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Chapter III


Project Description

Land property mapping and vending using geospatial can manage customer details, land

images details, transaction details, completion details, location details, as well as update,

communicate via chat, compute total pricing, and generate confirmation code.

User of the system is required to input their username and corresponding password.

Otherwise, the new user should register if they do not have an account yet. The user includes a

commissary admin that can manage the broker’s details, manage customer’s information,

transaction details between the broker and customer.

Development Process

The methodology used in developing a system has a great impact to come with an exact

design of a system to be developed. It is important to use an appropriate methodology base on a

system that the researcher will develop.

The information will be gathered by the researcher using Google forms, and the

respondents will be of legal age to purchase land. The appropriate methodology that the

researcher must use is agile.

In order to come up with all the requirements, researchers will have a graphic design of

the website that will be presented to the client. If they want an improvement or additional

functions, remodel the design. The limitation has to be set beforehand and some factors should

be considered first before remodeling the design. Apply only the possible and proper procedures.

The Agile software development methodology is one of the simplest and effective

processes to turn a vision for a business need into software solutions. Agile is a term used to

describe software development approaches that employ continual planning, learning,

improvement, team collaboration, evolutionary development, and early delivery. It encourages

flexible responses to change.

Figure 2.0 Agile Methodology
The first phase is the planning phase. Planning involves understanding and determining

how the system will be built. In this phase, the researchers will develop a detailed project

schedule. After creating a schedule, the researchers will interview the client present on the

Reality Options Inc. After gathering all the needed information, the researchers will identify the

problem in the said company.

The next phase is the design phase. It is a phase where the system is being designed. In

this phase, the researchers will identify the input, process, and output of the system. The

researchers will also design the system’s graphical user interface that is easy to manipulate and is

user-friendly. The researchers will also allow to use iterative as well as incremental approach to

deliver design to the client and get quick feedback. Lastly, the researchers will design the

database and will create the system.

The next phase is the develop phase. After agreeing on the plan with the client, the

researchers develops the system itself. The system is delivered in stages, in separate sprints, each

designed to improve the current version of the system. The initial release is likely to undergo

many changes to provide improved functionality and new features. Each cycle includes testing,

and the final product must also undergo final testing.

The next phase is the test phase. This phase is not a separate phase and occurs

concurrently with development. Researchers are involved in coming up with requirements. This
helps in requirements mapping to the behaviors in the real world scenario and also framing the

acceptance criteria. Also, logical acceptance test cases would be ready along with the

requirements. The faults are repaired in the same iteration that they are raised. This guarantees

clean code at any stage of the development process.

The next phase is the deploy phase. The primary objective of the Deployment Phase is

the successful deployment of the solution delivered by the preceding Engineering Phase into a

production environment so it’s accessible to end users. This phase includes the provision of

immediate post-live support to ensure stability and fast resolution times in case of any issues.

This will allow the client and researchers verify functionality, assess real business value, and

gather feedback from end-users as soon as possible so changes can be fed into the planning for

the next release. This feedback will allow the customer to adjust the prioritization of new

features according to real feedback, rather than based on assumptions about what end-users want.

The next phase is the review phase. The researchers will review the problem and identify

the risk of the possibilities or errors that might occur while creating the system. The researcher

will also identify the economic/ operational/ technical feasibility of the system. They will

determine how much it will cost and what are to use in building the system.

The launch phase is the final step. This is the location where the new system will be built

and tested. The researchers will begin to create or build the system during this phase. The most

important thing to remember at this phase is to obtain the final design and plan before beginning
to build the system. The system will be tested after it has been built to confirm that it is operating

as intended. Following testing, the client must evaluate the system, provide feedback if

improvements are needed, clarify needs, and transmit requirements. Before the system can be

implemented and delivered to the client, the researcher must meet the requirements.

Requirement Specifications

This is a document or set of documentation that describes the features and behavior of a

system or software application, It includes a variety of elements that attempts to define the

intended functionality required by the client to satisfy their different users.

Use Case Diagram

Use case diagrams were usually referred to as behavior diagrams used to describe a set of

actions (use cases) that some system or systems (subject) should or could performed in

collaboration with one or more external users of the system (actors). Each use case should

provide some observable and valuable result to the actors or other stakeholders of the system.
Figure 3.0 Use Case Diagram

As shown in figure 3.0 there are three main players that could access the system,

Customer/Users, Broker and Admin. So for users, in order for them to access the system, users

are required to login to the system or if they doesn’t have an account yet they can sign up for a

smooth and safe transactions. For Brokers, brokers are the one who provides land, customer,

transactions to customers and also the one who provides information to admin for future changes

and updates. Admin, admin manages the system as a whole. Admin can assign brokers, manages
both users and brokers records, manages transactions and payments, organization and

maintenance of the system as well as updates and future upgrades.

Activity Diagram

An activity diagram visually presents a series of actions or flow of control in a system

similar to a flowchart or a data flow diagram. Activity diagrams are often used in business

process modeling. They can also describe the steps in a use case diagram.

Figure 4.0 Activity Diagram of Customer

As shown in Figure 4.0, Activity Diagram of Customer, the activity of the customer starts

by logging in to the system. After authentication process, if the account is invalid the customer

then will be move on to the registration process for the creation of their own account, then go

back to first step again. If the account is valid then the customer will be permitted to view lands

available on display. After customers decisions have been made they will be moving on to next

process which is to make transaction. After that the customer can decide either to end transaction

and go back to viewing of land, or if the customer finally decided to buy the land and finalize the

transaction they will be redirected to transaction details process. Last and finally after the long

way process of transaction, the customer can logout their account.

Figure 4.1 Activity Diagram of Broker

As shown in Figure 4.1, Activity Diagram of Broker, the activity of the broker starts by

logging in to the system. After authentication process, if the account is invalid the broker then

will be move on to the registration process for the creation of their own account, then go back to

first step again. After the account has been validated the broker will then be starting the process

by managing customer, provide land details to their customers. After the customer decided to
take the land and land transaction has been made, the broker will then be providing details. After

all of processes mentioned above. The broker can logout their account.

Figure 4.2 Activity Diagram of Admin

As show in Figure 4.2, Activity Diagram of Admin. The activity of the admin starts by

logging into the system, after authentication the system will then ask a secret password for
security purpose. Each and every time the admin types the wrong password it will return on the

login phase. After the password and secret password has been validated, the admin will then be

accessing the whole system, managing each and every actions and functions in the system.

Admin can now assign brokers to specific customer, manage available land records, manages

both customer’s and broker’s records as well as manage lands that has been sold. Admin can also

monitors transaction payments and generate it into codes which will eventually printed as receipt

by the system. And lastly, the admin takes care of the organization and maintenance or the

system as well as updates and future upgrades.

Class Diagram

A class diagram is primarily designed for developers to provide the conceptual model and

architecture of the system being developed. Typically, a class diagram consists of more than one

class or all the created classes for a system.

It is a type of structure diagram and looks similar to a flow chart having three main parts

illustrated in rectangular boxes. The first or top part specifies the class name, the second or

middle specifies attributes of that class and the third or bottom section lists the methods or

operations that specific class can perform.

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