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Chemistry around us

Our existence is dependent on chemistry. The universe is composed entirely of matter, which is
a substance that is made up of different types of particles that occupy space and have inertia.
Every object that we can see and touch is made of matter, including the human body itself.
Elements are the substances that make up all matter; they have distinct chemical and physical
properties and cannot be divided into smaller particles through regular chemical reactions.
Hydrogen is the most prevalent element on Earth. It makes up around 75 percent of the mass of
the universe. Jupiter is composed mostly of hydrogen, as is the sun and other stars. On Earth it is
found in the greatest quantities as water. All plants and living things in general include hydrogen,
as a compound of countless carbon molecules.
The second most common element on Earth is helium. It makes up around 23% of the
universe's total mass. Helium is used as a lifting gas for instrument-carrying balloons, for
welding metals (such as aluminum), for scuba diving, and for caisson operations.
Carbon and oxygen are the most often used elements in daily life. Oxygen is essential for life
since it enables organisms to grow and reproduce. It gives living organisms the ability to digest
food in order to obtain the energy to exist. Carbon is a major component in many items that we
use every day, such as pencils, wood, plastics, jewelry e.t.c.
Human body itself is made of different elements. The major elements that made up 98,5
percent of our bodies are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. They are
primarily found as water in the body but can also be found as components of biomolecules like
proteins, lipids, DNA, and carbohydrates. The survival of an organism depends on each of these
Chemistry is not only elements but also interactions between them. During chemical reactions
substances interact to form new products, matter undergoes a chemical process in which its
chemical identity is altered. Signs of chemical reactions include temperature change, color
change, gas production, and solid creation. In their daily lives, people come into contact with
some chemical reactions, such as combustion, photosynthesis, and oxidation.
Chemistry plays an important part in human’s existence. Since our bodies are composed of
chemical substances and a variety of chemical processes are necessary for our survival, we could
not exist without it. Our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, water, and clean air can
only be satisfied with the help of chemistry.

Bibliography: [22.10.2022] [22.10.2022] [22.10.2022] [22.10.2022]

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