
ウしSSelつdnxp明`乙SSel⊃んe山l」d :e^リP○○d人H Sxpeu⊃ S〕luelP∂IN 8ul)1E山 ue11M uC周ue∧ul Pue∴e〕uE)uel
8ui」99u18u] Ou…e〉1 :」訓n事⊃eJnueN -uie山8ui∧10∧ul SuOSS∂i 」9明O 8ulu」関l Se =9M Se S」eqeS叫8=
…O甘eld uO11e∧」eSqO/ieSS∂∧ 9〕uel⊃S :SSeDled凡=nH 」l∂囲8ul」lede」 Pue 8ul]⊃n」]uO〕 Sdous卑OM eS9u] ul e山は
叫eds s8u=8unQ¥ Sdous卑OM e^lSue〕X9 1e」∂∧∂S Peule]uOつ
∂∧eu O] PieS SeM ∂Iq/つnJつe囲JO 」Ol」∂]ul ell⊥ :SdouS甲OM
認    ∧x叩8 e囲ui S山○○」SSel〕 」e呼-〕u8nos ]SO山叫=O euoN :SuOdeaM
9 :S書u!Od P」eH uO!1eZ!田OISn9
euo e山OJeq SE甲‘=n1=elnO SnOqlnq 9囲いeeueq P∂Pu9dsns 0し/(日) 000`000(乙:相賀きりIe叫」d
`sdluS]ee」∂ese11=O9uOJOxpeP uOI]e^」eSqO9岨ul捌e]相e
」ee∧ 9uO :Selqe田nSuO〕
SSO」〕e S]〕e「qnS ApnlSJO S]u9山e∧0山Pue SuOl]⊃E e囲8ul準eJ] S」0]〕nJrsul Pue S3u∂Pn]S Oし:付!⊃ede⊃ 」∂8uessed
」O ‘eっeJ」nS S,1eueld e uo eun執Pue e」O= SuvN9SqO ‘eueluOu OOS :心!⊃t3de⊃ e9u剛q田n⊃u]
-eud l即Se19〕 8u閃eJ=O=eePl e」e Sd叫S uOl]e^」eSqO eu⊥ 」eeu18u∂ 9uO `]〇月d euo :]ua皿eld田O⊃ S.d叫S
.s」副ue〕 uOl]臥」eSqO 911qO山eSe囲」OJ 8ul」Oluel〕 3」9M /xelマ8
e山e」]X] :e8ue!量○○SueS
9囲PunO」e Sel]lS」e∧iun Pue `sei山∂Pe〕e ‘s」9」Oldx∂ uOOS PuE’ S臥:」e事nd田○○!^eN
`u叩08」OJ ∂q ]Ou PlnOつS〕eSSe甲nS ‘」∂∧eMOH 9Sn JO ]nO lle]
訓oN dn洋や自宅SSelつ如拙l」d :e^!」P」ad人H
相⊃inb sdluS uO(]捌eSqO ueOu…瑚e里Pue ’8ululeJ] Pue uoile○○d」Oつ
iO」叫O〕八川enb JO Se印P 9囲PeuJnSSe Sd」Oつ8uluI叫IEl〕 ∂lつIue∧ l‖Pueと】 e囲u∂eq ∂∧eu O] P9∧e=e日:」e」n]3eJnuelN
-eds lel」∂d山I e11] ‘e」ld山喜Jl]〕ele() e甲JO 9Sl」 ∂囲」三周∀ SSelつuMOu甲n/」9SI∩」つ10」]ed :SSeI⊃/ed屯=nH
∂…ユe〕e9d ul 」O SuOl]
-1PuO⊃ ]eq山O⊃ ul ‘∂de⊃SPuel JO ]」OS血t3 」9∧〇四eM e 8ululel
-ule山」OJ l粥PI SeM dluS uOI〕臥」eSqO ueOu…e〉1 9いくs]u∂山
一旬dep le31q」OqnS 」O川nu S〕i囲粥ueq庇川e削」OSlnd9」 l冊
e pue `」∂lnduo⊃i∧eu e `e引nS 」OSueS ]」e-e明-J○○∂]E)]S e囲lM 認罷題
S山e」8o」d 8uluOi⊃ Pue 8uiuleJ] e」n叩ul 」eeq Ol叫8no」q 9q
PlnO〕 peP P∂ileleP ]SO山Pue lS9]E’( 9囲]e叩8ul」nSSe `pl〇日
∂囲Olul Sei…e訓Ol〕 」le11=O SuO11e」9do e明SulMO=O」 JO
elqede⊃ e」∂M SdluS eSe岨S∂⊃uE?1S山nつ」i⊃ JO布ol」e∧ e 」∂Pun
∂Pe山∂q PlnO〕 SuOl〕臥」eSqO 〕即uel〕S `pe=e]9P甲luM luO」J
…O揮id ellqOu‖巳∂Pl∧O」d o"lInq○○SOd」nd e」eM SdiuS e8」e1
9S∂囲`叫∂田仲d9P PuE 8uluieJ3 8ul」nP Se訊叫J 」l∂明JO叫81S
-」e∧O ul即u(e山O] Ou…瑚uO S」訓Ol〕 9いAq pedole∧eP 〕S」l]
d冒軸S NOi十㍍^国璽S超O NVON各NV〉!
9〕uePin8 9∧一Su印X∂ Su!e]uO⊃ 」elde甲Si肥・ん9∧O⊃SiP JO埴ed
Je叫nO⊃ue ]eq山O⊃血e se inJ」eMOd pue )!de
」ie哩uO IPe「 8ul」一dse d刷ueJ OuM `」O叫e山e JO e⊃uePln8
Se le9J Slue山0山u⊃nS le哩e」nSu9 Ol eOueP嘩9P!∧O」d pue
∂甲山O」J e山O3 ue〕 e8p9lMOuy S町⊥ 」einSuOO e囲JO uie山OP
u]d∂P PPe囲Oq eS到⊥ S」印unO⊃ue lePOS 8uiuun」 Put3 S冊S ∂囲S口e囲」eln叩」ed ui e8pelMOuy S=l Pue ‘esu9J∂P Pue
e8p9甲Ou〉=O 9Sn e囲8ulPuedxe 」OJ Sein月euOildo e山OS
98p∂iMOuy 」OJ PeSn eq O] SeM e⊃」O] e囲P9∧9ileq lPe「 9u⊥
S叫eSe」d osle 」e]de甲S冊`98即S 」印u9○ ○準〕 SJelnSuO⊃
巾d∂P 」elee」8 ui Se山9叩
uJ叫M ui ∂lqe1 9囲呼Seu9⊃S 8uluun」 JO IS9」e叩e111 ui
」einSuO0 9」Oldxe sIND dl∂u ue⊃ 〕e囲SiOO] lE>uOl]iPPe 」9出O
‘Se月間qe enblun 」i∂囲JO 9Sn e準uJ
Sein月euOI]do ‘Su8!eduJe○叩lue⊃」einSuO⊃ u81S9P O] MOLl
Pue 3uHS OI Slue山O山S」einSuO⊃ ∂∧I∂ 01 PePni〕ul OSle副e uo e〕!^Pe S∂PいO」d u∂∧9 Pue u81ed山eJ leuO印PeJ] e ui
SPeeS 9」nlue^Pe P9Sn⊃0十」elnSuO〇 ・P9Zlleui8」E)山Iee川uOP
SJeinSuOつe∧iO∧u( O] S爪eM eld刑n山S∂」Oidx9 」∂]deuつSl岨
/9Ll] OS r互」ed e u脚M S」elnSuOつ8ul]e」8印u! 」OJ SuOi〕S9務ns ・SJ9]つe」eu⊃ P∂叫ei」O-呼g山O⊃ e」O山JO dno」∂ e epiS8uoie
PuU帖M SIND ele○南山O〕 ue⊃ 9⊃u∂iO!∧ O] uOiS」e∧e 」elnSuO⊃ ueuM相eln叩」ed ’se8ue"叩p ]ueSe」d ue〕 u8ied山E)⊃ e ul
eLl]岬uM `su∂lEduJe〕 leuO印Pe」〕 0川SJe:Pe」eu) 」elnSuOつ
s」e〕〕e」euJ即e」edsIP甲nS 8ui∧lO∧ul S」∂uつe軋SnO」9ue8
8し叫e」Od」O〕ul uO 9⊃uePin8 su聞uO〕 OSie 」e]delP Siu⊥
Pue ・se8es esIM ‘seldl⊃Sla ue山INんeM `s」ele9H印euOISSed
∧eu」nO「 S川nOu8no」囲相ed e ∂⊃ue
-niJui Pue PreO川8!ed山e⊃ e ul S」O叫∂山8ulSn Pu粥ui〕ee」つuO

greater, Whlle slmultaneously belng hunted by the tyrannlCal
GalactlC Emplre Many ln thlSe「a are forced to leam whatthey

can on thelr OWn, O「 SearCh for guldance m anClent, forbld-

den documents However, a lucky few en」Oy the guldance of

a mento「 who teaches students how to cont「ol the mystlCal

energy held whlle slmuitaneously surrendering tO ltS Wl=

Below IS eXtenSlVe guldance for uslng mentOrS !n FoRCE

AND DESTINY CamPalgnS, eXP10…g how the mentor archetype
lS uSed ln StorレVdrs to enhancea s亡Ory A suggested process

IS PrOVlded for creatlng mentOr NPCs wlth rlCh hlStOrleS and

PerSOna=tleS, aSWe= as gu'dance for creatlnga mentOr’s stat
biock Flna"y, a SerleS Of lCOnlC mOmentS between students
and mentors IS eXPIored, Wlth suggestlOnS On how to rea=Ze
SuCh moments at the table

丁he mentor lS a CiassIC情erary archetype common to heroIC

flCt10n throughout the ages The prlmary rOle of mentors IS

to share thelr knowledge and wISdom wlth less experlenCed
heroes S[or Wdrs has many such characters throughout behlnd but provldes vltal lnSlght and lnformatlOn for every
ltS CanOn, the most lCOnlC Of whom lS 」edl Master ¥foda heroIC 」Oumey The cha=enger lS a SPlrltual mentor, focused
However, the mentor does have a darker counterpart, Who On PuShlng Students toward splritual en=ghtenment
tempts and lures the hero toward a less noble path Often
Any亡ype of mentor can brlng a fresh elemen=o a cam-
known as the trlCkster, anOther classIC arChetype, thlS Char-
Palgn, and a mentor lSn’t stuck wl帥n the con師es ofa sln-
acter also possesses secret knowledge and experlenCe
gle type A mentor can take on some aspect ofany type as
Stor囲佃rs has perhaps the trlCkster’s ultlmate eXPreSSIOn
needed or evoive f「om one type to another as the heroes’
ln Emperor Palpatlne, Who turned Anakln Skywalker to evll
needs change The PCs mlght even encounter multlPle men-
Researchlng ClassIC llterary mentOrS Can be heipful ln tors of differen亡types over the course of a campalgn, Wlth
deslgnlng FoRCE AND DEST-NY mentOr flgureS’and GMs with Varylng aPPrOaChes and confllCtlng advICe
we=-deslgned and we=-Played mentors can elevate a good
game toa greatone Mentorscan have thelrOWn StOryarCS
that a=0W thelr relatiOnShlPS Wlth thel「 Students to grow The tralner lSthe mostcommon type ofmentorflgure ln Stor
and evolve over the course ofa campalgn They can also V胸rs, best embodled by the Jedl Padawan-Master relatlOn-
have storled hlStO「ieS, WhlCh the GM can revea=n bltS and ShlP ThlS tralner PrOVldes students wlth basIC Force skl‖s

PleCeS OVer the course of play These elements can com- and the phllosophy surround!ng When and how to use them
blne tO form a satlSfylng Subp10=hat helps provlde con- The Jedl tended to adminlSter thlS tyPe Of trainlng m the
tlnulty between adventures whlle provldlng the party wlth fleld, Whe「e students couid learn ln reai condlt10nS
SOme tanglbie bene師s
Master Qul-Gon Jlnn teaChlng Obl-Wan Kenobl durmg
thel「 mlSSiOn tO Naboo IS a Perfect example of thiS relat10n-
ShlP, aS are the many other lCOnlC Master-Padawan palrlngS
throughout Stor Wdrs Ob十Wan Kenobl and Luke Skywa恢er,
丁he Jedl Order brlmmed wlth lCOniC mentOr flgureS f「om
Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Brldger, and even Anakln Skywalker
WhiCh GMs can take lnSPlratlOn tO Craft theIr OWn, un甲ue
and Ahsoka鴫no are a= examples o=ralnerS WOrklng tO
mentors Prominent heroes such as Ob上Wan Kenobl, Ahsoka
eq川P yOunger heroes wlth the skl=s and experlenCe needed
鴫no, and Luke Skywalker owed theしr mentOrS a debt of
towalktheJedl Path on thelrOWn
gratltude and wouldn’=lkeiy have trlumPhed wlthout the
wISdom and knowIedge of thelr teaChers Many wouid later SometlmeS, PCs mlght outgrow the need for the con-
go on to become mentors to otheryoung heroes, PaSSlngOn Stant SuPerVIS10n the tralner PrOVldes As students try to
What they had leamed ind thelrOWn Way Of dolng thlngS, the mentor mlght evolve
intO elther a consultant or a cha=enger, glVlng heroes space
丁hose capable of mentorlnga Student ln the ways ofthe
to use skllls honed under the tralner’s tutelage and learn
Force faii lntO three basiC tyPeS the traine「, the consultant,
through experlenCe
and the cha=enge「 The traine口S Part COaCh and par=eam-
mate, COnStantly at the student’s slde The consultant stays

sse〕〕e u(e8 o〕 SuO!1O山e S一肌O 」eMOd
e囲山叫8ulMOuS l∂id山剥」岬S luei〕ue ue JO
」∂MOd e囲SS∂u」eu O=∂8p明軌Z] ueMePed
明ed uMO」刷1∴¥¥
lPe「」帥O相t2山Peld山e〕 Pue SSe理9∧ 「「eS∀ Pe担n」
-」O⊃ nxpO〔=unO⊃ ・sno山e]ul ]SO山e里eq栂r 9uuE)dled
∂=uM SS9u甲eP O] 」9湿M相S 9叩「 u」n1 0〕 Pel」〕 ue∧∂ Pue
」9溝M相S ui準u∀ Put3 nxpOC口unO⊃ Peld…O〕 ∂申9u月edlec]

S」∂8u引きu⊃ Se〕IOu〕岬〕  -
-馴P rsOlu e即O eSueS e津山O画uo 」O]u乱u e準eS佃u
」0」9dl埋Sl 」O叫∂lu ll∧e 9囲JO lue山IPOq山9 e eu岬n 9u⊥
s9O」∂H村ouenb9」j SS9i 」e9dde o] SPu9〕 」Olu∂山」∂8ue=ap
SluePn]S山O」1 ∧⊃u∂Puedep pue 」e∧O IOJ]uO⊃ S準∂S eu十〇〇u郎ISSe ]nO岬M S準e=SO山uO e準1 O] eiqe SeO」911」O]
ouM ・」elS洞」] e Sl 」O川e山Il∧∂ e世相uepu9d∂Pul SieO8
」19囲e∧911Pe OユS叫ePn]S 」le囲8u=qeu9 u叩」e111e」 `spue
uMO 」l帥a∧el甲e O〕 」eP」O ui e8p91MO間Iel]」ed epl∧O」d 」論ue伸e叫⊃ e 9山O⊃∂q =lM "ellnSu○○ 9旧
何時叩Sl uOIPし町SIP叫印Od…叩’」O叫e山JO 9d生血e 制] Pue ・」Olu∂山」19l即O ]u∂Puedepul MO」8 =iM S∂0」9u ap
JO 9Sln8 9叩9渦ue〕 S」e甲ee〕刈eP 9Se囲e間M SPu9 uMO 印画訓e」Olu S甲`」e∧eMOH coue]SISSe e∧lSSed le11Me山OS
」le巾」OJ S」9Sn e⊃」O] 」9囲O 9岬ndlueu PlnOM OuM 9SOいe」e S印判nSuO⊃ eu] PuO/eq a10」 e^lユ〕e ∂」0山e e渦O1 9∧10∧9
e」e岨〕」ee"eS]Se」e叫l ]Seq S,0」eu e11] 9∧eu S」O叫9山口門ON
川Ilu S]u即lnSuO〕 `sseu一皿OMS到S∂∧O」d布」ed叩PueSP=nq
lS… Se `9山l] 」e∧O串間Ods.sつd叩8u囲」叩O甲lM u81ed
与ロo⊥N冨田「l^∃ -UJe:) e O叫i甲OM O] S○○叫9山]SelSee e囲乱e S]ue]lnSuOつ
」∂ui(2」〕 eSe PieU 9明 Pl∂U 9埴ul山一再ululO「恒」e」lnq
e⊃uePln8 pue uol呼-JJ」〇回IeuOIS∽⊃O囲lM uJ同訓一Pl∧0」d `∧eM
ul uJe囲8…lO「」O ‘]ue引nSuO⊃ e O叫I 8u(∧1O∧e佃8ululeJ] Pue
S冊ueue〉l Pe」O叫∂山e刈OS11∀ `」∂呼「叫e引nSuO⊃ E’JO e○○山
uol〕e山」OJul e」0山8u P一∧0」d `s9」n叫9∧Pe 」leい囲M S○○」eu
O川口9uleJ] e山O」j Pe∧lO∧e lqOu9〉1 ueM-1qO `ueMePed S叫Se
∂巾8uldleu ui 91O川叩Puedx9 O] e∂」8e叫8… S」e8u911euつ
ou軋expSu∀ uO xpO] J9湿M相S u一準u∀ u9uM S]u∂山u81SSe
(X叩8 e巾u10「e」 O"Ol岬iOS。en]l」lds 」1叩luO」同握q de]S
」Oj山e囲e」ed9」d o] couePln8 」e=岬nos 9洲e SJe]SeIN
o"」e8ue"q甲9⊃ui∧uO⊃ O〕 S⊃d 」OJ eiqlSSOd山口Ou Sl "」9∧∂
-MOH S]ue∧9 ul村uつ訓P 3]edl叩」ed o川nd 9囲leej MeJ PuE Pue ‘s叫81u〉仁SuE)MePec] 1ue引nSuO⊃ 9囲JO e∧l周ueSe」
-de」 e」e ‘」eP」0 1Pe「帥JO e8p91MOuy Peulq山0⊃叩P9∂e
一利E」坤i Se山間∂山OS一凱Ieq len]l」lds e sl 」e8u9"ell〕 e山
川e山OuM ′s∂∧町〕」∀ lP9「 e囲JO nN部Se⊃0「 e洲S」O3ueIN
里ed lP∂「e印判eM O]
e⊃u∂Pu∂d∂Pul JO ee」8ep
/eM uMO S町PuU UJlu Pedl∂u Pue M〇時O叫Od s`」e溝M∧滞
」e8Jel e ueMePed eいS叫e」8」0叫e山e111 Pue Sle叫IPe「e里
e岬「 Pe8ue=eu⊃ lqOue刈ueM-1qOjO〕SO岬∂町村e岬iS IP9「
S」eeu uE,MePec] e u9uM dluSuOl]ele」 lu∂Pn]S-」O叫e山e囲JO
pue sIE)nPl∧一Pul SE MO」8山9明8uldieu Pue lPer SSe剛nO⊃ JO
uoi閏ueSe」d∂」 uO山田O〕 e Sl "e引nSuO⊃ 9岨〕Sanb 」l∂囲
Je:Pe」eu⊃ JO u]8ue」]S eu串ui〕Sel Pue 8u6ue=E)ll〕 `」0叫elu
uo s9O」eu叩d1911 O] SuO一〕⊃nPO」叫Pue `叫8iSul `uoileuJ
」∂8ue=eu⊃ elqeZlu8o⊃〇月SO山e囲Sde甲ed sl ePQ¥ 」e〕SeIN
-」Oju1 8ulPl∧O」d ・seu∂⊃S叩Pu岬q e」0山S elO」んe山。d
euJOつeq O=ueM Ae囲OuM mOqe
」19岨P1調e囲ul S叫9Pnrs Su-u'0「恒Jt3」.」OSl∧Pe ue小y
se〕lOu) uMO 」i9囲e津山碕〕恥岬Pue S8ulueelu uMO 」i叩 -JeuJl」d s=O叫e山JO ed在日u即InSuO〕 eu十」9ul叩e明9洲un
e∧l」eP O] Slu9Pn]S 8u11〕9dxe `s∂lPPl川津eds o同訓]SO山
s」0叫elu e囲e」e eS9山川9山u9叫8=u9 Pue SSeつつnS P」eMOl
.巾ained EIsewhere: Desplte the 」edl domlnanCe Ofthe
⊂R冨鯛“岩間箇A聞置聞耳⑬醇 PreVIOuS era, COuntless Force sects exISt throughout the

Mentors are plVOta同gures ln any Force user’s story, mak-

galaxy Some come from worlds neve=nCOrPOrated
mtO the RepubllC, llke the wIZards of Welk, W回e oth-
ing thelr Creat10n an lmPOrtant SteP ln PreParmg a FoRCE
ers developed ln Para=el even after 」Olnlng the Repub-
AND DESTiNY CamPalgn ThlS SeCt10n helps GMs create men-
liC, SuCh as肌e Baran Do Sages, Dagoyan Masters, and
tors wlth coIorful hlStOrieS, rlCh personailtleS, and unlque
Gand Flndsmen Other sects utl=Ze teChnlqueS COnSld-
StatlStlCS Whlle thlS SeCt10n a=ows qulCk mentor genera-
ered unnaturai, SuCh as the Slth Lords or NlghtsiSterS
t10n, lt lS WISe tO Carefu=y conslder howa mentor師s血O
Most Force tradltiOnS are =mlted to a slngle planet or
a campalgn GMs mlght fu「ther enrlCh mentors with the
SPeCleS, maklng lt d佃cult for outslders to grasp some
background, MotlVatlOn, and Morallty SyStemS ln the FoRCE
Of thelr teaChlngS
AND DESTiNY Core Rulebook
e SeIf〇°faught: Many Force sensltlVeS gO undlSCOVered,
Wh=e most mentors are power「ul Force users, SOme mlght
by elther fal‖ngthe testfor Force sensltlVlty Or fa血gto
not use the Force at a= Perhaps the mentor lS a llghtsaber
be tested However工helr COmeCtlOn tO the Force lS nO
tramlng drold =ke Huyang or an artlflCla=nte=lgenCe lnter-
less real or fu= of potentlal Some use the Force lnStlnC-
face for a hoIocron Mentors mlght have worked cIosely
tlVely, unaWare that thelr luck lS a PrOduct of the Fo「ce
Wlth Force users, aS Dexter 」ettster or Captaln Rex dld,
Others recogniZe thelr COn∩eCtlOn and approprlate any
as they leamed key concepts A scholar who has studled
means of tralnlng aVallable W回e such mentors mlght
Force-related hlStOry Of the tlme before the Emplre lS aiso
be unable to translate thelr eXPerlenCeS血O lessons
a sultable mentor Mentors who are not Force users can stl=
effectiVely, they may have a hoard of documents and
benefit substantla=y from the creat10n PrOCeSS that fol10WS
recordlngS gathered over decades that shed more llght


Mentors aren’t bom as such, they十e former s山dents wlth

By the end of the CIone Wars, the conf=Ct WaS Seen aS the
largest of ltS klnd ln a口east a m用ennlum As such, the gaL
a hlStO「y Ofthelr OWn帥ed wlth adventures, mlStakes, and
axy-Wlde viOlence lmPaCted most belngS ln SOme Way How
lessons learned Durlng imperlal rule。 GMs can quICkly

SummarlZe a mentOr’s pertlnent hlStOry by answerlng three

a mentorwas lnVOlved ln the CIone Wars can l=umlnate key
elements o=he mentor’s backstory before the format10n
key questlOnS FlrSt, how dld the mentor learn about the
Force? Second, What dld the mentor do durlng the C10ne
Ofthe Emplre Havlng the party vISl=he people and places
lmPaCted by thelr mentOr’s actlOnS durlng the C10ne Wars
Wars? Flnally, how has the mentor avolded the attentiOn Of
a=ows the PCs十elatIOnShlP Wlth the mentorto evolve as lay-
the EmpIreつ
ers ofthe mentor’s hlStOry become exposed
Even the most broad and basIC anSWerS tO these open-
GMscan usethe fo=0WlngqueStlOnStO def涌e the mentor’s
ended questlOnS Shou)d provlde GMs wlth a framework of
experlenCe durlngthe CIoneWars Dld the mentorflgh白n the
the mentor’s prlOr eXPerlenCeS After each questlOn, POten-

tlal answers are exp10red to gulde and lnSPlre GMs to create C10neWars? lfso, forwhlCh slde and at whlCh battles? Was a
mentorwho d¥dn’t flght a consclentlOuS Ob」eCtOr Or a ClVillan?
unlque hlStOrieS Even lfthe mentor has l剛e lntereS白n reml-

nlSClng Wlth the PCs, COnSldering these questiOnS PrOVldes

Was anyone dose to the mentor lost durlng the fightlng? At
the end, howdld the mento「escape Order66? Howdld the
SOmethlng tO latch onto when playlng the character
flght affect the mentor’s psyche and personallty?

THE M各NTOR′s TRAiNING O CIone Wars Veteran: Force users fought aIongslde
How mentors leam about the Force lS Vltal to lnformlng Who the RepubllC’s cIones and SeparatlSt drolds a恢e, thelr

they are Who tralned the mentor? What was the tralner every act10n POtentla=y affectlng ml=10nS AlternatlVely,
llke? Dld the tralner have the same understandlng Of the the mentor mlght have served ln a Planetary defense
Force tha=he PCs possess, Or WaS the tralner from a d庸er- force or mercenary unlt WOrklng for elther slde, Or
ent Force tradlt10n? Dld the mentor recelVe PrOPer lnStruC- even playing both agalnSt eaCh other How do al=eS,
t10n, Or lS the mentor self-taught from ancient manuSCrlPtS, enemleS, and locais remember the mentor’s actiOnS

ho10CrOnS, and Ho10Net footageつDld the mentor complete On the battlefleid? Was the mentor a hero, butcher, Or
tralnlng Or leave lt unf而lShed, Or lS lt Stl= ongolng? COWard? Dld the mentor lose any comrades m battle?

O 廿ained by the 」edi: Before the CIone Wars工he Jedl

ls the mentor ln COntaCtWlth an old unlt? Are survMng
COmrades 10yal to thelrOld commander, the Emplre, the
Order was ten thousand strong, W冊thousands more
Rebe川On, Or SOmethlng else?
WaShed-Out Padawans workmg ln the Jedl ServICe
Corps Whlle a mentorwith 」edl tralning COnJureS lmag- O Conscientious Objector: Not everyone was w冊ng to

ery of an aged Jedl K川ght or Master, Perhaps some flght, and many fied lntO the Unknown ReglOnS OrWiid
Only recelVed partla=ralning before the Order was Space ln re」eCtlOn Of a galaxy lnflamed wlth bloodlust

destroyed Others, llke Ahsoka鴫no, left the Order, dlS- Dld the mentor go lntO hldlng Or OPenly protes=he
COntInumg any tralnlng GMs might develop the former COnfllCt Only to be branded a traltOr Or arreSted? Why
masters of such mentors, and conslder why thelr traln- dld the mentor ob」eCt tO the CIone Wars? Was lt Purely
1ng ended prematurely The mentor’s former master ideoIoglCa上OrdId something happen to purge the taste

mlght even appear later as a new mentor or adversaryl for battle? Does the mentor regret or stand by those
wartlme decISIOnS? How does the mentor feel about
flghtlng the Emplre?

’相即bsse」8o」ds」Olue山I引」eS」e∧P叩pS]u9PnlSPue‘l∂9〕Se」nP su∂d」euS19印Se」nP・」e∧eMOHld…e]uOJ」O」leds∂PJOeSu∂Se」e]SOJ」O山∂e〕S∂-胆SS.1u3Pn]Seto」〕SeP ue⊃8u面inqe洲Sle9"quM心」訓耳e脚「MOuSPueuO冊9duJO)eO叩8u!u所」e∧eu」n]S」O叫∂山1queS」9∧Pe ・es!〕」eXelen叩ds」O`ielu9山.lt3⊃!S相des!申eu削M」e蝉皿ON’u」n〕凡e∧∂時S]uapnlSSeSOddo」Olu3u」S岨 ieりeS」∂∧P∀
uledsno」∂8uepeuMOPS)uePn]Seい8u刑9S・suol]S∂88ns9」9山SeePIS汁reP9即nOqES8ulu」eM s,」O]u肌叩uO11Senbu∂∧e叫81山S叫ePnlS9山OSeつuerPeqOSIPPe乱que〕eしePunOqjO潰re!e囲l」a∧eMOH .elqe」O山e山PueunJSuOSS∂lSe準山村」el岬eJ9いPuel∂」n8両川O囲neu叩Puel」J3JOluS!」叫」edqu⊥ 」eu〕」ビd
.s冊S」!叩u=u9P即O⊃Pue]u∂Pu∂d3Pu!訓elSelOuMeSO囲lnq`sluePn]Sa山OSeleu9腫S」O]uevJJ Peu⊃即∂ロ
一                                     utnelunO81liM 二間d九つ
suoss〇日ue]」Od山口e即準l」eSe甲e⊃山∂囲叩甲8u岬eJ]Pue`s〇時〕eS叫∂Pn]SeleJ]Sn」Jue〕S」O叫∂山∂Se岨 suosselPueS8ulueanuMO」19u]訓」ePO]S]u∂Pn]S8u!⊃」OJ‘s山S 」OudeleJISueSuOuPue‘s∂lPPI十selZZnd esns」0叫e山〕国有⊃e〕u坤∂dxeleuOS」adu訓o」囲SluOSSeleu」的lO〕舟eM]S∂qap9∧elPqS」O川∂山e山OS
-S囲8u叩s」刑〕∂呼uJ!1S∂」∂∧OPueS8u哩o叩OuS」別口O訓eMeun4usno」∂8uepu9"O ∂」eS]uePnlS9Sq皿・eつu〇匹dss三周刑岬MS∂SS∂u準eM」刑]8u!SSe」PPee冊M‘s叫∂Pn〕SS叫e山=d山Oつ村es9IPue 」Olue山∂岨・9S!e」dJOl∂!PApe卸Se甲O]S測ell子S川9PnlSlnJ」3elP]SO山ell]∂∧euu調OS」O川9…凡e)u∂uJ"dluOつ 付き叫eし叫id山○○
esle」ds′」Olue山Ie⊃即⊃e8u甲eeu叩口u9山∂∧el甲ejO9Su∂S」e呼e」8ousla」e囲l」9∧∂MOH’3S」OM」O 十盤i器謹書器嵩n嵩嵩請嵩罫岩盤蕊器諾器 ie二周り⊃ i
.uol抹汀O」dJO∂lueu到nul∂⊃u∂Puedepu!Put31nMO」88u岬p刑 ielu∂」きd
.1u∂PnlSe」e哩O山Sue〕」O叫9山S冊S91ul買訓JJOSareuO!SSed山OO相e」eu∂8s。O]u∂luS冊.9u両⊃S!POlr9SOddo 叫e」ePuecou∂!PeqOP9dxes」O地肌I即ue」eda冊M“9」edl粥P甲e3判仁∂∧!〕瑚0」dpue皿きMS!」O]u肌S岨
接し出田1 !  叩5
5]「人士5日Ni甘口l問囲:事-E ]「臼Vl
-Seeldun eq ue⊃ 8uoi OO=OJ Pe]elOSI S」OlueIN c]I…∂u
」ape」eu:月le明]nO PunO」相nJ O=O]ue山e叩 PiO )u叫9〕〕∂ ue」O叫∂山∂巾」9PISuO〕SleC)Oi Oa cMOuy」O
/es (e囲OP呼uM `os引Pue `」O川e山e時日O ∂」eMe Sle〕Ol
」O]木yle」OIN e 〕⊃∂ieS SWC) ]e11] P卸Se謁ns osle S川S31…n]
-」OddoんoIS ePl∧0」d ]eu] SuOllco=d山0〕 e」O山」O訓O印e9」⊃ e」∀ c」Olu∂山e巾Pe8ueu〕 uO11elOSI Se11 MOH cPe∂P Sl
」O 〉Pld ′]XeN S叫ePnlS囲1M S"e」∂川」O]ue山∂囲MO11 9uUeP
」Olu∂u」 eu団u冊訓d山王9囲SeOG c8ulPl1=Olu9山∂囲Sl
O] 9向S 81叫〕eel e 9]粥」〕 」O ]⊃91eS e〕eld Su11」e埼e Se e∧」eS ∂」euMc8ulPlu ueeq」O]u∂山e巾Sq串uoI MOH :8u!P!H u上O
ue〕MOi∂q Selqe] e即事ylE3uOS」ed s.」0叫e山eJO eSueS e198cL ]Sn」1 S.」0叫e山e岬nS u」ee O] ∂i8釦」1S
叫皿SluePn]S 8ul」ldse pue leJeS 」O]u9山S冊]dey seu
人⊥HVNOSロコd t]O⊥N害いl elOue」ec] 8uo再ulddo]S 」9∧訓`sqo「 ]ue」∂期P le」9∧eS
Pe卑OM Pue SPl」OM JO SPe」Pu叫岬no」11] PeSSed e∧e11
川e8e lel」∂duJl ue eq ue∧e ]l18…
叫8… ue」 OuM S」0叫eIN cle^iNnS PuO/eq leO8 e e∧eu
」O]ue山e囲」O `s∂∧l]iSu9S 9つ」O] O] P∂1 8uieq JO edo11 9囲 」O叫e山e囲SeOC]川](M un」 O] ∂∧eu 」O叫∂lu e11] S90P
ul訓d山喜訓IAq p9」O]luOu」 9q亜…」0叫∂山e山川ds S9〕」nOSe」 1euM cS叫e8e leし∂d山I乱e Pul11eq 」eJ MOH
8u11L1∂u s.」O叫e山e11] u9xp」q ∋∧e旧嶋… uOl唾0」」〇回
c8uluun」 u∂eq」Olue山∂里Seu8uoI MOH :unt] e冊uO o
」O `]nO準∂」q e e8ue」」E O〕布」ed e囲9川be川崎… 」0]
-ue山∂肥田9明岬M S山∂lqO」d JO ISOu e 8ui」q O画e洲 uMO S]l e山O〕9q t両mb ueつS山eiqO」d s`」O叫e山∂囲
e」E uOSl」d囲M揮9P e∧eu OuM eSO肥CuO鴫8o」」e叩 Pu串岬…布」ed 9囲`osJI cS9∧= 」O]ue山9明MOuy 9」lduJ] eu]
S〇〇〇引Pe「e即O S∧epISei e甲山0」」Slつき川」e」OSe用向きe渦
」∂Pun dn 8uiu所ue e^18 」O叫e山eu3 PIG c9de〕S∋ ue
」0叫e山9明P(a cP9」nlde⊃ 」O]ue山9叩SeM c叫勘pue pue]S
」99u18ue eu pIP 」O ′pesE,∂l∂月euOSl」d 9u) SEM ce」ld山]
」O ‘∂Piu ・un月O叫e山e囲P'P `e」ld…]到I ∂山e⊃eq ⊃llqndea
e囲/q pl∂u冊S 」O川∂山eul SI cPe川de⊃ 8uleq 9」OJ∂q
∂囲u到M c8uoI S冊9」id山喜e囲PePIO∧e 」O叫9山e叩Seu
叫8u 」0 `eplu ’un」 0]相」Olu9山∂里Pia :P訓nlde⊃ o
MOH Pe」el11釦elS S」eq山e山S引くpeho」〕S∂P ^e∧l]⊃9鵬SeM
画〕inb sユe8」即 」eP」O IP3「 eu十99 」eP」○ ∂∧晒oul]edled 」O=e〕ut3uつueuM
IeueduJl木u」Ol」d 91uO⊃eq O〕串間9」e uO Se準1 」0]ue山
e里S叫ePnlS血∀ S]ue8e lel」ed山l山OJJ 9〕l]Ou SM頃P ∃りtlnd ∃H⊥りNl^l^tInS
9」ld山! eu=Sul晒e 9⊃ue]SIS〇月O e⊃u勘eP uedo jOんo]
ceuJOu u」n掃」 」e∧9 」O]ue山e111 ueつ`相un山山0〕 Pue
-Slu e `s叫∂PnlS 9山O⊃leM u9]JO S」O叫∂山1pnS 9=llM cS」e
相田eJ ‘spue叫S,」0]ue山e中ロO 3山e〕eq 〕euM cSe〕u91」
-MOd ∂⊃」O] Slし口unel=O ePl甲O叫e山e囲SeOG c]〕nPuO〕
-edxe ulel」9〕 」OJ uOS」ed 」O uOil〕e] e 9山elq 」Olu9山e囲
」O叫∂山e叩S∂OP SuO世」edo JO ]」OS刑M cdno」8 9唱
S∂0(] cSuOl]⊃ouuO⊃ lel○○ds oI S叫e里…e中fuE) edeつSe
u岬M P10叫Olu9山e巾SeOP uOillSOd刑M c」O]u∂山e11] MO岬山OS 」0叩9山e囲Pia c」9Sn e〕」O] e周布ojeS OI
epIS8uoie S叫8u ouM c布np 」O `」iedsep `e洗J ‘e8u9∧9」 JO
Pei `○○8nJe」 e」0叫e山9囲e津山uOISe^ui凡e]甲山e PIC]
esues p]l SeM c叫勘」O]u9山e囲ePe山〕euM :8u!1S!Se!] o
c9叫〕S 」le ue 8ul」nP e∂叫ep le」∂呼=O⊃和田e] S.」O]u∂山
」eJJO O] Se甲0叫e山e里1eLIM 8ulZiu8o〕e」山OJJ e囲SeM P=JuO⊃ e囲jO S即⊃l∧ 」O O] S」9PuelS∧q訓eM
S叫ePn]S ]⊃叩SIP叫81山Sl岨S9〕e」8 1el⊃OS MeJ岬M ′1uE) 血euJ ′s」E?M9uOl○○囲u11L18noJS」O]ue山口t3]ON :ue!i!^!⊃ o

喜田間口葛…確漢 〇〇回和事

Physically 半unded T両smento「sufferedawoundthatpreventsdirectparticIPatlOninmostactivities.Thispermanentinjury


S亡「ic亡 making.Disobediencecanresultinharshortediouspunishments,OraCeSSationintra面ng.Thismentor’s

Remote Somementorsareneverphysica=yavailabletotheirstudents.Somearemerelyinahiddenlocationusing

NoForce Connection NotailmentorscanmanipulatetheForce,bu=hosewhocan’tcansti=guideheroestowardForcemastery.

′ haveslnCemySter10uSly10Stthew冊ngnessorabilltytOharnessthemystlCalenergyheld

Angry Unresoivedangermightexpressitse旧nanynumberofways.Mentorsmightdeveiopanintensehatred


看Afraid ∴∴∴:∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴

iftheattachmentlSthreatened.                     l
∴ Thismentorhasdeveiopedapotentialiyunheaithyattachment,uSua=ytoaromanticpartnerorchild,but
き Du.,ng。Xt.。m。.,.CumStanC。S,manytu.nt。SP,C。,d.,nk,。.gambl,ng[。C。PeAmen[。.Wh。hassu。Cumb。d!
Addic亡 toaddictionhasgivenupthehopeofseeingpeace言ustice.anddipIomacyretumtothegalaxy.丁hismentor

【 mlght」eOPardlZetheparty’sgoaIsa=heworstmomentstosatlSfytheneedsofadd-Ction.∴∴∴∴!

Psychoiogica=y TraumatlCeVentShavebrokenthismentormentaliy.1nterrogation,yearSOfisolation,thestresso川ving
Wounded CanteaChthePCsmuchabouttheForce,butmuchofwhatthementorsaysiscompleteIyuninteI圃ble
gibberish.OrlSlt?                        !

MEN丁ORING S丁YしE Comp=CatlOnS are also an exce=ent way to help the GM

Create a Character arc for a mentor Overcomlng One Com-
A= mentors seek to share knowiedge and wISdom, but there
P=CatlOn Whlle addlng mOre CreateS a SenSe Of narratlVe
are as many approaches to teachlng aS StarS ln the galaxy
thrust as the mentor grows and changes A mentor mlght
When creatlnga mentOr, the GM shouId choose one or more
OVerCOme a fearofthe Emplre Only to repiace ltWlth anger
Styles from lab獲e 3-1 : Mentoring Styles, Or Create One
The mentor’sactlOnS mlght lead to sufferlnga terrlble wound
The GM mlght declde that the mentor behaves dlfferently
ln COmbat GMs can use comp=CatlOnS =ke thlS tO Serve aS
toward speclflC members of the party Some mentors mlght
mllestones for mentor deve10Pment, Creatlng memOrable
have a dlfferent s亡yle for each student言al10rlng methods to
SCeneS a10ng the way
get the best from each GMs should feel free to asslgn dlf-
ferent s亡yies to dlfferent mentor-PC relat10nSh!PS, WhICh can MENToR MO南Aし1丁Y
then evolve or change over time
GMs can round out a mentor’s personallty by selectlng a

MEN丁OR ⊂OMpし1⊂AT!ONS Morallty (FoRCE AND DESTiNY Core Ruleb○○k page 48) ThiS

PrOVldes two guldlng emOtlOnal characterlStlCS and deflneS

Few mentors are perfect Most have already seen war, eXPe-
Where the mentor resIdes on the Morallty SCale Morality,
rlenCedgreatloss, and endured traumatlC eVentS Somewear
COmblned wlth a mentorlng Styie, hlStOry, and any comp=Ca-
the scarsofthe past physICa=y, but mostcarrywounds much
tlOnS, Should help deveiop a unlque PerSOna=ty that reveals
deeper When students of the Force seek lnStruCtlOn, they
remarkable depth over帥e course ofa campalgn
may flnd thelr mentOr needs resculng from lnner demons
before they can recelVe any lnStruCtiOn lt lS lmPOrtan=O thlnk about how a mentor’s emotlOnal

Strength and weakness might have played a role ln the char-

When creatlng a mentOr, GMs should use one or more
acter’s hlStOry, and how they mIght help or hurt wlth regard
COmPliCatiOnS from -fable 3-2: Mentor Comp=cations, Or
to mentormg Style or exacerbatlng COmP=CatlOnS An aware-
use the =St aS lnSPlratlOn tO Create SOmethmg unlque Com-
ness of how these eIements mlght lnteraCt lS What makes a
PliCat10nS Can alter the means by whlCh PCs lnte「aCt With
mentor come allVe for the players
thelr mentOr, Or Create neW PrOblems for the PCs that can
Serve aS adventure hooks or compilCate eXiStlng queStS

( ̄ / くす∃.剛皿
準∂S ‘]〕e」lPS問.eつu9nuul l…eH/lee臣e即S ○○MOd e3」Oゴ
てS]〕e] 91qenley¥ ‘乙]瑚e汁Z血ec仁ゥ8ul〕eロe⊃」O] :aunS叩el孔
esIM]∂叩S ’uo11de〕」9d ‘uoi胡08eN ‘d叫S」ePee丁仙∀) e8p∂
「MOuy ‘9u=di⊃Sla `uo一〕de⊃9a `s」9叩d山Oつ`山勘⊃ :e即S I間S
鑑酸鑑諺篤諺 霊室
esues `e∧OIN `∂つueuu] `uol胴!PeIN ei]1開:el!nS 」eMOd e⊃JOゴ
pe問S ‘ゥ]⊃訓9と十りん」ed `乙8ulret] 90」0] :印!nS ]ual孔
∂〕ue"81∧ ′l臥INnS ‘e⊃ue岬Seとi `e91eW `eu!〕!Pe困
`」eqeS叫81「 (uol呼ulP」OO⊃ `1OOつくiMe」白くs⊃胴囲∀ :e即S l間S
一兜、主蕃i !豊言霊雪
8ul〕e」 9〕」O] Peulq山0〕 S舟ed ap o=enb∂ 」Olu9山
叩」OJ SePe」8dnJO」9q…u e ]○○19S ut?⊃ IN〇 ∂肥8u鴫」 9⊃」O]
lt31O] 《Sつd eun PPビ・u9岨e叩S 」eMOd 9⊃」OJ 9]ei」do」dde叩
ul S」eMOd ∂〕」O] JISeq e囲JO l岬S]e8 ]SJ即O叫e山帥`s9SSeS
-SOd 」0叫e山e SePE鴫dn pue s」∂MOd e〕」O]制M eui…e]eP QL
St帽MOd ∃⊃tlO害tlO⊥N∃N
(」O肌eM ∂S-M)叫ele] )iSeq 9111叩O囲M uOl]⊃un"`ue○ 1uele]
pe∧O」duJ1 9u十(」Ol」」eM eSIM Pe∧O」duJI Se 11〕nS)印t3^1〕⊃e O〕
」∂P」O ul ]uele=e囲Ouき8ul∧eu Se」lnbe」 luele] e J! `」e∧eMOH
Se〕lSlnb∂」e」d 9訓] 8u《」Ou∂十S]uele] e∧旧euO刑PP9 ue ]〕eleS
ue〕 SINO ‘9]1nS叫e国3明uI Pers= S叫e国e111 O] uOi〕iPPe ul
つdN PePunO川eM Pue ∂S」9∧一P e○○山e ]ueS9」de」 O] ‘s=i準
eso囲ul ll⊃e∂甲E)」 euO」O]u∂山9明e∧18 pinOuSeH ∂叩nS用準
9明ul P∂制担u S問S OM= 919S PlnOuS IND到]相eu!]
Si問S eSO囲u川Oee Slue月n〇月01u∂山
9囲9^18 pue pe酬S川準e叩JO Jle甲∂囲O eいe準] P叩OllS
囚〇到⊥ Si眺eSO 〕し甲e∂S卑陀」OM]」Olu9山帥訓8pue
`pe]S= S=l準e囲jO Jieu ∂SOO甲`ellnS問S S,」0叫e田e囲時
xpoI PlnO11S IND 9叫旬ed e里」O=O叫e山e 8u馴nq u∂lIM
s」0]u9山uMO 」le111 9岬e」J O] (し乙ナ6 1ウSe8t2d) xpoq
-3lnd 3」O〇人N一⊥Sヨa aN∀剃Oゴ叩u- P∂叫9Se」d s∂in」 uOpee」〕
-」O]lSlnbu1 9明和po山u∂∧∂ 」O S〕dN l∂∧el-S!Se田9u uMO J華甲1
e〕e9」〕 O] ∂eJ:=9ej PlnOuS SIND ′訓]iu胆P Sue乱n Ou Aq副e
s周S 9Se岨S∂d布」∂8ue=eu⊃ Pue `叫e]lnSuO〕 Jeu!eJ] 9囲JO
s」0叫e山8u1呼9」⊃ 」OJ 9〕uePln8 )(Seq e山OS S! MO19q Pue `s911
-11euOS」∂d 」O叫∂uJ Se enblun Se eq PInOuS SxpOlq mS 」OlueIN
申開冨G聞胤肥閑居臣配蝉呂聞置割印 the mentor refuses to dlSCuSS that tlme ln PrlSOn, lt C「eateS

a mystery about what happened there and how the mentor

escaped PCs might learn more ofthe story from other NPCs,
research, Or elsewhere unt=, after many, many adventures,
they finally acqulre the last, SatISfyIng PleCe Ofthe story

賃議運覇層議運醸 NARRA丁gV富丁OOし

SkilI Suite: Charm, C○○上DeceptlOn, DISCiP=ne, Lightsaber, Mentors are useful tooIs that help GMs lnVeSt and lnVOIve
Melee, PerceptlOn, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Llght), Vlgllance PCs ln Planned adventures Most mentors have knowL
 ̄falent Suite: Force Ratlng 4, Master lnstructor, Nobody’s
edge of varlOuS artifacts, VergenCeS, Other Force users, and
Foo1 3, Parry 2, Reflect 2 more For a party seeklng tO rebulld the 」edl, OVerthrow the

Force Power Suite: Foresee, Protect/Unleash, Seek, Sense Emplre, Or grOW mOre POWerfu=n the Force, a mentOr Can
Charge students wlth quests亡hat advance the party’s goals

閻勤閑居鈍間日間丁⑬R Mentor-Orlglnated tasks also lnCreaSe PCs’lnVeStmen=n

SuCCeSS because of thelr relatlOnShlP Wlth the mentor Even

When adventures come from elsewhere, mentO「S mlgh亡Offer
Mentors are unlque NPCs who can provlde both the GM and
lnformat10n that leads to other opportunltieS, Perhaps forc-
Players wlth a variety Of tooIs to enhance gameplay CreatiVe
ing the party to choose between ob」eCtlVeS
USe Of mentors can help GMs enhance the story or cou「se-

COrreCt an adventure veering Offtrack Mentors also provide Desplte a GM’s best-iald ciues, Piaye「s sometimeS Veer Off
tanglble mechanlCai benefits, WhlCh, lf not watched cIoseiy, COurSe from prepared materla上Fortunateiy, mentOrS PrOVlde
Can OVerShadow the heroes the GM with an avenue for course-COrreCtiOn W帥e the GM
Can Certalniy have the mentor address the party, 0VeruSing
AN⊂HORiNG T軸冨STORY thiS OPtiOn Can reduce the party’s sense of piayer agency.
1=S far more effectiVe a tOOi if PCs reach out to a mentor
Mentors can be valuable assets to driVe and enhance the On their own However, GMs must avoid ietting the mentor
StOry Of any campaign. 1Talnlng enCOunterS and the ever- declde fo「 the party, instead using them to help cIa「ify the
Shlftlng reiat10nShlP between PCs and the mentor provide
OPPOrtunltleS for story and charactergrowth ln additlOn, aS
mentors and students grow c10Ser, GMs can leverage a
mentor’s hlStOry for na「rative fodder and adventure

Seeds‖nVeStmg PCs ln the outcome

Even lf a party selects a mentor as their

Starting resource, GMs can center early
adventures on locatlng a mentOr. Once
SeCured, mentOrS Can lead short tram-
1ng enCOunterS that functiOn aS COn-
nectlVe SCeneS between adventures.
PartleS mlght consし直their mentor

before startlng neW mlSSiOnS, Or

Seek a mentor’s advICe during

an ongoIng queSt The men-

tor’s reiatlOnShiP With each

PC might evolve each tlme

they lnteraCt

Mentors possess hard-

earned knowledge gained over l
a llfetlme, and GMs can mine
mentor hiStOry for story seed
COmeCtlng the party to adventur
// 一七着刺。皿
∂∧i〕〕e「qO相」Ol」d e MOu SI S]u∂S乱de」叫ePnユS 」O p∂∂〕⊃nS O"ue叩S叩8uiつ」0川]eeP Aq ue”0 ‘p9〕e」edes
∂urO〕eq叫eP巾S Pue 」O叫e山帥‘毎時un〕」OJun 」O叫e山
」O叫e…e…OJ」l帥Il∧9 Meu eu埼ul]eeJ∂P判] Pu両肌sつd
叩uO中e」 0〕 S∂山0〕 Pue SPee〕〕nS luePn]S叩‘謁pelMOuy
s」eMeuOiつ叩日O Pu∂叫はe lqOu∂刈P∂柏やq 」細eM相S urH
-eu∀ Se ’le∧eJ]9q ul Pu9 Ol d町SuOl]ele月uePnlS-」O〕ue山9囲 岬M Pe…e AIMeN山OPSIM S〕」ed… u叩OuM `」0叫e山e囲
8叩e9山1u9PnlS叩囲lM Sul論q ei⊃八つ9u仁SS∂lP」晒ea
」OJ 91qlSSOd osle S1 11 PelP甲ee 9」OJ9q E’PQ¥」e]Se囚uO OS
e」0山ue∧e Pue lqOue男ue州qO uO叫ePu9d∂P相OuM SeM んO〕S 8ui毎I]eS e 」O] PeeLI Sll uO ]川」n〕 eSIM」e
∂沖「 ]u9Pn〕S eu] luO」=O叫e山叩e∧O山9」 PlnOuS SIND制] -u]O」O ∂iつ八つeu川9∧qnS相o∧ei⊃ Oユ9)qe 9」e S訓胆」捌如拙
叫9山O山S冊]t?Sl ]i囲MO」8 1euOS」ed uMO」19明JOlue…時P pue `∂P^⊃ S時日0毎川ue叩9Zil11n Se一」Ors ‖e ]ON diuSuOl]
9明O] S9山間e山OS ‘e⊃uePin8刑] uO叫ap」 9山O〕eq S]u∂P -叩」 」0]u9…u∂Pn]S叩Ol e」n]eu ⊃l一〇八〇 e Sl e」qu⊥ fuoIS
-n〕S ‘luOPSIM 」19囲JO 9nle∧叩ue∧O」d ∂∧eu S」O叫e山」91J∀ 〕1d∂相e u。e」論]ui u∂〕JO ∂」e SuO時」∂叩∂S叩Pue `s(eM
相e山ul S90」〇回llM ]⊃e」e岬S」O]ueu e洲S∂」n8即ed毎u〕」∀
tIO⊥N∃N ∃H⊥りNt^ON∃t]
∂〕uePin8 s.」O叩e山9囲囲lM ヨ「∋人⊃ ⊃io増∃軸ヨ晴上
用準Pue山OPSIM PunOJMeu 」19囲eやつOSSt? Sつd叩OS 9uluS
e山e」P e⊃ueuue ue⊃ SS9」∂o」d le9∧e」 OI S準e甲川津=euOIS
相E)uOS」ed s旧el Pue Ssou∂nb9S 9S叩…ueS9」d 」O叫e山
-e〕⊃O岬nou十u99」⊃SJJO有e8」el Se∧l]⊃e「qO enS」nd ue〕 S」OlueIN
e11] 9津山O] SINO 」O=uきl」Odll= Sl ]l 」9MOd e⊃」O] 」O当ue」
llrys∵1u9ie] Meu e8urul強つd eJO ]」O揮叩MOuS OI Slu'Od e即SSe⊃ul」c] P9n⊃S〇十9津M旬s 9岬「 e間M 」eP臥囲re(]
-」∂叫nO〕 9^l岬」」eu Se S」訓nO⊃ue 9洲-98即uo山-er∧Ou」 eSe1月 p9⊃eJ Pue山eeq 」O〕⊃叫e PelqeSIP lqOue刈uEM-1qO ueuM訓
・訓1〕e「qO e胆ed9S e S」01ue山8ulu81SSe句lue-qO」d叩〇両
esn u∽ SWD 9⊃」0] 9囲]O 」eMOd e11=]lM S準] SnOl」e∧
一問山ue⊃ SIND SuOl叩q刑○○ S,」Olue山e囲8ulZ=el∧明rou Pue
∂〕eid山0⊃ 」O事q山O⊃ 」9qeSll181甲」O]u肌」l別口」O Jeし月O
u,粥岬M 」eds ol a∧e=岬… S]uap巾S S9」n叫∂∧Pe e川ue l岬用Ods e囲ul Sつc] 9哩8uld9訓u∂eM時q 9)ueleq ule]uleuJ
u∂∧9 」O S」訓nO⊃ue Se uOl叩un] ut2⊃ SuOISSeS 8ulul叫 ISn山SIN〇 ‘川和e叩ulO「 O〕 Pe〕ui∧uO⊃ S=O叫訓u e e⊃uO
p9]SISSeji Se xpe甲Pe]e19」 e uO □ 解明e叩Olu=O叫e山9巾Me」P ue〕
」∂佃d e u」e∂川81即ueuJO小崎1」叩ul SP」OM S‘」0叫9山e囲 s]ee時日O ]Se∧e」8 e両IuO JE]S囲eeG ]S」U eu所q p∂SOd 」98
8ul」eq山e山ed ^購」OIN SJ。1⊃e」叩e S9∧一O∧ul岬柄l〕9ds∂ 川eP叫口0 9Sne⊃eq ele「 SScou一」d ]SiSSe O〕 P∂e」8画uo pue
巾IOd uoiS一〕9P JI坪山Il⊃ eニe 9呼uOS∂」 O=e〕el P9岬ede」 Sl s9Pe⊃eP 」OJ eu'OO吼uO 8ulPlu u- Peu陀山9J lqOu∂刈ueM-1qO
制] e⊃l∧Pe ePl∧O」d ue⊃ S」Olu9山‘9」n叩∧Pe Pouueld∂」d e ]eueld Jleし月」0旬u…山O⊃ 」一叩8ul」e8uepu∂」O訓d山喜9囲
8uluun」 SI INO eJI Su111eS S-/勅lノOJSq巾"rlS O]山叩準eM] 村村∂∧O⊃SiP渦」 O〕卸間Mun eq中y∧l呼u」∂]le PlnOつS」O叫∂IN
pues山Sl」Oude pue sle」O山8ul]SIXe PuU O]」∂lSe9」e] Sl ]l川〕 両日O〕 S」19い叩u 9」e Sel鵬q訓OS MOuy S○○叫訓」 9S州
工期P S…OPSIM jO SP」OM ouO〇一`enb-un S叩e9」⊃ lsIND 」O]
sxpe即SO山8ul津田山O」川叩S]ue∧9」d佃oq lcolS相d
ep〔久Pue lqOu9刈ueM-1qO山O」J P9u」e91 Peu e叩euM e JO草花=刷上S」ed∂e粗e8 uo」⊃0-Ou Se ○○ 《s川ds e〕」0] Se
‘suoISl∧ ul S叫ePn時」le里O〕 」eedde r白uo叫8皿S」O叫e山」e囲O
8u Pu…佃(」e胴S甲山∂∂P9」 / 1的ul]In Pue互yつPnOlつuO
spue里S町∂n⊃Se」 l」e]S囲t29a叩山O」J e19「 SS9〕ul」d ∂e」j Ol 叫e山eie e∧l刑eu eSe」O沖Oiq mS e ul J弱dde叫8…岬uM
・sseu川」Oんn「ul JO 9Sne⊃∂q訓q周uO〕 O] elqeun 9」e 9山OS
elqe SeM e岬「 SA9u」nO「 ⊃iOJe叫」le囲e〕eld山0〕 O川OPSIM PuE)
8uluie」]刑] eSn u叩OuM ‘seo」e=O uOl担eu98 ]X9u叩O] uol〕⊃e O川e⊃ Sつd e 9SnJe」 Oif」Olu91LI JOJ Sl /E)M ]SelSe∂ e肥
uo 98p91MOuy SSed o〕 Sl 」0叫∂山e ]O uOl]⊃un中」叫l」d ∂肥 S〉ISi」 e囲
NOa引M S⊥tlⅤdNl tlO⊥N∃N e〕el∧911e O] S/eM e」e ∂」e即nq ‘相〇一」〕 S1 9⊃」nOS9」冊」∂MOd e
岬s JO eSnqe Pue eSn向直d ueeM記q e⊃ueleq 」∂do」d帥
se冊Sき期日O u〕粥」∂鵬0〕 9」0山e∧叫旬I SeZlie9」 8u-Pul] SJe]unO⊃ue岬no」明」∂MOd o〕 S〇回qede〕 S`」0叫elu
甲e9囲un ・slow」 eq un山SeO」∂u Pue 」O叫∂山叩`佃∧l岬u e 9Snqe S」∂佃d ]ei叫OP SIND制判別Od… Sl ]l S論uei
-」9引∀ e川eu e… S,」Olu∂山∂囲8u昭e∧e」 e」OJeq J9pe」e甲JO -1e11⊃ =l準ue∧e 」O `s」訓nO⊃ue -el〕OS事q山O⊃ ul ]SiSSe O]
囲8u叩S S,0」911 e ]Sel 」O `uoluSe] "e山E)」P u口eeJeP ul叫e〕 s」O叫e山e⊃ul∧uO⊃ /e山Sつd `」e∧eMOH S」e11〕t判Pue ‘s∂⊃」nOS
山0」巾」Ed叩an〕S∂」 ue⊃ 」O叫e山e岨叩∧e叩e山eul〕 ’elq uol]曾山」OJul `s」O岬u181」O uO-S llu Se uOl]〕unJ S」O叫e山つc]N
-e」O山e山e」Olue山∂囲8し岬ee山9準山O] 9∧l」]S P(nO11SSIND
d間S u∂10〕S e 」O ‘91qOu PePue」1S e ‘p-0」P anlSSl山e 」9囲euM せ昌仙odり鵬!⊥胃議案話「
‘suol〕弧ld山O⊃ 1euOl〕一PPe JO 」eql山nu相e岬八へ8u一一eeP eq
uol〕e」⊃SIP S,IN〇叫はe ‘sJe]unO⊃ue叩qluO⊃ 」O lel○○S 8ul」nP
晒… ]ue叩S 」O 」O叫e山叩‘]e肌lS」U rfe巾ue11M lqOue刈
ueM-1qO岬M PIP 9沖「 Se ′佃eIP9…l PuOq両肌OM〕叩 sっcl rslSSe O] Sxpeu⊃ ∂湿田u∂∧∂ Pue Slu∂Pn]S O"Ol呼山」OJul
」O ‘11eqO8ea uo ]e山側] ue11M E)PQ人」e即一周Pue 」e消M相S pe8訓∧l」d epi∧O」d o] eiqe八両lnJ」eMOdんe∧ e Sl 」O]ue山叩
・pu〇〇〇S e⊃」O] 9哩9矧ndlue山O] S/eM M9u u」eel S∂O」9u
9沖「 JO刑〕 9洲l叩S…08e]ue 9q叫81山]S」叩e e∧eu OM] ∂囲
d町SuOl]ele」 ∂岨e〕」O]叩佃」9囲e8o川8no」q ’scou郎Iun○ dleu O]伸一qe 」一叩Sul叫eS9」de」 (」9MOd 9⊃」O土e JO uOIS」e∧
○」l〕恒洲un u∂no掴〕9∂lu PlnOつOM] 9岨uO S」le囲SSed o] っiSeq針目8u-Sap」nd u∂uM叫nO⊃S-P e ePl∧O」d s」O]u9山’60し
∂do叩u8… S」O叫∂山」O `98p3lMOu串ul準eS 9q叫8… S叫eP e8ed当ooqeln:] e」O〇人Nl⊥S∃a aN∀ ∃3t]Oゴ9囲ui P9〕e]S Se
・]S世相Ed 9明uO S叩eueq ^le山。d oM] MO〕Seq S」O]ueIN
巾S S/恥SSe冊nOつu一]e9山uビ) S」O叫e山Pue S]u∂Pn]S
tlO⊥N∃N ∃H⊥りNlふさ∃N
きりV⊥NV^□V 「∀⊃lNVH⊃菖関
E"P9山」e巾O ul Pue u∂e」⊃S-uO Sel即血erJJ SdluS
-uOi]ap」 ueMePed Pue」e]SeIN IP∂「 u1 9所〕 S時日nO P9岬9準 」eu⊃開l 」l∂即nOq亘t-Su甲tlM Sつd紬Pl∧O」d ‘]Sed 」19明
山O」J SuOl]en]一S 」別田IS ]nOqe Se〕OP〕eue e岬19」 ue〕 S」O]ueIN
seu sノ勅甲D]S叩A⊃秋月8u一]91d山Oつく0」eu 8uno血叩Oue O]
e〕lO甲uMO 」i帥e津田山e囲81川]e1 9」O坤q SuO 〕do s・相ed
」O]u9山9囲S∂山O〕eq "ePn]S叩相eul] 9」n〕euJ Pue 9uOle
However工he mentor-Student relatlOnShlP doesn“t always

end, SOmetimeS !t 」uSt eVOlves Mentors mlght become

PeerS, developIng a relatlOnShIP On near-equal footlng 臣開⊂⑬離間丁重RS
AltematiVely, the mentor mlght step back to provlde the
lndependence that students need to complete thelr traln- There are several lCOnlC mOmentS Shared between mentors
1ng Mentors mlght have other responsIb帖es or students and students outslde the heroiC CyCie deta=ed prevIOuSly
that desperately need attentlOn Whlle a mentor m!ght stl= Some o白hese are lmPOrtant milestones that oniy happen

be avallable, there mlght be less tlme for the party, CauSlng OnCe, Whlle others can be repeatedly run by the GM to show-
the mentor to evolve lntO the consultant or cha=enger type CaSe a Character’s growth m the Force

i口S lmPOrtant for GMs to treat removlng the mentor from

the student as a ma」Or mOment ln the campalgn言f not an
emo亡IOnal c=maX Shortly before the campalgn’s flnal battie
The Jedl and other Force sects have mnumerable trammg
丁he keys to accompllShlng thlS a=he table can lnClude a
methods for passlng On unlque Sk用S GMs should run brlef
dramatlC SaCr甫ce, Often one ln WhlCh the mentor saves the
tralnlng enCOunterS OCCaSIOnally, uSlng them as opportunl-
iiVeS Of students a=he expense of belng ki=ed or captured
tleS tO le=he mentor share center stage Below are several
Havlng NPCs say or do somethlng tO remlnd PCs of thelr
lCOnlC tralnmg eXerCiSeS, COmPlete with descrlPtlOnS and
mentor can also send an emotlOnal rlPPle through the party,
SuggeSted sk用checks Wlth thlS SlmPle framework, GMs
remlndlng them ofthelr loss many sess10nS later
Can PrOVlde a wlde varlety Ofscalable exercISeS for thelrStu-
However, the most lmPOrtant thlng lS tO make the party feei dents, Whlle a=owlng mentOrS tO lmPart WISdom GMs can
rudderless and unsure what to do next One wa)I tO do thlS IS even use the tra剛ng eXerCiSeS tO lnSPire thelr OWn

to remove the mentor」uSt before or after the PCs consuit the

Most of the llSted tralnlng eXerCISeS Should consISt Of
mentor on a momentous campalgn decIS10n Luke Skywalker
three checks spread overthe durat10n Ofthe scene Between
Chose many paths shortly after loslng eaCh of his mentors
Checks. GMs should descrlbe the scene旧detall and allow
The more dependent the party has grown on thelr mentOr, the
the mentorand studenta brlefexchange They mlghtdlSCuSS
StrOnger the lmPaCt When removlng the mentor
a prlOradventure and reflect on the student’s choICeS These

STuDENT MATURES deeper dlSCuSSIOnS mlght stem from =ghter advICe related
to the exercISe m PrOgreSS Any round ln WhlCh the mentor
As a result of the mentor’s departure工he student lS forced to
PrOVldes spec洋ro advICe On Performlng an eXerCISe, the GM
mature Eventuaiiy, Students reallZe they are capable of over-
Can add□to the student’s check as lfthe men亡Or WaS Per-
COmlng thelr Obstacles thanks to the mentor’s tutelage, and
form!ng the assISt maneuVer
Can gO forward and succeed on their OWn ThlS rea=ZatlOn
Of maturatlOn adds satlSfactlOn tO the ensulng aCCOmPliSh- BLASTER DEF」E⊂TION
ments, enhanclng the story for everyone
Jedl Students empIoy tralnlng remOteS帥ng stun blasts to

GMs shouid arrange some epIC Strugg)e to occur after the PraCtlCe defiectlng biaster bolts廿eat the remotes as mlnlOnS
loss of a mentor, SuCh as wlth a cllmaCtlC Vl=aln Or threat Wlth Ag=lty 3 and the group sk川Ranged (Light) For trainlng

the party could never have faced before meetlng the men- PurPOSeS, Studen亡S make an opposed Lightsaber check vs.
tor PCs should recognIZe the contrlbut10nS the mentor’s Ranged (Light) againSt the mln10n grOuP Mentors can add
亡eachlngS had ln Wlmlng the day. perhaps durlng a funeral muitlPie remotes to the mlnlOn grOuP tO lnCreaSe d輸culty,

Pyre Deceased mentors mlght speak from beyond, elther Or eVen bllndfold the studen=o add臆臆喜to alI Llghtsaber
as viSIOnS Or SlmPly through 」Ournais or ltemS left behlnd, tO Checks Every rank o白he Reflec=alent adds□ to the check

PrOVIde emot10nal c)osure

Students must sense the unseen ThlS eXerCiSe Often takes
Once the students have achleVed thelrgOals, there are three the form ofa game of hlde-and-Seek One student lS deslg-
Paths avallable to them They mlght revel m thelr neWfound nated the seeker and must make three opposed Percep-
lndependence and power, adventurlng Wlthout a mentor tion checks vs. SteaIth agalnSt Other students or thelr men-
for a tlme AltematiVely, they may have more to leam, and tor The Seek, Sense, and MISdlreCt Force powers, aS We= as
restart the cycle by meetmganOther mentor Flna=y, the stu- VarlOuS talents, Can augment肌ese checks

dent can become the master

Once a campalgn enterS the reaim of Knlght-1evel play (for
As a c帥Cal component of tralning, Students might spar
PCs who have eamed approxlmately 150 XP or more), the
Wlth the)r mentOr, anOther student, Or eVen due=St drolds
group m!ght conslder maklnga neW PC or NPC the studen亡
Ofan approprlately exper)enCed PC The newfound sense of
Most sessIOnS feature tramlng =ghtsabers to avold accldents
Spa「rIng tyPICa=y goes for three rounds but ends lmmed上
responslb=lty PCs feel toward thelr Students can provlde the
ately lf elther due=St Suffers a CrltiCa=n」ury reSult o=OO+
GM wlth new storyte=lngtOOIs GMs can ralSe the stakes ofa
Or lS dlSab)ed OtherwISe, WhlChever due=St Suffered fewer
CamPalgn by threatenlng Students or lnClte neW adventures
hitS〇〇日fthat lS tled, fewerwounds-iS declared the wlnner
When students run lntO trOuble and ca旧or heip
Mentors mlght bl周dfold students, lmPOSlng臆喜喜on a=
Checks unless a successful Sense Power check lS made to
detec=helr SurrOundlngS

」91SeI申印e」e甲S.」∂津M相s e沖l ]Se叩u S9馴enb ]S」OM
ei即」 eSIM」叩O 」O S9」nl〇回S 」9MOd ]eSdn ue〕岬uM
・〕〕e O] S」∂Sn 9⊃」O] S訓nb∂」 u判O (xele8 9囲SSO」つe uMO 」刷I叫O」]uO⊃ O]山e囲e⊃」Oj O〕 Peu81S9P S]Se〕 8明⊃nP
-uO〕 ∧q s8u…O叩OuS 」le111 e山O⊃」e∧O S購PnlS dle11 S」O]u9W
e叩Sn「 Pue e⊃eed pu9JeP q∵(eu!1d!⊃S!a) ssau〉leaM
e岬u O〕」副See」O」∂」eSSe u9eSSi S∃SSヨN)置V∃〃1 │VNOl⊥oN∃
〕98」el ∂川l〕SqnS叩」O elqe=臥e 〕.uSI Pe」刑JO ]⊃9「qO SuOl〕e⊃U皿e」 l印u副Od 」19囲Se li∂M Se `uoISl∧ e囲
en」1 e囲」∂岬e eSne⊃eq `]∂8Je]卸n川SqnS e相席n〕〕e SI
句Pe」e即S囲ed e囲euu9P dl∂u O] Sl el○○ S,」0]uelu ∂岨8ul
pe」le旧0ユ⊃9「q○ ○囲Se山国e山OS ∂制∧∂囲」e∧9刑M OI -uieJ] Sl11 8uueld山○○ Pue山叩8uld19u u99M〕eq 3SOO甲O〕
s]uePnlS 」lel月9SOdx9恒o p9eu相子Pe」刑eSOdxe
pell eu ‘uied用SPuel」J Slu MeS 」∂溝M相S 3沖「 ueuM e〕lO11〕
o] S」Olu∂山」0] 」∂8ue囲M P∂〕e一つOSSe 」ed山el le」eue∂
胆Id山川e里lM e山O⊃ Se明細OSSuOISl∧小嶋no」明S叫∂PnlS
e」O山e囲OI P∂SOddo se ‘つ的eds訓o9山OS 」O 8u冊
epln8 o〕 Sl qO「 S.」O]ueしu叩くuoIS一∧ e u⊃nS 8ul∧le○○月利∀
-e山OS 」OJ PeNeSe」柄つId布SI P9J叩H :(看OO⊃) p訓peH
9]捌do」ddt? OSle 9」e ′Jle e叩u1 8ullee] 」O
Se∧l∂S…e明8ulPuejeP PuE 8ui∪」ee口SJU 9」OJ9q xpe耶O〕 Ipunos ・il肌S e e汁uOl呼u」O川村osu9SJOS9)∂id leuO11iPP∀
pue] S]u∂Pn]S eSO剛`sl∂8」e] /Se9 xpu…e9S 8u刑eSe」d 」nつつO l118… PeuOiS一∧u∂ eu9⊃S叩ueuM]O asueS e 」O `e8叫l
句SdE」1 O叫S]u∂Pn〕S e」nl A再ee uE〕 S」O叫eIN xp印e e囲O] P∂〕JeuuO⊃ 8ullee=euOl〕0山e e1∂ulS e PPe PlnOuS SIND
」Oj 」e∧訓`esueJ9P Pue e8pelMOu〉口Oj e〕」O]叩9Sn lP∂「 ‘sepe」Sdn叩8ue」lS囲M S叫apn〕S eSO叩○○] u81ed山eつe叩
」eMSue e囲]Ou Sl eJu∂lOl∧ Slee∧e」 IS」旧〕9旧」 O〕叫9山O山
u口u9∧e 」O e」n8u ^e斗e」n叩e O1 8ulule]」9d se∂肌- 9n8臥
e 8ul渦"q ・1eq山O⊃ P」eMO〕 Pu9]叫8皿S]〕ul]Su=19囲
囲e準u巳〕 SIND ‘」eMOd叩即E)∧巾〕e OI O岬noue s∂]e」∂
u⊃iLIM ul uOl呼n〕lS e岬M Sつd 8ul叫∂S9」d佃ss9uSSel -Ue8沖eu〕 e叩Se 8uoI S∀ 準eu⊃ 」eMOd 9eS∂」○] 」0準eS
-xp∂月O=S9] ue⊃ S」O叫∂IN :(eu!1d!⊃S!a) sseuSSelxpe!看
e18ulS e Se」一nbe」 」91unO⊃ue uOl脚Pe山e ul]〕nPu○○
s」ee理胆eds "0」JuOJ相〕9JIP 」9Aeld e e∧E)u 血l〕S9P 」1叩Olul S叫81Sul 」O SuO-Sl∧8uI
wD e 8ull]〇日O qO白e揮q e OP ue叫O SuOISl∧叩q `」eeJ 弓Ⅵece」 u∂∧e ・uol周iPe山8ul」nP ∂⊃」O]叩O] P9〕粥uuO⊃相nJ
」OJ S〕Se"Je」⊃ ue⊃ S」O叫9IN山ap担n」」O〕叫8皿]l MOu -」eMOd leej O] S]uePn]S」OJ uO山田OつSl wiuo…eu Pue 9〕Eed
pue 」9MOd uMO 」一e11=e∂J S叫9PnlS血eIN 巾eeP Pue 」euul P」eMOI S叫∂叩S 8u11⊃訓P相eq」e∧ `uol抑(Peu PePln8
∂」n叩eu画Ie〕叩eds ‘uMOu叫n e囲」e9j e」O山ue∧∂ ]nq
・uled 」ee中高eIN S」ee=ed99P pe」eu98副O山乱e e」9明 旬d山9 u判O S」0叫eIN訓S,」9Sn 9〕」O] e ul eiO」 ]u印Od山川e
s,くeld ss919岬uOu uOl刷P9山‘8ulule理O …OJ le⊃IS相d ssel ∀
'seiqOud JO e8ue」 e JO血e el∧ {∧eM叩⊃∂ds e u=eeJ
couel」∂dxe if皿S⊃d血e山e問M :(eu!1d!⊃S!a) 」eeゴ Nol⊥競しiロコ調
んelPe…e]u川e 118no川口O相⊃訓P ′⊃d lePISu=O叩e山e∧l]nu…lP
e囲Ol uO11⊃∂uuO⊃ Stl u印ee」囲Pue]uel刑つ印eJO ]〕e「qO e 8ulule]uO⊃ SdeLl」9d-Sxped p訓81eM 8uiPPe /q ■音喜
到n 」∂∧O⊃S-P不yuO Peeu 」O叫∂山∀ 叫∂山甲印E’囲iM 0]菓PPe O=O川∂山e」O」 elqlSSOd sl 〕l Se帥qede⊃ Sつd e巾
相n瑚(P8ui∧eu ue即SI Jd SnOl粥「∀ :(IOO⊃)応no岬e「 ・ o1 8ulP」Oつつe相n瑚IP e里ele⊃S PlnOuS SIND a〕」O] ∂11「JO
uol]⊃e8ul洞山O」]つd e巾]ue∧e」d o] P9Sn eq ue〕SuOl]e
ple叫=n〇回M準] 9u再1∂1duJO⊃ O〕 e∧乱=te山∂Pe」8dn
-」ePISuO⊃ 」9叩O Pue `e山8op `∧〕eJ⊃n粥」n日」e91〕 Sl uOlユ lOJluOつ叫e∧ele」 e∴9∧eu LuSeOP OuM 〕uePn〕S ∀ xpeu)
ーen]lS e 9∧10S9」 OI P訓nb∂」 uOl]⊃e an ueuM相E)l)∂ds〇
」9MOd 9⊃ueuu] ue明lM P訓q山O⊃ eq PlnOuS甲e] (S」eJe」d
・uoil⊃e ∂渦01 Sld山叩e Sくつd e国訓i]叩Sn即O」∂11e山e IND 9囲」ap」O相e ul) sxp9甲9⊃ue用S9t] Pue ‘uol制IP」OOつ
くs叩e冊∀ e」lnbe」 PlnOuS SIN〇 ‘es」nO〕 91〕印qO ue un」 CL
相e⊃i的Si 」9凱e o川OSe」つd e8u陸川:(i〇〇〇) 」e凱∀ 。
∂S」nO〕 ∂Pe〕SqOん細田Ieq9津岬no」即ul」ds 」O ‘sdo〕JOO」
到∂ul∧lOSe」 9」OJ9q lSn直帰uOつ9Se∂」つul ue〕 e」n=eJ e訓uM
・uoISS9S ]X9u叩O=Se] e JO S叫eueq町中ddt?叫81山車r叩 旬⊃ u∂∂M〕eq deel 'pueld山eMS有y」… e u∂no掴飢IMS Pue
‘q…iつくd旧岬… S叫ePn]S S川一口e皿Ou PuO∧eq 」eJ coue
inJSSeつつnS ∀ ]ue叩S P叩旧uOつeu1 8u岬eJ Pue e∧一つ⊃9ds」ed -1eq Pue ‘囲8u叩s `p○○ds le○-S相d 」ie即ue山8ne 」e明」nJ ue〕
u…e囲8ul〕]nd `s叫e∧9 SSn〕SIP ue⊃ 」叩e」e甲Pue 」O叫9山e岨
s」eSn e⊃」O] `uo甲PuO〕 le⊃一S相d ]ue=∂〕X9 ul佃ee坤e ue"O
]X訓Oつul SuOl〕〕e S.〕d叩md o再」] O=O]u肌e岬M準∂ds
叫8…つd帥′pe∧lOSe」 S時間0つ9」OJeq "q ‘sseu準eN=euOl] ∃SHno⊃ヨ「⊃V⊥S〇〇
-O山e O] P9q山nつつnS Seuつd e u〕luM ul e」n叫e∧Pe ue 」∈現∀
esl〕」eX∂ ∋叩8ullLIJO打ed e=uM e⊃ue
sseu準eM leuO-1O山∂ ue uO 8uu⊃e lSIS∂」 O=u∂iel -1eq e山∂」]X9 JO uO一]lSOd e u-e]ule山OI S叫ePn]S 8叩⊃…S]l
pelcoOSSe ue 」〇 ・eulldl⊃SICl loO⊃ u問e」 e 8uiule∂JO uO圃u∂S 佃漢音音pue臆u9∂M]eq PPe O=NO利口O 91qSSOd sl
○○」de」 e∧11t?」」eu e Se ]⊃e OSle ue〕 SSe〕⊃nS uOISS9S e囲JO 〕S○○
]i ePer8dn 9Pnllu8eI川叩8uiSn S]⊃9「qO 91d刑n山削」0
‘epe」8dn 98ued ∂囲8u-Sn Su」ened sno。e^ ul SeuO]S e囲e∧O山
叩」OJ SSou準eM ap Ol oun皿Illつd叩e準田柄∧l胆」eu 」O
SSeu準9M leuO11O山e ue uO 8ul]〕門SiS∂」 Ol xpeu⊃ ]Xeu ap uO ・9Pe」8dn巾f3u叩S ∂囲8u-Sn Aq sl⊃∂「qO 」ei∧e9u村e∧lSS粥
ロロロO〕口9Pl∧O」d串… SS∂〕つnS uOl〕∂」〕SIP S間0 9印e -O」d馴O] S叫ePn〕S e」lnb○○ ue〕 SxpeuつOM=Xeu e岨xp∂uJ
草間uO⊃ S O= 8uue」eu98 ul叩Se川e⊃ xpeu⊃帥8u甲e] lelJ] 」9MOd 9∧OIN 〕lSeq e eq ue〕 ]S」U 9岨Sxpe甲」∂MOd e∧OIN
slu埼ul」nP Sl∂e月∂Aeld slu SuOl]O山e 9明eql」⊃S9P O] 」∂佃d 9叩 ∂e埴Se」lnb∂」 9Sl⊃」eX9 SeuO]S 」nnlunIN 9u串…91d山Oつ
∂8e」nO〕u9 PinOuS IND eu⊥相n⊃脚P e呼l」do」dde ue 8u周eS
`s∂S訓Iu∂」ed u'準∂llつPe」一nbeJ e明」O川e⊃ Pue MOleq SSeu IeO8叩e」e `su」el〕ed snol」e^ u…9囲8ul相」O S∂uO]S
-準9M leuOl〕0山9叩Ol」eJe」侮MS冊つd eSIS9]」O]u9山eJl 8u単侶〕S Se u⊃nS ・s準1J叩OS∂山崎肌OS a」O田Ou削ue⊃府u]
旧un S9uO]S e」O山8ulPPe厘9囲Olul S∂uO]S PeZIS-Sn〇°E)∧削
uOiSe〕〕O uO
相e叩9ul準l∂〕 ]S… S]uePn〕S SIS9ul渦e] eJIPe」d o] 」eP」O
山n」]〕9ds細川∋ e巾]lqluXe uE’⊃ S叫9Pn]S =e ‘sseu準eM leuOi] IPe「ap Aq pesn s」9PlnOq JO Sel」eS e e」きS9uOIS 」mlunIN 9岨
-Ou嶋んe山l」d e se]印IP木yle」OIN e問M岬qO8ea uo pe∧l」」e
lP9「8u一」ldse 9巾u∂uM 9∧l〕eu eId…S e eq O] PePue制d epc)¥
feathers An unw==ngneSS tO aCtaiiows dlSCOrd to fester Can COunSel thelr Students The mentor should cha=enge
and can have severe consequences The best way for COnfllCted students to look lnWard with a Sense Power
mentors to expose weakness IS tO Share vIS10nS Of the Check-Or a Hard O◆◆) Discip看ine check l白he PC does
POtentlal futures m whlCh the student faIIs to act, under not have Sense-tO determlne thelr OWn Current emOt10nai
the gulSe Of mercy These darker futures should harden State Success means students lden亡Ify thelr true fee=ngS

the students’resolve and heip them seek longer工erm and properlycope GMs may then reduce the Con航tgener-
SOlut10nS tO PrOblems ated by one oftheiraCtlOnS by one to fTVe POlntS Failure or

e Obsession (CooI): ObsessIO旧SanOtherfo「m ofattach- uslnga●亡O generate01nCreaSeSCon佃ctgenerated by one

to flVe POlntS, a=he GM’s dlSCret10n
ment that can prevent a student from seemg other,
more lmPOrtan=hlngS Mentors can posltlOn a ChoICe THE 」ED! TRIA」S
between the student’s obsessIOn and a more nobie
to become a Jedl Knlght, 」edl Padawans were requlred to
MotlVatiOn The way the student makes the choICe Can
expose the depth ofthe obsess10n PaSS the 」edl廿Ials Current Mentors can have thelr Students
face s!mllar trlals Ou亡Slde spec!al exceptlOnS, nO Student
. Arrogance (Cool): Arrogance lS Often a defense mech-
actIOn Should count toward the Jed口hlals untll the student
anlSm When a student has a fear o白nadequacy, bu白t has achleVed a Force ratlng Of two o=nVeSted approxlmately
Can also be a way to dlSregard those who seem weaker 「OO XP ln Force powers or speclallZatlOnS from the careers
Mentors can bring Out a Student’s arrogance through
PreSented ln FoRCE AND DESTiNY
taunts or humi=ating, Pubi】C defeats Mentors mlght

humble thelr S亡udents persona町y or flnd another stu-

Whlle mentors can prepare trlals for students, mOSt hap-
dentora=yto do両Orthem Pen OrganlCally on asslgnment 「b have a PC act10n COunt
as a trlal whlle ln the fleid, lt muSt OCCur ln a Way that
O CoIdness (Discipiine): A lack of compassIOn for those
feels epIC, SaVmg the day at a c「ltlCa=unCture Or CllmaX
Who don’亡Seem dl「eCtly useful lS COmmOn amOng Stu- Ofan adventure Many o白he Jed口hlals can u帥Ze mentOr
dents However, lt lS Often the wl‖ ofthe Force for help encounters aiready descrlbed above, and are notated as
to come from the least =kely of places The mentor SuCh where approprlate
mlght send the student on a quest for llghtsaber crys-
O Sk皿For guldance, reference any o白he tramlng eXer-
tals at亡he bottom of Beggar“s Lake, knowlng that any
CISeS llSted above Mentors often select a Jedl ab冊y
beggar can teach a trlCk to accompllShlng the task, lf
Only the student shows compassIOn Or klndness血st
the student struggles wlth most for thlS trlal However.
1n the臼eld, a ma」O「Show ofski‖ ln the face ofextreme
The PC’s fa血re mlght reveal the depth ofthe PC’s error
Odds can su笛ce Men亡OrS Often plan dlStraCtlOnS dur-
O Greed (CooI): Se旧Shness IS an ugly tralt COmmOn
1ng the ll’lal of Skl= or factor ln the student’s abl=ty tO
throughout the galaxy and easy enough for mentors to lgnOre dlStraCtlOnS if lt happens ln the fleld
test by offerlng food, rlChes, OreVen a POSl亡10n Of power
O Courage: For guldance, reference the Fear bulIet
to a student lf the student hoards or 10rds the new-
found resource over others lnStead of sharlng the good POlnt ln the EmotionaI Weaknesses sectlOn, On Page
77 AiternatlVely, Show!ng true COurage ln the face
fortune, the mentor can expose the student’s fallure
Of overwhelmlng Odds or a super10r enemy, Or OVer-
O CrueIty (Discipline): Mentors can easlly tease out cru-
COmlng a PerSOnai fear can qua=fy as overcom)ng the
e!ty from a student durlng a llghtsaber spa「rlng SeSSIOn Thai of Courage
agalnSt a less sk用ed student lt can 」uSt aS eaSlly be
O Spirit: For guidance, reference the PC’s emotlOnal
Ca=ed out by a mentorwho wltneSSeS the student bu=y-
Weakness ln the sectlOn above ThlS trial can also be
1ng Others or mlStreatlng anlmals
PaSSed by PCs who overcome thelr emOtlOnal weakness
O Obstinance (Cool): A stubborn student lSn’t open to
at a crltlCal cllmaX Ofan adventure or campalgn
the wl= ofthe Force or leamlng neW thmgS Usua=y a
O Flesh: For guldance, reference the Greed, Jealousy, Or
form of pride, ObstlnanCe Can be dlSPlayed by present-
1ng a Student wlth a seemlngly slmPle, yet lmPOSSlble ObsessIOn emOtlOnal weakness, above AltematlVely,
thiS trlal can be passed ln the fleld by 10Slng a dear
task A student mlght be too sCubbom to admlt defeat
frlend, lover, Or famlly member W回e帥S PerSOn mlght
aftera sparrlng matCh, unWll=ngtO aSk for help, Ordead
Set agalnSt e巾ertalnlng neW ldeas on how to accom-
have dled, lt mlght lnStead be the case tha=he stu-
dent has slmPly overcome attachmen=o that person
PllSh a task
FInally, Suffermg a C両Ca=n」ury rOll o=OO十Can also
⊂oNF」l⊂丁RESoしUTiON fu旧I the trlal requlrementS

After an adven亡ure, When students mlght feel confllCted O 音nsight: For guldance, reference Recklessness ln the

about 亡helr aCt10nS, mentOrS Can dlSCuSS thelr Students’ Emot)Onal Weaknesses sectlOn, On Page 77 Altema-
ChoICeS Or帥ngs students saw or endured and provlde per- tlVely, the lTlal o=nslght can lnVOive a student’s choos-

SPeCtlVe Mentors force students to Iook lnWard, aCknowl- mg tO take an act10n entlreIy on lnStlnCt, Wlthout sup-
edge thelr true fee=ngS about a sub」eCt, eXPerlenCe them, POrtlng eVldence beyond a nudge from the Force or a
and then le=hem go gut fee=ng, WhiCh pays off ln a maJOr Way

Before resolvlng Con航t a=he end of a sessiOn, Or OnCe

Per SeSS10n dlreCtly after PCs generate Con帥ct, mentOrS

Flndsmen are well versed ln COmbat and have thelr OWn CenturleS Of schemlng from the shadows Ultlmately, the
martlal art focused on very precISe Strlkes capable of plerC- Slth destroyed the Jedl Order and replaced the RepubIIC
1ngeXOSkeletons orarmor platlnga=ke Wh=e Flndsmen who Wlth thelrGalactlC Emplre
have left Gand are faml=ar Wlth arsenals ofweaponry,廿adl-
Sl[h operated ln PairS a Master to embody the power,
tiOnal Flndsmen wieid Gand shockprods, a long, forked staff
and an apprentlCe tO CraVe lt A dark reflectlOn Ofthe Jedl,
that lS Part WeaPOn and part dlVlnlng rOd
Slth even had肌elr OWn COde laudlng PaSS10n, Strength,
Benefit: Reduce the cost to purchase the Foresee and POWer, and vICtOry St町ItWaS Steai叶Subterfuge, manlPula-
Seek basIC Force powers by 5 XP, tO a mlnlmum Of 5 XP tlOn, and 10ng-term thlnklng that ultlmately dellVered vICtOry
AIso reduce the cos=o purchase any ControI or Mastery
丁he Slth were lethal combatants wlth skllls to riVal any
upgrades to the Seek Force power by 5 XP to a ml川mum
」edl They favored =ghtsabers wlth red blades and had
thelr OWn lightsaber combat form, Dun Moch, WhlCh chan-
Drawback (15 XP): A characterwho wiShes to LISe the Seek neled rage, aggreSS10n, and冊tlmlda亡IOn lntO VICtOry Llke

Or Foresee power must軒st meditate for three hours (Prefer- the Jedl, Slth mCOrPOrated Force powers seamlessly lntO
ably whlle using a mlSting StOne) llghtsaber combat

Benefit: Reduce the cost to purchase the HeaL/Harm, MIS-

SI丁聞LORDS direCt, and Protect/Unleash basIC Force powers by 1 5 XP, tO
a mlnlmum Of5XP
Whlle theIr true OrlglnS are Shrouded ln myStery, legend
SuggeStS the Slth have plagued the Jedl Order for mll- Drawback (30 XP): lf, after resolvlng Conf=Ct, a Studen亡’s

iennla Whlle theJedl thought the Slth threatended long Mora冊y decreases, double the amount by whlCh the MoraL

ago, they resurfaced 」uSt before the CIone Wars after 江y drops (Whlie a charactercan buy offthe drawback, thlS

does not change the character’s exIStlng Morallty Value)

the lnformatlOn PartlCularly qulCkiy or could obtain an addl-
tlOnal bonus based upon the !evel of knowiedge avallable
O白nformatiOn ln Order to be p「ofessiOna=y effectlVe The
Conversely, a SlmPle faiIure mlght not atways mean that
HoIoNet contalnS a VaSt range Of knowiedge, WhlCh can be
the character dld not know the lnformat10n Or reCOVered
accessed from any datapad However, 」uSt belng able to read
mCOrreCt mformatlOn Whlle that lS Certa面y an optlOn鵜
OrVleW the lnformatlOn lS nOt always enough to unders亡and a
PartlCulariy lf the required check was especiaiiy dlf柾ult-a
PrOblem and flnd ltSSOlutiOn Each臼eld ofstudy hasa dlStlnC-
fallure mlght slmPly mean that the character requireS mOre
tlVe termlnOIogy and thought process Before maklng uSe Of
tlme tO SOlve the rlddle Slmllarly, a SuCCeSS Wlth unresolved
the fleld’s resources, a Character must血st understand亡hose
繊could mean that succeedlngOn the check tookan lnCOn-
Venle回y 10ngamOunt Of tlme
Consequently, lt lS reaSOnable to conslder that a charac-
ter’s rank ln a PartlCular Knowledge sk用does not slmPly

represent every detall that lndlVldual has memorlZed. Whlie

that must factor !ntO the rank, lt COuid be a secondary fac-
When designingan adventure, Knowledge skl‖scan be a par-
tor lnstead, the character’s ab冊y to unde「stand the fleld’s
tlCuIarly trlCky element to conslder Often, Characters need
unique dlalect and to empIoy easlly accessed而ormatlOn
to have a c帥Cal pleCe Of lnforma亡IOn ln Order to advance
from the fleld can be the most crltlCal aspects As such, a
the p10t ThlS COuld be the home planet ofa foe-reVeaied
Knowledge sklil check mlght represent the character cal上
through a XenoIogy check「Or the purpose of an unusual
Ing uP a COnVenlent databank and cross-referencmg the
artlfact-1dent旧ed wlth a Lore check lf the characters lack
lnformatlOn at hand wlth the problem ThlS may Only take
the necessary sk用S Or fall the key check, the adven山re can
a moment’s effort lf the character lS PartlCuIarly pro柾lent
grind to an abrupt halt
ln the fleld’s 」argOn Essentlaiiy, the character uses a rele-

Vant held gulde to answer a quest10n ln Short order Havlng When thlS happens, the players and thelr Characters are
COnVenlent aCCeSS tO the lnformatlOn and knowlng how to ieft scrambllng They mlght not even rea=Ze that they have
interPret lt aPPrOPrlately lS lnCOrPOrated mtO the character’s mlSSed the lmPOrtant Clue lnstead, hours or even muitlPie
Knowledge skl‖ rank game sess10nS COuld be spen=rylng tO臼nd the next step,
Wlthout rea=Zlng that they already have the lmPOrtan=ead
vet, eVen the most convenlent Of dlgltal tooIs sti= requlre
ln thelr POSSeSS10n MlnOrleads can be lnVeStlgated ln eXCr臣
a few moments to use When a charactergenerates $ ora Clatlng detall, forclng the GM to develop new characters and
great deal moreぐ) than can be easlly allocated, thiS COuld
Slde queststo帥tlme Even asthlSgOeSOn, the heroes could
represent lnformatiOn the character knew off-hand At the
fail ever further behlnd thelr OPPOnentS, POtentlally leadlng
GM’s dlSCret10n, thlS mlght mean that the character reca=ed
to the fa=ure ofa broad-reaChmg mlSSIOn

IN〇 9囲Pue S」∂佃d 9囲」OJ 9⊃uel」9dx∂卸間inJ e」O山e
epl∧O」d ue〕S叩く佃〕e山l… 1⊃訓Pu1 9q川8ルロIJl ue∧∂ `sleO8 甲elP (Lu!H 」e事nO) e8peIMOu)看(◆◆◆ p」eH
」19囲8ul∧91甲e O]山∂囲Pe91 ueJ制"]ed e ees o] eiqe e」e e s訓nb9」 S岨●de山∂囲1u91」O旬uedo」d ]S井口Sn山euS `ll即
/e囲‘pee]Sui anS」nd o川]ed 」E場l〕 e 〕nO巾lM S」elつe」e甲e囲 ∂囲MO=0」 O=d山e]]e ue∧e ueつ911S e」OJ明]l 」OJ e〕ue」9Je」
8ul∧e∂=O 9nSSl e囲SP10∧e Sl肥uO一〕en担⊃朝⊃eds e」OJ e岬」d 」O "lOd ou seu eus `相el]luI uO」つOiOu lP∂「 SnOIJ9」d e o] Peel
○○」dde =l準9囲∂∧eulOu叫8皿S∂0」eu a即e巾相=qiSSOd ap 川8皿S判明euS制]de山eS」e∧Ooun `JelnSuOつue山nu e十重ed
-e」t3つe=訓qeD u⊃叫M ul uOl]en]一S e 」∂PISuO⊃ `∂iduex∂ 」O]
Se =eM SビuOl制臥eJIP 」OJ lel"e〕Od eLl] SeSS9」PPe 〕i SJel
-⊃e」eL印O e8ue月ePeO」q t3 O〕し9do e」O山e」e ∧e111刑] e8e]
uoi〕e…OJul JO ]lq Aexp囲8ul
-u臥Pe e巾∂∧e1川DeO」dde sl囲8ulSn Peu81S∂P S9」n叫e∧P∀ -」e∧OJun ul Pe∧10∧ul旬n⊃曲P eulPed山中d山IS PlnO⊃ e」n=ej
P∂〕e」eu∂8 ㊨ 」O @ e叩uO SPu9dep s「 」O∧eJ叩 」OSSe⊃〕nSJO ee」8ep 9肥e呼P叩8ui○○∧Oつun O川1ed e e∧eu
11n瑚IP MOH叫81」 uMO S]川i ○○n叫e∧PE? 」Ou… e 91n川SuO〕 S∂O」eu 9囲`e」nlle理囲M u∂∧e `制] AeM E uつnS ul Pe∧10S∂」
eq o〕 xp9u⊃ le叩」⊃∴e u8-S9P O] Si岬30」dde 」叩9q ∀
PlnO⊃」O∧e"e岨de山e囲uO dn8uiMOllOJ乱OJ∂q ]⊃e]uO〕」9u
」OJ」O∧eJ e OP ]S… elLer」qeD.e…d e」OJ-uel」O]S'u elqe38pe んelS八田e囲e∧iOSe」
-lMOu準岬M uつnOl u=e巾u朋nd JO elqede⊃ S- 9H 」eude」
O川〕ed MO」」eu `〕即⊃eds e 8ulMOilOJ O叩P9⊃」OJ e」9M S」e]〕e
-8o耳e〕 」n9岬UJe uE eq OI Su∂ddeu ouM 〕⊃即uO⊃ P=OM」9Pun -」euつ」別居e洲I∂∂J S」9佃d e里e満山uきつ申〕9八〇S○○州SSel
ue se峠uS ‘Ale]eun〕」O丁dlerJJ ∂旧柄P∂lPPnJeq村ue]1n S1 9"∂ -P」晒e」 P9]」e∧e S一」印SeSIP Se血oIS ap uO ]⊃e#e 9脚I e∧eu
-i」qt3〇 `(繊111iM ▲ Sdeu」9d) e」nll印ue〕Ulu81S 9」OuJ e咽M
SuO中富.S周つe」e ⊃ 」 e囲I叫=ee事人肌S」9毎id eu○○S
uO」〕OiOu e 」e∧〇〇割 9囲JO uO!Su∂〕 e囲SilOds伸2Jid布uoi叩OS e u)nS
.uo叩Se=OeJ!P e u! 」eMSue 9囲8u囚8 `papu叩
o1 8ui柄Si 91i91」qeD le囲S」O山n」 S」nds村u嘩」e⊃ Pue `oMl
一八∧eeu ∂q Ol ^se〇 〇〇l岬S申i ’X9id山○○
」O相ep e ∂浦舟el⊥I S皿xpe」1 uO ○○町e8相en叫9∧∂ ue〕
OuM ‘]Sln8u= e明O〕」eし口Oe」!P u3明ue〕 uel」O〕Siu 9u⊥ ●ue!」Ol 相eln叩」ed eq (e山]⊃eJ訓嶋S e明」e∧O⊃un
-S町」nele山e leつOl e岬M uOnO] u1 1e8 plnOuS到S制]SISe8 ol ^eM 」9囲Oue岬M S」9]3e」勘p 9囲ePいO」d
ー8ns sl肥PiO S」ee^ 000《ゥ仙8no」 Si de皿ap O事乱申出:旧M Se囚D e囲 叫8明即Sn」j
e11S ’」e∧9MOH向de」8ouo⊃申」印ueid el11 佃山e」IX∂ eq ueO e叩PeSS冊e田eS eu⊥
血e 」O 98en8uel e明∂Zlu8o〕9」 〕Ou S∂OP
eliel」qeD `▲ 〕9u ei8ulS e岬M
」O「euJ e O] Pe91 PinO〕 u'iuM
`工uSeOP 八両別 euS ueuM
98en8uei e明Pue]S」9Pun e哩
S判l叩e=ei」qeD le囲ueeu佃u
’pueu 」9囲O e囲 uO ’繊’〕D9岬!P
IS〇十8uoi e S準eds ouM蛇1〇匹S
e p里ue⊃ euS le囲ue9田iねuJ
沖e甲∂囲uOのi9叩0」 ∂囲
ーue]S e uSliqe]Se Pu
《d引耳∴e旧 事u引」0 相
ーdo」d ue:)∴9=e甲
`訴 ∂ue串uiSe日用
」O uO!昨〕01 uMOu)吊
e明 01叩O P扮叫
八〇幸e SeZ甲8○○9」亀
the adven亡u「e, Creatlng COnneCt10nS based upon their Char-

丁he acters’KnowIedge sk帖s. The goal for both approaches IS tO

help the GM bulld scenarlOS that compiemen亡the speclal-

t!eS Of the characters the players have chosen to portray

For adventures that a「e planned out ln detal上the GM may

choose to set net success [hresholds for var10uS levels of

informatlOn tO dIVulge based upon the types of cha=enges
the characters face and the quest10nS they could ask When
deslgnlng these charts, the GM must set threshoid lnterVals
fo「 each chart based upon the number of * characte「s
achleVe Wlth Knowiedge checks lt lS a gOOd ldea to con-
Slder how to apply思On the charts as well ThlS COuld add
ancl‖ary lnformatlOn Or mlght reduce the tlme requlred to

COmPlete the checks

When settlng uP these klnds of checks, the GM should

keep m mind tha=he lnformatiOn need not be lnStantly
avallable to the characters The process of completlng the
Check mlght requlre them to talk to dlfferent specla=StS,
SPend亡Ime Studylng the HoIoNet, Or eVen traCk down
arcane records malntalned by secretlVe OrganlZat10nS
Before the check lS made工he GM may wISh to
have players roleplay the steps the PCs take to
obtain the lnformatlOn, aPPlylng□or臆to thelr
Check based on thelr grOundwork and roleplaylng
/ノ ー軍事
]d山0」d o]叫eM u9∧∂叫81山SIN〇 ‘]〕eJ u仁Sxp〇匹謁pelMOu〉1 PlnOuS ]」t?甲9甲=O S○○l〕 」即ei u! P91e∂∧e」 e]eG le]ue田e」⊃ul
e準u O=eJJO O画e洲un 9」e Aeu十uOl]do ue si Slu=e囲MOuy Si uOl岬…OJul eu廿eいul捌9⊃ ∂津山O] S川Ol呼」ePiSuO⊃ 1ue]
-」Od山I ue ‘s冊e洲]」t?甲e 8ul"n」〕SuO〕 u9LIM小yde山e∂ ui
S」∂佃d e叩SS∂iun dno」8e山晒e即OS」eq山e田」∂明Oe囲O川
uleidx9 Ol e」e〕 9渦時n山INO e甘甲eO」dde s冊8uiSn ueuM ∂即JO leePlee」8 e 9∧eS ue⊃旬ueu山9囲8ui∧eu ‘s]u∂山O山
M9J e e準1 S9OP S冊elluM ∂⊃ue∧Pe ul e」n叫∂∧Pe uつee JO
euoん∂∧e 」OJ e⊃u訓」9dxe
S叫elu91∂ Aey 」Oj S]」E?u〕 」ell…S ]nO u⊃]∂準ue:) IND e11⊥
elqeto「ue 9」O山e O〕釦一団q一」]uO⊃ u即JO `uo-SSeS 9山晒eul ui
’eSn Pue Sui81」O S,]〕eJl耳e ∂明uMOP xpe」] O]
]u∂叫Se∧ul Pue ]u9…∂MOd山9 JO eSu∂S e S」e庇ld e111 S9^18
‘u」n] ul烏山uOl]ee」つuMO」le11=O粥Pi ue dole∧eP O〕山e巾 Senu印O⊃ euS Selu∂山ei8ue]u∂ lel」ed山I ue囲lM le∂P O〕 P99u
9Sn ue〕 S」∂〕⊃e」e甲」i∂囲`eu9つS e O] 9Se明Se甲nS S叫e山91∂ 在3lJ] e=91」qe〇 `MON 〕l ui 〕Se」9川S.e"91」qeO Pue l⊃eJI]」e
e〕nPO」叩S」e佃d ueuM PeXlしu Ji ulSe」 91qeuJlueiJ E …OJ e囲]nOqE) nee」n色相」nつ9S IE)lJed山上乱川耳O Peddi] Pe91Sul
SPlnb= JO Sl∂」」eq SnOn〕Ouui xpu…e9S OM=e叩MOuy PlnO⊃ 」∂甲」eeSe」 e囲Iuol蒔田」OJul e叩8ul」e11S JO ∂⊃uenb9SuO⊃ e明
8ul」e9=∂∧eMOH 」91=euU S.∂lq割eu] ul Perou Se ’s]depe
iiiyS uOl]eつnP] 9Ll] ui刈e」 u8iu e囲lMO」eu∀ S」ei錦n山S unS
9⊃」0] jO叩〕叫ei⊃ue ue句pesn e⊃l∧eP e Se l:旧川」e ∂囲
xpe旧Se Slueu)」elu P∂SOddns JO dno」8 e加u9PI PlnO⊃ 」O]
一晒11Se∧ul Pl」OM」∂Pun u∀ 8ulPue]S lei⊃OS 」9u ]nOqe 9nl〕 e PeZlu80〕e」 〇時〕PJ ui ( e8nJ」e〕qnS S甲9Ziu8o〕e」 O] xpe11つuOi〕
-d∂〕」ed 」9u P∂ileJ e=el」qt3○) e」E’11S O] eSOuD e11 ue明uO哩lu
s」制O 〕expe「 S`つc]N ue u〇九〇piO」q山e JO ]lq e lE’囲∂Z間8o⊃9」
-」O」ul e」O山Meuy 」OSSeJO」d 9明]e明Su粥lu S冊〕e囲SePl⊃9P
叫81山]」∂dxe山l削e]nO ue ‘9〕uelSul 」O] 9u9⊃Se囲…OJSu叩
O] P∂Sn 9q ue⊃ e8p∂1MO間S`」el⊃t3」e甲e叩く∧eM Sl11] ul 囚O e里`〕S91 e囲Ol e山11 PPきく或∂囲8ui∧eu ue国士e囲閥
」eP」O ul S一冊uXe e巾O川Sl∧ e Sdell」∂d
刈⊃e11〕 ∂明」0」 P9Sn lilyS 9囲O] Peyull ∂q ]Sn山
八〇11川8no明当用D 9囲ueu] 」9明e」 、 9佃d e甲山O」J ∂山O〕 PlnOuS 刑] Saplつ9P e=el」qeD ‘os uo!]eLu」OJul Su!SリO 19捌uV
s叫81Sul eS9岨PeSn問S叩JO Sue1 9明u8no川uOl]Senb ul :S-∑ aIq叫uO uOl〕e…OJul JO 」el] P」冊e囲Sle9∧9」 Slu⊥
山e〕1 9囲8ulPunO」」nS S〕⊃eJ M訓conPOJ]ul相e刑e]Od o〕 」9佃d ㊨ $轡8ul」」n⊃ul OSlemq `訴8ulu」e9斗〕eu〕」9囲OueS9津山
9叩91qeue PlnOM xpeuつ9囲uO SS9つつnS S,」9〕〕e」e甲eu⊥ Pueし口B 9"91」qt3D ・s」OSS∂JO」d叫口O euO O=J即」e ∂囲8ulMOLIS 」e"∀
uol]en叩ap uO P9Seq 8uleq eSO11〕 eLl問S e8p91MOu〉1 9印刷M 相S」9^lun S.1euEld 9囲1e lu9山頂dep reoIOee甲」eOueX 9明
`xp9u) e e津山O〕」拙O PlnO⊃」e佃d坤li準98p∂lMOuM e」O]8ui 〕lSl∧ O] SePl○○P euS Su181」O S.1〕eJl〕」e e囲O]u=e]印nJ ∂∧leP
-11e⊃ IND9即OPe9]Sul佃de山晒JOued ⊃…eu旬e」O山e山帥 」eu 〕el O] SPeeu d9〕S ]Xeu 」9旧e囲S9Pl〕eP 9"91」qeD ]つe]
-uO〕 」∂ll句yl]eS O] eleP岬noue ]Ou SI S冊′Al∂〕E,un"OJun
e準山OI SI Sxp9u⊃ =l準98p∂lMOuy甲eO」ddE) O〕 ∧eM 」e囲Ou∀
君田偶因「規⑬舶期つ目映日常悶Å飼 」eu u叩叫∂i⊃ue 9」O山u∂∧e SI Pue eJE」 uMOu叩n不ySnOl∧9」d
e山O」J ∂山e〕 ]〕eJl]」e e囲〕e明Se∧eiieq MOu e=el」qeO ]つe川」e
SS9〕〕nS 」O」 Se〕旧刊〕 e囲叩Oqe uOl]e…OJu=O S」el] OM=SJU 9囲山OJJ uOl]e山」OJul
」l∂囲8ui〕ueuue `uol]e山」OJul 」(e囲iOOd o〕 S」el⊃e」euJ elqeu∂ e囲lee∧e」 O川8nou∂Sl岬uM‘訴*spl∂l/=0」」∂H xpeu〕e明
ueっsl皿ue11〕 」e囲Oue uO Sxp〇匹O〕 □ 9^18叫Ilu S]」e甲 0]口□岬OM SI Sl囲SePl〕eP IND e田村de」8ouo〕l 」e=lu`lS
e囲JO訓O uO SS∂〕つnS旧準98p9lMOu〉」叫∂」e即P e OユPe判ll 」O再岬OO上申」]S'P 」eeZeq le⊃Ol e叩ul S」ePEJ] S∂i叩b11ue
sl lP町M JO uJee巾」e∂Se」 JO e⊃∂id ue∧18 e 」OJ S叩甲eldi] JO 」eq山nu e O] SユISl∧岬M u⊃」eeS9月eu Su18∂q訓el」qEO
-1n山e∧e11 O] ∂1ei」do」dde∴eq /恥]十S∂⊃u印Sul e山OS ul
PeJmbe」 9山I〕 e巾O] S∂叩u… u9∂]
=l準e8p∂lMOu〉=E,ln叩」ed e ul囲lM P∂岬I ulE肥e」 S」9MSue
eいJO =e ‥e囲ule]」9○ ○準… OI Sl ]ee∧e⊃叫即」Od… u∀
SeS粥」⊃eP O r白∂∧] S」nO1=nOJ Sl xpeu⊃ lPe○ ○OJ ∂山11 eSeq
uol]晒1]S9∧u=OJ Senu e旧制l S∂Pl〕∂P OSie eH xpelP e」0「 (◆◆◆◆ Su叫nea
-9∧e ]ue」9兄IP JO 」eq山nu e S叫∂Se」d sl肥○○n引n〕 uMOu刈n e s9」lnbe」 Su18(」O S]i 8しIl/両uep口e明SeP。eP eH O8e s」ee^
ue山O」J 」O `98en8uei叫∂lJue ue `epoJ e eq PinOつ]i ]e巾 JO SPueSnO囲SuO18ed uMOu判n e囲ul胆MP担いe〕e」 uelle
s]Se88ns ∂n8uol uMOu)1 e 〕Ou Sl ]〕即」e 9明uO e8en8uel P粥P-8uoi e山0」J S口つeJl]」e ∂u=e囲SMOuy IND eu⊥ ○○l∧eP
e旧制〕 8ulMOu汁eld山E,X∂ 」O] 」∂旧SJU e明ul e]eP eu] Aq q里uO u調lJM ldl」⊃S lenSnun叩口O e8en8uel eu江川uePI O〕
8ul如何su189q euS uO!pel肌OJu看Su!8!」O ]3eJ!uV :S-S
P∂〕Se88ns u⊃」eeSe」 l捌Ol〕lPPe 」O即時d 」eei〕 e e∧eu O] lnJ
-eSn9q OSie ueD]i S」ei]」∂甲e∂e囲u- eue⊃]euMuOdn pl冊q elqel. Pe〕ee」つINO eu十uO-SSeS e囲」OJ e」ed∂」d QL乱n叫∂∧Pe
.s∂PleSll=OeuO」O」9甲」eeSa」eulO川e]OISlu明」e〕∂qO所eM^uoeu=nq`spuusll‖O 訴訴尊前
ouo」eu]OuBSeMl⊃eJ11」BS即時甲画9洲S,1仁Sldapea〕」O引O"⊃e句pesnueeqe∧e画E山S]〕即」ea即O a山OS刑]P調l山Peeu」9]JeApo]Sn⊃lel」∂d叫Olulue準]SeM岬弱S9」eulu時∂∧lO∧u口S勘O∂t3u⊃」eOu∂X∀
‘uO!8eとiuMOu測n∂囲u!S]9ueld 翠訴訴
p閃p田0」JPe」∂∧O⊃∂」S…91!SAelds印刷X○○肥・S」ee^Me=Sed3印∂∧OSPi」QM∂」OつSnO!Je∧uO佃lds!P uoue9qSe旧e周囲uX91eつ!8oIO∂elP」eue田町u∂〕S!SuOOS!〕瑚1」e∂囲u!Pe担Od」Oつu!9面S叩S甲ee肥
“s∂SSe⊃O」d…油l」nPeJnue山 漢    *訴
u」∂PO山村E囲Mlue)SISuO⊃担ue」eS呼l」e]肌理胆∂dsan′」9囲n]P-OS」e∂∧puesno囲u∂e胡1Se9I res岬uOl"nJrsuO〕S"u!Pe〕e」8e叫Slel」e叩uJ9用OS]S9川OPeSeq`叫91〕ue小亘apsl〕つ即」e∂肥
.uoil∽iun山田O⊃JOS…QJP」ePuelSJOS刈eq印eP血eu!P∂PniOu日OuOSieS川’SPl」OM」eq田∂山 訴
=il漢ユ里容しl聾は看 弼拍つ]細雪
N刷上V‖Hロ」Ni SN看訓tIロしっⅦi上田V :E-E ]l臼Vl
assoclated mformat10n mlght be, but also how flexlble the
Current SituatlOn COuld be For example, lf the GM needs
the current scene to play out as expected, then a hlgher
d佃c亜y couid be approprlate, eVen for a more lnCldentai
encounter Heavy-handedness ln帥S regard, however, lS diS-
COuraged The GM must remaln OPen tO Players ln岨enclng
the scene whenever poss)bie ThlS reflects the collaboratlVe
nature of the game experienCe Checks of thlS klnd shouId
rarely be more d酷cul=han Average (◆◆)

At the same tlme, Players need to be reasonable wlth the

elements tha=hey choose to lntrOduce, based upon the
numberof* andひthey achieVe On thecheck Aslngle *
mlght be enough to grant the heroes a □on future checks,
whlle several could completely shlf=he balance of power
ln a SCene S!mllarIy, @ could lndlCate a flaw ln the lnSlght,
POSSlbiy an eiement that mlght hlnder the heroes’efforts lt
mlght even be a comp=CatlOn that could add further depth
to a scene or provlde a new comectlOn ln the end, GMs
must use thelr」udgement to ad」udlCate What lS a reaSOnable

Change based upon the results of the check

For example, Whe両ravellng through an Ou亡er Rlm SPaCe-

POrt,亡he GM expialnS that Gabrle=e spots a Rod an mer-

Chant deailng ln antlqultleS Gabrlelle’s player asks to make

a Knowledge (Underworld) check, and nets * * wlth @ $

Gabrlelle’s player suggests that the dealer has tleS tO a Syn-

diCate that owes her a favor, SO he should be more wllllng

to cooperate The GM decldes that, due to the threat, the
merchant plans to tlP Offa thlrd party concernlngthe a両act

about whlCh she has mqulred

others seek to protect the weak and the lnnOCent Or tO Stand ArblterS medIate dlSPuteS and help brlng PeaCe tO trOubled
as bulwarks agalnS=he tlde of evli and darkness, Consulars PeOPIe Whether that means resolvlng a d)SPute between
hope that, by spreadlng knowledge and wISdom whlle work-ng two wamng fact10nS Or師dlng COmPrOm)Se between two
toward peace ln a= thlngS, they may render the efforts of the lndlViduals Iocked ln SOme PerSOnal confllCt matterS血tle
others umecessary Consulars seek to show others the hope DISPuteS between fe=ow party members are often of spe-
of a better futu「e not only for themselves, but also for the Clal血erest to the ArblterS, aS they seek to malntaln PeaCe

galaxy as a whole and harmony among thelr COmPanlOnS Many a party has
benefited from an Arblter’s skl=s when negotlatmg With mer-
ifthlS hope can be found ln the past, a Consularw用go to
Chantsand otherswlth whom theywould do buslneSS AwiSe
great lengths to dlSCOVer lt and brlng 't lntO the =ght of the
Arblter knows that even the most seemlngly lnSlgnlficant dlf-
PreSen=f, by some esoterlC PleCe Of knowledge or =ttle-
柾ulty can present an opportunity for the grasplng tentaCles
known skl‖, the hope of peace can be broughtto those most
ln need o白t, the Consular does not rest un帥that promlSe
Ofevll and despalr tO take hold

has been deilVered ConsuIars’efforts are tlreless and unre- ArblterS Seek out these opportunltleS and re=Sh resolv-
mittlng, Whether they focus on restorlng =fe and hea剛to 1ng them to the best of their ab冊es They take an lnter-
those ln need, Oreducatlngfutu「e generatlOnS ln the ways of est ln eVeryth-ng from govemmental dlSPuteS, tO terrltOr-al
WOrklng for peace for themselves And, Of course’there are 臼ghts between a planet’s warrlng trlbes, tO COmPllCated and
those who seek the hope that can only come tE!rOugh the lntrlCate busineSS deallngS Even the dlSagreementS O白wo
Force ltSelf and an understandlng O白tS WayS iea「ned scholars may hold lntereSt for an Arblter ln fact,

lt lS Often the case that an Arblter lS SPeClfroa=y requested

to heip deal with any of a variety Of dlSagreementS amOng

/  ノ   / ̄
/ /

/ノ/ 寸書∃⊃軸朋
山e囲OP PinOM OuM 9SO囲囲M8uiie∂P u9uM
侶∂〕e」1S JO e〕eid (∂準u;判O Pue旬nP e Se
布」ed 」l∂1即O 9SueJeP ∂∂S /eu⊥ e∧ell爪e山
八〇囲Se Sueld 」e111O u〕nS叩O相e〕」O e時
-1]O8eu o] S」eLllO 」OJ 9山l] 8u画q ‘esueJ9P
ul AluO ue囲Pue事n山∧e囲ueuMAluO川和
(eu⊥ uOl]つn」ISeP ue叩」∂囲e」 〕S」u Pe」∈溺O
eq plnOuS uOl〕d山eP9」山OllM O〕 eSO叩上聞M
leeP O=ueS ue]JO ∂」e Seld!⊃S!a ueuJ!N
9SueJeP ]e囲JO 9u旧uO」J ∂囲]e e」き
/e囲〕e囲Pue∴e〕eed JO eSu9J∂P
e明Sl elO○ ○i∂明]e囲Pue]S」ePun
S∂ldl⊃Sla ue田IN 《」∂1月et仁OS IOu S! )
Sl山川印o]∂q用MeS」nO〕e」 AluO
∂明1e囲Pue副n醇J OI Pe田OOP
9」き Sl」0鵬 ∂Se叩1きい ∂8p∂
-lMOu準e 01山eeSユリ8甲
∧∂u十〇山OS qL ●S」e囲○ ○1
∂dou pue e⊃関d 8uuq
OI Sl」O出9 Pue uOiS
-Sed山0〕 」!e囲」OJ
uMOu〉1 S」∂Sn ∂⊃」0]
JO dno」8 e 8uo田e
9つきid e8u即S ビ
バdn⊃〕O SeldPSlq u軌耳周
ー」9見IP e JO ]e9q到l O] u〕」e山S二時e〕S∀ ]e明〕Ou S,11
9」n〕 O] S]」O鵬」l∂囲ui 」e9q O] e〕」0] e囲8u!」q OSle ue〕 S」○
○1eeH ‘s=l準leJIP肌leuO理Pe」] O] uO印PPe ui.eq r冶uJ坤」9∧∂
ー」9uM SSeu用JO eつ」nOS e囲」O eSeeSIPJO eSne〕 ∂明"O ]OO」
O〕 1u恥Od山I Se ]Sn「 Sl申S」ele9H Q口e囲u叩9」O山SeOP e⊃」O]叩弓0旧Me剛8no掴・eple
」e-e9H∂u朝npJO9ulleL11u叫nuSlenPl∧lPulO〕∂」e〕圃P9山 uMO 」le111 0] Pedle11 9∧e中fe里9SO囲8ul」q /e山○○粥d JO
布ue8」e山∂ ∂P一∧0」d o=O叩eq u! PePunOM eSOu=t3e」] Ol es」nO⊃叩‘eleP3」n叩e山OS呼〕叩8urMOuy ‘dl∂u O]8u用一M
uo p911e〕 ue〕JO ∂」e S]」e ‖ orPe山eu] ul Peilpe S」e囲○ ○11uM u叩e」O山e」e S」e]iq」∀んl臥IJ 」1叩/q p9脚ISSeJeu anlllly
」9-eeH 9囲OOI OS `∂」e8u一八p」O `p∂」n「ul車lS 911=∂∧e」euM 叩lSuO⊃ e印O f南M uMO」8訓:叫OuM Se」n勘pl」OM」apun
Can be saIva

in an effort to protect them f「om

Sages seek knowledge ln a= its forms, forw輔knowledge
the pupil, and the  ̄reacher lS about to set

工hat pupii on the first steps down that

Path.廿agicaliy, however, nOt a= students

adhere to their -feachers’lessons Should

One gO aSt「ay, li3aChers often take it

n themseIves to recialm the

have a dedicated student lear臣

ing the ways of the Force, they
de=ght in teaching. The 「七acher’s

Party benefits most when they

are receptive to their coileague“s

S, fo「 no new ski= orab正

「ned e緬rely in a vacuum
Who have among them a

ーedge and skllls count themselves

eso囲9SnSl山0] ∂〕ueu〕 e岬M PePeeS eq PlnOuS `s三周=lqe
8ul∧O山〇日」O」」O=O MOPeuS e巾8ulule]SnS Pue 8u1川和a冊
叩e山OidlP 」le囲]O eSn e湿田」O ‘∂〕」O] ∂囲Pue]S」ePun 」∂]
ul P9∧iO∧u1 9SO囲JO S叫el山O山Ieu日9囲Sulule]uleuJ相qns
‘ee」e e1月"O岬no」明Pe」en∽S ule山e」 ∧∂肥Si」qeP 」e囲0 ieq 」O '∂印elMOuy Meu ul晒oI SJelnSuOつ」O中心un]」Oddo
判子INO e埴QL ePIS叫eP eLl] Ol山9u] Se〕l]ue岬uM叩囲
∂囲岬M Pe18u肌用O S]ue山8e」J ‘uo-SOldxe叩ul P9/0」〕SeP
Put? S]」Oddns木ul引OW 」leu]岬11M ]q囲u9∂M]eq P9⊃uelt3q
sきM 」割S叩き○○ 9囲J0 1」粥u叩〕e佃I細岡S五〇」eq相
佃uu eq plnOuS e津川S」elnSuOつuOISl〕9P "恥Odu月凡e∧!
川e!∂叩u9uM PieU S一」qeP 9囲u e8Je口e冊S SP」euS l勘s(」⊃ ●S∂uieq聞」0山
」9q相Pe洗山eP JO SP副Punu lee∧9」 E)e」e 9明JO Sue〕S ueuM
e〕eld o叩Sdo」P ∂iZZnd e囲JO ∂⊃∂一d ]Sei eⅢ∴uO!1ntOSa甘 JO甲ee」 9囲PuO∧9q訓3 /e囲e∧elleq O〕山e囲P弱l uO印q山e
Pue ePl」d pue訓=dlつSIP u∂uM ‘ss訓ss細〕e」 Se山O〕eq山SelS
冊S SeO甲∂ 」O」」O1=O叫∂山O山IeuU 9¥川∴山OOP 8u冊○○ 」l帥 -n囲ue 」le囲ueuM加OS O] e叩Sn「JO 9SueS Pue uOISSed山O〕
JO 9」eMe 9」eM SePIS囲Oq uO eldo9d e囲jO相e山Pue ‘〕ueつ 」ie里MOile有油ueuM 9PIS q昨P ap O川eJ S」elnSuOつOP相
-Ulu81S冊S SeM ‘uee」ePl∀JO判川]lM 91e⊃S e uO叩u岬no囲
-See OO] li∀ uOl]lSOddo]O 9〕E,J e囲ui SSeu準eM Ol u」n=Ou
`9」9囲三甲=O SSOi eu⊥ S叫e山0山IE)uU S]l u=elS囲粥Ci e明
OP S∂O=le明O] /〕」e山MOuS O] S"OJJe 」I∂Ll=ell] ∂」nSu9 O]
PunO」E Pue ui P∂uSl」ed ollM eldo∂d JO 」eq山nu 」∂e11S eu] SI
P」en8"e]SuO〕 uO ∂q ]Sn山八〇u⊥ S」9囲OJO Ple e111 ui ∂Sn O〕
MOPeuS eu=O eSne〕 e囲1e11] SeZ=捌Me」〕 e111相en叫e∧]
]1 8ul]]nd ue囲」e囲e」 `]i 8ulul晒JO e準S ∂巾」Oj謁pelMOuy
e」e囲Pe]e」]∂d」∂d seM 」O」」O叩E)9」8 8uiui晒`uoiSSeSqO ue O叫98pelMOuy 」O=Sanb 9明u」nl O]
9山OSJI Se ‘ee」e ∂u] ul ule山eJ /叩」98uo1 9囲木usu∂叩ul uo1閏du91 8uo」]S e Sl e」∂11⊥相Ie」OI町le囲いlM ]〕旧uO⊃ ul
ese9」〕ul q即S∂」e山川81u-S9∧l〕lSu9S e⊃」O] 9囲8uo山e Se蛇田 se∧leS山9囲PuU ue〕JO ‘s」9囲O ue囲副O山Sd叩ed ’s」elnSuOつ
一団81u S9Sne〕 9⊃ueq」nlSIP Sl肥uMOu消l∂S]l Se津山e〕」O] e明
ui MOPeuS E, `de91S O]木uu巾」Oddo ueseu M∂」⊃ 9囲e即1S」U
e肥M∂」⊃ e巾JO S」eq山∂山9∧一〕lSueS-9J」O]叩」e∧O 8u=ee]S
p粥」P JO eSu∂S 8u-MO」8 e囲S1 8ulq」n]SIP 9」0山Sl刑M /xe
田聞V Å⊥門Ⅴ圏⑬課目
-唾到] ul eつu9J」nつつO」eln8e」 e ue囲9」0山Ou S! S冊u∂∧e (]ey¥
os op o]木uun"Oddo 9明uS=9」相elnJlued
s叩∂」〕 」O」 de」つS 8ulP帥/q 〕胆」d xplnb 8ul準eS S∂開Id pue
s」e8ue∧eJS O] SM∂」J 98臥leS Pue uOl蒔田el〕e」 lel」ed山間OJJ-
(∂明く]l O] dluSuOl]ele月Ie明Pue 9⊃」O] e囲"Oqe軌O山u」e9i
seっ」OJ 8ulSOddoJO 」eq…u血e佃pe」nO〕S 8u19q Sl ]lq」O ul ue〕 S」elnSuO〇時uM uI SeSl」e相unl」Oddo uビu乱W仁JeinS
-uOつe囲O川p9ds pue]⊃e」lP O] e⊃」O] eu38ulMO=e」O `申し]iM
的l P19USl」qeP e岨8uo」M相亘∂くつSl uIA臥1e8ul即吟山OS 」e8
-uO」〕S Se山O〕eq =nd e11] `ul∧臥S」e9u布」ed ∂明S∀ :uO!事en]!S p91u-enb⊃e 8u…○○eq時n「 eSO明O] 9⊃」O] 9即O e∂peiMOuy
8ulPe9」ds ‘e〕」O] ∂囲JO S〕∂」〕eS 8ulu」eel uee山uE⊃ Sl11⊥ ]l
」elS ll]eeC口S」叩即O Sule山∂」 eL11 8ulul即uO⊃ eneds
∂ul∧O」d山l ]e刈OM Pue e〕」0] 9囲O] uOl]〕euuO⊃」l∂囲ui P9〕Se
l即lq」O叩〇十ul∧臥O3 1ulu SMe」P刑] lind e le⊃」0] e里el∧ =nd -」〇回相el⊃eds9 3」e SJelnSu○○ ’」∂∧eMOH IPe「 e明し刷M S9OP
e8ueJ]S eS19eJJelnSuO⊃叩‘叫8-u 9uO 91el ‘ue山口ed e囲Pue
〕l Se ]Sn上9月l S.」elnSuOつe ul eiO」 eaJei e S佃d e〕」O] 9肥
」elnSuO⊃ e即O S」ee e囲甲捌O川18eq ul∧臥」e9u Se⊃ueq」n〕SIP
9q ∧曾山八〇囲」∂∧e」9uM
JO S∂聞e8ueJ]S ‘uoISS… 」e1甘oue uO Sl dno」8 ∂囲掴M :dnleS
]S∂」∂川口O S山e]i 」eln叩」ed lnO 8u(準∂S 」O `s訓O]S叫∂l〕ue
鵬l^職人ゴ〇号ヨ八がせりヨH上りNo朋∀ Pul岬q 1月n」1 a冊uMOP 8ulxpe」十Seld山〇月SOl 」OJ 8uiu〕」e9S
S∂∧leS山e囲PuU u9"O SJeinSuOつ●d晒e囲ul冊Put?∴9」O山
Sed相O布ol」e∧ eJO S印」ed pex肥01 elqe]dE)Pe eq PlnOuS u」e91 O〕 Sl」O見e ]ee」8 o〕 O8 o〕 8ul=lM e」e /eu十S∂∧l∂SuJ9囲
SP∂eS eS帥jO 9uO相e `uoueui8euJl e囲I e岬M SJ副⊃e」e甲 Pele〕iP9P e∧eu /∂即時uM O〕 」O∧e9Pu∂JO Pl∂U e Se∧iO∧u=O
esi]」edxe担弱」e 」eln⊃l]」ed 」19明ul Sl "i向直,くつ∂dse `ee」t3
」elnSuOつ」le囲O=S9」∂]ul 」eln叩」ed JO乱e ]e囲Sel」O]S =e] O〕
S叩Od JJO- 」O uO-8uid山n「Se uJ9囲eSn O〕 elqe eq PlnOLIS S」e ue u⊃nS八川ueP- S」elnSuOつue11M 冊O=98ee 9」e S」elnS
-Aeld pue ∵ u eeS (9囲Se 9」n叫∂∧Pt?」O P○○S」eln叩」E)d u〕e○JO -uOつ甲luM See」e ・∂⊃ue」Ou81 JO See」e Jeln⊃印ed ]nO S岬Od
uelJO 〕SO山e8peiMO間P∂See」〕ul `pE)elSul MOuy O] Sl e」e明
=e 」O 9山OS eSn ue⊃ SINO S」e〕〕剛e11〕 」e=…S Pue SJelnSuO⊃ O]
8u周布e∧e MOuy A9明q叩uE)∂山1Ou SeOP 91qee8pelMOuy
p9叩S村亘ln叫ed s9」n叫9∧Pe S叫eS∂」d uol〕⊃∂S 8ulMO=OJ 9u│
8uleq刑] eZlle9」 S」elnSu○○ Se⊃eid e8ue」]S OI S」elnSuOつ
SPビ∂1謁p91MOu甲le明JO eSn 9津山O] 9JiSeP S町] ‘u三男O
elqlSSOd se s9印ed囲Oq
e〕iOu〕 」i∂囲e〉1曾山S」e〕〕e」ビu〕 」e叩SuO⊃ o] l岬eP Pueんn「ul apli Se里一M eSOl⊃ e O〕 1eq山O⊃8ul」q O]
MOu河e里lt2uM ∂Sn OI S三周Iun〕」Oddo準es s」elnSu○○世q山O⊃
]ei Pue ‘/E)」8 ]O S∂PE)11S Pue Se〕lOuつ9i]qnS 」9兄O中亘do」d
uo哩n]lS e 9〕enle∧9 O〕 e印判n e渦]Ou OP 」OんeMun 9」e ul ue∧] cou∂」制IP @iq18ue] Pue le9」 e e湿田O〕相unl」Oddo
(叫川村e」nS Se ]Sn「 e」9囲SJelnSuO○ ○津川lM SuOISSeJ8su叩 血e山SelSn叩ue囲lM dn a渦A9里`uol]頃eue8〕X9u ap uleJ]O〕
」Ou…碕u皿eeS Pue S∂S冊O」d山O⊃ =e山S 9明]nq “ePIS queP 」O ‘pe」n「u( Pue準∂M e囲ie9LI O仁和nJ∂⊃eed suo鴫n〕lS 9∧10Se」
∂明O]山帥PE?9==M ]叩SelquJn〕S 81q 9明8umods o〕 P∂叩S O1 98p∂lMOuy Sl囲8u囚dde 」9陸川M Ax叩8 9明ui e〕uel」
=eMOO]e」eS」elnSu○○ Sders lle山S (9y e11]Slqu⊥ ePIS甲eP
乱打O=eSOl⊃ de]S =e山S e 3渦xpu1111Mun Pue S8u巾9山eS
St帽⊥NnO⊃N∃ tIV「nSNO⊃
/     /
- 1   -   i -     -     十 〇 -     -     - - - - - -



been discovered hiding ln hlS former villag

home. There is some hope for his redem
tlOn工he PCs are asked not to eliminate th
former leamer, but to recover him and begi
9囲"eSe」de」 0] ie〕SんつPe]d…0〕 e 9Sn /elu IND ∂肥uMO
`uM〇月e日月O euOSe P冊〕 ∂囲
S]1 uO l岬uOl〕lSOddo JO 99」8ep e s]u∂Se」de」 ・ eqES叫8il SIH
〕dope pue s9∧leS山eu] 8ulule」1 11nJ S,8u=8uno∧ e叩9渦」ePun
O] ePl〕9P Sつd 9Ll=口euM 9」∂叩uePPlu eSOu] Pue ee」e 9明 cpe山99P9」 8uieq ellLIM lee∧e」 eu l11M S3e」⊃9S 〕quM cS〕つe
O]村亘訓P uO⊃eeq e Se 9NeS lllM S∂削iq粥uiue準Me S申uOl] eiqB^6」OJun相n」]相e p∋叩田山O〕 eu SeH c山iu 8u用l〉口nO囲M
七つO1 8…i叩e囲〇月∂8 s近P別euつ乱月e山車別居句中e」nS l叫1iM leeP Sつd 9囲ue〕 ’osjl cP問8uluun」 e」e SuOi〕0山e Sl岬
∂〕u9iOl∧ P10∧e O3 elqlSSOd ll Si小esolつOOI P∂SS∂」dJI PilM ue∧e
cp9u-eJ]un S9O8 8u=8uno/利口I Su∂dde申e11M cuOl問uO」J
`elqee8eue山un …11 e準山人e山S」e9J uMO S.叫ePn]S e岨
-uO〕 」O PO囲el即⊃9」一Pんe∧ e eSOO甲S」eq山9山S]用M SleO∂
uMO S]i 8ul∧∂l甲e O]叩e]SqO ue aq舟e山JleSll布」ed e岨
csつd ∂明」O =dnd p」EM^eM
cs]⊃edxe旬ed 9明ue11] 」e沖e」] ∂囲∧q 」〇回∂ `pe」n「ul村snoi」eS Sl山e囲8uo山e euO9山OS JI
Su9ddeu制M cu嶋囲8uo山e 」eSn 9⊃」0] ePIS y」eP lel叫e〕Od
lnJe⊃」nOS9」 e」OIL=2 9q O] e∧O」d eus川M 」O cSP10」P eqO」d ○○
SmO〕S ieuO111PPeJO …OJ9明ulS叫9山e〕」OJu19」 ul lle〕euS =lM e sl e」∂囲u」粥l Aeu川]⊃eeノバ9囲=iM MOH c∂8e=l∧ 9囲Ol
]Ou SeOP布」E)d e11] S9〕」nOSe」 O] SSe〕〕e Se叫O]lSlnbul e肥 胴ul uOl呼n〕lS 9明uleidx9 ∂」eP Sつd 9囲OC] cP9SS∂」PPe 9q
Su」e⊃uO⊃ S.」e8e用∧ Ll〕e∂ rsn山」O相e fqsl]eS uOi]e「〕O89u euO
cppe ]e巾S∂OP 」e8uEPユeuM Pue `]SeJ
=lM uOlユE?n〕lS 9囲uO SxpO11nO Pue SuOluido叫e」e見IP ]O布o
-1ueu」 S9剛qe S叫OP MOH c山1u 8u11」0⊃Se岬M Pe準即eSO里
-1」e∧ e e∧eu庇山S9∧19S山∂巾S」e8el‖∧ e岨:SuO!事e瑚duIOJ
Pue Jl∂S…L1 8ul」e8uepu9 」e111」nJ ‘山e巾9de〕Se O〕相eu旧M
」O `布」ed ∂u"S… 8ulβuno/ eu] SeOG cSu」e∂1 8u118uno( 9唱 Sl ]l Se 〕SOI Se引eS山iu Se∧e=9q ∂u eSIM」e明O
9=uM 」O)lSlnbui e11唖O 8u斡u9J S∂⊃」nOS9」 Pue 9山国SnOl〕e」d u○○q Seu l口e囲9∂S )Sn山eu Pue ‘p9山eePe」 eq 〕Sn山OO]
Pu9ds o] Seu向直d叩8uluee山`suoss∂l eldl神山訓nb9」 申岬noueユOu Sl 」eqeS e里8ul/O」]SeP村du月S 911 SeOP OO]
eu =lM 」O 」訓」eei洞nb e 9u SI cS9nblu11〕e] ruesseJeu OS `∂⊃」O] e11=O 9PiS刈eP 9周囲M P9un"e不yd○○P SuIe山∂」
e囲u」粥l O1 8u=8uno/ e囲Si 8ul=-M MOH :SuO!事∽!1duIO⊃ 引Se8uoI S∀ ]l山O」J Pe8」nd 9q時n山Slu9S∂」d∂」 ll e⊃u∂nUu1
9PIS刈eP 9明Pue岬M]ieeP eq ]Sn山」eqeS叫811 e巾‘uo叩l
」OliSinbul e囲」OJ deJ] eJO〕」ed se8u=8uno q明8ui -OS9」 lnJe〕eed eJO 9dou血e eq o] Sl e」qu二川∂〕u9nlJul S町佃
-酒田un相E〕18ele」1S 」0 (∂即9]E"」do」dde ue呼」e再uiPnl9
P9]d…○○ S- Pue a⊃」O] qu二日O ePIS queP ap O] P9un]1e A川坤
旬d山IS佃Jeし月19 ‘囲M le9P Oユ」∂lSee u〕… 9q =lM」O]lSlnbu1 MOu Sl 〕i SuO11つe Sl画q p叩e出e向d○○p u∂∂q Se叫eqE,S叫81i
9u]∵∂」n〕eu8iS ∂⊃」O] SnOl∧qO S冊叩Oし印M Sel掴qe e〕」O]
S,lldnd e皿Aeld u=Ol⊃e le哩euO S1 9」eu口車嘩un:LJOJun
slu準e山O] PeP99u lO」叫Oつつ一Seq 9囲8ui18un〇八叩u⊃eeユ
O] eq l=MS冊8ulOPjO Suee山]S∂q eu⊥ uO哩つOl e囲O〕」Ol Pe∧eS 9q ]〇八/e山9u ‘sseu卑eP針目IuO」J 8ulu川9」 dleu e∧eu
-1Slnbu1 9囲8ul]」e(E) ]n〇回M 8u刷き」1 O] /eM 9明uO 8ulβuno∧ =lMeu Pue∂⊃eed」euul O]叩ed esl訓e囲刑] ledous1 9」∂叩
乱打8岬○○]O」d eq plnOuS Su」○○uO⊃んe山l」d 9囲mq `岬M uMOuS eq uE〕 e=i乱e S」9細川∧e囲PuE) ∂11 111Oq叫elOl∧ Pue
lieeP 9q Ol e∧t?u lllM 」0〕lSlnbui e里村ele山l]l∩ :uO!]niOSetI ∂∧iSSe」謁e訓o山eu] ‘s∂山0〕eq au Pe〕捌洗e」O山9u⊥岬」q
∂囲山O」同〕eq山川8u。q Pue eSIM」9巾O u月u e⊃uIAuO⊃ O=」O鵬
enss1 3明lO」叫O〕 O] 9uOP]Ou S1 8ulu]
ln持」e⊃ ∂粕川lM ]l血e山SulS S'u Pue 91qe^i8」O]un 9」e SユJe
○○山OS jl uOl〕EOO1 8ulul叩e囲8ulSOdxe s準l」川nq ‘uol]u調e
Sl申OJ ‘uol]d山9Pe」JO 9dou ou eq ue〕 ∂」e叩Pu… Si11 ul時O(
Me」P OI Senu刑O⊃ 」eMOd s,8ul18uno/ 3囲Se Sつc] e囲Pue 8u=
Sl lie刑] Pue d刷PuO/9q S1 9u S∂∧elleq =dnd e明くAIPeS ‘
-8uno( e11] O] 」∂8uep snol∧qO ue S冊S申uo 〕ON S∂1el○○SSe
=e Pue Bu=8uno∧ 9明=l〉=O 9」n]deJ 」帥Ie O] 8u南山印e Pe∧10S9」 ]Ou Si uOl]en]lS e囲J=98uep u1 9」E) Se∧ieS山9明
∧e巾le囲Pue P9Pue叩Sl …eu Ou q冊S」e洗川∧ 9明8ul〕ui∧
車」主e囲uO 」O]lSlnbui ue SPuU布」ed eu十uOOS uOl叫調e
-uO⊃ ∂q O画e洲Si de]S 〕S」U eu⊥ 9⊃ue101∧JO S9〕uePl〕ul Pue
8uo」M9囲Ile]⊃e」揮Pue u9準Me相nJS」∂MOd s.8坤8uno/ 3囲
uoISS∂」∂8e peue]1181∂ll Se JleS〕l S]S9Jlue山u〕l11M ‘…u PunO」e
叫9山O山eu岬Oddoul ue 〕e lnq ‘岬nou9 91du月S S山eeS ]I
∂SOul uO9⊃uanlJui ei〕qnS e ‘叫iOd s冊ユe ‘Sul∧eu Sl ∂H捕S山川
uo13e〕O1 8uiul叩911] O] 8u鳴uno/ 9旧]」O〕S9 O] Pe準e
1uePn]S eul山O」j 」e8ue pue 」eeJ 8u11elPt3」 e囲O〕 enP SI S叩
SI A]」ed ∂明‘le^l」」e eJeS S.8ul18uno∧ e唱e」nSue QしuOl岬⊃Ol く]」ed ul山iu ∂∧O山e」 PlnOMOuM9SO唱uO 9⊃u91Ol∧8u肥9〕粥川l
uepp町e S1 8ulul即印el」do」dde 」O=Ods ]S∂」eeu 9旧人xel撚
JO叩Od叩O]しe∧e `e∧i〕⊃∂]0」d毎〕」9胆」e /e岨=∂M Se 9∂el
e即O謁pe 9明uO ]nO 」e"eueld e uo p9]e⊃Ol本yilqe e〕」OJ -ll∧ 9囲JO訓doed到=]iM Pue"O⊃ O] e∧eu =lM ‘…u山9∂Pe」
leuO11d9⊃X∂囲M 8u帽uno∧ e 9q O] e∧el19q /e囲1euM Pe」e∧O⊃ 9uO唱lel申dnd ∂里eeS O〕 8uluSIM訓O相∀ :uO町nIOSeきi
-SiP S勘P10 jO IP∂「 e囲0] Jl]e囲ed山∧s euo9山OS :uO!事en事!S
ui晒e /eMe ue判21 uJlu 9eS O1 8u間Mun乱e (9u丁∂〕uO
8ulule」1 u18eq o]雁Me Aeu」nO上S∧ep
山e囲山O」J P9∧O山e」 SeM 9u S∀ e^ie〕e」 PlnOM e8e=l∧ e囲ul eSl○
le」∂∧eS uO13e⊃Ol u∂PP叫e O] 8ul18uno/ eu…O〕Se PlnOuS Sつd
○uo血e u」∂つuO〕 Pue `∂」t3〕 ‘uol〕〕9]O」d linJ 9囲enP S1 9u ‘u⊃nS Se
∂明]eul Peui…e〕9P Sl ]十PunOJ eq ue⊃ Se S」eSn e⊃」O] MOl
-1e川)nS 1111M 8u刑nSuO⊃ 」e〕」∀ P9uleJ]un :e∧ se s1 8u=8uno/ Pue S」l叫口O ∂uO Sl e埴e叩SI MOuy (9明白∀ 9山O〕∂q Sq巾u9P
-n]S 9囲刑M Pue]S」apun /e囲OP」Ou ‘ul乱e /e囲」e8uep e囲
e111 mq ・esue山山一S山○○S lel]uelOd s.8u岬unoA到⊥時ueld
Pue]S」ePun 」e囲eu (9皿uMO」le即O auOSE}山ILl eZlu8o⊃9」 e8ei
∂1Oue」 e uO Pe」e∧O〕SiP S1 9∧l]lSueS 9⊃」O] 8uno/ ∀ :dn]aS -il∧ 9囲JO eldo9d e囲`1ee川E, aSOd /e山ell e=uM `」9∧∂MOH
“’●自問日昌Sのo人肌①悶 毎JeS uMO 」l叩」O=e∂J O] 8uluu18eq
9」ビ」訓euS叫8nos seu eu山OuM岬M aldoed 9埴Pue ’se8e」
cs=eJ Pue le]Sん⊃ 9囲∂8」nd o〕 luelOl∧O〕 ue∧患sl eH山間PunO」e 9SO11川e]nq ‘JleS山叫村uo
S]d山謝e OuM 」eSn 9J」O] t3 O〕 Suedde旧EuM c9uOP eq O] 9∧eu IOu ue]ee」巾‘suoi]⊃e Sl=O S9〕uenbesuo⊃ e埴弓O 」粥J uMO
SILl /q peienJ 」eMOd JO Se8」nS e111 Pue 8ulul叩P∂uSlu日un S町
=lM制M Pue `」∂qeS e囲∂8」nd o〕 ∂渦叩=lManOi MOu mSん〕
`e」9u⊥ 山0」J e山e⊃利きillu1 9u a∂e=l∧ ∧EM-e廿」O-叩O川euS
pe担n」」O⊃ e eSn O=Ou SeSOOu⊃ WO糾問ue∧] (ZS 98E)d
‘」eq∂PiS le]SんD Pa事dn」」03 e 8u!叩ePetI ∂明9eS) el即JO 9囲ul ]9ueld e山Ou Slu uO PunO」8 o=u∂M 9u ‘suoi]〕e Sl旧O
epn川8e山e11=l-M P∂⊃eJ Pue ‘pe㊤p p∂山nS乱d 8ul∂q 」∂]J∀
POl」ed e 」∂∧O相e洲`ん01Slu AMOPeuS S用O le]Sん〕 Pue 」9qeS
-叫811 e囲98」nd oISu関山e PuU O〕e∧e11 =lM」叩e」勘⊃∂PiS叫811 e〕」O] ∂囲JO ∂PiS甲eP e明O=刷叫ePnlS e囲`」∂甲e3〕 Sl11
碕uoJ]S e Sue9山Slu⊥ 」eqeS SJuePn〕S eu=O uO印PuO⊃叫9」」n〕 岬Mユ瑚uO〕 O〕 ∂nP有亘9 8ulule」1 Slし口Je1 8ul∧巳H :uO!岬n]!S

bralnStOrmlng Phase, lt’s possible the GM’s lnSPlratlOn W=i

lead the GM to tackle the eiements ln a different order Per-

Of reiatlVe PeaCe ThlS PeaCe WaS POSSlble ln nO Sma= part haps the motiVeS Wl= arlSe before the ob」eCtlVeS, Characters

thanks to the efforts of the Jedl Consulars, Who tread a path lntrOduce themselves durlng the obstacies phase, Or the
Of galactlC harmony and unlty Wlth the Force These paclfis- hook precedes them a= The GM should follow any creatlVe
tiC lndMduals belleVed that lfJedl Were forced to lgnlte thel「 lnStlnCtS and focuson the end result, nOtOn howtogetthere
llghtsabers, SOme =VeS had already been lost lfv101ence could
be avoided entlreiy, many mOre llVeS COuld be saved TheJedl う.日田⊂丁loNS
ambassadors and dlPiomats belleVed the best way to peace-
ably resoIve dlSPuteS WaS tO llSten tO One’s opponents and FlrSt, the GM should conslder whiCh fact10nS are !nVOIved ln
talk through each other’s dlfferences the dlSPute and develop basiC lnformatIOn about them Fac-
t10nS Can be assmall asa slngle person, but more commonly,
Although many of thelr teaChlngS Were lost wlth the Jedl
factiOnS COmPrlSe grOuPS O=lke-mlnded lndlVlduals Besldes
ltmple, SOme Of their ldeas were preserved ln the hoIocrons
thelr SIZe, Other conslderat10nS lnCIude thelr territOneS, rela-
SCattered throughou=he galaxy and ln the memorleS Ofthe
tlVe Strengths, ethos. hlStOry, and so on lWo-Party COnfllCtS
PeOPie they once heiped ln the current dark t…eS. Force
are the easleSt arbltrat10nS tO PrePare and run. whereas an
users who wISh to fo=ow ln these medlatOrS十〇otsteps can
entire adventure module couId be deveioped f「om the com-
SearCh out such resources m Order to draw upon the wISdom
Plex web ofcon帥ct ensnarlng three or more actors
O=ore keepers and seekers who came before They wl= flnd
that the Consulars’two gulding PrlnCIPles survlVed Order 66

frst, learn and understand, and then, teaCh and reconc=e

When used together, these prlnCIPles can soothe the anger
Ryan, the GM言S PreParing a dipiomatic scenario to run
burnlng between two frlends or spare an entlre Star SyStem
for his group because Phii’s character recentiy picked
from the horrors ofwar
up the Arbiter specia=zation and wants to put his new
talents to the test. The g「oup is plaming to travel to

⊂RAF丁ING TH岳 O巾O Piutonia in search of a powe血I Force vergence

their hoiocron’s gatekeeper has tasked them with vis-
D回P」OM鯛丁i⊂ S⊂岳NAR田① iting. So, Ryan decides to incorporate a dipiomatic
SCenario into their search. He creates a smaiI outpost
Any Player Character may empIoy arbltratlOn teChnlqueS
Of Pantorans,鴫lz, and humans (Faction A) where the
to resolve soclai confllCtS durlng Piay wlth a slngle Negotla-
PCs w川want to gather supp=es before trekking to the
tiOn Check, but for ma」Or PIot mllestones or other sltuatlOnS
CanyOn Whe「e the vergence may be. Because of the
ln WhlCh the stakes are hlgh, GMs can prepare an m-depth
OutPOSt’s remote and frontier nature, Ryan decides it
SOClal scenar10 Of dlPIomacy These puzzle-=ke negotlatlOnS
makes sense for the v川age to be constantIy robbed
Can Play out over several lndlVldual encounters, eVOlvlng
by a ruthiess band of pirates (Faction B) who used to
wlth each lteratlOn aS true mOtlVeS are teaSed out, OraS neW
handIe the v川age’s deliveries peacefu=y.
resolutiOnS are PrOPOSed and accepted or re」eCted by the

VarlOuS PartleS

When developing a dlP10matiC enCOunter Or arbltrat10n 2A. OB」E⊂TIVES

SCenarlO, there are flVe ma」Or lngredlentS that the GM needs
Regardless of the number of partleS lnVOived ln the dlSPute,
to prepare and comblne
the GM must consIder what each fact10n WantS-1tS Ob」eCtlVe
l. The llSt Of the factlOnS lnVOlved, aS We= as some basIC ThlS gOal or desire deines the fact10n mOre than any other
details about each traltS lndeed, tWO factlOnS COuld be nearly ldentlCai aslde
from thelr Ob」eCtlVeS Ob」eCtlVeS Can be physICal m nature,
2○ ○ne to three ob」eCtlVeS for each fact10n, aS We= as the
SuCh as holdlng a te「rltOry Or aCqulrlng gOOds and servlCeS,
motlVeS and stakes
Or less tanglble, SuCh as freedom or knowledge The partleS
3, One to three obstacies preventlng eaCh factlOn from COuld share the same ob」eCtiVe (Seeklng COntrOI over a spe_
reailZlng ltS Ob」eCtlVeS
Clfic hyperlane trade route, for example) o「 each couid have

4, The cast of characters wlthln eaCh factlOn, the ma」Or a separate ob」eCtlVe (SuCh as two governlng factlOnS tOm

Characters’mltlal reiatlOnShlP Wlth the PCs (if any), and between relylng uPOn the lrOn-fisted protectlOn Of the Emplre
those characters’ relat10nShlPS Wlth characters from and entreatlng the struggllng Rebel A=lanCe for ald)
Other factlOnS lfcertaln COndltiOnS W用Change how an lf the GM 10Oks deeper, eVen SeParate Ob」eCtlVeS have com-
NPC responds, nOte them monalitleS, lfonly on a very basIC SCaie al! partleS Wan=O have
5, A hooktogetthe PCs lnVOived COntrOI over the fate o白he person, Place, Or thlng ln queS-

tlOn ln the example of the two govemlng factiOnS, both have

The rest of thlS SeCtiOn dlVeS deep lntO the flVe lngre-
a common ob」eCtlVe Of malntalnlng thelr Planet“s securlty,
dlentS tO l冊Strate the process step by step Durlng the
thelr dlSagreemen=leS ln What they consider the best way t〇


/ / 一 ̄ノ

uo岬M leeP OユSつd e囲」O"ln瑚IP eq用M]e囲9i〕e]SqO 9uO O] Si○○PunO⊃S Pue Slt2u岬」⊃ JO Me」⊃ Mau 」eu S」eP!S
se」ed∂」d wo e即I Sdl∂旧l紺地一P ∂」O山xpe11⊃ uOl即08eN -uO⊃ euS Pue {訓I e山Ou岬no」 e Peu u!e]de, ele」!d
IE,uU e叩e準山間M el⊃elSqO Pe∧iOSe」un u〕e9 9Sne⊃∂q ‘]SO山 e田Sde甲ed :de]S 」∂pel e O地相eld冊M pe叩e9P! ue
〕e ○○」冊」0 `sei〕問Sq○ ○M1 01 S∂∧ieS山e埴〕i…i PinOuS S囚〇 ue佃S9^!8 ]e肥・PePeeu相yle」edsep ISOd叩O e岬測埠
・ol」eu9○S "恥OidlP e里8u胡e」⊃ jO S9SOd」nd e囲」O]
e:Peq a^!Suedxe ue 」QJ ueOl e xpeq爪ed o=eP」O u!
S叩Pe」⊃ 9叩Peeu Ae岬93u!S peSude」 l]nH JO 」eeJ 」刷1
S洲e:口O PunO」 PeMeue」 e里8ul」nP e山0〕」e∧O
人q p3 e^!1O田S! 8u晒印e」!d eu⊥ ’S訓!田eJ Pue SPu9埋
∂q ]Sn山]e111 S∂l⊃e]SqO leuOl叩Pe Se SxpOlq 8u=q山nユS Ll⊃nS
」則1 ap!S8uoie Se^= Su冊InJ lnq uS」e叫!e叩enS」nd
ul 」9佃Pue eSe○ ○囲eq P甲OM刑中山M 」eP!Su○○ PinOuS
相ddeu ol e⊃eed u!印l 9q Ol叫eM =e Ae肥●」eM l!^D
IND e肥e呼山∂le]S e ul PePu9 SuO一即O89u SnOl∧9」d刑=O
叩⊃apD e囲JO 8u刑軸eu1 8u!e9けSuel田n=O lu31u
uMOP ueyO」q Seu SePiS明Oq ueeM〕eq UOl呼⊃lun山田O〇時旧
-事」OSSe ue Pue均uO叩d叩O uO PePua哩eq Aa叩ZI孔
柄洲S引`pe∧iO∧u1 9山O⊃eq e∧eu S」9:Pe」euつ」e佃lc] eu"1
e^!]eu e山OS ・pI」OM訓nOu 」則1 8u!9叩See8nJe」 u頃O]
山SIJ13d9準SPllqndeと】 M9N e11] 0] -ued佃pe晒t?岬S口SOdlnO e囲q叩SeP!⊃eP ue小]
∂nP Sdoo」1 Pue 8ulPun月O xp=∂u E)'∂「 Pu門」O⊃Se lel」∂d山I
slu Pue」ePe^岬ea JO叫8i山e111 OPue丁人山」e PiO」P S.uOlpe」9 ∃「d NVX喜
-P9] 9PeJ」叩e山O⊃」e∧O O] Peu elap…∀ u∂enO S∂i〕9ds 」O
suap u∂eM]9q S∂]ndsIP le」n川⊃ 」O leJl」O]S叫8ulPu即S-8uoI O〕 八epol e∧=e 9q冊S ∧e山人帥」e1119uM Pue `∂叩dsiP
‘」OuO=OS」調e山」OePl」d相ed uro」J ’edo〕S u1 8u岬ee十∂PiM
ie印u e巾u P∂∧iO∧… ∂」eM S∂」n8即0「e山村e」e巾euM ePi⊃eP
」O leuOS」∂d 9q ue〕S∂PelSqO」e囲O相〕訓P uOl]坤」a明O 9明 PlnOuS IND e叫び]lunl」Oddo 」O木両qe]Sul ap PeSne〕 1叩
sl el⊃郎qO a明‘∂Se〕Slu川I S叫eM〕I制Mユe8 ue⊃仙ed euo 叫e∧9 8u印⊃ul e111 S恥呼uM cSeI」nlu○○ ue∧9 」0 ’s9PeJeP
AluO Pue ・pe」lSeP叩u 」O ‘elqlSSOd… S1 8ul」e11S 3山e8 …S xpq se岬e」1S刑〕山∂lqO」d i捌」O〕Sl11 E’」O `1u9山do19∧∂P
-O」9Z e Se ∂ld山IS Se 9q ue⊃ Sape]SqO 9岨Se∧一]〕9「qO 」l叩 ]u9⊃e」 e S叫] Si 9∧I]O山9u:=O 9山E明9山l] 9Ll] OSie 」9PISuOつ
Pue uOl]⊃eJ e u○○M]∂q 8ulPue]S S沖Olq e囲訓e Sei⊃e]SqO coue11⊃叩ue∧18 ・uos弱」血e ‥SOLuIe 」OJ 9n8」e旧M Sei⊃eds
ユSO山-9〕ue山O」 ue∧9 Pue `98ue∧e」 `uol閏nd〇月臥iNnS ‘uo時
-1q山e ePnl⊃ul S9∧l]0即⊃e」]Sq∀ 」eM =∧lつ叩eleD 9唱8ulMOi
S∃「⊃V⊥S電o “∈
-1Oj 9⊃eed 9明ue呼e」明神PlnOM S]ue…∂」 lel」9d山i ∂」nSu9
0〕 Pe]u捌e⊃uE’]SISed S,eue8」O ele「 Pue宜yつPnOiつJO mO
…9囲」三周e S」e叫n中もunoq pues Aelu山O」J ueOl e」ld山喜到r d∂ey O] P∂叫eM uelSSl埠⊃ OPuEl elluM `le∧eJ] Pue
e叩108 Aeul J!P由]]nH e囲栂uo山e四囲lM dn恥O⊃ ∂Pe」=⊃nPuO⊃ 0川OP∂e」J S.OOqeN eNeS∂」d o〕 Pe叫eM eleP
-…∀ u∂anO ・s∂l∧0山SJWlノOJS叩ui e∧一]⊃e「qO 9即ueM r長団]
Lue⊃冊S Aeu"i.e8e=V¥ 3u] 8u!10Oi O=」OS9」 O] P9eu
他山∧9u子ueOi 」即川peq爪ed叫e⊃ M9」⊃ e]坤d 9甲 相M 」O `se∧11O山.SuO11⊃eJ SnOl」e∧叩0]ul 」∂de∋P 81P O〕 IND
‖.SPOO刑e^町O e引=O SSOi ueeuJ PlnO⊃叩O日.SPOO∂ 掴」OJ e山l] S.〕l `s訓l○○「qO S直」ed甲ee 8…l…e19P 」利∀
pl」0棚O ]O e⊃」nOSんe山ud J華甲] 8u!SOl 」O Sele」!d叩
句Pe)P印e 8u!9q準!」在団1 `s印eJ!d 9囲小y PeSOdLu! 5∃^漢⊥o調●臼乙
sele」 epeuO印OIXe e囲8u!^t?d sdo]S 98el‖^叩=l
∃「d lNVX∃ .u! 8u甲O⊃ S叩Pa」3 e囲d9e町3^!事⊃a[qo p」eM
-」Q即8!e」1S euO 9∧eu Ae肥・S」e8珊^ e叩8u!qqO」田O」]
SuOi叩OS 8ulPuU O) S9山O⊃
se田O0 1e囲Aeuolu 3囲SPe3u Me」⊃ 9pe」!d e囲“PueLl
〕l u9uM leSOdsIP 」一叩〕e e∧ell Sつd乱打S∂帥qlSSOd 9」O山 」e哩O ell] uO ・S」e8e冊^ 1SOdlnO e田上OJ Se^!〕○○「qO OM]
e囲`pel〕瑚e eq PlnO〕 OuM SlenPi∧1Pul副Olu到] Pue e]e」
se準山]e皿・」e^eMOu `enu叩o⊃ OI S ue田d間S eS9囲
-Od」O〕ul uE IND9叩S叩i⊃∂ds9」OuJ9u⊥ uOl岬Iuluueu9∧9」O
s]ueM OSle lSOd]nO e肥●巾e `se=ddns le9!Pelu性ioIOu
d町SP」eu uee山PlnO〕 8ulSO=臥l∧」nS巾lM P9u」e〕uO⊃ uOl]〕eJ
↓Pel〕 s]」Od山=el]u9SSe 」QJ Se呼」 e]euO!〕」0]Xe Pe∂」eu)
e担edsap叩」O] dno」8 」 e埴」O S9∧ieS山叩」O国l」9dso」d
8u吟q do]S O=ueM PlnOM ]! S∂^訓eq ut2佃'ut3M PlnOM
9」0山OI P粥川M e⊃uanlJul 」O」∂MOd 」1叩8ulPuedx9 `s」∂Peel
]SOd叩O eln leuM ]e S刈OOi au `]S」□ ’P9叫e^u! SuO!〕
snoi〕lq山e 」O] ∂」O山○○uO /xele8 e囲8u=lO」q山e 」eM SS9u -Je] OMl e叩」QJ S∂^!]⊃e「qO ,!Seq肌OS S」eP!SuO⊃ ue佃
-11M O] P○○」Oj aq PlnOM ele「 Pue ‘p∂]e」∂ue8相⊃ PnOl⊃ S]l
-JO」d叩岬M釦Ole 」0刑S-u皿Pe Se uOl]lSOd sll=O Pedd周S ]「d l付∀X]
u9∂q e∧eu PinO⊃ OPue十倍OIOu甲9=O SuOd山I S,]eueld ∂里
Pe〕dn」SIP小亘e」8 e∧eu PlnO⊃ OOqeN JO 9PE単Olq S.uO11e」e se山O○○q uO哩」叩q」e e巾X91d
-Pe] ePeJL e岨CSlleJ A⊃叫OidlP Jl ∂SOi O] Pue]S uOl]〕e川Jee -山O〕 e」O山eu十S∂u的P WO e巾Se^l]⊃∂「qO e○○山∂世相SileS
seop刑M Se渦S叩e」e S9∧l]O山帥O] P91]中ele山川 O]用地IP向e山eJ]Xe eq =lM e^11⊃9「qO 」到]Oue 911uM `」∂∧O
ul晒」eq O〕 ∧see有y∧l呼ie」 9q叫8… e∧i〕〕e「qO 9uO木y=qlSeeJ
雪害期せ⊥S ●つき JO Sle∧91 8ulんe∧囲iM ‘uo11⊃e川⊃ee 」OJ Se∧l〕⊃∂「qO e9川O] 9uO
9uU9P PlnOllS INC)細事∂lP uOl即O8∂N叩J〇本un瑚IP
9囲Olul 」O]⊃e川M uOl叩OS PeSOdo」d ,Sつc] 9囲ul PeUSl岬Sun
胆=O P〇日S鴫S Se^11⊃9「qO uOll〕e=0 」eq山nu e囲9Sne〕明
8u甲9Se」d pue s叩eP JPu事xpeq 8uLAed :Se^!〕O田OMI
Me」〕 31e」!d e囲Se^!8 s皿・飢O」事S 」eedde ol euOS」ed 佃」l叫e 」O時lPe山∂囲dl準ue〕 ∧eu川]u9Pued9Pui S9∧l〕
-〕9「qO 」le哩e∧∂lu⊃E ue⊃ S9剛ed叩Oq Ji Se∧ilOe「qO 8ul]∂d山O〕
ssel田n」 e 8undope sue肌岬uM `田9田仲p3洲Pue
」0 8u岬IJuO⊃ 」〇回e e∧e11 Sel]」ed 91旧e囲e」nSu9 PlnOuS IN0
pe:Peds9」 eq OI S]ueM euS ’∂⊃!O甲JO小山跨」eu 9q
9囲‘lulOd sl甲山O」J 8ulP∂e⊃O」d e」OJeE] e∧一〕〕∂「qO制] e∧∂l11〕e
thelrOWn (Or POSSlbly unsolvable), One Obstacie tha亡the PCs PerSOnaiity traltS that wl= factor lntO how the GM portrays
COuld tackle on thelrOWn falrly easlly lftheywanted to, and them at the table
One that falls somewhere m between the two extremes
The PCswl= have to try to addressthese obstacies before
they can ge=he d酔erent sides to agree to anythlng, SO the
Ryan, the GM, COmeS uP With the notion that the pirate
GM wl= want to conslder potentlal so血IOnS aS We= ln
CaPtaln is actuaiiy the daughter of one of the founding
SOmeCaSeS, the PCswl= hltuPOn a旧nge川0uSSOlutlOn that
Pantoran members of the v=Iage. The pirate captain’s
the GM hadn’t consldered before As 10ngaS lt“S Plauslble,
mother was origina=y a Pantoran nobIe, SO her daugh-
the GM should reward帥S kInd ofcreatlVe thlnklngby say-
ter has memories of being very we= off financia=y, but
1ng “yeS” and golng aiongwlth the new plan, eVen lf lt dra-
then she was forced to live in poverty on Orto Piutonia.
matlCa=y shortens the encounter T師s makes him think of new objectives, mOtives, and
Stakes unique to these characters. The mother wants
EXAMPしE her daughter to quit piracy and come back to the v紺age,
Whife the daughter is targeting the v掴age in part to pun-
The obstacles aren’t overiy compiicated, but they do
ish her mother, Who she thinks ruined her life when she
CauSe the basic drama between the two factions. The
dragged her to the neariy deserted ice pianet.
V川age can’t afford to pay the rates the pirates are

demanding-they just don’t create much of vaIue Besides estabiishing a tumu看tuous history for these two

beyond what they need to survive. From the pirates’ NPCs, Ryan aiso decides that the mother is not the
faction leader for the viiiage. instead言t’s the -ralz chief-
PerSPeCtive, targeting the v川age is easie「 than actuaI
tain, Who has a hard time grasping concepts of owner-
Pi「acy or other iliegal activities, and they need every
Credit they can get. if the pirates couid make their Ship, SO he has the Pantorans heip him make decisions
money eisewhere, they wouidn’t need to threaten the regarding trading. The finai suppo両ng character who

Viiiage, but the pirates haven’t figured out a better or W川Piay a major roie in the dipiomatic scenario is the

easier way of making money that doesn’t invoive the CaPtain’s first mate, a SCOundrei who is aiso her best

friend. Many of the captain’s motives derive from seek-

PrOfits they make on the v川age,
ing to impress her first mate and the sense of beiong-
ing she gets from their reiationship, but the first mate
is also a rather cruei and self-absorbed person.
4. A⊂丁oRS
Conceming the PCs, Ryan decides it would be most
ifthe GM doesn’t have spec血Non-PlayerCharacters com- interesting if the pirate captain were actuaiiy an NPC
POSlng the varlOuS factlOnS by thlS POlnt, nOW IS the time they’ve run into befo「e: a Pantoran named lnira Ch主
to develop the cast of NPCs and determlne thelr rOles ln ril. That way, the PCs can continue thei「 somewhat
the confliCt and medlatlOn PrOCeSS Who are the leaders of antagonistic reIationship with her. Of course, lni「a isn’t

each fact10n? What skm do the leaders have m the gameつ going to admit to the PCs her rocky reiationship with
What steps have the leaders taken to achleVe theIT gOals her mother unless she has to. inira reaiizes her motives
SO far, and whateffects have thelraCt10nS had on the other are cruei and seIfish, Which makes her feei somewhat
PartleS? What other types of characters belong to the fac- guilty, but she doesn’twant to come offas weak in front
tlOn? Wha亡relatiOnShlPS do these characters have wlth亡he Of he「 best師end by discussing her rough ch=dhood.
Characters on the opposIngSldes十nCludingthe PCs? As the
Next, Ryan w川flesh out these NPCs’personaiities
GM bralnStOrmS the answers to these questlOnS, he should
more compieteiy and then perhaps invent the names
keep ln mlnd thatsome ofthe best p10yS and lntrlgueS Can
derlVe from varlatlOn Of oplniOn Wlthln肌e same factiOn-

thlSVariatlOn Can be the key for PCs medlatlnga SOlutlOn

F冊ally, COnSlder the condltiOnS under whlCh the NPCs

WOuld reveal their t「ue Ob」eCtlVeS Or mOtlVeS tO the PCs.

Paranold NPCs may only dlVulge the truth to those they

廿ust lmPiiCltly Others may wISh to conceal thelr Selfish
十  七争捌。皿
ー」e∧lP JO S叫Od 」O SPee」囲uO山田O⊃ JO 9]Ou 8ui準] `∧es oI
leqi」1 1E,つOi e ・∂ld山eXe 」O] S]u9uOddo 」le囲0〕 le9dde 」O
Se11相ed u⊃粥〕euM O〕 uOl]u叩e 9SOl〕 ∧ed lllM Sつd 9SIM
囲M uOSe9」 O] 8ul両e」e A9囲岬L(M ul Sxp〇匹∂」n叩uO □
OS ′1掴uOつ∂11]叩Oqe 8ul」eeu 9」e S⊃d 9囲3UJl=S」U e囲eq
e」Olu 」O訓〇四M Pelu9Se」de」 eq ∧e山Sl明神e⊃川eu〕eIN
/euJ Siu⊥ SPue山∂P 」ie11] O] u∂rs= Pue Sel]」ed ]u∂」三男iP 9囲
9Sl山O」d山O⊃ JO Senu∂∧e e^lPn」〕SuO⊃ 1SO山e囲u」∂⊃SIP /e山
s」el⊃e」euつ」e佃d e1月‘9」O山川O PuU ue〕八〇囲山OuM山O」=O いlM le9山0] eq PlnOuS SSeulSnq JO 」eP」O 〕S」即le囲′ol」eu
○○〕S ∂囲Olul山∂囲Sl〇〇月きい斗〇〇日9囲e∧ie〕e」 S⊃d e叩」e〕J∀
9」euM 8ulu」e∂l Aq 」O ′s〕⊃eJ e明岬M Se∧l∂S山e111 8ul…e佃
S)1⊃eu⊃ e8peiMOu)I
O!」eua,S叩euIOId!a u! SiOq山人s Su!Pueds :ナS elq孔
㊨日田Ⅴ悶冨∋S ∋目上財閥o書出日田
ul PunOJ eq ue〕 Sxp〇匹e8pelMOu〉l eSO囲JO S=nSe」 e明 謹聞上り的囲開聞油田
1e」d」e叫I ue⊃囚〇 911] MOu 」OJ SeeP1 9山OS 9⊃ue叩e」 S.」e〕
-〕e」e甲e Pui岬q uOl〕eueldxe e叩"O 9」n勘O=O `ユXeluOつ
.u」Oq S! 0リeue⊃S叩剛nOld!P eu⊥ ●山e囲岬M uOS
く∽l」O〕S甲Se uつnS ・suol〕印O ∂u e叩ul Pe∧lO∧ul Se11」ed eul
o] uMOu測n eq庇山1e囲Sll印P "叫Od山i u」E)∂l O] Sつd ゼ3」 Pee]Su日nq `M9」⊃ 31e」!d ell判明0] Sつd e囲]ueM
9囲」OJ Sue肌POO8 e 9」e Sxpeu⊃ e8p∂iMOuy SelPnlS ]Sed ].uS9OP 9u `s」OS!^Pe S.u!e吋e叫⊃ 3叩弓O auO S! 」e叩O田
山O」J Pe"e〕e」 uO時UJ」OJul e∧l]〕alqo L11間S」e]つe」e甲9叩 S.u!e]de⊃ e時」!d 9叩eSne⊃eq Pu∀ ・e⊃uelS!SSe相e田e叩
8ulPl∧O」d句sd晒相e ul冊dieu ue⊃Sxpe甲9恥elMOuy S9^!8 9u e」。J9q Sepe」!d 9u]岬M 」9]1e山e囲e^10S Ae田
制1 yse =!M OuM `u呼出a叫⊃ e囲田O細川3n山Se ]Senb9」
Se⊃ut3Ll⊃ 9」n]nJ S.uOl]el]O89u e囲Pue uOi閏nd∂」
冊M S⊃d elIl e田nSSe ue〕 IND eu⊥ ’eP!n8 e叩0岬M
」l叩98e山eP画〕lnb ue⊃ SuO世Sn⊃〕e SSeleSeq Pu白ulOd
訓n瑚!P eq旧M Se]SeM本y eu] 8u!S」e^叩叩q `e8e冊^
s冊ユe ueel⊃ euJO⊃ O] ⊃dN e囲9⊃」OJ O] 9iqe eq rou舟euJ
eu] 」eeu uO相e, e u! 9,u∂8」e^ e⊃」O] e 」。J 8u岬」eeS
Sつd 9囲`o] P9" Bu-9q 9」e (e巾eZ昭e」 ∧eu川u∂∧ヨS9ni⊃
e小9皿’○主唱u∋⊃S二時割田OId四〇囲〇回S⊃d e耳団○○u Ol
le)lS相d pi91∧ osle (叫Sxpe甲uOl函⊃」ed P9SOddoun "q u8!ed山e⊃ S叩]0 9u=]Oid u!別n 9囲01 xpeq S908 ue付
・uo!1de3ea S`⊃dN a恥.S∧ xpe叫⊃ eu!id!⊃S!a PaSOddo ue
岬M旬〕lidnp甲nS 9^le〕」ed uE⊃ Sつd uOl]elu」Oj叩u叫Od… 言「d NVX]
xpeq 8ulPIOu Sl 」ePee1 9囲1叩」∂Jul O] ‘e8en8uel /POq
PuE SP」OM 」9u ue9M〕eq 」O `s」∂MSue S`つdN ue ul1月lM Sel〕 9叩dsIP 9囲ul Pe∧iO∧ui SuO11⊃eJ ∂囲JO
-ue〕SISuOつu1 1〕9]eP舟e田Sつc] eln]Se相el⊃∂ds! S9準ユS eu]
訓o囲M Pe矧l助e相eul山Ou 8uleq JO uOl]lSOd 9iqe]」O川O〕un
Se =∂M Se 8u間OSe∂十SつdN 9叩PuelS」ePun 」e]]eq OI SuOi]
9囲ul Se∧19S山9囲P明Sつd eu子9SE〕 Sl里ui uOl叩l〕Su1 9囲」OJ
-Senb leuOl]lPPe明lM dn MO=OJ O〕 e〕ueu〕 e e∧eu PlnOuS
画Peq SPue]l e」OJ∂q uO哩nliS ∂囲囲M l粥P O1 9uOeluOSSP9eu
S⊃c] ap peedde l印Iul S.uOl〕⊃e」 e巾O] 8ulue坤l 」9"∀
Pue e山e8 ap ul ul準SE?叩e囲-S」∂Sn 9つ」0引O dno」8 e^l制J9S
P9即Sn「8ul」eedde岬M e」O `⊃lPl「e〉白川H E ‘∂Jue用∀ leqet] 9囲8uleq Se∂Pl )iSeq 9山OS
-」∂叩Oue 」O uO11n川Su1 9uO OI S∂〕u鵬elle e∧eu A叫s〕d e明
u」9〕uO〕 」O ⊃c] e JO uOluido s.」e]〕e」euつe Se甲nS `INO e巾
村P9ui…eleP AISnOl∧∂」d eしe叩叩uO 8ulPu∂dep `sieO∂ 神eui] uOi]〕eJ 9岬SOu e明iM8ul佃」ed ul冊9Sn山e里S9湿田
9叩S.uOl〕⊃eJ e囲囲恥]Ou種山Pe〕Senb9」村P」eMlnO SeM 旬月lqePuedx9 」leu十P9川de⊃ 8叩1e8 」O uOISS…叫e]」Od山i
]euM ]Ou 」O lue」edde相e印u1 9」e Se^l]0山9SO囲」e囲e11M ue 8ul開」三周e布」ed euo JO S∂8e]SO11 8u旧Mun SE P訓0」q山∂
‘se∧11OuJ 」ie囲 911 SPue山9P I叩iul ,SuOil⊃eJ e囲 ul囲M 9山O⊃∂q OSle Pln〇〇八e肥98ue=勘p M9u e uO Ple 」le111 S]Senbe」
ouM ]Sed叩ul 〕c]N ue囲lM Pe卑OM e∧eL中∂囲eqrfe山
ロNⅧS轡∃ロNnロN∀ N増V∃「 」O相ed leJlneu eSe uO哩SOd 」i9囲O] enP S」O]elPe山∂山OJeq
碕u朋IMun Pue uO哩u11SeP M∂u e O] le∧叩用M S⊃d e囲Sdeu
M∂l生0 1ulOd -」ec] SuOl時間O8eu 9囲ul Pe∧lO∧ul ∂山O〕9q lllM S〕d 9囲11〕叫M
ulel」e⊃ B山OJJ-9nJl eq南山Sつd ell] S=e] ∂PIS甲ee ]euM Aq su艶山e叩yOO11 eu=9PiSuO〕 O] Peeu冊S l=M eu ‘Jl∂S]l
」∂川nO⊃ue "e山OldiP 911] O]叫8no唱ue∧i∂ sel月間D 9囲e〕uO
席」e〕J∀叫9山∂e」8esIP e囲」OJ SuOlleueldxe r白o]〕iP叩u○○
」e^ileP S⊃dN S.uOl〕⊃e川〕ee 9∧eu ue〕 ∂u `ol」eueつS 〕l叩山Ol
-dlP 8ulXeld」9d Aln」〕 e ]ueSe」d o] SeuSIM IND到=i e⊃ue8 刈OO軸∃H⊥’雪
’…申Pe∂lS岬」OanO」MS!S」eAelde囲Sa^l∂INDe囲S)つ勘e囲JO訓O ②
“ep川O〕Su!ed]ee」8u9準]Se町ePe91 ㊥
.p到るSe」ds]叩J叫=OouOO]8upelaJIXe叫O⊃JO9⊃e!d(∂準SPIOu岬MIND9肥 ●    ●
sっdNlenPl∧lPu=OS訓lO山訓r」OuO甲eJeu!S⊃dN購"OduJ19」Olu」O3uOJOS刈lnb木uleuOS」ed めの
.佃dresePelSqOe明JO∂田OSSe=9MSe‘s」3佃dAeypue98pelMOu単!S閃 訴軽水
e叩dsIP判]u"u9山∂∧lO∧u甲乱打Pueruo]Sl町刑]`s」∂佃dんe消OS∂luEu8ulPnPul]nq`3∧OqeS∀ 翠*
’uO!]en〕!Sle」eue8JO∂8p∂lMOuy⊃!S明 翠
看山重ふこ 漢音吐きl生田土日回書回は曲l
靭ココ田]‡相聞M醐軸剛と相聞コS ]11V囚帥容I□ N! Sl問囚人S臼Nl□N]さS :サーE ]丁目Vl
//∴ くず耽。。皿
Sl川副e囲O〕 ∂∂」8e o〕 9」e A∂u"同OOl」∂∧O rsn山uOl〕〕eJ ∂囲 e ul Pe∧lO∧u1 9uOんe∧e O川]ueSe」d o] P∂eu liilS Sつd ∂u子Sl
1e囲Pue囲lM lle9P ]Ou e∧eu Sつc]乱国]eu] 9i⊃e]SqO 」O「e山 ueld `S⊃d ∂囲POO8 MO1=e:ne山Ou `向SnOl∧○○d pe〕e]S S∀ 8ul
甲e∂」Oj本un瑚IP e囲ePe」8dn」∂囲」n] PinOuS IND eu⊥ 」eP開I -u〇時9」叩e囲8ulOP Si OuMつd 9ul O=⊃岨uO⊃ P」eMe PinOuS
e明和∽ld布‘」0]e1108eu pt3el S,uO一〕⊃eJ e国柄〕9S木un瑚IP
IN〇三時]叩q ‘)Pe甲uO!○○eO⊃ PeSOddo ue 8uISn uOiSS…
∂Seq e111囲(M `xpe11〕 PeSOddo ue sI S冊`e」OJeq P91Ou S∀ -qnS O叫I SuOl〕⊃eJ A=nq O"巾O1 9iqlSSOd si li ’e」n]eu 」∂]]eq
S,uOS」9d e o=eedde ol木uIlqe Pue e〕uenboi∂ 」l∂囲uO 8ui
P9書⊃三男e uOS」ed e囲
〇時」 ∂」e S⊃d u9uM Se甲nS ‘suo11en]lS ∂山OS u1 9iq∽lldde
i叩uenlJul ∂」O山e旧事∂u) e囲uO P〇時」eue∂ * 9」O山e岨
’]ue山u811e uOl〕⊃eJ Sくつc]N e明uO 8ulPued9P `っc]N le明し印M 9q OSie ue〕∴eu=dl⊃SIG S,]∂8Je] e句pesoddo …euつ
S〇時unl」Oddo Sui佃ldeiO」 M訓dn 8ulu∂do ‘sっd 9叩JO 9PIS eu!Id!⊃S!a S.」ePeeI uO!事⊃e] e叩’S^ )PalI⊃ uO!]e!1
e巾O]相e」 O] 9〕u∂lPne e叩u=∂∧」eSqO ue (E,MS ue⊃ (9⊃lP -O8eN PeSOddo ue 9津山PlnOuS u〕eO」ddt3 JO ed布」e岬9 8ul
-n「e」d e明JO相」e∧eS 9囲佃peui…∂]∂P在un〕即IP e囲1M) -旬d山9」9〕⊃e」e甲∀ 1i 8u11dope」l∂囲JO SPPO 9囲8ulSee」〕ul
xp9甲d川S」ePee「 lnJSSeつつnS ∀ e」e /eu3 Se S叫∂uOddo 」19叩 」∂囲」nJ ‘se∧ieS山9明uOl叩OS P∂Pu9叫i 911] “」∂∧O〕SIP” S」9Peel
]d∂〕〕e OI S」E9J 」le囲]Sed e∧O山S」e即O dleu ue〕 eld山E?Xe uoil〕e川]Oq 」O euO呼l11相eM e Ll〕nS u川Oi呼S」e∧uO⊃ 91即つeJiP
Pue SP」OM 」ieL甘Pue ’se∧19S 〕Seq 」leu1 9q O] S」叩O 8ui O] elqeeq Ae山」〇時間O∂訓」∂〕Se山e ‘〕e∧」∂〕J明SePue8e uMO
-」ldsui囲M P訓」e〕uOつu∂eq 8uo1 9∧eu lPe「 e」nl〕Id 81q e囲
」le明し印M Sluelue9」8e p9SOdo」d eいlle」9P O]木uu叩Oddo
JO M91∧ Sli PnOiつO]布」ed 」e囲l∂ JO Se〕iPn「e」d 」O S」e9J 3甲 ∂」Olu SuOl〕〕eJ e叩S∂∧l∂ 1i e〕uiS `」9∧∂MOu ‘peul叩un 9明uO
州e∧e」d pue sseupepul山-」leJ副O山O」d o] S⊃d e囲MO=e ue〕 e」囲peq ue⊃ Sl肥Se〕印iP 〕Ou ’suoildo se suol]nlOS PeSOd
SuOil叩O∂9u 9明e」OJeq ue∧18 u⊃eeds 8uiSnO」 e t(‖eul] -0」d e1月8u刑eS∂」d佃suoil〕eJ e囲JO ul-相q ∂Ll] eSE別Jul
ut?〕 ∧∂囲]e囲Pu掛s」ePun uOl]ei]O8eN ul P9=i準e」e OuM S」9〕
準∂甲別居0〕□∂〕iPIS〇〇日9」○山」OeuO P」eMビバe山川O e叩
くs∂⊃ueuedxe p∂」euS 」O S9(11」e=…S叩O 8ul何句se刑ed ∂里 -〕e」eu〕 」elnSu○○ xpeu) uO!1印O8eN PeSOddo ue句中再〕
-1ue甲∂山P∂叫eSe」d9」相∽ld布SI SSe〕O」d uol]e」]lq」e eu⊥
ueeM19q 8ulPu即S」ePun 」O小山ed山e elO山0」d o] elqe乱e
Sつd叩口同国M8uole O8 o]訓Oん9∧e Se⊃ul∧uO⊃ 1叩rfeM 相nJuled ssel uMOP
O8 =ld uosIOd e d19 uE〕 SP」OM Peu9]∂∂MS囲lM OS 8u10P
`spue山eP 」哩un S]l Me」P囲iM ISn山uOl]⊃ej e呼囲SMeu e叩
」9^lleP Sつd eu川`恒S」9∧uO⊃ rsn」1 Pue 9〕uePUuO〕 S乱ldsu1
1e11] AeM e ul Se印ed e囲O川叫∂Se」d o] Pe訓冊S lliM rfe唱
’ueld "e=ll」q e PeSl∧9P 9∧eu Sつd 9叩Jl ue∧! SuOil〕eJ 9明
]O甲ee O] SuOi〕ePue山田O〕9」 」l∂囲=eS O] 9∧e川上∧∂u] ‘suo11
-nlOS lel]uelOd 9」O山」0 9uO Peul…9]9P e∧ell Sつd e叩u9uM
ヨ「I⊃No⊃害せ回NV H⊃∀∃⊥
e〕」0] 〕i山S○○ ∂囲
」O SuOl北国08eu e」n叩uO Sl〕e封e elddi」 9∧eu (euJ eつueiOl∧
」O 8ui」三男nS lu9∧e」d oI S]」O捕し印eJ-POO8 el11 "q `uc周nlOSe」
POO8 ou sl e」e巾Se山i]∂山OS S]ulu 」98uo」〕S O] 8ul岬lSue」]
訴9」O山間M `suo11nlOS 91qlSSOd 8ulP」晒9」 S]ulu e^leOe」
O] )PalP uO!1e!1O8eN (-) aiduI!S e ∂津山0〕 PeMO=e 9q
PlnOuSDd 9囲`uol]el]O89N ui P9=i準Sl ⊃d e」O山」O ouO Pue
xpn]S訓e S」e佃ld e叩jl ‘」∂∧∂MOH S9∧l9S山e囲」OJ SuO11nlOS
ese叩lnO 9」n8u o] S」eAeld 98E)」nO〕ue PlnOuS IND eu⊥
uo印n」J O〕Sueld s]l叩O8ul
一九」e〕山0」J uOl]⊃e=eu=u9∧○○d o団」OM ISn山∧9い」O ‘uMOP
xpeq o] uOl]⊃t2J 8u岬u9JJO 9囲e〕ul∧uO〕 MOue山OS ]Sn山八〇明
‘ses巳〕 9S9明ui `両Sn「un 8叩⊃e 」O 」e囲O 9即uO SPue山eP
elqeuOSe9」un 8ul〕eld sl uOl〕⊃eJ 9uO ]e明eul…919P /e山
S」elnSuOつ`」e∧∂MOu `se…19山OS 8u冊e山OS S]e8 Apoqんe∧e
]nq ‘]ueM (9囲8u冊ん∂∧e Sle8 Apoqou-^eMJleL=∂明O
叩き9 19e山OI S∂印ed e埴8u朋e8佃esi山0」d山○○ e e乱O」
O]恒=iM S」O]elP∂山 `〕eu1 8u間門 e⊃uenbesuo⊃ 」∂SSel
JO "Od e uo eiqlXelJ eq O〕 8u間M ∂」.∧eu同山e囲Ol叫e]
-」Od… ]SO山S1 1euM ]∂∂囲Oq ue〕 ^9明9Z=ee」 」O e∧ilつeds
-」∂d ]ue」訓P e山O」J S8ul 〕 l ⊃eO」dde o〕 SuO11〕eJ 8uiPneJ
9囲○○ul∧uO〕 O u川e /e肥Ol」t3u∂〕S ulM-ulM ∂囲yeeS S蒔田
-OldlP Pue S」OPeSSEq山t3 8ulSn-9〕」0引nJSSe⊃〕nS 〕SO山∂u⊥
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臼RESu」丁S胴馴PL□M A丁lしゝLENAttiUゝ
1i ;罪因書面種油胃漢す:轟 神

* Theleaderisw冊ngtoaccede tothePCs’proposa上

☆くけ くじ Theleade「acceptsthePCs’pr oposa上andthereputationthePCsenlOyWlththefactionislmPrOVed‘

☆笹 薄    十㌧∴一言言霊∴∴ oposal,butthereputatIOnthePCsenjoywiththefactionlS

☆㊤ ThePCsa「eabletocomeback PartymthenegotlationsISW川 andasktheleadnegotlatOrforfurtherconcessionstha=heother lng亡OP「OV柑e

、虹 Thefactionmightbeplaming tobackstabthePCsortheotherfactiOnOnCethenegotiationsare bite「shaveleft.

ふ・    : ‡霊篤盤器苦鵠嵩器器㌣しSO…eO“’le’idししiU’lU’lしC∴lllCli。6∪いaしiUl13alG∴l

▼ Theleade口SunWl=ingtoacceptthePCs’proposal                    l

▼くジくけ ThePCsseeanopeningalongdifferentlinesthantheyhadorigina11yexpected’therebychangingthe

▼㊨繊 ThefactionleadersharplydenouncesthePCs-p「oposa上AsuccessfulCooIo「DiscIP冊echeck・ opposedbytheleader.sCoerclon-Willal-owthePCstoremalnCOliectedunderpressureandavold ∴∴∴∴∴一一一∴ thetemp亡attontOreta庸ew冊hreatso白helrOWnACooIorLeade「ShlPCheckmayalsoa。0W

Setback dlCe Can rePreSent Pre」udlCeS' SuCh as fear or mlS-

trust, On the partofthe fact10n・ Orthey could s-gnlfy stlCklng

polntS Of prlde for the factiOn“S leader

The PCs may upgrade thelr Abl=ty dlCe OnCe Per factlOn
ob」eCtlVe tha=heIT PrOPOSal achleVeS’Or they can add one
or more □ for satlSfying the factlOn’s underlylng mOtlVeS,

even lf they are not aChleVlng thelr Orlg-nal goals Don’t for-

get to factor ln any taients the NPC m-ght possess' SuCh as

Nobody′s Foo上If the PCs are trylng tO get by wlth the-r Sklll

ln Charm or CoercIOn lnStead of NegotlatlOn

Once the scene has been roleplayed to satlSfactlOn and

the dlCe POOl has been rolled, the GM gets to roleplay the
reactlOnS O白he factlOnS’NPCs ln hlS reSPOnSe, he should

lnCOrPOrate the symboIs generated on the check・ the

perlPheral traltS he developed for them dur ng the planning

stage, and flnally, how favorable the terms are to the glVen
fact10n See Table 3鵜5: Spending Results in DipIomatic
Scenarios Keep ln m-nd that a旧actlOnS muSt agree tO the
terms, SO the PCs wl= need to make such a check for each
factlOn lnVOlved

Ultlmately, lt lS un=kely for a proposed solut-On tO be

accepted lmmed-ately, SO COntlnued dla10gue, IteratlOn’

and patlenCe W用allow the PCs to help the fact10nS帥d

common ground Wlth co佃lCt engu旧ng the galaxy, ltS
cltlZenS need arblterS nOW mOre than ever Consulars
are among the best sulted to hea=he stralned relatlOnS
between factlOnS by teachlng the knowledge and wISdom
O白he sages ofold


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