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Role of technology in the future of university learning.

Chuhan Shen

Michael Collins

Writing Workshop II, Section 201


Role of technology in the future of university learning.


Recent developments in IT and its applications have helped students study and share

knowledge in significant ways. In terms of both storing and transmitting data, the Internet has

catapulted us to new heights (Chance et al., 2007).

Because to technological advancements, there is now a far larger pool of potential college

students, since they are no longer restricted by distance or time. Students who could not

physically sit through a college course are now able to fully engage in the educational

opportunities available to them.

Other facets of campus management are also being influenced by technological

advancements. Connecting with former students and bolstering career services are two areas that

have benefited greatly from the advent of social networking platforms. The effectiveness and

efficiency of direct mail campaigns are improved and the cost of such campaigns is reduced

thanks to the use of e-marketing strategies. In addition, self-service, automated programs

simplify administrative tasks like course registration and improve student life.

While students and faculty alike welcome these changes, many universities are finding it

difficult to adapt to the growing expenses of information technology (IT) and the need to keep up

with the ever-evolving nature of the field. Adoption of new technologies may be slowed by a

number of factors, including a lack of funds, an inadequate instructional design team, and

inadequate technical assistance. Despite these obstacles, most people agree that computers will

become further embedded in classrooms over time.

Working hypothesis

As the research process progresses, technological programs and tools are used to facilitate it and

demonstrate that, although increasing the number of skills and literacies required, technology

also improves the efficacy of each stage and the final outcome.

1. How does technology help students?

Technology will help the students access the knowledge that they need and for them to be

able to learn more and in a better manner.

Technology also helps students connect with others and therefore provisions handy tools

and the opportunities that are presented to the students in terms of opportunities.

Technology helping students would help them to be diverse in a number of ways, due to

that learning is boosted by technology in other ways as well. They anticipate using this free time

to learn new things by surfing the web, watching movies, playing games, and using other

electronic media. Students are more likely to retain information when they are actively involved

in the learning process.

2. Diversity of technology

Incorporating technological tools into the classroom allows educators to better

accommodate students' various learning styles.

When people all around the world share their knowledge and experiences, it makes the

world appear much smaller (Selwyn, 2007). The ethnic and linguistic diversity that permeates

today's classrooms is one such example.

3. Transition: Hence technology will continue to evolve as time goes by hence the

connection between technology and education.

This sentence shows and brings out the ways that shows how technology improves

learning for the students and the teachers.


Students may improve their cooperation abilities in the class and use their peers as

learning resources via the usage of collaborative tools such as online forums, shared papers, and

other online collaboration tools. Technology facilitates not just teacher-student collaboration

through means such as email and online activities, but also teacher-teacher collaboration.

Teachers may use technology to network with one another, learn about cutting-edge pedagogical

tools, and assess what's working and what isn't in their classrooms.

As internet speeds and network capacities improve, new technologies will find their way

into classrooms more easily, thanks to emerging trends in education. VR technology (AR/VR)

are two key components of cutting-edge technology (Karsh, 2018). Virtual reality goods offer an

immersive digital universe in which students engage in virtual 3D worlds that increase learning

experiences, while augmented reality gadgets improve real materials, such as making a map leap

off a page.

Hence, Keeping up with the rapid development of technology as it becomes an integral

part of our daily lives necessitates making certain changes to the educational environment to

ensure that it meets the needs of both instructors and students. When the technology is modern

and easy to use, it may be a fantastic addition to the classroom experience.

4. Transition: Technology influences all types of subjects, and they bring vast


Using ICT, teachers may educate pupils beyond the classroom. Teachers and students

may interact beyond the school day and year.

ICT may help students achieve many educational goals and expand learning beyond the

school day.

However, many educators may not see the value of ICT in the classroom since they are

comfortable with more conventional teaching approaches and resistant to change.

Instructors may be encouraged to use technology in the classroom by receiving proper

training on how to do so (Dania et al., 2011). Fundamental and pedagogical technology abilities

should be included in the training.

It is hoped that teachers would have the skills and confidence necessary to employ ICT in

their classrooms due to this training.

Trainees may better grasp when and how to use ICT in education with the help of

concrete examples. Commerce educators agree that having access to knowledgeable ICT support

is essential.

5. Hence teachers aim to explore their use of technology in several ways

Simply put, "integration of technology in education" refers to the use of electronic

resources in the classroom with the goal of enhancing the learning experience for students. Using

a variety of digital resources in the classroom, such as a virtual one, has been shown to increase

student engagement. The use of technology in the classroom paves the door for differentiated

education, which can better cater to each student's specific learning requirements while

maintaining a cohesive classroom environment.

6. Topic sentence

Using new technologies, one day, we may be able to transfer large amounts of

information (data) and the necessary mental and physical skills to another person directly too.

7. How technology can help students learn more

Transition sentence: technology should not hinder progress that has been made in the

classroom, instead it should make it easier.


Students who learn best via aural or visual means may find more success using

technologies during whole-class education.

It has been shown that incorporating even very basic technology like PowerPoint

presentations, games, internet-based homework assignments, and online grading systems may

significantly impact students' learning and development in the classroom (Cheng & Tsai, 2012).

8. Transition/ topic sentence: The growing significance of online education

There is no limit to the amount of knowledge and experience that can be shared and

gained via the Internet. More and more degree and certificate programs at all levels and fields of

study are being made available online by universities and colleges. The flexibility of online

learning makes it possible to teach or learn from any location.

There is also no need to adhere to a strict timetable or make many trips between

locations. You'll be able to put your newly-found time and money savings to better use

elsewhere. Taking advantage of the virtual classroom while traveling is possible from any

location with an internet connection (Chance et al., 2007). For students studying overseas and

looking for work, pursuing their education online is highly recommended.

9. Conclusion

Both educators and students need to see the technologically accessible resources as

supplementary tools for their work rather than as alternatives to physical activity such as dancing

or motor performance. Digital multimedia, when viewed through the lens of contemporary

theories of teaching methods, may serve as a way to simultaneously activate the visual and

auditory systems in the course of the reception and processing of information. Therefore, the

setting has been prepared in a way that is favorable to learning and ideal for controlling and

assimilation of the necessary motor schemata for effective movement performance.


The use of technology in the classroom should not be seen as an end in and of itself since

it is not a silver bullet for enhancing traditional instructional strategies. The evaluation of user

sentiment is crucial, but it should not be the only factor that is used to determine whether or not

such systems are effective (Chance et al., 2007). A technologically enabled instructional design

should follow a student-centric scenario and function as a tool of knowledge production in order

for it to be successful in any educational setting, regardless of the methods that are used for the

conveyance of information. This is true regardless of the methods that are utilized for the

transmission of information.

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